Nama Lengkap Penulis/Full Name of Writer(s)[1]

Title in English
Nama Lengkap Penulis/Full Name of Writer(s)1
Isi abstrak diketik dengan spasi tunggal, Times New Roman ukuran 12, rata kanan kiri. Abstrak
memuat latar belakang masalah, tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan, hasil dan kesimpulan.
Abstrak Bahasa Indonesia terdiri dari 150-300 kata.
Kata kunci: minimal mencantumkan dua kata kunci, dipisahkan dengan koma
The abstract is written in single space, Times New Roman Style 12-point font, justified. The
abstract includes background of the study, the aim of writing, the method used, finding, and
conclusion. The English abstract consists of 150-200 words.
Key words: minimum two words, separated by comma
Tiap paragraf baru menggunakan indent dan tulisan diketik menggunakan jenis font
Times New Roman Style ukuran 12, spasi tunggal, dan rata kanan dan kiri. Pendahuluan berisi
latar belakang masalah, tujuan, dan urgensinya
Each new paragraph is indented and the body of essay is typed in Times New Roman
Style 12-point font, single space, and justified. Introduction contains background of the study,
aims and the urgent of writing.
Metode Penelitian/Method
Metode berisi pendekatan/tipe penelitian, lokasi, populasi dan sampel, teknik
pengumpulan data, dan teknik analisis data/
Method contains research approach/type, population and sample, techniques of sampling,
techniques of data collection and analyze be described in details.
Subjudul (jika ada)/Sub-heading title (if any)
Hindari penulisan dalam dot-points, pengabjadan, atau penomoran vertikal. Jika memang
diperlukan, bisa ditulis dalam: 1) xxx, 2) xxx. Jika penulis ingin memasukkan grafik/gambar atau
tabel, ketentuannya adalah sebagai berikut: 1) dikirim dalam format MSWord. Jangan
menggunakan format JPEG atau PDF untuk tabel, 2) grafik/tabel hanya memuat data yang
sudah diolah, hanya digunakan dalam rangka efisiensi presentasi data dan harus diacu dalam
tulisan, 3) hanya ada tiga garis horisontal dalam tabel, 4) tabel terdiri dari nomor tabel, judul
tabel (di bagian atas), “catatan/keterangan” bila diperlukan (di bagian bawah tabel, untuk
menjelaskan singkatan-singkatan dalam tabel), dan sumber (di bagian bawah tabel), 5) nomor dan
judul grafik/gambar diletakkan di bagian bawah beserta sumber/
Avoid presenting ideas in bullets and numbers/alphabets vertically. If necessary, write
them as 1) xxx, 2) xxx. If it is neccessary to include graph/picture or table, follow these
guidelines: 1) graph/table is made in MSWord. Do not use .jpeg or .pdf format for tables, 2)
graph/table should contain only processed data and should be referred to in the paper, 3) use only
three horizontal lines in tables, 4) table consists of number of table, title of table (written on top
of it), notes or descriptions, if necessary (under the table, to describe the abbreviations used in the
table), and source (written under the table), 5) the number and title of graph/picture should be
written under the table, together with the source.
Tabel 1. Tingkat Pendapatan Lulusan Teknisi Perpustakaan Tahun 2014-2015
Tingkat Pendapatan Lulusan
Total Orang
Sumber: data wawancara
Grafik 1. Jumlah Pemustaka (sumber: Ruang Baca Teknisi Perpustakaan 2011)
Simpulan bukanlah pengulangan hasil penelitian, tetapi merupakan tulisan penutup yang berisi
implikasi penelitian dan/atau pemahaman baru yang didapatkan dari hasil penelitian dalam kaitannya
dengan permasalahan dalam konteks yang lebih luas./
Conclusion may not be repetitions of ideas presented previously. It should provide implications of
research and wider conception of ideas/understanding resulting from research.
Ucapan Terima Kasih/Acknowledgement
Bagian ini berisi ucapan terima kasih kepada orang-orang yang berjasa dalam proses penelitian,
misalnya para informan atau pemberi akses data, maupun penyandang dana/
This section is only dedicated for people who contribute a great deal to the research, for example
the key informants or those who provide access to data/sponsorship.
Paper Format
The paper should be written in A4 paper format, with bottom-top, left-right margin of 3cm. The paper
must be typed with Times New Roman font style, size 12, single space.
References and Citation
Use the “APA Reference format” for references. For more details on APA style please visit
Tables and Figures
Table and figure position is centered. Table uses 3 horizontal lines, table and graphic is in MS
Words/Excels format. Table and figure title position is on the top of the table.
Williams, J. H. (2008). Employee engagement: Improving participation in safety. Professional Safety,
53(12), 40-45.
Keller, T. E., Cusick, G. R., & Courtney, M. E. (2007). Approaching the transition to adulthood:
Distinctive profiles of adolescents aging out of the child welfare system. Social Services Review,
81, 453-484.
Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.-Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L.,...Griffin, W. A.
(2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for
children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-856.
Magazine Article
Mathews, J., Berrett, D., & Brillman, D. (2005, May 16). Other winning equations. Newsweek,
145(20), 58-59.
Newspaper Article with No Author and Discontinuous Pages
Generic Prozac debuts. (2001, August 3). The Washington Post, pp. E1, E4.
Alexie, S. (1992). The business of fancydancing: Stories and poems. Brooklyn, NY: Hang Loose Press.
Corporate Author with an Edition and Published by the Corporate Author
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th
ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Dorland’s illustrated medical dictionary (31st ed.). (2007). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders.
Chapter in a Book
Booth-LaForce, C., & Kerns, K. A. (2009). Child-parent attachment relationships, peer relationships, and
peer-group functioning. In K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski, & B. Laursen (Eds.), Handbook of
peer interactions, relationships, and groups (pp. 490-507). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
ERIC Document
Shyyan, V., Thurlow, M., & Liu, K. (2005). Student perceptions of instructional strategies: Voices of
English language learners with disabilities. Minneapolis, MN: National Center on Educational
Outcomes, University of Minnesota. Retrieved from the ERIC database.(ED495903)
Senior, B., & Swailes, S. (2007). Inside management teams: Developing a teamwork survey instrument.
British Journal of Management, 18, 138153. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00507.x
Koo, D. J., Chitwoode, D. D., & Sanchez, J. (2008). Violent victimization and the routine
activities/lifestyle of active drug users. Journal of Drug Issues, 38, 1105-1137. Retrieved from
Article from an Online Magazine
Lodewijkx, H. F. M. (2001, May 23). Individual-group continuity in cooperation and competition under
varying communication conditions. Current Issues in Social Psychology, 6(12), 166-182.
Retrieved from
Online Report from a Nongovernmental Organization
Kenney, G. M., Cook, A., & Pelletier, J. (2009). Prospects for reducing uninsured rates among children:
How much can premium assistance programs help? Retrieved from Urban Institute website:
Online Report with No Author Identified and No Date
GVU©s 10th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved from