DIGITAL MEDIA ENGINEERING AND DESIGN: PROPOSALS FOR THE INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDY PROGRAM 5th Int. Conference on Emerging e-learning Technologies and Applications The High Tatras, Slovakia September 6-8, 2007 Martin ŠPERKA, Alena KOVÁROVÁ Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Ilkovičova 3, 842 16 Bratislava, Slovakia tel.: +421 2 602 91 548, fax: +421 2 654 20 587, web: sperka | Abstract. Rapid development of information, communication and audiovisual technologies creates new applications, which need professionals [1], [2] who are able to understand them and to be able to design new products. Many of these products have engineering and esthetic aspects. In this paper we focus on this field, which is in Slovakia not taught in a comprehensive way: Digital Media Design. The goal of our research was to summarize the requirements of the students and professionals interested in this field by means of questionnaires. These requirements can be met by joining study programs at the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies (FIIT) and Faculty of Architecture (FA) - Institute of Design at he Slovak University of Technology (STU). Keywords: Digital media design, multimedia curriculum, interdisciplinary study program. technology and design. Unfortunately in Slovakia there is neither such university nor a faculty to cover this. To use effectively existing facilities, resources, expertise, competences as well as existing subjects within one university we decided to research and explore possibilities of extending existing study programs at the STU in Bratislava. The main idea is that FIIT could provide major IT oriented program with minor in design and vice versa, FA the bachelor in design with minor in digital media design. Graduates of this type of study program should cover the lack of experts on our market area. But this simple idea showed to be more complex. There exist several reasons. The first one is that existing subjects should be modified to meet pre-requisites knowledge for both groups of students. The second one is traditional border between world of science and engineering on one side and the art and design on the other. 1. INTRODUCTION Among new products are those using digital media (DM)- applications integrating interactive text, image, animation, video, sound, virtual or enhanced reality. They can be computer network applications, interactive CD/DVD ROM, mobile devices, information kiosks and objects (consumer and industrial electronics) containing multimedia interfaces and systems. These DM are gradually filling every kind of our human living spheres, therefore it requires, besides technological foundation, user-friendly interface. The designer of such interface should have knowledge and skills in electronic engineering, information technology and design. There are many companies where engineers and designers work together, but in many of them engineers or designers exclusively. Even the integrated teams need to find common language for communication and the knowledge of fundamentals in other field is very valuable. For this reason, in many countries exist schools providing combined education in information 1 other. Just an ordinary example – imagine a company creating web sites. An art designer needs to communicate with a programmer and vice versa but they both use different “languages”. Would it not be better to have one person in the company who would understand both – the art and the program? If it would, would the students feel like to study such field, which would cover that? To answer these and other important questions, we prepared three types of specialized questionnaires. First was given to different companies associated with DM, the second was distributed to students of FIIT STU and the third one to the FA STU. Few questionnaires were distributed to Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD) students. 2. DEFINITIONS OF DIGITAL MEDIA DESIGN To clarify, first of all we needed to define the DM design in context of user interface design. Analyzing curriculums (related to DM) from different countries e.g. [1], [2], we realized that the term of Digital Media is understood in different ways depending on country, orientation of people’s professions or type of university – if it is an art-oriented or a technical one. The term DM still isn’t a common term and belongs to a group together with multimedia, intermedia, crossmedia, new media and interactive media. Also the term design is understood differently. One can tell that web-design is art emphasizing creativity and attraction. Others define it as engineering discipline, where visual-design rules are stabilized, which are necessary to learn and respect. This problem was also the reason for creation international Socrates Erasmus project Joint Degree in Media Development Engineering [5], where the goal is to define common body of knowledge and an international study program. Among universities from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Slovakia and Spain is also our faculty. All of these definitions certify the fact of existence of different groups of people working in the same field. Each group has its own vocabulary and when they meet, they don’t understand each 3. QUESTIONNAIRES All types of questionnaires should help us devise a student profile and create a suitable curriculum of current studying program on FIIT SUT and on Design Institute of FA STU. For Companies Questionnaires for companies (see Tab. 1) were constructed to find out what kinds of profession/knowledge they would require from their employees provided that they would be graduates of Digital Media Design program. Table 1. Questionnaire for companies 1 Does your institution develop both software and user interfaces? a) If yes, user interfaces are designed by programmers. b) Programmers in collaboration with graphic designers or artists. c) Others (please specify). 2 Does your company develop contract websites? * a) If yes, websites are developed only by programmers (experts in informatics). b) Only by graphic designers or artists. c) Programmers collaborating with graphic designers or artists. d) Others (please specify). 3 Does your company develop websites on its own? * a) If yes, websites are developed only by programmers (experts in informatics). b) Only by graphic designers or artists. c) Programmers collaborating with graphic designers or artists. d) Others (please specify). 4 Does your company design and develop interactive CD/DVD ROM-s (for example catalogues, text books, games...)? * 2 5 6 7 * a) If yes, websites are developed only by programmers (experts in informatics). b) Only graphic designers or artists. c) Programmers collaborating with graphic designers or artists. d) Others (please specify). Does your company / institution develop product or program devices that require creation of digital interactive user interfaces like cell phones, cash dispensers, information kiosks, car electronics or audiovisual technology? a) If yes, interfaces are designed by programmers. b) Programmers in collaboration with graphic designers or artists. c) Others (please specify). In the design process of presented products would you prefer: a) An expert with programming and also visual (audiovisual) skills or b) Graphic designer with minimal but sufficient informatics skills or c) Team of specialists? Do you think, that creating a new study program, where curriculum is focused on informatics courses (basics of programming, Internet technologies, multimedia technologies, ... ), esthetics and design courses (basics of audiovisual communication, basics of design methodology and tools for creation, image processing, animation, video, audio ... ) and business/law courses (management and marketing of electronic content, intellectual property, copyrights, ...) is needed and useful in Slovakia? Note: We assume collaboration with content creators. Design, Ergonomics, Color, Fonts, Graphic Presentation, Design History, Visual For Students of FIIT A questionnaire for students of FIIT was designed to find out in which of the FA courses these students would be interested, if they had the chance to make the choice. The courses, put in the questionnaire, were chosen according to our research of similar curriculums on different universities (see Chapter 2). 1. If you work in a company, do you take part in creation of human-computer interface design? Such as interfaces for programs, for cell phones, for information kiosks, CDs, DVDs, presentation etc. Communication Design, Drawing Design, Photography, Graphic Design, Working with Camcorder, Photographic Design, Video Production. FIIT that would extend your knowledge and skills about design of DM, would you join this program? For FA and AFAD Students These questionnaires were made under the same principles as those previous ones, just the courses were taken form FIIT and we added 4 more to them. 1. If you work in a company, do you take part in creation of human-computer interface design? Such as interfaces for programs, for cell phones, for information kiosks, CDs, DVDs, presentations etc. 4. Which of the following courses (from 2. If you work in a company, do you take 2. If you work in a company, do you take part in a web-pages design? 3. If there would be such study program on FA) would you prefer to have in this study program? part in a web-pages design? 3. If you work in a company, do you take The list of courses (provided by FA) is following: Design Basics I, II, Drawing I, History of Fine Arts I, II, Computer Aided part in a creation of computer games? 3 4. If you extended your knowledge within 4. EVALUATION your study on AFAD getting informatics knowledge and skills, which are connected to interactive DM design, webdesign, and games, which of the following FIIT courses would you choose from a list of subjects? The majority of data was obtained from FIIT students working in different companies as we did not find any effective way how to have them obtained directly from company leaders. We gathered 119 filled questionnaires. The following chart (Fig. 1.) shows the percentage of every positive answer in each group of questions. We left out the questions of type “Others (please specify).” because only a minimum of responders chose it. As we can see from the results, our student’s work usually in companies where programmers are needed, art designers wouldn’t be able to do this work on their own (see the low percentage of 1c, 2b, 3b and 4b), but that is nothing curious about it. An interesting result is that about a half of these students work in companies where collaboration with graphic designers or artists would be effective. Finally, the majority of respondents (80%) thought that creating a new study program where curriculum is focused on informatics, esthetic, design and business/legal courses is needed and useful in Slovakia. The list of subjects (provided by FIIT STU) is following: Procedural Programming (algorithms and language C), Object Oriented Programming (Java, C++ or C#), Principles of Information Systems, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Database Systems, Database Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Development in Java 2 Platform, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics (algorithms, tools, systems), Multimedia Systems (media types principles, coding, compression and authoring), Principles of WebEngineering, Internet Security. Other Subjects (not all now provided): Web-design, Markup and Scripting Languages for Internet (HTML, JavaScript, PHP), Information Searching, Data Mining, Semantic Web, XML, Web3D – Virtual Reality on Internet. 100% 90% 80% 0,66 70% 0,80 0,64 0,63 0,550,53 60% 50% 40% 0,45 0,390,42 0,37 0,49 0,42 0,42 0,25 30% 20% 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 0,11 0,05 0,04 0,03 10% 0% 2c 3a 3b 3c 4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 6a 6b 6c 7 Fig. 1. Evaluation chart of answers from companies Responders of this type of questionnaire were third year bachelor students. All of them visited the course of Human Computer Interaction so they should have a good picture about the importance and complexity of designing in DM. We had 193 responders. The percentages of positive answers on the first three questions were 71%, 44% and 83%. This shows that many students indeed already work with design and would like to have also a study program focused in such a way. The following chart (see Fig. 2) shows their preferences on different FA courses related to DM design. 4 bj ec t O ri e M nt ar ed P ku ro De Pr p c ve ed og an lo ur ra d p al Sc m m Pr m en rip in og ti ti n g n r am g Ja La m v ng a in 2 g ua ge pl a tfo Pr s Da rm fo in rI ci p ta Pr n b le in te as s In ci p rn e of fo et le S rm W s y st eb at of em io -E In n s S e form ngi ne ar a er ti o ch in n in g Sy g, Da st em ta M s ul M tim in in ed g, O … pe ia S ra ys tio t em Co n s Sy m pu st e t er m Ar s Ne ti f ic i t wo al rk In Hu Se s te m cu ll ig an rit e y -C nc on om e W In p eb te ut rn 3D Co er I et nt – m e vi r pu ra c tu te al r G ti on re ra al ph ity i cs on In te W e b rne t -d es ig n O to ry of F H is in e Ar to ry t of I, II D es ig n Fo nt D ra C w ol in o g V D r isu e E rg sig al n on C om om m ics un D ra i c P ho atio win g to n I G gr a De sig ra ph ph i n ic c D es P re V se ig n W i d or nt e at kin o io P g r n C o m w it odu ct pu h c am ion te rA c id or d ed er D e P ho sig n to G ra gr a ph D phi es y c D ig es n i B as gn ics I, II H is 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 10% 0,66 0,67 0,40 0,41 0,09 90% 80% 60% 0,50 0,53 50% 40% 30% 20% 0,06 0,11 0,14 0,17 0,22 0,25 0,33 0,28 0,31 Fig. 3. Evaluation chart of student’s options studying at FA 5 0,71 0,74 0,56 0,59 0,59 0,60 0,46 0,48 0,33 0,34 0,13 Fig. 2. Evaluation chart of student’s options studying at FIIT 100% 0,94 0,72 0,78 70% 0,56 0,36 0,39 0% Reader of Abstracts Bridging the Gap Between Eastern and Western European Multimedia Content: Salzburg, Austria, [3] Pratt Institute, Digital Design and Interactive Media, Retrieved 20.2.2007. [4] Carnegie Mellon University, Faculty of Design, Master of Design in Interaction Design, ok2007.pdf Retrieved 20.2.2007 [5] Official web site of the Socrates Erasmus project Joint Degree in Media Development Engineering. Created in January 2007. It is obvious that students really do not care about history, less than a half would like to know more about things like font, color, drawing staff, ergonomics and visual communication design. More than a half of responders but less than ¾ was interested in the rest of the courses. The most attractive courses are Design Basics and Graphics Design what show the lack of information from this area in our educational process. We got 36 questionnaires from FA students. Fig.3 shows the results. We did not obtain many responders from AFAD, but taking those few as a relevant sample, none of them liked Procedural Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Database Systems and Development in Java 2 platform. Every responder likes Human-Computer Interaction, Web-design and Web3D. Each one works in some company. THE AUTHOR(S) Martin Šperka, associate professor, teaching and research in Human - Computer Interaction, Multimedia and Computer Graphics. Alena Kovárová, PhD. student research interests in Human - Computer Interaction, Multimedia and Virtual Reality in e Learning . 5. CONCLUSIONS It is reasonable and necessary to create a new study program on DM Design, as the companies would often find effective to have somebody understanding both the programming and the art design. FIIT STU students like to know most about Design Basics and Graphics Design and the FA and AFAD students about Human-Computer Interaction, Web-design and Web3D. Acknowledgement: We would like thanking to Ľubomír Horník, associate professor at the FA STU and Oľga Zemanovičová, who helped us to collect data at the FA STU and AFAD. This work was partially supported by the Slovak Cultural Grant Agency (KEGA) under the contract No. 3/3206/05 - Study in Design of Interactive Digital Media. 6. REFERENCES [1] Sperka, M.: Multimedia in Computing Curricula. In: proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (e-Learning) – CompSysTech´2002: Sofia, Bulgaria, 2021.6.2002. – pp.IV.16-1 – IV.16-5. [2] Sperka, M.: Education in Multimedia: What Future Tools Creators Should Know. In: 6