Year 2 - 5 Links to the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework

National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework

Year 2

Dimension Knowledge and understanding

Recognise Australian money includes notes and coins

Recognise that money is limited and comes from a variety of sources

Recognise that money can be saved to meet needs and wants

Explain how money is exchanged in return for goods and services

Identify and describe the differences between needs and wants.

Dimension Competence

Use money to buy basic goods and services in ‘real-life’ contexts

Recognise common symbols and terms used on a variety of Australian notes and coins

Identify consumer and financial matters that are part of daily life such as earning money, spending, saving, paying bills, making donations

Compare the cost of similar items

Dimension Responsibility and enterprise

Demonstrate awareness that family, community and socio-cultural values and customs can influence consumer behaviour and financial decision making.

Year 3

Dimension Knowledge and understanding

Explain some different forms that money can take

Identify, explain and prioritise different needs and wants

Identify different forms of income

Recognise that different countries use different currencies

Dimension Competence

Create simple budgets for specific purposes

Classify and compare goods and services

Use money to buy basic goods and services in ‘real-life’ contexts

Dimension Responsibility and enterprise

Exercise a range of enterprising behaviours through participation in relevant class and/or school activities

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Year 2 - 5 Links to the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework

Year 4

Dimension Knowledge and understanding

Explain some different forms that money can take

Explain why similar goods and services may vary in price

Identify, explain and prioritise different needs and wants

Identify different forms of income

Recognise that different countries use different currencies

Dimension Competence

Use money to buy basic goods and services in ‘real-life’ contexts

Create simple budgets for specific purposes

Classify and compare goods and services

Order and discuss reasons for spending preferences

Identify key features of a range of advertisements.

Dimension Responsibility and enterprise

Identify and describe the impact that the consumer and financial decisions of individuals may have on themselves and their families, the broader community and/or the environment

Apply consumer and financial knowledge and skills in relevant class and/or school activities such as student investigations, charity fundraising, business ventures and special events

Identify and explain how some influences, such as advertising and peer pressure, can affect what you buy

Exercise a range of enterprising behaviours through participation in relevant class and/or school activities

Describe safe, ethical and responsible behaviour in online and digital consumer and financial contexts

Explain the role played by the voluntary sector in the community to help those in financial need

Year 5

Dimension Knowledge and understanding

Describe how an individual can influence their income

Explore the value of unpaid work to the community

Analyse the value of a range of goods and services in relation to an identified need

Explain how money can be borrowed to meet needs and wants and that there may be a cost involved

Recognise that the currencies of different countries have different values relative to the Australian dollar

Dimension Competence

Create simple budgets for a range of purposes and explain the benefits of saving for future needs and wants

Evaluate the value of a range of goods and services in a variety of ‘real-life’ situations

Identify key features used in advertising, marketing and social media to influence consumer decision-making.

© ASIC 2013 all rights reserved


Year 2 - 5 Links to the National Consumer and Financial Literacy Framework

Dimension Responsibility and enterprise

Identify and describe the impact that the consumer decisions of individuals may have on themselves and their families, the broader community and/or the environment

Explain there are ethical considerations to some consumer and financial decisions

Apply consumer and financial knowledge and skills in relevant class and/or school activities such as student investigations, charity fundraising, product design and development, business ventures and special events

Exercise a range of enterprising behaviours through participation in relevant class and/or school activities

Practise safe, ethical and responsible behaviour in online and digital consumer and financial contexts

Explain the role played by the voluntary sector in the community to help those in financial need

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