NHPRC Grants Made in Support of Local Government Records Projects, 1976-2010 The NHPRC has awarded nearly 200 grants totaling over $9.8 million during the past 35 years to support the development of archives and records management programs in cities and counties nationwide. Some have gone to national organizations for manuals and training programs, some to state archives for projects designed to help local governments statewide, but most have gone directly to individual cities and counties. Nationwide Projects American Association for State and Local History, Nashville, TN. $22,675 to prepare and publish a book on the management, preservation, and research use of local government records. (1978) American Association for State and Local History, Nashville, TN. Four grants totaling $312,477 to support the National Advisory Committee on the Management, Preservation, and Use of Local Government (NICLOG) Records, and to produce a slide-tape presentation, pamphlet, and guide to managing local records. (1981–1986) Council of State Archivists, Iowa City, IA. $269,979 to support the work of the Local Government Archives Task Force and to strengthen partnerships among states and with the federal government. (2006) Council of State Archivists, Iowa City, IA. $64,625 to continue support of the Strengthening the National Archival Network project. (2007) International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Pasadena, CA. $65,819 to develop a comprehensive records management workshop curriculum for training municipal and town clerks and other local government personnel and to plan the conduct of workshops at IIMC-recognized municipal clerk institutes throughout the country. This project will be undertaken in cooperation with the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA). (1993) Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN. $33,725 to gather and analyze data about current standards of practice of state and local governments in creating archival-quality microfilm and in maintaining quality assurance programs. (1985) National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), Sacramento, CA. $106,450 for a national project to develop an archival preservation planning tool for use in state and local government archives and other archival institutions. Products to be created include selfsurvey materials for repositories and a preservation planning resource notebook. (1988) National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), Sacramento, CA. $1,955 for a project to evaluate local government records projects that have received grant funding from NHPRC. (1989) National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), Sacramento, CA. $51,550 to develop and publish a series of five technical booklets dealing with various aspects of local government records administration. (1990) Grants to Specific Cities Baltimore Region Institutional Studies Center, Baltimore, MD. $6,698 to preserve and describe records of the Baltimore City Planning Department. (1977) Baltimore, MD. Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. $1,800 for consultation to develop programs to arrange and describe the records of the mayor and city council of Baltimore, 1797-1971, and to identify conservation and cultural activities. (1979)14 $937,703 1 Baltimore Bureau of Records Management, Baltimore, MD. $27,611 to arrange and describe the records of the mayor and city council of Baltimore, 1797-1971, and to identify conservation needs for these records. (1979) Baltimore, MD. $22,000 to survey, appraise, and continue to arrange and describe the historical records of the city. (1981) Birmingham, AL. $9,000 to survey, inventory, and accession official records of the city as the first step toward an archival program. (1978) Birmingham, AL. $74,379 to establish a records management/archives program for the City of Birmingham and to provide a model for other large cities in Alabama, none of which currently have such a program. (1984) Boise, ID, Office of the City Clerk. $61,702 for a two-year project to establish a records management and archival program for the City of Boise. (1985) Boston, Public Facilities Commission, Boston, MA. Two grants of $75,000 and $40,000 to establish a municipal archives, covering 350 years of city government. (1985–1986) Boston, MA. $79,701 for its Public Schools Desegregation-Era Records Project to arrange, describe, and publish a Web-based finding aid to some 400 cubic feet of records relating to the desegregation era in city schools. (2003) Boston, MA. $113,400 for a project to implement a city-wide archives and records management program. The project staff will implement a records management program by updating the city’s various records schedules and providing a single online schedule, designating departmental records officers, and providing appropriate records training for these records officers. The city’s archival program will be expanded through the creation of a general EAD finding aid to all 14,000 linear feet of records held by the city archives. (2007) Boston, MA. $113,861 to arrange, describe, and publish a finding aid on the Internet to approximately 250 cubic feet of records relating to the desegregation era of the Boston City Schools. (2005) Bristol, CT. $26,013 to support its first city-wide records management and archives initiative. (2009) Buffalo, NY. $19,028 to microfilm the Buffalo Common Council Minutes, 1832-1900, one of the most complete sets of extant council minutes for a major New York city. (1978) Charleston, WV. $2,933 for consultation on establishing a city archives. (1985) Chicago, IL, via the Illinois State Archives. $40,000 to describe Chicago City Council records dating from 1833 to 1940, many of which were considered lost in the Chicago fire of 1871. (1985) Columbia, MD. $2,248 for a consultant to chart the future of the archives of Columbia, a planned city founded in 1967. (1987) Davenport, IA. $45,989 for a two-year project to develop an archives and records management program for the city's records. (1985) Dayton, OH via the Ohio Historical Society. $8,250 to process and microfilm the correspondence files, 1914-36, of the city manager of Dayton, Ohio, the first city of significant size to adopt the managercommission form of government. (1978) Detroit, MI. $2,955 for consultation to develop an archives and records program for the City of Detroit. (1981) Evanston Historical Society, Evanston, IL. $45,000 for a project to arrange, describe, and make available local government records, personal papers, and organization records documenting the city's history. (1998) Fayetteville, NC. $3,720 to assist in developing an archives and records management project for the city. (1992) Gloucester, MA. Two grants of $3,000 and $30,333 for a consultant to advise on the establishment of an archives and records program and to develop an archives and records management program for the city's records. (1991–1992)22 $846,123 2 Grand Rapids, MI. Two grants of $32,938 and $20,000 to develop a local records program for the City of Grand Rapids. (1980, 1982) Great Falls, MT. $55,670 to hire a records manager to survey, appraise, and establish retention schedules for the city's records, and to develop a records manual for the city. (1988) Greensboro, NC. $13,866 to microfilm and catalog the permanently valuable records of the city council. (1991) Hattiesburg, MS. $7,452 to preserve, arrange, describe, and make available the city's non-current records. (1982) Kalamazoo, MI. $15,000 to microfilm selected city records in custody of the city and at the Western Michigan Regional History Collection. (1978) Kingsport, TN. $44,413 for an 18-month project to establish an archival program for the city's records and the records of the Eastman Chemical Company. (1993) Little Rock, AR, Office of the City Manager. $3,600 for a consultant to plan the city's archival and records management program. (1987) Los Angeles, CA. $34,732 to provide a consultant, an archivist, and other assistance to develop an archival program for the city. (1980) Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA. $30,000 to publish a guide to Los Angeles County's historical records. Development of this publication is part of a project to establish an archives and records program for the county. (1990) Louisville, Louisville, KY. $30,000 to establish an archives and records control center for the city. (1979) Manchester, NH. $35,489 for a one-year project to continue an archival project to process and rehouse over 150 years of municipal records dating from the mid-19th century. (1997) Miami, FL, Office of the City Clerk. $110,000 to develop and implement a comprehensive archives and records management program. (1994) Milwaukee, WI. $28,460 to establish retention and preservation criteria for tape recordings of city government activities. (1981) Milwaukee, WI. $44,944 to develop a municipal archives program for Milwaukee. The project will evaluate records retention schedules, arrange and describe existing holdings, and enter records series information into the Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN) database. (1987) Mobile, AL. $33,700 to arrange and describe archival records held in the Mobile Municipal Archives. The records date from 1815 to the present. (1985) Mobile Municipal Archives, Mobile, AL. $7,600 for an eight-month project to revise the 1996 edition of A Guide to the Mobile Municipal Archives and to distribute the revised edition. (1998) Morgan City Archives, Morgan City, LA. $7,000 for an archival consultant and staff assistance for the newly designated archives, which includes records of the Morgan City area, St. Mary Parish, and the Atchafalaya Basin. (1980) New York City Municipal Archives and Records Center, New York, NY. $59,500 to appraise, preserve, and describe financial records of New York City, 1800-98. (1977) New York City Municipal Archives, New York, NY. Two grants of $35,000 and $50,000 to produce microfilm of and guides for black and white 35mm nitrate photonegatives in the New York City Department of Taxes Photograph Collection, which totals 720,000 black-and-white 35mm nitrate photonegatives (20,047 rolls). The collection, dating from 1939 to 1941, documents every building in New York's five boroughs standing at the time. (1989, 1993) New York City Municipal Archives, New York, NY. $31,725 for a project to transfer approximately two million feet of film created by WNYC (the city's municipal broadcast station) to video and to arrange and describe 58 cubic feet of supporting materials. (1997)22 $731,089 3 Newton, MA. $22,400 for inventory, appraisal, and basic preservation activities for the records of the City of Newton, a community which separated from Cambridge in 1679. (1977) Newton, MA. $20,237 to preserve and make accessible to the public three centuries of municipal records in the Newton City Archives. (2005) Oakland City Government, Office of the City Clerk, Oakland, CA. $138,253 to develop an archives and records management program. Project staff will be responsible for preparing an inventory of the city's records, developing schedules, and identifying vital records. (1992) Philadelphia, PA, Department of Records. $91,231 to survey the records of selected executive branch agencies and records currently stored in the city's records center and to develop new records schedules. (1993) Philadelphia, PA, Department of Records. Three grants totaling $197,823 for the Philadelphia Electronic Records Project. The overall goal of the project is to develop comprehensive recordkeeping policies and standards for the city's information technology systems which included testing of the functional requirements for electronic recordkeeping developed by the University of Pittsburgh in a related NHPRC-supported project. (1997) Portland, OR. $120,667 for a two-year project to develop a municipal archives and to implement an automated archival information retrieval system. (1978) Providence, RI. Two grants of $21,350 and $14,945 to establish an archives and records program for the city and inventory, arrange, and describe early Providence city records. (1978, 1980) Richmond, VA. $2,918 for consulting services relating to development of a city archives and records management program. (1987) Rochester, NY. $55,000 to plan a public records and archives program for the Rochester-Monroe County area. The project is a joint undertaking of the City of Rochester, Monroe County, and the State University of New York at Brockport. (1985) San Antonio Public Library, San Antonio, TX. $97,452 to support the efforts of the City of San Antonio and the San Antonio Public Library to develop an archival program for the city’s records. (2007). San Antonio Public Library, San Antonio, TX. $52,000 to support the continued development of an archival program for the City of San Antonio. (2008) San Diego, CA, Office of the City Clerk. $72,588 to continue the development of a city records program. The project will focus on the completion of a comprehensive survey and schedule of the city's records. (1986) Saratoga Springs, NY. $5,501 to support development of the city's archival program. (1978) Schenectady, NY. $1,750 to microfilm Schenectady City Council Minutes, 1798-1905. (1978) Seattle, WA. $58,085 to survey city records and establish an archival facility for those of historical value. (1985) Seattle, WA. $106,480 to support a project to process 1,858 linear feet of record that make up its current backlog. (2009) Somerville, MA. $15,400 to help develop a strategic plan for managing the city’s records and ensuring that records with enduring value are properly preserved. (2003) Spokane, WA. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, WA. $40,245 to appraise and process the historical records of the City of Spokane, microfilm selected records series, and enter archival series information into the statewide records database. (1985) Springfield, MA. $9,000 to arrange and describe historical records relating to the growth and development of Springfield and other Connecticut Valley communities, and to train library staff in archives management. (1983) St. Mary's City, MD. $10,959 to provide security and reference copies of 45,000 textual records, drawings, and photographs created during archaeological excavations of St. Mary's City. St. Mary's 4 City was Maryland's first European settlement and its seat of government from 1634 to 1694. (1986)23 $1,154,374 Syracuse, NY. $4,893 for a consultant to conduct a preliminary survey of current city government records management systems and facilities, review the city's records management needs, and recommend options to address those needs. (1990) Tampa, FL. Two grants of $3,000 and $61,017 for consulting services relating to establishment of a city archives and then to develop a city archives program, the first of its type in Florida. The project will prepare and implement a plan to locate, identify, and accession Tampa's archival records; review city records schedules; and strive to increase public awareness and use of the records. (1985, 1987) Tucson, AZ. $21,000 for a consultant to advise the city on methods and resource requirements for preservation and use of the city's archives, and in partial support of a two-year project to develop a Tucson archives program. (1981) Warwick, RI. $4,000 for a consultant to assist with the city's archives and records management planning project. (1991) Warwick, RI. $4,856 to support a review and evaluation of the City Clerk’s Office conditions for maintaining its historical collections. (2009) Wilmington, DE. $3,878 to develop a systematic approach to the maintenance and protection of the city's records. (1988) Grants to Specific Counties Alpine County Historical Records Commission, Markleeville, CA. $27,000 to establish an archives program for the county's public records. Many of the records date back to Alpine County's founding in 1864. (1986) Atlanta-Fulton County Public Library System, Atlanta, GA. $58,710 to support a project to digitize eleven manuscript collections documenting the role of African Americans in educational institutions (1860-1950). (2010) Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, PA. $36,700 for a project to arrange, describe, and preserve the records of the Chester County Court of Quarter Sessions, 1681-1969. The records document such subjects as criminal activity, indentured servitude, and road and bridge construction in the county. (1986) Chester County Historical Society, West Chester, PA. $41,594 to arrange and describe the administrative and fiscal records of Chester County, 1699-1945. These and other records form perhaps the most comprehensive documentation of any county government in the nation during the colonial period. (1988) Cook County and Chicago, via the Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL. $86,000 to survey the historic public records of Chicago and Cook County. (1983) Cook County, Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Chicago, IL. $141,001 to microfilm and index over 400,000 Declarations of Intention (791 volumes) from 1906-1929. The declarations were the first papers to be filed by individuals who wished to become citizens. (2005) Cook County, Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Chicago, IL. $126,149 to continue a project to microfilm and index over 400,000 Declarations of Intention from immigrants wishing to become citizens. (2007) Cook County, Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Chicago, IL. $90,582 to continue indexing Declaration of Intentions for Naturalization from between 1906 and 1929, a total of 258,000 declarations. (2009) Fairfax County Government, Fairfax, VA. $10,000 for its project to develop a comprehensive archives and records management program for Fairfax County through records surveying and scheduling, development of a manual, and treatment of archival records. (1981)16 $720,380 5 Floyd County Board of Education, Rome, GA. $20,500 to develop a cooperative archives and records management program for the records of four local government units in the Rome/Floyd County area. (1985) Franklin County, Greenfield, MA. $14,456 for the survey, description, and conservation of municipal records throughout Franklin County. (1979) Harris County, Houston, TX . $42,369 to appraise, arrange, describe, and develop a protocol for providing access to confidential or restricted information for about 500 cubic feet of records documenting the functions of the county's Juvenile Probation Department from circa 1907 - 1960. (2006) Jackson County, Newport, AR. $4,000 for an archival consultant to meet with county officials and develop a plan to care for the county's archival records. (1991) Johnson County Government, Olathe, KS. Two grants of $2,975 and $88,566 for consultant assistance in evaluating records conditions and making recommendations for the development of an archival program and then to develop its archives and records management program. (1988, 1990) Johnson County, Olathe, KS. $20,000 to support the county’s Archives and Records Management Program development of a strategic plan to allow public online access to the Archives’ finding aids, indexes, and eventually its records. (2007) King County, Seattle, WA. Two grants of $4,975 and $71,457 for a consultant to assist the county in planning for an archival program for its permanently valuable records and then to develop an archival program for the county's records. Following appraisal, accessioning of archival records in agency custody, arrangement, and description, materials will be transferred to the state's regional archival facility. King County, Washington's most populous county, includes Seattle and part of the Puget Sound area. (1986, 1988) Knox County Government, Knoxville, TN. $79,400 to develop the county's records management and archives program. Project objectives include a survey and inventory of county records, and transfer of records to the county's records center and the county's archives in the Knox County Public Library System. (1989) Lauderdale County Department of Archives and History, Meridian, MS. Two grants of $5,104 and $76,240 to undertake planning for and then establish an archives and records management program and then for Lauderdale County and the City of Meridian. (1988–1989) Lauderdale County Department of Archives and History, Meridian, MS. $15,168 to microfilm ca. 107 linear feet of selected records of Lauderdale County, the City of Meridian, the Lauderdale County School System, and the Meridian Separate School System. (1992) Logan County Historical Society, Guthrie, OK. $38,216 for a two-year project to arrange, describe, and microfilm city records of Guthrie for the period 1889-1920, and to survey and publish a guide to historical records in Guthrie and Logan County for the same period. Guthrie was the capital of the Oklahoma Territory from 1889-1910. (1977) Memphis/Shelby County Public Library, Memphis, TN. $14,616 to arrange, describe, and prepare descriptive inventories of six series of city and county records. (1980) Montgomery County, Department of History, Fonda, NY. $2,750 for consultation to plan an integrated archival and records management system and a program to preserve historical records. (1985) Napa and Placer Counties, via the California State Archives Foundation, Sacramento, CA. $98,521 to develop archives programs in Napa and Placer counties and in the City of Napa and to assist in maintaining an existing program in Yolo County. The project would demonstrate the feasibility of sharing the services of a professional archivist among four local government jurisdictions. (1988) Orange County, Santa Ana, CA. $79,998 for a two-year project to establish an archival component in the county government's records management system. (1984) Phillips County, Helena, AR. $6,275 for a consultant study to assess records needs in the county and current legislation on local records, and to develop a plan for a comprehensive county archives/records management program. (1981)19 $685,586 6 Polk County Department of General Services, Des Moines, IA. $93,773 to develop the county's records management and archives program. The project will survey and inventory county records, prepare retention schedules for all records and finding aids for archival records, do preservation microfilming, and present workshops for county officials. (1989) Sacramento Museum and History Department, Sacramento, CA. Two grants of $28,200 and $38,950 to arrange and describe records of the City and County of Sacramento, to survey and accession additional records of these governments, to refine policies and procedures for development of the department's archival program, and to establish uniform retention schedules for the city and county and to publish a guide to public records holdings. (1979–1980) Santa Clara County, Santa Clara, CA. $201,334 to support a project to transfer and process 1,500 cubic feet of the county’s historical records to an archival facility, arrange for the transfer of another 500 cubic feet during the project, and establish regular research hours and records transfer procedures for the archives. (2007) Santa Fe County, Clerk's Office, Santa Fe, NM. $9,157 to microfilm 73 deed books dating from the American occupation in 1847 to around 1893. (1999) Santa Fe County, Santa Fe, NM. $27,911 to microfilm historic deed books and indexes covering the period from ca. 1859 to 1950. (1999) Schuylkill County, Pottsville, PA. $38,274 for development of an archival program for the county's permanently valuable records, which date to the early 19th century. Located in eastern Pennsylvania, the county is a center of the anthracite coal industry. (1987) Shenandoah County, Woodstock, VA. $18,755 to arrange and prepare for microfilming the county's circuit court case files and loose court papers. (1990) Troup County Archives, LaGrange, GA. $31,080 for the first year of a project to develop an archival program for Troup County and the City of LaGrange. (1985) Troup County (Georgia) Historical Society. $75,000 .To support a 17-month project for digitizing County Court and Government Records. (2007) Webster County Court, Marshfield, MO. $4,000 for a consultant to evaluate the county's records needs and make recommendations for the records' preservation and maintenance. (1981) Westchester County Clerk's Office, White Plains, NY. $50,400 for a two-year project to survey records in the county records center and to initiate an archival program for those of historical value. (1985) Yolo County Library, Woodland, CA. $33,350 to develop the Yolo County Archives, a local public records facility. (1984) Statewide and Regional Projects Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, AL. $300,000 for a two-year regrant project focusing on local government records. Both local governments and depositories with legal authority to hold local government records would be eligible to receive regrant funds. (1993) Alaska. University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. $12,855 for a training workshop on local government records. (1985) Alaska State Historical Records Advisory Board, Juneau, AK. $26,126 for a planning project to be conducted over a two-year period. A total of six meetings are planned, some of which will be held in conjunction with the annual meetings of professional organizations in the state. Using the state's 1984 assessment report as a starting point, working groups will meet with members of various constituent groups to identify needs in one of five areas: electronic records, local government and Native records, records repositories, state government records, or statewide functions and services. (1995) California State Archives, Sacramento, CA. $59,020 for its SHRAB Statewide Planning Project to: investigate the programs of the state archives to determine the condition and needs of state records; survey counties and cities to determine the condition and needs of local government records; survey 7 a representative number of the state's historical records repositories to determine the condition and needs of non-governmental records; and develop a strategic plan, including a mission statement, goals and objectives, and funding priorities. (1999)17 $1,048,185 California State Archives, Sacramento, CA. $100,000 to support a regrant program for local government archives and historical repositories. (2006) Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT. Two grants, $68,197 and $75,526 for its Judicial Records Preservation and Access Project to process the records of four county courts and formulate a plan for preserving and providing access to all of the state’s early county court records. (2001–2002) Georgia State Historical Records Advisory Board, Atlanta, GA. $298,386 to leverage $422,251 in state and local government matching and cost sharing to reactivate and redirect the state's local government records management program. The regrant project has three main components: 1) regrant projects, funded in cooperation with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs' Local Government Efficiency Grant Program, to create three model multi-government records service centers; 2) regrant projects to encourage and improve local government records programs; and 3) training and education for local government officials in basic archival and records management practices. (1996) Georgia. Office of the Secretary of State, Georgia Department of Archives and History, Atlanta, GA. $125,624 . to support the a Circuit Rider archivist and local regrant project. (2005) Iowa State Historical Department, Iowa City, IA. $36,650 for a two-year project to inventory county records in Iowa. (1977) Iowa State Historical Department, Iowa City, IA. $20,117 to survey and inventory the records of selected Iowa municipal governments, prepare a preliminary retention schedule for Iowa municipal records, and develop a final report with recommendations for an Iowa municipal records program. (1981) Iowa. State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines, IA. $25,000 to refine and revise draft county retention schedules in a one-volume manual, and to provide training workshops in schedule use for public officials. (1984) Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs, Des Moines, IA. $11,730 to publish the Iowa county records manual prepared under an earlier grant. (1987) Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS. $64,054 to conduct a pilot survey of local government records in five representative counties, develop model retention and disposition schedules, prepare records manuals, and provide workshops to help local officials apply the model schedules. (1981) Kansas State Historical Society (Kansas State Historical Records Advisory Board),Topeka, KS. $70,000 for a regrant project to preserve endangered local government records of enduring value and make them accessible through microfilming. All regrant recipients will be required to attend a preservation microfilming workshop offered as part of the project. (1995) Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, KS. $28,690 for a project to develop and implement an electronic records management policy for Kansas state government and for local governments. (1996) Kentucky Department for Library and Archives, Frankfort, KY. $198,300 for re-grants to city and county governments in the state. The Kentucky State Historical Records Advisory Board will review applications for projects. (1983) Louisiana Department of State, Division of Archives, Records Management, and History (Louisiana State Historical Records Advisory Board), Baton Rouge, LA. $107,060 to establish a local government records program by surveying the records in the parish clerks of court offices, developing retention schedules and records manuals, disseminating these products in conjunction with regional workshops for clerks and their personnel, and transferring to the State Archives archival records that are in immediate danger of loss. (1991) Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. $196,140 to preserve and improve access to approximately 206 linear feet of Police Jury minute transcriptions of records dating from 1811 to 1940 by microfilming them and producing an improved finding aid. (2005)15 $1,425,474 8 Maine State Archives, Augusta, ME. $99,624 for Creating the GeoArchives, a collaboration among the state archives and other state agencies that are creating the Maine Library of Geographic Information (GeoLibrary) to develop the GeoArchives. The project plans to use the expertise and infrastructure of the GeoLibrary to create a repository for archival geo-spatial data created by state and local governments.2004) Maryland Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD. $22,059 to arrange and prepare computer-generated guides to the records of St. Mary's County and the equity records of Baltimore City, to serve as prototypes for future guides to government records in Maryland. (1977) Michigan History Division, Lansing, MI. $4,250 to process and transfer to regional archives depositories in the state historically valuable county and municipal records identified by a statewide records survey. (1976) Michigan History Division, Lansing, MI. $30,410 for the State Archives to survey and accession county records in approximately 25 Michigan counties. (1980) Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul, MN. $12,200 to develop a retention plan for the records of the Minnesota District Court and County Courts. (1976) Minnesota. Iron Range Research Center, Eveleth, MN. $22,971 to survey, appraise, and transfer to the center the records of 20 municipalities in the Mesabi Iron Range area of Minnesota. (1984) Minnesota Department of Administration, St. Paul, MN. $156,975 for a two-year project to establish a statewide program to preserve and make available local government records. (1985) Mississippi Regional Archives #1, Columbus, MS. $35,000 to inventory and draft retention and disposition schedules for county records. (1981) Montana Historical Records Advisory Board, Helena, MT. $57,746 for its Local Records Regrant Project to help local historical societies, museums, counties, or other historical records repositories identify and preserve historically valuable records and make them accessible to Montana citizens and other researchers. (2000) Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, NE. $5,978 for its paper conservation programs, including surveys of records storage practices in local governments, on-site consultation, records preservation, and disaster planning seminars for local officials. (1980) Nevada State Library, Carson City, NV. $46,132 in support of the state archives' local government records project. (1981) Nevada. Supreme Court of Nevada, Carson City, NV. $60,995 to survey the records of local courts in Nevada and create retention/disposition schedules for those records. The project will also develop a records management manual and educational workshops for court officials. (1987) Nevada State Historical Records Advisory Board, Carson City, NV. $150,000 for a two-year regrant program directed at local governments in Nevada, to encourage the development of records management and archival programs for local governments, to improve existing programs, and to provide improved access to local government archives. (1989) New Hampshire. Trustees of Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH. $117,573 for its New Hampshire Local Records Project to conduct training in preservation techniques, access issues, collection development, and community documentation for municipal clerks, public librarians, historical society members, and court clerks throughout the state.2001) New Jersey State Library, Archives and History Bureau, Trenton, NJ. $20,500 to survey county records of historical value in New Jersey and to develop improved programs for county records in the State. (1978) New Jersey Division of Archives and Records Management, Trenton, NJ. $19,238 to encourage development of municipal records programs throughout the state. The project will prepare and distribute a manual for local officials and conduct seminars on the administration of municipal records. (1985)16 $861,651 9 New Jersey Division of Archives and Records Management, Trenton, NJ. $40,900 to develop four units of a series of training modules in archival and records management theory, methodology, and law for state and local government officials. The modules will integrate a professionally produced videotape, printed workbooks, and personal instruction. (1989) New York State Historical Records Advisory Board, Albany, NY. $155,344 for consultation and financial assistance to 10 or more municipal governments in New York State, leading toward development of local government archival programs. (1979) New York. Historical Records of the New York County Clerk, New York, NY. $29,500 to inventory and appraise the records of the County Clerk of the Supreme Court, New York County; to publish a series-level guide to the archival records identified; and to draft and issue appraisal guidelines for New York court records. (1982) North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board, Raleigh, NC. $133,200 to assist local governments, historically black colleges, and other non-governmental archives in the preservation and care of local archival records. The project would have three components: 1) regrants to support consultancies, preservation, and reformatting of records; 2) regrants to support training in information and records management policies and practices, and the hiring of temporary personnel needed to address essential, basic archival and records problems; and 3) the production and presentation of a series of four, two-and-one-half-hour, statewide, educational teleconferences. (1998) North Dakota Association of Counties, Bismarck, ND. $34,828 for a statewide county records project to survey current recordkeeping practices, revise existing records retention schedules, and prepare a records management manual. (1986) North Dakota League of Cities, Bismarck, ND. $43,217 to establish a continuing comprehensive records program for city governments. The project will publish and distribute a city records management manual, hold workshops for city personnel, and develop a plan to preserve city archival resources at the city and state levels. (1988) Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, OH. $3,750 to complete the preparation of a municipal records manual and to conduct a series of records management workshops for municipal officials and employees. (1981) Oklahoma Department of Libraries, Oklahoma City, OK. $18,052 to hold workshops to provide local government officials with information on the needs and benefits of records management and preserving historically valuable local government records. (1988) Oregon State Archives, Salem, OR. $25,980 to undertake preservation microfilming and description of pre-statehood records of Oregon government. The records cover the work of the Military Department, the Supreme Court, the Secretary of State, and county governments during the years 1837-1859. (1988) Oregon State Archives, Salem, OR. $60,888 to survey county records in all 36 Oregon counties and in the state archives; create an electronic database using the MAchine-Readable Cataloging Archival and Manuscripts Control (MARC AMC) format that will contain administrative histories and records series descriptions of each county and its offices; and make this database available at the state archives and through the Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN) bibliographic database. (1993) Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA. Two grants, $47,019 & $56,569, to microfilm, for preservation and improved research use, county and municipal government records in Pennsylvania. (1978 & 1980) Rhode Island Office of the Secretary of State, Division of State Archives and Public Records Administration, Providence, RI. $97,125 to establish a local government records program in the state. (1992) South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Columbia, SC. $150,000 for a regrant project sponsored by the South Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board for local governments to develop archival and records programs, study records-related problems, microfilm permanently valuable records, and produce finding aids to local government archives. (1990)14 $896,372 10 Texas. North Texas State University, Denton, TX. $20,000 to assist the university in surveying and preparing inventories of Texas county records. (1976) Texas State Library, Austin, TX. $3,000 to study local records programs outside of Texas and to test survey forms, procedures, and manpower needs for a statewide municipal records survey, including preparation of uniform retention schedules and a municipal records manual. (1980) Texas State Library, Local Records Division, Austin, TX. $66,200 for a project to inform Texas local government officials about appropriate ways to use micrographic technologies. The project will produce a brochure and handbook, present workshops, and provide on-site consultant assistance. (1990) Utah State Historical Records Advisory Board, Salt Lake City, UT. $50,000 for a regrant project to provide a variety of archival educational opportunities including workshops/institutes, academic coursework, mentoring and apprenticeship programs, and consultancies to records repository personnel—professionals, nonprofessionals, and volunteers—through regrants to state and local government agencies, tribal governments, and private, non-profit records repositories in Utah. (1994) Washington. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. $54,780 to survey the records of 47 municipal utilities in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, as the third phase of the Pacific Northwest Public Power Records Project. (1979) Wisconsin. State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. $53,415 for a project, in cooperation with the Departments of Administration, Local Affairs, and Development, to appraise and develop retention schedules for municipal records in Wisconsin, and to work with local officials toward improved municipal records programs. (1978) Wisconsin. State Historical Society of Wisconsin (Wisconsin State Historical Records Advisory Board), Madison, WI. $250,000 for a two-year regrant project focused on revitalizing the state's local government records program. The project would provide regrants to local governments to develop records management programs; prepare records inventories and retention schedules; develop disaster plans; microfilm records; create local records manuals; process and describe archival records; and conduct planning studies. (1992)7 $497,395 11