PLUM PICTURES GOK WAN MADE IN CHINA INTERNATIONAL VERSION TRANSMISSION SCRIPT START 10:00:03:24 END CREDITS 10:45:30:00 Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 2 Time-codes 10:00:03:24 Dialogue NARRATOR THESE DAYS IT’S HARD TO AVOID THE WORDS MADE IN CHINA. 10:00:08:24 NARRATOR EVEN IN MY OWN HOME THE EVIDENCE IS EVERYWHERE. 10:00:14:04 NARRATOR BUT HOW HAS THIS DISTANT AND MYSTERIOUS NATION MANAGED TO BECOME SUCH A BIG PART OF OUR EVERYDAY LIVES? AND WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER THING IN MY FLAT THAT’S MADE IN CHINA? 10:00:23:22 Gok Wan Hello. 10:00:25:03 NARRATOR ME. 10:00:25:23 Gok Wan Okay. Thank you. 10:00:26:24 NARRATOR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I’M GOING TO TRAVEL ACROSS CHINA TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE CULTURE THAT’S SHAPED ME AND DISCOVER HOW THEY MAKE THE THINGS WE USE EVERYDAY. 10:00:36:02 TITLE SEQUENCE 10:00:53:20 NARRATOR Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 3 DESPITE BEING HALF CHINESE I’M ABOUT TO DISCOVER MAINLAND CHINA FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME. 10:00:59:04 Gok Wan This is absolutely bonkers. 10:01:00:23 NARRATOR ALTHOUGH I’M A STYLIST I’VE NEVER SEEN WHERE MANY OF THE CLOTHES I WORK WITH START OUT. 10:01:05:07 Gok Wan And it’s all done by hand. Every single stage is done by hand. 10:01:10:05 NARRATOR I CAN’T WAIT TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS MYSTERIOUS NATION AND WHETHER I FIT IN. 10:01:14:02 Gok Wan Ooh my trousers being a bit too low. 10:01:16:15 NARRATOR I’LL BE TRAVELLING FROM THE GLITTERING SKYSCRAPERS OF DOWNTOWN HONG KONG TO THE RURAL VILLAGE OF MY VERY OWN ANCESTORS. 10:01:24:00 Gok Wan Bloody flammable. 10:01:25:04 NARRATOR AND ON TO THE MANUFACTURING POWER HOUSES OF CHINA’S Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 4 SUPER FACTORIES AND ONWARDS TO ITS RICHEST CITY, SHANGHAI. 10:01:32:15 Computer Are there subtitles? 10:01:37:09 NARRATOR MY INSPIRATION FOR THIS JOURNEY IS MY TWO YEAR OLD TATTOO. IT BEGAN LIFE AS A QUIRKY PERSONAL STATEMENT BUT LATELY IT’S BECOME A CONSTANT REMINDER OF HOW LITTLE I KNOW ABOUT WHAT MADE IN CHINA REALLY MEANS. 10:01:50:16 NARRATOR SO JUST BEFORE I LEAVE I MAKE AN IMPORTANT DETOUR TO LEICESTER TO GET THE HEADS UP FROM THE ONE PERSON WHO DOES KNOW ABOUT CHINA, MY DAD. 10:01:59:19 NARRATOR HE GREW UP IN A RURAL VILLAGE OUTSIDE HONG KONG BEFORE LEAVING AGED 15 TO START A NEW LIFE IN ENGLAND. 10:02:06:02 Gok Wan What was your village producing? Were they producing... 10:02:09:06 Gok’s Father Well we, we grew our own rice. 10:02:11:14 Gok Wan So you did grow. So you would literally have a paddy field? 10:02:14:06 Gok's Father Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 5 Yeah. 10:02:14:09 Gok Wan And you would go and get your own rice. 10:02:16:05 Gok's Father Yeah. 10:02:15:24 Gok Wan Did you wear one of those stupid hats? 10:02:18:23 Gok Wan I think I find it a little bit bizarre actually. I can’t even imagine you ever being like that. I can’t imagine you not being able to speak English and I can’t imagine you actually ever coming from Hong Kong because I’ve only ever known you here. So even though I say my dad’s Chinese and even though you do talk funny and you look a bit weird, I don’t even imagine, I just imagine you as being British like me. 10:02:40:04 Gok's Father This is home. You know. 10:02:41:13 Gok Wan So if I said to you now Dad, are you English or are you Chinese, what would you be? 10:02:45:07 Gok's Father Chinese. 10:02:48:00 Gok Wan Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 6 Without a second thought. 10:02:49:20 Gok's Father Well there’s no second thought. I don’t like white am I? I’m yellow. 10:03:00:23 Gok Wan Would you say that you have a Chinese work ethic? 10:03:04:03 Gok's Father I think it’s typical Chinese yeah. 10:03:06:02 Gok Wan Okay so what makes a typical Chinese way of running your business or running your life? 10:03:10:11 Gok's Father If you want a better life you’ve got to have the money to have a better life. 10:03:13:16 Gok Wan And do you think that’s typically Chinese? It’s just money, money, money, money? 10:03:17:06 Gok's Father Yeah I think it’s the kind of culture. Everything when you talk the first thing is money. 10:03:22:14 Gok Wan Do you wish you were coming with me? 10:03:23:03 Gok's Father Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 7 Yeah. Honestly I do. 10:03:25:17 Gok Wan So what do you miss about that place then? 10:03:30:01 Gok's Father The atmosphere. 10:03:31:04 Gok Wan Don’t say the atmosphere. 10:03:33:02 Gok's Father It is. The people you go home with, the family. You know, I mean all the... Ooh. 10:03:38:10 Gok Wan Dad. You have to ruin everything. I’m going to get some tissue. Sorry. And sorry Dad. More to the point where the hell did you get this bumper size kitchen roll from? Have you seen the size of this? 10:03:50:20 NARRATOR ALTHOUGH I CAME HERE TO SOAK UP SOME FAMILY STORIES AND ENDED UP SOAKING UP OOLONG TEA. 10:03:55:05 Gok Wan I’m not wiping down there. 10:03:57:02 NARRATOR MY DAD’S MEMORIES OF HARD TOIL IN THE FIELDS ARE A MILLION MILES AWAY FROM WHAT GREETS ME AFTER A GRUELLING 13 HOUR Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 8 FLIGHT. 10:04:07:01 NARRATOR MODERN DAY CHINA. 10:04:14:11 NARRATOR CHINA HAS A POPULATION OF 1.3 BILLION PEOPLE AND IS THE FASTEST GROWING ECONOMY ON EARTH. YET WHEN MY DAD LEFT HIS PADDY FIELD BACK IN 1961 THE CHINESE ECONOMY WAS 35 TIMES SMALLER THAN THE UK’S. TODAY CHINA IS THREE TIMES RICHER THAN US AND IS PREDICTED TO BE THE WORLD’S WEALTHIEST NATION BY 2040. IT’S HUGE ECONOMY IS DRIVEN BY ITS ABILITY TO COPY FOREIGN DESIGNS AND MASS PRODUCE THEM ON A GIGANTIC SCALE. RIGHT FROM THE START I’M HIT BY THE FRENETIC PACE OF LIFE. MOST OF THE CHINESE SEEM TO BE ON THE ROAD DRIVING REALLY BADLY. 10:04:53:09 Gok Wan Oh my god. Bloody hell. 10:04:58:11 Gok Wan Oh no what’s going on? Welcome to China. 10:05:04:01 NARRATOR IF I CAN SURVIVE THE TRAFFIC MY FIRST PORT OF CALL WILL BE A PLACE THAT BOASTS MORE DENIM THAN A GIRLS ALLOWED CONCERT. 10:05:12:20 NARRATOR THE INDUSTRIAL CITY OF XINTANG IS BETTER KNOWN BY ITS Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 9 NICKNAME JEANS TOWN. NOW I’VE STYLED A FEW PAIRS IN MY TIME AND THIS IS WHERE MANY OF THEM WILL HAVE STARTED THEIR LIVES. 10:05:22:22 Gok Wan Oh my god look at that. The cloth. There’s hundreds of hundreds of... They almost look like they should be off licences or garages but they’re just filled with denim. 10:05:35:02 NARRATOR AT THE HEART OF JEANS TOWN LIE THE FACTORIES, THE BIGGEST, THE 32 HECTARE CONSHING PLANT. THIS FACTORY IS THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND A TOWN THAT CHURNS OUT 260 MILLION DENIM JEANS EVERY SINGLE YEAR. ENOUGH TO COVER THE LAND MASS OF GREAT BRITAIN THREE TIMES OVER. 10:05:55:13 NARRATOR THIS IS MY FIRST GLIMPSE OF MADE IN CHINA UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. AND I WAS EXPECTING TO SEE ROW UPON ROW OF GIGANTIC MACHINES CHURNING OUT JEANS BY THE THOUSANDS. BUT SURPRISINGLY EVERYTHING HERE IS MADE BY HAND. 10:06:14:16 Gok Wan Pattern cutting is one of the most skilled parts of manufacturing clothes. Unless you’ve got an amazing pattern it effects the entire cut and to be able to do this at this speed is quite phenomenal and look with such ease as well. 10:06:32:19 Gok Wan You’re so quick. Quick, quick, quick. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 10 10:06:34:24 Pattern Cutter Yes. 10:06:38:05 NARRATOR EACH PAIR OF JEANS FOR LEADING BRANDS LIKE LEE, GUESS AND POLO ARE WORKED ON BY A 100 DIFFERENT PAIRS OF HANDS. FROM MEASURING TO CUTTING TO SEWING TO IRONING. WORKING SO HARD AT BREAK NECK SPEED. 10:06:54:09 Gok Wan Can I have a go? 10:06:56:04 Factory Worker Yes. 10:06:57:04 Gok Wan Yeah. Okay. This one, this one? 10:06:58:19 Factory Worker Oh okay. 10:07:00:02 Gok Wan Hi. How are you? Hi. 10:07:03:12 Gok Wan Right. Okay. 10:07:07:05 Factory Worker CHINESE DIALOGUE EVERYONE’S Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 11 10:07:08:20 Gok Wan Oh my god. Oh my. Oh no I’ve put a crease in. Bloody hell. I’m knackered. Okay? 10:07:20:05 Factory Worker CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:07:23:24 NARRATOR I CANNOT IMAGINE IRONING 60 PAIRS OF JEANS AN HOUR ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. I’D EITHER DIE OF EXHAUSTION OR BOREDOM. 10:07:31:13 Gok Wan For instance if one person does this job, the same job maybe one year and then he feels that he’d like to do something else, a different stage of the denim can he move from different parts of the jean? Or would he just only ever do this job? 10:07:45:14 Factory Worker People is the stay in the job. 10:07:47:07 Gok Wan Oh stay in. So they just do this? So you can’t think well oh maybe I’ll do pockets. Maybe I’ll do pockets next year. You can’t. You just have to keep on doing the same job. 10:07:58:09 NARRATOR UNBELIEVABLE. I CAN’T THINK OF MANY BRITS WHO’LL BE HAPPY TO DO EXACTLY THE SAME TASK DAY IN DAY OUT FOR THE WHOLE OF THEIR WORKING LIVES FOR AS LITTLE AS 10 QUID A DAY. AND WHAT’S MORE THE WORKERS LIVE ON SITE AS WELL IN THESE TINY Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 12 APARTMENTS. 10:08:15:17 NARRATOR EVEN AT LUNCHTIME THERE’S NO GETTING AWAY. AT 12 O’CLOCK SHARP THEY ALL FILE OUT TO THE HUGE COMMUNAL CANTEEN. 10:08:25:16 Gok Wan It’s quite unbelievable actually because this is where the entire factory will come and have their lunch. Bang on 12 o’clock every single day the factory closes down. 3,000 go for lunch. 10:08:36:09 NARRATOR EVEN EATING IS CONTROLLED BY THE FACTORY’S PROPAGANDA MACHINE. 10:08:41:15 Gok Wan So that translates over there. You look after your work for what you do for us and then we’ll look after your stomachs. 10:08:47:18 NARRATOR IT’S TIME TO SEE IF THE MENU IS AS REGIMENTED AS THE REST OF THE FACTORY. 10:08:53:14 Gok Wan Landi. I don’t eat meat. No meat. Only fish only. No meat. 10:09:00:02 Gok Wan Oh I’m definitely not vegetarian any more. Okay. Thank you. 10:09:09:04 Gok Wan Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 13 I think I’m going to have to eat pork belly. 10:09:10:06 NARRATOR WHILST MY STOMACH ADJUSTS TO BEING LOOKED AFTER BY THE FACTORY AT 1PM THE WORKERS FILE DUTIFULLY BACK TO THEIR POSTS BANG ON TIME. I’M BEGINNING TO UNDERSTAND THERE’S A SENSE OF TOTAL DEDICATION HERE DESPITE THE LONG HOURS AND BASIC CONDITIONS. AND MY ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT WHAT MADE IN CHINA MEANS ARE ALREADY STARTING TO CHANGE. 10:09:32:13 Gok Wan I mean it’s all done by hand. Every single stage of this is done by hand. Anybody out there that ever complains to me about their jeans, saying they buy designer jeans because they’re handmade, are going to get a bloody punch on the end of the nose because all of these are made, every single stage by hand. 10:09:55:18 NARRATOR AS FAR AS JEANS ARE CONCERNED MADE IN CHINA IS NOT A BY WORD FOR CHEAP AND SHODDY. FAR FROM IT. THE CHANCES ARE THE JEANS THAT YOU’RE WEARING RIGHT NOW WOULD HAVE BEEN LOVINGLY HANDMADE BY A GUY LIKE THIS. 10:10:08:04 Gok Wan Thank you very much. Thank you. I love that. Let me show you. 10:10:15:15 Gok Wan Thank you. Thank you very much. 10:10:18:05 NARRATOR IT SEEMS THAT THE SUCCESS OF CHINESE MANUFACTURING IS Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 14 PARTLY DOWN TO SHEER HARD WORK AND CHEAP LABOUR BUT UNFORTUNATELY THE FACTORY ISN’T KEEN ON ME TALKING TO WORKERS ABOUT HOW IT AFFECTS THEIR LIVES. LUCKILY THERE ARE MANY MORE PLACES TO VISIT ON MY LIST. 10:10:34:06 NARRATOR BUT BEFORE I’VE GONE FAR MY JOURNEY IS DERAILED BY A PHONE CALL FROM DAD. 10:10:38:05 Gok Wan Hi dad. 10:10:39:06 NARRATOR HE WANTS ME TO PERFORM A BUDDHIST RITUAL CALLED [INAUDIBLE] AT HIS ANCESTRAL VILLAGE. 10:10:44:14 NARRATOR THIS ANCIENT CEREMONY INVOLVES FAMILY MEMBERS BURNING OFFERINGS AT THE SHRINE OF THEIR ANCESTORS. THE OFFERINGS ARE PAPER IMITATIONS OF LUXURY GOODS BELIEVED TO HELP THEM IN THEIR AFTERLIFE. 10:10:56:15 Gok Wan What do you want go get nan? 10:10:58:17 Gok's Father Yeah get Nan something to wear and get her a glass like. 10:11:04:09 Gok Wan Glasses to see. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 15 10:11:04:24 Gok's Father Spectacles yeah. Specs. 10:11:06:01 Gok Wan Yeah okay. Is that it? I hope it is. 10:11:08:08 Gok's Father And a walking stick, yeah? 10:11:10:06 Gok Wan A walking stick. Okay. That’s it. 10:11:12:05 Gok's Father Yeah. 10:11:13:05 Gok's Father Yeah two vests, two suits, shoes. 10:11:13:18 SUBTITLE: Yeah, two vests, two suits... 10:11:16:13 SUBTITLE: 10:11:17:13 Gok Wan Shoes. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 16 10:11:18:14 Gok's Father Yeah. 10:11:19:04 Gok Wan Yeah. Is that it? 10:11:22:01 Gok's Father Yeah and get my brother. 10:11:24:05 Gok Wan And what do you want your brother? 10:11:24:11 Gok's Father The same. 10:11:24:21 SUBTITLE: ...the same... 10:11:25:03 Gok Wan The same. What two suits and two shoes as well? 10:11:27:10 Gok's Father Yeah. Yeah. 10:11:28:24 Gok Wan Okay. 10:11:30:06 Gok's Father And mum. And my dad’s dad, and all that. And granddad. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 17 10:11:35:24 Gok Wan But what. 10:11:36:10 Gok's Father And grandmother. 10:11:37:05 SUBTITLE: ...Grandmother... 10:11:37:06 Gok Wan What about them? 10:11:38:14 Gok's Father You’ve got to have everybody, haven’t you. 10:11:39:02 SUBTITLE: You’ve got to have everybody, haven’t you. 10:11:40:24 Gok Wan Yeah. Okay dad. Okay. This isn’t cash and carry prayer. Okay. Alright enough now with the shopping list. Okay. 10:11:50:06 Gok's Father Yeah. Okay. 10:11:51:05 Gok Wan Alright. Love you. Okay. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 18 10:11:53:06 Gok's Father Love you. 10:11:53:21 Gok Wan Bye. 10:11:54:08 Gok's Father Okay. 10:11:54:18 Gok Wan Bye. The list gets longer and longer. And that is the Chinese culture. You know. Whatever my mum and dad say to me I have to do. And I find that very, very hard to deal with because I’m British and I’m English and I live by a very, very different set of rules. But of course I’ll do and I’ll do whatever he asks me to do. 10:12:14:08 NARRATOR WE DETOUR TO A PAPER OFFERING SHOP IN OLD TOWN KALUNG. 10:12:20:13 NARRATOR RIGHT TIME FOR MY FAVOURITE PASTIME SHOPPING. 10:12:23:02 Gok Wan Hi how are you? Hello. I’m Gok. Nice to see you. How are you? Well? Okay. Do you speak English? Do you speak English? No English. This is going to be fun. Okay. Well I’m just going to do some shopping and they’re all just looking at me like I’m really weird. Okay. So basically this is a paper shop and I’ve never been in one before but I’ve seen this kind of stuff and if you look around you these look like regular hideous trainers and they’re not. They’re Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 19 actually made out of paper and what the idea is is with your prayer is that you burn this stuff. You buy it, you burn it and it goes into the afterlife and it’s for your ancestors and I’ve been asked by my father to buy my grandmother an air conditioning unit because he thinks she might be a bit hot in the afterlife. And as bonkers as it is, it’s absolutely amazing, fascinating. And I love this idea. Because when I go to the afterlife I want somebody to burn me an entire set of Louis Vuitton luggage. 10:13:24:09 Gok Wan Right okay. So I want a shirt and tie for my granddad. And then I need for my uncle that died when he was a child, I don’t know whether I should buy child stuff of whether I should buy adult stuff. I don’t know whether in the afterlife they get any older. 10:13:44:13 Gok Wan Oh I don’t know. I don’t know the answer to that one. 10:13:50:17 NARRATOR THANKFULLY I’M SAVED BY LAMY BY TRANSLATOR. 10:13:54:12 Shop Owner CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:13:57:08 Lamy CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:13:59:09 Shop Owner CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:13:59:24 Lamy Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 20 We should buy adult. 10:14:01:00 Gok Wan Adult clothes. 10:14:01:22 Lamy Yeah. 10:14:02:07 Gok Wan Adult. Brilliant. Okay. Perfect. 10:14:07:03 Gok Wan Ooh my god. Jesus Christ. 10:14:09:21 NARRATOR THE BANK NOTES AND DESIGNER GOODS ARE A SURE SIGN OF THE CHINESE LOVE OF BLING IN THIS LIFE AND THE NEXT. 10:14:15:19 Gok Wan I’m going to get an iPad. My god. An iPad for my uncle. There’s a DVD player. Oh it’s a karaoke machine as well. 10:14:27:10 Gok Wan Just in case in the afterlife you feel like doing a little rendition of I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. You get a Louis Vuitton wallet. You get a belt. And a credit card. Is that a credit card? 10:14:38:07 Lamy Yes. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 21 10:14:39:11 Gok Wan Oh my god. It says on here, I kid you not, the Bank of Hell. 10:14:45:00 Gok Wan So we’ve got a pool on the garden, a fitness suite. We’ve got satellite dishes. And my very own Sikh Policeman as well. Just in case you needed a Sikh Policeman to look after your house for you. 10:14:58:12 Gok Wan Oh my god amazing. He’s using an abacus. It’s amazing. Thank you very much indeed. You’re amazing. 10:15:05:08 Lamy CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:15:06:20 Gok Wan Thank you for your help. Thank you for your help. Thank you very much. I don’t know who you are but thank you very much. Thank you. 10:15:11:10 NARRATOR I MIGHT HAVE BOUGHT THE STORE. 10:15:13:01 Gok Wan Don’t forget the house. 10:15:14:22 NARRATOR BUT AS A BUDDHIST WOULD TELL YOU, YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE. 10:15:17:12 Gok Wan This is amazing. I love it. The most glamorous day out I’ve ever had. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 22 10:15:25:10 NARRATOR DAY TWO OF MY JOURNEY TO FIND OUT WHAT LIES BEHIND THE MADE IN CHINA SUCCESS STORY AND I’M HEADING FOR SOMEWHERE RIGHT UP MY STREET. ONE OF THE BIGGEST BRA FACTORIES IN CHINA. BUT BETWEEN ME AND IT THERE’S MILES OF DUSTY ROADS AND I’M GETTING THIRSTY. 10:15:41:22 Gok Wan We’re driving through an old Chinese town. Watch that. And I’m going to get murdered by the traffic but also as you can see I’m totally dressed for roaming around a town like this. Talk about sticking out like a sore thumb. But I want a drink. 10:15:59:01 Gok Wan Hello. Ni hao. 10:16:02:01 Shop Owner Ni hao. 10:16:02:02 Gok Wan How are you? 10:16:02:09 Shop Owner I am fine. 10:16:04:09 Gok Wan How are you? Can I please, can I help myself? 10:16:07:19 Shop Owner Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 23 CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:16:12:20 NARRATOR I’VE ENCOUNTERED CAMERA SHYNESS BEFORE IN THE UK BUT THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE. 10:16:17:22 Shop Owner CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:16:18:14 Gok Wan I have known anyone squawk so much. Oh my god. 10:16:22:13 Crew Member They’re suspicious. 10:16:23:19 Gok Wan They’re suspicious. I’m suspicious too. 10:16:26:01 Gok Wan Hello. 10:16:27:23 NARRATOR AS I WANDER AROUND THIS CHINESE BACKWATER THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO DON’T SEEM STANDOFFISH ARE THE KIDS. 10:16:33:18 Child Hiya. 10:16:34:24 Gok Wan Hello. I’m very well. How are you? Are you okay? What are you playing? Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 24 10:16:38:09 Gok Wan What, what you playing? What game? 10:16:39:16 Child Mario. 10:16:41:03 NARRATOR BUT THAT’S ONLY BECAUSE THEY WANT TO HUMILIATE ME AT NINJA KNOCKDOWN SEVEN. 10:16:48:15 Gok Wan Come on. Come on. Come on. I got you. I got you. Oh no. You’re kicking my arse. Oh no. 10:16:58:21 Gok Wan You’re too good. Can you tell him he’s too good? Thank you. Bye guys. 10:17:01:03 NARRATOR MM WHERE’S A TRUANCY OFFICER WHEN YOU NEED ONE? 10:17:07:19 NARRATOR AFTER FIVE AND A HALF HOURS OF TRUNDLING THROUGH SCRUFFY TOWNS AND VILLAGES WE FINALLY REACH MY IDEA OF PARADISE ON EARTH. WELCOME TO BRA TOWN. 10:17:17:18 NARRATOR THE CHUNGWING COMPLEX MANUFACTURES 1.5 MILLION BRAS EVERY SINGLE MONTH. MANY FOR THE UK MARKET. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 25 10:17:25:16 Gok Wan Hi. 10:17:26:19 NARRATOR I’M KEEN TO SEE HOW THE GREAT BRITISH BRA IS MADE AND TOM LEE THE PR MAN HAS AGREED TO SHOW ME HIS UNDERWEAR. 10:17:33:07 Gok Wan Well thank you for letting us visit you. 10:17:34:05 Tom Lee Yeah. 10:17:35:16 Gok Wan It’s great. 10:17:35:22 Tom Lee What better a good chance we can see you. 10:17:38:20 Gok Wan Well thank you very much. 10:17:39:01 Tom Lee First of all you look very good. 10:17:39:10 Gok Wan Well thank you very much indeed. 10:17:41:13 Tom Lee Yeah. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 26 10:17:42:19 Gok Wan I love this. So many compliments. It’s amazing. 10:17:45:18 NARRATOR AT FIRST SIGHT BRA TOWN SEEMS JUST LIKE JEANS TOWN. LOADS OF HARD WORKERS DOING REALLY REPETITIVE JOBS BUT HERE THE WORKERS REALLY DO GET THEIR HANDS FULL. 10:17:57:04 Gok Wan 52G. I mean that is a massive pair of, yeah I massive pair of bosoms. 10:18:00:19 Tom Lee Very massive. Very massive. 10:18:03:23 Gok Wan They’re like rice bowls. 10:18:04:03 Tom Lee Yeah. 10:18:05:14 Gok Wan You could eat your dinner from them. Like rice bowls. 10:18:08:17 Tom Lee Noodle bowls. 10:18:09:23 Gok Wan Yeah noodle bowls. Yeah. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 27 10:18:11:20 NARRATOR AND ON TOP OF THAT BUSINESS SEEMS TO BE BOOMING. 10:18:14:09 Gok Wan So we’ve got Asda. We’ve got Marks and Spencers. Amazing. Debenhams as well. 10:18:18:15 Tom Lee Yeah. 10:18:19:22 Gok Wan So you do some Victoria Secrets as well right? 10:18:22:17 Tom Lee Victoria Secret only for US market. 10:18:24:01 Gok Wan Yeah, yeah. 10:18:25:21 Tom Lee Not for UK. And then actually we don’t have two standards. We have only one standard. No matter you very high end customer or the low end customer. As soon as we accept the order. 10:18:38:10 Gok Wan It’s exactly the same. 10:18:39:09 Tom Lee We accept only one. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 28 10:18:39:22 Gok Wan Same quality. 10:18:40:11 Tom Lee Same quality. 10:18:41:10 Gok Wan Amazing. So whether you’re buying your bra at £24 or at $300, they’re not charging any more but you’re getting exactly the same quality by the same machines and the same people. 10:18:51:13 Tom Lee Yeah. 10:18:52:16 Gok Wan Unbelievable. 10:18:53:02 NARRATOR AND REFRESHINGLY TOM IS A FIRM BELIEVER IN LOOKING AFTER HIS WORKERS. 10:19:00:21 Gok Wan And they’ve got pool tables. Ping pong as well. They’ve got a library. 10:19:04:10 Tom Lee Library. 10:19:05:09 Gok Wan A library as well. Wow. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 29 10:19:07:10 Tom Lee And also internet again upstairs. 10:19:08:13 Gok Wan So internet as well. So it’s like being on a student campus. 10:19:11:09 Tom Lee Yeah. 10:19:12:23 Gok Wan My god you’ve got your own karaoke studio. I’m in heaven. 10:19:18:21 Gok Wan Wow. 10:19:19:04 Tom Lee It’s a karaoke. 10:19:21:23 Gok Wan You are so welcoming. 10:19:23:19 Tom Lee Yeah. 10:19:24:05 Gok Wan It’s like Chinese new year. 10:19:25:11 Tom Lee Yeah. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 30 10:19:28:00 NARRATOR I’M UNDER NO ILLUSIONS THAT IN CHINA MANY FACTORIES ARE NO BETTER THAN SWEAT SHOPS BUT HERE THINGS REALLY DO SEEM TO BE DIFFERENT. 10:19:34:06 Gok Wan Hello. Nice to meet you. Hi I’m Gok. 10:19:36:09 NARRATOR AND TOM EVEN OFFERS TO LET ME MEET THREE SISTERS WHO HAVE MANAGED TO BUY A HOUSE FOR THEIR PARENTS BY CAREFULLY SAVING UP FROM THEIR £10 A DAY JOBS. THIS IS A GREAT CHANCE FOR ME TO FIND OUT ABOUT LIFE IN A CHINESE FACTORY FROM A WORKER’S POINT OF VIEW. SO AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY THE GIRLS CRAM ONTO THEIR SCOOTER AND LEAD ME BACK TO THEIR NEW PROPERTY. 10:19:58:17 Gok Wan The three girls that we’re following now who we’re going to go and have dinner with now you know, they make enough money to be able to build a house for their family you know. And I’m sure that without the factory work here they would never ever have that opportunity again. 10:20:12:05 NARRATOR BUT WHEN I ARRIVE THE INTIMATE GATHERING I’VE BEEN HOPING FOR HAS BEEN GATE CRASHED. 10:20:18:00 Gok Wan Upstairs in the apartment there’s about 742 people including the President from the factory, the head of marketing, the head of merchandising and the Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 31 only person missing is my mum and dad. So I’m going to go up and join in the party. 10:20:35:19 Gok Wan Hello. (CHINESE DIALOGUE). Hi, how are you? 10:20:38:04 NARRATOR EVEN TOM HAS SOMEHOW MADE IT HERE BEFORE US. 10:20:42:16 Gok Wan (CHINESE DIALOGUE). Hi, nice to meet you. Mama. 10:20:46:20 NARRATOR THERE’S LITTLE CHANCE FOR AN INTIMATE CHAT. 10:20:48:08 Gok Wan How are you? 10:20:50:04 NARRATOR IN FACT THERE’S NO CHANCE I’LL FIND OUT WHAT THE GIRLS THINK OF THEIR WORKING CONDITIONS AND LIVES IN FRONT OF ALL OF THEIR BOSSES AND AN OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER. AFTER AN HOUR OF SMALL TALK I MANAGE TO MAKE MY EXCUSES AND LEAVE. 10:21:03:08 Gok Wan Thank you. Goodnight. Thank you every one. Thank you. It’s lovely to meet you. Lovely to meet you. Thank you. (CHINESE DIALOGUE). 10:21:11:03 Gok Wan Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 32 10:21:12:09 Tom Lee Okay. 10:21:13:07 Gok Wan Goodbye. See you later. Bye, bye. Thank you. Thank you everyone. There’s thousands of you. Thank you. Goodbye. See you later. Bye everyone. I can’t give you all a kiss. I’ll be here for hours. 10:21:27:03 NARRATOR EVEN IN THE BETTER FACTORIES IT SEEMS THAT TRULY FREE SPEECH AS WE UNDERSTAND IT IN THE WEST IS NOT SOMETHING THAT’S REALLY ENCOURAGED. MIND YOU THERE’S ONE CHINA MAN TO MY KNOWLEDGE WHO HAS ABSOLUTELY NO TROUBLE SPEAKING HIS MIND. PAPA WAN. 10:21:43:19 NARRATOR AND BEFORE I GET ANOTHER NAGGING PHONE CALL FROM MY DAD IT’S TIME TO HEAD FOR MY ANCESTRAL VILLAGE TO MAKE THE OFFERINGS TO MY DEPARTED FAMILY MEMBERS IN A CAR CRAMMED FULL OF PAPER KARAOKE MACHINES. 10:21:55:06 Gok Wan Every small village has a different surname. So you’ll get the Tangs in one, and you’ll get the Lams and the Lees in another one. And then our family’s all the Wans. The Wans. And so technically if you have the surname Wan we’re all related so however many hundreds of people are there, even though I’ve never met them, they’re all family. All distant aunties, uncles, cousins. The Wan clan. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 33 10:22:28:19 Gok Wan Hello home. Wow. 10:22:33:03 Gok Wan You’re definitely related to me because you look like my uncle. How are you? Hi I’m Gok. 10:22:36:03 Male You alright then? 10:22:37:20 Gok Wan Yeah I’m very well. How are you? 10:22:38:23 Male Yeah fine. 10:22:39:00 Gok Wan Good, good, good. Hi. Hello everyone. I’m trying to find my grandfather’s house. 10:22:42:19 Male Your grandfather’s house. 10:22:44:02 Gok Wan It’s this one alright. This one. 10:22:46:16 Female Your grandfather lived here. Before. 10:22:49:09 Gok Wan Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 34 Oh wow look at this. Thank you Uncle William. It’s my grandmother. 10:22:57:07 NARRATOR AS SOON AS I ENTER I’M FACED WITH ROW UPON ROW OF OLD FAMILY PHOTOS. 10:23:04:03 Gok Wan This is my cousin. Kookie. And that’s my father’s oldest brother. And there’s my dad. That’s my dad. Oh my god look at him. My god he had so much hair. 10:23:18:18 NARRATOR THE HOUSE IS RARELY USED BUT SINCE MY GRANDPARENTS DEATH IT’S BEEN KEPT ON AS A STATUS SYMBOL AND AS A PERMANENT MARK OF RESPECT FOR THE FAMILY’S ANCESTORS. 10:23:29:23 NARRATOR BUT I CAN’T HANG ABOUT. I’VE GOT A JOB TO DO AT THE FAMILY’S ANCESTRAL SHRINES. AND THE ONLY WAY TO GET THERE IS PUSHING A WOBBLY TROLLEY IN THE SWELTERING HEAT. 10:23:41:16 Gok Wan Bloody hell. 10:23:48:12 Gok Wan Oh. God. 10:23:55:12 Gok Wan Bloody hell. 10:23:57:03 NARRATOR Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 35 GRANNY HAD BETTER APPRECIATE THIS. 10:24:05:16 Gok Wan Hello. Everyone. 10:24:11:08 Gok Wan Right. 10:24:18:24 Gok Wan Forgive ancestors if I’m getting all this wrong but you know the intention is there. 10:24:25:05 NARRATOR FIRST SOME SYMBOLIC BANK NOTES FOR MY ANCESTORS TO SPEND IN THEIR AFTERLIFE. 10:24:34:09 Gok Wan Oh bloody hell it’s hot. 10:24:36:06 NARRATOR THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ELEGANT AND BEAUTIFUL RITUAL. 10:24:41:06 Gok Wan How does my dad do it? I don’t understand. 10:24:47:14 NARRATOR AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO PROVE TO MYSELF I COULD DO THE RITUAL LAMY WAS GETTING WORRIED I WAS ABOUT TO BE STRUCK BY THE GODS SO SHE GIVES ME A HAND. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 36 10:25:02:12 Gok Wan Sorry. Sorry. All of Hong Kong gets destroyed by me coming over praying to my ancestors. 10:25:12:02 NARRATOR NEXT I TURN TO THE SHRINE CONTAINING THE BONES OF MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY. 10:25:18:16 Gok Wan This shrine has got my grandfather in, my grandmother and my dad’s brother who died when he was a baby. There’s space in here for my dad which is horrible. 10:25:36:14 Gok Wan I don’t want my dad to come here. 10:25:51:20 Gok Wan This is for you lot. Granddad in particular, this is from my dad for you. He misses you. He really does. 10:26:15:09 NARRATOR MAKING OFFERINGS FOR RELATIVES THAT I KNEW RATHER THAN NAMELESS ANCESTORS FEELS DIFFERENT IN A WAY THAT’S REALLY DIFFICULT TO DESCRIBE. 10:26:24:23 Gok Wan Oh another one. 10:26:26:24 NARRATOR ALTHOUGH THIS IS WITHOUT DOUBT ONE OF THE ODDEST THINGS Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 37 I’VE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE SUDDENLY IT DOESN’T FEEL QUITE AS ALIEN AS IT PROBABLY SHOULD. 10:26:38:05 Gok Wan Thank you. 10:26:39:05 NARRATOR I MAY NOT BE MADE IN CHINA BUT IT’S STARTING TO FEEL LIKE THERE MIGHT BE A PART OF ME THAT REALLY DOES BELONG HERE. 10:26:52:16 NARRATOR SO FAR IN MY MADE IN CHINA ADVENTURE I’VE SEEN HOW THE CHINESE INSTINCT FOR COPYING AND MASS PRODUCING HAS LED TO AN ECONOMIC BOOM TIME. BUT I’M HEADING FOR A PLACE WHERE I’M TOLD THEY MIGHT OF TAKEN THIS COPYING OBSESSION A LITTLE BIT TOO FAR. 10:27:08:04 Gok Wan It’s like driving into Tunbridge Wells. Tudor mock buildings with the beams outside. 10:27:15:07 NARRATOR NOT CONTENT WITH JUST MASS PRODUCING WESTERN DESIGNS FOR WHOLESALE EXPORT THE CHINESE HAVE GONE THE WHOLE HOG AND COPIED AN ENTIRE TOWN. 10:27:24:13 NARRATOR IN THAMES RECREATED. TOWN EVERYTHING HAS BEEN MASTERFULLY Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 38 10:27:30:15 NARRATOR EVEN THE USUALLY GRIM FACED CHINESE POLICE ARE DRESSED LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF A CHERYL COLE VIDEO. AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY LIVE HERE. 10:27:39:05 Gok Wan This is absolutely bonkers. Apparently there’s not a single house in this Thames Town which is available. Every single one is sold. Ooh everyone is sold out. And I think we might be interrupting something. 10:27:57:15 Gok Wan Can we go past? Can we walk past? Is that okay? Thank you. Congratulations if you’re getting married. I’m not too sure if you are. 10:28:07:11 Gok Wan Oh no there’s another wedding. Oh my god I am in a weird sci-fi movie. This is absolutely bonkers. Oh my god there’s another one. They’re all coming at me. I feel like oh no they’re clones. 10:28:19:02 NARRATOR IT’S LIKE THE STEPFORD WIVES BUT MASS PRODUCED CHINESE STYLY. 10:28:24:23 Gok Wan I’m surrounded by four or five wedding shoots. I don’t even know if they’re really getting married. This is absolutely the epitome of fake town. Even the weddings are fake. 10:28:34:13 Gok Wan Hello. Do you live here? Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 39 10:28:38:03 Gok Wan No one wants to talk to me. I’ve spent five days of people not wanting to talk to me. In England everyone wants to talk to me. Everyone wants me to touch their breasts. Here no one will talk to me. I want to go home. 10:28:49:06 NARRATOR BEFORE I LOSE IT COMPLETELY MY NEW TRANSLATOR KOREK STEPS IN TO EXPLAIN WHAT’S GOING ON. THE NEW SPIRIT OF CHINESE ENTERPRISE HAS MADE PHOTO AND FILM SHOOTS THE TOWN’S NUMBER ONE INDUSTRY. 10:29:01:14 Korek Shooting. 10:29:03:11 Gok Wan Oh right okay. 10:29:03:16 Korek Wedding photos. 10:29:05:10 Gok Wan Okay. Would you ask? Oh they’re asleep those ones. I think. 10:29:10:13 Korek They’re sleeping. 10:29:11:11 Gok Wan They’re sleeping. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 40 10:29:12:10 Korek Pretending to be sleeping because they’re having shoot. 10:29:15:01 Gok Wan It’s amazing. 10:29:15:14 Korek Yes. 10:29:16:01 Gok Wan It’s amazing. When I finally find someone to love and get married I’m not going to go to Disneyland and have my pictures taken. I’m going to do it in a nice place where I know. I’m so freaked out Korek. I can’t work it out. I cannot work it out. 10:29:32:10 NARRATOR I DECIDE TO GATHER MY THOUGHTS IN THE CHURCH SITTING PROUDLY ON ITS VERY OWN FAKE VILLAGE GREEN. 10:29:37:01 Gok Wan If I burst into flames when I walk in here my mum’s not going to be very happy. 10:29:43:15 Gok Wan Oh my god. It’s like toy town. Hello. 10:29:50:21 Gok Wan I can’t help but feel that they’ve bought this church from Ikea and they’ve put it together themselves. Flat pack church. 10:29:58:11 NARRATOR Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 41 THE CHURCH IS AN EXACT COPY OF ST MARY REDCLIFFE IN BRISTOL. 10:30:03:00 NARRATOR IT CERTAINLY LOOKS THE PART. THE PROBLEM IS IT JUST DON’T FEEL IT. 10:30:10:09 Gok Wan I’ve never been anywhere that feels so unreligious in my entire life. It feels completely, even the church feels fake. 10:30:30:06 Gok Wan It is surreal. 10:30:32:00 NARRATOR THERE REALLY IS NOTHING THAT THE CHINESE CAN’T OR WON’T COPY. THERE’S NO DOUBTING THE QUALITY AND ATTENTION TO DETAIL BUT WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? WHY RECREATE SOMEONE ELSE’S HERITAGE? IT’S STRANGE HOW SOMETHING THAT LOOKS SO FAMILIAR IS MAKING ME FEEL SO BLOODY ALIEN. 10:30:50:07 Gok Wan In a weird way I suppose today the why I feel so crazy and mental is because I thought two days ago that I was starting to understand a part of my heritage and understand what I’m about and at the age of 37 have dual nationality and being mixed race, Asian meant something but every single time I feel like I’ve worked that one out a curve ball like Thames Town comes sweeping into my mind and it freaks me out slightly. Because I suppose what I wanted from this journey was to really try and understand who I am as a person. And I have no fucking clue right now what it means to be half Chinese. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 42 10:31:33:15 NARRATOR I MANAGE TO ESCAPE FROM THE FAKERY OF THAMES TOWN BY FLAGGING DOWN, OF ALL THINGS, A LONDON TAXI. 10:31:40:05 Gok Wan So you might think this is quite strange. I am currently sat in a black cab. It’s actually not that strange because like Thames Town, China seems to have an absolute obsession with all things Brit. And believe it or not these cars are actually made in this country. 10:31:58:01 NARRATOR THE GEELY FACTORY OUTSIDE SHANGHAI MAKES COMPLETE TAXI KIT FOR ASSEMBLY IN THE UK AS WELL AS ROAD READY CABS FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD. 10:32:07:00 Gok Wan Still got the door that confuses everyone. 10:32:10:04 NARRATOR AS SUSAN THE FACTORY REP TAKES ME AROUND IT ALL SEEMS REALLY WELL ORGANISED. DESPITE THE BAFFLING CORPORATE SLOGANS. 10:32:21:18 NARRATOR IT’S WEIRD TO SEE A CLASSIC ICON THAT I’VE ALWAYS ASSUMED TO BE 100% BRITISH EMERGING FROM A FACTORY HALFWAY ACROSS THE WORLD. 10:32:30:13 Gok Wan Can we go in and have a little look? Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 43 10:32:31:02 Susan Yeah. Before we have a look you. 10:32:33:00 Gok Wan Oh. Lovely. 10:32:33:24 Susan Wear this. 10:32:34:13 Gok Wan What a treat. Are they made in China? 10:32:36:13 Susan Yeah. 10:32:37:23 NARRATOR IN ALL MY TIME IN CHINA THIS IS THE VERY FIRST NOD TO HEALTH AND SAFETY I’VE SEEN. 10:32:41:06 Gok Wan Will they go over my glasses? Ooh. Oh no. 10:32:44:07 NARRATOR OOPS. 10:32:45:23 Gok Wan Sorry. I’ve just broken it. 10:32:48:24 Susan Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 44 It doesn’t matter. Wow. You look cool. 10:32:51:05 Gok Wan I feel like I need to go raving. This is it now. Oh, oh, oh, oh, car factory. I love it. 10:32:57:17 Susan Let’s go. 10:32:58:11 Gok Wan How many of these cabs are you making in one year? 10:33:00:24 Susan This year we had a good year because we received a 1000 order from Azerbaijan. 10:33:06:15 Gok Wan A 1000 orders from Azerbaijan. 10:33:08:09 Susan Yeah. 10:33:10:00 NARRATOR GENIUS. THEY’VE COPIED A BRITISH DESIGN AND FLOGGED IT TO A PLACE MOST BRITS HAVE HARDLY EVER HEARD OF. NOW THAT’S BUSINESS SAVVY. AND TO KEEP UNIT COSTS DOWN EVERY SINGLE COMPONENT INCLUDING THE STEEL ITSELF IS MADE IN CHINA. IN FACT THE ONLY IMPORT HERE IS A BLOKE FROM COVENTRY CALLED LEE. LEE WAS SENT HERE TO BECOME A PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR TO AVOID THE POSSIBILITY OF REDUNDANCY BACK IN THE UK. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 45 10:33:36:22 Lee Only been here three months myself but we have a lot of cultural differences between us. Some of their ways are better. Some of our ways are better. They’ll work all the hours they can. No problem at all. They’re very flexible. They’re very helpful. They’re very respectful. Not saying we’re not all respectful but nothing’s too much trouble over here. 10:33:56:13 Gok Wan How have you slotted in to a completely different way of working? 10:33:59:09 Lee I had to come here with a completely open mind. We tend to discuss a lot more. Tend to have a lot more meetings about what we’re going to do. 10:34:05:13 Gok Wan Yeah. 10:34:06:01 Lee And then we have another meeting to check that we’re still going to do it. And then we have a meeting say yes we agree we’ll do it. 10:34:11:13 Gok Wan So it’s just meeting after meeting. So a lot of discussion. 10:34:13:23 Lee Big culture. 10:34:14:18 NARRATOR BUT JUST AS LEE CAME ALL THE WAY HERE TO KEEP HIS JOB. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 46 COULD IT BE THAT THE CHINESE WORKERS MAY FACE A SIMILAR DILEMMA IN THE FUTURE? 10:34:22:03 Gok Wan I worry that the country is developing at a really fast rate and they’ve got an economy they’re getting used to now. If then it gets filtered out and it goes to another country that can do it slightly cheaper and at the end of the day it’s got to be about money. What happens to this country then? What can they do to keep this? 10:34:37:13 Lee I’m not sure. I mean if I knew the answer to that I would rather it probably stayed in the UK to begin with. You’ve got to make sure that you stay competitive and build quality. 10:34:45:04 Gok Wan Yeah. 10:34:46:09 Lee As soon as your quality slips or you lose that edge of competitiveness then you’re on a hiding. 10:34:51:03 NARRATOR WELL FROM THE QUALITY OF WORK I’VE WITNESSED CHINA IS DEFINITELY HERE TO STAY. IT’S TIME TO TAKE THIS BABY OUT. 10:34:58:10 Gok Wan Is it ready? 10:34:59:18 Lee Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 47 No. No. You’re not going to drive it over the pit because you’ll have a nightmare. We’ll get it off the pit there. 10:35:03:03 Gok Wan I’m a very good driver actually I’ll have you know. 10:35:05:13 Lee Can you drive it over there? 10:35:06:18 Gok Wan Honestly. Yeah of course I will. Honestly. I’m the best gay driver in London. I’m telling you. I’m amazing. 10:35:13:03 Gok Wan Alright sweetheart. 10:35:16:14 NARRATOR I WOULD HAVE GIVEN LEE A LIFT HOME BUT I WASN’T GOING SOUTH OF THE YANGTZE. 10:35:21:02 NARRATOR IT’S NOW A WEEK SINCE I LEFT HONG KONG AND I’M FINALLY BACK IN A TRULY INTERNATIONAL METROPOLIS SHANGHAI. 23 MILLION PEOPLE LIVE HERE ON THE YANGTZE DELTA. THIS CITY WAS BORN TO TRADE. 10:35:35:03 NARRATOR SHANGHAI IS THE TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD AND ACROSS THE CITY THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF GIANT STORES LIKE THIS ONE SELLING THE VERY LATEST KIT TO ITS GADGET OBSESSED Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 48 POPULATION. 10:35:48:07 NARRATOR CHINA MAKES 40% OF ALL ELECTRONIC GADGETS PRODUCED WORLDWIDE AND THAT’S NOT COUNTING ITS HUGE OUTPUT OF FAKES AND PIRATED ELECTRONIC GOODS. 10:35:58:17 Gok Wan So obviously China and the whole of Asia in fact is known worldwide for their technology. I mean in fact most of the technology, most of the brands are in fact Asian. A lot of the stuff is made here and you get these emporiums all over Asia whether you’re in Singapore, Thailand, or in fact in Shanghai now, where it’s just technology crazy. Speaker phones. Mobile phones. I mean literally anything. There isn’t a single thing I don’t think that is technical that you wouldn’t be able to buy here. 10:36:29:09 NARRATOR AND THAT INCLUDES A GADGET THAT MIGHT HELP ME BREAK THE LANGUAGE BARRIER. 10:36:33:05 Computer CHINESE DIALOGUE. 10:36:35:04 Gok Wan (CHINESE DIALOGUE). Doll. Is that it means? Does it translate everything? 10:36:41:16 Computer Where is the rest room? 10:36:44:02 Computer Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 49 CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:36:45:04 Gok Wan Oh my god this is like the most remarkable thing. 10:36:48:21 Computer CHINESE DIALOGUE 10:36:49:00 NARRATOR OKAY. IT MIGHT LOOK LIKE SOMETHING YOU’D FIND ON A TOP SHELF IN SOHO BUT MY BIG PINK PENGUIN PAL IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND. 10:36:56:16 Computer (CHINESE DIALOGUE). Maybe something is wrong with it. 10:37:01:19 Gok Wan Okay. I will have this and this please. 10:37:05:03 Computer Can I get a receipt? 10:37:08:10 Gok Wan I mean this is the busiest hub. I haven’t seen that much of excitement since I’ve got to China really. They absolutely love their technology. Now I know where I get it as well. So whether you’re talking about translator pens or you’re talking about very nearly the real article just here, it doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s got a motherboard, a keyboard, and it flashes, to me the Chinese absolutely love it. This is technology centre of the world. Without doubt or question. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 50 10:37:36:15 NARRATOR BUT I’M NOT JUST IN SHANGHAI TO PICK UP DODGY GEAR. I’M ON THE TRAIL OF SOMEONE WHO REJECTS THE CURRENT CULTURE OF COPYING THE LATEST WESTERN DESIGN. 10:37:47:14 Gok Wan I’m about to go and meet a guy called Clement but I’ve got to find him first of all. And I am in downtown Shanghai on my own looking like a 6’1” Chinese homo. So I’m hoping I’m hoping I’m not going to get shot. 10:37:58:16 Gok Wan 665. 751. 667. So we’re on the wrong side. 10:38:05:06 Gok Wan Now. 10:38:09:16 Gok Wan What’s really nice as well is everything is really in my head level. 10:38:14:14 NARRATOR THIS LOOKS LIKE THE PLACE. 10:38:18:13 Gok Wan Hello. Ooh. Hello. Is this your office? Number four please. 10:38:25:05 Gok Wan Thank you. An office in a lift. It’s the most efficient lift I’ve ever been to in my life. 10:38:37:09 Gok Wan Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 51 Wow. Bloody hell. Hello. Hi. How are you? Hi. Hi. I’m Gok. Hi. Ooh sorry you’re holding a fan. How are you? I’m here to see Clement. Clement? Yeah. Stylist. 10:38:49:16 Woman I don’t know. Maybe. 10:38:51:00 Gok Wan Shall I go round? Okay. I’ll go and have a little look. Wow this is beautiful. I had no idea at all. There’s a woman with an office in a lift just so you know. 10:39:02:24 NARRATOR SO FAR IN CHINA I’VE YET TO MEET A PERSON WHO WOULDN’T BENEFIT FROM SOME USEFUL STYLE TIPS FROM YOURS TRULY. 10:39:08:23 Gok Wan Knock, knock. Hello. Hi. Hi. Hey Clement. Hey how are you? I’m Gok. 10:39:13:05 NARRATOR ON SECOND THOUGHTS THAT MIGHT NOT BE NEEDED. 10:39:15:04 Gok Wan Well thank you very much indeed. Hi guys. Hey how are you? Thank you for inviting me over to your photo shoot. 10:39:20:05 Clement You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure. And welcome to Shanghai. 10:39:24:21 NARRATOR CLEMENT MIGHT BE A SURREAL COPY OF YOURS TRULY BUT HE Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 52 WANTS TO LEAD CHINESE STYLE IN A NEW DIRECTION WHERE IT NOT ONLY MAKES BUT IT DESIGNS. 10:39:33:22 Clement Today all the clothing is from Chinese designers. So we want to. 10:39:36:10 Gok Wan Oh are they? Wonderful. 10:39:37:16 Clement All from Chinese designers. So I talk with Shin Shin. We want to do some shooting like east into west. So we’re using the western face. The first model be a western and they’ll still be clothes like an eastern and Chinese. So we’ll do some like a very fusion. A very delicious fusion fruit. 10:39:52:01 Gok Wan Delicious. Delicious fusion fruit. I’m very turned on. I love this. Right. Let’s have a look. 10:39:58:01 NARRATOR CLEMENT IS OPENING THE DOOR FOR AN ASPIRATIONAL NEW GENERATION NOT CONTENT TO WORK IN FACTORIES MASS PRODUCING OTHER PEOPLE’S PRODUCTS FOR A PITTANCE. AND THE CLOTHES THEMSELVES ARE GORGEOUS. 10:40:10:13 Gok Wan Oh my god I love this. 10:40:11:21 Clement It’s an Uma Wang. Yeah. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 53 10:40:12:12 Gok Wan Oh my god. That is absolutely beautiful. 10:40:16:06 Clement 15 years ago there are not so many young talented Chinese designers. 10:40:20:03 Gok Wan Why was that do you think? 10:40:22:12 Clement I think it was because you know, just check how long history Chinese fashion industry have. I mean now it’s a golden time because like a second generation even we call them a second reach generation, they all get the experience and go abroad. And when they come back because they’re still Chinese so they try to use their own knowledge with the study abroad and then makes it their own route, their culture, the Chinese culture. 10:40:45:05 Gok Wan Because it kind of makes sense if you’ve got your talent and you’ve got your creativity here you can make it all under one roof. 1.2 billion people. That’s a lot of pairs of trousers. You could be in a very short amount of time number one in the fashion world right? 10:40:57:01 Clement Yeah. 10:40:57:21 Gok Wan And truly. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 54 10:40:58:12 Clement Potential customers they’re all here. And also I think like ten years ago maybe China is more about made in China but now we have so many young talent it’s more about creativity. So it’s kind of changing into design China. 10:41:09:14 Gok Wan Yeah. 10:41:13:13 NARRATOR CLEMENT’S MARRIED THAT REMARKABLE WORK ETHIC THAT I’VE SEEN THROUGHOUT MY JOURNEY TO SOMETHING I’VE NOT COME ACROSS ON MY TRIP SO FAR, CREATIVITY AND ORIGINALITY. AND GOOD FOR HIM. YOU KNOW ME. I’M ALL FOR CHALLENGING THE MINDSET AND EMBRACING THE INDIVIDUAL. 10:41:30:15 Clement Perfect. 10:41:32:13 Gok Wan It feels slightly underground. You know, China’s known around the world for manufacturing product for every other country. You know, probably other than themselves. I think by scratching the surface a little bit there are going to be little hubs of people and industries just like this one trying to find their own names and it feels almost like a revolution. It’s really exciting. 10:41:56:03 NARRATOR IT WAS REASSURING TO FINAL FIND CREATIVITY ALIVE AND WELL AMIDST THE FACELESS FACTORIES AND THE ENDLESS MASS PRODUCTION. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 55 10:42:06:12 NARRATOR THE CHINESE WORK ON AVERAGE NEARLY 50 HOURS A WEEK SO WHERE BETTER TO UNWIND THAN THE PEOPLE’S PARK IN THE CENTRE OF SHANGHAI. 10:42:24:03 NARRATOR AND WHO COULD PASS UP THE OFFER OF A LESSON IN THE ANCIENT ART OF THAI CHI FROM THE LOCAL MASTER MR CHOUX. 10:42:32:11 Gok Wan Okay so now we’re turning. Ooh hello. Can’t see. Can’t see. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. What did you do? What did you do? What did you do? What did you do? 10:42:41:12 Gok Wan Ooh. Bollocks. 10:42:44:08 NARRATOR AT LEAST THE LOCALS WERE CLEARLY IMPRESSED. 10:42:46:20 SUBTITLE: Ridiculous trousers! 10:42:48:00 Gok Wan Ooh my trousers are a bit too. Trousers being a bit too low. Right. He’s very good isn’t he? Isn’t he very good? How long has Mr Choux been doing Thai Chi? 10:43:08:04 Gok Wan Hello. Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 56 10:43:15:04 Gok Wan I think he’s gone somewhere else now. 10:43:19:22 NARRATOR MR CHOUX MAY HAVE ZENNED OUT BUT I THINK I’VE FOUND THE UNIQUE CHINESE ATMOSPHERE MY DAD SAID HE MISSED IN THIS QUIET OASIS SURROUNDED BY ALL THE SKYSCRAPERS. 10:43:39:17 Gok Wan Strangely rewarding. And I think if I played badminton in London they might think I was all mad. But I love it. The simple stuff back to how you have fun. 10:43:58:00 NARRATOR DISCOVERING THE SIMPLE HUMAN SIDE OF CHINA HAS MADE MY TRIP COMPLETE. I’VE ENCOUNTERED A NATION THAT PLACES PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFIT BEFORE PEOPLE. I’VE BEEN SHOCKED BY CHINA’S SHEER AMBITION AND OVERWHELMED BY THE DAILY GRIND OF ITS WORKERS. 10:44:15:03 NARRATOR I’VE BEEN AMAZED BY THE SHEER QUALITY OF THE MADE IN CHINA BRAND AND BEEN BAFFLED BY THE CHINESE LOVE AFFAIR WITH FAKERY. AND I’VE SEEN A GLIMPSE OF CHINA IN THE FUTURE. A CONFIDENT, INNOVATIVE AND FREE SOCIETY WHERE IDEALS AND INDIVIDUALISM ARE CHERISHED. 10:44:35:00 NARRATOR BUT HAD MY EXPERIENCES HELPED ME COME TO TERMS WITH THE THREE LITTLE WORDS THAT HAVE SENT ME ON THIS JOURNEY IN Gok Wan Made In China INTERNATIONAL VERSION TX Script 57 THIS FIRST PLACE? 10:44:44:14 Gok Wan I don’t know whether I’m any closer to understanding what made in China really means. And I think I thought that I might come here stupidly and in eight days truly understand my Asian blood and understand everything about this culture. But I don’t feel like I really fit in here. And I think I thought I might do. But what I’d like to do I think is I’d like to come back and I didn’t think I’d say that two days ago. But I’d like to come back I think and bring my dad and show him what’s happened to China and how the country has changed. 10:45:12:00 Gok Wan But maybe this is just the beginning. Maybe in 10 years time I might really understand what it means to be half English and half Chinese. And maybe that tattoo on the back of my neck will mean something completely different. 10:45:30:00 END CREDITS: 10:45:57:04 END CARD: