================================================================================ Entity: EXAMPLE - IMPORTAÇÃO E EXPORTAÇÃO, LDA. Your Ref: 00000000 ================================================================================ Identification ================================================================================ Name EXAMPLE - IMPORTAÇÃO E EXPORTAÇÃO, LDA. VAT Nr. 000000000 Address Example Street, Nr. 1 B Locality Alfragide Postcode 0000-000 AMADORA Mun./Dist./Country Amadora/Lisbon/Portugal Currency Euros/ Eur unless otherwise indicated ================================================================================ Credit Evaluation ================================================================================ Global Credit Limit Not available Credit Opinion Face to the Current Situation of the holder, same sources advise within the concession of Credit, the same one was balanced. scoring Score Entity not classified (has ceased activity) ================================================================================ Synthesis ================================================================================ Legal Form Priv. Ltd Comp. Incorporation 2001-10-30 Co.House Reg. Nr. 00000 Companies House C.R.C.Oeiras Starting-Up 2001-10 Main Nace Code 00000 Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics Current Situation Activity has ceased No No Share Capital 150.000,00 EUR Sales + Rend.Servic On 2009 529.787 EUR Net Assets On 2009 709.053 EUR Equity Capital On 2009 141.529 EUR Net Result On 2009 -117.445 EUR Last Balance Sheet 2009 ================================================================================ Incorporations and Changes ================================================================================ Incorporation 2001-10-30 DR 138 2002-06-18 Other Changes 2008-08-13 MJ 2008-08-14 Change of head office Registry N 00000 C.R.C.O... ================================================================================ History ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Previous Premises ================================================================================ Warehouse Example Street Nr. 53 Loja 5 Algés 0000-000 ALGÉS Commune/District Oeiras/Lisboa Head Office Example Street, Nr. 53 Loja 5 Algés 0000-000 ALGÉS Commune/District Oeiras/Lisboa Office Example Street, Nr. 1 B Alfragide 0000-000 AMADORA Commune/District Amadora/Lisboa ================================================================================ Economic Activities ================================================================================ CAE 00000 Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics Comercialização de equipamentos para cosmética e estética. ================================================================================ Head Office and Premises ================================================================================ Head Office Example Street, Nr. 1 B Alfragide 0000-000 AMADORA ================================================================================ Capital ================================================================================ Share Capital 150.000,00 EUR Partners C… M… F… R… C… E… A… P… E… C… 90.000,00 EUR 60.000,00 EUR ================================================================================ Real Property ================================================================================ Doesn't appear to have ================================================================================ Economic and Financial Data ================================================================================ Total Net Assets CURRENT ASSETS Total Equity Capital Net Results Raw materials and Merchandise cost.......... Supp.+ Ext. Services Turnover Export Purchases Import No.of Employees 2007 979.721 879.411 110.366 -824 2008 328.375 324.832 310.766 13.815 2009 709.053 613.233 141.529 -117.445 393.354 200.133 832.682 319.527 156.974 706.222 301.515 152.176 529.787 373.250 303.196 257.757 8 8 8 ================================================================================ Management ================================================================================ Manager-Partner E… A… P… E… C… Manager-Partner C… M… F… R… C… Signatures The company is bound by one signature of a Manager-Partner ================================================================================ Partners' Identification ================================================================================ ******************************************************************************** C... M… F… R… C... ******************************************************************************** Nationality Portugal Civil Status Married under the reg.of comm.of after acquired prop. Spouse's Name E… A… P… E… C… Official residence Example Street, Lt.16-3º-Esqº 0000-000 BURACA ================================================================================ Partner/Shareholder of................ Share/Capital C… R…-SOC.CONS.TECNICA LDA 5.625,00 EUR Example Street Lt. 16 3º.Es 7.500,00 EUR 0000-000 AMADORA Business and other management consultancy activities ******************************************************************************** E… A… P… E… C… ******************************************************************************** Nationality Portugal Civil Status Married under the reg.of comm.of after acquired prop. Spouse's Name C... M... F... R... C... Official residence Example Street, Lt.16-3º-Esqº 0000-000 BURACA ================================================================================ Partner/Shareholder of................ Share/Capital C… R…-SOC.CONS.TECNICA LDA 1.875,00 EUR Urb. Example Lt. 16 3º.Es 7.500,00 EUR 0000-000 AMADORA Business and other management consultancy activities ================================================================================ Lawsuits & Protests Register ================================================================================ Civil Actions Date Amount District Ju / S Action type 1 Author State of Resolution On Number /Year Process Action Type Action Type Action Type The type of Type 3) can debt. 2008-01-15 61.750,00 EUR A... M... CENTRO DE ESTÉTICA Published 2008-01-15 ..../.... Amadora 02/00 1 : amounts higher than 30,000.01 Eur 2 : amounts between 5,000.01 Eur and 30,000.00 Eur 3 : amounts up to 5,000.00 Eur the civil action presented (Action Type 1; Action Type 2 and Action change, taking into consideration the amount of the outstanding ================================================================================ Searching Difficulties ================================================================================ In view of subject's present situation, it was not yet possible to contact one of the responsibles. Elements stated were obtained through other sources. It was not possible to confirm the state of resolution of all incidents register in the name of the entity. ================================================================================ Condensed Balance Sheet ================================================================================ 2008 2009 Var% ASSETS FIXED ASSETS 3.543 95.820 2604,2% Intangible Fixed Assets Tangible Fixed Assets Investments CURRENT ASSETS 455 3.088 95.820 3003% 324.832 571.071 75,8% Stocks 162.721 88.515 -45,6% Debts of third parties 110.881 384.267 246,6% Debts of third parties-medium/long term..... Debts of third parties-short term......................... 110.881 384.267 246,6% Negotiable securities Bank deposits and Cash-flow 51.230 98.289 91,9% ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS Total Net Assets 328.375 42.162 709.053 115,9% EQUITY CAPITAL Share Capital 150.000 150.000 0% Share Issue Premiums (quotas) Revaluation Reserves Legal Reserves Other reserves 324.812 273.843 -15,7% Retained Profit Net profit Anticipated Dividends Total Equity Capital -177.860 13.815 310.766 -164.869 7,3% -117.445 -950,1% 141.529 -54,5% LIABILITIES Provisions for risks and charges...................... Liabilities 17.609 551.307 3030,9% Medium and long-term liabilities.................. Short-term liabilities 17.609 551.307 3030,9% Accruals and deferrals Total of Liabilities 17.609 16.217 567.524 3123% Total net equity and liabilities.................. 328.375 709.053 115,9% ================================================================================ Condensed Income Statement ================================================================================ 2008 2009 Var% EXTR.COSTS + LOSSES AND NET RESULT....................... Operating Costs 664.481 626.734 -5,7% Raw materials and Merchandise cost............. 319.527 301.515 -5,6% Supp.+ Ext. Services 156.974 152.176 -3,1% Personnel expenses 185.885 171.145 -7,9% Wages and salaries 185.885 171.145 -7,9% 2.095 1.898 -9,4% Social security and pension costs........................ Depreciation and Adjustments of the Financial Year........ Provisions Taxes Other operating costs Financial costs and losses 27.462 20.456 -25,5% Losses in group and assoc.companies.............. Deprec., Adjust., Applicat., Fin. Invest.................. Interests and similar costs 27.462 20.456 -25,5% Extraordinary costs and losses....................... 464 41 -91,1% COSTS AND LOSSES Tax on the year's income Financial year net result 692.407 13.815 647.231 -6,5% -117.445 -950,1% EARNINGS AND PROFITS Operating Income 706.222 529.787 -25% Sales 706.222 529.787 -25% Services rendered Inc/dec stks fin.pr./work progress..................... Work perf. by undert.own purposes..................... Supplementary income Operating subsidies Reversions of Depreciations and Adjustments.............. Other operating income Financial income and profits Profits in group and associated companies......... Income from Holdings Income from business securities/other financial application.................. Other interest and similar profits...................... Extraordinary income and profits...................... INCOME AND PROFITS RESULTS : Operating Profits Non-operating Profits Current Profits 0 0 0 706.222 41.741 -27.462 14.279 Extraordinary Profits Pre-tax Profits 0 529.787 -25% -96.948 -332,3% -20.456 25,5% -117.403 -922,2% -464 13.815 -41 91,1% -117.445 -950,1% © 2013 axesor conocer para decidir S.A. NIF. A-18/413302. All rights reserved.