Materials Science and the new GCSE Science

Department of Materials,
The University of Oxford
Materials Science and the new GCSE
Science Specifications
An overview of coverage of Materials Science
topics in the new GCSE Science Specifications
being taught from September 2006 in Secondary
Schools and Colleges in England and Wales
David Hutton
Assistant Schools Liaison Officer
1. Introduction
2. The National Curriculum for Science at Key Stage 4 from September 2006
3. Common features of all new GCSE Science Specifications
4. Outline of new GCSE Science Specifications
5. Charts mapping Materials Science topics in new GCSE Specifications
6. Opportunities for Support at Key Stage 4 (experiments/master classes)
7. Links to Information sources
8. Bibliography
Commencing in September 2006, Secondary Schools in England and Wales will be teaching a new
range of courses based on a revised National Curriculum Programme of Study. The Programme of
Study has been greatly condensed with a view to freeing up time to enable teachers to teach Science
in a way that can more closely match the particular needs of their pupils. Most pupils will complete
these courses in 2008 and start post-16 study in September 2008. Hence University applications
featuring these specifications will commence in September 2009, though it is likely that initial
queries from interested students will come in earlier than this. The aim of this study is to identify
those areas of the new GCSE Science Specifications that relate to Materials Science. In doing this, it
is hoped that it will be easier for interested parties to do the following:
 Give University staff involved with admissions to Materials Science subjects a clearer idea of
relevant background material covered in the different GCSE Science specifications.
 Enable educators both at School and University level to identify areas where support can be given
to the study of Materials science based topics, e.g. in providing interactive investigations,
background materials, research projects, master classes.
 Help raise awareness of Materials Science as a discipline among teaching staff at schools and
hence raise awareness among pupils.
 By increasing awareness of the challenges and opportunities offered by Materials Science, it is
hoped that a positive effect will be seen upon the numbers of pupils choosing to study Science
subjects at University, and in particular the number studying Materials Science.
The most usual route for a pupil wishing to progress to study post-16 and post-18 will be via a
double award comprising GCSE Science and GCSE Additional Science or by taking three separate
GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. However it is quite possible that pupils with particular
interests/abilities may increasingly choose a double award comprising GCSE Science and a separate
GCSE for one of the three sciences, e.g. GCSE Science with GCSE Physics. The diagram below
shows how different combinations of GCSE qualifications may lead on to further study.
This table illustrates some possible routes into post-16 study for different GCSE selections
Science Entry
Level pass
BTEC First
Certificate in
Science Level
GCSE Science
and GCSE
Science grades
Science and
grades A*-C
and Biology
grades A*-C
Science and
Science grades
Science NVQ
Level1 or
GCSE Science
Science or
Diploma or
BTEC Level 3
or Applied
in a science
related subject
Diploma or
BTEC Level 3
or GCE
Biology or
National Diploma
or BTEC Level 3
or Applied GCE
AS/A2 in a
science related
and Biology
NVQ Level
2 science
A single GCSE in Science, as at present, would not normally be sufficient to progress to AS/A2 level
in any of the separate sciences.
The National Curriculum for Science at Key Stage 4 from September 2006
The new GCSE Science Specifications being taught from September 2006 have been written to meet
the requirements of the new National Curriculum Programme of Study, shown below.
Knowledge, skills and understanding- “How Science Works”
Data, evidence, theories and explanations
1) Students should be taught:
a) how scientific data can be collected and analysed
b) how interpretation of data, using creative thought, provides evidence to test ideas and develop theories
c) how explanations of many phenomena can be developed using scientific theories, models and ideas
d) that there are some questions that science cannot currently answer, and some that science cannot address.
Practical and enquiry skills
2) Students should be taught to:
a) plan to test a scientific idea, answer a scientific question, or solve a scientific problem
b) collect data from primary or secondary sources, including using ICT sources and tools
c) work accurately and safely, individually and with others, when collecting first-hand data
d) evaluate methods of collection of data and consider their validity and reliability as evidence.
Communication skills
3) Students should be taught to:
a) recall, analyse, interpret, apply and question scientific information or ideas
b) use both qualitative and quantitative approaches
c) present information, develop an argument and draw a conclusion, using scientific, technical and mathematical language,
conventions and symbols and ICT tools.
Applications and implications of science
4) Students should be taught:
a) about the use of contemporary scientific and technological developments and their benefits, drawbacks and risks
b) to consider how and why decisions about science and technology are made, including those that raise ethical issues, and
about the social, economic and environmental effects of such decisions
c) how uncertainties in scientific knowledge and scientific ideas change over time and about the role of the scientific
community in validating these changes.
Breadth of study
During the key stage, students should be taught the Knowledge, skills and understanding of how science works through the study of
organisms and health, chemical and material behaviour, energy, electricity and radiations, and the environment, Earth and universe.
Organisms and health
5) In their study of science, the following should be covered:
a) organisms are interdependent and adapted to their environments
b) variation within species can lead to evolutionary changes and similarities and differences between species can be measured
and classified
c) the ways in which organisms function are related to the genes in their cells
d) chemical and electrical signals enable body systems to respond to internal and external changes, in order to maintain the
body in an optimal state
e) human health is affected by a range of environmental and inherited factors, by the use and misuse of drugs and by medical
Chemical and material behaviour
6) In their study of science, the following should be covered:
a) chemical change takes place by the rearrangement of atoms in substances
b) there are patterns in the chemical reactions between substances
c) new materials are made from natural resources by chemical reactions
d) the properties of a material determine its uses.
Energy, electricity and radiations
7) In their study of science, the following should be covered:
a) energy transfers can be measured and their efficiency calculated, which is important in considering the economic costs and
environmental effects of energy use
b) electrical power is readily transferred and controlled, and can be used in a range of different situations
c) radiations, including ionising radiations, can transfer energy
d) radiations in the form of waves can be used for communication.
Environment, Earth and universe
8) In their study of science, the following should be covered:
a) the effects of human activity on the environment can be assessed using living and non-living indicators
b) the surface and the atmosphere of the Earth have changed since the Earth's origin and are changing at present
c) the solar system is part of the universe, which has changed since its origin and continues to show long-term changes.
Common features of all new GCSE Science Specifications
The Programme of Study has been drastically slimmed down and the exam boards have met these
requirements within a single GCSE Science specification, allowing a greater range of topics to be
covered in Additional Science and the Separate Sciences. This means that there is much more
variation between the topics covered in different specifications and more options are available to
teachers in the topics they need to teach to GCSE. However, it does mean that pupils will enter post16 courses with quite different scientific experiences. QCA provided guidelines to the Exam Boards
on the content that should feature in all of the specifications, which are summarised below. This
gives a guide to what post-16 teachers can expect ALL pupils to have experienced.
These criteria define the subject-specific essentials for GCSE specifications in science subjects. Specifications must also meet the
requirements of the regulatory authorities’ general requirements, including the Common and GCSE criteria. Any specification that
contains significant elements of the sciences must be consistent with the relevant parts of these criteria, and should appropriately
develop students’ skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works.
Specifications with the title GCSE Science should consist of the skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works, set
entirely in the contexts given by the National Curriculum for Science Programme of Study on the previous page:
At least half of each specification with the title GCSE Additional Science should set the skills, knowledge and understanding,
outlined above, in the context of the following content. The remainder of each specification should set the skills, knowledge and
understanding, outlined above, in the context of a balance of further appropriate scientific content.
(i) Biology
a) Cells and growth
Chemical reactions essential for life and growth take place inside cells. Differences between plant and animal cells lead to different
patterns of growth and development.
b) Energy flow and element cycles
Plant biomass provides energy and nutrients for other organisms. Through the consumption of organisms and decay, energy flows
through the biosphere and chemical elements are recycled within it.
(ii) Chemistry
a) Structure and bonding
The outer electrons of atoms are involved in chemical reactions. The structure and properties of a substance are strongly dependent
on the nature of the bonding which results from the forces between the electrons and nuclei of atoms.
b) Chemical synthesis
Raw materials are converted into new and useful substances by chemical reactions. The theoretical yield of a chemical reaction can
be calculated.
(iii) Physics
a) Forces and motion
Forces arise from interactions between objects. The balance, or otherwise, of these forces on an object affects its movement. Energy
transfers can occur due to these interactions though the total energy remains constant.
b) Nuclear changes
Nuclear changes within unstable atoms cause random emissions of particles. Nuclear changes also cause the emission of energy in
the form of useful and dangerous radiation.
Taken together, GCSE Science and GCSE Additional Science should be equivalent to the GCSE Double Award: Science,
offered under the previous GCSE criteria for science. They should, therefore, provide comparable preparation for further study of
science at level 3. All specifications with the title GCSE Applied Science (Double Award) should set the skills, knowledge and
understanding and content outlined above in appropriate vocational contexts. Any additional content selected should provide
appropriate vocational contexts. At least half of each specification with the title GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry and/or
GCSE Physics should include the appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding and the content outlined above. The remainder
of each specification should consist of further biology, chemistry or physics, as appropriate. Taken together, the three qualifications
should cover all the knowledge, skills and areas of content outlined above.
The following tables show what material QCA expects pupils to encounter when learning about
“How Science Works”. It is expected that this will enable a more holistic approach than the
sometimes fragmentary nature of coursework investigations that featured as part of the assessment
process in previous GCSEs.
The skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works should be set in the context of the following four areas of content.
Organisms and Health
To stay alive, organisms need a supply of energy and materials from their surroundings and from the other living organisms
there. There is often competition between organisms for resources.
Individuals within a species can have characteristics that promote more successful reproduction and rearing. Over generations,
the combined effects of changes to genes, environmental changes and natural selection can produce changes within species, and
new species. Systematic study of the similarities and differences between species, and classification of organisms, helps
understanding of evolutionary and ecological relationships.
The nucleus of a cell contains chromosomes that carry the genes and control the cell’s activity. In sexual reproduction, each
parent contributes half the genes. In asexual reproduction, producing clones, all the genes come from one parent. Genetic
modification offers possibilities for treatment of diseases and to produce organisms with particular characteristics.
Hormones regulate the functions of organs and cells, for example, the sex organs. Mechanisms, such as blood-clotting or reflex
and conscious actions, help safeguard the body.
When new medical treatments are devised, they have to be extensively trialled and tested before being used. The human body has
defence mechanisms against the harmful effects of micro-organisms. Medical treatments against diseases caused by these include
immunisation and antibiotics. The use and misuse of substances, such as solvents, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, can affect
the normal functioning of body systems, affecting mental as well as physical health.
Chemical and material behaviour
All chemical elements are made up of atoms which consist of nuclei and electrons. Different elements have different properties
that relate to the structure of their atoms. Atoms join in different ways to make compounds. No atoms are lost or made in
chemical change.
Similar elements or similar compounds react in similar ways. Knowledge of chemical reactions is useful in predicting what will
happen in other reactions, and in deciding how to make a new material.
All materials are obtained or made from substances in the Earth’s crust, sea or atmosphere or from living things, e.g. oil and
plastics, metals, biomass. The production and disposal of materials can have environmental impacts.
Materials differ in their properties and so are suitable for different purposes. New materials are developed to meet specific
requirements, e.g. ‘smart materials’, nanotechnology.
Energy, electricity and radiations
Energy transfers can be measured, e.g. temperature changes, and modified, e.g. by insulation. Energy use can be costed. The
economic and environmental effects of energy use can be compared and evaluated, e.g. alternative ways of keeping a home at a
suitable temperature.
Electricity is transferred from power stations to consumers and is widely used because it can readily transfer energy to devices
which produce movement, heating, light and sound.
Electromagnetic radiation can transfer energy from a source to a receiver or detector through a vacuum. When radiation strikes
an object, including living material, some energy may pass through it, some may be reflected and some absorbed. Radioactive
materials emit ionising radiation all the time.
Radio waves, microwaves, infra-red and visible light can carry information over large and small distances. Information can be
processed to improve the effectiveness of a communication system.
Environment, Earth and universe
Human activity has measurable effects on the whole biosphere. These are due to population, use of resources, industrial
processes, and levels of pollution and waste. Understanding of these effects is based on field measurements of biotic and abiotic
factors. Planning is needed at local, regional and global levels to manage sustainability.
Changes in the outer layer of the Earth result from the movement of tectonic plates. This causes slow changes, such as the
position of continents and rapid changes, e.g. volcanic eruptions. The atmosphere originated from gases escaping from the
Earth’s interior; it has changed as living organisms have evolved.
Exploration of the solar system and the galaxies in the universe can be carried out on the Earth and from space. Current
evidence suggests the universe is expanding and that it began with a ‘big bang’
The skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works should be set in the context of the following three areas of content.
The essential chemical reactions of protein synthesis and respiration are catalysed by enzymes inside living cells. Mitosis
enables organisms to grow, replace worn out cells and repair damaged tissues. Most animal cells lose the ability to
differentiate at an early stage but many plant cells retain it, enabling plants to regenerate from undifferentiated cells in
suitable conditions. Animals tend to grow to a finite size whereas many plants are able to grow continuously.
Plants produce biomass by photosynthesis, using carbon dioxide from the air, mineral salts from the soil, and energy from
the Sun. Energy released during respiration enables processes to take place inside living organisms. As an organism grows,
it takes in chemicals and incorporates elements from these into its own body structure. When it dies, it decays and the
elements within it are recycled.
Metals conduct because there are relatively free electrons in a giant structure of atoms. When outer electrons are shared
with adjacent atoms, strong (covalent) bonds are formed. This can lead to stable molecules (e.g. O2, N2) and hard giant
structures (e.g. diamond). Atoms can lose or gain electrons to form charged ions. The attraction between these results in
strong giant structures which conduct when molten or in solution. There are also weak forces between molecules (e.g. CO2,
iodine and in nanomaterials).
Chemical reactions are of various types, such as oxidation, reduction, neutralisation, precipitation, displacement,
polymerisation, electrolysis and thermal decomposition. Reactions can be observed as reversible, and may reach
equilibrium. They may also be observed as exothermic or endothermic. The theoretical yield of a chemical reaction can be
calculated but the actual yield will almost always be less than this. It is important for sustainable development and for
economy to reduce waste and to choose reactions with high yield, high atom economy and non-vigorous conditions (i.e. low
energy consumption and dissipation).
All forces arise from interactions and come in pairs. Motion, including circular motion, can be described using the concepts
of velocity and acceleration. The concept of change of momentum can be used to relate an object’s motion to the forces
acting on it in a particular situation. Applying forces to objects can cause changes in energy (e.g. stretching a spring or
accelerating a car).
Radioactive elements contain unstable atoms that emit radiation from their nuclei as they decay. Some unstable atoms
undergo nuclear fission with the emission of a great deal of energy. The nuclei of some atoms can be made to join in the
process of nuclear fusion. Fusion is the source of energy release in stars. Background radioactivity originates from minerals
in the Earth, from space, and from artificially created radioactive materials.
Outline of new GCSE Science Specifications
All three Exam Boards for England have developed specifications for teaching the Science
curriculum at GCSE. Development started from the premise that the curriculum has to do two
things: firstly, to develop the scientific literacy of all students; secondly, to provide the foundations
for more advanced courses in science at AS and A2 which some students need. All exam boards
offer suites of courses that follow a similar basic pattern.
Science – a single GCSE offered to all pupils that fulfils National Curriculum requirements.
Additional Science – a second GCSE offered to many/most pupils that would equip them for
AS/A2 study.
Biology/Chemistry/ Physics – single award GCSEs covering full range at GCSE. Available for
some students and will better prepare them for AS/A2 study.
Applied Science/Additional Applied Science – one or two GCSEs where Science is taught within a
vocational context which may benefit students who do not need specialist scientific knowledge.
Available for some/many students leading to advanced vocational science courses and some science
AS courses.
AQA offers two GCSE Science specifications, the key difference between them being in the method
of assessment. These can be added to with more academic further GCSEs or a vocationally oriented
Additional Applied Science. Alternatively, a Double award Applied Science course is offered.
The approach of EDEXCEL is somewhat different in that it only offers a single suite of courses, but
provides support in two parallel schemes of work that allow teachers to deliver the Science and
Additional Science GCSEs via a Concept-led approach (more traditionally academic) or a Contextled approach (setting the work in a more vocational fashion).
OCR offers two suites of courses: Twenty-First Century Science (Suite A) and Gateway Science
(Suite B). The Twenty-First Century suite content is based on the main scientific concepts that
provide a framework for making sense of the world (Science Explanations) and issues involved in
science practices, development of scientific arguments and practical applications (Ideas about
Science). Gateway Science emphasises explanations, theories and modelling in science along with
the implications of science for society.
Specifications offered
Additional Science
Applied Science (Double Award)
Additional Applied Science
The tables that follow give an overview of the specifications offered by the Exam Boards.
Summary of approach
Assessment model
Science A
Science B
Although the layout in the specifications is slightly different, the specifications have identical content, covering the
whole of the KS4 Programme of Study, with the subject areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics presented
separately so that they can be taught by subject specialists if this suits the staffing and/or teaching strategy in the
centre. Procedural Content (‘How Science Works’) is presented separately from substantive content though it is
made clear that both should be interwoven in teaching and they will be examined together. The Biology content
includes Human Biology (response to change, health, drugs, infectious diseases) and Evolution and Environment
(species, habitats, reproduction, evolution, how humans affect the environment). The Chemistry content includes
Products from Rocks (building materials, metals and fuels from oil) and Oils, Earth and Atmosphere (polymers,
ethanol, plant oils, changes in the Earth and its atmosphere). The Physics content includes Energy and Electricity
(thermal energy transfer, efficiency, useful electrical devices, electricity generation) and Radiation and the
Universe (electromagnetic spectrum, uses/dangers of emissions from radioactive sources, origins of the Universe
and how it continues to change).
This is a single award GCSE, separate from and taken after or at the same time as GCSE Science A or B. The
content follows on from that of GCSE Science, and the centre assessment follows the same model as used for
Science A and Science B. However, the emphasis of this specification is somewhat different. Whereas GCSE
Science A and B emphasise evaluating evidence and the implications of science for society, this specification has a
greater emphasis on explaining, theorising and modelling in science. The Biology content includes cells,
diffusion/osmosis, food/energy/biomass, decay/carbon cycle, enzymes, excretion/homeostasis, and inheritance. The
Chemistry content includes atomic/electron structure, bonding, nanoscience, atom economy in reactions,
percentage yield, reversible reactions, reaction rates, energy changes, ions in solutions/electrolysis. The Physics
content includes speed/acceleration/forces, energy/work/momentum, static/current/mains electricity, radioactive
decay, nuclear fusion/fission.
Each of these single award GCSEs would provide the basis for the study of the corresponding GCE science. Like
GCSE Additional Science, they emphasise explaining, theorising and modelling in science. Taken together they
include the whole programme of study for KS4 science, enabling the statutory requirement to be met. Students
could take courses based on these specifications directly after KS3 Science. Alternatively some students may prefer
to take GCSE Science to provide a general background in KS4 Science, then specialise in one or more separate
science(s). Each science comprises the relevant content of Science A/B and Additional Science, plus extra material.
The extra Biology content includes movement of dissolved substances by diffusion, osmosis and active transport;
exchange surfaces; transport systems; aerobic/anaerobic respiration; kidney function, dialysis and transplants;
making food and drink using microorganisms; biogas generators, fermenters, culture of microorganisms.
The extra Chemistry content includes the development of the periodic table and its use to explain trends in Groups
1 and 7 and transition elements; strong and weak acids/alkalis; dissolved substances, solubility, soaps, hard water;
energy changes in reactions, simple energy level/bond energy calculations, calorimetry, energy content of foods;
identification and analysis of substances.
The extra Physics content includes turning effect of forces, circular motion, planets and satellites; mirrors and
lenses, refraction; sound, ultrasound and its applications; motor effect, generators, transformers; life history of
Science A - 6 objective tests – 75%
Tests are available in November, March and June and are
tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Science B – 3 written exams – 75%
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Science A&B - Centre-assessed unit – 25%
The unit comprises an Investigative Skills Assignment,
which is normal class practical work followed by an
externally set, internally assessed test taking 45 minutes,
and a Practical Skills Assessment which is a holistic
practical skills assessment.
This unit is not tiered.
3 written exams – 75%
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Centre-assessed unit – 25%
The unit comprises an Investigative Skills Assignment,
which is normal class practical work followed by an
externally set, internally assessed test taking 45 minutes,
and a Practical Skills Assessment which is a holistic
practical skills assessment.
This unit is not tiered.
EACH of the separate sciences is examined using the
following scheme.
EITHER 2 objective tests - 25% plus 2 written exams –
OR 3 written exams – 75%
Objective tests are available in November, March and
June, Written exams are available in January and June; all
are tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Centre-assessed unit – 25%
The unit comprises an Investigative Skills Assignment,
which is normal class practical work followed by an
externally set, internally assessed test taking 45 minutes,
and a Practical Skills Assessment which is a holistic
practical skills assessment.
This unit is not tiered.
Summary of approach
This is a single award GCSE, separate from and generally taken after GCSE Science A or B by those candidates
who wish to specialise in a vocational approach after the general science course. It exemplifies some procedural
and investigational activities that Food, Forensic and Sports scientists undertake. The GCSE comprises 3 units:
Unit 1 - Science in the Workplace involves an investigation of how science is used in the workplace including
businesses and people, their skills and tasks; health and safety, biological, chemical, physical, radioactive hazards,
hazard warning signs, risk assessments, emergency procedures; first aid, fire prevention
Unit 2 - Science at work. In this unit pupils learn about some of the science used in three specific areas in which
scientists work, Food Science, Forensic Science and Sports Science. The Food Science content includes food
nutrients and their functions, nutrition, food additives, labelling and testing; useful micro-organisms and food
safety; organic and intensive farming in food production. The Forensic Science content includes collection,
recording and interpretation of evidence and forensic samples; qualitative analysis, covalent/ionic bonding,
precipitation, chromatography, fibre analysis, blood typing, DNA profiling; identifying glass/plastic using
refractive index; analysis of databases. The Sports Science content includes the cardiovascular system, aerobic and
anaerobic respiration, homeostasis, antagonistic muscles, physiological measurements; sports nutrition; properties
related to uses of materials for sports clothing and equipment, characteristic properties of metals, polymers,
ceramics, composites.
Unit 3 – Using Scientific Skills. In this unit candidates will use a range of practical skills, and knowledge gained
in Unit 2, in one vocational option (Food Science or Forensic Science or Sports Science) to carry out an
investigation and report and explain their findings. When carrying out this investigation candidates learn about
some techniques used by food scientists, forensic scientists or sports scientists; the purpose of each technique and
how it works; the use of simplified techniques in their own investigations; the importance of working safely and
accurately when collecting first-hand data; the collection of data from databases; interpreting results and drawing
conclusions; evaluating methods of data collection and considering the reliability of evidence; presenting evidence.
Assessment model
Unit 1 – 20% Centre Assessed Portfolio of Work
including a report of an investigation on workplaces that
use scientific skills, describing the work of scientists or
those who use scientific skills; how science is important in
a wide variety of jobs; a report of an investigation carried
out into working safely in a scientific workplace and a
comparison with the health and safety precautions in their
school or college.
This unit is not tiered.
Unit 2 – 40% Written Paper
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Unit 3 – 40% Centre Assessed Portfolio of Work
containing a report of one practical investigation set in a
vocational context covering either food science or
forensic science or sports science. For the report pupils
 explain the vocational application of the investigation;
 produce a plan and complete a risk assessment;
 select appropriate equipment and carry out the plan,
collecting and recording relevant information;
 process the information and make conclusions;
 evaluate the investigation and explain how the findings
could be used and applied.
This unit is not tiered.
Students embarking on KS4 and wishing from the outset to specialise in a vocational approach to science can be
offered GCSE Applied Science (Double Award) which covers the whole programme of study for KS4 science. The
core content of the specification looks at broad vocational areas to which science contributes. It also exemplifies
the procedural and technical knowledge of science practice that medical and material scientists, microbiologists
and analytical chemists may undertake. . The GCSE comprises 4 units:
Unit 1 - Science in the Workplace involves an investigation of how science is used in the workplace including
businesses and people, their skills and tasks; health and safety, biological, chemical, physical, radioactive hazards,
hazard warning signs, risk assessments, emergency procedures; first aid, fire prevention
Unit 2 - Science for the Needs of Society. In this unit pupils learn about some of the science used in six sciencebased occupations; medical professionals, agricultural scientists, scientists involved in production and supply of
raw materials and energy, environmental scientists, transport and communication engineers and scientists who
contribute towards the production of the materials and electrical equipment found in our homes. The Health and
Medicine content includes structure of the healthy body, respiration and circulation, senses, genetics and
inheritance, homeostasis, disease and illness - their diagnosis and treatment, drugs and alcohol. The Countryside
and Environmental Management content includes plant structure and growth, plant nutrition, organic/intensive
farming, food production and other useful products from plants, selective breeding and genetic engineering,
managing the environment, metal extraction and production, fossil fuels as energy sources, alternative energy
sources, environmental management, earth as part of solar system, changes due to human activity. The Home
Environment content includes chemical structure of materials, making useful materials from raw materials,
chemical bonding, limestone, metals and alloys, ceramics, polymers and composites, properties related to uses of
materials, energy use in the home, mains electricity, energy efficiency, useful mixtures and solvents. The Transport
and Communication content includes forces, movement and transportation, stopping distances, fuels used in
transport, electromagnetic radiation and waves, use of emr in communication devices and astronomy, red shift.
Unit 3 – Using Scientific Skills. This unit looks at how different types of scientists work when carrying out
practical tasks, in particular the skills that microbiologists use to investigate living organisms, analytical chemists
use to carry out chemical analysis and materials scientists use to investigate the properties of materials. Pupils carry
out a range of practical tasks involving some of the skills used by these scientists, including: Following Standard
Procedures; Handling Scientific Equipment and Materials; Recording and Analyzing Scientific Data.
Unit 4 – Using Scientific Skills for the Benefit of Society. Pupils complete a range of scientific investigations to
illustrate some ways that particular scientists and engineers use science for the benefit of society. The content
includes: how biologists or medical scientists monitor living organisms, e.g. improving yields of
plants/microorganisms, monitoring mental/physical performance, effects of environment change on
behaviour/growth/development; some of the processes used by chemists to make useful products e.g. product
preparation and purification, actual/theoretical/percentage yield, production costs; the function of the components
used when engineers make and test an electronic or electrical device, e.g. assemble and assess, describe and explain
functions of an electrical or electronic device; the advantages of using machines in the workplace, e.g. identify a
mechanical machine used in the workplace and explain how it works, in terms of force measurements, how the
machine multiplies force, work done and efficiency, advantages and disadvantages of friction in the machine.
Unit 1 – 10% Centre Assessed Portfolio of Work
including a report of an investigation on workplaces that
use scientific skills, describing the work of scientists or
those who use scientific skills; how science is important in
a wide variety of jobs; a report of an investigation carried
out into working safely in a scientific workplace and a
comparison with the health and safety precautions in their
school or college. This unit is not tiered.
Unit 2 – 35% Written paper
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Unit 3 - 27½% Centre Assessed Portfolio of Work
Comprising a portfolio of evidence, which should contain
records of all practical activities covering each of the
following sections:
 Investigating Living Organisms;
 Using Chemical Analysis Techniques;
 Investigating Properties of Materials.
This unit is not tiered.
Unit 4 - 27½% Centre Assessed Portfolio of Work
which shows how they have used their scientific
knowledge and skills to demonstrate how science is used
for the benefit of society. This should include the
following evidence:
 a report, including a plan, on the investigation into the
growth and/or development and/or responses of a
living organism under controlled conditions.
 a report on the production of a chemical product
 a report on making and assessing the effectiveness of
one electrical or electronic device
 an example of the use of a mechanical machine in the
workplace and its effectiveness.
This unit is not tiered
Summary of approach
This specification covers the whole of the kS4 programme of study. How Science Works is a new requirement in
the Criteria for GCSE Science. The specification identifies opportunities to make How Science Works accessible to
all students. How Science Works is primarily about helping students to engage with and challenge the science they
meet in everyday life. Students need to adopt a critical, questioning frame of mind, going ‘behind the scenes’ to
understand the workings of science and how it impacts on society and their lives. It will help students to: identify
questions that science can, and cannot address, and how scientists look for the answers; evaluate scientific claims
by judging the reliability and validity of the evidence appropriately; question the scientific reports they see in the
media, and to communicate their own findings; consider scientific findings in a wider context – recognising their
tentative nature; make informed judgements about science and technology, including any ethical issues that arise.
The specification highlights a range of contemporary and historical science contexts through which to explore How
Science Works. Students need, also, to build on their own experience – planning, carrying out and reflecting upon
their own scientific investigations. The Biology content includes interdependency of animals and plants, adaptation
to the environment, competition for resources and natural selection; gene-dependency of organisms’ characteristics,
variation, genetic modifications and ethical considerations associated with them; homeostasis, nervous system and
senses, how hormones regulate cell/organ function, use of artificial hormones; micro-organisms and disease,
immunisation and antibiotics, use and misuse of substances and effects on mental and physical health, socioeconomic reasons contributing to ill health and ethical considerations for development of treatments. The
Chemistry content includes atomic structure and properties related to periodic table (metals/non-metals, Group
1/Group 7/Group 0/transition metals), molecules and compounds, names of compounds predicted from formulae;
typical reactions, oxidation/reduction, metal extraction based on reactivity series, testing for and collection of
gases; global warming, sustainable development and recycling, fossil fuels from crude oil, alternative fuels,
substances from natural resources such as seawater and rock salt; uses related to properties for materials, new and
smart materials, fermentation to produce alcohol, social and possible harmful effects of alcoholic drinks, intelligent
packaging, emulsifiers. The Physics content includes methods of producing and measuring electricity, solar cells
and batteries, dynamos, Ohm’s Law, applications using change of resistance in electrical devices; calculations of
rate of transfer of electrical energy and efficiency, motors, economic and environmental cost of using electricity,
safety issues (earthing/fuses/RCCB) when using electricity; properties of waves, energy transfer and penetration of
materials, scanning applications that use reflection and absorption of waves, health risks, e-m spectrum, seismic
waves; Characteristics of planets in solar system, formation and evolution of universe and its stars, role of gravity,
requirements for space travel and holidays on different planets, how universe is explored and potential benefits.
This specification builds on the work covered in GCSE Science. The Biology content includes DNA structure and
gene coding, using micro-organisms for food production, protein synthesis, digestive, circulatory and respiratory
systems, respiration; growth of organism, by cell division, elongation and differentiation of cells, mitosis/meiosis
different patterns in growth and development of plants/animals, environmental factors influencing growth and
distribution of plants, selective breeding, cloning, genetic modification/gene therapy; structure of plant/animal
cells, photosynthesis and plants as food/energy producers, active transport, carbon and nitrogen cycles, fertilisers,
environmental consequences of food production; principles of interdependence, adaptation, competition and
predation, pollution of air and water, how extreme environments promote unusual organisms with unusual
strategies, human impacts on environment and management of conservation measures. The Chemistry content
includes carbon chemistry (alkanes/alkenes/cracking), saturated/polyunsaturated fats, polymerisation and plastics,
atom economy of reactions, staged drug synthesis, chemical equations and simple formulae; atomic and electronic
Assessment model
Compulsory External assessment – 60%
GCSE Science comprises six multiple-choice tiered tests,
(2 Biology, 2 Chemistry, 2 Physics) each worth 10%. The
tests are paper-based and electronically marked, are
available in November, March and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*). The option of
onscreen assessment will be introduced at the earliest
opportunity. There is no limit to the number of re-sits that
can be taken: the highest mark will count.
Compulsory Internal assessment – 40%
The internal assessment includes:
1. The assessment of practical skills (10%) carried out by
the teacher using assessment criteria and non-moderated.
2. Assessment activities (30%)
Edexcel will publish internal assessment activities for
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Teachers may select
those that are most appropriate to the needs of their
students. The assessment activities are integral to
supporting teaching and learning and will allow students
to explore how science works in the context of the units.
The best mark for one activity from each of Biology,
Chemistry and Physics is submitted, and the centre marks
will be subject to external moderation.
This unit is not tiered.
Optional Internal/External assessment routes – 60%
For each subject area (Biology/Chemistry/Physics) two of
the three following assessment options must be selected:
 Centre-devised internal assessment (10%)
 External multiple-choice test (10%)
 External structured paper (10%)
Different combinations may be selected for each of the
three subject areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics.
External tests are available in November, March and June
and are tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*).
structure, periodicity and reactivity, properties of metals and alloys, ionic bonding and structures, electrolysis,
isotopes; covalent and metallic bonding and structures, covalent compounds and their properties,
buckminsterfullerenes and nanotubes; rates of reactions and factors involved in changing rates, collision theory,
energy changes in chemical reactions, breaking/formation of bonds/bond energies, reversible/equilibrium reactions.
The Physics content includes measuring motion of moving objects, forces and motion, falling objects, safety
features of vehicles and theme park rides; how theme park rides work, circular motion and forces, conservation of
energy and energy conversions, development of scientific theories through creative imagination such as thought
experiments leading to Einstein’s theory of relativity; properties and uses of ionising radiations, radioactivity and
half-life, background radiation, dangers of ionising radiation, role of earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field; how
nuclear power stations use chain reactions to produce electricity, nuclear fusion in the sun, properties, dangers and
use of electrostatic charges.
These are single GCSEs which when taken together cover the Programme of Study for Science. They include the
relevant subject matter from GCSE Science and GCSE Additional Science, along with specialist extension units in
Biology (Biotechnology; Behaviour in Humans and other Animals), Chemistry (Chemical Detection; Chemistry
Working for Us) and Physics (Particles in Action; Medical Physics). The Biology extension content includes the
use by food industry of biotechnology in the production of many food items, e.g. cheese, yoghurt, alcohol,
chocolate, soy sauce and, more recently, mycoproteins and prebiotics; modification of plants to be resistant to
herbicides and/or pests and environmental implications; stem cell research and ethical questions, including the
definition of ‘life’; genetic modification of organisms to produce substances, including medicines, that are of direct
use to human health; instinctive and learned behaviour in animals; social behaviour and communications; feeding
and reproductive behaviours in animals; human behaviour in relation to other animals. The Chemistry extension
content includes identification of and testing for cations and anions in samples; calculation of amounts of
substances present in moles; calculation of amount of raw material needed in a reaction to produce mass of product
required; determining purity of substances and relation of level of purity to a user’s needs, importance of water; use
of chemistry in everyday life, e.g. washing powders, sweets, cosmetics, paints, dyes, plastics; aspects of safety,
sustainability and effects on environment of many chemical substances and processes (transition metals, their
compounds and uses; organic acids, alcohols and esters; electrolysis; alkali metals, their compounds and uses;
sulphuric acid; soap and detergents). The Physics extension content includes gases and effects of temperature and
pressure; atoms and nuclei, isotopes and radiation, nuclear equations; fundamental and other particles, quarks;
electrons and electron beams and their uses, thermionic emission; refraction, total internal reflection, optical fibres,
endoscopes; action potentials and ECG; radiation and its medical uses, Positron Emission Tomography.
Compulsory Internal assessment – 40%
The internal assessment includes:
1. The assessment of practical skills (10%) carried out by
the teacher using assessment criteria and non-moderated.
2. Assessment activities (30%)
Edexcel will publish internal assessment activities for
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Teachers may select
those that are most appropriate to the needs of their
students. The assessment activities are integral to
supporting teaching and learning and will allow students
to explore how science works in the context of the units.
The best mark for one activity from each of Biology,
Chemistry and Physics is submitted, and the centre marks
will be subject to external moderation.
This unit is not tiered.
Each of the three subjects, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
will be assessed as follows, e.g. GCSE Biology
Compulsory External Assessment – 20%
Two Biology multiple-choice tiered tests (2 × 10%) based
on GCSE Science content. The tests are paper-based and
electronically marked, are available in November, March
and June and are tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher
Optional Internal/External assessment routes – 20%
Two of the three GCSE Additional Science assessment
options must be selected:
 Centre-devised internal assessment (10%)
 External multiple-choice test (10%)
 External structured paper (10%)
External tests are available in November, March and June
and are tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*).
Optional Internal/External assessment routes – 30%
One of two Extension units assessments must be selected:
 Centre-devised internal assessment (30%)
 External structured paper (30%)
Structured single-tiered examination paper available in
June only.
Compulsory Internal assessment – 30%
Internal assessment in Biology associated with GCSE
Science and GCSE Additional Science (2 × 10%)
Non-moderated practical skills assessment throughout the
course (10%)
Science A
Science A
Biology A,
Chemistry A,
Physics A
Summary of approach
The specification content is based on a set of Science Explanations and Ideas about Science. It is presented as nine
modules, each using contexts that make it of clear and immediate relevance and interest to candidates. The contexts
relate to candidates’ everyday experiences and interests, e.g. to issues often in the news, or to work and leisure. The
Biology content includes genes and inheritance, genetic technologies, gene testing; healthy lifestyle, infections and
the immune system, vaccination, antibiotics, drugs testing, heart disease and treatment; evolution and survival,
nervous systems, extinction and biodiversity. The Chemistry content includes air composition and quality, air
pollutants – causes, environmental consequences and range of possible actions; materials and their properties,
crude oil as source of fibres/plastics, molecular structure of fibres/plastics, factors underlying choice of materials,
waste management; food chemistry involving intensive/organic farming, food additives, food testing, health
implications. The Physics content includes Earth and Space, development of Earth and Universe, theories and
explanations; electromagnetic radiation –properties, uses and dangers, global warming, ideas about risk;
radioactive materials, safety and disposal, electricity generation, nuclear power and nuclear waste, health risks.
This is a concept-led course developed to meet the needs of candidates seeking a deeper understanding of basic
scientific ideas. The course focuses on scientific explanations and models, and gives candidates an insight into how
scientists develop scientific understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. The Biology content includes
homeostasis in cells, body control of temperature and water balance; production of new cells, gene control of
growth and development within cells, development of organisms from single cells; senses, nervous system and
response to change in environment, reflex actions, development of more complex behaviour, brain co-ordination of
senses, effects of drugs on nervous system. The Chemistry content includes patterns in and explanations for
properties of elements, properties of compounds of Group 1 and Group 7 elements; types of chemicals making up
atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere; what chemicals make up the biosphere; extracting useful metals from
minerals; chemicals and why we need them, planning, carrying out and controlling chemical synthesis. The Physics
content includes motion, forces, connection between motion and forces, motion in terms of energy changes; electric
current, series and parallel electric circuits, production of mains electricity, use of electrical energy in the home; the
nature of waves, light and sound as waves, electromagnetic radiation, how information is added to a wave.
Each of these provides an opportunity for further developing an understanding of science explanations, how
science works and the study of elements of applied science, with particular relevance to professional scientists.
They include the relevant subject matter from GCSE Science A and GCSE Additional Science A, along with
extension units in Further Biology, Further Chemistry and Further Physics Observing the Universe. The Further
Biology content includes an explanation of energy flow through ecosystems which extends knowledge and
understanding of the interdependence of organisms; more about autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, exploring a
range of nutritional interactions, including parasitism; sickle-cell anaemia provides a useful context to draw
together explanations of gene theory and evolution; the science behind genetic testing, and also other new genetic
technologies, including genetic modification and large-scale growth of microorganisms to produce, e.g. antibiotics,
single-cell protein and hormones; the economic, social and ethical implications for the release of genetically
modified organisms; their own energy requirements, learning more about respiration and their own physiology
(circulatory and skeletal systems),which also provides an opportunity to consider the application of science by
those practitioners who work to improve people’s health and fitness. The Further Chemistry content includes
introductory organic chemistry taking alcohols and carboxylic acids as the main examples. This builds on previous
coverage of hydrocarbon molecules. The second and third topics lay the foundations for more advanced study
of physical chemistry by exploring chemical concepts on a molecular scale include the connection between energy
Assessment model
4 written exams - 66⅔%
Three of the papers (16⅔% each) are based on modules
from the specification and are available in January and
June. The fourth, Ideas in Context (16⅔%), is based on
pre-release material and is only available in June. All are
tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Skills Assessment (Centre-assessed) - 33⅓%
Practical data Analysis and Case Study: This Skills
assessment comprises two units:
 The critical analysis of primary data (13⅓%)
 Case study of a topical scientific issue (20%)
The Skills Assessment is not tiered.
4 written exams - 66⅔%
Three of the papers (16⅔% each) are based on modules
from the specification and are available in January and
June. The fourth, Ideas in Context (16⅔%), is based on
pre-release material and is only available in June. All are
tiered at Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Skills Assessment (Centre-assessed) - 33⅓%
Practical Investigation: This unit comprises five strands,
(Strategy, Collecting Data, Interpreting Data, Evaluation
and Presentation), which together are used to assess a
complete investigative task. This unit is assessed by
teachers, internally standardized and then externally
moderated by OCR. This unit is not tiered.
3 written exams - 66⅔%
Two of the papers (16⅔% each) are based on modules
from the specification and are available in January and
June. The third, Ideas in Context plus extension module
(33⅓%), is based on pre-release material and the content
of the Further Biology/Chemistry/Physics module and is
only available in June. All are tiered at Foundation (G-C)
and Higher (D-A*)
Skills Assessment (Centre-assessed) - 33⅓%
Practical data Analysis and Case Study: This Skills
assessment comprises two units:
 The critical analysis of primary data (13⅓%)
 Case study of a topical scientific issue (20%)
Practical Investigation: This unit comprises five strands,
Science A
changes and bond breaking as well as the notion of dynamic equilibrium. The fourth topic introduces concepts of
valid analytical measurements in contexts where the results of analysis matter. The two main analytical methods
featured are chromatography and volumetric analysis. The final topic covers green chemistry and describes how the
chemical industry is reinventing processes so that the manufacture of bulk and fine chemicals is more sustainable.
The Further Physics content includes five sections: Observing the sky with the naked eye, Telescopes, Stars and
Galaxies, the Birth and Death of Stars, and the Astronomical Community. This module emphasises the size and
location of telescopes and the way in which astronomers obtain, share and use the information obtained from them.
It provides the opportunity for a case study of the working of an astronomy group in the UK or overseas and allows
candidates to obtain and discuss astronomical images either by direct observation or using the many images
obtained from the websites of major observatories. The last section incorporates an opportunity for a case study and
a closing poster session on an astronomical topic chosen by the candidate. Candidates present and debate
information that they have researched, as is done in scientific conferences.
This meets the needs of candidates who wish to develop their scientific understanding through authentic, workrelated contexts. The course focuses on procedural and technical knowledge that underpins the work of
practitioners of science and gives candidates an insight into what is involved in being a practitioner of science.
There is a choice of modules, each of which is based on a study of how an important part of science is applied in
contemporary life. Activities are included which develop a range of practical competencies (such as following
standard procedure and problem solving) in work-related contexts. Candidates take three units from Units 1 to 6
and Unit 7. The content of the modules includes: AP1 - Life Care: People and organizations; Baseline assessment;
Diagnosis and action plans; Treatment and aftercare; Underlying skills and knowledge. AP2 - Agriculture and
Food: The agricultural and food industries; Growing plants for food; Animal farming for food; Biotechnology and
food; Quality, value and sustainability. AP3 - Scientific Detection: The need for scientific evidence; Imaging;
Chromatography and electrophoresis; The use of colour in analysis; General principles of evidence. AP4 Harnessing Chemicals: The chemical industry; Making useful chemicals; Planning, controlling and costing
chemical synthesis; Formulations and effectiveness; Underlying principles. AP5 – Communications: The
communications industries; Electronic circuits and systems; Wireless communications; Digital communications;
Underlying skills and knowledge. AP6 - Materials and Performance: People and organizations; Mechanical
behaviour of materials; Electrical, thermal and acoustic behaviour of materials; Optical behaviour of materials;
Underlying skills and knowledge.
AP7 – Work-related Portfolio. Candidates should demonstrate the ability to follow six standard procedures across
the three chosen modules (two per module). To successfully complete each standard procedure, candidates must:
follow instructions, step by step; work safely, observing safety procedures; make and record observations and/or
measurements; use an appropriate degree of accuracy. Candidates are required to test the suitability of materials,
procedures or devices for a particular purpose. Emphasis should be placed on the scientific principles relating to the
testing procedure. Tests carried out by the candidates can be of three types: testing one material or comparing
more than one material for a particular purpose, e.g., comparing two materials, for instance, the quality of signal
transfer by copper wire with and without earth shielding (AP5 Communications); comparing different procedures
for a particular purpose, e.g., the suitability of paper and thin layer chromatography for a particular purpose (AP3
Scientific Detection); testing the suitability of a device for a particular purpose, e.g., testing a device used for
malting to see whether it malts barley satisfactorily (AP2: Agriculture and Food). Candidates are required to write
an report that focuses on specific aspects of workplace practice, and makes links to relevant scientific knowledge
from one of the six Applied modules This task provides an opportunity for candidates to research authentic
contexts in which science is applied. Their report should describe the nature of the work carried out.
(Strategy, Collecting Data, Interpreting Data, Evaluation
and Presentation), which together are used to assess a
complete investigative task. This unit is assessed by
teachers, internally standardized and then externally
moderated by OCR.
The Skills Assessment is not tiered.
3 written exams – 50%
Candidates sit one paper (16⅔%) for each of the three
modules they have selected from the six available. Exams
are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Skills Assessment (Centre-assessed) - 50%
Work-related portfolio: This unit comprises three
 following a standard procedure (two per module, each
worth 2%);
 testing the suitability of a material or device for a
particular purpose (one only, worth 21%);
 work-related reports (one only, worth 17%) relating
the module content to the application of science by
people at work in a specific context.
This unit is not tiered.
Science B
The suite emphasises explanations, theories and modelling in science along with the implications of science for
society. Strong emphasis is placed on the active involvement of candidates in the learning process and each
specification encourages a wide range of teaching and learning activities. The specification content is presented as
six modules, predominantly Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Biology content includes fitness and nutrition;
health and disease; nervous system and senses; smoking, alcohol and drugs; control systems and homeostasis;
genes and inheritance; ecology and classification; photosynthesis and respiration; competition, adaptation and
survival; sustainability. The Chemistry content includes chemical change in cooking and food additives; cosmetics
and perfumes; products form crude oil, polymers; carbon fuels, energy changes in reactions; paints and pigments;
construction materials; structure of the earth; metals and alloys, recycling; air composition, pollution; reaction
rates. The Physics content includes transfer of heat energy, insulation, energy efficiency; nature and uses of
electromagnetic radiation; wireless communication; light; earthquakes, weather patterns, skin cancer; solar energy,
electricity generation and transmission, economic and environmental costs; radioactivity and radiations; magnetism
and space; development of the solar system and the universe.
Science B
This specification builds on the work covered in GCSE Science B. The Biology content includes cells, DNA
proteins and enzymes; diffusion of substances into and through cells; blood, blood disorders, heart and circulation
system; cell division in reproduction and growth; growth and differentiation; plant growth; selective breeding
genetic engineering, cloning; leaf structure and function; osmosis and transpiration; transport in plants; plant
nutrition and photosynthesis; energy flow in ecosystems; intensive/organic farming, hydroponics; decay and food
preservation techniques; recycling. The Chemistry content includes
2 written exams – 66⅔%
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Skills assessment (Centre-assessed) – 33⅓%
Can-do tasks and report: This Skills assessment consists
of two elements:
 Can-do tasks (13⅓%)
 Report on Science in the news (20%)
Can-Do tasks are set at three levels (basic - 1 mark,
intermediate – 2 marks and advanced - 3 marks) and are
indicated throughout the specification content. Results for
the eight highest-scoring successfully completed tasks are
identified and submitted.
The report is based on stimulus material and research and
must be no more than 800 words.
This assessment is not tiered.
2 written exams – 66⅔%
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Skills assessment (Centre-assessed) – 33⅓%
Research study, data task and practical skills: A portfolio
of work done during the course accounts for one third of
the marks for this specification. Portfolio work is assessed
by teachers, internally standardised and then externally
moderated. This unit is not tiered. It comprises three
Research Study (13⅓%): Candidates are required to use
stimulus material provided by OCR and other sources of
information to research scientific ideas. The number of
reports attempted is at the discretion of the centre, but the
results of only one may be submitted. The report is based
on stimulus material and research and must be no more
than 800 words.
Data Task (16⅔%) : Candidates are required to analyse
and evaluate data and to plan further work (which will not
be carried out). The number of tasks attempted is at the
discretion of the centre, but the results of only one may be
Practical Skills (3⅓%): The ability to carry out practical
tasks safely and skilfully is assessed holistically.
Biology B,
Chemistry B,
Physics B
Each of these provides an opportunity for further developing an understanding of science explanations, how
science works and the study of elements of applied science, with particular relevance to professional scientists.
They include the relevant subject matter from GCSE Science A and GCSE Additional Science A, along with
specialist extension units in Biology (The Living Body, Beyond The Microscope), Chemistry (How Much?,
Chemistry Out There) and Physics (Space for Reflection, Electricity for Gadgets). The Biology content includes
bones and joints, heart and circulation, heart disease and haemophilia, respiration, respiratory systems and diseases,
excretion and kidney function, menstruation, reproduction and infertility treatments, transplants, growth; structure
and reproduction of bacteria, uses of bacteria, harmful micro-organisms, pathogens and infectious diseases, uses of
fermentation, biofuels, soil fauna and flora, nutrient cycles and recycling, microscopic life in water, effects of
pollution, action of enzymes and their uses/problems, genetic engineering. The Chemistry content includes moles
and empirical formulae, electrolysis and industrial processes, quantitative analysis and titrations, gas volumes in
reactions, equilibrium reactions including Contact process, strong and weak acids, ionic equations; energy transfers
and fuel cells, redox reactions including rusting and its prevention, alcohols - production and use, chemistry of
sodium chloride, CFCs and ozone depletion, hardness of water, properties and uses of natural fats and oils;
properties and uses of analgesics. The Physics content includes satellites, gravity and circular motion, vectors and
equations of motion, motion of projectiles, momentum in collisions and resultant safety ideas, satellite
communications and radio waves, nature of waves and interference, reflection and refraction, optics and optical
instruments; control of electrical devices using resistors, ohmic/non-ohmic conductors, potential dividers including
control using LDRs and thermistors, properties construction and use of simple motors, generators and transformers
including National Grid, diodes rectifiers and capacitors, logic circuits and logic gates, logic systems.
2 written exams – 66⅔%
Exams are available in January and June and are tiered at
Foundation (G-C) and Higher (D-A*)
Skills assessment (Centre-assessed) – 33⅓%
Can-do tasks and report: This Skills assessment consists
of two elements:
 Can-do tasks (13⅓%)
 Report on Science in the news (20%)
Can-Do tasks are set at three levels (basic - 1 mark,
intermediate – 2 marks and advanced - 3 marks) and are
indicated throughout the specification content. Results for
the eight highest-scoring successfully completed tasks are
identified and submitted. The report is based on stimulus
material and research and must be no more than 800
words. This assessment is not tiered.
Research study, data task and practical skills: A portfolio
of work done during the course accounts for one third of
the marks for this specification. Portfolio work is assessed
by teachers, internally standardised and then externally
moderated. This unit is not tiered. It comprises three
Research Study (13⅓%): Candidates are required to use
stimulus material provided by OCR and other sources of
information to research scientific ideas. The number of
reports attempted is at the discretion of the centre, but the
results of only one may be submitted. The report is based
on stimulus material and research and must be no more
than 800 words.
Data Task (16⅔%) : Candidates are required to analyse
and evaluate data and to plan further work (which will not
be carried out). The number of tasks attempted is at the
discretion of the centre, but the results of only one may be
Practical Skills (3⅓%): The ability to carry out practical
tasks safely and skilfully is assessed holistically.
Charts mapping Materials Science topics in new GCSE Specifications
As the subject-specific content of the specifications is much less prescribed, there is more variation
to be seen in the subject matter covered by GCSEs offered by the different Exam Boards, as well as
differing schemes of Assessment. The Materials components of the various GCSEs are compared in
the following tables. The GCSEs in Applied Science have been considered in separate tables.
Edexcel Chemistry
Edexcel Physics
OCR Biology A
OCR Biology B
OCR Chemistry A
OCR Physics A
OCR Physics B
 
 
 
 
 
 
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 
  
  
 
 
OCR Chemistry B
Edexcel Biology
AQA Chemistry
AQA Biology
OCR Additional Science B
OCR Additional Science A
Edexcel Additional Science
AQA Additional Science
OCR Science B
OCR Science A
Edexcel Science
AQA Science B
    
      
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       
     
AQA Physics
Atomic Structure
Electronic Structure; Ionic, covalent and metallic Bonding and simple properties of molecular structures.
Electron structure, energy levels and reactivity trends
Periodicity of chemical and physical properties of elements
Detection and identification of elements and compounds using chemical and instrumental methods
Extraction of metals from ores (Fe, Al and Cu) and Reactivity Series, oxidation and reduction
Environmental, social and economic effects of exploiting metal ores to produce copper, iron, aluminium and titanium; using metals
and recycling metals
Production of steel and properties related to uses of mild and alloy steels
Corrosion of Iron
Transition metals - physical properties and uses
Transition metals, chemical properties and uses
Metals as superconductors
Alloys in everyday use including those of copper, gold and aluminium
Structure of metal alloys related to their properties (not Smart alloys)
Using metals as structural materials and as smart materials related to properties
Cracking and polymerisation, uses of simple polymers and environmental issues
Properties of polymers related to production conditions, e.g. slime of different viscosities from poly(ethenol)
social, economic and environmental impacts of the uses, disposal and recycling of polymers
Properties related to uses for materials such as plastics, rubbers and fibres, and suitability for product manufacture
Environmental, social and economic effects of making useful products from Limestone - cement, concrete and glass - other
construction materials
Social, economic and environmental impacts of the uses, disposal and recycling of "natural" materials e.g. Glass, metals, papers
Production, properties and uses of paints and pigments including thermochromic materials
Preparation and properties of esters, and other materials used in cosmetics
Properties of carbon allotropes such as buckminsterfullerenes and nanotubes and suggestions for their uses
Properties and uses for smart materials such as carbon fibre, ThinsulateTM, LycraTM, KevlarTM, GoretexTM, TeflonTM
Properties and examples of active/intelligent packaging in the food industry, e.g. heating/cooling and water removal.
Nanoparticles have different properties to same material in bulk, evaluation of developments of new materials e.g. nanomaterials,
smart materials.
Control of reaction rates and development, advantages and disadvantages of using catalysts in industry
Haber process for production of ammonia
Percentage yields, atom economy of industrial processes and evaluation of sustainable development issues
Energy transfers in chemical reactions, consideration of requirements and emissions in industrial processes
Industrial and laboratory applications of electrolysis
Properties and uses of fossil and bio-fuels, including social and environmental impact e.g. global warming/acid rain
Properties and use of fuel cells
AQA Science A
Materials Science topics covered in chemistry
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Materials Science topics covered in biology
AQA Physics
Edexcel Biology
Edexcel Chemistry
Edexcel Physics
OCR Biology A
OCR Biology B
OCR Chemistry A
OCR Chemistry B
OCR Physics A
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OCR Physics B
AQA Chemistry
OCR Additional Science B
OCR Additional Science A
Edexcel Additional Science
AQA Additional Science
OCR Science B
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OCR Science A
Edexcel Science
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AQA Science B
AQA Biology
Efficiency of energy transfer by devices/materials
Transfer of thermal energy, thermal conduction, infra-red radiation and insulators
Electrical conductors and insulators
developments in size of electric circuits related to processing power and future applications
Electrical circuits and devices, mains electricity
Electromagnetic effects (induction of current in a magnetic field and motor effect)
Sources of direct current including batteries and solar cells
Generators and transformers
Electricity production from renewable and non-renewable sources including nuclear fission and photovoltaic cells
Optical fibres to carry light and infra-red and practical uses e.g. telephony
Radioactive decay, related to atomic structure, nuclear fission and fusion
Ideas of momentum to explain safety features in moving vehicles
Use of ultrasound in industry for cleaning and quality control
Design and use of lenses to focus e-m radiation
Applications of Superconductivity e.g. Maglev trains
Properties and applications of e-m radiations, e.g. quality control, temperature sensing, instrumentation.
AQA Science A
Materials Science topics covered in physics
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Environmental issues related to use of raw materials and waste disposal
Problems associated with mechanical heart replacements
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Use of enzymes at home and in industry (Catalysis)
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AQA Applied
Science Double
AQA Additional
Applied Science
OCR Additional
Applied Science A
Atomic Structure
Classify materials as elements, compounds or mixtures
Use of substances found native (gold, sulphur, limestone, marble)
Production of metals from their oxides by reduction (iron and lead)
Social, economic and environmental impacts of exploiting metal ores
Properties and uses of fossil and bio-fuels, including social and environmental impact e.g. global warming/acid rain
Electronic Structure; Ionic, covalent and metallic Bonding and simple properties of molecular structures.
Environmental, social and economic effects of making useful products from Limestone - cement, concrete and glass - other construction materials
Properties and uses of metals (copper, lead, aluminium) and metal alloys (steel, brass, solder) used in construction
Properties and uses of manufactured materials such as polymers, ceramics and composites and natural materials such as wood
Select materials for making products given product specification
Evaluate developments in modern building materials and their advantages/disadvantages compared with traditional materials
Production and examples of useful substances as mixtures (solutions, suspensions, gels, emulsions, foams and aerosols) including effects of deterioration
Detection and identification of elements and compounds using chemical and instrumental methods
Quantitative preparation of materials, theoretical vs. actual yield and cost efficiency
Forensic Science techniques, identification of materials
Electronic Structure; Ionic, covalent and metallic Bonding and simple properties of ionic and molecular structures.
Qualitative analysis as a tool in Forensic Science
Use of instrumental techniques in Forensic Science including use of comparison, polarising and electron microscopes
Detailed knowledge of use of microscopy and electron microscopy in scientific detection, including cost implications
Materials Science topics covered in chemistry within Applied Science courses
Control of reaction rates and development, advantages and disadvantages of using catalysts in industry
AQA Additional
Applied Science
OCR Additional
Applied Science A
Efficiency of energy transfer by devices/materials
Transfer of thermal energy, thermal conduction, infra-red radiation and insulators
Electrical conductors and insulators
Properties and applications of e-m radiations, e.g. quality control, temperature sensing, instrumentation.
Electrical circuits and devices, mains electricity
Investigating the properties of materials, e.g. electrical and thermal conductivity, density, tensile strength
Explain choice of appropriate sources of energy for particular tasks (natural gas, oil, mains electricity, batteries)
Ideas of momentum to explain safety features in moving vehicles
Generators and transformers
Electricity production from renewable and non-renewable sources including nuclear fission and photovoltaic cells
Optical fibres to carry light and infra-red and practical uses e.g. telephony
Material identification by measurement of refractive index in forensic Science
Characteristic properties of metals (high tensile strength, thermal conductivity, flexibility, hardness)
Characteristic properties of polymers (low density, flexibility, low thermal conductivity)
Characteristic properties of ceramics (high melting point, low thermal conductivity)
Properties of composites explained in terms of properties of components
Role of friction in design of sports equipment
Examples of materials used to make sports equipment (wood, metal, polymer, ceramic, composites)
Advantages and disadvantages of synthetic materials compared with natural materials
Choosing materials for clothing and equipment based on properties for desired use
Investigation of grip and physical properties of materials
Investigation of wear, weathering and corrosion on different materials
Properties and economics of use of materials in communication systems
Matching main criteria for selection of materials (properties, durability, cost, environmental impact, aesthetic appeal) against specific uses
Understand the terms: stiffness/flexibility, toughness/brittleness, compressive and tensile (breaking) strength, hardness, density
Comparison of stiffness in a school laboratory (Young’s Modulus is not required), measurement of compressive/tensile strength
Elastic and plastic behaviour of materials
Benefits of using alloys over pure metals (limited to hardness, tensile strength, corrosion resistance, melting point)
Uses related to properties of materials in terms of electrical conductance, thermal conductance, thermal expansion
Use of materials to absorb sound and/or vibration related to their properties
Optical properties of materials (reflectivity, refractivity, translucency/opacity) and uses based on properties
AQA Applied Science
Double Award
Materials Science topics covered in physics within Applied Science courses
Opportunities for Support at Key Stages 3 and 4 (experiments/master classes)
The list below, which lays no claim to being exhaustive, identifies areas where opportunities to support
teachers of KS3 and KS4 Science may occur. Many of these have arisen as the exam boards have
interpreted the revised National Curriculum in a way that accentuates the social, environmental and
economic consequences of the use of new technologies and products. Teachers may be lacking in
expertise in these areas and will be looking for background materials and ideas. The definition of
SMART materials is open to interpretation and this is an area where support may be particularly
appreciated. Some of them are
 “Smart materials”, including properties and uses of materials such as carbon fibre, ThinsulateTM,
LycraTM, KevlarTM, GoretexTM, TeflonTM.
 Applications arising from the discovery of superconductivity, including the development of MagLev
 Using metals as smart materials (not smart alloys).
 Smart alloys that can return to their original shape after being deformed.
 Properties of polymers related to raw materials and conditions, e.g. slimes of different viscosities from
 New uses of polymers e.g. packaging materials, waterproof coatings for fabrics, dental polymers,
wound dressings, hydrogels, smart materials including shape memory polymers.
 Benefits, drawbacks and risks of using vegetable oils to produce fuels (biodiesels?) Also, the use of
fermentation to produce ethanol based fuels
 Definition of Nanoscience as referring to structures that are 1-100 nm in size. Examples of how
nanoparticles show different properties to the same materials in bulk and have a high surface area to
volume ratio. How this may lead to the development of new computers, new catalysts, new coatings,
highly selective sensors and stronger and lighter construction materials.
 Atom economy (atom utilisation) as a measure of the amount of starting materials that end up as useful
products and its importance for sustainable development and for economic reasons.
 Detection and identification of elements and compounds using chemical and instrumental methods
 Using solar cells to produce electricity directly from the sun’s radiation.
 Renewable Energy developments, particularly up-to-date cost-efficiency
 How vehicles and theme park rides are designed to absorb momentum in collisions.
 The principles and use of pulse oximetry.
 Positron Emission Tomography
 How do those glasses that remember their shape work?
 Will scientists one day create toasters that feel 'cuddly' if you touch them gently?
 Why is Goretex™ ‘breathable’?
 How can modern body armour, made of soft clothing, stop bullets?
 How do they keep the oil and water in mayonnaise from separating?
 Why do sunscreens now rub in better and no longer leave your skin white?
 Are the new sunscreens that contain nanoparticles safe?
 How does ‘intelligent packaging’ keep food fresh?
 What would the properties of a perfect hair gel be?
 Is it true my clothes will soon become wearable computers?
 What kind of car will you be driving in 10 years time?
 Could your bedroom be powered by renewable energy?
 Why do CDs store music using a digital format?
 What is a stem cell and why do scientists think it is so valuable?
 How do those plastic creatures, that grow when put in water, actually work?
 How do you make slime/super-balls?
 Why can’t we make plastic bags that biodegrade?
 What makes platinum, diamond and zirconium look so different, when they're all made from the same
basic ingredients?
 Did you know there is a molecule that organises itself into the shape of a soccer ball?
 Two scientists claimed they could make a nuclear power station in a test tube. Are they crazy?
 Your teacher can create lightning bolts and make objects levitate – is this magic or physics?
 How is glass made and coloured?
 How do paints get their colours?
 Links to Online Documents and Resources
14 – 19 Curriculum:
(QCA) - 14-19 Learning - QCA 14-19 learning - Home page
Pathways in GCSE Science from 2006 - Wales
Learning Pathways 14-19 in Wales
Changes to the Key Stage 4 Curriculum
14-19 Education and Skills Implementation Plan
14-19 White Paper Summary
Criteria for GCSE Science
Programmes of Study:
National Curriculum online SCI POS KS1
National Curriculum online SCI POS KS2
National Curriculum online SCI POS KS3
National Curriculum online SCI POS KS4 single till 2006
National Curriculum online SCI POS KS4 Double till 2006
National Curriculum online SCI KS4 POS from 2006
Science in National Curriculum, Wales
National Curriculum online DT POS KS1
National Curriculum online DT POS KS2
National Curriculum online DT POS KS3
National Curriculum online DT Non-Statutory Guidelines KS4
National Curriculum online DT Entitlement at KS4
Schemes of Work:
The Standards Site: Science at key stages 1 and 2
The Standards Site: Science at key stage 3
The Standards Site: Design and technology at key stages 1 and 2
The Standards Site: Design and technology at key stage 3
Attainment Targets:
National Curriculum online SCI Attainment Targets
National Curriculum online DT Attainment Targets
General Teaching Requirements:
National Curriculum online GTQ Inclusion
National Curriculum online GTQ Use of Language
National Curriculum online GTQ Use of ICT
National Curriculum online GTQ Health and Safety
AQA GCSE Science Syllabuses
AQA Science A Specification
AQA Science B Specification
AQA Additional Science Specification
AQA Biology Specification
AQA Chemistry Specification
AQA Physics Specification
EDEXCEL GCSE Science Syllabuses
Edexcel GCSE Science Specification
BTEC First Science Specification
Edexcel Entry Level Science Specification
OCR GCSE Syllabuses:
OCR Twenty-First Century Science Suite – for 2006
OCR Gateway Science Suite - for 2006
OCR Applied Science (Double Award) Specification
This paper has been inspired by and has drawn heavily on “Materials and the School Curriculum” by
Diane Talbot, previously Schools Liaison, Recruitment and Admissions Officer, School of Metallurgy
and Materials, University of Birmingham, currently Education Coordinator at the Institute of Materials,
Minerals and Mining. Documents from QCA and the Exam Boards, AQA, Edexcel and OCR have been
summarised and acknowledgement is made of these sources.