Αθηνά Μαυρίδου 1. Σπουδές-δραστηριότητες 1972-1977 1977-1978 1983-1987 Πτυχίο του Bιολογικού Tμήματος του Πανεπιστημίου Aθηνών. Mεταπτυχιακό δίπλωμα D.E.A. d’Ecologie, Paris XI. Διδακτορική διατριβή "Mικροβιολογική ποιότητα του θαλάσσιου νερού σε σχέση με περιβαλλοντικές παραμέτρους και ρύπανση". Βιολογικό Τμήμα Παν. Αθηνών Ενδεικτικά αναφέρονται πρόσφατες δραστηριότητες: Μέλος της Τεχνικής Επιτροπής 1 και Εμπειρογνώμονας σε θέματα νερού του Εθνικού Φορέα Διαπίστευσης Εργαστηρίων (ΕΣΥΔ). Μέλος της Επιτροπής TC 147/TC 4 του ISO. Μέλος και τώρα Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής Μικροβιολογίας νερού- τροφίμων του ΕΛΟΤ. Εμπειρογνώμονας (expert) του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας σε θέματα ποιότητας νερών κολύμβησης και συμμετοχή στην έκδοση των Guidelines ως συγγραφέας και ως κριτής για την ποιότητα νερών αναψυχής (θαλάσσια νερά και νερά κολυμβητηρίων). Εμπειρογνώμονας (expert) τουWHO/UNEP/ΜAP σε θέματα ποιότητας του θαλάσσιου νερού με συμμετοχή σε πολλά expert meetings για την διαμόρφωση ειδικών κατευθυντηρίων οδηγιών. Oργάνωση σεμιναρίων, με την ιδιότητα του κεντρικού συντονιστή για την ποιότητα του νερού σε πολλές χώρες, με εντολή του Παγκόσμιου Οργανισμού Υγείας. Διοργάνωση Παγκόσμιου Συνεδρίου για τις υδατογενείς λοιμώξεις στην Νάξο τον Ιούνιο 2009. 2. Τομείς ερευνητικών ενδιαφερόντων: Mικροβιολογία με έμφαση στην Υγεία. Μικροβιολογία του νερού σε σχέση με Δημόσια 3. Συγγραφή βιβλίων: Mαυρίδου A., Παπαπετροπούλου M (1995): Mικροβιολογία του υδατίνου περιβάλλοντος - Bασικές αρχές. Eκδόσεις Tραυλός-Kωσταράκη, Aθήνα. Συμμετοχή σε τόμους (ενδεικτικά) 1. Health risks associated with microbial contamination of seashore sand. in WHO Guidelines for safe recreational - water environments , vol 1Geneva 2003 2. UNEP/MAP/MEDPOL/WHO Assessment of the state of the microbial pollution on the Mediterranean sea. MAP Technical Series no 170. Athens 2008 4. Διδασκόμενα μαθήματα: 4.1 προπτυχιακά (ΤΙΕ και Τμ Δημ Υγιεινής ΤΕΙ Αθήνας): 1. Γενική Μικροβιολογία 2. Διαπίστευση -Συστήματα Ασφάλειας στο εργαστήριο 3. Αναλύσεις νερού –τροφίμων 4.2 Μεταπτυχιακά: Διδάσκω θέματα μικροβιολογίας νερών και διαπίστευσης εργαστηρίων στα εξής μεταπτυχιακά προγράμματα: α) «Περιβάλλον και Υγεία», Διατμηματικό Ιατρικής Σχολής Αθηνών – Τμ. Κοσμετολογίας ΤΕΙ Αθήνας β) Διατμηματικό Εθνικής Σχολής Δημόσιας Υγείας – Τμ. Δημ Υγιεινής ΤΕΙ Αθήνας γ) γ)Μεταπτυχιακά Τμήματα της Εθνικής Σχολής Δημόσιας Υγείας δ) «Δημόσια Υγεία και Περιβαλλοντική Υγιεινή» Διατμηματικό Ιατρικού Τμήματος Παν Θεσσαλίας- Τμ. Ιατρικών Εργαστηρίων ΤΕΙ Αθήνας (και εκπρόσωπος του Τμήματος) 5. Ενδεικτικές-πρόσφατες δημοσιεύσεις: 1. A.J. Schel, P.D. Marsh, D.J. Bradshaw, Μ. Finney, Fulford, E. Frandsen, E. Østergaard, J.M. ten Cate, W.R. Moorer, A. Mavridou, J.J. Kamma, G.D. Mandilara, L. Strosser, S. Kneist, R. Araujo, N. Contreras, P. Goroncy-Bermes, D.O. Mullane, F. Burke, P.O. Reily, G. Hourigan, M.O. Sallivan, R. Holman, J.T. Walker (2006): Comparison of the Efficacies of Disinfectants To Control Microbial Contamination in Dental Unit Water Systems in General Dental Practices across the European Union. Appl Environ Microbiol , 72, 1380-1387. 2. Mandilara G., Smeti E., Mavridou A., Lambiri M., Vatopoulos A. and Rigas F (2006): Correlation between bacterial indicators and bacteriophages in sewage sludge. FEMS Microb lett 263, 119-126. . 3. Mavridou A., Kamma J., Mandilara G., Delaportas P., Komioti F (2006): Microbial Risk Assessment Of Dental Unit Water Systems in General Dental Practice In Greece Water Science and Technology , 54,3, 269-73 4. Mavridou A., Smeti E., Mandilara G.,Pappa O., Plakantonaki S., Grispou E and Polemis M (2008): Prevalence study of Legionella spp. contamination in Greek hospitals . International International Journal of Environmental Health Research , 18 ,4, 295-304 5. Maria A. Efstratiou, , , Athena Mavridou and Clive Richardson (2009): Prediction of Salmonella in seawater by total and faecal coliforms and enterococci Marine Pollution Bulletin ,article in press, abstract online 6. Επικοινωνία Τηλ 210 5385697 FAX 210 5385866 e mail: amavridou@teiath.gr Name Athena Mavridou, Biologist, PhD Address Τel/Fax Email Profession Kosma Balanou 39, 11636 Athens, Greece 0109228958, 0105385697 amavridou@teiath.gr Technological Educational Institute Athens, Greece, Department of Medical Laboratories http://users.teiath.gr/amavridou 11-10-1954 Athens, Greece Web page Date of birth Place of birth EDUCATION 1972-1977 1977-1978 Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences, University of Athens D.E.A. d’Ecologie Végétale, Paris XI, Centre d’Orsay. Dissertation titled “Dosages chimiques et microbiologiques des eaux courantes de la rivière Yvette aux environs d’Orsay”. 1983-1987 PhD, awarded by the Biology Department of the University of Athens: “The microbiological quality of seawater in relation to environmental parameters and pollution”. 1989 Post-Doctoral research in the research laboratory of Sainsbury’s, London, U.K. funded by the U.N. Environmental Programme (UNEP) Duration: 4 months Subject: The microbiological quality of bottled water. 1996 Post-Doctoral research in the Laboratory of Hospital Infection, PHLS, London, U.K. funded by the U.N. Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the European Commission Duration: 1 month Subject: Molecular methods for the detection of enterococci form seawater samples. Languages: French (Superieur II), English PROFESSIONAL CAREER 1979-1981 Research project on the microbiological quality of seawater funded by the National Research Center and carried out at the National School of Public Health, Athens 1982-1983 Biology teacher at secondary school. 1983-1998 Research fellow at the National School of Public Health, Athens. 1996 Visiting Professor at the Department of Medical Laboratories, Technological Educational Institute, Athens, teaching food and water microbiology. 1996-1997 Visiting Professor at Harokopeion University, Athens, teaching food and water microbiology at the Nutrition Department 1998-today Professor with tenure at the Department of Medical Laboratories, Technological Educational Institute, Athens, teaching food and water microbiology TEACHING Undergraduates 1. Introduction to Microbiology 2. Accreditation of bio-medical laboratories 3. Water and Food Microbiology Post graduates Water and Food microbiology in 3 post-graduate programes a) “Environment and Health” Medical School , The Kapodestrian University of Athens in collaboration with TEI Athens b)“Public health and Environmental Hygiene” Medical School, The university of Thessaly in collaboration with TEI Athens, Department of Medical Laboratories, c) “Water microbiology” , e class course organized by 4 main Greek Universities including TEI Athens. d) “Public Health issues”, The National School of Public Health, in collaboration with TEI Athens COLLABORATION WITH GREEK AND OVERSEAS ORGANIZATIONS 1984-present Temporary advisor of UNEP/WHO for the protection of the marine environment 1990-1994 Member of the B.C.R. project of the E.U. on the production of reference methods for the microbiological analysis of seawater samples 1990-1996 Member of the B.C.R. project of the E.U. on the production of reference materials for microbiology 1990-present Scientific advisor of the Union of Municipal Waters in Greece 1993- present Member of the European Working Group on Legionella Infection (EWGLI). 1996-present Temporary advisor of UNEP/WHO on health risks related to swimming 1996-present labs Coordinator of EQUASE proficiency testing scheme for water microbiology 1997 Temporary advisor of EC-DGXIII INETI/DTIA on water and food microbiology 1999-present Permanent member and now president of the committee on water microbiology ) “ELOT/TE2/OE4” (National Organization for Standardisation) 1999-2003 Expert of WHO for the development of the Guidelines for safe recreational water environment 2000 Member of the National Committee on the application in Greece of the new E.C. Directive 9383/2000 on drinking water quality 2000-2009 Member of the technical Committee 1 of the National Accreditation Council (ESYD) and technical expert for the accreditation of microbiological methods applied in food and water samples 2001-2004 Temporary advisor of the Ministry of Health and Welfare Committee on the Olympic Games 2004-2005 Expert of WHO for the development of the Document entitled “Basic guidance on waterborne disease surveillance” ORGANIZATION NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC EVENTS 1987 Sanitation in public swimming pools Participants: Technical and administrative staff of public swimming pools Place: National School of Public Health, Athens Role: member of the organizing committee 1990, 1994 Two training workshops on water microbiological monitoring Participants: members of the municipal water microbiology laboratories form all over Greece Place: Municipal laboratory for water microbiology, Larissa, Greece. Role: member of the organizing committee 1990 Third training course and intercalibration exercise in microbiological Methodology for Marine pollution monitoring (WHO/UNEP, joint project, MED POL Phase II) Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories form all East Mediterranean countries. Place: Msida/Malta, 3-8 September 1990. Role: member of the organizing committee 1992, 1994 Training course and intercalibration exercise in microbiological Methodology for Marine pollution monitoring (WHO/UNEP, joint project, MED POL Phase II) (two weekly courses) Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories form all East Mediterranean countries. Place: National School of Public Health, Athens Role: member of the organizing committee 1996 Public Health and swimming in artificial and natural ecosystems Participants: Technical and administrative staff of public swimming pools Place: Caravel Hotel, Athens Role: coordinator and lecturer 1997 Training workshop on water microbiological monitoring Participants: members of the municipal water microbiology laboratories from all over Greece Place: National School of Public Health, Athens Role: coordinator and lecturer 1998 Legionnaire’s disease, a case for close collaboration between doctors and engineers Participants: doctors, medical staff and engineers. Place: Athens, 25-2-1998 Role: coordinator and lecturer 1998 ROPME/WHO-EMRO training workshop on microbiological monitoring of coastal recreational waters Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories from all the Arabian countries Place: Kuwait, 16-20 May 1998 Role: coordinator and lecturer 2001 WHO/EMRO Intercalibration exercise on microbiological methods for monitoring coastal recreational waters. Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories form all East Mediterranean countries. Place: National School of Public Health, Athens Role: coordinator and lecturer 2002 ROPME/WHO-EMRO training workshop on microbiological monitoring of coastal recreational waters. Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories form all the Arabian countries. Place: Kuwait, 22-26 June Role: coordinator and lecturer 2006 3d ROPME/WHO-EMRO training workshop on microbiological monitoring of coastal recreational waters. Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories form all the Arabian countries. Place: Teheran, Iran, 29 July-2August 2006. Role: coordinator and lecturer 2009 15th Health Related Water Microbiology group Symposium, 31 May – 6 June Naxos Role: coordinator 2009 2009 2010 Training workshop on microbiological monitoring of coastal recreational waters Participants: members of water microbiology laboratories form all over Algeria Organization WHO Place: Algiers, Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Environnement et du Tourisme Role: coordinator and lecturer 3d Pool and Spa International Conference Place: 16-20 March London Role: coordinator of the European Forum COST PROGRAMME International seminar on molecular virology Participants: post doc students on international level Place: The University of Patras, Greece Role: Lecturer Forthcoming event 2011 4d Pool and Spa International Conference Place: Porto, Portugal, Role: Invited lecturer and Member of the Scientific Committee AWARDS Prize of the Athens Academy, 29-12-1992 Papadakis J.A., Mavridou A and Lambiri M (1992): The significance of water as an environmental factor. CONTRIBUTION TO INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Associated Editor Water Science and Technology Reviewer 1 Instituto Superiore di Sanita Editions (Italy) 2.Parlar Scientific Publications 3.Water Science Technology 4. African Journal of Microbiology BOOKS 1. Reference method for determination of total staphylococci in seawater and sewage. In "Guidelines for health-related monitoring of coastal recreational and shellfish areas. Part III, Selected bacterial pathogens”, p. III-3/1-17. WHO/UNEP, LED/POL Phase II. Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994. This chapter is included in a 5-volume work written by a number of experts, which includes the UNEP reference methods for the detection of bacterial indicators of pollution and selected pathogens. 2. Mavridou A. and Papapetropoulou M. (1995) : Water microbiology, publ. TravlosKostarakis, Athens. This is a book addressed to students and specialists and offers basic information on water microbiology. 3. Health risks associated with microbial contamination of seashore sand. In WHO Guidelines for safe recreational - water environments , p 106-114. Geneva 2003 This chapter is included in the forthcoming edition of the WHO guidelines for recreational waters and includes all the available information on health risks through bodily contact with the sand on beaches. 4. UNEP/MAP/MEDPOL/WHO Assessment of the state of the microbial pollution on the Mediterranean sea. MAP Technical Series no 170. Athens 2008 This is an update (preview edition 1998) containing an introduction on seawater pollution under the current scientific point of view and information on the relevant legislation and the status of the pollution each Mediterannean country 5 . Mavridou Athena (2010) Accreditation of bio-medical laboratories publ Paschalides, Athens This is a book addressed to students and offers information on philosophy the procedures for laboratory accreditation SELECTED RECENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Microbiological Certified Reference Materials in support of EU water legislation, performance testing and laboratory quality control – Feasibility study Summary: This is a feasibility study on the production and use of microbiological reference materials. Reference materials produced by three European Institutes (RVM, The Netherlands; PHLS, U.K.; Institut Pasteur, France) will be used. Parameters, such as the reproducibility, the repeatability, the robustness and the reconstitution procedure, will be examined. Participants: 10 European institutes Coordinators: Public Health Laboratory Service (U.K.), RVM (The Netherlands), Institut Pasteur (France). Funding: Measurements and Testing Programme of the European Commission Coordinator in Greece: Athena Mavridou Research Fellow in Greece: A. Nikolaidou Duration: 2 years (2001-2003) Microbial risk assessment of DUWS in general dental practice Summary: The water quality and disinfection procedures in dental unit water systems will be assessed. Participants: Center for Applied Microbiology and Research (U.K.) as coordinator, and 7 European Institutes. Funding: Quality of Life Programme of the European Commission Coordinator in Greece: Athena Mavridou, Joanna Kamma Research Fellow in Greece: G Mandilara, I. Kouroussi, S. Tsagarakis, P. Delaportas Duration 2 years (2000-2002) Modern methods for the detection of Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Salmonella in poultry Summary: The methods of isolation, confirmation, and typing on selected pathogens in poultry will be investigated. In parallel, an epidemiological study will be carried out in farms in Greece related to the HACCP quality system. Funding: The British Council (U.K.), the General Secretariat of Research and Development (Greece) Participants: In Greece: Technological Educational Institute, Greek Institut Pasteur In U.K.: Bristol University, Central Public Health Laboratory Service, Colindale, London, Exeter Public Health Laboratory Coordinator in Greece: Athena Mavridou Research Fellows in Greece: A Mentis, G. Mandilara, P. Maragoudakis. Duration: 2 years (200-2002) Monitoring of Legionella pneumophila within the context of nosocomial infections in Greek hospitals Summary: The presence of L. pneumophila in the mains water and the air-conditioning system of 30 hospitals in the Athens area will be assessed. The findings will be correlated to the cases and/or outbreaks of legionellosis in these hospitals. Funding: Archimedes project, The Greek Ministry on Education and Religion. Coordinator: Athena Mavridou Research Fellow in Greece: Evagelismos Hospital, Simanoglion Hospital, The national School of Public Health, Duration: 2 years (2004-2006) EQUASE – A quality assurance project for European laboratories Funding: the participating laboratories Coordinator (for Greece): A. Mavridou Research Fellows: G. Mandilara, E. Kouroussi, F. Komnioti,. S.C. Richardson Duration: 6 years Participants: 38 laboratories Summary: The European project EQUASE was set up in 1996 to support 8 European countries, including Greece, to introduce quality assurance schemes in their water microbiological laboratories. The project was funded for 3 years by the European Commission, but thereafter the funding derived from national resources. According to the EPTIS website, EQUASE is a recognized proficiency control, and functions accordingly. In Greece, 38 laboratories participate in EQUASE, and there has been a marked improvement in their performance. HORIZONTAL-HYG, Policies –1,5 Task 1:Horizontal standards on hygienic microbiological parameters for implementation of EU Directives on sludges, soils, soil improvers, frowing media and biowastes . Summary: Pilot study on the methods of isolation, confirmation, and typing on selected pathogens in the sludge . Funding: European Commission Coordinator: Institute Pasteur Lille, participation 9 European countries Coordinator in Greece: Athena Mavridou Subcontractor: Central Public health Laboratory Research Fellow in Greece: V. Roussia Duration 2 years (2005-2007) Microbiological Evaluation of Dental Unit Water Systems in Europe EU QLK4-2000-0097 Summary: A study devised to assess the quantity and range of bacterial contamination in DUWS and includes the United Kingdom (UK), Ireland (IR), Greece (GR), Spain (ES), German (G), Denmark (DK) and The Netherlands (NL). . Funding: European Commission , Coordinator CAMR, Porton Down, Salisbury, SP4 0JG, United Kingdom. Coordinator in Greece: Athena Mavridou Subcontractor: TEI Athens Research Fellow in Greece: Joanna Kamma, Georgia Mandilara Duration 2 years (2000-2002) Quality of Bathing Waters and Beaches in the Coastal Region of PERSGA Summary: All PERSGA countries signed a regional protocol concerning the protection of the marine environment and some (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan and Egypt) implement legal provisions for bathing waters. Information regarding quality of bathing waters in PERSGA was provided through questionnaire and formatted in a report including an introduction on seawater pollution under the current scientific point of view Funding: UNWP/WHO Coordinator: Dr Kamizoulis G Author Athena Mavridou Duration: 6 months (2006) MEMBER OF SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES 1.International Water Association (IWA) Health Related Water Microbiology Group (HRWM) 2. The Greek Society on the Microbiological Quality of the Water PUBLICATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 1. Papadakis J.A. and Mavridou A. (1982):Lactose-tryptone-ricinolate-lauryl-sulphate broth medium for the E.coli detection at 44C. VIemes Journees Polluitons, Cannes, CIESM. 2. Papadakis J.A. and Mavridou A. (1987): The assessment of two media for the confirmation of E.coli in water samples in single tube tests. Epid. Inf. 99, 155-158. 3. Papadakis J.A., Mavridou A., Richardson C.S., Lambiri M. and Velonakis E. (1988): Relation between densities of indicator organisms and microbial pathogens in sea water. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Med., 31, 2 p. 177. 4. Mavridou A., Lambiri M., Velonakis E. and Papadakis J.A. (1988): Isolation and counting of S.aureus from sea water samples. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer. Med., 31, 2 p. 175. 5. Lambiri M., Mavridou A., Richardson S.C. and Papadakis J.A. (1990): Comparison of the TECRA Salmonella Immunoassay with the conventional culture method. Letters in Appl. Microbiol., 11, pp. 182-184. 6. Mavridou A. (1992): Study of the flora of a non-carbonated natural mineral water. J Appl Bacteriol., 73, pp. 335-361. 7. Mavridou A., Papapetropoulou M., Boufa P., Lambiri M. and Papadakis J.A. (1994): Microbiological quality of bottled water in Greece. Letters in Appl. Microbiol., 19, 213-216. and in International Food safety, 4,1, p.8 (Abstracts) 8. Mavridou A., Lambiri M. and Papadakis J.A. (1994): A fatality resulting from a case of legionnaires’ disease on hotel premises. Wat.Res., 28, 11, pp. 2421-2423. 9. Lambiri M., Mavridou A. and Papadakis J.A. (1995): The application of HACCP in a flight catering improved the bacteriological quality of meals, 115, J.Roy.Soc.Health,1, pp. 26-30. 10. Mavridou A. (1996): A review of epidemiological research concerning health effects criteria fro recreational waters. Medical Microbiology, 5,Suppl. 1, p. 21. 11. Papadakis J.A., Mavridou A., Richardson S.C., Lambiri M. and Marcelou U. (1997)): Bather related microbial and yeast populations in sand and seawater. Water Research , 31,4, 799-804. 12. Efstratiou M., Mavridou A., Richardson S.C. and Papadakis J.A. ( 1997): Correlation of bacterial indicator organisms with Salmonella spp, St. aureus and Candida albicans in seawater. Letters in Applied Microbiology , 26, 342-346. 13. Rigas F., Mavridou A.. and Zacharopoulos A (1998): Water quality of swimming pools in Athens. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 8, 253-260. 14. Kouloumbis P., Rigas F. and Mavridou A (2000): Environmental problems from the disposal of sewage sludge in Greece. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 10, 77-83. 15. Mavridou A., Kouloubis P., Vassalou E.,. Rigas F. and Vakalis N (2001): Microbiological quality of sewage sludge in Greece disposed for agricultural use. Environmental Health Research, 11, 2, 275-279. 16. Μavridou Athena (2003): Health risks from microbiological marine pollution in the Mediterranean. Transboundary diagnostic analysis for the Mediterranean Sea (TDA MED), Global Environment Facility (GEF). 17. Walker JT.,Bradshaw DJ., Finney M.,Fulford M.R.,Frandsen E., Ostergaard E., Ten Cate JM , Moorer WR., Schel AJ., Mavridou A., Kamma J., Mandilara G., Stösser l., Kneist S. Araujo R., Contreras N., Goroncy-bermes P., O'Mullane D., Burke F., Forde A., O'Sullivan m., Marsh PD. (2004): Microbiological evaluation of dental unit water systems in general dental practice in Europe.European Journal of Oral Sciences, 112,5,412-418. 18. Mandilara DG, Mavridou A., Lambiri M., Vatopoulos A., Rigas F. (2005) Microbiological quality monitoring of the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant by use of bacteriophages, IASME (International Association of Mechanical Engineering) Transactions, 4(2) 651-661 19. A.J. Schel, P.D. Marsh, D.J. Bradshaw, Μ. Finney, Fulford, E. Frandsen, E. Østergaard, J.M. ten Cate, W.R. Moorer, A. Mavridou, J.J. Kamma, G.D. Mandilara, L. Strosser, S. Kneist, R. Araujo, N. Contreras, P. Goroncy-Bermes, D.O. Mullane, F. Burke, P.O. Reily, G. Hourigan, M.O. Sallivan, R. Holman, J.T. Walker (2006): Comparison of the Efficacies of Disinfectants To Control Microbial Contamination in Dental Unit Water Systems in General Dental Practices across the European Union. Appl Environ Microbiol 72, 1380-1387. 20. Mandilara G., Mavridou A., Lambiri M., Vatopoulos A. and Rigas F. (2006). The use of bacteriophages for monitoring the bacteriological quality of Sewage sludge. Environmenetal Technology, 27, 367-375. 21. Mavridou A., Kamma J., Mandilara G., Delaportas P., Komioti F (2006): Microbial Risk Assessment Of Dental Unit Water Systems in General Dental Practice In Greece Water Science and Technology , 54,3, 269-73 22. A.J. Schel, PD Marsh, DJ Bradshaw, Μ. Finney, Fulford, E Frandsen, E. Østergaard, J.M. ten Cate, WR. Moorer, A. Mavridou, J. Kamma, GD. Mandilara, L.Strosser, S. Kneist, R. Araujo, N Contreras, P. Goroncy-Bermes, DO. Mullane, F. Burke, PO. Reily, G. Hourigan, MO. Sallivan, R. Holman, JT. Walker (2006) Attitudes of general dental practiotioners in Europe to the microbial risk associated with dental unit systems. International Dental Journal, 56,187-195. 23. Mandilara G., Smeti E., Mavridou A., Lambiri M., Vatopoulos A. and Rigas F (2006): Correlation between bacterial indicators and bacteriophages in sewage sludge. FEMS Microb lett 263, 119-126. 24. Mavridou A., Smeti E., Mandilara G., Pappa O., Plakadonaki S., Grispou E., Anagnostopoulou M., Foudoulis K., Polemis (2008).M Prevalence study of Legionella spp. contamination in Greek hospitals. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 18, 4, 295 - 304. ., 25. Maria A. Efstratiou, Athena Mavridoub and Clive Richardsonc (2008): Prediction of Salmonella in seawater by total and faecal coliforms and Enterococci Marine Pollution 58,2,201-205. 26. Agelos Papaioannou; Athina Mavridou, ; Christos Hadjichristodoulou, ;Panagiotis Papastergiou, Olga Pappa; Eleni Dovriki; Ioannis Rigas (2009): Αpplication of multivariate statistical methods for groundwater physicochemical and biological quality assessment in the context of public health. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (in press, published on line 29 October 2009). 27. Mavridou A, E. Smeti, G. Mandilara, P. Boufa, M. Vagiona-Arvanitidou, A. Vantarakis, G. Vassilandonopoulou, O. Pappa, V. Roussia, A. Tzouanopoulos, M. Livadara, I Aisopou, V. Maraka, E. Nikolaou1 and V. Karaouli (2010). Equivalency testing of TTC Tergitol 7 agar (ISO 9308-1:2000) with 5 culture media for the detection of E. coli in water samples in Greece Wat Sci Tech,61,167-76. PUBLICATIONS IN GREEK JJOURNALS 1. Παπαδάκης Ι. Και Μαυρίδου Α (1985): Αξιολόγηση του νέου θρεπτικοπύ υλικού LTLSB δια την ταχεία διάγνωση της E.coli κατα΄την μικροβιολογική εξέταση υδάτων και τροφίμων. Πρακτικά Ακαδημίας Αθηνών, 60, 395-400. 2. Λαμπίρη M., Παπαδάκης I.A., Mαυρίδου A. και Bελονάκης M. (1988): Σαλμονέλλες από άνθρωπο, τρόφιμα, ζωοτροφές, νερά, λύματα στην Eλλάδα: 1976-1986. Δελτίο Eλληνικής Mικροβιολογικής Eταιρείας, 33, 313-320. 3. Mαυρίδου A. (1993): Eπιβάρυνση της ποιότητας του πόσιμου νερού σε δίκτυο ύδρευσης.Tεχνικά, 82, σελ. 31-33. 4. Mαυρίδου A. (1993): Συσκευές καθαρισμού του πόσιμου νερού. N. Oικολογία, 104, σελ. 25. 5. Mαυρίδου A (1993): Kολυμβητήρια: μιά διασκέδαση που απαιτεί προσοχή και φροντίδα. N. Oικολογία, 109, σελ. 32-33. 6. Λαμπίρη M., Mαυρίδου A.., Richardson S.C. και Παπαδάκης I.A. (1994): Σαλμονέλλες από άνθρωπο στην Eλλάδα κατά το χρονικό διάστημα 1985-1990. Δελτίο Eλληνικής Mικροβιολογικής Eταιρείας, 39, 651-659. 7. Λαμπίρη M., Mαυρίδου A.., Richardson S.C. και Παπαδάκης I.A (1995): Σαλμονέλλες από ζώα, τρόφιμα, ζωοτροφές και περιβάλλον στην Eλλάδα κατά το χρονικό διάστημα 1985-1990. Δελτίο Eλληνικής Mικροβιολογικής Eταιρείας, 40, 4, 297-302. 8. Mαυρίδου A., Λαμπίρη M. και Παπαδάκης I.A. (1995): Eλεγχος κεντρικών κτιρίων της Aθήνας για εποίκιση με Legionella pneumophila. Δελτίο Eλληνικής Mικροβιολογικής Eταιρείας, 40, 4, 322-327. 9. Mαυρίδου A. (1996): Eμφιαλωμένο νερό: μύθος και πραγματικότητα. N. Oικολογία, 135, 52-53. 10. Mαυρίδου A., Λαμπίρη M. και Παπαδάκης I (1997):Παρουσία Vibrio spp και Aeromonas hydrophila σε μύδια της Aττικής. Δελτίο Eλληνικής Mικροβιολογικής Eταιρείας, 42, 5, 642-648. 11. Μαυρίδου Α., Μανδηλαρά Γ., Ζαχαρόπουλος Α., Σπυροπούλου Μ., Παπαδοπούλου Α., Γεωργίου Π., Κρεμαστινού Τ(1999): Υγειονομικός έλεγχος κολυμβητηρίων Αττικής 1987-1998-Επισκόπηση. Δελτίο Ελληνικής Μικροβιολογικής Εταιρείας, 44, 3, 276285. 12. Μαυρίδου Α., Μανδηλαρά Γ., Richardson S.C, Κουρούση Ε., Βακάλης Ν. και ΚουρέαΚρεμαστινού Τ. (2001): Επισκόπηση του EQUASE, ενός πρωτοποριακού προγράμματος ποιοτικής ασφάλειας για τα μικροβιολογικά εργαστήρια νερού. Δελτίο Ελληνικής Μικροβιολογικής Εταιρείας 46,4, 424-431. 13. Μπλάτση Α., Θεοδωράτος Π., Πλακαντωνάκη Σ., Παππά Ο., Μαυρίδου Α.(2008) Επίδραση φυσικο-χημικών παραμέτρων στην παρουσία του βακτηρίου Legionella στο νερό εσωτερικών συστημάτων ύδρευσης και κλιματισμού. Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα Εφαρμοσμένης Ερευνας ΤΕΙ Πειραιά , 111-130.