PSYCHOLOGY 211, RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES DR. ROSALYN M. KING, PROFESSOR Research Activities Journal Exercises and Reflections on the Research Experience Name of Student: Spring 2016 NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE, LOUDOUN CAMPUS TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose of Journal CLASS 1-2: INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH 5 Activity 1: Discussion Assignment 1: Begin the Research Idea Notebook Assignment 1: Find a Research Study and Evaluate its Quality Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 3: TOOLS AND PROCESSES OF RESEARCH - Chapter 1 7 Activity 2: Discussion Assignment 2: Exciting Scholarly Writing Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 4-5: C RAFTING THE RESEARCH IDEA: TRANSFORMING THE RESEARCH IDEA INTO TOPIC, TITLE AND QUESTIONS AND DEFINING THE RESEARCH PROJECT - Chapter 2 9 Activity 3: Discussion Assignment 3: Developing Hypothesis Statements and Literature Reviews Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 6-7: SEARCHING AND READING THE RELATED LITERATUREDEVELOPING THE LITERTURE REVIEW - Chapter 3 11 Activity 4: Discussion Assignment 4: Basics of APA Style and Publication Manual Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 6-7: GETTING FAMILIAR WITH THE APA FORMAT 14 Activity 5: Discussion Assignment 5: Develop Key Words for Data Searches Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 8: USING THE LIBRARY AND ONLINE DATABASES FOR RESEARCH 16 Activity 6: Library Orientation & Online Data Searches Assignment 6: A Review of Ethics & Writing Mechanics Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 9-10: RULES AND GUIDELINES FOR WRITING AND RESEARCH ETHICS -Chapter 4 18 Activity 7: Discussion Assignment 7: Develop First Draft of Research Design Page | 2 Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 10-11: OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH DESIGN - Chapters 6-7, 9-10, & 12 20 Activity 8: Discussion Assignment 8: Revise Research Design and Prepare Research Proposal Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 10-11: NON EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH - QUALITATIVE & HISTORICAL RESEARCH METHODS (Applied and Field Research Approaches) - Chapter 9 &10 22 Activity 9: Discussion Assignment 9: Field Research Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 10-11: DESCRIPTIVE/QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH - Chapter 6 24 Activity 10: Discussion Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 10-11: EXPERIMENTAL & EX POST FACTO & MIXED METHODS RESEARCH DESIGNS - Chapters 7 &12 26 Activity 11: Discussion Assignment 11: Exploring Experimental Psychology Journals Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 12-13: DATA COLLECTION,INSTRUMENTATION, ANALYSIS, STATISTICS AND GRAPICAL RESULTS- Chapters 6-7, 8-11 28 Activity 12: Discussion Assignment 12: Good vs. Bad Examples of Data Presentation Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 14: INDIVIDUAL OR TEAM WORK (IN CLASS OR LIBRARY) 30 Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 15: RESEARCH PRESENTATION - Chapter 13 31 Activity 15: Discussion Constructing Meaning and Understanding CLASS 16: RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM 33 Constructing Meaning and Understanding OVERALL REFLECTIONS ON COURSE APPENDIX 34 Page | 3 PURPOSE OF JOURNAL The purpose of this journal is to help you understand the processes and techniques of research. Because we will not always have an opportunity to go over everything on your working syllabus in class, I want to make sure that you are using the recommended steps and strategies that will enable you to learn research methodology successfully. Therefore, you are required to complete this journal as we go through the steps of research. For each Chapter, you will engage in discussion by answering selected questions. You will also complete selected assignments included in your journal. This should be followed by reflecting on the processes you have learned, both in your reading and from discussions and lectures in class. You will write reflective narratives each week on the research process from your own perspective, combined with the readings and discussion. You should also write down the specific questions you have and place them in your journal but also submit these questions on 3x5 cards to your instructor at the beginning of each class meeting. Please printout a copy of this journal to use to write your rough drafts and then transfer your responses into your online version, using this template. Make sure you save a copy of your journal each time you enter information. You can submit your journals to me via e-mail or place them on CD-Rom and submit them in a sealed envelope with your name and course. Make sure that you add your name to the saved file. For example, the file name is: Research Activities Journal. Fall or Spring 20__. Add your name to the end: e.g., Research Activities Journal. Spring 2016-Rosalyn King. You will be asked to submit these journals several times during the semester and to also share some of your reflections and responses to discussion questions in class on an ongoing basis. Please contact me if you have questions. Note: Use the dark blue font for entering your responses. Rosalyn M. King, Ed.D. Professor of Psychology Phone: (703) 450-2629 (Direct)) E-Mail: Course Website: Page | 4 CLASS 1-2: INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH Activity 1: Discussion 1. Review abstract of Thomas Kuhn (1970). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. (University of Chicago Press). Discuss the following: 2. a. Kuhn argued that science is not the neat, orderly process that outside observers perceive it to be. Why not? b. What is a “scientific revolution”? How does it differ from “normal science”? c. Why do researchers need to replicate the results of their studies? Review Chapter 1 in your main text, “What is Research? a. What is research? Read and discuss overview of research (pages 2-7). b. Define the research cycle. Assignment 1: Begin the Research Idea Notebook This exercise helps you to develop the habit of looking for research possibilities. Begin to put your ideas for research and your research questions in a small notebook or notepad. Keep it with you all the time, including by your bed table at night while you sleep. Jot down every idea that you get. This will be helpful when you meet to brainstorm about research possibilities. You will share these ideas in class. Further, after your individual or team project is underway, the notebooks can be used List 5 research ideas from your brainstorming here: Assignment 1: Find a Research Study and Evaluate its Quality Identify a research study from a scholarly journal or book. Use the checklist in Chapter 1 of your main textbook. Answer the questions. Begin with a summary overview of the research including title, source, research question, methods used, discussion and findings. Share with the class in discussion. Provide your critique here: Page | 5 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 6 CLASS 3: TOOLS AND PROCESSES OF RESEARCH - Chapter 1 Activity 2: Discussion 1. Review the guidelines on writing to communicate in your main text. Summarize and discuss the important points. Assignment 2: Exciting Scholarly Writing 1. Find examples of exciting scholarly writing. Cite full reference, author, title, publication, summary abstract of the article, etc. Indicate what you find so exciting about this scholarly piece—writing style, type of research, information conveyed, how data were collected, presentation of findings, etc. Reflect on authors whose writing really excited you. Bring in examples. This could be a paragraph or two that you believe is clear and well-written. You will read these aloud to the class. The class should listen intently and then describe what they hear (see the discussion on “say back” in your text). You will begin to get a sense of how others hear or interpret the writings you have selected. Describe your article that exemplifies exciting writing here: Page | 7 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 8 CLASS 4-5: CRAFTING THE RESEARCH IDEA: TRANSFORMING INTO TOPIC, TITLE AND QUESTIONS AND DEFINING THE RESEARCH PROJECT - Chapter 2 Activity 3: Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Determine whether you will work independently or with team. Designate Research Team. Brainstorm to generate project ideas with peers using research ideas notebook. Share ideas with class for class critique and reactions. Narrow your research idea to 1-2 topics. Indicate those here: Review guidelines on stating the research problem/questions (main text). Complete checklist on “Evaluating the Research Problem”. Share your preliminary problem/question here: 6. See guidelines and checklist on “Evaluating Your Proposed Research”. Answer questions and share with class. 7. Reevaluate your research problem by using the guidelines in your textbook. 8. Define what an independent and dependent variable is. In the following examples, identify the independent and dependent variable(s). a) Two groups of children were given different types of physical fitness programs to see if the programs had an effect on their strength. b) A group of 100 heavy smokers was divided into 5 groups, and each group participated in a different smoking cessation program. After 6 months of program participation, the number of cigarettes each participant smoked each day was counted. c) A university professor was interested in determining the best way to teach introductory psychology and ensure that his students would learn the material. 9. Distinguish between the research hypothesis and the null hypothesis? Why is the null hypothesis always statement of equality? Why can the research hypothesis take on many different forms? 10. Write the null and research hypotheses for the following paragraph: A group of middle-aged men was asked to complete a questionnaire on their attitudes toward work and family. Each of these men are married and have at least two children. Another group of men who have no children also completed the same survey. Your statement: Assignment 3: Developing Hypothesis Statements and Literature Reviews 1. Read Chapters 1-4 in supplemental text or any reference text: Writing Empirical Research Reports. Complete the exercises at the end of each chapter. Chapter 1: Writing Simple Research Hypotheses Chapter 2: A Closer Look at Hypotheses Chapter 3: Writing Research Purposes, Objectives, & Questions Chapter 4: Writing Titles Page | 9 2. Develop a hypothesis statement of your own. Provide the background leading up to your statement. Write your statement here: 3. For the next class, read & review the supplemental reader on “Writing Literature Reviews” by Jose L. Galvan or any similar text. Peruse as many chapters as possible to get an idea about the steps in the literature review process. Complete exercises at the end of the chapter. Select one sample literature review in the appendix or any literature review you can identify and make a critique for discussion in class. Page | 10 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 11 CLASS 6-7: SEARCHING AND READING THE RELATED LITERATURE-DEVELOPING THE LITERATURE REVIEW - Chapter 3 Activity 4: Discussion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Why are journals so important to research and the field of psychology? Distinguish between primary and secondary sources. Cite examples. What is a literature chain? Why is it helpful to researchers? Name four characteristics of good references in psychology. How can being organized enhance the search and use of the psychological literature? Name several ways researchers can become more organized? 6. In your own words, define plagiarism. Distinguish between two types of plagiarism accidental (unintentional) and intentional. Is one type worse than the other? Why or why not? 7. What does a research article look like? What are its components? 8. What are the criteria for judging a research study? 9. Read & Review Chapter 5 on writing introductions and literature reviews in your supplemental reader, Writing Empirical Research Reports. (P.41). Complete Part A of the exercise at the end of the chapter. Discuss your answers. 10. Read & review the supplemental reader on “Writing Literature Reviews” by Jose L.Galvan. Complete exercises at the end of the chapter. Select one sample literature review in the appendix and make a critique for discussion in class. (Note: Instructor may assign specific chapters to several students.) Assignment 4: Basics of APA Style and Publication Manual 1. Read and Review the APA Publication Manual. Go online to APA and review style updates and at: View the tutorials on The Basics of APA Style ( Provide your assessment of the format. Page | 12 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 13 CLASS 6- 7: GETTING FAMILIAR WITH THE APA FORMAT Activity 5: Discussion 1. Now that you have viewed the tutorials on how to use the APA format, practice using the format. Cite 1 book, 1 journal article and 1 Internet source using the correct APA format. Also cite 1 journal that can also be found in paper copy and online. Book: Journal Article: Internet Source: Journal + Internet: Assignment 5: Develop Key Words for Data Searches 1. Develop key words for your research topic to prepare for online data searches in the library next class. List key words here: 2. Identify other data sources in preparation. Begin to develop literature chain as you do you library searches. 3. Use this library time wisely, so you can be prepared to move forward with developing your outline for your literature review and begin writing. Page | 14 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 15 CLASS 8: USING THE LIBRARY FOR RESEARCH—LIBRARY VISIT Activity 6: Library Orientation & Online Data Searches Identify the online data bases you can use for research. List 5 references on any of the topics you are interested in. Cite shortcomings of online searches. Identify available Internet references, journals on line. Develop list of references for your research topic. Assignment 6: A Review of Ethics & Writing Mechanics 1. Discuss the major tenets in the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and answer discussion questions below in assignment 7.. See also the web course online links on ethics principles. Go to Psy 211 “Related Learning Links.” What do you find most intriguing about ethics issues and research? Provide your opinion on the case of Henrietta Lacks and the Tuskegee Experiment. Page | 16 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 17 CLASS 9: ETHICAL STANDARDS IN RESEARCH- CHAPTER 4 Activity 7: Discussion 1. What are the major tenets of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists? 2. What is an Institutional Review Board? 3. Generate a list of topics that are ethically sensitive. 4. What are the most important points in the APA Ethical Guidelines? 5. What ethics will you need to consider in conducting your own research? 6. Develop draft of your informed consent form. 7. Review guidelines for deciding whether to use qualitative or quantitative methods in your textbook. Which method will you use and why? 8. Evaluate your plans and determine whether your research project is realistic and practical, using the guidelines and checklist in your textbook. Assignment 7: Develop First Draft of Research Design 1. Read & Review Supplemental Reader: “Writing Empirical Research Reports”- Chapters 6, 7, & 8. Writing Definitions; Writing Assumptions, Limitations, and Delimitations; and, Writing Method Sections. Complete exercises at the end of each chapter. Write a summary statement on each concept or an overview of what you have learned. 2. Write a first draft of your research design. Consult the guidelines in your text and the handouts provided by your instructor. Attach it as an appendix to your journal. Page | 18 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 19 CLASS 10-11: OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH DESIGNS & METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES - Chapters 6-7, 9-10, & 12 Activity 8: Discussion 1. 2. 3. Present your first draft of the research design. Critique its strengths and weaknesses Review the checklist for strengthening your design. Share draft design with classmates. Revise design, based on input and checklist Review and critique research proposal in your textbook. Assignment 8: Revise Research Design 1. Attach drafts of revised design to appendix of this journal. Page | 20 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 21 CLASS 10-11: NON EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH - QUALITATIVE & HISTORICAL RESEARCH METHODS (Applied and Field Research Approaches) Activity 9: Discussion 1. Is field and applied research the same thing? Why or why not? How do they differ from basic research? 2. What is naturalistic observation? How is it similar to but different from participant observation? 3. You are a museum curator, what sorts of unobtrusive measures can help you determine what the public thinks of your exhibits? 4. What is ethnography? How can it be used to explore psychological issues? 5. What is phenomenological research? What particular methodology does it use and how does it differ from naturalistic observation and ethnography? 6. Why can a given research method employed by a researcher affect the results he or she obtains? Does the method one chooses also affect interpretations of the data? 7. How are interviews conducted and what are some of the guidelines for developing good interview schedules? 8. How might you evaluate the worth of a qualitative research study? Consult your chapter. Assignment 9: Field Research Visit a shopping mall, museum, library, dormitory, cafeteria, hospital, beach, or some other place where people frequent. Spend at least one hour. Develop several research questions based on your observations in that setting. What specific topics and research questions are good possibilities for study? How might you approach each topic or question methodologically? Identify who will be observed and what sort of behavior or behaviors will be examined.. How will the behavior(s) be coded? What sorts of interpretations can be offered? Be certain to discuss the strengths and limits of naturalistic observation. Page | 22 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 23 CLASS 10-11: DESCRIPTIVE/QUASI-EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Activity 10: Discussion-Survey Research 1. Develop a short survey on a current campus or community issue or controversy. Use guidelines in your textbook on constructing and administering a questionnaire. Write open-and closed-ended questions. After questions are finalized, decide on what demographic data should be included. 2. Name several characteristics of good surveys. 3. Discuss some of the sampling issues and biases that confront researchers in field settings. 4. Review section on sampling. Complete checklist on “Analyzing a Population.” Also review the handout on sampling methodologies. Write your understanding here: Page | 24 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 25 CLASS 10-11: EXPERIMENTAL & EX POST FACTO RESEARCH DESIGNS Activities 11: Discussion 1. Why is a balance between external validity and internal validity necessary for acceptable research? 2. A group of children with emotional disorders is placed in a special program to improve the quality of their social interactions based on their extreme test scores. At the end of the program, the average increase in the quality of their interactions is 57%. What threat to internal validity negates the value of this finding, and what can you do to remedy the situation? 3. List the steps you would go through to ensure that two groups participating in a study of attitude toward divorce are equally matched. 4. What are the ethical considerations for assigning first graders to different experimental learning groups? Does it affect your ethical concerns if the assignment is random? 5. What are some examples of pre-experimental research you see in the real world? 6. What are some benefits of using pretests? 7. What are the threats to external validity? How could each threat affect you as a researcher? 8. Come up with a research example for each threat to external validity. What are some methods to increase external validity? Assignment 11: Exploring Experimental Psychology Journals 1. Peruse the most recent issues of some experimental psychological journals. Review at least one current issue of a journal and answer the following questions: -What type of design was used to address what sort of research question? Page | 26 -Does the design used vary by subfield of psychology? For example, do cognitive or developmental psychologists rely on within-subjects designs with greater frequency than social or personality researchers? Why? CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 27 CLASS 12-13: DATA COLLECTION, INSTRUMENTATION, ANALYSIS, STATISTICS & GRAPHING RESULTS- Chapters 6-7, 8-11 Activity 12: Discussion 1. Develop a Data Collection and Analysis Plan. Attach a draft to the Appendix of this Journal. 2. Why should statistical analysis be viewed as a tool for researchers? 3. Why should researchers plan their data analyses in advance of data collection? 4. What is data analysis and what is an analysis plan? Why is it an important research tool? How is data analysis different from statistical analysis? 5. How does the statistical technique called “meta-analysis” help clarify research results? Assignment 12: Good vs. Bad Examples of Data Presentation 1. Go to the library, search psychological journals for good and not so good examples of data presentation. Present your findings here. Tell us why these are good or bad examples. Make sure you provide a complete citation of the sources in APA format. Include some graphical examples. Page | 28 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 29 CLASS 14: INDIVIDUAL OR TEAM WORK (FOR DATA COLLECTION) This is an opportunity for individuals or teams to meet to develop and carry out research. It is encouraged that all class members continue to meet during the designated class period. You may use the classroom or the library. Note: This free time may change. Being able to have a free class will depend on where we are in class at this time. Record your reflections and assessment below. CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan Page | 30 (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) CLASS 15: RESEARCH PRESENTATION-WRITTEN, ORAL & DIGITAL - Chapter 13 Activity 15: Discussion 1. Why should researchers share their research results through written and oral presentations or publications? What are the key ingredients of an excellent written research paper. 2. Describe 8 rules of thumb used by seasoned speakers. Explain how these techniques could improve a psychologist’s presentation. 3. What is a journal’s statement of purpose? How does it differ from a journal’s submission guidelines? Why should researchers read and follow these two editorial guides before submitting a manuscript to a journal? 4. Why is presentation of research a creative process? Why does a researcher’s opinion about a topic or results change across time? Why is psychological knowledge not static? 5. 6. What are the important steps in making an effective oral presentation of your research study and findings? How should you use technology and other supporting materials? Page | 31 CONSTRUCTING MEANING AND UNDERSTANDING Summary (What Do I Understand About this Segment?) Reflections (What Am I thinking about the research process?) Questions (What Questions do I have that need answers?) Action Plan (What are my next steps toward my goals for this course?) Page | 32 CLASS 16: RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Reflect on the intricacies of research presentation. Assess your presentation at the research symposium. Reflections OVERALL REFLECTIONS ON COURSE Provide your assessment of your experience in this course. What have you learned? What is the most helpful understanding you have gained about the research process? Reflections Questions You Still Have about Research How will you use what you have learned from this course? Page | 33 Additional Comments APPENDICES (List attached assignments here by number and name and insert after this page.) Page | 34