S ASSIGNMENT PLAN FOR MACRO ECONOMICS ROLL NO. 501 505 507 509 513 514 515 517 520 521 523 TOPIC REFERENCE Macro Economics as branch of Economics Growth and Development of Macro economics Macro Economics paradox Importance of Macro economics Different concepts used in National Income Income method of measuring National Income Output method of measuring of National Income Expenditure method of measuring of National Income Problem of Double Counting Concept of Quasi Rent National income of India 525 529 531 532 533 535 537 539 540 541 543 544 545 547 548 549 551 Problem involved in measuring National Income in underdeveopled countries Real GDP and Its importance Circular Flow of Income in 2 sector model Circular Flow of Income in 3 sector model Circular Flow of Income in 4 sector model Classical theory of Income ,Output and Employment Keynesian theory of Income ,Output and Employment Effective demand and its Importance Aggregate demand and its Importance Consumption Function Importance of MPC in increasing income Factors Effecting Propensity to Consume GNP deflator and purpose it serves in national income analysis Economic Depression and its solution GDP as indicator of Economic Growth Modern Theory of Interest Problems In measuring National Income in India Shapiro Shapiro Abel and Shapiro Mankiw Dwivedi Dwivedi Dwivedi Dwivedi Dwivedi Dwivedi Indian economy by Ruddar Dutt and Sundaram Dwivedi 553 Suggestion for Improving National Income estimate in India 554 Macro and Micro economics are two branches of Economics yet they are different . 555 556 559 Business economics : Scope and Limitation Law of Demand Price elasticity: Concept and Different methods of Measuring price Shapiro Dwivedi Dwivedi Dwivedi Dwivedi and Shapiro Dwivedi and Shapiro Shapiro Mankiw Mankiw and Shapiro Dwivedi Dwivedi Mankiw and Shapiro Shapiro Mankiw Dwivedi Indian economy by Ruddar Dutt and Sundaram Indian economy by Ruddar Dutt and Sundaram Dwivedi 560 561 563 564 565 567 568 573 575 577 579 580 581 583 587 589 591 593 595 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 607 608 609 611 613 617 618 619 620 621 623 625 626 elasticity. Relationship between Price elasticity of demand, AR and MR derivation and examples of how to calculate them. Income elasticity : Concept and importance Cross Elasticity: Concept and Importance Law of Variable Proportion Various Types of Costs used in economics TC , MC , AC , AFC , AVC , LAC, LMC shapes and derivation Perfect competition: concept , feature and equilibrium of firm in Short and Long run Monopoly: Concept, causes and equilibrium in short and long run Price Discrimination: Concept and equilibrium Various Methods of Measuring Monopoly. When Price discrimination is Profitable and Beneficial for society Monopolistic Competition: concept , feature and equilibrium of firm in Short and Long run Excess capacity: Concept and economic rationale for Excess capacity Various Theories of Profits with Criticism Laws of returns to Scale Various type of Economies and Diseconomies to scale Managerial use of Cost Law of supply and elasticity of supply Oligopoly: Meaning , reason and problem that can arise due to oligopoly Kink demand Curve model Various Price leadership Model of Oligopoly Baumol model of sales Maximisation Various Theory of Profits Ricardian Theory of Interest Use of various statistical methods in economics Various Uses of Elasticity concept How modern cost theory is different from Traditional cost theory? Price discrimination and Various degrees of Price discrimination. Comparison between Perfect Competition and Monopoly Comparison between Perfect Competition and Monopolistic Competition Comparison between Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition Various Model of Collusive Oligopoly. Various Model of Non- Collusive Oligopoly. Nature of Business Economics Demand Curve may Slope Upward? Discuss the condition Define Economics and Non Economics Activities Modern Theory of Interest Comparisons of development between Indian and any one developed country of the world. Make a list of Human Development Index rank of India over the years. Traditional theory of Interest 629 633 635 638 639 640 641 643 645 646 649 611 Law of supply and its limitation MGNREGS(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural employment Guarantee scheme) examine the feature and success. Examine the Impact of Inflation. Cardinal Utility Analysis Ordinal Utility Analysis Indifference Curve Analysis Price effect , Income effect and Substitution Effect Hicks and Slutsky Methods Substitution effect Engel Curve and Income Effect Traditional Theory of Wages Modern Theory of Wages