RSS Executive Committee Meeting II AGENDA

RSS Executive Committee Meeting II – Minutes
ALA Midwinter 2010 – Monday, Jan. 18, 2010, 9:30 AM – 11 AM
Westin Waterfront (Otis)
Boston, MA
Executive Committee: Barb Mann [Chair], Judy Solberg [Past Chair], Joseph Thompson
[Vice Chair/Chair Elect], Sarah Hammill [Member-at-Large], Brett Lear [Member-at-Large],
Marjorie Schreiber Lear [Secretary], Virginia Cole [Webmaster]
Committees and Discussion Groups:
Larayne Dallas [Nominating], Emilie Smart [Management of Reference], Liane Luckman
[Research and Statistics & Liaison to RUSA Membership], Pat Randle [Services to Adults],
Nancy A. Bunker [Ethical & Legal Issues Discussion Group], Steven Vest [User Education
and Information Literacy], Colleen Seale [Evaluation of Reference and User Services],
Kornelia Tancheva [Evaluation of Reference and User Services], Alica White [CRSC?], Steve
Ostrem [Catalog Use], Scott Garton [Reference Services in Large Research Libraries
Discussion Group], Susan Ware [RSS Liaison to RUSA Standards and Guidelines]
I. Welcome and Introductions
II. Action items from the Committees
Barb received a proposal from Services to an Aging Population Committee to present a preconference. The question was raised: What happens to the revenue of a pre-conference if
an external organization is paying for it? Cost for pre-conferences is determined by breakeven points. The Executive Committee would like more information on what the real cost of
the program is, and who are the funders? In principle, it was approved as a good idea that
should go forward (Joe moved, Sarah seconded).
III. Section Review
Organization and Planning has worked on the Section Review and are in the final phase and
still accepting comments. The final edits should be finished in February, and then the
document will be sent to Executive Board and RUSA.
Some of the topics raised again at this meeting included embracing teen and children’s
reference services, looking at our structure as an organization, and considering how we will
implement changes through liaisons, committee changes, or initiatives. It was suggested
that we use the RUSA Mission Statement as a tool for guiding principles.
Please send comments on Section Review, using the RSS space on ALA Connect, to Judy by
2/1/10. Barb applauds the efforts that have been made during this Section Review process.
Meeting formats for Midwinter 2011 were discussed, with the following questions
Should we have one meeting, and one virtual meeting immediately after the conference via
the web?
Should we expand our first meeting?
Should we just have one meeting at Annual, because people want the opportunity to go to
programs instead of meeting?
Do we need to hold a meeting after the RUSA Board meeting?
It was emphasized that online work does not just consist of emailing back and forth – it
needs to be synchronous, virtual communication as a group (web conferencing).
These are questions that may need to be addressed with the Bylaws in mind, through
Organization and Planning committee. Several group members felt that taking away
meetings made it less likely that we would bring them back, and that making massive
changes should require deliberation, similar to our discussions with the Section Review.
It was suggested that a survey be created and distributed by Barb that asks questions such
as the following:
Why are you a member of RSS?
How do you participate virtually or in-person?
Why did you not come to the conference?
What are conferences for?
III. Strategic Planning
The group was asked to think about which areas we should be moving forward in, and give
ideas for how to get going. Due to time constraints, this section of the meeting did not lead
to a discussion.
Meeting adjourned 11:00 AM.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Marjorie Schreiber Lear, RSS Secretary.