Identification Subject MATH 310 Applied Differential equations Department Engineering Program Undergraduate Term Fall, 2015 Instructor AslanovaNigar E-mail Phone 421-10-93 Classroom Room 503 O Office hours Thursday 09:00-12:00 prerequisites Consent of instructor language English Compulsory/Elective Required Required textbooks and course materials 1. William E.Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value problems, III edition, 1995 2.Stanley I. Grossman. Multuvariable calculus, Linear Algebra , and Differential equations, second edition,1986. Course website www.differential Course outline The course concerns the study of solution methods for differential equations. Course objectives The differences between I order linear & nonlinear equations will be emphasized, solution methods will be given.The concepts of fundamental sets of solutions, linear independence will be emphasized together with methods of solution. It will be shown why the classification of points as ordinary, regular, singular is necessary. Euler equation will used as model. Laplace transformation will be used for solving initial value problem. Systems of I order LE will be considered . Learning outcomes By the end of the course the students should be able: Teaching methods Solve first order linear, separable, Bernoulli, exact, homogenous differential equations Solve second and higher orderdifferential equations with method of variation of parameters and method of undetermined coefficients solve system of linear equations Solve initial value problems by applying Laplace transformation lecture Seminars Group discussions Evaluation Policy Methods Percentage Midterm exam 30 Class participation 10 Quizzes 15 Final exam 45 Preparation for class The structure of this courses makes your individual study and preparation outside the class extremely important. The lecture material will focus on the major points introduced in the text. Reading the assigned chapters and having some familiarity with them will assist your understanding of the lecture. After lecture , you should study your notes and work relevant problems and cases from the end of the chapter and sample exam questions. Withdrawal (pass, fail) This course strictly follows grading policy of the University. Thus, a student is normally expected to achieve a mark of a least60% to pass. In case of failure he/she will be referred orrequired to repeat the course the following term or year. Cheating/ plagiarism Cheating or other plagiarism during the Quizzes, Mid-term andFinal Examinations will be lead to paper cancellation. In thiscase, the student will automatically get zero (0), without anyconsiderations. Professional behavior guidelines The students shall behave in the way to create favorable academic and professional environment during the class. Unauthorized discussions unethical behaviors are strictly prohibited. For successful completion of the course, the students should take an active part during the class time; ask questions and involving other to discussions. Tentative Schedule Week Topics 1 Textbook [1] I order LDE, existence & uniqueness of solution 2 Nonlinear equations, constructing integral curves [1] 3 Separable equations [1] 4 Exact equation, integrating factors [1] 5 Homogeneous equations [1] 6 II order LE, Fundamental solutios of the homogeneous equations [1] 7 Mid-term exam [1] 8 Linear independence [1] 9 Reduction of the order [1] 10 Homogeneous equation with constant coefficients [1] 11 The nonhomogenous problem, the method of undetermined coefficients [1] 12 The method of variation of parameters [1] 13 System of first order linear differential equations [1] 14 The n-th order linear equations, homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, The method of undetermined coefficients [1] 15 Laplace transformation. [1] 16 Final exam