The Merchant of Menace The official newsletter of SLEUTH of Baker Street 1600 Bayview Avenue, Toronto. Ontario, Canada, M4G 3B7 416-483-3111/Fax 416-483-3141/e-mail Greetings November 2005 Once in your lifetime you must visit Bryce Canyon National Park in Southwestern Utah. It’s a small park, but you’ll never forget it. When I first saw pictures of the “hoodoos”, for which the park is famous, I was sure that such structures could not exist on this planet—it had to be a Disney production! Not only do they exist but they are even more spectacular than my limited imagination could conjure up. A good friend who lives in Utah assures me that there are canyons even more spectacular, Arches National Park being his favourite, and my tiny mind boggles. I’m just gonna have to schedule another visit and see for myself. I spent a week in St. George, Utah, last month and did some golfing and hiking. Hands up, anyone who wants to join me next March, perhaps, and we’ll hike and golf. Maybe I’ll suggest to Lyn Hamilton that she set her next Lara McClintoch novel in Utah and then she can lead the research tour. Talking about things spectacular…A new publishing house is making a mark for itself rather quickly. Keep an eye on Felony and Mayhem. Like the wonderful people at Rue Morgue Press, their mandate is to bring “the best in bygone mysteries back to life”, to identify and reprint some of the great detective novels that should never, never have gone out of print in the first place. To date they have published eighteen titles, with lots more to come. They are priced at C$19.95 each and currently in print are: Edmund Crispin’s first Professor Gervase Fen novel The Case of the Gilded Fly; Agatha Christie’s favorite mystery writer Elizabeth Daly’s Murders in Volume 2; Nicolas Freeling’s first Piet Van der Val novel Love in Amsterdam; the great Reginald Hill’s Who Guards a Prince; Robert Barnard’s Death on the High C’s; Caroline Graham’s first Insp. Barnaby mystery The Killings at Badger’s Drift; Stuart Kaminsky’s first Insp. Porfiry Rostnikov novel Death of a Dissident; Tony Cape’s search for the identity of the “fifth man” in The Cambridge Theorem; Anthony Price’s outstanding debut novel and 1970 winner of the Silver Dagger for best crime novel The Labyrinth Makers; Anton Gill’s City of the Horizon; Keith Heller’s Man’s Illegal Life; David Carkeet’s Double The Merchant of Menace, SLEUTH of Baker Street's bi-monthly newsletter is available by subscription at an annual fee of CDN$35. Agree to buy at least $100 of books in any calendar year and we'll waive the fee. Ask for a complimentary copy. All subscriptions are for a calendar year, by the way, so we'll prorate as necessary. Signings JOEY SLINGER’s hilarious Punch Line ($21.95) Tuesday, Nov. 22, 6 to 8 pm -------------------------------------STEVEN OWAD’s debut novel Bodycheck ($13.95) & MARY JANE MAFFINI’s newest Camilla MacPhee mystery, The Dead Don't Get Out Much ($13.95) Thursday, Nov. 24, 6 to 8 pm Negative which was nominated for the 1980 Edgar for best novel; Elizabeth Ironside’s Death in the Garden which was nominated for the 1995 Silver Dagger for best mystery; Lynn Hightower’s Satan’s Lambs winner of the 1993 Shamus for best first PI novel; Marissa Piesman’s hilarious novel of the crazy real-estate market of 1980s New York Unorthodox Practices; Susan Wolfe’s 1989 winner of the Edgar for best first novel The Last Billable Hour; andTony Broadbent’s first novel featuring Jethro the cat burglar The Smoke set in London of 1947 when the locals are freezing to death and dying of starvation. See, what I mean. The publishers really have done their homework. First there was mad cow disease, then SARS, then the dreaded avian flu, now the deadliest affliction of them all: sudoku. The afflicted are easy to recognize: swearing under their breath as they franticly scribble and madly erase, wasting hours and hours of time. This craze has the potential to kill us all! Certainly has the potential to drown small bookstores. Every day another publisher releases another sudoku book. We, unfortunately, were incapable of resisting Postage & Handling Hours of Business Within Canada $6 per book, max. $15* To the United States $8.50 per book, max. $20* Elsewhere Actual postage (*with the odd exception) 10 am to 6 pm every day except Sunday: Noon - 4pm Holidays: closed the deluge and stock a number of them for your entertainment. There’s even hamster sudoku! Very popular have been the Penguin Book of Sudoku (#1, 2 and 3) ($12.99 ea.). There’s Sudoku Easy ($9.95), two volumes of Easy to Hard (#2 and 3) ($9.95 ea.) and not to be outdone, Sudoku for Dummies ($13.99). Start your pencils. The end of the year approaches and that brings me to the issue of the NEWSLETTER RENEWAL. This is the last issue of 2005 so it’s time to renew. You remember our deal: spend at least $75 ($100 in 2006) on books in one calendar year and we’ll mail you the newsletter for the following year. If you have not met that minimum for 2005—so, so easily done, just order the new Minette Walters, the new P D James and a sudoku book and Bob’s your uncle—then you have the next six weeks to do so. If that doesn’t work for you, then you can always order a subscription for 2006, at $35 for the six issues. Finally, of course, you could pick up the newsletter off the website as copies are archived there, for no charge, and either read it there or print it out. The minimum purchase required will be going up to $100 in 2006. The cost of printing and mailing has risen considerably in the last little while, really what hasn’t, and I’m not looking for a whole bunch of sympathy, but this is really only a small increase. We hope that you will not think this unreasonable, but remember that you can pick up the newsletter off the website for no charge or minimum purchase. MINETTE WALTERS was in the store recently to lunch and launch. We had invited our customers to come have lunch with her and come they did; the event was well attended, indeed. And she launched her new novel, The Devil's Feather ($34.95). The winner of every major mystery award going, Minette has produced another winner. Autographed copies available. And talking about the Grande Dames of detective fiction, the incomparable P D James offers you the thirteenth Dalgleish novel, Lighthouse ($35.95 Knopf Canada), just in time for Christmas. It’s only taken us a quarter century, but, tada, the Sleuth bookbag. A measly $15. See the website for a picture and order yours today. Wendy's Picks My sister and I went to Scotland and London for 10 days in October. We took a seven day bus tour around Scotland from Glasgow to the Isle of Skye through the Highlands to Inverness, Dundee, Edinburgh for two days and then back to Glasgow. I had no idea what to expect and was completely taken by the beauty of the landscape. We’ve decided that we have to go back at some point, rent a car and see more of the countryside. In London, we did the usual sightseeing, walking for miles and shopping. I did visit every bookstore that we passed and managed to overfill my suitcase with my book purchases. Pity the poor baggage handler who had to fling my suitcase about. Didn’t read much, but what I did I liked. Headcase by PETER HELTON ($33.95) is a debut, set in Bath, introducing Chris Honeysett, painter, gourmet chef and private eye. He considers detective work boring when it goes well and even more boring when it doesn’t. He isn’t at all prepared for the dead bodies and physical violence inflicted upon him when he takes on a seemingly straightforward art theft case. In addition to his PI cases, Chris helps his friend Jennifer at Somerset Lodge, a small residential facility for recovering mental health patients. He helps with the meals and looks after the residents when Jennifer needs a break. He’s also an artist whose agent is after him to get some paintings ready for a prospective buyer. I really like this character – he has wit and charm, doesn’t always make the best decisions (like most of us) but doesn’t give up. Bath is one of my favorite places in the UK so I loved the setting and could visualize many of the places that the author writes about. I look forward to Chris’ next case. Oh, Yeah, there is a murder that keeps him occupied. Crosscut by MEG GARDINER ($34.95 hardcover, $24.95 trade paperback) is the fourth in the Evan Delaney series. I like this book but I recommend it with the caveat that it is extremely violent. There is a very high body count, the murders are vicious and the killer is quite the psycho. Otherwise, the book is terrific, fast-paced and thrilling. Evan returns to China Lake for her high school reunion where she learns that many of her fellow classmates have died at a young age. Then the killings begin as members of her graduating class die during the reunion weekend and shortly thereafter. Evan starts putting the pieces together and realizes that all the deaths are connected but she is not sure how. So, of course, she has to find out. I’d like to think that what she uncovers could never possibly happen but I’m afraid that the plot may just be too real. I picked up (actually Marian handed me) a couple of the Felony and Mayhem publications and really enjoyed the following: Death in the Garden ($19.95) by ELIZABETH IRONSIDE, a delightful mystery in which Helena, a 30 year old attorney in London, reads through her great aunt Diana’s papers and becomes obsessed with discovering who killed her great uncle some 60 years earlier. The first part of the book is set in the 1920s, providing background to the death and Diana’s trial. The rest of the book is set in the present (1990s), after Diana’s death when Helena is cleaning out her personal effects and discovers her journals. The book is interspersed with Diana’s journal entries. Unorthodox Practices ($19.95) by MARISSA PIESMAN is the first Nina Fischman, New York City attorney, mystery. Nina’s mother, Ida, persuades her to investigate when her neighbours (the old ladies in the neighbourhood) start dying and their apartments become vacant. Real estate being a coveted item, particularly in the 80s, Ida’s thinking that something is wrong. Who knew that vacant apartments, cockroaches and suspicious deaths could be so much fun? Unfortunately, other books in the series are out of print. Marian's Picks I am not going to run another marathon. There, I’ve said it. When I forget and start going on about which marathon I’m going to run next, please remind me that my poor body is not up to it. I ran the Chicago marathon recently and if you ever want to run one I would highly recommend Chicago. Well organized, a beautiful course and the volunteers and spectators were wonderful. I was not in the best of health for this one so I was very pleased to just complete it. It is hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. Paddington doesn’t look any older, although he has a touch of arthritis so he’s a little stiff when he walks. He doesn’t help with the typing of the newsletter nearly as much as Princess did, but he’s just such a sweetie to have around. He wanted me to tell you that his favourite treat at the moment is those small packages of kitty “Temptations”, just in case you were planning on getting him a Christmas present. Speaking of presents, autographed copies make great gifts. We have many autographed books on hand: the new MINETTE WALTERS, The Devil’s Feather ($34.95), my favourite new writer LOUISE PENNY’s Still Life ($34.95), J.D.’s fave WILLIAM DEVERELL’s April Fool ($36.99) and others. Limited quantities. Still Life ($34.95 hardcover (autographed) and $24.95 trade paperback) by LOUISE PENNY is a debut novel that is my favorite read of the year so far. Set in the Eastern Townships, it introduces Chief Inspector Armand Gamache of the Surete du Quebec. (Sorry, I don’t know how to put the accents on the words using this computer). I loved the characters in the small town and small town life. I loved the two policemen, and even though I had wanted to, not the policewoman. The descriptions of the village of Three Pines (a fictional town) makes me want to visit there and maybe even live there. A well-loved woman is found dead in the woods, pierced by an arrow—everything you have ever wanted to know about the art of archery is well explained—and the townspeople think it must have been an accident. Who could have wanted her dead? Another debut is BRIAN FREEMAN’s Immoral ($34.95 hardcover, $24.95 trade paperback), a police procedural set in Duluth, Minnesota that introduces Lieutenant Jonathan Stride and his delightful partner, Maggie Bei. At first, I wasn’t going to read this book because the cover says “Breathtakingly real…page-turning psychological suspense’, and I am not one for the psychological type mystery. But read it I did and, I’m glad I did. Wow! Not sure why I started it, except perhaps because it is a first novel and I do enjoy ‘discovering’ new writers, and I decided to ignore the cover blurb. Two teenage girls have gone missing and the fear is that a serial killer is on the loose. The story twists and turns, there are tons of clues, some red herrings and a convoluted ending. What I liked best about the book is the relationship between Stride and Maggie. Absolutely delightful. Hopefully there will be another book with both of them together, but, can he possibly outdo this one? Jacquot and the Angel ($34.95 hardcover and $24.95 trade paperback) by MARTIN O’BRIEN is a superb follow up to Jacquot and the Waterman ($24.95 trade paperback). I too am very happy to see the Felony & Mayhem reprints. Three books that I had read and liked a great deal are on their list and I’m going to take this opportunity to make them my picks. SUSAN WOLFE won an Edgar for her first novel, The Last Billable Hour ($19.95 trade paperback). One of the bigwig lawyers at a Silicon Valley law firm is murdered and Inspector Sarah Nelson asks Howard Rickover, another lawyer at the firm to help. Trouble is, the lawyers are all sharks and they consider Howard tuna. Sort of a rumpled Colombo type. Funny, likeable characters, an interesting plot, a quick, light read, very enjoyable. Nominated for an Edgar for Best First Novel in 1980, Double Negative ($19.95 trade paperback) by DAVID CARKEET, is another F&M reprint that I thought was excellent. Mr. Carkeet is himself a professor of linguistics so he knows what he’s writing about. The Wabash Institute is dedicated to the development of toddlers’ verbal skills, but when one of the cranky academics is killed, Jeremy Cook, the institute’s premier scholar becomes the main suspect. A wonderful puzzle of a book and I’m glad it’s back in print. Satan’s Lambs ($19.95 trade paperback) by LYNN HIGHTOWER won the Shamus Award for Best First Private Eye Novel in 1993. Lena Padget was a mild-mannered grad student until her sister was brutally murdered. Now she is a private eye who helps women too scared to help themselves. Terrific and tense. On a lighter note, I picked up the third in the Pauline Sokol series, One Dead Under the Cuckoo’s Nest ($9.99) by LORI AVO- CATO. This time Jagger has former nurse-turned-insurance fraud investigator, Pauline, working undercover as a mental patient. This is for readers of JANET EVANOVICH, who can’t get enough of Joe and Ranger. Ms. Acocato has the same sense of humour in her writing and the same sexual tension that I like in the Stephanie Plum series. There is even the same sort of quirky family. The first two in the series are also wonderfully light and witty, A Dose of Murder and The Stiff and the Dead ($9.99 each). J.D.'s Picks Over the years I have, like a broken record, oft told you how wonderful a read WILLIAM DEVERELL’s Trial of Passion ($19.95 trade paperback) is. Now, finally, the sequel has been published: April Fool ($36.99, signed copies while supply lasts). Truly, cause to rejoice. It’s been eight long years and I certainly hope that it won’t be another eight years before the third one is published. Trial of Passion won the prestigious Hammett Prize for literary excellence in crime writing and Canada's Arthur Ellis Award for best crime novel—so you see I’m not the only one who thinks the book is terrific—and I have been champing at the bit, waiting, for the further adventures of one Arthur Beauchamp, "fusty Latin-rapping dean of West Coast criminal lawyers". And, oh yeah, it's terrific. What a pleasure it was. I savoured the elegance of the prose and the wit of Beauchamp. The almost-decade-long wait has been worth it. I told you about PHILIP DAVID ALEXANDER (of David’s Picks) and his forthcoming debut novel The Next Rainy Day ($21.99) in the September issue and now that I’ve had a chance to read it, I’d like to tell you to read it also. This is a novel of characters, of father and son relationships, of dealing with life’s adversities. It’s a fine literary effort, one which you’ll keep chewing over for days afterwards. Needing something to read on the plane I chanced on CARLO LUCARELLI’s Almost Blue ($16.95) This is the first of two slim novels, which is probably why I glommed on to them in the first place, translated from the Italian and featuring Ispettore Grazia Negro. Having read both, the sequel is Day After Day ($11.99), I realize that I’m not sure I ever figured out where the novels are set, Torino maybe, but that didn’t really matter. Almost Blue was shortlisted for the CWA Gold Dagger, so, again, I’m not the only fan. If you’ve read all the Dibdins and Leons novels, try these. For the same flight I grabbed AMANDA EYRE WARD’s How to be Lost ($21). An amazing read from the author of the equally amazing Sleep Toward Heaven ($19.95), both of which I just adored. When five-year-old Ellie disappears her family falls apart. Fifteen years later, Ellie’s sister Caroline, now a New Orleans cocktail waitress, sees a photograph of a woman in a magazine and she’s convinced it’s her sister Ellie, all grown up. Armed with copies of the photo, an amateur detective guide, and a cooler of Dixie beer, Caroline sets off to find Ellie. After you read these two, read Peace Like a River ($19.50). Even more amazing. David’s Picks I'm going to do a Special Edition of David's Picks and tell you about some great early Christmas presents for those on your list who are crime fiction lovers and appreciate the art of bookmaking. Dennis McMillan Publishing has been doing some handsome and nicely bound books for quite a while now—since the early 80s to the best of J.D.’s recollection—and has published some of the greats like Kent Anderson (his novel Night Dogs ($10.99) is perhaps the best cop book ever written), Scott Phillps and Jon A. Jackson. (Hey, don’t forget James Crumley, Michael Connelly, Fredric Brown, Arthur Upfield…I could go on!.--JD ) In September 2005 DMP put out two more unique books that deserve mention. The first is The Syracuse Codex ($45), a novel by JIM NISBET. After reading this clever, 500 page roller-coaster I slapped the cover shut and then panicked realizing that I had to try and summarize the thing! Trying to capture all that happens in this one is like trying to shoot a wasp with a pellet gun. The Syracuse Codex is essentially a wrong man novel in the vein of Jim Thompson or Dashiel Hammett. But that's just one strand of the many tentacled plot. Picture frame maker Danny Kestrel meets a sultry and very willing bombshell named Renee Knowles, an art buyer and antiques hunter. They have a brief but passionate rendezvous which pretty much concludes with Ms. Knowles being shot dead with a single bullet, and Danny Kestrel left as the prime suspect. The police are of course determined to solve the crime and assign a strange, sardonic but highly intelligent cop named Bowditch to the case. The investigation is complicated by the fact that a few fortune hunters are interested in the death of Ms. Knowles, convinced that she was privy to secret information about the Syracuse Codex, and that she might have passed this secret onto Danny Kestrel. Danny Kestrel begins a quest to find out about the Codex and along the way meets many characters who may or may not hold the proverbial key. There's an unusual Episcopal Priest and a character called Car Salesman who are among the most memorable. Will Kestrel find the Codex and SAVE himself and solve the puzzle of Ms. Knowles death? Pick up a copy and find out. Jim Nesbit is a cult favorite in Europe and it's easy to see why. I've talked to a few people about this author and comparisons abound: he's Thomas Pynchon crossed with Raymond Chandler; the lovechild of Patricia Highsmith and Don Delillo, on and on it goes. For my money I'd say he reads like Jasper Fforde meets Ken Bruen. One thing is for sure, he's unique and man does he have a vivid imagination. Da Vinci Code ($37.95) lovers who also enjoy crime fiction: get this one ASAP. The other DMP book is an amazing noir anthology called Plots with Guns ($50 signed by ten contributors, $275 limited edition signed by all the contributors). For those unfamiliar with the Plots with Guns web magazine, it published some very edgy crime fiction starting in 1999 and closed down only recently. This anthology gathers up the cream of the crop and puts them in a beautiful book that I'm certain will be a collectors item one day. The stories are all noirish and, of course, there's a crime with a gun in each, but any similarities end there. There are tough guy, mean street stories by the likes of Charlie Stella and Trevor Maviano. Some moral dramas by writers like Eddie Muller and Sean Doolittle. One of thehighlights is Brian's Story by none other than the abovementioned Jim Nisbet. This is a well told story about one man avenging the death of his brother who overdosed on heroin he bought from a well known pusher. There are some well known writers in this anthology: Kent Anderson (Night Dogs ($10.99)), Scott Phillips (The Ice Harvest ($18)), Victor Gischler (Pistol Poets ($10.99)), Steve Hamilton (Ice Run ($9.99)) and if you think you've read all of Michael Connelly's Bosch stories, guess again. Included here is a Bosch story called Angel of Investigation. And it's a good one. This is one of the best crime anthologies I've read in a while. It certainly holds up well against Measures of Poison ($59.95), DMP’s short story collection from 2002, and it contains absolutely no 'filler'. Thanks David. One thing left to do. It’s that time of the year and all of us—Marian, Wendy, Mary, JD, Paddington—would like to thank you for all your support during 2005—and the previous quarter century for that matter—and wish you and yours all the best for 2006. May you enjoy nothing but health and happiness. Hardcover ABBOTT, JEFF PANIC ($33.00) (Dutton) When young documentary film maker Evan Casher is called home to Austin by his mom, he doesn’t expect to arrive to find her murdered and an attempt made on his life. Realizing he has been living a carefully constructed lie, his only hope of survival is to uncover the truth about his family. ADAMS, JANE KISS GOODBYE ($39.95) (Allison & Busby) Artist Robert Carr has been painting Anna, his inspiration mystery lady, always remembering her as he last saw her. But now the media has launched a full fledged search for her, and for reasons of her own, she does not want to be found. ANDREWS, DONNA DELETE ALL SUSPECTS (#4) ($33.00) (Berkley) After a hit-and-run leaves Eddie, a young techie, in hospital, his grandmother hires Turing Hopper’s PI friend Tim to find out who did it. As a computer Turing has a lot of skills that most humans don’t. The first three in the series are You’ve Got Murder, Click Here for Murder and Access Denied ($9.99 each). ANDREWS, SARAH DEAD DRY (#10) ($33.95) (St. Martin’s) Forensic geologist Em Hansen works for the Utah Geological Survey but is helping the Salt Lake police with the murder of a fellow geologist. She determines his body was planted and the slide in the gravel quarry was deliberately set. ATKINS, CHARLES CADAVER’S BALL ($33.95) (Thomas Dunne) A love triangle gone wrong. Peter, Ed and Beth were the best of friends at med school until Beth tells Ed she is marrying Peter and can’t accept his proposal. Fate intervenes and Beth is killed in a car crash along with the baby she was carrying. Ed’s blazing hatred for Peter builds until he is unaware of the cause of his growing difficulties until he becomes a suspect in the death of a patient. BALDACCI, DAVID CAMEL CLUB ($36.95) (Warner) On the fringes of D.C., a club called The Camel Club has four eccentric members whose simple goal is to find the truth behind their country’s actions. After witnessing a shocking murder, the Club is slammed headfirst into a plot that threatens the security of the USA. BARKER, TREY R 2000 MILES TO OPEN ROAD ($35.95) (Five Star) With a murder indictment hanging over his head and a cop on his tail, Halford Turnbull just wants to prove his innocence to his brother. So starts a 2,000 mile journey. Autographed copies. BARNARD, ROBERT GRAVEYARD POSITION ($57.00) (Allison & Busby) We ordered a couple of UK editions of this novel. The US edition originally appeared in our May 2005 newsletter. BARNES, JULIAN ARTHUR AND GEORGE ($34.95) (Random House, Canada) The lives of Arthur and George, two very honourable gentlemen, from two very different walks of life, intersect in a very interesting way. BARTOY, MITCHELL DEVIL’S OWN RAG DOLL ($31.95) (St. Martin’s) In the hot summer of 1943 Detroit, a young white heiress is found murdered in the black part of town. The city threatens to erupt into mob violence bringing the airplane assembly lines and tank manufacturing plants to a stop. Detective Pete Caudill is charged with covering up the crime in the interest of civic peace. BENJAMIN, CAROL LEA WITHOUT A WORD (#8) ($32.50) (Morrow) Rachel is hired to find a woman who disappeared five years ago without a trace. She left behind a distraught husband and her daughter who has not spoken a word since and is now suspected of stabbing her doctor. Wendy loves this series. BERENSON, LAURIEN RAINING CATS AND DOGS ($31.00) (Kensington) Great artwork on the jacket of this book! Melanie Travis has her hands full with her new married life, her five standard poodles and her new neighbour’s seven outdoor cats. When the great aunt of one of the members of the South Avenue Obedience Club is found smothered in her bed at the nursing home that Melanie and Faith visit, she investigates. BLANC, NERO CROSSWORDER’S DELIGHT (#10) ($15.50) (Berkley) A revered icon goes missing at the Paul Revere Inn and crossword editor Belle Graham and her partner, PI Rosco Polycrates, investigate. Includes four crossword puzzles. BRANDON, JAY RUNNING WITH THE DEAD ($33.95) (Forge) Chris Sinclair vows justice for his friend who was murdered less than a week after Chris won his acquittal when accused of sexually abusing a student. Now, four years later, the school’s then basketball coach is on trial for murder. BREWER, STEVE BANK JOB ($33.00) (Intrigue) Jaded, rageladen, utterly stupid brothers knock over liquor stores to amuse themselves. But when a robbery goes wrong, they end up knocking on the door of a stranger’s house, who just happens to be a retired bank robber. Taking his wife hostage, they force him to rob a bank. BRIGHTWELL, EMILY MRS. JEFFRIES AND SILENT KNIGHT (#20) ($32.00) (Berkley) After nineteen paperbacks, we get a hardcover featuring Mrs. Jeffries. The week before Christmas Insp. Witherspoon is called to Richmond to investigate the murder of a baronet. But of course, it’s his housekeeper and her crimesolving staff that really solve the murder. Set in Victorian England. BROADBENT, TONY SPECTRES IN THE SMOKE (#2) ($31.95) (Thomas Dunne) Jethro, the cat burglar, is forced back into business by Colonel Walsingham of MI5, in the austere 1948 world of post-war black market riddled England. You even get a glossary of London underworld slang to help you along. Sequel to The Smoke ($19.95), a Felony and Mayhem reprint. BROWN, RITA MAE HUNT BALL (#4) ($34.95) The fourth in her fox hunting series. BROWNE, MARSHALL RENDEZVOUS AT KAMAKURA INN ($31.95) (Thomas Dunne) After his investigation into the case of ex-Governor Tamaki is dismantled, Detective Inspector Hideo Aoki is suspended and sent to a resort to recover from the stress. A nasty snowstorm cuts him and the guests off from the outside world. It seems that all the guests have some connection to an unsolved disappearance of years ago. BUSH, NANCY CANDY APPLE RED (#1) ($27.95) (Kensington) Jane Kelly is through with following men anywhere and now lives in Lake Chinook, Oregon where she helps her friend with his private eye business. When Portland divorce attorney calls her with a P.I. job, she jumps at the chance. CALDER, JAMES IN A FAMILY WAY (#3) ($31.95) (Chronicle Books) San Francisco filmmaker-turned-sleuth Bill Damen delves into the high stakes world of reproductive technology. After his cousin’s young daughter, Margaret, is kidnapped and murdered, he takes on the shadowy world of embryo engineering, and soon discovers that the circumstances of Margaret’s birth have everything to do with her death. CAWTHORNE, NIGEL CURIOUS CURES OF OLD ENGLAND ($24.95) (Portrait, UK) Did you know that a child can be cured of the whooping cough by passing it under the belly of a donkey? Or that weak eyes can be cured by the application of chicken dung, or alternately by large draughts of beer taken in the morning? The history of medicine in Britain is filled with the most gruesome cures for common ailments, many of them supported by doctors of the time. This book contains some informative and entertaining ideas. From the author of last year’s very successful book The Strange Laws of Old England ($19.99). CLARKE, RICHARD A SCORPION’S GATE ($35.00) (Putnam) A coup has finally toppled the sheiks of Saudi Arabia and put a determined but shaky Islamic government in their place. Everywhere the scent of oil has started to attract the scorpions and people are willing to make any deals in order to get oil. CLEMENS, JUDY THREE CAN KEEP A SECRET ($34.95) We sold out of this before we got the chance to annotate it. CLEVERLY, BARBARA BEE’S KISS (#5) ($54.00) (Constable) It is 1926 and Joe Sandilands is back from India enjoying postwar London. The murder of much respected Dame Beatrice JagowJoliffe, one of the co-founders of the Wrens, is Joe’s latest case. But he also finds himself investigating the suicide of three young women close to Dame Beatrice and is dismayed when he is told to close the case. We have very limited quantities of this edition. COEL, MARGARET EYE OF THE WOLF ($33.00) (Berkley) Someone has left three dead Shoshones on an old battlefield, positioned to mimic the bodies of those Arapaho killed in the historic slaughter of 1874. Vicky Holden’s latest client is the main suspect. Father O’Malley helps investigates. COHEN, MARK BLUETICK REVENGE (#2) ($33.95) The second Pepper Keane novel, sequel to Fractal Murders ($9.99). CONNELLY, MICHAEL LINCOLN LAWYER ($36.95) (Little, Brown) Mickey Haller is a criminal defense attorney who operates out of the backseat of his Lincoln Town Car, traveling between the courthouses of Los Angeles to defend clients of every kind. When a Beverly Hills playboy is arrested for murder, it seems like a dream case for Mickey until someone close to him is murdered. COOPER, NATASHA GAGGED AND BOUND (#7) ($34.95) (St. Martin’s) Barrister Trish Maguire tackles a thirty year old terrorism case when a distinguished biographer hires her to fight a libel claim. CORNWELL, BERNARD PALE HORSEMAN (#2) ($39.95) (Harper Collins, UK) Uhtred, raised a Viking but married to a Saxon, finds a growing respect for Alfred, who needs his support if the Saxons are going to regroup and defeat the invaders. Sequel to The Last Kingdom ($10.99). CORNWELL, PATRICIA PREDATOR (#14) ($38.00) (Putnam) Dr. Kay Scarpetta, now freelancing with the National Forensic Academy in Florida, along with Pete Marino, Benton Wesley, and her niece Lucy, track the odd connection between several horrific crimes and the people who are the likely suspects. Also available on CD ($42 abridged.) CRAWFORD, ISIS CATERED CHRISTMAS (#3) ($31.00) (Kensington) Caterers Bernadette and Libby Simmons are recruited as contestants for a TV cooking show. When the host of the show is murdered, the two sisters investigate. Sequel to A Catered Murder ($7.99) and A Catered Wedding ($8.99). DALEY, ROBERT ENEMY OF GOD ($31.00) (Harcourt) Gabe Driscoll, Chief of Internal affairs for the NYPD, attends the autopsy of Father Frank Redmond, an activist priest who, along with Gabe, belonged to a championship swim relay team at a Jesuit high school in the 1950s. More than three decades later, Redmond has gone off a Harlem rooftop, a few blocks away from his church. Was it suicide? Gabe doesn’t think so. DAVIDSON, MARY JANICE UNDEAD AND UNRETURNABLE ($31.00) DEVERELL, WILLIAM APRIL FOOL (#2) ($36.99) (McClelland & Stewart) Wonderful. Terrific. About time. A decade between novels is too long. See J.D.’s Picks. DIBDIN, MICHAEL BACK TO BOLOGNA (#10) ($30.00) This is the UK edition of the tenth Aurillio Zen novels. Please special order this as in store stock is not guaranteed. DOMINGUE, RONLYN MERCY OF THIN AIR ($33.00) In 1920s New Orleans, Raziela Nolan is in the throes of a magnificent love affair when she dies in a tragic accident. Immediately after her death, she chooses to stay between a realm that exists after life but before whatever lies beyond. She narrates the story of her lost love, as well as the relationship of Amy and Scott, a young couple whose house she haunts seventy years later. DOSS, JAMES SHADOW MAN ($31.95) [DOYLE]BROWNSTEIN, GABRIEL MAN FROM BEYOND ($33.00) (Norton) Arthur Conan Doyle tries to convince Harry Houdini that the dead are willing and able to commune with the living. Recently graduated from Vassar, tabloid writer Molly Goodman lands her first interview with the great magician Houdini, but as she covers the strange spirit-chasing celebrities, she witnesses murder and magic. [DOYLE] CARRAHER, PHILIP J SHERLOCK HOLMES: ADVENTURE OF THE DEAD RABBIT SOCIETY ($42.00) (1st Books) Written by Dr. John Watson in 1908, this story sheds light on those missing years during which Holmes was presumed dead. DUNN, CAROLA DALRYMPLE FALL OF A PHILANDERER (#14) ($31.95) It is the summer of 1924 and Daisy Dalrymple Fletcher is off on a relaxing holiday with her stepdaughter Belinda to the small coastal town of Westcombe. But the holiday is spoiled by murder. ECCLES, MARJORIE SHADOWS OF LIES ($57.00) Please special order this UK edition. ELLIOTT, CHRIS SHROUD OF THE THWACKER ($29.95) (Miramax) Set in New York City in 1882, the story chronicles the adventures of police chief Caleb Spencer, Evening Post reporter Liz Smith and mayor Teddy Roosevelt, as they unravel the mystery of the world’s first and most bizarre serial killer. ELLIS, KATE CURSED INHERITANCE (#9) ($39.95) (Piatkus) DI Wesley Peterson is faced with a murder case that might have its solution in the ruined remains of an early English settlement in Virginia, USA. ELLORY, ROGER JON QUIET VENDETTA ($37.95) (Orion) When the daughter of the Governor of Louisiana is kidnapped, all the kidnapper wants as ransom is to talk to a minor functionary from a Washington-based organized crime task force. When Ray Hartmann arrives in the South, he hears the story of Ernesto Perez, a brutal hit man for the Mob. FAHERTY, TERENCE IN A TEAPOT ($25.00) A tiny little novella. FALCO, EDWARD WOLF POINT ($33.95) (Unbridled) Tom Walker, a 57 year-old businessman, knew he shouldn’t stop and pick up the hitchhikers but he was lonely, so he did. Now, will he survive the orderal? FLYNN, VINCE CONSENT TO KILL ($29.95) (Atria) The powerful father of a dead terrorist demands vengeance in its simplest form, an eye for an eye, and Mitch Rapp instantly becomes the target of an international conspiracy. FREEMAN, BRIAN IMMORAL (#1) ($34.95 cloth, $24.95 trade paperback ) (Headline) A debut novel introducing Duluth, Minnesota policeman Lieutenant Jonathan Stride. See Marian’s Picks. FUNKE, CORNELIA INKSPELL ($24.99) (Chicken House) A wonderful sequel to Inkheart ($10.99). Dustfinger, the fire-eater, brought into being in Inkheart, wants to go back into his book so he leaves behind his young apprentice Farid and finds a crooked storyteller to read him back into his book. Distraught, Farid goes in search of Meggie and before long they are both caught inside the book too. GABALDON, DIANA BREATH OF SNOW AND ASHES (#6) ($39.95) (Doubleday, Canada) It is 1772, the eve of the American Revolution and the Governor of the Colony sends an envoy to Jamie Fraser asking him to help unite the people and keep the country safe for the King. But Jamie’s wife, daughter and son-in-law are time travelers so he knows the outcome will be Independence. He also knows that in 1776 a small article in a newspaper reports the destruction of his house and the death by fire of him and his family. We have a very limited supply of autographed reprints. GARDINER, MEG CROSSCUT (#4) ($34.95 cloth, $24.95 trade paperback) (Hodder & Stoughton) Someone or something is eliminating Evan Delaney’s graduating high school class. See Wendy’s Picks. GERRITSEN, TESS VANISH ($32.95) (Ballantine) Boston medical examiner Maura Isles unzips the body bag at the morgue and gets the fright of her life when the corpse opens its eyes. Rushed to the hospital, the woman kills a security guard and takes pregnant homicide detective Jane Rizzoli hostage. Maura joins forces with Jane’s husband, FBI agent Gabriel Dean, to track down the killer’s identity. GIMENEZ, MARK COLOR OF LAW ($34.95) (Doubleday) Scott Fenney, a poor college football hero turned successful partner at a prominent Dallas law firm, is given a pro-bono case by a local judge. He is to defend a heroin-addicted prostitute accused of murdering the son of Texas millionaire senator and presidential hopeful. His plans to pass the case off to a do-good attorney go awry. GRABIEN, DEBORAH MATTY GROVES (#3) ($31.95) (Thomas Dunne) Ringan Laine will perform with his band at the Callowen House Arts Festival and his lover Penny WintercraftHawkes has also been invited as a honoured guest. The two have performed exorcisms in the past for ghosts whose stories have been told in songs, and Callowen House is known to be haunted by the pretty young wife of a seventeenth-century Leight-Arnold. But there is no mystery with Lady Susanna’s death, is there? GREENE, THOMAS CHRISTOPHE I’LL NEVER BE LONG GONE ($32.95) (Morrow) Charles Bender Sr. walked into the woods one day and killed himself. He left his restaurant to one son, Charlie, and nothing to his other, Owen. Many years later, Owen returns and Charlie opens up his life to him. Charlie’s wife, Claire, is not so happy about the return. GREER, ROBERT RESURRECTING LANGSTON BLUE ($32.50) (Frog, Ltd) With the help of CJ Floyd and his new partner, former Marine intelligence sergeant Flora Jean Benson, Carmen Nguyen searches for her father, a Vietnam vet who was presumed dead at the end of the war. HALL, PARNELL STALKING THE PUZZLE LADY (#7) ($34.00) (Bantam) When the puzzle lady takes her show on the road someone takes offence. Traveling the I-95 is such fun. Not. HALL, PATRICIA SINS OF THE FATHERS (#12) ($39.95) (Allison & Busby) DCI Michael Thackeray investigates the murder of a mom and her young daughter. Another victim is found badly wounded and the son and the father are missing. The initial conclusion is that it is a domestic row turned tragic. But as Thackeray searches for the missing father, it turns out there is no traceable evidence of a man with that name. HAMILTON, LAURELL K BLOODY BONES (#5) ($35.00) A re-issue in hardcover of the fifth Anita Blake vampire story. HAMMETT, DASHIELL LOST STORIES ($33.95) (Vince Emrey Productions) Twenty-one long lost stories written by Dashiell Hammett. They include stories of mystery, humour, and adventure. HARRIS, CHARLAINE GRAVE SIGHT ($33.00) (Berkley) Harper Connelly has the gift of being able to find dead people. She can sense the final location of a person who has died and share their very last moment. She and her brother Tolliver are in the small Ozarks town of Sarne. A teenage girl has gone missing and Harper knows immediately that she is dead. “A really good, if different, read”, says Marian. HELTON, PETER HEADCASE ($33.95) (Carroll & Graf) A debut novel. Terrific. See Wendy’s Picks for more. HEPBURN, SUSAN MISSING ($60.00) The US edition of this book. Yep, it’s expensive. HICKS, RANDALL BABY GAME ($33.95) (Wordslinger) Toby Dillon’s specialty is adoptions, so when his two best friends want to adopt a baby they seek his help. But when the baby is kidnapped and then the birth mother is kidnapped, something terribly sinister is brewing. HURWITZ, GREGG TROUBLESHOOTER (#2) ($32.95) (Morrow) Deputy U.S. Marshal Tim Rackley is hot on the trail of Den Laurey, the leader of one of the U.S.’s most violent biker gangs. Laurey has escaped killing several deputy marshals and attacking a sheriff’s deputy who happens to be Tim’s pregnant wife. The first in this series is The Program ($10.99). JAMES, P D LIGHTHOUSE (#13) ($35.95) (Knopf, Canada) Combe Island off the Cornish coast offers respite to over-stressed men and women. Adam Dalgliesh is called in to investigate a murder on the island. When a second murder occurs, the whole investigation is jeopardized. KEIZER, GREGG MIDNIGHT PLAGUE ($35.00) (Putnam) With the help of the only survivor of a fishing boat that ran aground on British shores during the secret countdown to D-Day, American doctor Frank Brink must infiltrate occupied France to uncover the laboratory where the pneumonic plague is being tested for release. KELLY, SUSAN DISGUISE FOR DEATH (#6) ($39.95) (Allison & Busby) Supt. Gregory Summers is dragged to a reading given by a convicted killer who has just finished his sentence. He is surprised to find his colleague Deepak Gupta is also at the reading but soon learns that one of the victims was Deepak’s sister. KLING, CHRISTINE BITTER END (#3) ($34.95) (Ballantine) Since kindergarten Seychelle and her best friend Molly had been as close as sisters. But when Molly met slick and older entrepreneur, Nick Pontus, she quit school, married Nick and never spoke to Seychelle again. Now Nick is dead; a sniper picked him off the helm of his yacht, and Molly is asking Seychelle for help. The first two in the series are Surface Tension and Cross Currents ($10.99 each). Another series that Wendy enjoys. LANGTON, JANE STEEPLECHASE (#17) ($33.95) (Thomas Dunne) Homer and Martha Kelly delve deep into the past to unravel puzzles in the present. A church is lost! LIMON, MARTIN DOOR TO BITTERNESS (#4) ($31.95) (Soho) Sergeants Sueno and Bascom are back in 1970s Seoul, policing back alleys, keeping American soldiers safe from themselves and the natives with criminal intent. LINDSAY, PAUL BIG SCAM ($33.00) (Simon & Schuster) Special Agent Nick Vanko is running a surprisingly successful undercover operation in Manhattan considering his bosses consider him a hard case and his squad a bunch of self-destructive freaks with disciplinary problems. They’ve been chipping away at the Brooklyn mob with good success. LUDLUM, ROBERT AMBLER WARNING ($34.95) (St. Martin’s) Ambler is so dangerous to the US government that he is kept in “deep storage”, complete isolation and heavily medicated, in a psychiatric facility. With the help of a sympathetic nurse, he clears his mind of the drug-induced haze and then escapes. He discovers there is no record of any person named Hal Ambler, and with no resources he has to figure out why he is considered so dangerous. MCBAIN, ED FIDDLERS (#54) ($33.95) (Harcourt) The author died this year so is this the last 87th precinct novel? Steve Carella and his colleagues search for a serial killer who has struck five times in two weeks. MCDONELL, NICK THIRD BROTHER ($29.95) (Grove Press) In 2001 Mike is a summer intern at a magazine in Hong Kong, sent on assignment to interview backpacker kids doing drugs and to track down a brilliant journalist gone AWOL. But tragedy hits at home, his brother Lyle starts seeing things including an imaginary third brother. And then the Twin Towers fall and Mike makes a trek through the streets of New York to save his brother. MCPHERSON, CATRIONA AFTER THE ARMISTICE BALL ($33.95) (Carroll & Graf) In the aftermath of WWI, the comfortable world of upper classes of Perthshire crumbles. It is 1922 and Dandy Gilver, her husband back from the front, her children away at school, is bored. She decides to investigate the theft of the Duffy diamonds, stolen from the Eesslemonts’ country house after the Armistice Ball. MASSEY, SUJATA TYPHOON LOVER (#8) ($32.50) (Harper Collins) Rei Shimura is hired to search for and authenticate an ancient Middle Eastern pitcher that disappeared from Iraq’s national museum. The piece is believed to be in the hands of a wealthy Japanese collector. MAXWELL, ROBIN TO THE TOWER BORN ($32.95) (Morrow) What really happened to the two princes, Edward and Richard, in 1483. A new look at what could have happened told through the eyes of Nell Caxton, the daughter of England’s first printer, William Caxton. MAYOR, ARCHER ST. ALBANS FIRE (#15) ($33.95) (Mysterious) Someone is wreaking havoc around the gentle farmlands surrounding the town of St. Albans. When one of the barns is torched and the entire herd and a young man perish, Joe Gunther investigates. MCINTYRE, HOPE HOW TO SEDUCE A GHOST (#1) ($33.95) (Mysterious) Ghostwriter Lee Bartholomew lives alone in Notting Hill, London, and loves it. Although her boyfriend, Tommy, has been asking her for years to marry him, she wants her space. Landing a fabulous ghostwriting job for a soap opera star, Lee is over the moon with excitement, especially after meeting the star’s good-looking manager, Buzz. Leaping before she looks, she jeopardizes her relationship with Tommy and gets into something very dangerous. MEIER, LESLIE NEW YEAR’S EVE MURDER ($31.00) (Kensington) Lucy Stone and her daughter Elizabeth are winners of the mother/daughter winter makeovers in Manhattan from Jolie magazine. It‘s amazing what a $500 haircut can do but the allexpense paid trip also serves up murder. MILLER, STEPHEN FIELD OF MARS ($34.00) (Viking, Canada) Ryzhkov is a disaffected officer in the Okhrana, Russia’s dreaded secret police. He is investigating the death of a little girl, a child prostitute thrown from the window of a brothel frequented by the city’s elite. Set in 1913. MORRIS, BOB JAMAICA ME DEAD ($30.95) (St. Martin’s) Zack Chasteen goes to Jamaica to help protect Darcy Whitehall the owner of a chain of anything goes Caribbean resorts. Bahamarama ($9.99) is the first in the series. MORTIMER, JOHN QUITE HONESTLY ($38.00) (Penguin, UK) Lucinda Purefoy finds herself waiting at the gates of Wormwood Scrubs, waiting to greet her first SCRAP client, a career burglar called Terry Keegan. She has volunteered to be a guide and friend to criminals and to help them kick their criminal ways. MOSLEY, WALTER CINNAMON KISS (#9) ($33.95) (Little, Brown) Easy Rawlins travels to San Francisco to investigate the disappearance of an eccentric, prominent attorney and his assistant, the beautiful Cinnamon Cargill. NABB, MAGDALEN INNOCENT ($33.00) (Soho) Marshal Salvatore Guarnaccia, a Sicilian stationed in Florence, investigates the death of a young Japanese woman apprenticed to one of Florence’s legendary custom shoemakers. NADEL, BARBARA LAST RIGHTS ($34.95) (Headline) It is October 1940 and Francis Hancock, a veteran of WWI, is forced by the nightly air raids in London to relive the trauma of the trenches. When he sees a man lurching through the rubble screaming about being stabbed, but with no visible wound, Francis dismisses it as the ravages of another lost mind, until the man’s body turns up at his funeral parlour two days later. NAPIER, WILLIAM ATTILA ($37.95) Special orders only. O’BRIAN, PATRICK CATALANS ($39.95) (Harpers Collins, UK) Originally published in 1953. Doctor Alan Roig is summoned back to the rolling vineyards of his Catalan hometown and charged with preventing the marriage between his cold, ascetic and wealthy cousin and Madeline, the village beauty. O’BRIAN, PATRICK THE MAKING OF THE NOVELIST 1914-1949 ($43.50) (Norton) The life of the author up to the time he moved to Collioure in the South of France. It tells of his oppressed childhood, his sailing experiences as a young man, the truth behind his first marriage, divorce, name change. Written by Nikolai Tolstoy. O’BRIEN, MARTIN JACQUOT AND THE ANGEL (#2) ($34.95) (Headline) A wealthy German family living in Provence, is murdered but Chief Inspector Jacquot of the Cavaillon Regional Crime Squad doesn’t agree that the man arrested is the killer. Excellent. See Marian’s Picks. O’HEHIR, DIANA MURDER NEVER FORGETS ($33.00) Carla Day is confident that her affectionate but confused father is getting the best care available at Green Beach Manor, set on the jagged cliffs of the California coast. But when strange happening occur at the Manor and her dad begins rambling about bodies on the beach Carla gets a position as an aide at the manor to investigate. OLSON, KAREN SACRED COWS (#1) ($29.95) (Mysterious) New Haven police reporter Annie Seymour investigates the murder of a young Yale coed. The first in a series. PAOLINI, CHRISTOPHER ELDEST ($27.95) (Knopf) This is the second book featuring Eragon and his dragon, Saphira. Eragon must further his training in magic and swordsmanship, the vital skills of the Dragon Rider. “Excellent” says Marian. “But make sure you read Eragon ($13.95) first”. PARKER, ROBERT B SCHOOL DAYS (#32) ($35.00) (Putnam) Spenser is hired by the grande dame of Dowling, Massachusetts, Lily Ellsworth, to investigate her grandson Jared Clark’s alleged involvement in a school shooting. PEARCE, MICHAEL DEAD MAN IN ISTANBUL (#2) ($33.95) (Carroll & Graf) Seymour of the Special Branch uses his talents this time in Istanbul. The first in the series, Dead Man in Trieste ($31.95), is not available in paperback. PENNY, LOUISE STILL LIFE ($34.95 cloth, $24.95 trade paperback) (Headline) A terrific debut novel. “A brilliant read” says Marian. See Marian’s Picks. Autographed first editions available. PERDUE, LEWIS PERFECT KILLER ($34.95) (Forge) For over seventy years, Project Enduring Valor, (it’s a US publication so the wrong spelling!), has been experimenting with a drug that could turn ordinary soldiers into ruthlessly efficient killers. Now, the project is ready to be implemented on a massive scale, despite devastating side effects. Neurosurgeon Brad Stone has to stop it. PERRY, ANNE ANGELS IN THE GLOOM (#3) ($35.95) (Ballantine) From the hell of the trenches in France to a London nightclub where a beautiful Irish spy plies her trade, to the murder of a weapons scientist in the English countryside, this is number three in her World War I series. The first two are No Graves As Yet ($10.99) and Shoulder the Sky ($21.00 trade paperback). PERRY, ANNE CHRISTMAS GUEST ($23.95) (Ballantine) Grandmama Ellison travels to the Romney Marshes to spend Christmas with Charlotte Pitt’s parents, Caroline and Joshua Fielding. When Joshua’s cousin Maude arrives for the holidays and is subsequently found dead in her bed, Grandmama suspects foul play and investigates. The other two in the Christmas theme are Christmas Journey and Christmas Visitor ($23.95 each). PICKENS, CATHY DONE GONE WRONG (#2) ($31.95) (At- torney Avery Andrews is in Charleston, South Carolina, to meet a young doctor who has something to tell her. On his way to their meeting he meets with a car accident but something about it doesn’t sit right with Avery. The first in the series is Southern Fried ($9.99). PRESTON, DOUGLAS TYRANNOSAUR CANYON ($33.95) (Forge) Cutting-edge science and high adventure: missing moon rocks, fire bolts that hit the earth eons ago, a dark agency with a deadly mission…. PRONZINI, BILL (EDT) QUINCANNONS GAME ($60.00) RANKIN, IAN REBUS’S SCOTLAND ($39.95) (Orion) Part autobiography of Ian Rankin, part biography of Rebus and lots of photos and stories about Scotland. A beautiful book. RANKIN, IAN FLOOD ($37.95 cloth, $24.95 trade paperback) (Orion) Originally published in 1986, this is a reprint of the first novel he published. It features the story of a young woman who fell into a chemical run-off as a young girl, the questionable accidental death of the young man accused of pushing her in, and her life as a single mom. REHDER, BEN GUILT TRIP (#4) ($33.95) (St. Martin’s) Game warden John Marlin and his good friend sheriff Bobby Garza investigate the disappearance of the treasurer of the local Rotary Club, the explosion of a house full of drug paraphernalia, and the theft of an exotic car. The first three in the series are Buck Fever, Bone Dry, and Flat Crazy ($9.99 each). RENDELL, RUTH END IN TEARS (Doubleday, Canada) A lump of concrete is dropped deliberately from a stone bridge but it kills the wrong person. Chief Inspector Wexford investigates. RIPLEY, MIKE BOUDICA AND THE LOST ROMAN ($39.95) This was a special order for a customer. We can order one for you too. This is the story of the revolt of the Boudica and the Iceni as told by two eyewitnesses: one a reluctant spy and the other a professional soldier. ROOSEVELT, KERMIT IN THE SHADOW OF THE LAW ($33.50) ROWE, SEAN FEVER ($26.95) (Little, Brown) Matt “Loose Cannon” Shannon is an ex-FBI agent turned head of security for a line of cruise ships. In order to clear Matt’s huge credit card debt, brother Jack, just released from prison, has a deal he can’t refuse. In a heist more audacious than anything he’s been trained for or dreamed up in his most fevered state, Matt ends up on the wrong side of everything. RUCKA, GREG PRIVATE WARS (#2) ($34.00) (Bantam) Everyone thinks that international spy Tara Chace is dead and it is only the chance to vindicate herself that she gets back in the game. She is called upon to slip into Uzbekistan and extract the pro-Western husband and son of Dina Malikov, who was tortured and executed. The first in the series is Gentleman’s Game ($10.99). RUSCH, SHELDON FOR EDGAR ($35.00) (Berkley) State Police Special Agent Elizabeth Hewitt seeks help from Professor Scott Gregory, her former lover and an Edgar Allan Poe expert, when a series of murders duplicate the tales of Poe. SALLIS, JAMES DRIVE ($27.95) (Poisoned Pen) A stunt driver by day and a driver for criminals at night, Driver is double-crossed. Revenge is sweet. A novella. SAMPSON, CATHERINE OUT OF MIND (#2) ($33.95) (Mysterious) Robin Ballantyne returns to her job at Britain’s largest news organization and immediately starts making waves with a new documentary series on unsolved missing person cases. The first in the series is Falling Off Air ($18.95). SANTLOFER, JONATHAN KILLING ART (#3) ($32.95) (Morrow) Ex-Queens, New York cop Kate McKinnon is trying to rebuild her life after the death of her husband. She is writing a book about New York and it’s artistic era of the 1940s and 50s. But when a lunatic starts slashing the paintings and the owners of the very works she is writing about, the NYPD once again seeks her help. The first two in the series are The Death Artist ($9.99 currently unavailable) and Color Blind ($10.99). SEYMOUR, GERALD RAT RUN ($34.95) (Bantam, UK) Malachy Kitchen was an Intelligence officer posted to Iraq. But he ran under hostile fire and, humiliated and broken, is kicked out of the army. When an elderly woman is mugged by drug addicts on the London estate where he is now living, a new flame is sparked and his target is the network of narcotic traders. SIMON, CLEA MEW IS FOR MURDER ($34.95) (Poisoned Pen) Freelance writer Theda Krakow finds a stray kitty which leads her to an old woman holed up in a decrepit house full of cats. When Theda returns to interview the old woman, she finds her dead. Was she murdered? SIMON, MICHAEL BODY SCISSORS (#2) ($33.00)(Viking) In his search for a killer, Austin, Texas homicide detective Dan Reles chases a gunman across Texas, tangles with a Middle-Eastern drug lord, and uncovers a mysterious and deadly disease that’s carving a path through college campuses. The first in the series is Dirty Sally ($10.99). SLAUGHTER, KARIN FAITHLESS (#5) ($32.00) (Delacorte) Medical examiner Sara Linton and her ex-husband police chief Jeffrey Tolliver investigate the case of a young girl buried alive in the woods and then killed in a horrifying fashion. Also available on CD ($39.95 abridged). SMITH, FRIENDS LOVERS CHOCOLATE (#2) ($29.95) (Pantheon) When Isabel Dalhousie’s niece, Cat, asks her to run her delicatessen while she attends a wedding in Italy, Isabel meets a man with an interesting problem. He recently had a heart transplant and is plagued with memories of events that never happened to him. The first in this series is The Sunday Philosophy Club ($19.95 trade paperback). SMITH, ANTHONY NEIL PLOTS WITH GUNS ($50.00 cloth, $275 limited, signed by all the contributors) (Dennis McMillan) An anthology of twenty four noir stories by such writers as Eddie Muller, Laura Lippman, Michael Connelly and others. Ten of the authors have autographed the book but don’t ask me which ten as I can’t read all the signatures. See David’s Picks. SPEDDING, SALLY NIGHT WITH NO STARS ($34.95) (Allison & Busby) Lucy Mitchell packs up her job as a publisher’s assistant and moves to Wales. What she encounters is the story of Sonia Jones who was killed fourteen years ago and her body left to be devoured by ravens. SPRAGUE, GRETCHEN DEATH BY THUNDER ($33.95) (Thomas Dunne) Unfortunately, the author has died so this will be the only novel featuring photographer Janet Upton. Up on the mountains of her Hudson River hometown taking pictures of the thunderstorm, Janet sees a body fall off the cliff. When her pictures are developed, she wonders if the deceased, her uncle by marriage, was really pushed. STALLWOOD, VERONICA OXFORD LETTERS (#12) ($34.95) (Headline) When Kate Ivory receives a phone call to say her mom is unwell, she returns home to find a married couple, the Freemans, moved into the house. Although her mom says they are helping her, Kate suspects otherwise and starts to investigate their background. STIRLING, S M PROTECTOR’S WAR ($35.00) (ROC) A fantasy. It’s been eight years since The Change rendered technology inoperable across the globe. Survivors have banded together, committed to rebuild society. But one faction wants the farmland in Willamette Valley, Oregon, and is willing to fight to get it. STOCKWIN, JULIAN TENACIOUS (#6) ($34.95 cloth, $24.95 trade paperback) Kydd is summoned to join Nelson’s taskforce on an urgent reconnaissance mission. Intelligence suggests the French Revolution is about to set the Mediterranean on fire. SWIERCZYNSKI, DUANE WHEELMAN ($31.95) (St. Martin’s) Lennon is a mute Irish getaway driver who has fallen in with the wrong heist team on the wrong day at the wrong bank. Betrayed, his money stolen and his battered carcass left for dead, Lennon is on a one-way mission to find out who’s responsible. TANENBAUM, ROBERT FURY (#17) ($35.50) The seventeenth to feature Butch Karp. TAPPLY, WILLIAM G NERVOUS WATER (#22) ($31.95) Brady Coyne’s Uncle Moze wants to mend fences with his estranged daughter. But as Brady searches for his cousin, he comes up against a dark episode in his family’s past. TERRELL, WHITNEY KING OF KINGS COUNTY ($35.00) (Viking) What if your parents taught you that thievery was as American as apple pie? Then you have the story of Jack Acheson and how his father conned and cajoled people in order to build an empire in the Kansas City area of the 50s, 60s and 70s. THURLO, AIMEE&DAVID PALE DEATH (#3) ($31.95) (Forge) State police officer Lee Nez is a vampire on the trail of what appears to be another vampire killing off US federal employees. FBI agent Diane Lopez helps him investigate. The first two in this series are Second Sunrise and Blood Retribution ($9.99 each). TREMAYNE, PETER MASTER OF SOULS (#14) ($34.95) (Headline) Sister Fidelma and Brother Eadulf are asked to investigate the death of Abbess Faife who was leading a pilgrimage to a holy mountain. Trouble is, the Abby of Ard Fhearta stands in the territory of Ui Fidgente, blood enemies of Fidelma and her brother Colgu, King of Cashel. TROW, M J LESTRADE AND THE SIGN OF NINE ($28.95) A US edition of a story published over ten years ago. TRUMAN, MARGARET MURDER AT THE WASHINGTON TRIBUNE ($34.95) (Ballantine) A young woman, fresh out of journalism school and working for the Washington Tribune, is found strangled. The journalists are looking for by-lines while the police are looking for a killer. TUROW, SCOTT ORDINARY HEROES ($37.95) (Harper Collins, Canada) Stewart Dubinsky knew his father served in WWII as a JAG lawyer but it wasn’t until after his death, at age eighty-eight, that he learnt his father had been court-martialed and imprisoned. He pieces together his father’s past through military archives, letters and notes from a memoir his father wrote in prison, secretly preserved by the officer who defended him. VARIOUS NEW OMNIBUS OF CRIME ($41.00) (Oxford) A celebration of the 75th anniversary of the first Omnibus of Crime which was edited by Dorothy Sayers. This edition is edited by Tony Hillerman and Rosemary Herbert and includes stories by Sue Grafton, Ross Macdonald, Margaret Millar, Catherine Aird, Ian Rankin, and other greats of the era. WALPOW, NATHAN MANIPULATED (#4) ($33.95) (Uglytown) TV commercial actor Joe Portugal wants to smoke some dope and chill out, but he is talked into investigating a missing person case. If that’s not bad enough he then becomes involved in a murder inquiry. WALTERS, MINETTE DEVIL’S FEATHER ($34.95) (Macmillan, CDN ed) When five women are brutally murdered in Sierra Leone, Reuters correspondent, Connie Burns, questions the arrest of three rebel soldiers for the crimes. Connie suspects a man claiming to be ex-SAS is the real culprit who uses the chaos of war to rape and murder women. Two years later Connie is in Iraq and her attempt to expose him has devastating consequences for her. She returns to England and goes into hiding. As usual Ms. Walters will leave you speculating at the end of the story. Autographed copies available. WEINER, JENNIFER GOODNIGHT NOBODY ($36.00) (Atria)When mother of three Kate Klein moves to a picture perfect Connecticut town she doesn’t expect a fellow mom to be murdered. So between 8.45 am to 11.30 am on Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day, when her kids are in nursery school, Kate spends her time investigating the murder, much to the chagrin of the town’s police chief. WILHELM, KATE PRICE OF SILENCE ($29.95) WOODS, STUART IRON ORCHID (#4) ($36.00) Former Orchid Beach, Florida police chief Holly Barker, is asked by Lance Cabot (Short Forever ($10.99))to join an elite intelligence unit hunting down terrorists on American soil. WORRALL, JAY SAILS ON THE HORIZON (#1) ($34.95) Paperbacks ACKROYD, PETER LAMBS OF LONDON ($19.95) Mary Lamb reads what her brother Charles Lamb writes and falls for William Ireland, the seventeen-year-old son of a bookseller from whom Charles has just bought a book. It’s no ordinary book as it once belonged to William Shakespeare, and William Ireland is no ordinary seventeen-year-old. ALBERT, SUSAN WITTIG TALE OF HILL TOP FARM (#1) ($9.99) The first in a new series of mysteries based on the Beatrix Potter novels. By the author of the China Bayles novels. ALEXANDER, PHILIP DAVID NEXT RAINY DAY ($21.99) A fine debut novel by David of David’s Picks. Autographed copies available. See J.D.’s Picks. ALLEN, LIZ SET UP ($10.99) By the author of The Set-up ($10.99), a novel that some of us had trouble with due to the sodomy and abuse involved. No one has read this one. One strike and you’re out, I guess, ALVTEGEN, KARIN BETRAYAL ($22) When Eva discovers her husband’s infidelity, her grief and rage drive her into vengeful action. How the pain of deception and our own destructive behaviour can lead to consequences far beyond our control is the theme of this novel. By the author of Missing ($21) ANDERSON, LOUISE PERCEPTION OF DEATH ($11.99) Erin Paterson runs her grandfather’s law firm in Glasgow and is an uncompromisingly aggressive negotiator. When her sister’s old school friend is brutally murdered, Erin’s life begins to unravel. A debut novel which Wendy just loved. ANDREWS, ROBERT MURDER OF JUSTICE (#3) ($10.99) When James “Skeeter” Hodges was gunned down in a quiet black neighbourhood in Washington D.C., detectives Frank Kearney and Jose Phelps were told to see how many of D.C.’s murders could be pinned on Hodges. Sequel to Murder of Honor (op) and Murder of Promise ($9.99). APODACA, JENNIFER NINJA SOCCER MOMS (#3) ($7.99) Sam Shaw doesn't mind leaving her Heart Mates clients to their own devises while she investigates the claim by Janie Tuggle, one of the soccer moms, that her ex, champion winning soccer coach Chad, is embezzling funds from the team's coffers. When Chad turns up dead, police detective Logan Vance suspects both Sam and Janie. The first two are Dating Can Be Murder and Dying To Meet You ($7.99 each). What a deal! APPIGNANESI, LISA UNHOLY LOVES ($24.95) Paris 1900. Marguerite has been ordered from Paris to be at her husband’s side in the Loire valley. The long journey is interrupted by a dead man on the railway tracks, an abandoned babe that her husband wants to adopt and a missing person. Chief Inspector Durand helps Marguerite unravel a tangled world of small town secrets, sacred ends, and unholy loves. Sequel to Paris Requiem ($10.99)? AVOCATO, LORI sokol ONE DEAD UNDER THE CUCKOO’S NEST (#3) ($9.99) Sequel to Dose of Murder (#1) and Stiff and the Dead (#2) ($9.99 ea). See Marian’s Picks. BALDACCI, DAVID HOUR GAME ($10.99) The criminal methods of some of the most infamous killers of all time are being replicated by a new predator. Two Secret Service agents turned private investigators, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, are drawn into the affair. BANKS, L A HUNTED ($10.99) and MINION ($9.99). Three more titles in this Vampire Huntress series should be available in the next few months. BARNARD, ROBERT DEATH ON THE HIGH C’S ($19.95) First published in 1977, now reprinted by Felony and Mayhem. BARNES, LINDA carlyle HARDWARE #6 ($9.99) Reprint of the sixth in the Carlotta Carlyle series. First published in 1995. BARRON, STEPHANIE JANE AND HIS LORDSHIPS LEGACY (#8) ($10.99) It’s with a heavy heart that Jane Austin takes up a new residence at Chawton Cottage in Hampshire. Secretly mourning the lost love of her life she is surprised to find that Lord Harold Trowbridge has made her heir to a chest full of his diaries, letters, and most intimate correspondence. But a body found in the cellar of her new home keeps her busy until she begins to suspect the answer to the murder may lie in the chest of papers. BENACQUISTA, TONINO SOMEONE ELSE ($20.95) Ever wanted to become someone else? Two men who have just met at a Paris tennis club make a bet: they give each other three years to radically alter their lives. But becoming someone else is not without risk. Winner of the Prize RTL-LIRE. BENISON, C C DEATH IN COLD TYPE ($18.95) From the author of the three “royal” mysteries, Death at Sandringham House, Death at Buckingham Palace and Death at Windsor Castle ($10.99 each) a novel set in the world of journalism. Set in Winnipeg. BENJAMIN, CAROL LEA LADY VANISHES (#4) ($9.99) ) Lady, a mop-coated puli, was the therapy dog at Harbor View, a Greenwich Village home for "thrown away" people. But now Lady has vanished and the owner of the home has been killed in a mysterious hit-and-run accident. Rachel Alexander and her pit bull terrier, Dash, investigate. Rachel looks for answers and Dash, in his other role as a therapy dog, helps bring a sense of calm and order to the residents. BERENSON, LAURIEN JINGLE BELL BARK ($8.99) When her son’s school bus driver, Henry Pruitt, is replaced by another Melanie is concerned. She discovers he died under mysterious circumstances two days ago and that his two Golden Retrievers are now homeless. She takes them to her Aunt Peg and although Melanie just wants a quiet Christmas, she and Peg are determined to find out what happened to Henry. BIDULKA, ANTHONY quant TAPAS ON THE RAMBLAS (#3) ($21.95) Quant is hired to find who wants Charity Wiser, matriarch of the Wiser family, dead. So a family reunion aboard the opulent Friends of Dorothy Cruiseliner is arranged. As they tour the most exotic parts of the Mediterranean it becomes clear to Quant, the dashing gay blade that he is, that it’s not who wants to do away with the old lady, but, who doesn’t. Sequel to Amuse Bouche ($9.95 and Flight of Aquavit ($21.95). Great fun the lot. BINDING, TIM LYING WITH THE ENEMY (ISLAND MADNESS was the original title) ($17.95). Very good. Set on the Channel Island during the German occupation. BLACK, INGRID DARK EYE (#2) ($10.99) Former FBI agent turned crime writer Saxon reluctantly agrees to help a man who feels he can help Chief Superintendent Grace Fitzgerald of the Dublin Metrolitan Police track down a killer known as the Marxman. The first in the series is The Dead ($10.99). BLANC, NERO WRAPPED UP IN CROSSWORDS (#9) ($6.99) A Christmas novella, with two crossword puzzles included, featuring Rosco and Belle and their very jealous dogs. BLOCK, LAWRENCE rhodenbar BURGLAR WHO TRADED TED WILLIAMS (#6) ($9.99) Reprint. A Bernie Rhodenbar ad- venture. BLUNDY, ANNA FAITH WITHOUT DOUBT (#2) ($10.99) ) Faith Zanetti, war correspondent, is back in her second outing, this time in war-torn Baghdad. With fat photographer Don McCaughrean, Carly Posner, and her on-again-off-again lover Eden Jones, she plunges into the war on Saddam. Weapons inspector Joshua Klein is a big distraction. Sequel to Bad News Bible, ($10.99). One of J.D.’s Picks a year or so ago. BOJANOWSKI, MARC DOG FIGHTER ($19.95) A dark romantic tale of 1940s Mexico. “A finely crafted story about our eternal desire for violence.”—Newsweek. This novel was a finalist for the New York Public Library Young Lions Fiction Award. BOLEN, DENNIS E STUPID CRIMES ($10.95) and TOY GUN ($26.00). David told you about these two in his column last time. BOWEN, GAIL LAST GOOD DAY (#9) ($10.99) A car drives off a dock at Lawyers’ Bay and although help is there within minutes the young lawyer inside the car dies. Was it suicide? Joanne Kilbourn wants to investigate but someone is determined to stop her. BRADSHAW, MEL QUARREL WITH THE FOE ($18.95) From the author of the award-winning Death in the Age of Steam ($22.95), a novel set in Toronto of the 1850s. This time around it’s Toronto of the 1920s and our hero is Police Detective Paul Shenstone who has recently returned from the Great War and now works to rid Toronto of petty criminals and rumrunners. The murder of a prominent industrialist gives him his biggest case ever and the opportunity to make his name on the force. BRADY, JOHN ISLANDBRIDGE (#8) ($24.95) An informer offers Matt Minogue a rumour about a Dublin crime boss having a senior cop “on side”—and that the death of an undercover detective a year ago was connected—and then is murdered for his troubles. BRIGHT, ELIZABETH shane INVITATION TO MURDER (#1) ($9.99) We got you mysteries that taught you how to cook, to clean, to make coffee and tea, to scrapbook, make chocolates…now here’s one that’ll teach you to make cards. Includes card-making tips!! BURLEY, W J WYCLIFFE AND DEATH IN A SALUBRIOUS PLACE and WYCLIFFE AND THE FOUR JACKS ($10.99 ea) Two more reissues. BURNELL, MARK petra reute THIRD WOMAN (#4) ($24.95) An excellent thriller from all accounts, as were the first three. Stephanie Patrick operates under a number of names: Petra Reuter, known as a gun for hire, is probably the one used most frequently. Sequel to Rhythm Section ($10.99), Chameleon ($9.99) and Gemini ($10.99). CAPE, TONY CAMBRIDGE THEOREM ($19.95) First published in 1990, now reprinted by Felony and Mayhem. Terrific. CARCATERRA, LORENZO PARADISE CITY ($11.99) ) As a fifteen-year-old Gian Lo Manto learned about injustice when his father was gunned down by the Camorra, the murderous clan run by Don Nicola Rossi. His mom then moved from New York City to Naples. Now, a Naples policeman, he is the nemesis of all who export evil. But Pete Rossi, the son of Don Nicola, wants Gian back in NYC. CARKEET, DAVID DOUBLE NEGATIVE ($19.95) A terrific read. See Marian’s Picks. A Felony and Mayhem reprint. CARL, JOANNA CHOCOLATE MOUSE TRAP (#5) ($9.99) Want to make chocolate mice? Here’s how. Chocolate shop manager Lee McKinney is so tired of “inspirational” e-mails from party planner Julie Singletree that she’s ready to strangle her with the cord of her computer mouse. When someone actually does kill her… CARTER, SAMMI abby shaw CANDY APPLE DEAD (#1) ($8.99) How about candy making? Includes candy recipes! No visit to Paradise, Colorado, is complete without a stop at Divinity Candy Shop for a little taste of heaven. CARVER, CAROLINE BENEATH THE SNOW ($24.95 trade paperback, $37.95 cloth) See the hardcover section. CHARLES, NORA kennedy DEATH IS A BARGAIN (#3) ($9.99) Senior citizen sleuth Kate Kennedy and her best friend Marlene investigate the death of a flea market vendor. He was electrocuted when a TV set took a dive into his bathtub. Sequel to Death With an Ocean View and Who Killed Swami Schwartz ($9.99 ea.). CHRISTIE, AGATHA MASTERPIECES IN MINIATURE ($22.95) Thirty-nine short stories featuring Parker Pyne, Harley Quin, Poirot and Marple. CHURCHILL, JILL jeffry MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S SCREAM (#15) ($9.99) Jane Jeffrey and Det. Mel VanDyne and fun with the theatre. They race to bring down the curtain on the villain of the piece before others make permanent stage lefts. CLARE, ALYS WHITER THAN THE LILY (#7) ($10.99) Abbess Helewise, Hawkenlye Abbey and Josse d'Acquin in the seventh novel set in the late 12th century. CLEAVE, CHRIS INCENDIARY ($33.00) ) A distraught woman writes a letter to Osama bin Laden after her four-year-old son and her husband are killed in a massive suicide bomb attack at a soccer match in London telling of her anguish and rage. And her willingness to understand and forgive. Very well done. As fate would have it, the UK release of this book was the day of the London Subway attacks and in an article published in The Globe, the author writes about his own anguish and rage when it seemed likely that his wife was one of the victims of the Subway attack and how understanding and forgiveness were the furthest things from his mind. CLEVERLY, BARBARA sandilands DAMASCENED BLADE (#3) ($17.00) The US trade paperback edition. Excellent novels set in India during the early 1920s. COEL, MARGARET WIFE OF MOON ($10.99) Father John O’Malley and Vicki Holden of the Wind River Reservation find themselves investigating a murder that occurred nearly a century ago—and its connection to a much more recent crime. COHEN, NANCY J DIED BLONDE (#6) ($7.99) A Bad Hair Day Mystery. COLE, MARTINA GRAFT ($10.99) The 11th doorstop from this best-selling author. Wonder if she’s ever written short stories? CONNOR, JOHN PLAYROOM (#2) ($10.99) Both Marian and Wendy have picked the first in this series, Phoenix ($10.99), before. In the sequel a thirteen year old girl is kidnapped and DCS John Munro begins to crack under the pressure of holding together an enquiry swamped with leads. Left off the investigation because of her past encounters with Munro, DC Karen Sharpe is pursuing her own single-handed enquiry into historic child abuse allegations. Her enquiries uncover connections with the present day disappearance. COOK, J S COLD-BLOODED SCOUNDREL ($24.00) In London, at a time when Jack the Ripper’s crimes are still fresh in the memory, a well-known male prostitute is brutally murdered, the head neatly severed, and the body set on fire. Det. Insp. Philip Devlin of Scotland Yard, mid-thirties and secretly gay, is summoned to the scene. First in a new series from this Newfoundland writer. CORNWELL, BERNARD viking PALE HORSEMAN (#2) ($24.95 trade paperback, $39.95 cloth) See the Hardcover section for an annotation. CORPI, LUCHA EULOGY FOR A BROWN ANGEL and CRIMSON MOON ($18.95 ea.) Two Brown Angel mysteries. Gloria Damasco is a Chicana feminist with a dark gift, a puzzling extrasensory awareness that forces her to confront situations in which solutions demand more than logic. At the height of the Chicano civil rights movement, a murdered child lies on the streets of Los Angeles. Gloria is determined to solve the msytery. COTTAM, FRANCIS SLAPTON SANDS ($16.50) Nobody seems to know what happened in April 1944 on Slapton Sands where 1,500 American Marines lost their lives and Alice Bourne is researching it. But someone is making her increasingly unwelcome. From the author of the excellent The Fire Fighter ($19.95). COTTERILL, COLIN CORONER’S LUNCH ($14.95) For want of a better candidate Dr. Siri Paiboun, a physician trained in Paris, has been appointed chief coroner in Laos. After months of boredom there is a sudden spate of bodies, one slain more mysteriously than the next. The Communist Pathet Lao party wants answers but at his advanced age Dr. Siri feels immune from bureaucratic pressure. COUGHLIN, WILLIAM SHADOW OF A DOUBT ($9.99) Reprint. First published in 1991. CRAWFORD, ISIS CATERED WEDDING (#2) ($8.99) Bernadette and Libby Simmons, owners of A Taste of Heaven, have been asked to cater a high-society wedding. But the bride takes an arrow in the chest hours before the event and so the two sisters investigate. Sequel to A Catered Murder ($7.99}. Recipes included. CRICHTON, MICHAEL STATE OF FEAR ($11.99) ) With a fifteen-page long bibliography, this is a very well researched novel. In Paris a physicist dies after performing a lab experiment for a beautiful visitor. In the jungles of Malaysia, a mysterious buyer purchases deadly cavitation technology, built to his specifications. In Vancouver, a small research submarine is leased for use in the waters off New Guinea, and in Tokyo, an intelligence agent tries to understand what it all means. CRISPIN, EDMUND fen TCOT GILDED FLY (#1) ($19.95) Terrific. Another Felony and Mayhem reprint. CROMBIE, DEBORAH MOURN NOT YOUR DEAD (#4) ($9.99) Reprint. First published in 1996. CRUIKSHANK, JEFFREY L MURDER AT THE B SCHOOL ($9.99) Tragedy strikes Harvard Business School when Eric MacInnes, the school’s golden boy, has a misfortune in a campus hot tub. Struggling assistant professor at the bottom end of the exalted “B-School”’s tenure track, Wim Vermeer, is assigned to placate both the victim’s parents and the police. But Wim is shocked when the drowning begins to look like an ingenious murder. CUSSLER, CLIVE oregon DARK WATCH (#3) ($23.00) A novel of the Oregon Files. Written with Jack DuBrul. DALTON, JOHN CONCRETE SEA ($24.95) DALY, ELIZABETH MURDERS IN VOLUME 2 ($19.95) Terrific. Another Felony and Mayhem reprint. DAMSGAARD, SHIRLEY ophelia WITCH WAY TO MURDER (#1) ($9.99) Ophelia Jensen wishes she was just your typical, thirty-something librarian. Unfortunately, she’s been burdened with psychic powers—an unwanted “gift” she considers inconvenient at best and at worst downright dangerous. Her kindly old grandmother, Abby, however has no compunctions about the paranormal, being a practicing witch with unique abilities of her own. “…she’ll cast a spell on you!”—Jo Dereske. DAVIDSON, DIANE M DOUBLE SHOT (#12) ($10.99) ) After the Governor of Colorado commutes the prison sentence of Goldy Schulz’s ex-husband, Goldy becomes the victim of threats, rumours and violence. Number twelve in the series. DAVIES, JONATHAN PIANO FACTORY ($10.99) Jeremy Scott, a solicitor, furious at the failing of the legal profession, and unable to help his client out of the legal conundrum that he has fallen into, decides to investigate the case himself. “Britain’s answer to John Grisham”—Daily Telegraph. DAVIS, PATRICK A SHATTERED BLUE LINE ($11.99) Inside an Air Force Academy sex scandal investigation, another heinous crime comes to light: murder. DEMILLE, NELSON NIGHT FALL ($10.99) At dusk on July 17, 1996, on a deserted Long Island beach, a man and a woman engage in adulterous sex in front of a video camera. Suddenly a blast lights up the sky as TWA Flight 800 explodes in midair, and the video camera has recorded the last moments of the doomed airliner. Five years later the government has declared the crash a result of mechanical failure. But John Corey, an ex-NYPD detective who is now a contract agent with the US Federal Anti-Terrorist Task Force, is persuaded by Kate, his wife and task force partner, that the case deserves a second look. DEVERELL, WILLIAM STREET LEGAL: THE BETRAYAL ($19.95) Reprint. First published in 1996. DEVLIN, FRANK LOVE IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES ($10.99) Helen preys on single men on the take and they always seem to end up dead. The killings seem random, but SFPD Inspector Rose Burke begins to see a connection. DIAMOND, SARAH SPIDERS HOUSE ($10.99) Anna and her husband move to the country and take possession of picturesque old cottage which, as Anna discovers, was previously owned by a notorious child murderess of the 1960s. Curious to find out more, she reads up on the case, and becomes convinced that she’s stumbled upon a thirty-year-old secret. DIEHL, J A MIND BOX ($21.50) Film producer Eddie Ealing is found butchered at his home in the Hollywood Hills in a manner rather reminiscent of his own movies. Other entertainment insiders are looking over their shoulder, very, very nervous. Hollywood detective Lane Daily is called back from her vacation to investigate. DOMOKOS, ALEX & RITA TOEWS BODY TRAFFIC ($10.95) Undercover cop Stan Boyko is relocated to his hometown of Winnipeg after his cover is blown in Vancouver and a chance meeting with Sonja Sepsik, who has been sold into a prostitution ring in Winnipeg by her brother, gives him a direct pipeline into illegal activities in Winnipeg. DONALDSON, STEPHEN MAN WHO TRIED TO GET AWAY ($10.99) Mick Axbrewder was once a great PI, before he accidentally shot his brother, the cop: The Man Who Killed His Brother ($10.99). Now, a week after an incident where Mick was shot he has agreed to help his partner, Ginny Fistoulari, provide security at a murder mystery camp where a dozen people play at being detectives. Then the real killer starts killing. DOOLITTLE, SEAN DIRT ($20.95) Professional loafer Quince Bishop in an “Uproarious”—Publisher’s Weekly, crime novel from the author of Burn ($10.99). DOSS, JAMES D WITCH’S TONGUE (#8) ($9.99) Part-time Ute tribal investigator Charlie Moon helps investigate a series of strange happenings near Granite Creek, Colorado. DOUGLAS, CAROLE NELSON irene SPIDER DANCE (#8) ($10.99) Irene Adler is lured to America with information about her parentage. Her faithful chronicler Nell, along with Sherlock Holmes, also makes the voyage. DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN SCANDALE EN BOHEME (SCANDAL IN BOHEMIA) ($9.95) In that other official language. We now have access to books in French. Be happy to special order anything for you. DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN A STUDY IN SCARLET ($250) The Beeton’s Christmas Annual for 1887 where this story was first published is one of the rarest books of modern times. It is estimated that there are only six complete copies worldwide and relatively few incomplete ones. This new edition, fully illustrated by Danish artist Nis Jessen, reproduces the entire original text of the Beeton’s and is profusely illustrated. Foreword by Edward Hardwicke, and introduction Catherine Cooke BSI. Very limited quantities. Signed by the artist. Available by Nov 30/2005. DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES Naxos, 18 CD Set, over 21 hours ($159.99). 24 stories including: A Scandal in Bohemia, The Speckled Band, Silver Blaze, Red-Headed League, Final Problem. Read by David Timson. DOYLE & SAINT JOANIS ETUDES EN NOIR LES DERNIERES AVENTURES DE SHERLOCK HOMES ($47.50) The Final Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in French. [DOYLE]CARRAHER, PHILIP J ALIAS SIMON HAWKES ($22.00) Further adventures of Sherlock Holmes in New York. Four crimes that Watson never did get around to chronicling. See the hardcover section for the author’s The Adventure of the Dead Rabbits Society ($42). [DOYLE]DARLAY, VICTOR ARSENE LUPIN VS SHERLOCK HOLMES The Stage Play ($39.00) Arsene Lupin has stolen the Sultan Diamond under the nose of the French Police and Sherlock Holmes has sworn to recover the stone and arrest his rival – all in less than a week. [DOYLE]FULLENKAMP, LUKE STEVEN SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE SEARCH FOR EXCALIBUR ($29.00) [DOYLE]GARCIA, BOB TESTAMENT DE SHERLOCK HOLMES ($47.50) In French. More than a pastiche, a well executed thriller. Holmes is dead and Watson is mourning. But the great detective has one final surprise for his faithful companion. Per the blurb. I think. Assuming my French is up to the task. [DOYLE]JOZSA, MAGDA SHERLOCK HOLMES ON THE WILD FRONTIER ($19.95) Retained by Sir Eustace Plymouth to find his missing son, our intrepid adventurers leave the comforts of Baker Street and journey to the American West. [DOYLE]MANN, ANTHONY THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES (Movie on DVD) ($25) A new adaptation of the classic novel, starring Anthony Mann as Holmes and William Morrow as Watson. Feature running time: 31 mins. Special Features: 60 mins. [DOYLE]MCCAFFERTY, REGIS THE SHERLOCK HOLMES ADVENTURE ($25.95) Joshua Pitt, inquiry agent, chess playing opponent of Dr. Watson, and one-time Baker Street Irregular, has set up shop little more than a block away on Baker Street. When Holmes is otherwise engaged, he will refer cases to Joshua. Collection of six cases. [DOYLE]MONAHAN, ERIC FROM CORNWALL TO TIBET Five Holmesian Essays ($14.95), SHERLOCK HOLMES IN TO ERR IS HUMAN Five Sherlockian Stories ($19.95) and THE ISADORA PERSANO AFFAIR Two Sherlockian Stories ($12.95). More from this eminent Sherlockian. [DOYLE]SHERWOOD, JOHN THE POCKET SHERLOCK ($20) Pocket size guide to the Canon: synopses, plots, characters. [DOYLE]UNKNOWN OPDAGERNES KONGE SHERLOCK HOLMES ($25) The King of Detectives, Sherlock Holmes. Story originally published in Denmark in the early years of the 20th century (1909?), reproduced here in facsimile, with the original full colour cover. In Danish, although a synopsis is provided in English. A lovely artifact, one for your collection. DOYLE, ROSE SHADOWS WILL FALL ($10.99) In March 2003 in Dun Laoghaire Ireland, Francis Shaw comes upon the body of a young woman, naked, dead from drowning and carefully laid out in the doorway of the hospital morgue. The police suspect copycat murders as they discover women were found in similar positions on Coney Island, New York in 1963 and again in Dun Laoghaire in 1953. Francis feels otherwise. DREYER, EILEEN HEAD GAMES ($9.99) “Stunning…nearly flawless”—St. Louis Post-Dispatch. The author spent sixteen years as a trauma nurse before turning her hand to writing and this novel is about Molly Burke, death investigator and trauma nurse. DRUETT, JOAN WATERY GRAVE ($17.95) In 1838 the US Exploring Expedition sets sail with seven ships full of astronomers, mapmakers, naturalists and sailors. Just before sailing Wiki Coffin, the ship’s linguist, is arrested for murder. Realizing his innocence the local sheriff is convinced that the real murderer is aboard one of the seven ships. Wiki is deputized to identify the killer and bring him to justice. DUFFY, MAUREEN ALCHEMY ($19.95) ) Jade Green is a solicitor who runs her practice from her London flat. When Dr. Gilbert is dismissed from his post at the University of Wessex for allegations that he was corrupting the students with Satanism, he asks Jade to help him. She finds herself drawn into a seventeenth-century manuscript, the Memorial of Amyntas Boston, a girl raised as a boy, who is awaiting trial for dabbling in the black arts and alchemy. The two stories intertwine as Jade feels her life mysteriously resonate with Amyntas’s. DUNCAN, ROD BURNOUT ($16.50) Out after spending ten years in jail for a crime she says she did not commit, Tami Steel is slowly adjusting to her new life. Superintendent Frank Shakespeare, on the other hand, is headed toward ruination as someone knows his darkest secrets. DUNN, CAROLA dalrymple MOURNING WEDDING (#13) ($8.99) Daisy Dalrymple and her husband DCI Alec Fletcher are invited to the wedding of their friend Lucy Fotheringay. When a great-aunt is found strangled in her bed and an uncle dies in the conservatory, Daisy investigates. DWYER, LIAM D GOLD AND GREED (#2) ($14.95) Sequel to Murder in Muskoka ($14.95). On leave from the OPP, Ian Murdoch is recuperating on Lake Muskoka when trouble finds him again and the bodies start to pile up. A Florida crime boss has had his priceless coin collection stolen and the coins have ended up in the Muskokas. ECCLES, MARJORIE SHAPE OF SAND ($10.95) A diary detailing their mother’s voyage to Egypt is unearthed and, finally, finally, the Jardine children’s questions about what really happened forty years ago might be answered. ELKINS, AARON oliver MURDER IN THE QUEENS ARMES (#3) ($9.99) Reprint. First published a long, long time ago. ELLORY, ROGER JON QUIET VENDETTA ($24.95 trade paperback, $37.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section for an annotation.) ELLROY, JAMES hopkins BECAUSE THE NIGHT (#2) ($17.95) The second Lloyd Hopkins novel. Reprint. First published a long, long time ago. Sequel to Blood on the Moon ($17.95). ESTLEMAN, LOREN amos walker RETRO (#17) ($8.99) Amos Walker agrees to grant the deathbed wish of Beryl Garnet and take her ashes to her son who has been in Canada since the 1960s. But shortly after arriving back in Detroit the son is found murdered and Amos becomes the prime suspect. EVANOVICH, JANET barney METRO GIRL (#1) ($10.99) “Wild” Bill Barnaby has dropped off the face of the earth and big sister Alex heads for Miami, his last known sighting, on a harrowing hunt to save her brother. As the blurb says: “Creative cussing and sexual innuendo included”. A new series? FAUSER, JORG SNOWMAN ($19.95) FAUST, RON BLOOD RED SEA ($10.99) Burned-out rookie lawyer risks his life to see justice done. FERRIS, MONICA CREWEL YULE (#8) ($9.99) Part-time sleuth and owner of the needlework shop, Crewel World, Betsy Devonshire investigates the death of a fellow shop keeper at the needlework convention in Nashville. FESPERMAN, DAN WARLORD’S SON ($21.00) ) A burnedout war correspondent hoping for a last hurrah in Afghanistan arrives just as American bombs start to fall. His guide is a tribal Pakistani who is promised US visas for himself and his girlfriend if he acts as an informant. FFORDE, JASPER thursday SOMETHING ROTTEN (#4) ($14.95) ) Hard to describe this book and the other three in the series which feature literary detective Thursday Next. Thursday and her son Friday, whose father we know doesn’t exist, (since we’ve read the earlier novels) travel back to the real world to sort out her life and un-eradicate her husband Landen Parke-Laine. So brilliant. The first three are Eyre Affair, Lost in a Good Book, and Well of Lost Plots ($14.99 each). One of Marian’s Picks a while back. FIELDING, JOY SEE JANE RUN ($10.99) Reprint. First published a long, long time ago. FIFFER, SHARON BURIED STUFF (#4) ($9.99) Marian says: “I have just finished reading The Wrong Stuff ($9.99) featuring antique collector/junk picker Jane Wheel. It was a great read, all sorts of info about antiques and collecting antiques. Quite delightful, I am certainly going to read more of this writer”. And she did. FLETCHER & BAIN MURDER SHE WROTE A Vote for Murder ($9.99) Another Jessica Fletcher investigation. FLINN, ELAINE DEADLY COLLECTION (#3) ($9.99) A house filled with priceless antiques and worthless junk is keeping antiques dealer Molly Doyle busy assessing and cataloging. The mummified human corpse was certainly a surprise. FLUKE, JOANNE swensen SUGAR COOKIE MURDER (#6) ($9.99) ) Hannah Swensen, who owns The Cookie Jar, is back in this Christmas adventure. Included are a ton of recipes from candied pecans to smothered chicken to English Eggnog. FOLLETT, KEN WHITEOUT ($10.99) A missing canister of a deadly virus. Toni Gallo, the security director of a Scottish medical research firm knows she has problems, but she has no idea of the nightmare to come. “Great” says Wendy. FORD, CLYDE W LONG MILE ($18.95) Framed and found guilty of a murder he didn’t commit, NYPD officer John Shannon served two years in a federal penitentiary. When his conviction is overturned on appeal, he walks out to find his wife looking for a divorce, the Feds want him back in jail, his fellow officers think he’s a cop killer and his thirteen-year-old son has gone missing. FOSSUM, KARIN sejer WHEN THE DEVIL HOLDS THE CANDLE (#3) ($10.99) The third Insp. Sejer mystery to be translated from the Norwegian. Excellent stuff. Sequel to Don’t Look Back ($10.99) and He Who Fears the Wolf ($11.99). One of Wendy’s favourite writers. FRANCIS, CLARE HOMELAND ($16.99) Brought to its knees by the harshest winter in a 100 years, the realities of post-war life and returning damaged warriors, Britain in 1946 is a difficult place. FRANCISCO, RUTH GOOD MORNING DARKNESS ($9.99) Everyone is in love with Laura but she has disappeared. A severed arm washes up on the beach and LAPD Det. Sgt. Reggie Brooks wonders if it is Laura’s. She was a student in his martial arts class but with no missing person’s report, he cannot officially investigate. FRASER, ANTONIA shore THREE GREAT NOVELS ($29.95) An omnibus edition containing Quiet as a Nun, Tartan Traedy aka Wild Island and Splash of Red. Nice to have Jemima Shore back. FREELING, NICOLAS LOVE IN AMSTERDAM ($19.95) The first Piet Van der Valk novel. Terrific. Felony and Mayhem reprint. FROESE, GAYLEEN TOUCH ($23.95) Anna Gareau learns things about people when she touches certain objects. Traveling through Victoria, BC, Anna gets a glimpse into a killer’s mind and finds out who she thinks might be his next victim. Wanting to live a normal life, she doesn’t know whether to get involved and save a life or mind her own business. FULLERTON, JOHN THIS GREEN LAND ($9.99) A novel set against the backdrop of civil warfare in Lebanon. FUNKE, CORNELIA CAROLINE INKHEART ($10.99) This is a fabulous kids' book about a dad who has to stop reading to his daughter because, when he does, the characters come out of the book and wreak havoc. When a terribly evil bad guy is "read" out of one of the books, the two try desperately to get him back in. By the author of the equally great, The Thief Lord ($10.99) and Inkspell ($24.99 hardcover). Marian just loved these. FUSILLI, JIM HARD HARD CITY (#4) ($10.99) When a troubled, talented teenager goes missing, PI Terry Orr’s search reveals a hornet’s nest of family secrets. Excellent series according to Wendy and the many customers who have bought a copy. GARBER, JOSEPH R WHIRLWIND ($9.99) Charlie McKenzie is the best at what he does, and what he does best is the CIA’s dirty work. At least he did until his bosses needed a scapegoat and now he is in jail. But they soon need his help to locate a young Russian spy who stumbled across a top-secret technology called Whirlwind. But Charlie knows too much and once he recovers Whirlwind they want him eliminated. GARDINER, MEG CROSSCUT (#4) ($24.95 trade paperback, $34.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section and Wendy’s Picks. GILL, ANTON huy CITY OF THE HORIZON (#1) ($19.95) A Felony and Mayhem reprint. Terrific. GOLDSBOROUGH, ROBERT THREE STRIKES YOU’RE DEAD ($17.99) The man who brought Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin back to life introduces a new character, Steve Malek, a Tribune police reporter. Chicago 1938 and all the players are on hand: Richard J Daley, Al Capone, Helen Hayes and Dizzy Dean, who has been traded to the Cubs at the start of the ’38 season. GRAHAM, CAROLINE barnaby KILLINGS AT BADGER’S DRIFT (#1) ($19.95) Felony and Mayhem reprint. Terrific. GRAVES, SARAH TOOL AND DIE (#8) ($10.99) ) Jake Tiptree promised her new housekeeper Bella Diamond that she would speak to ex-con Jim Diamond who is harassing his ex-wife. She arrives at his apartment to finds him dead. Suddenly Jake and her best friend Ellie White find themselves in the middle of a murder, with the threat of a horde of her dad’s long-lost relatives descending on her intending to be put up at her far from fixed up fixer-upper. GREENE, GRAHAM CONFIDENTIAL AGENT and HUMAN FACTOR ($19.95 ea.) Two great novels in lovely Vintage trade paperback editions. GREER, ROBERT floyd DEVIL’S RED NICKEL (#2) ($18.95) The second C J Floyd novel, reissued to tie in with the publication of the new one, Resurrecting Langston Blue ($32.50). GREGORY, PHILIPPA VIRGIN’S LOVER ($22.00) Using documents and evidence from the Tudor era, this is the story of what could have happened when Queen Elizabeth I took the throne and fell in love with a married man, Sir Robert Dudley. All the land rejoiced in the new queen. Everyone, except Amy Dudley. GRIMES, MARTHA jury WINDS OF CHANGE (#19) ($10.99) A young girl disappeared three years ago but the case is still on everyone’s mind. Richard Jury and Melrose Plant, along with Brian Macalvie of the Devon and Cornwall police, investigate the death of a young child that has connections to the earlier investigation. GRIPPANDO, JAMES HEAR NO EVIL (#4) ($10.99) Miami attorney Jack Swyteck represents a woman who says she is about to be arrested for the murder of her husband, an officer stationed at Guantanamo Bay. Having no experience in military law, he turns her down. Then she drops a bombshell: she claims she is the adoptive mother of Jack’s biological son, a child he has never met. HALL, PARNELL AND A PUZZLE TO DIE ON (#6) ($10.99) Puzzle Lady Cora Felton is asked by attorney Becky Baldwin to look into a murder that is not only twenty years old but already solved. Includes five exclusive, original crosswords contributed by the New York Times. HALL, PATRICIA MASKS OF DARKNESS ($21.00) Moving back to Pendle Bridge was meant to be a fresh start for recently divorced Jay Morton, but it’s not turning out that way. Pendle Bridge has not changed much in the past two decades and maybe it should have. HALL, PATRICIA thackery FALSE WITNESS (#10) ($10.95) Detective Chief Inspector Michael Thackeray believes the arrest of a volatile black teenager for the murder of a teacher is a cut and dried case. But when Thackeray’s girl-friend Laura Ackroyd begins digging into the case for a newspaper article she is working on, some disturbing facts come to light. HAMILTON, LAURELL K blake INCUBUS DREAMS (#12) ($10.99) As consultant to the Regional Preternatural Crime Investigation Unit, Anita Blake is called in on what appears to be a case involving a vampire serial killer preying on strippers. HANDLER, DAVID berger BURNT ORANGE SUNRISE (#4) ($9.99) A gathering to celebrate the homecoming of a ninety-fouryear-old legend becomes snowbound when the worst snow in years falls on the faux castle in Dorset, Connecticut. But murder hits and Mitch Berger and his lover police officer Des Mitry must investigate. HARPER, TOM MOSAIC OF SHADOWS ($11.99) Bysantium 1096. When a mysterious assassin looses his arrow at the Emperor, he has more than a man in his sights. If the Emperor falls, all of Christendom will be torn apart. The Emperor hires Demetrios Askiates, the unveiler of mysteries, to catch the would be killer. HARPER, TOM KNIGHTS OF THE CROSS ($27.95) The second Demetrios Akiates investigation. Winter is setting in and the siege of Antioch is not going well. Cold, famine, and the fierce Turkish defenders, all add to the Crusaders misery. In the midst of all this a Norman night is found murdered. HARRIS, CHARLAINE bard SHAKESPEARE’S LANDLORD (#01) ($9.99) Reprint. First published in 1996. HARRIS, LEE bennett SILVER ANNIVERSARY MURDER (#16) ($10.99) Twenty-five-year-old secrets and an obsessed killer are just two things Christine Bennett’s dealing with. HAWKINS, JAMES CRAZY LADY (#7) ($11.99) The seventh Insp. Bliss mystery filled with nail-biting adventures involving religious sects, criminal conspiracies, and the world trade in cocoa. HEFFERNAN, WILLIAM CITYSIDE ($22.95) The author of the terrific Beulah Hill ($19.50) and A Time Gone By ($21.95) now takes us behind the scenes at a major New York newspaper. Both David and I are fans. This guy is good. HELLER, KEITH MAN’S ILLEGAL LIFE ($19.95) A Felony and Mayhem reprint. HELLMAN, LIBBY FISHER SHOT TO DIE FOR (#4) ($9.99) Ellie Foreman befriends a woman who claims to have been abandoned at a rest stop. When a van pulls up a few minutes later and someone inside shoots the woman, Ellie knows that to get involved would be dangerous. But another killing occurs and Ellie has to investigate. HIGHTOWER, LYNN S WHEN SECRETS DIE (#3) ($19.00) The new Lena Padget novel, a trade paperback original. A single mother approaches Lean with some disturbing stories about the goings on at the hospital where her young son has just died from an inexplicable illness. And now the pediatrician is accusing her of having poisoned her son, in a psychotic bid for attention! Lena agrees to look into the case. HIGHTOWER, LYNN S SATAN’S LAMBS (#1) ($19.95) A terrific read. See Marian’s Picks. A Felony and Mayhem reprint HILL, REGINALD WHO GUARDS A PRINCE ($19.95) A terrific read. Another Felony and Mayhen reprint. HILL, SUSAN serrailer VARIOUS HAUNTS OF MEN (#1) ($10.99) The first in a new series featuring Detective Chief Inspector Simon Serrailler. A woman goes missing in a small English cathedral town but are the police really that concerned? One of Wendy's Picks a year or so ago. HIME, JAMES SCARED MONEY (#2) ($9.99) Number two in the series, the first being Night of the Dance ($9.99). HOGAN, CHUCK PRINCE OF THIEVES ($13.95) Claire Keesey, the branch manager for a Boston bank is taken hostage during a robbery. She is released but Doug MacRay, the brains be- hind the tough, tight-knit crew of thieves, can’t get her out of his mind. Tracking her down without his gun and his mask, he introduces himself and their mutual attraction is undeniable. FBI Agent Adam Frawley begins to zero in on Doug and his gang, and, against his better judgment, he also develops more than a professional interest in Claire. Terrific says JD. HOLT, HAZEL MRS. MALORY AND NO CURE FOR DEATH ($9.99) There’s no doubt that John Morrison is an accomplished doctor. But his arrogant manner has made him many enemies in Taviscombe. Enough of one to kill him? HORTON, LESLEY DEVILS IN THE MIRROR (#3) ($24.95 trade paperback, $37.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section for an annotation.) HURWITZ, GREGG rackley PROGRAM (#1) ($10.99) INK, INDIA bath and body SCENT TO HER GRAVE (#1) ($9.99) The first Bath and Body mystery. This one comes complete with beauty and spa tips! INNES, ROY MURDER IN THE MONASHEES ($10.95) RCMP Corporal Paul Blakemore is jolted from his mundane policing duties in the small Monashee Mountain village of Bear Creek by the discovery of a frozen corpse on a snowy slope just outside town. What’s really puzzling is how the body got there; there are no footsteps or dog marks. It’s as if the victim had fallen from the sky. IRONSIDE, ELIZABETH DEATH IN THE GARDEN ($19.95) A terrific read. See Wendy’s Picks. A Felony and Mayhem reprint. JAKEMAN, JANE ambrose EGYPTIAN COFFIN (#2) ($20.00) Reprint. First published in 1997. JAMES, P D cordelia gray UNSUITABLE JOB FOR A WOMAN (#1) ($10.99) Reprint. First published a long, long, long time ago. JAMES, SUSAN S SOLACE GLEN HONEYMOON (#3) ($9.99) Flip Paxton is forty-two, single and the town maid in quaint Solace Glen. With no husband, children or relatives of her own, she’s always taking care of everyone around her. And that involves solving murders. Belles of Solace Glen (#1) and Siren of Solace Glen (#2) ($9.99 ea.) are the first two. JOHANSEN, IRIS FIRESTORM ($10.99) Arson investigator Kerry Murphy is still haunted by the memory of a long-ago fire that almost did her in. A nightmare that she’s trying to forget. Now it seems that she has to bring the past to life if she wants to apprehend Silver. JONCOUR, SERGE UV ($19.95) A handsome strange insinuates himself into the family—he’s an old friend of Philip, the feckless brother—so subtly that no one seems to notice as he carefully exerts a powerful and sinister influence over them. “A Hitchcockian nightmare…precise, funny and super subtle.’—Le Nouvel Observateur. JONES, SOLOMON RIDE OR DIE ($18.95) JURJEVICS, JURIS THE TRUDEAU VECTOR ($24.95) Geopolitics, environmental disaster, and bioterrorism collide in this timely political thriller set in the bleak Arctic winter. A few signed copies left. KAMINSKY, STUART DEATH OF A DISSIDENT ($19.95) Terrific. A Felony and Mayhem reprint. KELLERMAN, JONATHAN TWISTED ($10.99) Hollywood homicide detective Petra Connor takes center stage in this novel. She investigates what seems like a random drive-by shooting. At the same time a whiz-kid grad student, researching homicide statistics at the station house, discovers a bizarre connection between several unsolved murders. KELLEY, LEE CHARLES TWAS THE BITE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (#4) ($9.99) Maine kennel owner and ex-cop Jack Field was hoping to spend a quiet evening in front of the fire with his canine pals and his smart and sexy lady love. But his plans go up in smoke when a young housemaid is found murdered in the Bright mansion a few nights before Santa’s big day. KIMBERLY, ALICE GHOST AND THE DEAD DEB (#2) ($9.99) Young widow Penelope Thornton-McClure and her old Aunt Sadie are making ends meet managing a mystery bookstore in Rhode Island. Not just any mystery bookstore, but one with a resident ghost, a PI murdered there over fifty years ago. The ghost, of course, now helps with investigations. Sequel to Ghost and Mrs. McClure ($8.99). KING, STEPHEN COLORADO KID ($7.99) KINGSBURY, KATE pennyfoot NO CLUE AT THE INN (#13) ($9.99) Cecily can't wait to accept the invitation to manage the Pennyfoot Hotel during the Christmas season. Hugh, on the other hand, is quite glad that they sold the hotel two years ago and wants to leave well enough alone. Shoulda listened to Hugh. KLAVAN, ANDREW SHOTGUN ALLEY (#2) ($9.99) Scott Weiss is a former cop who is an accomplished detective with lots of connections. Jim Bishop is a savvy, strong-willed, tough guy and ladies man who does the legwork for Weiss’s agency. They have been hired to find the vivacious seventeen-year-old daughter of a man running for the US Senate. The first in the series is Dynamite Road ($10.99). KLENSCH, ELSA LIVE AT 10:00 DEAD AT 10:15 ($9.99) Frustrated at being trapped in the ghetto of “fluff” when she wants to cover hard news, Sonya Iverson is about to discover that even the fashion industry has a hard core. KLING, CHRISTINE seychell CROSS CURRENT (#2) ($10.99) When Seychelle Sullivan’s tugboat intercepts a swamped fishing boat in the Gulf Stream and she finds a murdered woman and a little girl named Solange on board, she is determined to find the killer and to make sure Solange is not sent back to Haiti. The first in the series is Surface Tensions ($10.99). Another series that Wendy likes. KNOTT, GRAEME EXCLUSION ZONE ($19.95) KOONTZ, DEAN LIFE EXPECTANCY ($11.99) Jimmy Tock is born on the same night his grandfather Josef dies. As Josef suddenly sits up in his hospital bed and speaks coherently for the first time since his stroke, he predicts that his grandson will have five dark days in his life. These days will be in Jimmy’s twentieth year, his twenty-third year, his twenty-eighth, his twenty-ninth, and his thirtieth, and he must prepare for them. KORYTA, MICHAEL perry TONIGHT I SAID GOODBYE (#1) ($9.99) Investigator Wayne Weston is found dead of an apparent suicide in his home in an upscale Cleveland suburb, and his wife and daughter are missing. The cops think that Wayne murdered them. Hoping to exonerate his son, Weston’s father hires PIs Lincoln Perry and Joe Prichard. KRICH, ROCHELLE molly blu GRAVE ENDINGS (#3) ($10.99) For six years, crime writer Molly Blume has been obsessed with the murder of her best friend, Aggie. A murder never solved. When her LAPD friend Detective Andy Connors shows her a locket found on the body of a dead man, the case suddenly seems solved. Molly had given the locket to Aggie. KRICH, ROCHELLE molly blume NOW YOU SEE ME (#4) ($21.00) For LA crime reporter, Molly Blume, life is good. She’s newly married and her latest true-crime book is a hot seller. So when an overardent fan’s attentions arouse her suspicions she’s thinking stalkers. But he just wants her help in locating his daughter who’s run away from home to be with a man she met on the internet. LAKIN, RITA GETTING OLD IS MURDER ($10.99) Meet 75year-old Gladdy Gold, Florida’s oldest PI. She and her gang of Fort Lauderdale retirees are out, about, and hunting down a killer—one who is silently stalking them. LAVERY, JOHN YOU, KWAZNIEVSKI, YOU PISS ME OFF ($19.95) A collection of stories. LEIGH, RICHARD ELIXIR AND THE STONE ($13.99) LEON, DONNA active DRESSED FOR DEATH (#3) ($10.99) Now available in a North American edition. Published as Anonymous Venetian in the UK. LEVINE, PAUL SOLOMON VS LORD ($7.99) Steve Solomon is the sharpest lawyer ever to barely graduate from Key West School of Law. Victoria Lord is fresh from Yale, toiling for an ambitious DA. When these two take on the steamiest murder trial of the century, the case is sure to make headlines scream—and sparks fly. “A terrific courtroom drama that’s also funny as hell.”—Dave Berry. “Carl Hiaasen meets John Grisham in the court of last retort.”—Harlan Coben. LOVELL, GLENVILLE TOO BEAUTIFUL TO DIE ($9.99) Introducing Blades Overstreet, a black ex-cop at odds with the NYPD over an incident that prompted his resignation, when a white cop "accidentally" shot and almost killed him. The man who saved his life prevails on him to help a beautiful soap opera star find her father, but the assignment turns sour when he stumbles over the murdered body of an FBI agent and becomes the target of an FBI/NYPD manhunt. LUCARELLI, CARLO negro DAY AFTER DAY (#2) ($11.99) A professional killer is at large in the cities of Italy. Code-named “Pit Bull”, he is a master of disguise and Ispettore Grazia Negro hasn’t been able to get close enough to catch him. See J.D.’s Picks. LUDLUM, ROBERT & LARKIN LAZARUS VENDETTA ($10.99) An attack against a nano-technology facility leaves thousands dead—from an accidental release of nanobots—and pandemonium reigns. Lt.Col. Jon Smith is activated by Covert-One to find out and uncover the truth. LUPICA, MIKE TOO FAR ($10.99) The Long Island town of South Fork has a great high school basketball team. But a kid on the school newspaper has heard rumours of brutalities at a team retreat, of hazing that went over the line and of murder. When he tries to investigate, with the help of veteran reporter Ben Mitchell, the ranks close against him. LUTZ, JOHN FEAR THE NIGHT ($9.99) The Night Sniper is making New Yorkers pretty nervous. He’ll stop only if retired homicide detective Vin Repetto is willing to engage him in a lethal game of cat and mouse, MACALISTER, KATIE YOU SLAY ME (#1) and FIRE ME UP (#2) ($9.99 ea.) She’s Aisling Grey, irresistible, and novice Guardian/Keeper of the Gates to Hell. MCCLURE, KEN GULF CONSPIRACY ($10.95) Troops home from the Gulf War are starting to fall sick. They are dying from mysterious and varied diseases. One man decides to probe further and what he discovers leads him to the plush boardrooms of Whitehall. MCGILL, ROBERT MYSTERIES ($19.99) A woman’s disappearance unlocks the secrets of a small Ontario town, a place where it seems everyone has something to hide. A debut novel from this Canadian writer. MACGREGOR, T J CATEGORY FIVE ($9.99) Psychic Mira Morales has hurricane proofed her house. So well, that it makes an ideal hiding place for the three dangerous escaped convicts. They have taken her family hostage. Some psychic. MCGREW, CHANDLER IN SHADOWS ($10.99) A small Maine town has fallen under the spell of a serial killer and it’s going to take both Detctive Jake Crowley and thirteen-year-old Pierce Morin to save the town. Pierce, born blind and deaf, has a terrifying gift: he can hear evil whispering. MACKIE, JOHN WEST SIDE ($10.99) Another novel of the NYPD from the author of East Side, Manhattan North, Manhattan South ($9.99 ea.). MACLOUGHLIN, TIM HEART OF THE OLD COUNTRY ($20.99) Terrific. Looking for happiness in NYC. Our hero is a young man who drives the streets of New York for a car company, drifting through life, dealing with the, mostly, little things that life on the street throws at you. Very well done. Urban noir. MAGNAN, PIERRE DEATH IN THE TRUFFLE WOOD ($27.95) MARAVELIS, PETER (EDT) SAN FRANCISCO NOIR ($20.99) MARKARIS, PETROS haritos DEADLINE IN ATHENS (#1) ($17.95) ) Costas Haritos is a veteran junta-trained homicide detective on the Athens police force. When an Albanian husband and wife are found dead in their home and the primary suspect confesses under duress, the case is closed. When the country’s celebrity TV news reporter Janna Karayoryi is silenced suddenly and chillingly, moments before she was to go on the air with a startling newsbreak about the case, Haritos sets out to investigate. Translated from Greek this is a debut novel. One of J.D.’s Picks a year ago. MARSHALL, EVAN CRUSHING CRYSTAL (#6) ($7.99) Thousands of pounds of books and shelves come toppling down on the not very popular Crystal Ryerson during the library reading group meeting attended by literary agent Jane Stuart. Jane’s boyfriend, Detective Stanley Greenberg, makes a grim discovery: the bolts on the bookcase had been deliberately removed by someone who had been at the meeting. Follows Toasting Tina ($7.99). MARSHALL, MICHAEL BLOOD OF ANGELS (#3) ($10.99) The conclusion to the Straw Men trilogy. Straw Men and Upright Man ($9.99 ea.) are the first two parts. One of the worst serial murderers in history has escaped from prison. His brother could have killed him when he had the chance but it wouldn’t have mattered. There are many more like him around. The Straw Men are legion. MARTIN, ANDREW BLACKPOOL HIGHFLYER (#2) ($18.50) Sequel to Necropolis Railway ($19), “A brilliant murder mystery set in Edwardian London about a railway line that runs only to a massive cemetery." –Mirror. Assigned to drive holidaymakers to the seaside resort of Blackpool in the hot summer of 1905, Jim Stringer is happy to have left behind the grime and danger of life in London. But his dreams of beer and pretty women are soon shattered—when his high-speed train meets a huge millstone on the line… MATHESON, RICHARD NOIR: THREE NOVELS OF SUSPENSE ($19.95) Contains three long-lost thrillers originally published in the 1950s: Someone is Bleeding, Fury on Sunday and Ride the Nightmare. Largely out-of-print for decades. MAYOR, ARCHER SURROGATE THIEF (#14) ($9.99) Joe Gunther reopens a thirty-year-old murder case as well as some very personal wounds. METIKOSH, ANNE UNDERCURRENT ($10.95) MICHAELS, KASEY MAGGIE WITHOUT A CLUE (#3) Sequel to Maggie Needs an Alibi and Maggie by the Book ($9.99 ea,). MILLER, JOHN RAMSEY winter SIDE BY SIDE (#3) ($10.99) A Marshall Winter Massey novel, sequel to Inside Out and Upside Down ($10.99 ea.) MILNE, A A RED HOUSE MYSTERY ($10.99) Reprint. First published a very long time ago. MITCHELL, GLADYS DEATH AT THE OPERA and WHEN LAST I DIED ($19.95 ea.) Two Mrs. Beatrice Adela Lestrange Bradley mysteries from one of the Golden Age masters. Along with Christie and Sayers, she was one of England’s “big three” women mystery writers. Great that Rue Morgue Press is reprinting her. MORGAN, RICHARD WOKEN FURIES (#3) ($10.99) A savage young envoy called Takeshi Kovacs is brought out of storage to up-root the rebellion and crush it. A science fiction thriller. Sequel to Altered Carbon ($9.99) and Broken Angels ($10.99). MORRIS, BOB BAHAMARAMA ($9.99) Two years in a Florida federal prison on bogus charges has made former Miami Dolphins strong safety Zack Chasteen stir-crazy. Getting his life back together is not going to be easy especially when his girlfriend is kidnapped and a gang of Cuban thugs is on his tail. MORTIMER, JOHN rumpole RUMPOLE AND THE PENGE BUNGALOW MURDERS ($18.00) A full length novel (albeit somewhat larger print and 215 pages) where Rumpole answers some questions such as how he became the object of She Who Must Be Obeyed’s desire and how he made his reputation in the case that echoes down the corridors of the Bailey to this day. MURPHY, SHIRLEY ROUSSEAU CAT CROSS THEIR GRAVE (#10) ($9.99) Joe Grey and Dulcie help Kit find the killer of her owner, film star Patty Rose. MURRAY, SABINA CARNIVORE’S INQUIRY ($17.95) Twenty-three-year-old Katherine Shea is a restless and voracious spirit, hungry for knowledge and experience. But her travels—from the monuments of Italy, through literary New York, to the dusty Southwest—are shadowed by a string of unexplained murders. And how to now explain her growing interest in cannibalism? MYERS, TIM candlemaking DEATH WAXED OVER (#3) ($9.99) Wanna learn to make candles? Then this series is for you. Sequel to At Wick’s End and Snuffed Out ($8.99 ea.). Tips included. NABB, MAGDALEN DEATH IN SPRINGTIME ($14.95) Long out of print, this is the third in the Marshal Guarnaccia investigations. Set in Florence. Excellent. NEALE, TOM STEEL RAIN ($24.95) NUNN, KEM TIJUANA STRAITS ($21.00) Magdalena, an environmental activist, barely survives an attack by wild dogs along the ragged wasteland where California and Mexico meet the Pacific Ocean. She takes refuge with Farley, once a great surfer, while she tries to reconstruct the events that led her there. She never suspects the truth about the man who has marked her for death, as he leads a trio of drug-fueled killers on a mission to end her life. O’BRIAN, PATRICK PATRICK OBRIAN BOXED SET ($59.95) The first five novels in a lovely boxed set. Individually these five would cost almost $100. O’BRIEN, MARTIN JACQUOT AND THE ANGEL (#2) ($24.95 trade paperback, $34.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section for an annotation.) See Marian’s Picks. O’CONNELL, CAROL WINTER HOUSE (#8) ($10.99) Icehearted Mallory is back to her usual form. The dead burglar was in fact a vicious killer. To make sure he was dead, he was stabbed with an ice pick first and then a pair of scissors. Sixty years ago five siblings, father, stepmother, nanny, and housekeeper were also killed by an ice pick in the same house. Mallory, along with Riker and Charles Butler, investigate. One of the best books Ms. O’Connell has written in a long time… O’MARIE, SISTER CAROL ANNE REQUIEM AT THE REFUGE (#9) ($9.99) Sister Anne asks Sister Mary Helen to volunteer at a shelter for homeless women and she agrees. A young woman who frequented the shelter is found murdered in an alley behind the building and Sister Mary Helen investigates, much to the annoyance of homicide detectives Kate Murphy and Dennis Gallagher. OWAD, STEVEN BODYCHECK ($13.95) A minor league player pursued by major league killers. Sounds like a hockey mystery! Somebody wants Behn McAvoy dead, but who would want to kill an aging hockey player from a minor league team in Alberta? Come and meet the author (and MARY JANE MAFFINI) at Sleuth on Thursday, November 24, 2006 from 6 to 8 pm. PALAHNIUK, CHUCK CHOKE ($21.00) PALMER, MICHAEL SOCIETY ($10.99) Boston rookie detective Patty Moriarity has to trust Dr. Will Grant in an effort to find the serial killer who is targeting high-profile executives in the managed care industry. PAOLINI, CHRISTOPHER ERAGON INHERITANCE BOOK I ($13.95) A wonderful story about a young boy who finds a big blue stone. It turns out to be a dragon’s egg which hatches only if the right person has it. Saphira, the dragon, and Eragon, who finds out he was really meant to be a Dragon Rider, go and save the world. The first of three planned in the series. Yes, it’s a kids book, but just like Harry Potter or the three books in Philip Pullman’s Dark Materials, this makes a good adult read. PARKER, ROBERT B MELANCHOLY BABY (#4) ($10.99) A Sonny Randall adventure. PATTERSON, JAMES LONDON BRIDGES (#10) ($10.99) Alex Cross is on the trail of his deadliest nemesis, The Wolf. World leaders have four days to prevent an unimaginable cataclysm so Cross joins forces with Scotland Yard and Interpol. PATTERSON, RICHARD NORTH CONVICTION ($11.99) Fifty-nine days, that’s how long Rennell Price has to live unless attorney Terri Paget can find convincing evidence to stop the execution. Price has been on death row for the past fifteen years for sexual assault and murder and the conviction has been upheld through one appeal after another. But Terri believes Price could be innocent. PENNY, LOUISE STILL LIFE ($24.95 trade paperback, $34.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section and Marian’s Picks. PERRY, ANNE SHOULDER THE SKY (#2) ($21.00) The second in her WWI series. Sequel to No Graves as Yet ($10.99). PIESMAN, MARISSA UNORTHODOX PRACTICES ($19.95). Terrific. See Wendy’s Picks. Another Felony and Mayhem reprint. POLLACK, NEAL (EDT) CHICAGO NOIR ($20.99) A collection of short stories set in and around Chicago. PRICE, ANTHONY THE LABYRINTH MAKERS ($19.95) A terrific read. A Felony and Mayhem reprint. PUZO, MARIO GODFATHER RETURNS ($10.99) Written by Mark Winegardner. The continuing saga of the Corleone family. RANKIN, IAN FLOOD ($24.95 trade paperback, $37.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section for an annotation. RANKIN, IAN FLESHMARKET CLOSE (#15) ($10.99) How does the discovery of two skeletons, a woman and an infant, found buried beneath a concrete cellar floor in Fleshmarket Close tie into the murder of an illegal immigrant in an Edinburgh housing scheme? Rebus investigates. RAYNE, SARAH DARK DIVIDING ($11.99) As journalist Harry Fizglen delves into the violent and terrible history of Montmain House in the small Shropshire village of Waston Fferna, near the Welsh border, he attempts to uncover what happened to Sonia, the twin sister of Simone, who disappeared a few years ago. What is their connection to another set of twin sisters born in London on January 1st, 1900? By the author of ROOTS OF EVIL ($23.00) REDMANN, J M The four novels in the Micky Knight series are all finally back in print: Death by the Riverside (#1), Deaths of Jocasta (#2), Intersection of Law and Desire (#3) and Lost Daughters (#4) ($17.95 each). New Orleans PI Micky Knight investigates cases with gay or lesbian issues and themes and she’s terrific. REILLY, MATTHEW AREA 7 ($9.99) Area 7, a secret US Air Force installation hidden in the Utah desert, is visited by the President. He gets more than he bargained for as hostile forces are waiting inside. Among the President’s helicopter crew, however, is a young Marine. He is young, quiet, enigmatic and he hides behind a pair of silver sunglasses. This is the third Shane “Scarecrow” Schofield novel. RENDELL, RUTH THIRTEEN STEPS DOWN ($10.99) Mix Cellini is superstitious about the number thirteen. In the Notting Hill neighbourhood where he lives, there are thirteen steps down to the landing below his rooms. He has become obsessed with John Christie and 10 Rillington Place, where a series of murders were committed. And when reality intrudes into Mix’s life, a long pentup violence explodes. REULAND, ROB SEMIAUTOMATIC (#2) ($21.00) We met Andrew Giobberti in Hollowpoint ($10.99), a prosecutor trying to come to terms with his daughter's accidental death. Now, eighteen months later, living a life of rote existence, he gets an opportunity for personal and professional rebirth: a murder trial. J. D. loved the first one, was lukewarm about this one. RIMINGTON, STELLA AT RISK ($11.99). A terrific espionage novel. We’ve mentioned this one a few times. The author was the former head of MI5 so she knows what she is writing about. One of Marian’s Picks a year or so back.. ROBB, J D SURVIVOR IN DEATH ($10.99) AKA Nora Roberts. New York City, 2059 and Lieutenant Eve Dallas struggles to solve the murder of a seemingly ordinary family. ROBB, J D MIDNIGHT IN DEATH ($5.50) ROBERTS, GREGORY SHANTARAM ($19.95) Set in the slums of Bombay, this is an epic novel of love and fate and the choices made in life. ROTENBERG, DAVID GOLDEN MOUNTAIN MURDERS (#5) ($24.95) Zhong Fong, of Shanghai’s Office of Special Investigations, awakes one night to an anonymous caller claiming that there is an AIDS epidemic in far off Anhui province. He alleges that Chinese blood collectors, paid by a firm in the West, are spreading the deadly contagion and that Chinese governmental officials are growing rich by turning a blind eye to the trade. Fong starts his journey in Anhui and ends up on the streets of Vancouver, Canada, his every move noted by the head of the Guild of the Assassins. ROWE, ROSEMARY ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE (#7) ($10.99) On a business trip with Marcus Septimus, his benevolent patron, Libertus is shocked by the glimpse of a familiar face. His pursuit leads him into the murky world of racketeering, treason, and murder. ROZAN, S J ABSENT FRIENDS ($17.00) The secrets of a group of childhood friends unravel in this mystery. Not one of her series but garnering rave reviews nonetheless. RUSHDIE, SALMAN MIDNIGHTS CHILDREN ($22.00) The Booker of Bookers. Not a crime novel, but well worth the time. RYAN, GARRY QUEEN’S PARK ($10.95) Calgary detective Lane is on the case of a missing person. After a brutal attack on his nephew, ex-mayor Bob Swatsky has gone missing with a few million dollars of taxpayers money. A debut mystery by this Canadian writer. RYAN, P B MURDER ON BLACK FRIDAY (#4) ($9.99) September 24, 1869, the gold market collapses wiping out fortunes and two men are found dead on Wall Street. At first suicide is suspected but upon closer inspection Dr. Will Hewitt suspects one of the men was murdered. Boston governess Nell Sweeney helps investigate. SANTLOFER, JONATHAN COLOR BLIND (#2) ($10.99) Kate McKinnon is an art historian, published author, host of a weekly PBS TV series and a former NYPD cop. She rejoins her former partner, detective Floyd Brown when a new sequence of murders strikes too close to home. The first is Death Artist ($9.99). SCARROW, SIMON EAGLES PREY (#5) ($10.99) The mighty Roman army faces the defiant tribes of Britain. Bernard Cornwell says “I don’t need this kind of competition”. SCHICKLER, DAVID SWEET AND VICIOUS ($21.00) It could be called Sweet and Short at only 240 pages. Grace McGlone is saving herself for the right man and when Henry Dante pulls into the small Wisconsin town where she works at the car wash, she instantly knows he’s the one. He knows it too. But when Grace discovers Henry has a stolen set of Spanish diamonds stashed in the back seat of his truck, she’s having none of it. From Chicago to Yellowstone, the two are pursued by a savage gangster obsessed by the diamonds he thought were his. SCHWEIZER, MARK TENOR WORE TAPSHOES ($18.95) By the author of the delightful and witty Alto Wore Tweed and Baritone Wore Chiffon ($18.95 each). SCOTT, MICHELE MURDER UNCORKED ($9.99) Marian says that she really wanted to like this book—it is about food and wine after all—but she found the writing amateurish, almost as though it was written for a teenage audience, maybe it was!, and there was at least one glaring editorial error. Yet the wine information was what kept her reading to the end. Set in Napa Valley. SHOLES, LYNN GRAIL CONSPIRACY ($19.95) Satellite News Network reporter Cotton Stone will go as far as it takes to get her story. She enlists the help of John Tylor, a biblical history scholar and priest on leave from his duties, to help her solve the story of the Holy Grail. Is the artifact found in Iraq the cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper? SIMENON, GEORGES DIRTY SNOW ($20.00) Reprint. SIMON, MICHAEL DIRTY SALLY (#1) ($10.99) A refugee from the Elmira, New York, mob, Dan Reles escaped to Texas at age fifteen and today he is an Austin homicide detective. Still reeling from his partner’s death, he tracks the brutal murder of a young prostitute and the violent cover-up that follows. SLADE, MICHAEL SWASTIKA ($24.00) SLAUGHTER, KARIN INDELIBLE (#4) ($10.99) An officer is shot point-blank in the Grant County police station and police chief Jeffrey Tolliver is wounded, setting off a hostage situation with medical examiner Sara Linton at the centre. Terrific says Wendy. SLINGER, JOEY PUNCH LINE ($21.95) Following the death of his wife, 81-year-old Ballantine has time on his hands. What better hobby than to track down his wife’s killers who scared her to death and get some revenge? With the help of the over-the-hill inmates at the nursing home where he resides, he plans and plots. Who cares about the consequences if the alternative is boredom? Come and meet the author, a long-time Toronto Star columnist, at Sleuth on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 from 6 to 8 pm. SLOAN, SUSAN BEHIND CLOSED DOORS ($10.99) A sheltered and innocent eighteen-year-old marries young US Air Force veteran Marsh in the summer of 1955. She has no idea what kind of abuse she’s in for. She says nothing of her hard life and nor do her five children lest they become their father’s next victims. SMILEY, PATRICIA FALSE PROFITS (#1) ($9.99) Terrific said Marian. One of Marian’s Picks a little while ago. SMITH, ALEXANDER MCCALL 2 1/2 PILLARS OF WISDOM ($22.95). The omnibus edition containing the three novels featuring Professor Dr. Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld: Portuguese Irregular Verbs (#1), Finer Points of Sausage Dogs (#2) and At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances (#3). What fun. What cheaper fun now. SMITH, CAROL VANISHING POINT ($10.99) When Frankie sees the unforgettable face of her long-lost love on a passing train, she turns straight around and goes after him. She knows he’s dead as she served time for his manslaughter. Five women living quite separate lives, except for one crucial fact: each has devoted her life to the same duplicitous man. SMITH, GREGORY BLAKE MADONNA OF LAS VEGAS ($18.00) Cosmo Dust is the chief suspect in the murder of a cocktail waitress so he joins forces with the daughter of the Pope of Las Vegas, the local mob boss, to clear his name. STACEY, LYNDON DEADFALL ($11.99) Lincoln Tremayne, heir to a viscouncy, has a burning ambition to ride in the British Olympic three-day eventing team. But his dream is put on hold when a vicious attack on the stable owner’s daughter marks the start of a chain of violent events. Someone is trying to kill him. STACEY, LYNDON OUTSIDE CHANCE ($24.95) Ben Copperfield, a freelance journalist, is called with a hot tip: the favourite for the Cheltenham Gold Cup has been kidnapped. This could be the racing scoop of a lifetime. STEPHENSON, NEAL SYSTEM OF THE WORLD (#3) ($21.50) Third and final installment in the Baroque Cycle. Eng- land 1714. The secret war between Master of the Mint and closet alchemist Isaac Newton, and his arch nemesis, the insidious counterfeiter Jack the Coiner, continues as Jack hatches a daring plan for total corruption of Britain’s newborn monetary system. Daniel Waterhouse, aging Puritan and Natural Philospher, is on his long and harrowing quest to mend the rift between the two geniuses. STEWART, MARIAH COLD TRUTH ($9.99) Twenty-six-years ago, even before a series of brutal murders rocked the idyllic town of Bowers Inlet, Cassie Burke lost her parents and her sister to a transient befriended by her father. Back then, the suspect was caught and convicted, and died in prison. But now, Cassie is a homicide cop and the killings have started again. With too many victims and too few suspects, FBI agent Rick Cisco is sent to help. STEWART, MARIAH HARD TRUTH ($9.99) Two children who mysteriously disappeared twenty-one years ago are the last thing on Lorna Temple’s mind when she returns to her Pennsylvania hometown to sell the old family property after her parents’ death. When nine-year-old Melinda Eagan vanished, her older brother Jason quickly became the lone suspect. Then he vanished as well. Even though his bones have just been uncovered on the Temple’s land, the police don’t want to re-open the Melinda’s case. Lorna turns to private eye T. J. Dawson to help her investigate. STEWART, MARIAH DARK TRUTH ($9.99) When Nina Madden’s father was accused of killing several college students sixteen-years-ago and subsequently died in prison, his case still under appeal, she left her small Maryland town of Stone River. A new series of murders is now plaguing Stone River, bearing a striking resemblance to the one’s that sent Nina’s father to prison. Wes Powell, the cop on the original case, crosses paths with Nina, when she returns to clear her father’s name. STEWART, MARY THIS ROUGH MAGIC ($10.99) Originally published in 1964 and now available again. British actress Lucy Waring believes that a holiday at Corfu, the alleged locale for Shakespeare’s The Tempest, is a wonderful idea until a corpse is carried ashore by the incoming tide. STOCKWIN, JULIAN TENACIOUS (#6) ($24.95 trade paperback, $34.95 hardcover) See the Hardcover section. STOCKWIN, JULIAN QUARTERDECK (#5) ($10.99) Thomas Kydd is on his way to North America aboard the HMS Tenacious. To an America in dispute with France and beginning to set up its own navy. STRONG, TERENCE WHEELS OF FIRE ($23.00) SUSSMAN, PAUL LAST SECRET OF THE TEMPLE ($27.95) What begins as a routine investigation into the death of an aged hotel owner by Insp. Yusuf Khalifa of the Luxor police turns out to be anything but. Forced into an alliance with hard-drinking Jerusalem Det. Arieh Ben-Roi and Palestinian journalist Layla al-Madani, Khalifa finds himself entering a murky, murderous world of greed, duplicity, and political intrigue as they go in search of a 2,000-yearold mystery with the symbolic power, if it fell into the wrong hands, to plunge the Middle East into all-out war. ‘T HART, MAARTEN SUNDIAL ($28.00) Translated from Dutch. When her best friend Roos Berczy dies and makes Leonie Kuyper her sole heir, provided she moves into Roos’ apartment and looks after her cats, Leonie, an impoverished translator, can’t refuse. Gradually Leonie begins to resemble her friend as she wears her clothes and make-up and as a result Roos’ past starts to crowd in on her. Was Roos a chemist involved in the manufacture of Ecstasy? Did she have some information about the falsification of research findings and been murdered by a colleague? TALLEY, MARCIA THIS ENEMY TOWN (#5) ($9.99) When friend and fellow cancer survivor Dorothy Hart asks Hannah Ives for help building sets for an upcoming production, she agrees. But it means associating with an old foe, a vindictive officer whose accusations once nearly destroyed her. When one corpse too many ap- pears during dress rehearsal, she is again accused of murder. TAYLOR, ANDREW CALL THE DYING (#7) ($10.99) The latest installment in the Lydmouth series. Returning to a town shrouded in intrigue and suspicion, Jill Francis becomes acting editor of the Gazette. Meanwhile, there is no pleasure left in the life of Detective Chief Inspector Richard Thornhill. Only a corpse, a television set and the promise of trouble to come. TELUSHKIN, JOSEPH FINAL ANALYSIS OF DR STARK ($14.95) Reprint. THOMAS, EDWIN CHAINS OF ALBION (#2) ($19.95) July 1806. Commanding a prison hull full of French captives, Lieutenant Martin Jerrold thinks the war is good. But when one of them escapes, he is commanded to recapture him at any cost. Why at any cost? The first book in the series is The Blighted Cliffs ($19.95). THOMAS-GRAHAM, PAMELA ORANGE CRUSHED (#3) ($19.00) The third in the series featuring Nikki Chase. TIME TRAVELER MAPS TONY HILLERMAN’S INDIAN COUNTRY MAP & GUIDE ($20.95) A fold out map of the area where Mr. Hillerman has set his Leaphorn and Chee novels. TODD, CHARLES COLD TREACHERY (#7) ($10.99) Called out by Scotland Yard into the teeth of a violent blizzard, Inspector Ian Rutledge travels to Urskdale to investigate a horrific murder. It appears an entire family was murdered without the least sign of a struggle. But worse, one of the young boys is missing. TREMAYNE, PETER LEPER’S BELL ($10.99) A female servant working in the palace of Colgu is found murdered and the baby she was looking after is missing, apparently taken by the killer. Sister Fidelma and Brother Eadulf have dealt with many horrendous murders and kidnappings in the past but this is the most shocking to them. The missing baby is their own son, Alchu. TREVANIAN Eiger Sanction, Loo Sanction, Main, Shibumi and Summer of Katya ($21 ea). Four excellent thrillers, the first four, and one dodgy one, Summer of Katya, now back in print. ($21.00) TRIGELL, JONATHAN BOY A ($20.00) Jack, a name he picked himself, has spent most of his young life in juvenile prison institutions, but now is trying to start a new life with his new name. Can he survive? A debut novel. TRUMAN, MARGARET MURDER AT UNION STATION ($10.99) Union Station in Washington D.C. is the scene of a sensational shooting whose consequences ricochet from seedy bars to the halls of Congress. VAN ROOY, MICHAEL ORDINARY DECENT CRIMINAL ($11.99) Monty Haaviko has done the crimes: assault, embezzlement, arson, and more, but has decided to settle in a nice quiet Winnipeg neighbourhood with his wife Claire, his baby son, his dog and his pet mouse. But when three break-and-enter artists end up dead in his living room, things don’t look good. A debut novel. VARIOUS/JAKUBOWSKI, MAXIM ed BEST BRITISH MYSTERIES 2005 ($10.95) A collection of short stories by some of England’s best mystery writers. WALTERS, GUY OCCUPATION ($10.99) In 1945 in his bunker in Berlin, Hitler makes a deadly decision: to deploy the V3, a secret weapon that is being constructed by slave labourers beneath the Channel Island of Aldereny. June 1990: workmen digging the foundations for a new hotel on Alderney start to fall sick. Their illness is similar to that suffered by many islanders over the past fifty years. Journalist Robert Lebonneur is determined to unearth the reason despite the denials and threats that meet his questions. Then Lebonneur discovers a diary written by Lieutenant-Colonel Max von Luck during the occupation. WALTERS, MINETTE TINDER BOX ($7.99) ) A novella. In the small Hampshire village of Sowerbridge, Irish labourer Patrick O’Riordan is arrested for the brutal murder of two women. As shock turns to fury, the village residents form a united front against his parents and cousin. But friend and neighbour Siobhan Laven- ham remains convinced that Patrick is innocent. WARD, AMANDA EYRE HOW TO BE LOST ($21.00) Amazing. By the author of the equally amazing Sleep Toward Heaven, ($19.95). See J.D.’s Picks. WATSON, JULES WHITE MARE (#1) ($10.99) ) The proposed first of a trilogy set in Roman Britain. Not a mystery, more like a saga where an Irish prince, exiled from his home by family treachery, helps a Scottish princess who doesn't want to get married for political reasons alone. Heroic deeds, kinship and kingship, and the struggle for power, honour, freedom and love. WESLEY, VALERIE WILSON DYING IN THE DARK (#7) ($17.95) New Jersey PI Tamara Hayle has been plagued by terrifying dreams about Celia Jones, an old friend who died a horrible death. Celia’s teenage son, Cecil, begs Tamara to find his mother’s killer, only to end up dead himself. WILCOX, JOHN ROAD TO KANDAHAR ($10.99) It’s 1879 and having survived the Zulu onslaught at Rorke’s Drift, Captain Simon Fonthill is sent to the North-West Frontier of India’s border with Afganistan. He must infiltrate the Pathan tribes and pass vital intelligence information back to the Brisith camp. WILHELM, KATE UNBIDDEN TRUTH ($8.50) Defendant Carol Fredricks is a gifted pianist charged with killing the manager of a piano bar. Oregon lawyer Barbara Holloway is convinced Barbara is innocent but the large retainer offered by a client, who asks for complete anonymity, is not the only thing that intrigues Barbara. Carol can’t remember anything before the age of eight, and she has been having nightmares about a woman she cannot identify. WILSON, F PAUL MIDNIGHT MASS ($9.99) Vampires control all of Europe, India, the Far East and the major cities in North and South America, and now they have come to a small coastal town in New Jersey. WILSON, LAURA LOVER ($10.99) A story about a serial killer stalking prostitutes in 1940s London during the Blitz. WISHART, DAVID FOOD FOR THE FISHES (#13) ($10.99) Marcus Corvinus, with the help of his wife Perilla, investigates the death of Licinius Murena who was found dead in his eel tank. WOLFE, SUSAN LAST BILLABLE HOUR ($19.95) Winner of the Edgar Award for the Best First Mystery in 1989. A terrific read. See Marian’s Picks. A Felony and Mayhem reprint.. WOLZIEN, VALERIE DEATH AT A PREMIUM (#7) ($10.99) After signing a lucrative deal to remodel Bride’s Bed and Breakfast, island contractor Josie Pigeon thinks her summer is set, until a series of unfortunate events befalls the site. WOODS, STUART TWO DOLLAR BILL (#10) ($13.50) Stone Barrington, facing down a southern flimflam man. WOODWORTH, STEPHEN IN GOLDEN BLOOD ($9.99) Natalie Lindstrom has the power to speak to the dead, to solve crimes by interviewing murder victims. But she has had enough and wants to live a quiet life. She takes a job with an archaeologist in the mountains of Peru. Her job is to find a trove of priceless artifacts by channeling those who lived and died at an ancient Incan site. But she enters a 500-year-old storm of murder, greed and rage and she cannot silence the dead. WOOLRICH, CORNELL NIGHTWEBS ($21.00) WRIGHT, NINA WHISKEY ON THE ROCKS ($18.95) Whiskey Mattimoe, with assistance from her eccentric friends and neighbours, uncovers art theft, forgery, and some nasty little secrets about the people who descend on her quiet Lake Michigan resort town. And to top it off, she has to watch her late husband’s Afghan hound who has a diva attitude and a penchant for stealing purses. WYMAN, DOREEN REUNIONS ARE DEADLY ($10.95) Beth McKinney thought twenty years would be enough time to heal old high school wounds but she was wrong. Holding the reunion at the world’s largest mall (West Edmonton Mall for all our American readers) seemed like a good idea until Beth’s boyfriend turns up dead in her hotel room and all the evidence points to her. A debut novel. 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