MAT275 -10874 MODERN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Spring 2012 Important Note: All items on this syllabus are subject to change. Any in-class announcement, verbal or written, is considered as official addendum to this syllabus. All course materials and information will be accessible through Blackboard Academic Suite (link on your “My ASU” page). Instructor: Yang Kuang Phone: 480-965-6915 (e-mail preferred) E-mail: Prerequisites: MAT 271, Office: PSA 429 MAT 266 or equiv. 2 Tests). Office Hours: Tu, W, Th, 2-3pm, and by appointment. Web Page: Classroom: Tu. & Th. 4:30-5:45pm in LL2 (75-minute class x 26, including Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th Edition (2009), by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 9781118142554. (Ch. 1: 1.11.2, 2 sections; Ch. 2: 2.1, -2.8, 8 sections; Ch. 3: 3.1-3.6, 3.8, 7 sections; Ch. 4: 4.1-4.4, 4 sections; Ch. 6: 6.1-6.4, 4 sections; Ch. 7: 7.2, 7.4-7.6, 4 sections; Total: 29 sections) Calculator: A graphing calculator (e.g. TI-83) is recommended. CALCULATORS THAT PERFORM SYMBOLIC MANIPULATIONS (e.g. TI-89) WILL NOT BE ALLOWED FOR TESTS AND QUIZZES. Grading: The semester grade will be computed based on the Final Exam (25%), 2 tests (20% each), Labs (12%), Quizzes (10%) and HW/WebWork (13%). Grading Scale: A-, A, A+: 90%-92.9%, 93%-96.9%, 97%-100%; B-, B, B+: 80%-82.9%, 83%-86.9%, 87%-89.9%; C, C+: 70%-75.9%, 76%-79.9%; D: 60%-69.9%; E: 59.9% or less QUIZZES: they may be given at any time at the discretion of the instructor. Quizzes will reflect material that has recently been discussed in class. No make-up quizzes will be given. HOMEWORK: Due dates for the problems from the textbook will be announced in class and posted on the course webpage Some of the assignments will be done using the online system WebWork. No late assignments will be accepted. MATLAB LABS: MATLAB labs are especially important because they will help you develop skills to use Matlab for simulations and they are worth a big part of the course grade. Attendance is essential in order to pass the class. There will be six labs given in ECA 221, see the Tentative Schedule table below. Please check the Blackboard LAB site for more information about the MATLAB labs Exams: Two tests will be given during the semester in class (Exam 1 will be held around Feb. 9. Exam 2 will be held on March 15 or March 27). The best possible preparation for the exams is regular attendance and completion of all assignments and Matlab lab reports. Your calculator program memory may be randomly viewed during any exam and will be cleared if anything suspicious is written therein. Matlab Open Lab: the ECA 221 lab will be open on Mon. & Wed. 4:30-10:00 PM and Tu. & Th. 5:30-10:00 PM. Course Policies: Students are responsible for the assigned material whether or not it is covered in class. Students are responsible for the material covered in class whether or not it is in the text. Working regularly on assigned problems and attending class are essential in order to do well. You are expected to read the text before the material is covered in class. Make-up exams are at the discretion of the instructor and only given in the case of verified medical or other emergency. The instructor must be notified before the exam is given, if at all possible. E-mail your instructor and call the Mathematics Department Office (480-965-3951) to leave a message. If you bring cell phones and/or any other electronic equipment to our classroom, make sure it/they is/are turned off before class begins. Any sounds produced by such devices are disruptive to the class and, as such, will not be tolerated and will be reported to the Office of the Dean of Students. In addition, if caught, you may lose 2% of your course grade for each occurrence. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: In the “Student Academic Integrity Policy” manual, ASU defines “’Plagiarism” [as] using another's words, ideas, materials or work without properly acknowledging and documenting the source. Students are responsible for knowing the rules governing the use of another's work or materials and for acknowledging and documenting the source appropriately.” You can find this definition at: Academic dishonesty, including inappropriate collaboration, will not be tolerated. There are severe sanctions for cheating, plagiarizing and any other forms of dishonesty. Final Exam: has the final exam schedule for all classes and will be strictly followed. If a conflict occurs, or a student has more than three exams in one day, the instructor may be consulted about an individual schedule adjustment. If necessary, the matter may be pursed further with the appropriate dean(s). This procedure applies to conflicts among any combination of ASU campuses, and/or off campus classes. Except to resolve those situations described below, no changes will be made in this schedule without prior approval of the Dean of CLAS. The final exam is comprehensive and will be given in 2:30pm-4:20pm on Tuesday, May 1. Wk # / dates 1. Jan. 5-11 2. Jan. 12-18 3. Jan. 19-25 4. Jan. 26-Feb. 1 5. Feb. 2-8 6. Feb. 9-15 7. Feb. 16-22 8. Feb. 23-29 9. Mar. 1-7 10. Mar. 8-14 11. Mar. 15-21 12. Mar. 22-28 13. Mar. 29-Apr. 4 14. Apr. 5-11 15. Apr. 12-18 16. Apr. 19-24 Apr. 26-May 2 Tentative Schedule Book sections covered Observations 1.1-1.2, 2.1 2.2-2.4 LAB 1 on 1/23,1/25, 2.5-2.6 2.6-2.7 No class on Jan 26 LAB 2: Feb. 6, 8 2.8, 3.1-3.2 3.3 Test 1 on 2/16 LAB 3: Feb. 20, 22 3.4-3.5 3.5-3.6 No class on Feb. 23, LAB 4: March 5, 7 4.1-4.2 4.3 No class on 3/15 4.4 3/19-21: NO CLASS, spring break 6.1-6.2 3/22-25: NO CLASS; Test 2 on 3/27 LAB 5: Apr. 2,4 6.2-6.4 7.2, 7.4 7.4-7.5 No class on 4/12. LAB 6: Apr. 16, 18 7.6, review Tu. 4/24 – last day of classes 2:30pm-4:20pm on Tuesday, May 1 Final Exam