Anne Arundel Community College English 111 - 500 Composition and Introduction to Literature 1 Fall 2005 Instructor: Mrs. Rose Schmitt, M.Ed Phone: (321) 693-7741 (Emergency use only) Mailbox: AMIL or HUM 102 E-Mail: and/or Required Texts: The Bedford Introduction to Literature 7th Edition by Michael Meyer Rules for Writers 5th edition by Diana Hacker Required Supplies: Notebook, Computer Disks (2), Journal, black or blue pens Learning Objectives: After successfully completing this course, students will be able to 1. Write clearly organized, effective essays; 2. Use prewriting, outlining, and revising for these essays; 3. Recognize and use standard English; 4. Follow rules of grammar and punctuation; 5. Critically analyze poetry, short stories, and essays; 6. Complete a research project, finding and documenting source material using the MLA format. Note: By taking this course in the computer-assisted format, you also satisfy the college’s computer competency requirement. Students with documented disabilities are eligible for course modifications. See Disabled Student Services in Academic Advising to request these accommodations. Any other student who suspects he/she may have a problem that hinders learning is also advised to confer with DSS immediately. AACC English 111 R. Schmitt, 1 Course Requirements: For this course, you will write four 750 - 1000 word essays. You will also have a basic research project, a Writer’s Journal, quizzes and homework as assigned, and final exam. Your grade for the course will be calculated at follows: Essay #1 Analyzing Poetry Essay #2 Analyzing Short Fiction Essay #3 Analyzing Non-Fiction Essay #4 Analyzing a Theme Research Project Biographical/Critical Reviews Writer’s Journal (Collected periodically, at random) Peer Responses Four In-Class Peer Reviews Final Exam Essay Attendance, homework, quizzes, class participation Course Grade (Total points divided by 10: 100 – 90 = A; 89 – 80 = B; 79 – 70 = C; 69 – 60 = D) 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 200 pts 100 pts 100 pts 100 pts 200 pts For the purposes of this course, all readings will concentrate on four major themes: conformity and rebellion, culture and identity, love and hate, and death. Course Policies: 1. Attendance and Courtesy: Regular attendance is crucial to classroom learning. You are expected to attend all classes. If you miss more than one (1) day of class or three (3) hours of instruction, you must provide a documented excuse or risk failing this course. Students who experience significant and unavoidable problems, such as extended illness, family emergencies, etc. must contact the instructor as soon as possible to discuss possible extensions on the formal written work. Students who disrupt class to an unreasonable degree with late arrivals, leaving and returning to the classroom, leaving early, or other nonproductive activities like sleeping or socializing, even after discussions with or reminders from the instructor, will be considered to be “absent” for a session. Also, please be sure to turn off all beepers and cell phones when in class, or, in emergencies, to set alerts to “silent” or “vibrate” mode. Note: Regardless of your reason for missing a class, you are responsible for arranging to get class notes and make up all permissible missed work. However, quizzes, homework assignments, and other in-class work cannot be made up. 2. Participation: You are expected to be prepared for class and to participate in class discussions and other activities. Such participation will be difficult unless you have read the assigned material and have the text with you. The quality of work, both written and verbal, and the degree of preparation you bring to each class session, such as reading responses, comments, and workshop drafts, affects the quality of the classroom experience for all of its members. Because the work you produce is designed to enhance collaborative learning in the classroom, these written materials cannot be "made up" or turned in outside of class: you must be present, on time, and prepared in order to receive credit for your contributions. Additionally, quizzes will be given at the beginning of class and cannot be made up. You earn contribution credit every time you come to class promptly and contribute positively. AACC English 111 R. Schmitt, 2 You lose it for absence, lateness, and negative or disruptive behavior such as chatting with classmates on unrelated topics, sleeping, etc. Contribution credits are earned by bringing required materials such as drafts, assignments, and journal entries, and by participating significantly in discussions, group work, and workshops. 3. Assignment Deadlines and Extensions: Essays are due in class on the assigned dates (see the Syllabus). In-class contribution activities, including essay drafts, are due in class on the dates indicated. Late work will NOT be accepted. Note: You must complete all of the essays, including the Final Exam Essay, in order to pass the course. 4. Academic Honesty and Plagiarism: In order to assist students in developing intellectual honesty and in acquiring effective methods of obtaining knowledge, Anne Arundel Community College expects academic honesty from its students. See Separate Handout. 5. Essays: Students will submit their typed essay drafts at the beginning of class on the due dates indicated on the syllabus. Detailed assignment sheets will be distributed and discussed extensively in class, and draft workshops held to help students through the writing process. Each formal essay will receive comments from peers and from the instructor. To assist you in your prewriting and rough draft activities, you will be required to keep a journal. (See separate handout.) Once a grade has been given to a paper, it may NOT be rewritten for a higher grade. 6. Extra Help: If you feel you need help with your work, speak with me before or after class, make an appointment to see me, the Tutoring Lab in the Library, or go to the Writing Center in Humanities 208. One-on-one tutoring from faculty is available 50 – 60 hours each week. You will be able to get help on such matters as organization, grammar, punctuation, and research documentation, but tutors will not proofread or approve your papers for you. AACC English 111 R. Schmitt, 3 English 111 and 112: Standards for a “C” paper These standards were developed by Maryland’s Statewide English Composition Committee to ensure ”rigor at the college-level for all general education courses.” Content “The ‘C’ paper fulfills the assignment, meeting all specified requirements, such as subject, organization, and length, and reflects the author’s awareness of audience and purpose. The paper presents a central idea supported by relevant material (facts, figures, examples, quotations, or other details). The reasoning is sound; arguments are supported with adequate evidence. Other points of view are acknowledged and responded to as appropriate. Sources of information are accurately presented and fully attributed.” Organization “The ‘C’ paper has a discernible and logical plan. It has a focus, and the writer maintains the focus throughout the essay. The writer has unified the entire essay in support of the central idea, or thesis, and individual paragraphs in support of subordinate points. Some individual paragraphs, however, may be weak. The writer promotes coherence through the logical order of paragraphs and the use of some or all of the following devices: thesis statement, topic sentences, opening and closing paragraphs, and transitions. The use of these devices may lack smoothness, but the writer has achieved an acceptable level of organization.” Style/Expression “The ‘C’ paper uses reasonable stylistic options (tone, word choice, sentence patterns) for its audience and purpose. As a rule, the paper has smooth transitions between paragraphs, although some transitions may be missing or ineffective. The meaning of the sentences is clear, although some sentences may be awkward or there may be a lack of variety in sentence patterns. Nonetheless, sentence structure is generally correct, although it may show limited mastery of such elements as subordination, emphasis, sentence variety and length, and modifiers. The paper reflects current academic practices of language use established by professional associations such as the Modern Language Association and the American Psychological Association.” Grammar/Mechanics “The ‘C’ paper follows the conventions of standard written U.S. English; thus, it is substantially free of errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and mechanics. What errors are present must not impede meaning nor overly distract the reader. The paper reflects current citation and documentation of sources as specified in relevant guidebooks.” AACC English 111 R. Schmitt, 4 English 111 – Syllabus Date Week 1 Sept 1 Week 2 Sept 8 Week 3 Sept 15 Week 4 Sept 22 Week 5 Sept 29 Assignments To Be Completed Before Class Class Topics Introduction to Course Requirements & NOTE: The syllabus &/or calendar are subject to change at Syllabus Review; Getting Acquainted; Keeping a Writer’s Journal; Introduction the instructor’s discretion. Read RFW Ch. 1, pp. 2 – 18; Read Bedford “Introduction,” pp. 1 – 7; “Reading Poetry,” pp. 701 – 708; “A Study of Reading Habits,” pp. 714 – 716; “Suggestions for Approaching Poetry,” pp. 720 – 722 Journal: See separate handout to the Writing Process; Introduction to Poetry Analyzing Poetry Quiz #1; Introduction to Poetry continued; Examination of Poetry Styles and Terminology; Group Analysis of a Poem Read Bedford “Writing About Poetry,” pp. 748 – 750; “The World is Too Much With Us,” p. 917; “Much Madness is Divinest Sense,” p. 993; “I Dwell in Possibility,” p. 994; “We Real Cool,” p. 782; “What It’s Like to be a Black Girl,” p. 804; “The Passionate Shepherd to his Love,” p. 1135; “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd,” p. 1221, “Sonnet 29,” p. 1097; Hamlet’s Soliloquy, p. 1503; “Death Be Not Proud,” p. 963; “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,” p. 922. Journal: See separate handout Quiz #2; Discuss Poetry; Read RFW Ch. 2, 3, & 4, pp. 19 – 50 and Ch. 19, pp 156 - 164; Complete “On the Web” Electronic Grammar Exercises 19 – 1 through 19 – 3; Write Paper #1 Rough Draft Quiz #3; Homework Due; Discuss common grammatical problems; Writer’s Workshop: Editing & Proofreading and the Peer Review; Introduction to Short Fiction and Terminology Analyzing Short Fiction Paper #1 Analyzing Poetry DUE; Quiz #4; Discussion of Short Fiction; Complete Paper #1: Analyzing Poetry; Read Bedford, “Reading Fiction,” pp. 13 – 29, “Writing About Fiction,” pp. 46 – 49; “Those Who Walk Away from Omelas,” (HO); “A Rose for Emily,” p. 90; “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter,” p. 643; and “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” p. 430; Journal: See separate handout AACC English 111 Paper #1 Assigned: Analyzing Poetry Writer’s Workshop: Getting Started – Sketching a Tentative Plan R. Schmitt, 5 Date Week 6 Oct 6 Assignments To Be Completed Before Class Read Bedford “Barn Burning,” p. 479 and “The Rockinghorse Winner,” (HO) Journal: See separate handout Class Topics Quiz #5; Short Fiction Discussion continued; Paper #2 Assigned: Analyzing Short Fiction Writer’s Workshop: Writing the Rough Draft Week 7 Oct 13 Week 8 Oct 20 Week 9 Oct 27 Write Paper #2 Rough Draft; Read RFW Ch. 8, pp. 84 – 88; Complete “On the Web” Electronic Grammar Exercises 8 – 1 through 8 – 3; Ch. 20, pp. 164 – 172; Complete “On the Web” Electronic Clarity Exercises 20 – 1 through 20 – 3; and Ch. 32, pp. 266 – 287; Complete “On the Web” Electronic Punctuation Exercise 32 – 1 through 32 - 3. Complete Paper #2: Analyzing Short Fiction; Read “Reading and Analyzing Essays,” (HO); Read RFW Ch. 46, pp. 344 – 357. Read the “On the Web” MLA Model Paper: Sanghvi. Journal: In what ways do the two essays construct reasonable arguments? Be specific. Read “A Modest Proposal,” “A Battle of Cultures,” “Is Love an Art,” and “The American Way of Death” (Handouts); Journal: See separate handout. Week 10 Nov 3 Quiz #6; Homework Due; Writer’s Workshop: Thesis Statements, the Introduction, and the Peer Review Analyzing the Essay Paper #2: Analyzing Short Fiction DUE; Quiz #7 Introduction to the Essay and Terminology; Discuss Model essays Quiz #8; Discuss essays. Paper #3 Assigned: Analyzing Essays Write Paper #3 Rough Draft; Read “Why Quiz #9; Discuss Essays We Can’t Wait,” “Identity in the Age of the Internet,” “An Argument Against Writer’s Workshop: Types of Essays, Hating Our Enemies,” and “A Hanging,” and the Peer Review (Handouts); AACC English 111 R. Schmitt, 6 Date Week 11 Nov 10 Week 12 Nov 17 Assignments To Be Completed Before Class Complete Paper #3: Analyzing Essays; Read RFW Ch. 48, pp. 370 – 386; Complete “On the Web” Electronic Research Exercise 48 – 1; Ch. 49, pp. 387 – 394; Ch. 50, pp. 395 – 400; Read “On Morality,” (HO); “Good Country People,” p. 441; “Some People Keep the Sabbath Going to Church,” p. 988; & the poems on “Faith,” pp. 1016 – 1017. Journal: See separate handout. Class Topics Understanding Research and MLA Paper #3: Analyzing Essays DUE Write Paper #4 Rough Draft; Read Quiz #10; Homework Due; Writer’s Workshop: MLA Documentation and Peer Review RFW Ch. 54, pp. 413 – 444; Complete “On the Web” Electronic Research Exercises 54 – 1 through Homework Due; Discuss Research, Putting It All Together: Theme – Ethics, Morality, & Faith; Paper #4 Assigned: Putting It All Together Research Project Assigned 54 – 3; Nov 24 – No School - Thanksgiving Week 13 Dec 1 Complete Paper #4; Continue working on Research Project Paper #4: Putting It All Together DUE Discuss Research problems; Preparations for Final Exam and Journal Evaluation Week 14 Dec 8 Week 15 Dec 15 Complete Research Project; Begin preparation for Final Exam; Complete Journal Research Project DUE Preparation for Semester Exam Semester Exam AACC English 111 Journal Evaluation R. Schmitt, 7