SYLLABUS PhD (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) FOR THE EXAMINATION 2010-11,2011-12,2012-13 COMPULSARY PAPERS Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III Research Methodology in Physical Education 50 (Internal)+50=100 Science of Coaching 50 (Internal)+50=100 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education 50 (Internal)+50=100 OPITIONAL PAPERS (Candidates are required to choose one paper out of following four papers) Paper-I V Opt.-I Sports Psychology 50 (Internal)+50=100 Opt.-II Sports Medicine 50 (Internal)+50=100 Opt.-III Biomechanics 50 (Internal)+50=100 Opt.-IV Exercise Physiology 50 (Internal)+50=100 Total Marks 250 (Internal)+250=500 PAPER-I (COMPULSARY) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. SECTION –A 1 Research: Meaning, Importance, Character tics and its classification. 2 Nature and purpose: Nature and purpose of research in physical education, qualities of a Good researcher. 3 Need and areas: Need and areas of research in physical education. 4 Research problem: Its meaning, locating, selection, problem and its formulation, Limitations and delimitations of research problem. SECTION-B 1 Review to related Literature:-Importance and purpose of the literature review, Source of review of literature and note taking, scanning and skimming. 2 Hypothesis: Meaning and Definitions, types, importance characteristics of a good Hypothesis, Presenting the research Hypothesis, Formulation and stating Hypothesis, Testing and evaluation of the Hypothesis. 3 Sampling:-It meaning, importance, aim, sampling techniques, selecting a sample. 4 Ethical Issues in research: - Area of scientific dishonesty, truth telling and deception in research, Protecting human participants, Protecting Animals subjects, Right to privacy and confidentiality (audio tapes and video tapes), Responsibility of harmful consequences. SECTION-C Tools for collection of data: 1 Questionnaire: Classification, Charactertics, preparing and administering, limitations and benefits of questionnaire. Schedule Method: How to construct schedule, types and characteristics of method. 2 Interview: Kinds, Conduct Importance, Advantages and Limitations. Observation: Types characteristics of scientific observation, Tools, Advantage, Limitations, Difficulties in Observation, and Qualities of good observer. 3 Rating Scale: - Limitations, Construction and Advantages. Check List: - Style for constructing check-list, Guide lines on constructing and using a check list. 4 Sociometric Techniques: - Steps in designing sociometric tools, Advantages, Characteristics and Limitations. Score Cards: - Characteristics, limitations and Advantages of score cards. SECTION-D 1 Descriptive Research: Survey, Case study, Philosophical Research. 2 Historical Research; meaning, Source of Historical Data, Historical Criticism, Importance of Historical study in physical education ,General principles of Historical Criticism. 3 Experimental Research: Variables in experimentation, Laboratory Research, Planning the experiments, experiment design, important areas in laboratory research, setting up a human performance laboratory. 4 Writing a research report. REFERENCE 1 Best J.W.,”Research in education”, Prentice Hall inc.Delhi, 1982. 2 Clarke,H.David,” Research processes in Physical Education, Recreation & Health, “ Prcntice Hall inc.., 1985 3 Thomas Jerry R and Nelson Jack K ,” Research Methods in Physical Activity “, Human Kinetics : Champaign,1996. 4 Weimer.Jon, “Research Techniques in Human engineering”, Prentice Hall: New Jersey, 1994. 5 Sharma,Yoginder Parsad,” Physical Education and Research methodology ,” Reliance Publishing House: New Delhi ,1997. 6 Donald M. McBurney and Theresa L. White,” Research Methods,” Seventh Edition, Thomson Wadsworth; 2007. 7 Clarke, H. David & Warks, Harison. H,” Research Processes in Physical Education, Second Edition, Prentice Hall: New Jersey, 1984. PAPER-II (COMPULSARY) SCIENCE OF COACHING Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. 1) 2) 3) Section-A Sports Training: Meaning, Aims, Characteristics, Need, Scope and Principles. Training Load: Meaning, Characteristics, Principles, Symptoms, Causes and tackling of overload, recovery phases, Factors affecting recovery. Methods of Training: Importance, Principles, Types of training, Weight Training, Circuit training, Interval, Fartlek training Cross-Country and Plyometric Training. Section-B 1) Strength & Endurance: Meaning, Types, Factors determining them, importance, methods of training and precautious. 2) Speed & Agility: Meaning, Factors determining them, importance, methods of training and precautious. 3) Flexibility & Co-coordinative Abilities: Meaning, importance, types, Factors determining them, methods of training and precautions. Section-C 1) Technical Training: Meaning, Skill, Style, Co-ordination, Aims, Phases, Implications and Methods. 2) Tactical Training: Meaning, Aims Tactical Action, Training for tactics and Principles. 3) Periodization: Meaning, Types, Aims and Contents. Section-D 1) Plyometric & Isokinetic Training: Meaning, Programme design, and Safety considerations. 2) Long Term Training: Meaning, Aims and Characteristics, Nature and Training Schedules of games & Athletics. 3) Talent Identification, and Development: Meaning, Methods and importance References 1. Matveyev: Fundamentals of Sports Training (Translation from Russian) Mir Publishing Moscow (1981). 2. Harre, Dietrich: Principles of Sports Training Berlin, Sportverlag (1982). 3. Dick, Frank W: Sports Training Principles, London Lepus Birkst (1980). 4. Jenson, R. and Fisher, A.G.: Scientific Basis of Athletic Conditioning, Philadelphia Lea and Bebiger Philadephia (1972). 5. Thomas, R. and Baechle (ed.): Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, Lea and Bebiger Philadephia (1972). 6. Mathew, D.K. and Fox, E.L.: The Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics: Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders Company (1976). 7. Donald, Chu: Jumping in Phyometrics, Leisure Press Chmapaign Illinois (1972). PAPER-III (COMPULSARY) MEASUREMEMT AND EVALUATION IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. SECTION –A 1) Meaning of test, measurement and evaluation, Importance of measurement and evaluation in physical education. 2) Modern developments in physical education measurements. 3) Characteristics of an effective test: validity, reliability, objectivity, economy, standard and norms. 4) Procedure for construction of skill tests. Principles of writing knowledge tests. SECTION-B 1) Physical Fitness Test (i) Muscular Strength & Endurance Testing:-Kraus Weber-Strength Test -Rogers Strength Test -Philips J.C.R. Test (ii) Cardio-Pulmonary Endurance Test -Tuttle Pulse Ratio Test - Harward Step Test - Run-Walk Test (600 yard, 1 mile, 1.5 mile, 9 min and 12 min. run walk) (iii) - Flexibility Test Sit and Reach Test Bridge-Up Test (iv) Muscular Power Test - Athletic Power Test - Work Power Test (v) Agility Test: -Squat thrusts Test - Side step test -Shuttle Run test (vi) Balance Test - Static Balance test - Dynamic Balance Test (vii) Speed Test - Sprint Test - Distance test 2) Basketball and Badminton test. Johnson Basketball test, Knox Basketball test, AAPHERD Basketball test Battery, Lockhart and Mc Pherson Badminton test. French short and long service test, Miller Wall-Volley Test. 3) Field Hockey test & Soccer skill test. Friedel Field hockey test. Schmithals-french field Hockey test, SAI hockey skill testing for talent sporting at young age. Johnson soccer test, Mc. Donald soccer test, SAI Football skill test. 4) Volleyball skill test. Brady’s volleyball test, Russel Lange volleyball skill test AAHPER Volleyball test, SAI Volleyball test. SECTION-C 1) Meaning and importance of statistics in physical education. Presentation of data through graphs and tables. 2) Normal probability curve: properties and uses. 3) Scales: Sigma scale and hull scale. Standard score: Z score, T score and sigma score. 4) Computers: What is computer, Classification of the computers, Function of Computer, Computer Hardware and Software, Importance of Computer in measurement and evaluation. SECTION-D 1) Measure of central tendency: mean, mode and median. 2) Measure of variability : Range, quartile and standard deviation. 3) Corelation: Karl pearson product movement and spearman’s rank methods. 4) ANOVA( two way analysis), Mean differences among group only ‘t’ test. REFERENCE 1 Mcloy,Harold Charles, “Test and Measurement in Health and Physical Education”, Friends Publication, Delhi,2004. 2 Kansal Devinder K. ‘ Test and Measurement in sports and Physical Education” D.V.S. publication, New Delhi,1996. 3 Vincent,William J.: Statisics in Inesiology,” Third Edition; Human Kinetics,2005. 4 Barrow James R. Jackson Allenw,James G & Mood Dab P. “ Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance:.Diseh Printed inUSA – Human Kinetics,1995. 5 Hastad Douglas N. and Lacy Alan C, “ Measuement for Evaluation in Physical and Exercise Science,” 1994. 6 Barrow & Mc Glis, “Practical Measurement and Assessment,” Fifth Edition; Lippincott Williams & Williams, 2000. PAPER IV (OPT.-I) SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. 1. 2. 3. Section-A Sports Psychology: Meaning, Scope and need, Psychological preparation of Athlete. Personality: Assessment of personality, Factors effecting personality, Athletic performance and personality. Motivation: Meaning, type, sources, motive, drive, need and incentives in motivation; Impact of motivation on Athletic performance. Section-B 1. Goal setting Behavior: Principles and goal-setting programme in sports performance. 2. Attention and Concentration: Types and Strategies to improve attention and concentration in sports. 3. Emotion: Meaning, Characteristics, Control, training and mastery of emotion; Athlete performance and emotion. Section-C 1. Stress and its management (Relaxation training, techniques) 2. Anxiety: Types, causes and management 3. Mental health, characteristics and factors responsible for poor mental health. Section-D 1. Aggression and Hostility: Management of aggressions 2. Intelligency: Meaning and Characteristics, emotional intelligency 3. Adjustment and conflict: Implication in sports 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reference Morgan and King, Introduction to Psychology, Tata Mc Graw Hill. Sunin, Psychology in Sports: Methods and Applications, Surjeet Publication. Grafiti, Psychology in Contemporary Sports, Prentice Hall. Basmajia, Biofeedback. Sanjiv P. Sahni, Handbook of Sports Psychology-A Comprehensive Manual of Mental Training. PAPER IV (OPT.-II) SPORTS MEDICINE Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. 1. 2. 3. 4. Section-A Sports Medicine: Definitions, objective, importance & scope. Reaction to Injury: Kubbler and Ross model of Athletic reaction to injury. Sports Injuries: Causes, prevention and management. Reproductive changes in the Athlete Section-B 1. Sports Emergencies: Management of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Shock, Bleeding, Frost bite and Heat stroke. 2. Bandage: Function, Classification, indication, contraindication, principles and application. 3. Exercise Therapy: For the Bronchial obstruction, Heart diseases & diabetic patient. 4. Ergogenic Aids: Meaning, types, Methods and Bad effects Section-C 1. Cryotherapy and Hydrotherapy: Advantage, method, indication and contraindication of modalities used in rehabilitation of sports injuries 2. Electrotherapy and Heat: Modalities, advantage, methods, indication, and contraindication, modalities of rehabilitation of Sports injuries. 3. Massage: Techniques, indication, Contraindication and advantages of General Massage, Athletic massage and under water massage. 4. Special concerns of female Athlete 1. 2. 3. 4. Section-D Sports Rehabilitation: Principles of strength and stretching rehabilitation of training Air pollution & Exercise. Common Sports Injuries : Knock out, Punch Syndrome, Wrestler Ear, Weight Lifter Black out, Stitch at side, Low back pain, Shoulder impingement syndrome, Tennis elbow, Javelin thrower’s elbow, Boxer elbow, Mallet finger, Runners Knee, Jumper Knee, Shin Splint, Turf Toe. Anxiety and Depression: Exercise for Mood enhancement. Reference 1. Marcia, K.; Anderson; Susan J. Hall and Malissa, Mortin: Sports Injury Management, Lippincott Williaams and wilkins Philadelphia. 2. G.S. Kang: Sports Medicines, Punjabi University Publication Bureau, Patiala (2002). 3. Morries, B. Mellion: Sports Injuries and Athletic Problem, Surjeet Publication, New Delhi. 4. William, E.; Garretd, Donald; T.I. Kirkcendall and Deborah, L. Squire: Primary Care Sports Medicine, Kippincott Willams and Willkins, Philadelphia (2001) 5. Philip Mafetone: Complemantary Sports Medicine, Human Kinetics, Champaign (1999). 6. Laila Das: Text Book of Sports Medicine, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi (2006) 7. C.S. Jaya Prakash, Sports Medicine, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi. (2003) 8. Stuart Porter: Tidy’s Physiotherpahy, Elseqier Wohurn (2005) 9. Mery, V. Lacxo : Massage and Medical Gymnastics (1956) 10. Tidy: Massage & Remedial Gymnastics (1976) 11. Joke Ernest, L. : Scope of Exercise Rehabilitation. 12. Horns, Kang, L. : Therapeutical Exercise. PAPER-IV (OPT.-III) BIOMECHANICS Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Section-A Biomechanics: Meaning, Scope and importance in Physical Education and Sports. Liner Kinematics -Distance and displacement -Speed, velocity and acceleration -Interrelationship between displacement, velocity and acceleration. Angular Kinematics -Angular distance & angular displacement. -Angular speed, angular velocity and angular acceleration -Angular motion vectors Section-B Fluid Mechanics: Location of buoyant force, specific gravity, drag force, lift force, gyroscopic action, Surface drag, form drag, Lift, Magnus effect & Laws of floating. Linear Kinetics: -Inertia, Mass, Force and Weight -Newton’s law of gravitation. Angular Kinetics: -Eccentric force, couple, moment of force, torque, moment of inertia and angular momentum. -Transfer of angular velocity. -Relationship between angular velocity, moments of inertia and angular momentum. Section-C Lever, Spin and friction: Meaning, Types, Charactertics and their uses in sports. Projectile: Meaning, Horizontal and vertical components, Influence of Air Resistance, factors influencing Trajectory (Projection angle, Projection speed, Projection Height, Projection Conditions) Equilibrium: Meaning, types, principles and their application in sports. Section-D 1. Biomechanics of Running, Walking, High Hurdling, Shot put, Discus Throw, Broad Jump, High Jump and Swimming (Free Style) 2. Different Tools and Techniques used for Biomechanical analysis of sports movement 3. Motion: Meaning, Charactertics, Types and Law of motion (Newton’s Law) Reference 1. Karthryn Luttgens and Nancy Hamilton: Kinesiolgy-Scientific Basis of Human Motion, New York, McGraw Hill (2001) 2. Susan J. Hall: Basic Biomechanics, New York McGraw Hill (1995) 3. Peter M. Mc Ginnis: Biomechanics of Sports and Exercise, Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA (2005). 4. James G., Hay: The Biomechanics of Sports Techniques (2nd Ed.), Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Prentics Hall, Inc., 1978. 5. John W. Bunn: Scientific Principles of Coaching (2nd Ed.) Englewood Cliffs N.J. Prentics Hall Inc., 1972 6. M.G.Scott: Analysis of Human Botton, New York: Application Century Crafts. 7. M.R.Broat: Efficiency of Human Movement, Philadelphia W. B. Saunders Co., 1982. 8. M.Williams: Bio-Mechanics of Human Motion, Phiuladelphia W.B. Sanunders Co., 1982. 9. G.Dyson: Mechanics of Athletics, London, Setughten, 1962. 10. G.Hawley: A Anatomical Analysis of Sports, New York A.S. Arner & Co. PAPER IV (OPT.-IV) EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 Theory: 50 Internal Assessment: 50 INSTRUCTION FOR THE PAPER SETTER The question paper will consist of five sections: A, B, C, D and E. Sections A, B, C and D will have two questions and candidate has to attempt one question from each respective section of the syllabus. Each question of Section A, B, C and D will carry 7.5 marks. Section E will consist of 10 short-answer type question and the candidate has to attempt all the questions which will cover the entire syllabus uniformly and will carry 20 marks in all INSTRUCTION FOR THE CANDIDATE Candidates are required to attempt one question each from the section A, B, C and D of the questions paper and the entire section E. Section-A 1. Exercise Physiology: Meaning, Nature, Need and Importance of Exercise Physiology in Games and Sports. 2. Bioenergetics: Adenosine-tri-phosphate (ATP), Sources of ATP (Anaerobic Glycolysis, Aerobic Glycolsis). The Aerobic and Anaerobic systems During Rest and Exercise. 3. Energy Production: Oxidative Metabolism of Carbohydrate, Fat Metabolism & Protein Metabolism. Section-B 1. Recovery Process: Introduction, Restoration of Muscle Phosphagen Stores, Replenishment of Myoglobin with Oxygen, Restoration of Muscle Glycogen, Removal of Lactic Acid from Muscle and Blood, Microcirculation, Second wind. 2. Exercise and Systems: Effect of Exercise on Respiratory, Endocrine, Cardiovascular & Muscular system. 3. Obesity and Weight Control: 3.1. Definition and Causes of Obesity, Body weight control. 3.2. Measurement of body Fat by Various Methods (under water weight and skin fold measurement). 3.3. Energy Balance: Positive and Negative Energy Balance. Section-C 1. Nutrition and Athletic Performance: a b c Basic Concept of a Balanced Diet, Components of Balanced diet. Appropriate Diet Before, During and After Athletic Performance. Carbohydrate loading 2. Muscle: Structure and function: a Comparative Study of Different Types of Muscles (Voluntary, Involuntary and cardiac) b Gross structure of skeletal Muscle, Microscopic structure. c Sliding Filament Theory of Muscular Contraction. 3 Exercise and Ageing: Physiological Changes, Training Adaptation in Aged, Guidelines for Constructing Exercise Programme. Section-D 1 Work and Environment: Thermoregulation, Work capacity under different environmental Conditions (Hot, Humid, Cold & high Altitude). 2 Exercise and Females: Performance, records, strength, physical trainability and Gynaecological disorders. 3 Field Testing of Athletes: General Principles for Field Laboratory, Specific Field Test- Conditions and Considerations, Measurement of Hemodynamic in the Field, Measurement of Blood Lactate. REFERENCE: 1. Guyton, Arthur C. Text Book of medical physiology. (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunder company, 1976). 2. Morehouse, L.E. and Miller, A.T. physiology of Exercise. (Saint Louis: The C.V. Mosby Company,1976). 3. Karpovich, P.V. and Sinning, Wayne E. Physiology of muscular Activity (Philadelphia: W.B. Sauders Company, 1971). 7th Ed. 4. Bourne, Geoffery H. The Structure and Function of Muscles: (London Academic Press 1973). 5. Astrand, P.O. and Rodahi. Karri. Text Book of work Physiology. (Tokyo McGraw Hill kogakusha, Ltd. 1979). 6. Mathew, D.K. and Fox, E.L. Physiology Basis of Physical Education and Athletics (Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1976). 7. Plowman Sharon A. And Smith Denise L. Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance, Second Edition (Benjamin Cummings San Francisco Boston New York) PANEL FOR Ph.D EXAMINATION PAPER-I (COMPULSARY) RESEARCH METHODOLGY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 Dr. Y.P.Sharma Prof. & Head, Dept. of Physical Education Shimla Uni. Summer Hill, Shimla (H.P.) 2 Dr. Usha Ranga Dept. of Physical Education Kurukshetra University,Haryana 3 Dr. G.S. Brar Prof. & Head, Dept. of Physical Education Punjab University,Chandigarh. 4 Dr. M.S. Chouhan Prof., Dept. of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. (Haryana) 5 Dr. O.P. Gehlawat, Prof., Dept. of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (Haryana.) PANEL FOR Ph.D EXAMINATION PAPER-II (COMPULSARY) Science of Coaching 1 Dr. Y.P.Sharma Prof.& Head, Dept. of Physical Education, Shimla Uni. Summer Hill, Shimla (H.P.) 2 Dr. Arvind Malik Dept. of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-Haryana. 3. Dr. Kewal Krishan Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, M.D.U. Rohtak-Haryana. 4. Dr. Aman Sisodhia Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, J.N.V. Jodhpur-Rajasthan 5. Dr. Gurmeet Singh Lect., Dept. of Physical Education, Punjab University, Chandigarh 6. Dr. Sukhdev Singh Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, G.N.D.U., Amritsar-Punjab 7. Dr. Bhagat Singh, Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, M.D.U. Rohtak-Haryana. 8. Dr. Usha Rani, Dept. of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-Haryana. PANEL FOR Ph.D EXAMINATION PAPER-III (COMPULSARY) MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1 Dr. Rameshwari Prof., Dept. of Physical Education M..D. University,Rohtak. 2 Dr. A.K.Datta,Prof. L.N.I.P.E.,Gwalior. 3 Dr. Usha Lohan Dept. of Physical Education Kurukshetra University, Haryana. 4 Dr. Yoginder Parshad Sharma Dept. of Physical Education Shimla University,Shimla, Mob-9814027560. 5 Dr. M.I. Quarashi,Prof. Dept. of Physical Education Devi Ahilya University,Indore(M.P.) Ph.No. 0731-2363383,2469482. 6 Dr.G.D.Ghai,Reader L.N.I.P.E.Gwalior Mob-09425335862 PANEL FOR Ph.D EXAMINATION PAPER-IV (Opt.-I) SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY 1 Dr. Kawaljit Singh Prof., Dept. of Physical Education G.N.D.University, Amritsar-Punjab 2 Dr. Mahendra Singh Lecturer, Kanpur University, Kanpur-(U.P.) Mob-09305085294. 3 Dr. Dalwinder Singh Dept. of Physical Education Punjab University, Chandigarh. 4 Dr. Sukhdev Singh Reader, Dept. of Physical Education G.N.D.University, Amritsar-Punjab 5 Dr. Javed Ali, Prof, Dept. of Physical Education Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. (U.P.) PANEL FOR Ph.D EXAMINATION PAPER-IV (Opt.-II) Sports Medicine 1. Dr. M.S. Chgauhan, Prof. Dept. of Physical Education, K.U.K., Kurukshetra-Haryana. 2. Dr. Vivek Pandey, Prof. L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior (M.P.) 3. Dr. H.P.Singh Dept. of Physical Education, Health Centre, G.N.D.U. Amritsar-Punjab 4. Dr. Mandeep Kang, Lecturer, Guru Ram Dass College, G.N.D.U. Amritsar-Punjab 5. Dr. Brij Bhushan Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, A.M.U., Aligarh.(U.P.) 6. Dr. Shamsher Singh Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, M.D.University, Rohtak-Haryana. 7. Dr. R.K.Khullar Dept. of Physical Education, Punjab University, Chandigarh PANEL FOR PH.D EXAMINATION PAPER-IV (Opt.-III) Biomechanics 1. Dr. G.D. Ghai, Reader, L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior (M.P.) 2. Dr. Ikram Hussain Prof., Dept. of Physical Education, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P.) 3. Dr. Anil Vinayak, Reader, I.G.I.P.E.S.S., B-Block, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018 4. Dr. Shamsher Singh Dept. of Physical Education, C.D.L.University, Sirsa-Haryana. 5. Dr. Dhirendra Tiwari, Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, Vanasthali Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Distt. Tonk-Rajasthan 6. Dr. Arvind Malik, Dept. of Physical Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-Haryana. . PANEL FOR Ph.D EXAMINATION PAPER-IV (Opt.-IV) Exercise Physiology 1 Dr. R.N. Day, Prof., Dept. of Physical Education L.U.I.P.E. Gwalior (M.P). 2. Dr. H.P. Singh Dept. Of Physical Education, GNDU, Amritsar-Punjab 3. Dr. Mahendra Kumar Singh Lect. Dept. Of Physical Education, Kanpur University, Kanpur (U.P.). 4. Dr. Brij Bhushan, Dept. of Physical Education, A.M.U. Aligarh, (U.P.) 5. Dr. Monika Verma Reader, Dept. of Physical Education, C.D.L. University, Sirsa-Haryana.