SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 Please return to: Jen Lasachuk 1920 Flintlock Crt. Mississauga, ONT L5L 3E1 / *PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY ALL INFORMATION REQUESTED* *Please note: any registration forms not completely filled out will not be reviewed Name of Participant: Address: City: Province Postal Code Date of Birth (D/M/Y) Age while attending S.O.S: Male Health Card # (Insurance Plan): Email: Female Home Telephone: Cell Phone # (most reachable): Grade:_____ Mother’s Name: Contact #(s): Father’s Name: Contact #(s): Emergency Contact Name: Relationship: Emergency Contact #(s): Has your daughter attended other camps? Yes No Where and When? School last attended during 2009/2010 Academic Year: Note: Please include an updated photo of your camper with the registration information. TRANSPORTATION: Round-trip bus transportation is available from World Vision Parking Lot in Mississauga and HWY 401. Please check if you would like to utilize this service. Yes SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS We are more interested in getting a sense of who you are and why you think this program is for you, than we are in you grammar and spelling. So relax and have fun with this application! 1. Why would you like to be a part of the Sisters of Substance Leadership Camp? What caught your attention about this project: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Tell us about yourself- What strengths, talents and interests will you bring to the Sisters of Substance Leadership Camp? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does leadership mean to you? : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Tell us what is happening in your community. What do you want to change? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 5. What issues are important to you - Here are some ideas, feel free to add more or be specific : Racism Poverty and homelessness Media images of girls Health and Self-Esteem Violence and abuse Preventing suicide Drug and alcohol Women and girls' rights More opportunities for youth Community action Education Other/ Specifications : ________________________________________________ 1. What are you involved in already? (It`s okay you don’t have to be an expert!): ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. What impact do you want this leadership camp to have on yourself and on your community? : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. The topics I would most like to discuss/learn about at this event are : ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 REGISTRATION FEE: $40 (which includes transportation, accommodations and food, and snacks for the entire weekend). How did you hear about Sisters of Substance? Please select all that apply. : Continental Rescue Africa website School Friends Community organization Medias Other: ______________________________________________ T-SHIRT SIZE (please circle one) Small Medium Large Xtra-Large SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 CAMPER CONTRACT/WISH LIST I ________________________, a camper at Sisters of Substance have three wishes: (name of camper) 1. I wish I could learn one new thing this summer and it is _____________________________________________________________ 2. I wish I could do one thing that I have never tried before and it is ___________________________________________________________ 3. The one thing about myself I would like people at camp to know about is ___________________________________________________________ I ______________________understand that for Sisters of Substance to be a place where all campers and staff can feel good, feel safe and have fun. I agree to do the following things to the best of my ability: I will treat everyone with courtesy and respect. This means that I will think about other people’s feelings before I speak and I will not use any part of my body to purposefully hurt anyone. I will show respect for camp and personal property. I will be prepared and do my best and try each activity. I will follow camp rules and accept that there will be consequences if I do not follow these rules. Signed by the camper___________________________ Date____________________ SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 PERSONAL MEDICAL HISTORY To be completed by every student and returned with the application. Name: Birthdate: Age: Gender: Private health insurance company: Policy No.: Allergies: Do you have allergies? If so, please list them: Do you carry medic alert identification? Do you have an epi-pen? Mobility: Do you have mobility challenges? If yes, please describe: What medications are you currently taking? List any ongoing medical problems: List any surgery you have undergone: Have you ever experienced symptoms related to anxiety, depression, alcohol or drug addiction, eating disorders or other mental health disorders? Have you ever sought counseling for any of the above, or other, emotional concerns? Have you ever, or are you currently taking any medication for any of the above, or other, emotional concerns? Do you have any concerns about the physical and emotional challenges of Sisters of Substance? Please mention any other medical conditions Sisters of Substance staff should be aware of. Successful candidates should inform Sisters of Substance staff of any health-related conditions that may arise prior to the program. SISTERS OF SUBSTANCE LEADERSHIP RETREAT APPLICATION 2010 ANY MEDICATIONS SENT WITH YOUR DAUGHTER WILL BE HANDED OVER TO OUR RESIDENCE NURSE WHO WILL DISPENSE AT SAID TIMES. 1. How long has your child been stabilized on these medications? 2. Please circle which medications can be administered to the camper. All medications will be given following the recommended dosages as written on the consumer packaging, unless otherwise stated. Tylenol medication Advil Benadryl Dimetapp Gravol Polysporin Cortisone Throat Lozenges Calamine Aspirin ASA Pepto Bismol Cold and Sinus 3. Does the camper have any medical illnesses that they are currently being treated for or has been treated for within the last 6 months? 4. Has the camper had any injuries within the past 6 months? 5. Are there any restrictions for this camper due to medical concerns? 6. All Immunizations up to date: ___Yes ___ No This health history is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge, and the person listed has permission to engage in all prescribed activities except as noted. To the best of my knowledge, this person is in good health and has not been exposed to any infectious diseases in the past four weeks. If he/she became exposed to any infectious diseases between now and the time of departure for Sisters of Substance, I understand the Sisters of Substance Health Staff must be notified before arrival on site of said person. Physician’s Signature Date Phone # Prescribed and non-prescribed medication will not be administered without the above signature completed. Attach additional information if necessary