Theme #1 – Social Groups and Peer Pressure Create an anti-smoking campaign. Think of a billboard or advertisement. What do those things have on them to catch your attention? Think of a slogan. What would be something people would repeat and remember? – to give you some ideas. Must be bold in color and creative. 100 points. ________ Slogan- 10 points ________ Body Copy to explain campaign (at least 5 lines)- 35 points ________ Reasons against smoking- 15 ________ Catchy- uses onomatopoeia or other figurative language (at least 3)- 15 points ________ Bold in color- 10 points ________ Creative and catchy with illustrations- 10 points ________ Neat- 5 points Theme #1 – Social Groups and Peer Pressure Make yearbook entries for characters in the Outsiders. Create at least 3 pages from a yearbook. What would it have looked like in the time and place the Greasers and Socs lived? What would they have been interested in? 100 points. ________ Title of yearbook- with name of the school - 5 points ________ At least 3 pages- 30 points ________ Fits the “time” when the book took place – 10 points ________ Filled with information to show interests of the students 30 points ________ Bold in color- 10 points ________ Creative and catchy with illustrations- 10 points ________ Neat- 5 points Theme #2 – Appearance vs. Reality Write a personal narrative (story) about a time when you misjudged a person. It needs to be 1½ to 2 pages long. Follow the plot line for the story. In the exposition (beginning) set up who the person was and their relationship to you. Give it a title. 100 points. ________ Title- 5 points ________ 1 ½ -2 pages- 15 points ________ Exposition – explains who the person was and your relationship, setting- 20 points ________ Rising Action- 10 points ________ Climax- 10 points ________ Falling Action- 10 points ________ Resolution- 10 points ________ Theme- 5 points- weave into the resolution ________ Filled with details and description- showing not just telling- 10 points ________ Typed or in ink- 5 points Theme #2 – Appearance vs. Reality Make a descriptive poster of greasers and socs from the novel. A Venn-diagram could be helpful on this. Help someone who has never read the book understand and picture these two different groups. Include some misconceptions about what they think about each other. 100 points. ________ Title- 5 points ________ Who are the Greasers?- 20 points ________ Who are the Socs?- 20 points ________ Contrasting the two groups, how are they different?- 20 points ________ Misconceptions they have about each other- 5 points ________ Bold in color- 10 points ________ Creative and catchy with illustrations- 15 points ________ Neat- 5 points Theme #3 – Living in a Violent World In a letter to the President, list 3 ways to solve teen violence. Set the letter up similar to a 5 paragraph essay (introduction, body paragraphs with description, conclusion). Use correct letter format. . 100 points. ________ Correct letter format- 20 points ________ Typed or in ink- 5 points ________ Introduction- Grabs the President’s attention- 10 points ________ Body paragraphs- includes the 3 ways to solve teen violence- 30 points ________ Conclusion- wraps up ideas- 10 points ________ Filled with details and description- showing not just telling- 10 points ________ Letter length- at least a page- 10 points ________ Neat- 5 points Theme #3 – Living in a Violent World Design a youth center for your community. Draw out or map out what the center would like inside and outside. List out the rooms and activities that it would include. Write at least 2 paragraphs discussing why and how it will help to eliminate violence for the youth. 100 points. ________ Inside layout or map- rooms labeled- 25 points ________ Activities that can be done at the center- 15 points ________ Outside drawing- what does the building look like? 25 points ________ How will this help violence?- at least a paragraph- 10 points ________ Why would this help?- at least a paragraph- 10 points ________ Bold in color- 10 points ________ Neat- 5 points Theme #4 – Heroism Write a short story in which an unlikely hero performs a rescue. It needs to be 1½ to 2 pages long. Follow the plot line for the story. Make sure and provide lots of detail, but stays focused. Create mood by thinking about sentence structure, setting, and the characters words and actions. 100 points. _________ Title- 5 points _________ 1 ½ -2 pages- 15 points _________ Exposition – characters, setting, how the story begins- 10 points _________ Rising Action- 10 points _________ Climax- 10 points _________ Falling Action- 10 points _________ Resolution- 10 points _________ Conflict- 5 points _________ Theme- 5 points- weave into the resolution _________ Filled with details and description- showing not just telling- 15 points _________ Typed or in ink- 5 points Theme #4 – Heroism Create a poster featuring local heroes. The poster should include pictures and explanations for why those people or groups would be considered heroes or why you consider them heroes. _________ Title- 5 points _________ Pictures/Illustrations- 30 points _________ Explanations of why these people are heros- 30 points _________ Explanation of what a hero is to you- 10 points _________ Bold in color- 10 points _________ Creative and catchy with display- 10 points _________ Neat- 5 points