Here's - Republic of Strength

The information presented herein is in no way intended as medical
advice or to serve as a substitute for medical counseling. Rather, as
with all exercise and nutrition programs, the Republic of Strength
Nutrition Plan is intended only to supplement, not replace, medical
care or advice as part of a healthful lifestyle. As such, the information
should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your
physician. You must consult your physician before beginning this
program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you
choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with
your physician throughout the duration of your time using the
Republic of Strength Nutrition Plan., you are agreeing to accept full
responsibility for your actions. By utilizing the nutritional strategies
contained herein, you recognize that despite all precautions on the
part of Owen Evans, Kettlebell Republic and Republic of Strength,
there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your
use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume
such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you
may have against Owen Evans, Kettlebell Republic and Republic of
Strength or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or
illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse
of the nutritional strategies contained in, associated with, or
performed in conjunction with the Republic of Strength Nutrition Plan.
Key Points of the Nutrition Plan
Reminder (in case you skipped the disclaimer section) this nutrition plan is only a
suggestion of what you can do based on my experience in helping clients drop
significant amounts of weight in short periods of time.
Putting together this nutrition plan has been a culmination of years of
manipulating past and current clients eating habits and experimenting on myself..
Whether you want to lose weight or add muscle you must have nutrition, training
and recovery all in place for your goals to be reached.
The biggest piece of advice I can share with anyone looking to make changes in
their health, level of fitness or body image is that there is no quick fix. Let me say
that again, there is no quick fix. Anything that seems too easy, probably isn't
effective and can't be sustained long term.
Making a change is a lifestyle choice that requires eating healthy foods,
exercising smart, and enjoying yourself. Since, I am not an author, nor can I
afford to pay one to write this, I will lay out the nutrition plan concepts in simple
bullet points...
1. Eat Healthy Foods. Basically avoid processed foods. Prepare your own meals
and choose foods with a single ingredient. What I mean by single ingredient
foods is an apple, spinach, chicken, and salmon.
Processed foods are filled with crap and thus need to be avoided. If you can't
pronounce an ingredient in a product, your body will probably struggle just as
much trying to process it, so don't eat it!
There is a list of “best” and “ok” foods in a later section. Choose foods in the
“best” category for most every meal and only occasionally choose foods from the
“ok” group.
2. Drink Plenty of Water. By water, I mean water, not coffee, not tea, not diet
soda…plain old boring water. The human body is more than 60% water, if we
were made of 60% diet soda, then it would be fine drinking diet soda, but we are
not, so ditch the sodas and other sugary drinks and make it a point to drink a
gallon of water a day. We need water to constantly replenish water that is lost
throughout the day, to help our digestive system, assist in recovering from
training, and much, much more.
3. Keep Records of Everything, Both Nutrition and Training. Keep a detailed log
of what you eat at every meal, you will think twice before downing a sleeve of
Oreos if it has to be recorded in your nutrition log. Plus, people who track their
meals are 5 times more successful with losing weight or adding muscle because
they tend to plan meals, don’t skip meals, and make fewer bad food choices.
4. Intermittent Fasting. There is lots of awesome information online regarding
this topic, so I’ll spare you, but along with eating healthy foods, fasting is the
cornerstone of the Republic of Strength Nutrition Plan. Fasting will lower the
amount of stress that is put on your body when your digestive system processes
your meals. Allowing your digestive system a break from food will give your
digestive organs a much needed break and allow your system to replenish
digestive enzymes.
There are two types of fasting in the plan...
24 Hour Fast, which follows the required Cheat Day (see next bullet
point). During this fast you go without food starting after dinner on your
Cheat Day until the same time the following day. On theses days water,
green tea and black coffee are allowed during the fast, plus BCAAs, if
necessary (see the supplement section).
A trick I use on my fasting days is to drink 1 liter of water immediately
upon awakening. In the morning, we are dehydrated from our body’s
recovery processes and breathing and/or snoring all night and
unfortunately this thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Try it, it works.
Here’s how it works: if your Cheat Day is Sunday and your dinner ends at
7pm, you wouldn’t eat until Monday at 7pm. So you will eat everyday even
though you fast for 24 hours. In the beginning, the 24-hours might be
difficult, so take baby steps and fast as long as possible in the beginning,
then each week increase your fast period until you reach 24 hours.
16-Hour Fast, where fasting occurs for 16 hours and meals are eating in
an 8-hour window. During this fast you will go without food starting
immediately following dinner until 16-hours later. Its really not all that bad,
since a good majority of the fast occurs while you are asleep.
Here’s how the 16/8 Fast works: During the 8 hours that you eat, it is best
to eat all calories in 3 meals, to help your digestive system recover before
your next feeding. Your fasting period will begin after your dinner until your
first meal the next day, 16 hours later
5. Eat green vegetables every meal. This is not optional, you must eat
vegetables with every meal. Green vegetables are packed with vitamins and
nutrients to help your body function properly, stay energized, and healthy.
6. One Cheat Day Per Week. Once a week, you are allowed a Cheat Day, and I
mean cheat, don’t underestimate the importance of this day in the nutrition plan.
By cheating, I want you to eat all the stuff you wish you could have all week long
but aren’t aloud according to the plan. Cheating will provide both physical and
psychological benefits. When you cheat once a week, there is a direct
correlation to not wanting to cheat or eat poorly during the rest of the week.
Plus, the cheat day will reset your body by raising your metabolism and leptin
levels, which fall considerably when you under-eat for a week or more. Basically,
when leptin lowers it becomes harder for your body to drop fat and the body
actually starts storing more body fat. By over-eating on one day, your leptin is
raised, so your body will want to burn fat instead of store it. In addiction, undereating causes your metabolism to lower, by cheating you will raise your
metabolism and burn more calories all day long.
Here’s how the Cheat Day works…you must eat 1500 calories more than you
normally consume throughout the week. In the morning eat a protein + carb
meal for breakfast and strength train if possible beforehand. Then cheat all
afternoon, eating all the things you crave, like pizza, ice cream, cookies, etc, but
continue to consume veggies at all meals. In the evening eat a protein + fat meal
for dinner.
7. Keep a detailed log of what you eat at every meal so I can have a chance to
review your diet and make necessary adjustments. People who track their meals
are more successful with losing weight because they don’t skip meals, cheat and
eat out at restaurants.
8. Eliminate alcohol. This is a necessity if your goal is to lose weight quickly, if
not, an occasional drink is ok. Consumption of alcoholic beverages will add
empty calories to your diet and sabotage any weight loss.
Alcohol also slows your rate of recovery following training sessions, dehydrates
your body and reduces energy level. These drawbacks of alcohol will lead to
decreased strength and increases in fat storage, both not conducive to losing
weight or adding muscle.
9. Pre-Workout Shake. On workout days, you should consume a pre-workout
shake that includes 20 grams of protein and 30-40 grams of fast digesting carbs
(check the supplement section for an approved Pre-Workout Shake).
The pre-workout nutrition will help to keep your energy up and intensity high
throughout your workout, helping to add lean muscle and burn fat.
10. Eliminate Gluten. This is not a popular topic amongst users of the nutrition
plan, but once you try it and feel the effects, you will be pleased with the results.
I have personally been gluten free for over a year and a half and can easily say
that the elimination of gluten might be the best nutrition change I have ever
made. Dropping gluten from my diet has eliminated stomach bloating, digestive
issues, which included acid reflux and sinus infections, which would occur 3
times per year, have subsided. In addition my energy is higher throughout the
day and quickly lost body fat and easily kept it off.
11. Don’t mix carbs and fats! Carbs and fats are not mixed in your daily meals,
because high amounts of carbs and fats together in a meal has been shown to
increase fat storage. During normal meals, if you are eating a protein and carb
meal, then keep fats below 10g. Similarly, when eating your protein and fat
meal, keep the carbs below 10g.
On cheat days it is a little more difficult to keep fat and carbs separate and
consume enough additional calories, so disregard the separation of these
macronutrients on this day ONLY.
Nutrition Plan Breakdown
The nutrition plan below is based on a seven day week. Start your plan on any
day you prefer, I personally prefer my Day 1 to be Sunday, as it’s easiest for me
to Cheat when I’m at home all day. Plus Mondays are busy at the gym, so
Fasting all day is not a problem.
Day 1 - Cheat Day
Meal 1: Protein + Carb meal
Afternoon Meals: Cheat, eating all the your favorite “bad” foods, include
approved veggies in all cheat meals.
Meal 4: Protein + Fat meal
Day 2 – 24-Hour Fast Day
Meal 1: Protein + Fat meal
Day 3 - 16-Hour Fast Day
Meal 1: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 2: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 3: Protein + Fat meal
Day 4 - 16-Hour Fast Day
Meal 1: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 2: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 3: Protein + Fat meal
Day 5 - 16-Hour Fast Day
Meal 1: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 2: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 3: Protein + Fat meal
Day 6 - 16-Hour Fast Day
Meal 1: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 2: Protein + Carb meal
Meal 3: Protein + Fat meal
Day 7: 16-Hour Fast Day
Meal 1: Protein + Fat meal
Meal 2: Protein + Fat meal
Meal 3: Protein + Fat meal
For all your meals on Monday thru Saturday, eat the foods in the “Best” category,
from the included Foods List and occasionally the foods in the “OK” category.
Every meal must include veggies.
Meal Breakdowns
All meals, Monday thru Saturday, you will eat the foods in the “Best” category,
from the included Foods List, and occasionally the foods in the “OK” category.
Meal breakdowns are approximations, exact numbers can be calculated for you
through a nutritional consultation with Owen. To schedule a consultation, please
Vegetables - Every meal must include veggies, especially green veggies.
Protein - All meals will include protein.
Men: approximately 60-80 grams of protein per meal.
Ladies: approximately 25-45 grams of protein per meal.
Carbohydrates - Carbs are to be consumed only in Protein + Carb Meals. Limit
Carb intake to less than 10 grams during Protein + Fat Meals.
Men: approximately 70-80 grams of Carbs per Protein + Carb Meal.
Ladies: approximately 50-60 grams of Carbs per Protein + Carb Meal.
Fats - Fats are to be consumed only in Protein + Fat Meals. Limit Fat intake to
less than 10 grams during Protein + Carb Meals.
Men: approximately 80+ grams of Fats per Protein + Fat Meal.
Ladies: approximately 40+ grams of Fats per Protein + Carb Meal.
Pre-Workout Shake - The best options for pre-workout nutrition is a high quality
whey protein shake and waxy maize, a fast-digesting carbohydrate supplement,
which both can be purchased at any local supplement store. The top choice I
have found is called Prograde Workout, which already has the proper carbs and
protein combined in one shake, click here to check it out. This drink can be used
for both pre- and post-workout, but definitely use for pre-workout, if you choose
to use it only once.
Digestive Enzymes - When we eat we stress our digestive system by using up
the enzymes necessary for processing the foods we eat. This is one of the
reasons for intermittent fasting, by giving your digestive system a break from
working it is able to restock its supply of enzymes. Unfortunately, fasting alone
does not always fix the problem so adding a digestive enzyme supplement will be
necessary. A brand I trust is Biotrust AbsorbMax which can be purchased here.
BCAAs - Branched Chain Amino Acids comprised of I-leucine, I-isoleucine and lvaline. Here is a high quality brand called Biotest BCAA Matrix, click here to
check it out. You can also find BCAAs at most supplement stores. BCAAs are
the essential amino acids necessary to build muscle, so taking these during fasts
will help to spare muscle.
During Fast days you can consume 1 serving of BCAAs up to 6 times a day.
Doing this on fasting days can help stave off hunger.
Approved Foods List
Vegetables (Approved for ALL Meals) Eat as much as you like at
every meal
Green vegetables: Asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cucumber, filed greens,
green beans, romaine lettuce, snap peas, spinach
Other vegetables: Bell peppers, carrots, celery, eggplant, mushrooms, squash,
Fish: Anchovies, calamari, cod, flounder, grouper, halibut, mackerel, mahi mahi,
salmon (wild not farm raised), sardines, swordfish, tuna (canned in water) tuna
steak or sushi
Shellfish: Clams/mussels, crab, lobster, oysters, shrimp/prawns
Poultry: Chicken (skinless), ground turkey (extra lean), turkey breast
Meat: Buffalo, filet mignon, flank steak, ground beef (93% lean), ham (96% fat
free), London broil, pork loin (lean), top and bottom round, venison
Legumes: Black beans
Dairy products: Cheeses (less than 2% fat), Egg beaters, egg whites, milk (fat
free, skim), almond milk, yogurt (low fat, low sugar)
Poultry: Chicken (with skin), ground turkey (85-90% lean)
Meat: Ground beef (85-90% lean), roast beef
Legumes (eaten alone): Chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, pinto beans
Dairy products: Cottage cheese (1% and 2% fat), frozen yogurt (low fat, low
sugar), ice cream (low fat, low sugar), milk (1% and 2% fat), whole eggs, yogurt
(whole milk)
Starches: Brown rice, couscous, quinoa
Root vegetables: Beets, sweet potatoes, yams
Fruit: Apples (green), blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, grapefruit,
grapes (red), honeydew, oranges (whole), papaya, peaches, plums,
pomegranates, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon
Corn tortillas
Cereals: Corn based cereals (all), rice based cereals (all)
Root vegetables: Potatoes (baked) Other vegetables: Iceberg lettuce, yellow
squash, zucchini Fruit: Dates Snacks: rice cakes
Oils and sprays: Coconut oil, Canola oil, Canola spray, fish oil capsules, flaxseed
oil, olive oil (extra virgin), olive oil spray (extra virgin)
Veggies: Avocados, Seeds: Pumpkin, sunflower Nuts: Almonds, cashews,
macadamias, pecans, walnuts
Legumes: Natural peanut butter, peanuts
Water (at least 64 oz, per day), Red wine (2-6 glasses per week), tea
(decaffeinated-green, black or white)
Coffee (decaf or regular), teas (caffeinated), white wine
Balsamic vinegar, cayenne pepper, garlic, herbs/spices, horse radish, hummus,
Mrs. Dash seasoning, mustard, pesto, salad dressing (fat-free), salsa,
Ketchup (organic), salad dressing (low fat), syrup (light)
As an example, here is what I eat during a 16-Hour Fast day:
Sample Day 1
Meal 1 (Protein + Carb):
8 eggs (4 egg whites/4 full eggs) scrambled with..
handful of green peppers,
handful of tomatoes
handful of spinach
cheddar cheese
With side of
2 cup strawberries
Meal 2 (Protein + Carb):
1/2lb of meatballs over 1-1/2 cup quinoa
With side salad of…
Spinach, tomatoes and pre chopped veggies
Meal 3 (Protein + Fat):
All mixed together…
1lb of lean ground beef with taco seasonings