Universiteit van Amsterdam Bachelor Thesis Scheikunde The use of Phos-tag to monitor the phosphorylation cascade of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains door Nikki in ‘t Ven 21 januari 2013 Onderzoeksinstituut Verantwoordelijk docent Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences dhr. prof.dr. K.J Hellingwerf Onderzoeksgroep Begeleider Molecular Microbial Physiology Aleksandra Bury Table of content 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Content Dutch popular abstract Abstract Introduction Materials and methods Results and discussion Conclusions and future outlook References Appendices Page number 2 3 4 8 10 19 20 21 1. Dutch popular Abstract Het doel van dit project is om specifieke en gefuseerde eiwitten van S. cerevisiae, de meest gebruikte gistsoort voor bijvoorbeeld het bakken van brood of het bereiden van bier, te klonen produceren en zuiveren. Deze specifieke eiwitten zijn onderdeel van een signaleringsroute voor stress. Wanneer er een stressvolle situatie voor de cel optreedt, reageert hij door middel van een fosforylatie cascade. Het eiwit Sln1p fosforyleert Ypd1, een transporteiwit, en die fosforyleert op zijn beurt de response regulatoren Skn7 en Ssk1, wat een tegenreactie op de stress in werking zet (zie figuur 2). Om een beter begrip te krijgen hoe dit soort processen werken is er een fusie gemaakt tussen Sln1p en een LOV-domein van een ander eiwit. Een LOV-domein reageert op lichtstress, dus op deze manier zou het mogelijk moeten zijn om een fosforylatie cascade in gang te zetten door middel van licht (of juist de afwezigheid van licht) in plaats van andere stress. Om te zien of deze fusie-eiwitten werken wordt die fosforylatie cascade gevolgd door middel van een Phos-tag gel. Gefosforyleerde eiwitten bewegen langzamer door deze gel dan hun niet-gefosforyleerde tegenhangers omdat ze interacties aangaan met de Phos-tag. Zo zou je kunnen zien of een eiwit gefosforyleerd kan worden en of hij die fosfaat ook weer kan doorgeven. Het is met wat moeite gelukt om een aantal eiwitten te klonen en er een beetje van te produceren, in ieder geval genoeg voor fosforylatie experimenten. Deze hebben helaas (nog) niet kunnen aantonen dat de fusieeiwitten werken. Dit kan er aan liggen doordat tijdens het fuseren de werking van de eiwitten verloren is gegaan, maar er waren ook behoorlijk wat problemen met de Phos-tag gel zelf, waardoor dit nog niet met zekerheid te zeggen is. 2 2. Abstract The main goal of this project is to optimize the assay for detection of the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated form of the proteins of the Sln1p pathway of S. cerevisiae through a phosphorylation assay. This is to determine if the proteins belonging to the Sln1p twocomponent pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains are able to phosphorylate the two downstream response regulators, Ssk1 and Skn7. For this it is necessary to clone, overproduce and purify some of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains. To overproduce these fusion proteins they first have to be cloned from the pQE30 vector to the pET28b vector and then transformed into E. coli Bl21 cells. These cloned fusion constructs and the other available proteins of the Sln1p pathway are then overproduced by inducing them by adding IPTG and purifying them using a 5-ml HisTrap HP Ni-column with an imidazole gradient. After overnight dialysis they were analysed by Phos-tag SDS-PAGE to see if a phosphorylation cascade takes place from the fusion proteins C1,C2 and C2A to the downstream response regulators Skn7 and Ssk1. As a positive control for these assays and for a protocol of overproduction the ArcA protein was used. It is quite difficult to clone and transform the fusion constructs C1, C2 and C2A, but by repeating it often enough it eventually works. The overproduction of the fusion proteins and the other proteins of the Sln1p pathway did not result in a high yield of protein, but when repeated often enough there will be enough protein to concentrate them and use them for a phosphorylation assay. The best conditions turned out to be the same as for the overproduction of ArcA: an IPTG-concentration of 1 mM, overnight induction at room temperature and sonication as a lysing method. Until now the Phos-Tag SDS PAGE did not show a phosphorylation cascade of the Sln1p pathway or of any individual protein of the pathway. This could be because of the problems with the Phos-tag gel, leaking of the castingsystem and/or low concentrations of protein, or because the proteins are not active, what would mean that the fusion proteins are not able to perform their function in the stress response. 3 3. Introduction The main goal of this project is to optimize the assay for detection of the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated form of the proteins of the Sln1p pathway of S. cerevisiae through a phosphorylation assay. This is to determine if the proteins belonging to the Sln1p twocomponent pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains are able to phosphorylate the two downstream response regulators, Ssk1 and Skn7. For this it is necessary to clone, overproduce and purify some of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains. This bachelor project is a small part of a larger project to research the spatial design of biochemical regulation networks. A part of this research is to investigate photoactivable protein networks in bakers yeast. One of these networks is the Sln1p two-component pathway of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. S. cerevisiae Sln1p is a hybrid protein, containing both kinase, histidine kinase and aspartate receiver domains, which is associable with the plasma membrane and plays a prominent role in the response of several eukaryotic organisms to the extracellular environment. Upon osmotic stress the Sln1 histidine kinase de-phosphorylates the H567 which starts a phosphorylation cascade to first the phosphoaccepting aspartate D1144 within the receiver domain of Sln1.This is followed by a phosphotransfer step to histidine H64 in the phosphotransfer protein Ypd1. The last step is between the H64 of Ypd1 and the phosphoaccepting aspartate D554 in the receiver domain of the cytoplasmic response regulator, Ssk1 and between H64 of Ypd1 and aspartate D427 in the receiver domain of the nuclear response regulator, Skn7 (figure 1). Figure 1: phosphorylation cascade of the Sln1p two-component pathway1 The non-phosphorylated form of the cytoplasmic response regulator Ssk1 activates the Hog1 MAP kinase pathway and makes sure that the cell responds upon osmotic stress and the phosphorylated form of the nuclear response regulator Skn7 is a transcription factor that makes sure that the cell responds upon wall stress (figure 2)1,2. 4 Figure 2: The Sln1p two-component pathway of S. cerevisiae1 A promising way to look at the role of compartmentalisation and diffusion in signal transmission is the use of optogenetics. This is a technique that combines the use of light and genetically encoded light-sensitive proteins to control the behaviour of living cells and organisms3,4. An example of a light sensitive protein is YtvA from B. Subtilis. It is a photoreceptor that consists of an N-terminal LOV(light, oxygen, and voltage)-domain and a C-terminal STAS(sulphate transporter and anti-sigma factor)-domain, and upon blue light absorption it elicits the general stress response5. A fusion of the proteins YtvA and Sln1p could result in a light dependent histidine kinase consisting of a LOV domain from YtvA and a histidine kinase domain from Sln1p that allows to trigger the phosphorylation reaction by light instead of osmotic stress6 (figure 3). If the fusion protein elicits a stress response upon light absorption or on the absence of light is not clear yet. Figure 3: Sln1p histidine kinase fused with a LOV domain from YtvA with receiver domain (upper) and without receiver domain (lower) A route to determine if these fusion proteins are active and able to trigger the phosphorylation cascade is the use of Phos-tag SDS-PAGE. Phos-tag is a binuclear Mn2+ complex with an acrylamide-pendant Phos-tag ligand. A phosphorylated protein binds to the two Mn2+ ions at the phosphate binding site, which results in separation of the phosphoproteins from their nonphosphorylated counterparts. The phosphorylated proteins migrate slower in SDS-PAGE than do the corresponding nonphosphorylated molecules, because the phospho group interacts with the Mn2+ Phos-tag ligand in the gel (figure 4)7,8,9. 5 The advantages of using Phos-tag SDS-PAGE for the mobility shift detection of 9 phosphorylated Figure 4: Phosphate-affinity proteins are Mn:2+-Phos-tag SDS-PAGE for the mobility-shift detection of phosphoproteins9 - Radioactive and chemical labels are avoided. - Phosphoprotein isotypes can be detected as multiple migration bands in the same lane. - The procedure is almost the same as that for the general SDS-PAGE. - The binding specificity of Phos-tag is independent of amino acid and sequence context. - Downstream procedures such as Western blot analysis and MS analysis are applicable. - Phos-tagTM AAL-107 dissolved in distilled water is stable for at least 3 months. - The time-course ratio of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated proteins can be determined. - Separation of phosphoprotein isotypes having the same number of phosphate groups is possible. At the start of the project there were two fusion constructs available, C1 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from YtvA and C2 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from Sln1p. All the constructs available at the start of this project are listed in table 1. Table 1: Constructs available at the start of this project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Construct C1 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from YtvA C2 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from Sln1p C2A LOV(YtvA)Sln1pHK Skn7 Skn7Rec Ssk1 Ssk1Rec Ypd1 Size (bp) 2401 2442 393+1281=1675 1869 789 2138 951 504 pQE30 + + pET28b + + + + Before the start of the project there were already attempts made to overproduce C1 and C2 in pQE30, but they weren’t successful, so the first step is to clone them from pQE30 to pET28b. This because the pET System is the most powerful system yet developed for the cloning and expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli10. C2A LOV(YtvA)Sln1pHK, a construct that is the same as C2 but then without the receiver domain of Sln1p (figure 3), is also cloned to pET28b by using a different RV primer (appendix 1) with the PCR-reaction of C2 in pQE30. The primers used in these PCR-reactions also encode the restriction sites necessary to clone them into pET28b, because pQE30 and pET28b don’t have complementary restriction sites in their Multiple Cloning Site (figure 5). Figure 5: The vectors pQE30 and pET28b with their Multiple Cloning Sites 6 Furthermore, C1 is restricted with SalI instead of XhoI, one of the enzymes that is used to digest pET28b, because it has another restriction site within the sequence what would lead to cleavage. The restriction with SalI should still work, because SalI and XhoI produce compatible sticky ends. These cloned fusion constructs and the other available proteins will then be overproduced in E. coli Bl21 cells and analysed by Phos-tag SDS-PAGE to see if a phosphorylation cascade takes place from the fusion proteins C1, C2 and C2A to the downstream response regulators Skn7 and Ssk1. As a positive control for these assays and for a protocol of overproduction the ArcA protein will be used11. 7 4. Materials and methods 4.1 Cloning and transformation For the cloning of the constructs C1, C2 and C2A (see table 1) from pQE30 to pET28b, 4 PCR reactions were carried out with pQE30(LOV(YtvA)Sln1p, linker from YtvA) and pQE30(LOV(YtvA)Sln1p,linker from Sln1p) as a DNA template following protocol (appendix 2). Reaction 1 contained pQE30(LOV(YtvA)Sln1p,linker from YtvA) as a template DNA and the primers pET28bYtvAFW and pQE30Sln1pRV. Reaction 2 contained pQE30(LOV(YtvA)Sln1p,linker from Sln1p) as a template DNA and the primers pET28bYtvAFW and pET28bSln1pRV. Reaction 3 contained pQE30(LOV(YtvA)Sln1p,linker from Sln1p) as a template DNA and the primers pET28bYtvAFW and pET28bSln1pHKRV and reaction 4 contained only the primers pET28bYtvAFW and pQE30Sln1pRV as a control (for sequences of the primers see appendix 1). The products were analysed on a 1% agarose gel, purified with a MSB Spin PCRapace 500 kit from Invitek and the concentration was determined by Nanodrop. 20 ml cultures of E .coli BL21 which contained pET28b were grown in 200 ml conical flasks with vigorous shaking (200 rpm) on a rotary shaker at 37°C in LB medium (10 g·liter−1 tryptone, 5 g·liter−1 yeast extract, 5 g·liter−1NaCl). Kanamycin was routinely included at a final concentration of 50 μg·ml−1. After overnight growth the plasmid was purified with a kit column plasmid miniprep classic from QIAGEN. Next, the purified PCR products and the plasmid were digested/restricted using FastDigest enzymes by Fermentes. 0.2μg of the plasmid DNA from reaction 1 was restricted with 1μl NdeI and 1μl SalI, 0.2μg of the plasmid DNA from reaction 2 was restricted with 1μl NdeI and 1μl XhoI, 0.2μg of the plasmid DNA from reaction 3 was restricted with 1μl NdeI and 1μl SalI and 1μg of the purified plasmid was restricted with 1μl NdeI and 1μl SalI. Each reaction mixture contained 2μl FastDigest buffer and the volume was made up to 20μl with H2O. After 1h of vigorous shaking (200 rpm) on a rotary shaker at 37°C, 2μl of FastAP was added to reaction mixture 4 and after 75min shaking they were all purified with a MSB Spin PCRapace kit from Invitek, analysed on a 1% agarose gel and the concentration was determined by Nanodrop. Then ligation mixtures were prepared, each containing 1μl T4 ligase, 1μl ligase buffer and different ratios of vector(purified restriction mixture 4) : insert(purified restriction mixtures 1 to 3). To 1 mixture H2O was added instead of an insert as a control. For the transformation of the ligation mixtures into electro competent E. coli Bl21 cells (prepared following protocol, see appendix 3) the constructs were first transformed into chemically competent E. coli XL1-Blue cells. The ligation mixtures were added to the competent cells in different ratios and transformed following protocol (appendix 4). They were plated out on LB plates with Kanamycin at a final concentration of 50 μg·ml−1. After overnight incubation at 37°C the transformations were checked with colony PCR (appendix 5) and an 1 % agarose gel. When the transformation succeeded, a glycerol stock was made and the constructs were send for sequencing. The glycerol stock contained 250μl 60% glycerol and 750μl of overnight 20 ml cultures of the transformed cells containing the construct, that were grown in 200 ml conical flasks with vigorous shaking (200 rpm) on a rotary shaker at 37°C in LB medium with 8 Kanamycin at a final concentration of 50 μg·ml−1. For the sequencing, these overnight cultures were purified using a QIAGEN QIAprep Spin Miniprep, the concentrations were determined by Nanodrop and per construct 2 reaction mixtures were prepared and send for sequencing. One mixture contained 0.5μl of the appropriate FW primer, 1-1.5μg of the purified construct and the volume was made up to 6.5μl with H2O. The other mixture contained the corresponding RV primer instead of the FW primer(for primers see appendix 1). The same procedure was followed for the cloning of the constructs Ssk1Rec and Skn7 from pET28b to pQE30. The FW and RV primers for Ssk1Rec were pET28sskRecFW and pETssk1RV and for Skn7, pET28sskn7FW and pET28sskn7FW (for sequences see appendix 1) 20 ml cultures of pQE30 were grown in 200 ml conical flasks with vigorous shaking (200 rpm) on a rotary shaker at 37°C in LB medium. Ampicillin was routinely included at a final concentration of 100 μg·ml−1. Ssk1Rec and pQE30 were restricted with BamHI and HindIII and Skn7 and pQE30 with SphI and HindIII. The constructs were first transformed into chemically competent E. coli XL1-Blue cells and next in electro competent E. coli M15 cells. The E. coli XL1-Blue cells were plated out on LB plates with Kanamycin at a final concentration of 50 μg·ml−1 and the E. coli M15 cells were plated out on LB plates with Kanamycin at a final concentration of 25 μg·ml−1.and Ampicillin at a final concentration of 100 μg·ml−1. 4.2 Overproduction of some of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p twocomponent pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains For overproduction of the His6-tagged Sln1p proteins, 20 ml cultures of the transformed E. coli strain BL21 were grown in 200 ml conical flasks with vigorous shaking (200 rpm) on a rotary shaker at 37°C in LB medium (10 g·liter−1 tryptone, 5 g·liter−1 yeast extract, 5 g·liter−1NaCl). Kanamycin was routinely included at a final concentration of 50 μg·ml−1 for plasmid maintenance. After overnight growth the 20 ml cultures were poured in 1-liter fresh LB-medium with Kanamycin at a final concentration of 50 μg·ml−1in 5-liter conical flasks and grown with vigorous shaking (200 rpm) on a rotary shaker at 37°C. When the culture attained an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of approximately 0.6, induction of protein production was initiated by adding isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). After growth, the cells were harvested by centrifugation, and the cell pellet could be stored at −20°C until use. All subsequent steps were performed at 4°C and on ice. Next, the cell pellet was resuspended in 40 ml of a lysis buffer (10 mM NaCl, 15% glycerol, 50 mM Tris-HCl; pH 8), containing 1.3 mg·ml−1 lysozyme, 30 μg·ml−1 DNase and RNase. After 30 min of incubation at room temperature, the cells were lysed. And immediately following cell lysis, a protease inhibition cocktail was added. The resulting cell lysate was then clarified by centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 30 min. The cell lysate was then filtered and applied to a 5-ml HisTrap HP Ni-column (GE healthcare) equilibrated with buffer A (500 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl; pH 8, 20 mM imidazole). After the column was washed with buffer A, the protein was injected in to the column and eluted with buffer B (500 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl; pH 8, 500 mM imidazole). The fraction with eluted protein was collected in five 2-ml fractions. These fractions were immediately dialyzed against 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8). After dialysis the fractions were analysed by fast SDS PAGE and the concentration was determined by a BSA Biorad assay. 9 Al the Skn7Rec fractions were put together, ass well as the C2A fractions, and they were concentrated with a Spin-X UF concentrator 10kd from corning at 4000 rpm for 20 min at 4˚C. After concentrating, the fractions were analysed by fast SDS PAGE. Next, the C2A fractions were concentrated with a Spin-X UF concentrator 50kd from corning at 4000 rpm for 15 min at 4˚C and again analysed by fast SDS PAGE. 4.3 Phosphorylation assay For the phosphorylation assay of the Sln1p proteins, the SDS PAGE Bio-rad system and Acrylamide-pendent Phos-tag AAL-107 were used. To phosphorylate the proteins, they were incubated for at least 1.5 h in a phosphorylation buffer (table 2) with different concentrations of acetyl phosphate and different ratios H2O : protein, depending on the protein concentration Before they were loaded on the gel they were mixed 2:1 with loading buffer which containing SDS, mercaptoethanol, glycerol and bromophenol blue. The unphosphorylated proteins were also diluted with the same loading buffer, with different dilution factors depending on the protein concentration. Table 2: The components of the phosphorylation buffer and the stacking and resolving gel solutions Phosphorylation buffer: 30 mM HEPES pH 7.5 10 mM MgCl2 10% glycerol 10, 50 mM acetyl phosphate Protein H2O Resolving gel solution: 20% acrylamide/bis solution Lower gel buffer pH 8.8 (Trizma, SDS) 5 mM PhosTag 10 mM MnCl2 Distilled water TEMED 10% APS At least 1.5 h incubation in 30ºC 1h to 3h Stacking gel solution 20% acrylamide/bis solution Lower gel buffer pH 6.5 (Trizma, SDS) Distilled water TEMED 10% APS The required solutions, buffers and the loading of the gels were al done following protocol (appendix 6) The electrophoresis ran 1.5 h to 3 h at 25 mA current per gel. The gels were washed with demi-water, boiled with Coomassie Brillant Blue staining in a microwave, and left to cool for 20 min with slow agitation. Next, they were washed with demi-water, boiled with de-staining solution and left to cool for 20 min with slow agitation. After the boiling steps the gels were washed with demi-water and left in demi-water overnight with slow agitation. 5 Results and Discussion The main goal of this project is to optimize the assay for detection of the phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated form of the proteins in the Sln1p pathway through a phosphorylation assay. This is to see if the proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains are able to phosphorylate the two downstream response regulators. For this it is necessary to clone, overproduce and purify some of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains. As a positive control for the overproduction and assays the ArcA protein was used. 10 5.1 Cloning and transformation of C1, C2 and C2A The first step is to clone the LOV Sln1p fusion proteins C1, C2 and C2A from pQE30 to pET28b. Table 3: Constructs available at the start of this project Construct C1 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from YtvA C2 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from Sln1p C2A LOV(YtvA)Sln1pHK Skn7 Skn7Rec Ssk1 Ssk1Rec Ypd1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a Size (bp) 2401 2442 393+1281=1675 1869 789 2138 951 504 pQE30 + + pET28b + + + + b PCR reaction: 2000bp 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 Restriction: C1 C2 C2A H2O Ladder 2000bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C1, NdeI, SalI C2, NdeI, XhoI C2A, NdeI, XhoI pET28b, NdeI, XhoI Purified pET28b Ladder Figure 6: (a) C1, C2 and C2A after PCR reaction with the right sizes (for expected sizes see table 3) (b) C1, C2, C2A and pET28b after restriction. C1 and C2 have different sizes now, because they are digested with different restriction enzymes After the PCR reactions and the restrictions succeeded (figure 6), ligation mixtures were prepared with different ratios of vector(restricted pET28b) : insert(restricted C1,C2,C2A) and transformed into electrocompetent (EC) cells or chemically competent (CC) cells with different ratios of ligation mixtures : competent cells (table 4). Table 4: Different attempts to transform C1, C2, C2a, Skn7 and Ssk1Rec into various electrocompetent (EC) or chemically competent (CC) E. coli cells Constructs 1 2 3 C1,C2,C2A C1,C2,C2A C1,C2,C2A 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C1,C2,C2A C1,C2 C1,C2 C1,C2 XL1-Blue C2A Skn7 Skn7 Skn7 Ssk1Rec XL1-Blue Ssk1Rec Ligation Vector:Insert 1μl:3μl 1μl:3μl Exactly calculated from concentration restriction 1μl:3μl 1μl:7μl 1μl:7μl 1μl:3μl 1μl:7μl 1μl:7μl 1μl:3μl 1μl:7μl - Cells (E. coli) EC BL21 EC BL21 CC XL1-Blue Transformation Ligation:Cells 1μl:200μl 1μl:200μl 2μl:20μl Transformed CC XL1-Blue CC XL1-Blue CC XL1-Blue CC XL1-Blue EC BL21 CC XL1-Blue CC XL1-Blue CC XL1-Blue CC XL1-Blue EC pQE30 2μl:20μl 4μl:30μl 4μl:20μl 3μl:50μl 0.5μl:200μl 3μl:50μl 3μl:50μl 3μl:50μl 3μl:50μl 0.5μl:200μl C2A C2A Skn7 Ssk1Rec Ssk1Rec - 11 The first two attempts were with a standard ratio of vector:insert and directly transformed to E. coli BL21. There were a few colony’s, between 1 to 10 per construct, but after colony PCR there were no products. The next step to transform the constructs was to try to transform them first into commercially available chemically competent E. coli XL1-Blue cells. These cells are endonuclease (endA) deficient, which greatly improves the quality of miniprep DNA, and are recombination (recA) deficient, improving insert stability. It also has a hsdR mutation which prevents the cleavage of cloned DNA by the EcoK endonuclease system12. The second try succeeded for the construct C2A, with a standard ligation ratio of 1:3 and standard transformation ratio of 2:20 (figure 7a). It was send for sequencing with both the forward primer JBS60/T7_FW and the reverse primer JBS61/T7_RV, because C2A is to large for one sequence reaction. Normally one sequence reaction can sequence about 1000bp correctly and C2A has 1675bp. The first reaction with the forward primer managed to sequence up to about 950bp and the backward primer from about 850bp. Because the two sequences overlap, the sequencing confirmed that it is the right construct and it also confirmed that C2A transformed in E. coli XL1-blue has no mutations (appendix 7). The other two constructs, C1 and C2, had again few colony’s, between 1 to 10 per construct, and after colony PCR no products. The transformation of C1 and C2 was repeated several more times with different ligation and transformation ratios, but that did not work as well. Because of time constraints the attempts stopped there, but someone else kept on trying and eventually made it work, with standard ligation and transformation ratios. Next, C2A was transformed from E. coli XL1-Blue to E. coli Bl21 and that succeeded in one try (figure 7b). The reason why these constructs were difficult to clone could be that there quite large, there are more sites for mutation and cleavage. Earlier cloning and transformation into other vectors and cells of these and other comparable constructs also displayed difficulties. a Colony PCR: 2000bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 1–4. Colony’s from E.coli XL1-Blue 5. Ladder b Colony PCR: 1. Ladder 2-9. Colony’s from E. coli BL21 2000bp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 7: (a) Product of the colony PCR on the E .coli XL1-Blue transformed with pET28bC2A (expected size 1675bp) (b) Product of the colony PCR on the E. coli BL21 transformed with pET28bC2A (expected size 1675bp) 5.2 Overproduction of some of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p twocomponent pathway and its fusion with diverse LOV domains For the overproduction of the proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway, the procedure of the overproduction of the protein ArcA was used. The conditions for the overproduction of Arc are an IPTG concentration of 1mM, overnight overexpression at room temperature(RT) and sonication as a lysing method. Therefore for the first attempt of overproducing one of the downstream response regulators, Skn7Rec, the same conditions were used. 12 This did not have the desired results, a concentration of 14μM Skn7Rec compared to a concentration of 25μM ArcA, calculated with a BSA BioRad assay. The next step was to differ the conditions for the overproduction, to see if there is any improvement possible and eventually determine what conditions are the best. The IPTG concentration was changed to 0.5 mM, the time and temperature of IPTG cultivation was altered and the cells were lysed in a different way, with a French press instead of sonication. This technique results in more uniform and complete disruption than is possible with mechanical or ultrasonic methods. None of these changes or combination of changes resulted in a higher yield then the first attempt (table 4). Table 5: Different conditions for the overproduction of the proteins Skn7Rec, Skn7, C2A and Ssk1Rec Attempts Protein IPTG concentration Temperature Time of IPTG overexpression Lysing method Concentration (BSA BioRad assay) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ArcA Skn7Rec Skn7Rec Skn7Rec Skn7Rec Skn7Rec Skn7Rec 1 mM 1 mM 1 mM 0.5 mM 1 mM 0.5 mM 1 mM RT RT 37˚C RT 30˚C 30˚C RT o/n o/n 3h 3h o/n o/n o/n Skn7Rec 0.5 mM RT o/n Skn7 Skn7 1 mM 0.5L 1mM 0.5L 20 μM 1 mM 0.5L 1 mM 0.5L 20 μM 1 mM RT RT RT RT RT RT RT o/n o/n o/n o/n o/n o/n o/n Sonication Sonication French press French press Sonication Sonication Sonication French press Sonication French press Sonication Sonication Sonication Sonication Sonication Sonication Sonication 25 μM 14 μM 3 μM 5 μM 6 μM 7 μM - C2A C2A Ssk1Rec For attempts 7-10 (table 4) the concentration was not determined with a BSA BioRad assay, because it was already clear from the height of the protein peaks from the FPLC graph that there was no improvement (see appendix 8 and compare attempt 1, 2, 3 and 7). When the procedure is repeated often enough, there is enough protein produced to use in a phosphorylation assay. That is why, after 10 attempts of overproducing Skn7Rec, the switch was made to overproduce other proteins belonging to the Sln1p two-component pathway: full length Skn7, Ssk1Rec and the cloned C2A. With these attempts the IPTG concentration was even lowered to 20μM, but also with these attempts there was no improvement, it got even worse (see appendix 8). To see where the problem lies, not only the produced protein was analysed with Fast SDSPAGE, but also the membrane pellet (at the correct dilution factor), flow through, (the fraction that comes out during the loading of the sample before the elution starts with buffer B) and cell-free extract were loaded on the gel (figure 8) 13 Fast SDS-PAGE Skn7Rec a Fast SDS-PAGE C2A b 35kDa 1 2 3 4 1. Skn7Rec 2. Flow through 3. Cell free extract 4. Pellet 5. Page ruler plus prestained 5 55kDa 15kDa 1 2 3 4 5 1. Pellet 2. Cell free extract 3. Flow through 4. C2A 5. Page ruler plus prestained Figure 8: (a) Skn7Rec with the right size (expected size about 29kDa) (b) C2A seems to be degraded and split into its LOVdomain and HK-domain (expected sizes LOV about 14.5kDa and HK about 47kDa) Both with Skn7Rec and C2A there is still some protein left in the pellet, as well as in the flow trough and the cell free extract. In these fractions, C2A also seems to be degraded and split into its LOV-domain and HK-domain. Although there is some protein in the other fractions, it is not that much that it explains the low amount of overproduction of the protein. On the lane where the overproduced C2A should be is nothing to see, but there was a small peak on the FPLC graph from the Ni-column purification (appendix 8), so there is some overproduction of C2A. The next step was to concentrate the combined Skn7Rec and C2A fractions to concentrate them enough so that they could be used for the phosphorylation assay. Fast SDS-PAGE C2A and Skn7Rec 55kDa 35kDa 1 2 3 4 5 1. Cell free extract C2A 2. Conc. C2A 3. Cell free extract Skn7Rec 4. Conc. Skn7Rec 5. Page ruler plus prestained Figure 9: Concentrated C2A and Skn7Rec with the right sizes (expected 61.5kDa and 29kDa) Skn7Rec is pure and C2A has still some impurities, but it seems that it is not degraded (figure 9). The concentration of the concentrated Skn7Rec is 20μM, determined with a BSA BioRad assay. To get rid of the impurities C2A was again concentrated, but this time with a 50 kDa membrane instead of 10 kDa. Everything smaller than 50 kDa should go through the membrane, but not C2A, that has a size of about 60 kDa. After the extra concentration there was less then 1 ml left and it had a yellow colour, a sign that the LOV-domain is present, but there was not enough left to determine the concentration. C2A 55kDa 1 2 1. Extra conc. C2A 2. Conc. C2A 3. Page ruler plus prestained 3 Figure 10: Extra concentrated C2A with still some impurities present (expected size of C2A is 61.5kDa) 14 The Fast SDS-PAGE shows that there are still impurities present, not everything went through the membrane (figure 10). A way to avoid this could be to spin the filter for a few minutes, invert it so that the membrane does not get clogged up, and repeat this a few times. Because of the problems with overproduction of the downstream response regulators Skn7 and Ssk1 in E. coli Bl21, they were cloned from pET28b to pQE30 and transformed into commercially available E. coli M15, to see if these cells will be better in overproducing the proteins. After the PCR reactions and the restrictions succeeded (figure 11), ligation mixtures were prepared with different ratio’s of vector(restricted pQE30) : insert(restricted Skn7,Ssk1) and transformed into competent E. coli cells with different ratios of ligation mixtures : competent cells (table 4). a b Restriction: PCR reaction: 2000bp 1. 2. 3. 4. Skn7 Ssk1 H2O Ladder 2000bp 1 2 3 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Skn7, BamHI, HindIII Ssk1, SphI, HindIII pQE30, BamHI, HindIII pQE30, SphI, HindIII Ladder 5 Figure 11: (a) Skn7 and Ssk1 (upper bond) after PCR reaction with the right sizes (expected sizes 1869bp and 2138bp) (b) Skn7, Ssk1 and pQE30 after restriction with the right sizes (expected sizes 1869bp and 2138bp) 3 The transformation of Ssk1 into E. coli XL1-Blue succeeded right away (figure 12a) and this was send for sequencing with both the forward primer JcHpQE30_FW and the reverse primer JcHpQE30_RV, because Ssk1 has a size of 2138bp. The first reaction with the forward primer managed to sequence up to about 950bp and the backward primer from about 1000bp. The two sequences do not overlap, but the part that is sequenced is the right construct and it has no mutations but one at the end (appendix 9). The transformation of E. coli M15 with pQE30Ssk1 also succeeded at the first attempt (figure 12b). 4 a b Colony PCR 2000bp 1-3. E. coli XL1-Blue Ssk1Rec 4. Ladder Colony PCR 2000bp 1-4. E. coli M15 Ssk1Rec 5. Ladder 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 5Figure 12: (a) Product of the colony PCR on the E. coli XL1-Blue transformed with pQE30Ssk1(expected size 2138bp) (b) Product of the colony PCR on the E. coli M15 transformed with pQE30Ssk1 (expected size 2138bp) Three attempts with different ratios of ligation and transformation were necessary to transform Skn7 into E. coli XL1-Blue (figure 13 and table 4). 15 2000bp Colony PCR 1-4. E. coli XL1-Blue Skn7 5. Ladder 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 13: 2Product 1 3 of the4colony5PCR on the E. coli XL1-Blue transformed with pQE30Skn7(expected size 1869bp) Because of time constraints, Skn7 was not transformed any further from E. coli XL1Blue to E. coli M15 and the proteins were not overproduced yet. 5.3 Phosphorylation assay The first assay was to determine if Skn7Rec would phosphorylate when incubated with acetyl phosphate at a final concentration of 10 mM and 50 mM. ArcA was used as a control. The first attempts did not result in good Phos-tag gels, an example of these gels is figure 14, the upper gel. The problem here was that the samples ran normally at first, but then all of a sudden dropped down, which is visible by looking at the ladder. One of the possible problems mentioned by the supplier of Phos-tag TM is that some prestained protein markers could interact with the Phos-tag gel resulting in broad and/or distorted bands. Therefore the next step was to avoid using the prestained ladder, but instead using three proteins with known size, see figure 14 the lower gel. This did not solve the problem, the samples did not ran at all. Upper gel: 1. Page ruler plus prestained 2. ArcA 3. ArcA 10 mM ac ph 4. Skn7Rec 5. Skn7Rec 10 mM 6. Skn7Rec 50 mM Lower gel: 1. Albumine 2. Cytochrome C 3. BSA 4. ArcA 5. ArcA 10 mM ac ph 6. Skn7Rec 7. Skn7Rec 10 mM 8. Skn7Rec 50 mM Figure 14: Phos-tag SDS-PAGE of ArcA and Skn7Rec with and without ladder Because it was still unclear if Skn7Rec phosphorylates, the Phos-tag gel was made again and the same samples were loaded, but this time also a regular SDS-PAGE gel was made as a control (figure 15). 16 1. Page ruler plus prestained 2. Skn7Rec 3. Skn7Rec 10 mM 4. Skn7Rec 50 mM 5. ArcA 10 mM ac ph 6. ArcA Figure 15: Phos-tag SDS-PAGE and regular SDS-PAGE of Skn7Rec and ArcA With this attempt the regular SDS-PAGE gel worked and this time also the Phos-tag gel, although still not without some distortion. In the regular gel the Skn7Rec shows two bands indicating that it suffered some form of degradation. This is not the case in the Phos-tag gel, but there is also no sign of phosphorylation of Skn7Rec. Something that is clearly observable with the control protein ArcA, which shows two bands in lane 5 instead of one in lane 6, with one band higher indicating that part of the protein is phosphorylated. 1. Page ruler plus prestained 2. C2 3. C2+ATP 4. C2+ATP+Skn7Rec 5. Skn7Rec 6. C1+ATP+Skn7Rec 7. C1+ATP 8. C1 9. ArcA 10 mM ac ph 10. ArcA Figure 16: Phos-tag SDS-PAGE of C1 and C2 attempting to show a phosphorylation cascade Because Skn7Rec did not show any phosphorylation until now, it was then incubated with C1 and C2 and ATP, to see if these fusion proteins that are part of the Sln1p pathway could phosphorylate Skn7Rec. ATP was added because C1 and C2 should have ATPase activity, and C1, C1 + ATP (same for C2) and ArcA were loaded as a control (figure 16). Although there are again some distorted bands, the Phos-tag gel worked, indicated by ArcA. C1, C2 and Skn7Rec do not seem to show any phosphorylation, they all have single bands at about the same height, but it s still a bit unclear because of the distortion and the low concentration of C1 and C2. 17 1. Page ruler plus prestained 2. C1 3. C1+ATP+Ypd1 4. C1+ATP+Ypd1+Skn7Rec 5. Ypd1 6. Skn7Rec 7. C2+ATP+Ypd1+Skn7Rec 8. C2+ATP+Ypd1 9. C2 Figure 17: Phos-tag SDS-PAGE of C1 and C2 trying to show a phosphorylation cascade TEMED and APS and in a different ratio (10μl : 40μl instead of 20μl : 35μl) The literature says1 that Sln1p can phosphorylate the downstream response regulators Skn7 and Ssk1 straight away without the help of the phosphotransfer protein Ypd1, but to be sure C1 and C2 were also incubated with this protein (figure 17). Again the proteins do not seem to show any phosphorylation, they all have single bands at about the same height, but it is still a bit unclear because of the low concentration of C1 and C2 and the overconcentration of Ypd1. There were more attempts made to see if the phosphorylation cascade occurs, for example with a lower concentration of Ypd1 or with the overproduced and concentrated C2A, but there were a lot of problems with the Phos-tag gel, resulting in heavily distorted bands from which no conclusions could be drawn (figure 18). The main problem was leakage of the system during the setting of the gels. When the set-up of the gel leaks while the Phos-tag gel is setting the Mn2+ Phos-tag ligands probably do not align properly resulting in a crooked gel and heavily distorted bands. One of the attempts to try to solve this problem was to poor a thin layer of 1% agarose, a very fast setting gel, on the bottom of the casting-system to try to seal it of completely. This worked better, but it still leaked most of the times and even though it was only a few microliters, it resulted in distorted bands. Another way was to use TEMED and APS and in a different ratio (10μl : 40μl instead of 20μl : 35μl) to see if that caused any distortion, and that resulted in one of the nicest gels (figure 17). The only problem with method was that it took the gel at least 3h to set, therefore if the system leaked just a few microliters the gel was unusable. 1. Page ruler plus prestained 2. C2A 3. C2A+ATP+Ypd1 4. C2A+ATP+Ypd1+Skn7Rec 5. Ypd1 6. Skn7Rec 7. C2A+ATP+Skn7Rec 8. C2A+ATP Figure 18: Failed Phos-tag SDS-PAGE of C2A 18 6. Conclusions and future outlook The constructs cloned and transformed during this project are listed in table 5 in green. Table 6: Constructs available at the end of the project Construct Size C1 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from YtvA C2 LOV(YtvA)Sln1p linker from Sln1p C2A LOV(YtvA)Sln1pHK Skn7 Skn7Rec Ssk1 Ssk1Rec Ypd1 2401 2442 393+1281=1675 1869 789 2138 951 504 Cloned pQE30 pET28b + Send for seq. + Send for seq. + + + + + + + + Transformed XL1-Blue Bl21 M15 + + + + + It is quite difficult to clone and transform the fusion constructs C1, C2 and C2A, but by repeating it often enough with the standard ratios of vector:insert 1μl:3μl or 1μl:4μl during ligation and ligation mixture:cells 3μl:20μl during transformation, it eventually works. The cloning of Skn7 and Ssk1 was straight forward. The overproduction of the fusion proteins and the other proteins of the Sln1p pathway did not result in a high yield of protein, but when repeated often enough there will be enough protein to concentrate them and use them for a phosphorylation assay. Also if the next step would be using these proteins for Western blotting , this will be enough, because that only requires less than 1 microgram of protein. The best conditions turned out to be the same as for the overproduction of ArcA: an IPTG-concentration of 1 mM, overnight induction at room temperature and sonication as a lysing method. It is of course possible to vary the conditions even more to attempt to get a higher amount of protein, for example inducing at a low temperature of 16-17˚C. If there would be a lot of protein left in the membrane pellet trapped in inclusion bodies, there is a method of getting it out of the membrane by using urea13. The problem whit this method is though, that a part of the protein gets lost. Seeing that there is not a significant amount of protein in the membrane fraction compared to the protein yield, this would probably be a waste of time considering how much it could add to the total amount of protein produced. Inclusion bodies are probably not the problem, there is just not that much protein overproduced. Another thing to try could be using different cells for the overproduction, like E. coli M15. Until now the Phos-Tag SDS PAGE did not show a phosphorylation cascade of the Sln1p pathway or of any individual protein of the pathway. This could be because of the problems with the Phos-tag gel or because the proteins are not active, what would mean that the fusion proteins are not able to perform their function in the stress response. A way to address the problems with the Phos-tag gel could be to use a casting-system that is not leaking and to use more concentrated and/or better purified proteins. There is also another way to show phosphorylation and that is to label the proteins1, but that was one of the advantages of using Phos-tag SDS-PAGE for the mobility shift detection of phosphorylated proteins, that radioactive and chemical labels are avoided. 19 7. References 1. Fassler, J. S., and West, A. H. (2010) Genetic and biochemical analysis of the SLN1 pathway in saccharomyces cerevisiae Methods Enzymol. 471, 291-317. 2. Kaserer, A. O., Andi, B., Cook, P. F., and West, A. H. (2010) Kinetic studies of the yeast his-asp phosphorelay signaling pathway Methods Enzymol. 471, 59-75. 3. Toettcher, J. E., Gong, D., Lim, W. A., and Weiner, O. D. (2011) Light-based feedback for controlling intracellular signaling dynamics Nat. Methods. 8, 837-839. 4. Editorial (2010) Method of the year Nat. Methods. F.321 vol.8 no.1, januari 2011 5. Avila-Perez, M., Vreede, J., Tang, Y., Bende, O., Losi, A., Gartner, W., and Hellingwerf, K. 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(2007) Select what you need: A comparative evaluation of the advantages and limitations of frequently used expression systems for foreign genes J. Biotech. 127, 335-347 11. Bekker, M., Alexeeva, S., Laan, W., Sawers, G., Teixeira de Mattos, J., and Hellingwerf, K. (2010) The ArcBA two-component system of escherichia coli is regulated by the redox state of both the ubiquinone and the menaquinone pool J. Bacteriol. 192, 746-754. 12. https://www.genomics.agilent.com/files/manual/200249.pdf 13. Kirubakaran, S. I. Sakthivel, M. (2007) Cloning and overexpression of antifungal barley chitinase gene in Escherichia coli. Protein Expr. and Purific. 52, 159-166. 20 Appendix 1: Sequences of the primers used during this project pET28YtvAFW 5’ccccatatggctagttttcaatcatttgggata 3’ NdeI pET28Sln1pRV Gcatatcagggaaagaaaaataacaaagctcgagccc To keep the reading frame for C terminal histag, stop codon was removed and one g before Ctcgag (reading frame gct gag) gct gives alanine. The same in all RV primers. For order rev/comp 5’gggctcgagctttgttatttttctttccctgatatgC 3’ Tcaagtttagtgttgctaaaagcatcgctcgagccc XhoI pET28sln1pHKRV XhoI Rev/comp 5’ gggctcgagcgatgcttttagcaacactaaacttga 3’ Tm without restriction 51 Full 61 Tm without restriction 54 Full 62 Tm without restriction 55 Full 66 pET28sskn7FW ccccatatgAGCTTTTCCACCATAAATAGCAACG NdeI Tm without restriction 57 Full 63 pET28sskn7RV CTACACTTCAAGAAAACCAGCTATCAgctcgagccc 5’ gggctcgagcTGATAGCTGGTTTTCTTGAAGTGTAG 3’ XhoI Tm without restriction 55 Full 66 JcHpQE30_FW 5’cccgaaaagtgccacctg3’ Bam HI JcHpQE30_RV 5’ccgagcgttctgaacaaatcc3’ HindI II JBS60/T7_FW TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG NdeI JBS61/T7_RV GCTAGTTATTGCTCAGCGG XhoI pET28ssk1FW ccccatatgCTCAATTCTGCGTTACTGTGG NdeI Tm without restriction 58 Tm without restriction 64 Tm without restriction 56 Tm without restriction 58 Tm without restriction 56 Full 63 21 pET28ssk1RV CTCGCCCACTCAAATAGAATTGgctcgagccc XhoI Tm without restriction 54 Full 67 SalI Tm without restriction 61 5’ gggctcgagcCAATTCTATTTGAGTGGGCGAG 3’ pQE30Sln1pRV 5’Ggg gtcgac tcatttgttatttttctttccctg3’ 22 Appendix 2: Protocol PCR with Pwo polymerase (J.B. van der Steen 18.05.2010) Pwo polymerase (Roche) is well-suited for accurate amplifications of large fragments. Reaction mix Mix the components according to the following table. Reaction volumes of 25-100 μL usually give the best results. Component Stock For 25 μL For 50 μL For 100 μL 10x buffer + MgSO4 Provided with enzyme 2.5 μL 5.0 μL 10.0 μL FW/RV primers 10 pmol/μL 1.0 μL 2.0 μL 4.0 μL 10 mM dNTP mix Fermentas 0.313 μL 0.625 μL 1.25 μL Water ‡ 19.0 μL 38.0 μL 76.0 μL DNA ‡ 1.0 μL 2.0 μL 4.0 μL Pwo polymerase Roche 0.25 μL 0.5 μL 1.0 μL ‡ The amount of DNA will vary with the concentration. Adjust the amount of DNA and the amount of water at will. Making master mixes without the DNA is usually most convenient. The amounts required for some regularly used master mixes are shown below (values in μL). Samples 2 x 25 μL 3 x 25 μL 4 x 25 μL 5 x 25 μL 6 x 25 μL 7 x 25 μL 8 x 25 μL 9 x 25 μL 10 x 25 μL 2 x 50 μL 3 x 50 μL 4 x 50 μL 5 x 50 μL 6 x 50 μL 7 x 50 μL 8 x 50 μL 9 x 50 μL 10 x 50 μL Buffer 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 Primers 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 dNTPs 0.63 0.94 1.25 1.57 1.88 2.19 2.50 2.82 3.13 1.25 1.88 2.50 3.13 3.75 4.38 5.00 5.63 6.25 Water 38.0 57.0 76.0 95.0 114.0 133.0 152.0 171.0 190.0 76.0 114.0 152.0 190.0 228.0 266.0 304.0 342.0 380.0 Pwo 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Cycler program For products smaller than 1 kb use an extension time of 1:00 min. For larger products, add 1:00 min per kb. Cycle 1 Cycle 2 1x 10x Cycle 3 25x Cycle 4 Cycle 5 1x 1x 95°C 95°C Tm-5°C 72°C 95°C Tm 72°C 72°C 4°C 05:00 min 00:30 min 00:30 min 02:00 min 00:30 min 00:30 min 02:00 min 08:00 min 23 Appendix 3: Protocol preparation of competent cells (J.B. van der Steen 18.05.2010) 1. Make an overnight culture in 20 mL LB medium with the appropriate antibiotics. 2. Add part of the overnight culture to 1 L fresh LB medium to obtain an OD600 of 0.1-0.2. Note: Usually the entire overnight culture can be used. 3. When the cells have reached an OD600 of 0.5-1.0, place them on ice for 15-30 minutes. 4. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 5000 rpm in a Sorval RC-5 centrifuge with a GS-3 rotor. 5. Re-suspend the pellets in a total of 1 L cold, sterile NANOpure water and centrifuge again. 6. Re-suspend the pellets in a total of 0.5 L cold, sterile NANOpure water and centrifuge again. 7. Re-suspend the pellets in a total of 20 mL cold, sterile 10% glycerol and transfer the cell suspension to a 50 mL Greiner tube. Now centrifuge for 15 minutes at 4000 rpm (the maximum speed). 8. Re-suspend the pellet in cold, sterile 10% glycerol to a final volume of 2-3 mL. Distribute the cells in 40 μL portions over 1.5 mL eppendorf cups, flash freeze them in liquid nitrogen and store them at -80°C. 24 Appendix 4: Protocol transformation (J.B. van der Steen 18.05.2010) Electrocompetent cells 1. Thaw the competent cells on ice. Make sure the DNA is dissolved in a low-ionic strength buffer (preferably water). Add 1-2 μL of your DNA to 40 μL of competent cells, mix by tapping the tube with a finger and place the suspensions on ice for about 1 minute. Note: Use 1-2 μL for a QuickChange reaction or a ligation, but do not use more than 0.5-1 ng of plasmid DNA. 2. Set the BIO-RAD E. coli Pulser at 2.5 kV. Note: This should result in a pulse of 4-5 ms. Note: If a BIO-RAD Gene Pulser is available, set it at 25 μF and 200 Ω. 3. Transfer the cells to a pre-cooled electroporation cuvette (0.2 cm). Make sure the cell suspension is at the bottom by tapping the cuvette against the table. Note: Make sure to dry the cuvette before proceeding to prevent sparking. 4. Place the cuvette in the Pulser. Pulse once at the described settings. Add 1 mL SOC medium as soon as possible after the pulse. Re-suspend the cells and transfer them back to the 1.5 mL eppendorf cup. Note: The rapid addition of SOC medium is essential for the recovery of transformants. 5. Incubate the cells at 37°C for 1 hour, shaking. Note: The easiest way is to tape the tubes to the bottom of a 37°C, 250 rpm incubator. Alternatively an Eppendorf Thermomixer can be used. Note: Without shaking the transformation should still succeed, albeit with a much lower efficiency. 6. Centrifuge the cells for 10-30 seconds at 8000 rpm in a table-top centrifuge and discard the supernatant. Re-suspend the cells and plate them on an appropriate plate. Chemically competent cells 1. Add an appropriate amount of DNA to 200 μL cells and incubate for 30 min on ice. Include a negative control without any DNA. Note: The transformation efficiency should be so high that it is suitable to dilute plasmid purifications to less than a 100 ng. Alternatively, fewer cells can be used. 2. Heat-shock the cells for 1 min in a water bath at 42°C. Immediately transfer the cells to ice and incubate for 1-2 min. 3. Add 800 μL pre-warmed LB and incubate for 45 min at 37°C, 250 rpm. Note: Instead of LB, other rich media such as TSB also work. 4. Plate 25-100 μL on an LB plate with the appropriate marker, gently spin down the rest and plate this on a different plate. Incubate the plates overnight at 37°C. 25 Appendix 5: Protocol PCR with TAQ polymerase (J.B. van der Steen 18.05.2010) TAQ polymerase (Fermentas) is best-suited for control-PCRs. This protocol works well for colonyPCRs on E. coli and for PCRs on 0.5 μL of an overnight culture of B. subtilis. Reaction mix Mix the components according to the following table. Reaction volumes of 25 μL usually give the best results. Component Stock For 10 μL For 25 μL For 50 μL For 100 μL 10x buffer – MgCl2 + KCl Provided with enzyme 1.0 μL 2.5 μL 5.0 μL 10.0 μL 25 mM MgCl2 Provided with enzyme 0.6 μL 1.5 μL 3.0 μL 6.0 μL FW/RV primers 10 pmol/μL 0.2 μL 0.5 μL 1.0 μL 2.0 μL 10 mM dNTP mix Fermentas 0.2 μL 0.5 μL 1.0 μL 2.0 μL Water ‡ 7.7 μL 19.25 μL 38.5 μL 77.0 μL TAQ polymerase Fermentas 0.1 μL 0.25 μL 0.5 μL 1.0 μL ‡ This protocol does not take the addition of DNA into account. Subtract the amount of DNA added from the amount of water used. It is fine to add 1 μL DNA without changing the values. Making master mixes without the DNA is usually most convenient. The amounts required for some regularly used master mixes are shown below (values in μL). Note that it is possible to lower the amount of TAQ polymerase per reaction to as little as 0.15 μL in 25 μL. Samples 2 x 25 μL 3 x 25 μL 4 x 25 μL 5 x 25 μL 6 x 25 μL 7 x 25 μL 8 x 25 μL 9 x 25 μL 10 x 25 μL 20 x 25 μL 30 x 25 μL Buffer 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 50.0 75.0 MgCl2 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 15.0 30.0 45.0 Primers 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 10.0 15.0 dNTPs 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 10.0 15.0 Water 38.50 57.75 77.00 96.25 115.50 134.75 154.00 173.25 192.50 385.00 577.50 TAQ 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 5.00 7.50 Cycler program For products smaller than 1 kb use an extension time of 1:00 min. For larger products, add 1:00 min per kb. Cycle 1 Cycle 2 1x 10x Cycle 3 25x Cycle 4 Cycle 5 1x 1x 95°C 95°C Tm-5°C 72°C 95°C Tm 72°C 72°C 4°C 02:00 min 00:30 min 00:30 min 02:00 min 00:30 min 00:30 min 02:00 min 08:00 min 26 Appendix 6: Mobility shift detection of phosphorylated ArcA on Phos-tag SDS PAGE. (A. Bury 27.08.2012) Required solutions: 5 µM Phos-Tag AAL solution in 3% (v/v) MeOH Dissolve oily product Phos-tag AAL in 0.1mL MeOH and dilute with 3.2 mL distilled water by pipetting. If a trace amount of insoluble white powder appears (impurities) it can be separated by centrifuging (2000xg, 10 min). Store the solution at 4°C, in dark for not more than 6 months. 10 mM MnCl2 o MnCl2(H2O)4 (FW 197.9 g/mol) 0.1 mg o Distilled water 50 mL MnCl2 solution is stable for at least 6 months. Lower gel buffer: 1.5 M Tris-HCl pH 8.8, 0.4% w/v SDS, for 100 mL,: o Trizma Base 18.171 g o SDS 0.4 g o Adjust the pH with 6 M HCl. Upper gel buffer: 0.5 M Tris-HCl pH 6.5, 0.4% w/v SDS, for 100 mL: o Trizma Base 6.057 g o SDS 0.4 g o Adjust the pH with 6 M HCl. Loading Buffer: o o o o o o o o o o o o o bromophenol blue 10 mg SDS 0.9 g Glycerol (99.5%) 3 Upper Gel buffer 3.9 mL β- mercaptoethanol 1.5 mL Make up the volume to 10 ml in water 10x TGS electrophoresis buffer, for 1 liter: Trizma Base 30.3 g Glycine 144 g SDS 10 g Results in solution with an approximate pH of 8.3. 10% APS, for 2 mL (FW 228.2 g/mol): ammonium persulfate in 2 mL water. 0.2 g Store the APS in portions of 100 μL at -20°C. Resolving gel solution: 7 mL; 50 µM Phos-tag, 100 µM MnCl2 10% acrylamide 27 o o o o o o o 30% acrylamide/bis solution 37.5:1 (Biorad) A777 2.33 mL lower gel buffer (pH 8.8) 1.75 mL 5 mM Phos-tag 70 µL 10 mM MnCl2 70 µL Distilled water 2.725 mL TEMED 20 µL 10% APS 35 µL Stacking gel solution: 2 mL; 4.5% acrylamide o o o o o 30% acrylamide/bis solution 37.5:1 (Biorad) A777 0.3 mL Upper gel buffer (pH 6.8) 0.5 mL Distilled water 1.145 mL TEMED 20 µL 10% APS 35 µL Staining: Required solutions Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining solution, for 500 mL: o 200 mL methanol (40%). o 50 mL acetic acid (10%). o 250 mL water. o Add 0.125 g Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB). De-staining solution, for 1 liter: o 400 mL methanol (40%). o 100 mL acetic acid (10%). o 500 mL water. o Note: this is the staining solution without CBB. 28 Appendix 7: Complete nucleotide sequence of C2A aligned with C2A transformed in E. coli XL1-Blue (using ClustalW2) Forward primer: JBS60/T7_FW C2A Transformed_C2A -----------------------------------------------------------GGTGGACGGTACATTCCCCTCTAGAATAATTTTGTTTAACTTTAAGAAGGAGATATACCA 60 C2A Transformed_C2A -----------------------------------------------------------A 1 TGGGCAGCAGCCATCATCATCATCATCACAGCAGCGGCCTGGTGCCGCGCGGCAGCCATA 120 * C2A Transformed_C2A TGGCTAGTTTTCAATCATTTGGGATACCAGGACAGCTGGAAGTCATCAAAAAAGCACTTG 61 TGGCTAGTTTTCAATCATTTGGGATACCAGGACAGCTGGAAGTCATCAAAAAAGCACTTG 180 ************************************************************ C2A Transformed_C2A ATCACGTGCGAGTCGGTGTGGTAATTACAGATCCCGCACTTGAAGATAATCCTATTGTCT 121 ATCACGTGCGAGTCGGTGTGGTAATTACAGATCCCGCACTTGAAGATAATCCTATTGTCT 240 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