(10 December 2011) Ozark Hispanic Studies League CULTURE BOWL TOURNAMENT QUESTIONS This list of questions has resulted from many years of collecting from many different sources. They have been transcribed several times. There are probably many typographical and some factual errors. Please do not hesitate to call such errors to the attention of the administrator for correction. Additionally, if you find any questions that are difficult to understand or are poorly worded, let the administrator know. If you feel any of the questions are outdated or of dubious value or if you have any suggestions for new questions to add to the list, submit them to the sponsor for next year. We will use this list as the basis for references. If you find mistakes, or if you have questions, please use the numbers here as references. NOTES: Most of the articles (a, an, the) and some other non-essential words have been removed as the first word in the answers. This is to allow more complete scrambling. Answers must be given as shown on the list even if the answer to a given question might be correct. For example: Question: Answer: Explanation: Name the musical instrument similar to the xylophone. Marimba Even though both the vibraphone and the marimba are similar to the xylophone, only ‘marimba’ will be accepted as it is the answer given. Anytime an answer includes two or more elements and the word ‘and’, then all elements must be given. For example: Question: When was the Golden Age of Spanish literature? Answer: Sixteenth and seventeenth centures. Explanation: Both ‘sixteenth’ and ‘seventeenth’ must be mentioned. Anytime an answer includes two or more elements and the word ‘or’ is used, then one of the elements given will be considered correct. Question: What style of architecture can be seen in the Alhambra? Answer: Moorish or Arabic. Explanation: Either ‘Moorish’ or ‘Arabic’ will be acceptable. Judges will have the right to accept slight variations in the answers. Judges also have the right to ask contestants to repeat an answer or to ask for more detail. The last answer given will be considered correct. Their decision on acceptance will be final. NOTE: For the Marionville conference, several new types of questions have been introduced to the competition. They may combine information from more than one of the questions below. These questions generally come in three formats: analogies and commonalities and categories. For example if you heard, "United States is to football as Mexico is to _______. The answer would be "soccer." Or, you might hear, "What do Colorado, Nevada, Delaware have in common?" or just, "Colorado, Nevada, Delaware." Your answer would be, "U.S. states." You may also hear a question such as, "Categorize the following as: game, food, people or place: chocolate." The answer would be "food". These types of questions will always have all the information needed for answering in the current question list OR a previously used list OR will reference commonly know facts concerning the United States or the English-speaking world. Do not supply information that may be relevant but is not included in the question list. The competition questions will NOT be included in the list below, they are given to the judges. QUESTIONS 01. Three revolutions for independence from Spain started in the same year. What year was this? ANSWERS 1810 02. What is the highest peak in the western hemishpere? 03. Which emperor is associated with the Plan de Iguala? 04. 05. 06. 07. What is the significance of kilómetro cero? In what region of Spain did the flamenco originate? Name the former capital of Guatemala. The Cathedral of Seville is gothic. What is the architectural style of the Giralda? What was Maximilian’s nationality? What pre-Colombian relic is the most visited exhibit at the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City? Who was the first Spanish explorer to cross the Isthmus of Panama? The master architect Gaudi has many works in what Spanish city? What is the name of the Mexican candy made from white sweet potato? 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Who was Mexico’s most famous comedian? 22. Who was married to Frida Kahlo? 23. 24. 25. Who painted Las Meninas? Who was the Paraguayan dictator known as “the Supreme”? Which of the following instruments would not be found in a mariachi band: violins, drums, guitars? What river runs close to the Burgos? What two animals appear on the Mexican flag? Name the five major rivers of Spain. What famous painter lived in Toledo, Spain? Name the book by Ciro Alegria about the life of the Indians of Peru. What is the smallest Central American country? What is “La Araucana” and what is its subject matter? Name the four suits in a deck of Spanish playing cards. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. What battle guaranteed Venezuela’s independence? What musical instrument did Pablo Casals play? What two battles guaranteed Chile’s independence? What is the unusual ingredient in the sauce of mole poblano? The Battle of Boyacá guaranteed the independence of what country? What was the profession of Cantínflas? Name two natural products used to wrap tamales. What famous piece of Iberian sculpture is found in Madrid’s Prado Museum? What is the title of the study of gaucho life written by Sarmiento? What was the profession of Luis Buñuel? What do the following have in common? Buñuel, García Berlanga, Erice, Saura, Almodóvar? What style of high jump gained acceptance after its inventor won an Olympic gold medal in Mexico City? What Venezuelan patriot fought in the American, French and SpanishAmerican revolutions? What nationality was José de la Borda, the man who created a silver empire in 18th century Mexico? Who wrote the novel Cien Años de Soledad? What is “ tlachtli”? Aconcagua Agustín I All distances in Spain are measured from here Andalucia Antigua Arabic Austrian Aztec calendar or sun stone Balboa Barcelona Camotes (de Puebla) Cantínflas Carabobo Cello Chacabuco and Maipu Chocolate Colombia Comedian Corn husks and bananas leaves Dama de Elche Diego Rivera Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Yelazquez Dr. Jose Gaspar de Francia Drums Duero Eagle and serpent Ebro, Tajo, Guadiana, Duero, Guadalquivir El Greco El mundo es ancho y ajeno El Salvador Epic poem about the conquest of Chile Espadas (swords), copas (cups), oros (gold coins) and bastos (clubs or batons) Facundo Film Director Film directors from Spain Fosbury Flop Francisco Miranda French Gabriel García Márquez Game with ritual and religious overtones combining elements of basketball and soccer, played by the pre-Columbian Indians from Honduras to Arizona Half finished 42. Whereas in English the hardest part is the beginning, in Spanish after starting you are already _____? 43. In what sport was the term ‘Fosbury flop’ coined in 1968 Mexico Olympics? High jump 44. 45. 46. What is used to start the fermentation of chichi? What is ‘Borinquen’? Name the major folkdance of Venezuela. Human saliva Indigenous name for Puerto Rico Joropo 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Who is the well-known blind singer from Puerto Rico? What famous Latin American singer is known as “El Puma”? What is the social and commercial center of Barcelona? What metal is mined near Linares, Spain? Name the 4 major islands of the Balearic Islands What is the name of the epic gaucho poem written by José Hernandez? 53. Who was emperor of Mexico during the US Civil War? 54. 55. Who was the famous Spanish author of the book Niebla? What is the capital of Uruguay? 56. Where is the Piedra del Sol located in Mexico? 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. What exiled Argentine singer recorded “No llores por mi, Argentina” (Don’t cry for me, Argentina)? What is depicted in “El baile de los viejitos”? Where did Bob Beamon set the world record for the long jump? What was the profession of Joan Miró? In what Latin American country is the Darien rain forest located? Who led the victorious Christian armies at the Battle of Covadonga? Name the common currency of Colombia, Argentina, and Chile? Who painted “Guernica”? What battle guaranteed Ecuador’s independence? What is the highest mountain peak in Mexico? What is the name of the dictator who replaced the president of Chile in 1973? What is a pepita? What is the national emblem of Guatemala? What is “el Yunque”? What is ceviche? What are the two alcoholic ingredients in sangria? What is another name for the Rio Bravo? What is the name of the river that borders Texas and Mexico? What is the Guadalquivir? Who wrote “Doña Bárbara”? When is Mexican Independence Day? Name one of Mexico’s 3 mountain ranges. 79. Jose de la Borda created what kind of empire in Mexico? 80. 81. 82. What metal is mined near Taxco, Mexico? How old was Jorge Luis Borges when he wrote his first book? What is a gaseosa? 83. Name the Mexican literary figure called the "Tenth Muse." If you heard a native speaker say, “theen-ko tha-pa-tohss” instead of “seenkoh sa-pah-tohs”, you could reasonably assume that person is from what country? 85. What is zarzuela? 84. 86. What is Celaya famous for? 87. 88. What it the capital of Honduras? Upon which ancient city was Mexico City founded? 89. When the pre-historic Aztecs saw eagle and the serpent what did it mean to them? 90. What is unique about the costumes worn by ‘cholitas luchadoras?” 91. What are the instruments of a Mariachi? 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. What was the effect of the “Plan of Iguala”? The Spanish word for what animal gave the Galápagos Islands their name? What is the name of the currency used in Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of what country? What is the smallest Spanish-speaking country in South America? The Battle of Carabobo guaranteed the in independence of what country? In what country is “Doña Bárbara” set? Jose Feliciano José Luís Rodriguez La Plaza de Cataluña Lead Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera Martin Fierro Maxmilian Miguel de Unamuno Montevideo Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City Nacha Guevara Old men dancing Olympic Games in Mexico City Painter Panamá Pelayo el Magnífico Peso Picasso Pichincha Pico de Orizaba Pinochet Pumpkin seed Quetzal bird Rainforest in Puerto Rico Raw fish marinated in lime juice Red wine and brandy Rio Grande Rio Grande River in Spain Rómulo Gallegos Sept. 16 Sierra Madre del Sur, Sierra Madre Oriental, Sierra Madre Occidental Silver Silver Six years old Soft drink Sor Juana Inéz de la Cruz Spain Spicy shellfish stew or a short, lively Spanish musical show Sweets Tegucigalpa Tenochtitlán They had reached the place they would build their home Traditional dresses Tumpet, violin, guitar Turned Mexico into a independent monarchy Turtles U.S. dollar United States Uruguay Venezuela Venezuela What is Chile’s leading summer resort? What ethnic group dominated Spain from the fall of the Roman Empire to 711 A.D.? 101. What is found at the bottom of the bottle of mescal? 99. 100. Viña del Mar Visigoths Worm The following questions were used for Central 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Who was the first prime Minister under King Juan Carlos in Spain? From what nut is the drink horchata made? What are tapas? El Día de los Inocentes is equivalent to what American day? Where would you find a “tapatío”? What country is famous for the dance the tango? In what countries would you find the region called Patagonia? What and where is the driest desert in the world? Other than Spanish, what language is spoken in the Basque region of Spain? Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez Almonds or ground melon seeds Appetizers April Fool’s Day Area of Mexico around Guadalajara Argentina Argentina and Chile Atacama in Chile Basque 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. What city is the “Pittsburgh” of Spain? What color beans are generally used in Cuba? What is the color of the famous pottery from Oaxaca? What does the red in the Spanish flag represent? What is “patolli”? Bilbao Black Black Blood shed in the country’s wars Board game resembling parcheesi played by the pre-Columbian Indians. Bogotá Bolero, fandango, flamenco, sardana, or jota Book store Brazil and Argentina Bread Buenos Aires Buenos Aires and Montevideo 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. What is the capital of Colombia? Name a type of Spanish folk dance? What is a libreria? Between what two countries are found the Iguazú Falls? What would you buy in a panadería? What is the capital of Argentina? Name the two South American capitals located on the banks of the same river. In what city is El Cid buried? The Aztecs used what agricultural product both as money and a drink? How did Hidalgo and Morelos die? Who was Maximilian’s wife? What official language other than Spanish is spoken in Barcelona, Spain? What is a zócalo? What are the main ingredients in arroz con pollo? What miniature dog originated in Mexico? What are the people of Mexico City called? What Latin American country is hot and desert like in the north but covered with icy glaciers in the south? What is a “huaso”? What Spanish breakfast food is often eaten with hot chocolate? What is gazpacho? The tomb of which famous explorer is in the Cathedral of Seville? What did Gonzalo de Córdoba do? What are plaintains or plátanos? What is the main ingredient in the drink atole? Besides water, what is the main ingredient in the soup Pozole? Who searched for the “seven cities of Cibola”? What nationality are ticos? What is a gaucho? For which country did Jose Martí fight? What country produces the most sugar in Latin America? From what country is singer Gloria Estefan? Two Spanish-speaking countries have flags with identical design, but with Burgos Cacao beans Captured by Spanish & executed by firing squad Carlota Catalán Central plaza in a Mexican city Chicken and rice Chihuahua Chilangos Chile Chilean cowboy Churros Cold vegetable soup from Andalucía Columbus Conquer most of Italy Cooking bananas (in Mexico plátano macho) Corn Corn or Hominy Coronado Costa Rican Cowboy in Argentina Cuba Cuba Cuba Cuba, Puerto Rico 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. two colors, red and blue, reversed. What are the countries? What was the nationality of the poet Jose Martí? What is Pablo Picasso’s style of painting? What is the name of the capital city of the ancient Incas? What would you buy at a lecheria? In English while the cat’s away the mice play. What do they do in Spanish? What is a merengue? 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. What do the words ‘tomato’, ‘chocolate’ and ‘coyote’ have in common? What is flan? What country is famous for the dance the merengue? What country was founded by Juan Pablo Duarte in 1844? Who or what was Rocinante? Which major river runs through Zaragoza? Where are Cotopaxi and Chimbrazo located? What are nopales? 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. What is the main ingredient in the candies yemas? Whose tomb is in the cathedral of Burgos? What is the most famous art museum in Spain? About whom is Broadway musical Evita? How did Maximilian die? Which king had El Escorial built? What 16th-17th century dramatist is considered the father of Spanish theater? What kings reigned during the Spanish conquest of Italy? What is chicha? 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. How many times did Spain's Miguel Induraín win the tour de France? Name the famous egg custard of Mexico and Spain. In the English proverb the birds are in a bush, what are they doing in the Spanish proverb? What is the jota? What is chuño? Who was married to the famous muralist Diego Rivera? What are chicharrones? What is a “coqui”? What is the name of the court on which “jai alai” is played? What is a mango? What is huitlacoche? What type of soup do Spaniards eat to cure everything? What is the main ingredient of sopa de ajo? What is menudo? Name the sport and the nationality of José María Olazabal. Name the sport and the nationality of Seve Ballesteros. Why do Spanish people eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve? Give the colors of the Mexican flag, in order, beginning with the color nearest the flagpole. On what river is Cordoba? On what river is Seville located? What are the two official languages of Paraguay? What musical instrument did Andrés Segovia play? What is pulque? Who was the first European explorer to reach the Mississippi River? From what flower is Agua de Jamaica made? What is the huapango? Cuban Cubism Cuzco Dairy products Dance Dance (national dance of the Dominican Republic) Derived from Nahuatl, language of the Aztecs Dessert made from egg custard Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Don Quixote’s horse Ebro Ecuador Edible cactus used in salads and as hot vegetable (pad from a prickly pear) Egg yolks El Cid (Campeador) El Prado Evita Perón, wife of Juan peron, of Argentina Executed by firing squad Felipe II Felix Lope de Vega Ferdinand and Isabella Fermented corn drink used by the Indians of Peru & Bolivia Five Flan Flying Folkdance from Spain Freeze-dried potatoes used in the Andes Frida Kahlo Fried pork skins Frog, native to el Yunque in Puerto Rico Frontón Fruit Fungus that grows on corn, eaten in chili sauce in Mexico. (considered a delicacy) Garlic Garlic Giblets, tripe soup or a boy band from Puerto Rico Golf and Spain Golf and Spain Good luck Green, white and red Guadalquivir Guadalquivir Guaraní and Spanish Guitar Hard liquor (fermented juice of maguey plant, found only Mexico) Hernando de Soto Hibiscus Huastec (Mexican Indian) dance or song 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. What Indian tribe spoke Quechua? What does the green stand for in the Mexican flag? What do you add to the end of a Spanish noun to show friendliness or affection? Juanito is the nickname for _____. Who became the king of Spain after Franco’s rule? Who was the first European explorer to reach Florida? Who is singer Enrique Iglesias’ famous father? La Puerta del Sol is the name of the central plaza of what Spanish city? What is the capital of Spain? “El Corte Inglés” (The English Court) is a very large department store chain headquartered in what city? What is the largest river in Colombia? What small river runs through Madrid? What is the main river of Peru? Who actually kills the bull, the picador or the matador? Who might wear a suit of lights? What would one drink through a bombilla? Carlota, who went insane after his death, was the wife of which Mexican emperor? What would you buy at a carnicería? From what country is the famous muralist Diego Rivera? From what country is the jarabe tapatío? Chihuahua is the name for a small breed of dog, a state capital and a state. From which country does this breed’s name come? El Zócalo is the name of the central plaza of what Mexican city? Who were the first 2 leaders of the independence movement of Mexico? What are Chimborazo and Cotopaxi? What was the name of Columbus’ first colony What is El Excelsior? What term identifies the group of young cadets in Mexico City who wrapped themselves in the Mexican flag in Chapultepec Park during the Mexican American War and jumped to their deaths instead of surrendering? What type of cactus is eaten in Mexico? Name the four major volcanos in Mexico. Where do the Argentine gauchos live? What are the grasslands of Argentina called? Where would you go to buy bread in Mexico? What Central American country borders South America? What Central American country’s name completes the palindrome: A man, a plan, a canal, ___ Who was the Cisco Kid’s sidekick? What Mexican revolutionary led an army of cowboys and ruffians in the Mexican Revolution of 1910? What Mexican revolutionary’s car is made fun of in the song “La Cucaracha”? General Pershing was sent on an expedition into the southern part of the U.S. and northern Mexico to capture whom? What Mexican revolutionary of the early 1900’s raided the southwestern United States but escaped unharmed back into Mexico? Spanish and guaraní are the official languages of what country? What is the name of the volcano that erupted in a Mexican cornfield in 1943? Who founded Santiago de Chile? What’s the name of the fast-moving Basque game played on a court called a frontón? What was the Porfiriato? What is the general name of a store where fish is sold? Incas Independence -ito or -ita Juan Juan Carlos Juan Ponce de Leon Julio Iglesias Madrid Madrid Madrid Magdalena Manzanares Marañon Matador Matador Mate Maximilian Meat Mexico Mexico México Mexico City Miguel Hidalgo and José María Morelos Mountains (volcanos) in Ecuador Navidad Newspaper or N.Y. Times of Mexico Niños Héroes Nopal cactus Orizaba, Popocatepetl, Ixtaccihuatl and Paricutín Pampa Pampa Panadería Panama Panama Pancho Pancho Villa Pancho Villa Pancho Villa Pancho Villa Paraguay Paricutín Pedro de Valdivia Pelota or jai-alai Period of time when Porfirio Díaz ruled México Pescadería 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. What is the Flor de Nochebuena? What are granadas? Name the three most recently active Mexican volcanoes? What Mexican president served two terms, one in 1877-1880 and the other 1884-1911? What is a tortilla Española? For what is yucca a common substitute? What major art museum is located in Madrid, Spain? From what Spanish-speaking area is the actress Rita Moreno? From what country is Ricky Martin? What vegetable is carved and judged at a festival in Oaxaca? What color is chorizo? What is the color of the bullfighter’s small cape? What color wine is used in sangria? What are the colors of the Spanish flag? What are the colors in Bolivia’s flag? What does the white stand for in the Mexican flag? What Puerto Rican actress played in West Side Story? Who was the first Puerto Rican baseball player to be voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1973? What is brazo del gitano? What Spanish artist is famous for surrealism? What is the capital of Chile? What South American capital was founded by Pedro de Valdivia? What is chorizo? Name the two most important cities on the Guadalquivir. What is jerez? What is sold in a zapatería? Who were Los Niños Heroes? How long is the term of office of the president of México and how many terms may he be president? When was the Golden Age of Spanish literature? Who is Speedy Gonzalez’ lethargic cousin? While –ito or –ita may be used to show affection, these suffixes may also be used to show what? What is a “telenovela”? In what Spanish speaking country was Picasso born? What Spanish-speaking country is a source for saffron? From what Spanish-speaking country is actor Antonio Banderas? Where is horchata drunk? Name both official languages of Catalonia. What famous Mexican cartoon character was taken off the air but returned in June 2002 because of his fans’ campaign? Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico? What 1988 movie was inspired by real-life math teacher, Jaime Escalante, who worked with inner city high school students in East Los Angeles? What style of painting is Dalí famous for? What do you call a soap opera in Spanish? Name the sport and the nationality of Rafael Nadal. What occupation did Orozco, Siqueiros and Rivera all have in common? What is fabada? In Latin American, what is a tortilla? How many states are there in Mexico? Into how many tercios is a bullfight divided? What city does the Tajo almost surround? Which Indian tribe in Mexico had Tula as their capital? Poinsettia Pomegranates Popocatépetl, Pico de Orizaba, Paricutín Porfirio Díaz Potato omelet Potatoes Prado Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Radish Red Red Red Red or crimson and gold or yellow Red, yellow, green Religion Rita Moreno Roberto Clemente Rolled cake with cream filling Salvador Dali Santiago Santiago, Chile Sausage Seville and Cordoba Sherry or wine Shoes Six boys who jumped off the cliff at the military academy during the Mexican- American war Six years, one term Sixteenth and seventeenth centuries Slowpoke Rodriguez Smaller version of regular noun to which they are attached Soap opera Spain Spain Spain Spain and Mexico Spanish and Catalán Speedy Gonzalez Speedy Gonzalez Stand and Deliver Surrealism Telenovela Tennis and Spain They are all Mexican muralists Thick bean soup with pork, ham and spiced sausage Thin flat cake made from corn or flour Thirty one Three Toledo Toltecs 191. 192. What is the name for a popular flat, thin cornmeal pancake? What is paella? 193. 194. What are huevos rellenos stuffed with? What is an empanada? 195. 196. How many strings does a ‘tiple’ have? What is yerba mate? 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. What would you ask for in Spanish if you wanted red wine? What does the red stand for in the Mexican flag? Name the Spanish city on the Mediterranean coast, which is important to the export of wine, rice and oranges. What type of orange received its name from a Spanish city? Where did paella become a specialty? Through what country does the Orinoco river run through? “El sancocho”, “las arepas” and “las cachapas” are all foods common to what country? What is the Mexican version of the children’s game “London Bridge”? Many Mexicans say this fruit represents their flag. Give the English equivalent of: Cuando el gato no está en casa, bailan los ratones. What must you specify when ordering a soft drink (refresco) in Mexico? What familiar structure on the Spanish countryside did Don Quixote fight? What is Spanish manzanilla? Give three of the four meanings for the word ‘pollera’. 211. 212. What is the Plaza Mayor called in Mexico City? What is the main square of Mexico City called? 213. 214. Who are Gaspar, Melchior and Baltasar? Why did Pizarro name Lima “the city of the kings”? 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. When do the Spanish eat a Roscón de Reyes? When do Spanish children receive their Christmas presents? What is a ‘tiple’? What was the capital of the Aztecs and when was it founded? When was Santo Domingo founded? How high is the highest peak in Spain? What is the altitude of Lake Titicaca? Who was Carlos V's son? What Moorish stronghold did El Cid capture? What was the name of El Cid's favorite horse? What is a mano y metate? What is the monetary unit of exchange in Guatemala? Tortilla Traditional Spanish dish made with rice and sea food Tuna Turnover-type pastry filled with meat or sweet filling Twelve Type of tea consumed in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay Un tinto Union Valencia Valencia Valencia, Spain Venezuela Venezuela Vibora de la Mar Watermelon When the cat’s away the mice will play. Whether you want it at room temperature or cold Windmills Wine lightly flavored with camomile Woman that sells chickens, skirt, traditional dress of women of the altiplano, chicken coop Zócalo Zócalo or Constitution Plaza (Plaza de la Constitución) The 3 kings (wise men) Founded on January 6, Kings’ Day, when the three wise men are aid to have arrived to visit Jesus in Bethlehem January 6 January 6 Guitar, small with 12 strings Tenochtitlán, 1325 1496 11,400 feet 12,500 feet Philip II Valencia Babieca Grind corn for tortillas Quetzal The following questions were used for MSU 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. In the English proverb there are three birds. How many are there in the Spanish proverb? According to the latest official census, what is the population of Mexico (within 5 million)? How high is the highest peak in Spain? 101 103 million (accept 98-111 million) 11,400 feet 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. When was the Giralda built? What is the altitude of Lake Titicaca? When was Santo domingo founded? Three revolutions for independence from Spain started in the same year. What year was this? In what year did Mexico gain its independence from Spain? When was the Republic of Great Colombia completed? When was the battle of Ayacucho? When and how did Jose Martí die? In what year did the Pan American Union form? 17. What were the years of the Mexican Revolution? 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. When did Puerto Ricans acquire U.S. citizenship? In what year did Francisco Franco come to power in Spain? What is the “Operation Bootstrap”? In what year were the Olympics held in Mexico City? When did Belize win its independence? In what year was the world soccer championship in Spain? 24. According to the latest UNESCO estimate, what percent of Mexico’s population is considered illiterate? 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Give the English equivalent of: Perro que ladra no muerde. Give the English equivalent of: Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando. Give the English equivalent of: Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres. Give the English equivalent of: Él que espera, desespera. Give the English equivalent of: Al buen entendedor pocas palabras bastan. 30. What was the destination of the Ship on the TV series “Love Boat”? 31. 32. 33. 34. What is the highest peak in the western hemishpere? Who was the first prime Minister under King Juan Carlos in Spain? When would a Spanish person have a merienda? What are tertulias? 35. From what kind of plant is tequila made? Which emperor is associated with the Plan de Iguala? 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Since independence from Spain, Mexico has had two emperors. Name them. Who was the first person of Asian descent to become a head of state in a Latin American country? What is Don Quijote’s maiden’s real name in Don Quijote de la Mancha? What is the name of the Moorish palace in Granada? Where is the Patio of the Lions (El Patio de Los Leones)? Name two Moorish palaces in Granada What is the significance of kilómetro cero? Give the English equivalent of: No es oro todo lo que reluce. Name the program established by the U.S. and other Latin American countries in 1961 aimed at helping Latin America. What is the nut used to make marzipan? From what nut is the drink horchata made? What is the largest river in South America? For whom was the continent of South America named? What Nicaraguan leader did the Sandanista National Liberation front overthrow in 1979? In what region of Spain did the flamenco originate? Where is Cadiz? What mountain range stretches along the west coast of South America? Who wrote the nineteenth century grammar text still considered one to the best? 55. Who ran against President Calderón of Mexico in the last election? 56. 57. 58. What famous waterfall is in Venezuela? What Mexican-born actor played the lead role in Zorba the Greek? Name the former capital of Guatemala. 1184 A.D. 12,500 feet 1496 1810 1821 1822 1824 1895 in an invasion of Cuba 1910 1910 - 1920 1917 1939 1941 economic program of Puerto Rico 1968 1981 1982 7% (UNESCO est. 2005) A barking dog doesn’t bite. A bird in the hand is worth two in a bush. A man is judged by the company he keeps. A watched pot never boils. A word to the wise is sufficient. Acapulco Aconcagua Adolfo Suarez Gonzalez Afternoon Afternoon discussions at a local café Agave Agustín I Agustín I and Maximilian Alberto Fujimora or Peru Aldonza Alhambra Alhambra Alhambra and the Generalife All distances in Spain are measured from here All that glitters is not gold. Alliance for Progress Almond Almonds or ground melon seeds Amazon Amerigo Vespucci Anastasio Somoza Debayle Andalucia Andalucia, a port on the Atlantic Andes Andrés Bello Andrés Manuel López Obrador Angel Falls or el Salto Angel Anthony Quinn Antigua 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. Guatemala has had two capitals. Name them. According to tradition, what religious figure is buried in Santiago Campostela? What are tapas? What kind of cider comes from Asturias? El Día de los Inocentes is equivalent to what American day? What ancient Roman structure is still standing to day in Segovia, Sapin? The Cathedral of Seville is gothic. What is the architectural style of the Giralda? Many Spanish words beginning with ‘al’ are of what origin? What style of architecture do you find in southern Spain? What were the two Indian tribes that Columbus and other explorers encountered in the Caribbean Islands? Where would you find a “tapatío”? What is a ruedo? What country is described as being the “Breadbasket of South America” because on the amount of grain it exports? What country is famous for the dance the tango? Which Spanish speaking country has the largest Jewish population? What is the largest Spanish speaking country in South America? Great Britain went to war with which country over the ownership of the Falkland Islands? In what countries would you find the region called Patagonia? Name the work by Jose Enrique Rodo comparing North America and South America. When would one hear a “Paso Doble”? When do you say “Buen provecho”? What and where is the driest desert in the world? Though land-locked, both Bolivia and Paraguay have river access to which ocean? “Dorado” one of Puerto Rico’s beautiful beaches lies on what body of water? When did Columbus leave Palos? What was Maximilian’s nationality? What is the main ingredient of guacamole? What was the last battle for independence in South America? What pre-Colombian relic is the most visited exhibit at the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City? What three cultures are represented in Mexico City’s Plaza de Tres Culturas? What ancient Indians lived only in Mexico? What course does the Spanish Graduado Escolar lead to? What is the largest peninsula on the Pacific coast of Latin America? Who was the first Spanish explorer to cross the isthmus of Panama? What two major island groups are included in the country of Spain? What is the national dance of Colombia? Which is Panama’s leading export? Oil, sugarcane or bananas The master architect Gaudi has many works in what Spanish city? Where is the largest port in Spain? What does one do before purchasing an item in a Mexican market? Who founded Santo Domingo? Who was the “apostle of the Indians”? Many Puerto Rican players of this sport have had successful careers in the USA. Name the sport. Who was Roberto Clemente? Other than Spanish, what language is spoken in the Basque region of Spain? What is the English term for "vasco"? Antigua and Guatemala Apostle James Appetizers Apple April Fool’s Day Aqueduct Arabic Arabic Arabic or Moorish Arawak and carib Area of Mexico around Guadalajara Arena Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina Argentina and Chile Ariel At a bullfight At mealtimes Atacama in Chile Atlantic Atlantic Ocean August 3, 1492 Austrian Avocado Ayacucho Aztec calendar or sun stone Aztec, Spanish or colonial and Mexican or modern Aztecs Bacherillato Clásico Baja California Balboa Balearic and Canary Bambuco Bananas Barcelona Barcelona Bargain for a price Bartolomé Colón Bartolomé de las Casas Baseball Baseball player Basque Basque 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. What animal food product is a major export commodity of Argentina? What does “Pre-Columbian” mean? What country was formally known as British Honduras? Which Central American country’s official language is English? What Mexican president was a Zapotec Indian? Who was the Mexican patriot who defeated Maximilian? Who wrote the earliest account of the Mexican conquest? Who was the general who helped San Martin win independence for Chile? Who was the first president of Chile? Give the English equivalent of: Más vale tarde que nunca. San Sebastian is known as the ----or ----of Spain. What is La Vuelta a España? What city is the “Pittsburgh” of Spain? What northern Spanish City is the center of the mining industry? Who wrote the music for the opera Carmen? What color beans are generally used in Cuba? What is the color of the famous pottery from Oaxaca? What does the red in the Spanish flag represent? What are the colors of the Argentine flag? What is “patolli”? 125. 126. 127. What is the capital of Colombia? Name a type of Spanish folk dance? If you were to go to the highest capital city in the Western hemisphere to what country would you travel? Which South American country has two capitals? In colonial times, which South American country produced the most silver? In what country did the ‘cholitas luchadoras’ originate? What two Latin American countries are landlocked? The Chaco War was fought between what two South American countries? In which two countries does Lake Titicaca lie? What is a libreria? What is the bullfighter’s greatest honor? What is the name of the ruling family of Spain? What does a Guatemalan refer to with the word “patojo”? What battle guaranteed Colombia’s independence? What beverages are associated with the name Domecq? What is the largest country in South American? Between what two countries are found the Iguazú Falls? Which two South American countries, if placed across the US, would reach from New York to San Francisco? What would you buy in a panadería? What is Belize’s former name? 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. Who was Cuitlahuac? What color is associated with St. Francis of Assisi? What is the capital of Argentina? Name the two South American capitals located on the banks of the same river. What is a corrida? Where can you hear the cheer ‘ole’? What is a torero? What was the profession of El Cordobés? What was the profession of Manolete? What is the profession of Conchita Cintron and Maribel Atienza? In what city is El Cid buried? What is the capital of Old Castile? What form of transportation do the majority of city dwelling Colombians use? Beef Before Columbus’ arrival in the New World Belize Belize Benito Juárez Benito Juárez Bernal Díaz del Castillo Bernardo O`Higgins Bernardo O’Higgins Better late than never. Biarritz or Lido Bicycle race Bilbao Bilbao Bizet Black Black Blood shed in the country’s wars Blue and White (some yellow in coat of arms) Board game resembling parcheesi played by the pre-Columbian Indians. Bogotá Bolero, fandango, flamenco, sardana, or jota Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia and Paraguay Bolivia and Paraguay Bolivia and Perú Book store Both ears and the tail of the bull as trophies Bourbons Boy Boyacá Brandy and wine Brazil Brazil and Argentina Brazil and Chile Bread British Honduras Brother of Montezuma, next-to-last Aztec ruler Brown Buenos Aires Buenos Aires and Montevideo Bullfight Bullfight Bullfighter Bullfighter Bullfighter Bullfighters Burgos Burgos Bus 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. The Aztecs used what agricultural product both as money and a drink? From what kind of plant is the base for tequila extracted? Would a Spaniard be more likely to entertain after dinner at home or at a café? Vicuñas and guanacos are wild relatives of what old world animal? This daughter of a Cuban American stars in such films as Shrek, Being John Malkovich and The Mask. What is the name of the Mexican candy made from white sweet potato? What mountain range is known a “Picos de Europa”? Name the two seas and one ocean surrounding Spain. Who was Mexico’s most famous comedian? How did Hidalgo and Morelos die? What battle guaranteed Venezuela’s independence? Where was Bolivar born? In what sea is Cuba located? Name Mexico’s most famous composer and director of classical music. Which Latin Grammy artist’s album “Supernatural” won eight Grammy awards in 2000? Who was Maximilian’s wife? What restaurant in Madrid was mentioned in two of Hemingway’s novels? What hand instrument accompanies many Spanish dances? What is the Spanish language called in Spain? What is a parador? What official language other than Spanish is spoken in Barcelona, Spain? What is the largest gothic cathedral in Europe? Why is no meat served on Fridays of Lent in many Hispanic countries? Where would you find the ancient paintings in Altamira, Spain? What are houses of the Almanzaras gypsies called? What Mexican city is most famous for its sweets? What musical instrument did Pablo Casals play? Who arrived in Spain shortly after the Iberians? Where do Mexicans go on All Soul’s Day? What is a zócalo? What is the highest peak in Spain? From whom do Nicaragua’s Sadinistas take their name? What Mexican-American led migrant workers to better conditions through the United Farm Workers? 191. Spain controls two cities on the north coast of Africa. Name them. 192. What two battles guaranteed Chile’s independence? 193. What would you do in a public tent on the northern beaches of Spain? 190. 194. 195. 196. What is the Mexican equivalent to a rodeo? What are the Mexican female and male traditional types called? What is the term for a person of Mexican origin who was born in the United States? 197. What is the name of the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico? 198. What are the main ingredients in arroz con pollo? 199. What miniature dog originated in Mexico? 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. What are the people of Mexico City called? Which country reaches the farthest south? What Latin American country is about 2700 miles long but only 100 miles wide? What Latin American country is hot and desert like in the north but covered with icy glaciers in the south? Where is Aconcagua located? Which is the longest Spanish-speaking country? Gabriela Mistral, the Nobel Prize winning poetess, is from what country? Which South American countries have lakes like Switzerland? Cacao beans Cactus or maguey Café Camels Cameron Diaz Camotes (de Puebla) Cantabrian Mountains in Spain Cantabrian, Mediterranean and Atlantic Cantínflas Captured by Spanish and shot Carabobo Caracas, Venezuela Caribbean Carlos Chavez Carlos Santana Carlota Casa Botín Castanets Castellano (Castilian) Castle converted into a hotel Catalán Cathedral of Seville Catholic custom Cave Cave houses Celaya Cello Celts Cemetery Central plaza in a Mexican city Cerro de Mulhacén César Augusto Sandino (Nicaraguan guerilla leader, fought U.S. Marines 1920’s) César Chavez Ceuta and Melilla Chacabuco and Maipu Change your clothes Charreada Charro and China Poblana Chicano Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Montebec, or Palenque Chicken and rice Chihuahua Chilangos Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile and Argentina 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. What is a “huaso”? What beverage was reserved for the priests and royalty among the Aztecs? What is the unusual ingredient in the sauce of mole poblano? During what holiday are luminarias used? During what holiday is turrón eaten? What holiday is known as La Nochebuena? When are marzipan animals sold? What European was the first to forge a permanent bridge between Europe and the western hemisphere? What Spanish breakfast food is often eaten with hot chocolate? What herb is generally used in guacamole? What Mexican holiday celebrates the Mexican victory over French forces in the town of Puebla, Mexico? What spice is used in Spanish hot chocolate? Mexican couples usually have two wedding ceremonies. Name them. What is Columbia’s biggest legal export? What is the flavor of kahlua? What is gazpacho? What is “Tradicciones Peruanas”? Which South American country has ports on the Pacific and the Caribbean? The Battle of Boyacá guaranteed the independence of what country? Which Spanish speaking country produces 90% of the world’s emeralds? From what country is singer Shakira? In 1986, what coutry was supposed to host the World Cup, but didn’t? Before the U.S. engineered the Panama Canal, to what country did the land belong? There are two styles of ‘cumbia’. In what countries did they originate? What modern day countries formed the Republic of Great Colombia? In 1993, Linda Alvarado was the first Hispanic to become the owner of a major league baseball team. Which team was it? The tomb of which famous explorer is in the Cathedral of Seville? What was the profession of Cantínflas? What is the occupation of Mortadelo and Filemón? What was the “Football War”? 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. What is Tex Mex music called? What did Gonzalo de Córdoba do? What are plaintains or plátanos? Name two minerals found in quantity in Chile. What Puerto Rican frog has recently invaded Hawaii? What important crop grown in Spain is the bark of a tree? What is the main ingredient in the drink atole? What are the two main staples of the Mexican diet? 246. 247. 248. What are the main staples of the Mexican diet? 249. Besides water, what is the main ingredient in the soup Pozole? 250. Who searched for the “seven cities of Cibola”? What is masa harina? Name two natural products used to wrap tamales. Chilean cowboy Chocolate Chocolate Christmas Christmas Christmas Eve Christmas, Easter and other festivals Christopher Columbus Churros Cilantro Cinco de Mayo Cinnamon Civil and religious or church Coffee Coffee Cold vegetable soup from Andalucía Collection of stories about colonial life written by Ricardo Palma Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia Colombia and Mexico Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panamá Colorado Rockies Columbus Comedian Comic book spies Conflict between El Salvador and Honduras ignited by hotly contested soccer matches in 1969 Conjunto Conquer most of Italy Cooking bananas (in Mexico plátano macho) Copper and nitrates Coqui Cork Corn Corn and beans Corn and beans Corn flour Corn husks and bananas leaves Corn or Hominy Coronado