Graiguenamanagh Scouts Bulletin - Local News & Events

Weekend 21st /22nd March 2015
The Scout Hall and the Meeting room/kitchen upstairs are available for bookings. Please contact Pauline O’ Brien,
087 2207115
Moves are afoot to start a Text Alert Service in the Graiguenamanagh area. Watch this space!
Daffodil Day takes place outside Doran’s Supervalu on Friday 27th of March. Anyone who has fresh
daffodils please leave them into Doran’s on Friday morning.
Concert at Ionad Dara, Goresbridge.
Concert featuring The Whileaways on Fri March 27th at 8.30pm. Three distinct voices consisting of Noriana
Kennedy, Nicola Joyce and Noelie McDonnell. They combine together to weave a tapestry of harmonies and
beautifully crafted original songs. Their sound is steeped in the echoes of American roots and folk. They will be
supported on the night by a group of local musicians led by Billy Carrigan from Clara on uilleann pipes. This
promises to be another great night at Ionad Dara. Tickets €20.00 from Gerry Kavanagh 086-0443152.
Ann Phelan TD
I will be holding my monthly advice clinic this Saturday at 11.30am in the Boathouse, Graignamanagh. You can
contact my office in advance for appointment on 056 7756000/0863294420 or feel free to call in on the day. Kind
regards, Ann Phelan, TD
Just to confirm, following representations to my office in respect of the ongoing problems with potholes at the
back of Fairview, near the Fairgreen, I made subsequent representations to the Area Engineer, Mr Seamus Foley,
who has subsequently completed the necessary works. Kind regards, Ann Phelan, TD, Minister of State for Rural
Economic Development Phone: 056 7756000/ 086 3294420
Sports Capital Grants 2015-Open for Applications
The Sports Capital Programme (SCP) is operated by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and provides
grants to assist in the development of sports facilities and the provision of sports equipment.
The 2015 Sports Capital Programme is open for applications from 5pm on Tuesday 10 March 2015 and the deadline
for applications is 5pm on Friday 24 April 2015. Registrations will close at 5pm on Friday 10 April 2015.
It is an online process whereby all applications will have to be submitted via their online portal. This portal must be
used by organisations to register their interest in the SCP, apply for funding and manage the drawdown of any new
grants allocated.
The Programme aims to develop high quality, safe, well designed, sustainable facilities in appropriate locations and
to provide appropriate equipment to help maximise participation in sport and physical recreation.
Grants are available to sports clubs, voluntary and community groups, and national governing bodies of sport and
local authorities. Third level colleges, Education and Training Boards (ETBs) and schools may only apply for funding
jointly with sports clubs. For further information, please access the Departments online website at or contact my office on 056 7756000/ 0863294420
Rescue Emergency Care Level 3 with AED 27th, 28th & 29th March in St. Laurence O’Tooles Athletics Club, Carlow.
Cost €135pp. Contact Sandra in the County Carlow Sports Partnership for more details on 059 9136205***
Graiguenamanagh Library News
Daffodil Day Coffee Morning on Friday 27th March From 10.00 -12.30pm. All are welcome. Daffodil merchandise
on sale in the Library. Daffodil Day Raffle in the library also. Donations of home baking would be greatly
appreciated, please support this very worthy cause
World book day Quiz Winners are Louise Cox-O’Flynn and Imogen Tierney. Well done to you both.
Parent & Toddler group meet every Thursday morning in the Library from 10am – 12.00 all welcome
Bibliotherapy- The power of words- Read yourself available in the library. The collection includes books
on many of the common psychological problems people experience, (e.g.) depression, behavioural problems,
eating disorders, anger, bullying, bereavement, self-esteem issues, teenager’s sibling rivalry.
Green Dog Walkers - sign up to be a Green Dog walker and collect your arm band and doggie bag and a hi-vis vest
at the Library.
Graig Library Book are reading “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins. The group meet on the first Tuesday of
the month in the library at 7pm.
Crafty Crew meet every Wednesday from 10.30 to 12.00, if you would like to meet, knit, sew, crochet, embroider
or any craft come along for chat and a cuppa.
Beavers Cubs & Scouts
Beaver meetings on Tuesdays from 6 to 7pm, scout meetings on Mondays from 7.15 to 8.15pm and cub meetings
on Wednesdays from 6.45pm to 8pm.
For Sale:
 Fully serviced site for sale in centre of town, open to offers, contact 087 2339414
Furniture: BRENDAN KAVANAGH; Fitted Kitchens, Wardrobes, Free Standing Units, Sitting Room Units, Sliding
wardrobes radiator cabinets, Free Estimates, Top Quality Work.
087 2309533. Showroom open
Email address: Website:
Citizens Information Centre
Main Street
Phone No. 059-9724955
Are you entitled to additional benefits due to reduced income?
You may be entitled to a Rent or Mortgage Interest Supplement, GP Visit Card or Family
Income Supplement.
If you need information re pension entitlements etc. drop into Citizens Information
and find out more.
This is a private and confidential service.
We are open Thursday and Friday mornings 10.30a.m. to 12.30 p.m
If you require information outside these hours please contact the office in Kilkenny on
Duiske College Energy tip of the week:
Energy efficient light bulbs use 80% less energy than non-efficient bulbs and last 15 times longer.
Lotto: The Local Lotto Jackpot now stands at €14,950. Reserve Jackpot €10,000. The
numbers drawn were 12, 16, 20 & 31 and there was no winner. Consolation winners of €30
each were Michael Hamilton, Nuala Walsh, Val Lonergan, Theresa Shuliver and Johnny
Mullett. Tickets are on sale in Local Businesses and from Committee members costing €2
Next draw on Mon 23rd Feb at 9pm in O’Driscolls. All are welcome.
Membership fees are now due for 2015:
Adult Player - Waged €100 Adult Player - Unwaged €50 Student players - €50
Family Membership - Parents & Children U18 €50,
Adult non player €20 Senior Citizens €10
Membership can be given to any Committee member and a receipt will be issued.
Draw for 50” Flat screen TV. The Club is running a draw a 50” TV. Tickets on sale costing
€2 each or 3 for €5. Please support us in this latest fundraiser. The draw has not been
made yet. The lucky winner will be published here next week.
Kilkenny Senior Hurlers Race day in Gowran Park: Our third annual race day is now only 6
days away and the weather forecast at this stage indicates that next Saturday will be an
ideal day for racing. This is a very special day in Gowran Park as supporters - especially
children - have the opportunity to meet some of our senior players and obtain autographs
and photos. This year we also have the added attraction of an U14 and U12 long puck
competition with the finals in front of the Grandstand during the meeting. Tickets @ €10
are available from Graignamanagh GAA Club and children are free of charge, Please contact
Thomas Holden @ 0872886560
Fantasy Cheltenham 2015: Thank you to everyone who bought & sold tickets. Below are the
top ten finishers in our Club. We had Luke Dempsey who was running neck & neck for the
overall lead after the first 3 days.
1.Luke Dempsey
Graiguenamanagh GAA 291 (2)
Cyril Lynch
Graiguenamanagh GAA 264
3.David Kelleher
Graiguenamanagh GAA 260 (4 )
Carmel O Sullivan Graig GAA 252
5.Ciaran Sheehy
Graiguenamanagh GAA 251 (6) Damien Rushe Graiguenamanagh GAA 250
7.Seamus O Carroll
Graiguenamanagh GAA 247 (8) Sean Corby
Graiguenamanagh GAA 246
9.Cormac Davey
Graiguenamanagh GAA 245 (10)
Colm Murray Graiguenamanagh GAA 244
Our junior footballers had a good win over John Lockes of Callan in the JFC semifinal last
weekend. The boys can now look forward to League and Championship final appearances in
the near future. Well done and best of luck to all.
Fixtures: Sun 22nd Mar: Graig: U14FL: Graignamanagh V John Lockes 11amFor all the breaking
news on our website & also on our facebook page.
Graignamanagh Historical Society
Guest Speaker
Local Historian & Author
Mr Colm Walsh
of The Graignamanagh Historical Society
will speak on
The Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick.
(The Irish Order of Knight-hood)
on Friday 27th March 2015.
at 8.00 pm.
in Graignamanagh Library
All are welcome-Non Members 3 Euro.
Split The Pot
This Weeks Winners - Week 36 - Monday 16th March
1st Prize – Michael Donohoe - €907.50
2nd Prize – Triona O’Brien - €75.00
3rd Prize – Kathleen Griffin - €50.00
Congratulations to all
Doran’s Supervalu are top sellers again this week. Well done to all the staff.
Prizes can be collected every Friday afternoon from Doran’s Supervalu.
Please ensure to include a contact number on the envelope so that you may be
contacted as soon as the draw is over.
Furnace Fitness
High Street Graiguenamanagh, 086 829 1762
**New Beginner’s Camp***
Starts Thurs 19 March, 8.15 pm
2 nights a week, 13 sessions in total for just €50
Ring Terry and book your place now 086 829 1762
Open those at all levels of fitness, from no experience to hardcore
trainers, all welcome. Once you start this Training Camp you
may then move on to choose from many different classes:
There are regular Day and Evening Classes in many different
Body Resistance
Free Weights
Kettle Bells
Functional Strength Training
Olympic Bar Training
Strength and Conditioning
Hitt It
Ring Terry and book your place now 086 829 1762
Men’s Classes available ring Terry for times
At Apple Tree Farm, Skeoughvosteen
30th, 31st March and 1st April
Age 2 - 10 years
9.30 - 1.00
Easter Egg Hunt, Fun in the Forest, Arts and Crafts, Baking
Cost €45 per child, discount for siblings.
Apple Tree Farm Montessori and After School are now enrolling for September 2015. We
cater for children from 2 -12 years. Services include sessional (9.30-12.30), part day care
(up to 5 hours), full day care (up to 10 hours) and afterschool care.
Home cooked meals provided. Open 8a.m.- 6.00p.m. Monday to Friday 51 weeks of the
year. We provide a collection and delivery service. ECCE scheme available.
For any of the above services contact Pam Drennan on 087 8054678
Camogie Club
€2 per week or €10 for 5 weeks
5 draws will take place on Tuesday 14th April at 8pm in Club Rooms.
1st Prize
2nd Prize
3rd Prize
4th Prize
5th Prize
Tickets can be got from Catherine O’Shea, Ciara Farrell,
Ann-Marie Byrne, Joe Fox, Ger O’Reilly & Johnny Prendergast or
any other committee member.
Thank you for supporting Graignamanagh Camogie Club
Padhraic Delaney
Carpentry & Building
 Roof repairs/ storm damage
 1st and 2nd fixing
 Roofing
 Built-in wardrobes
 Decking
 Ground works/ drainage
New builds
Attic conversions
Folding Attic Stairs
Price: €250 incl. VAT
Council Grant Work
 Fully insured.
 Free quotation
Phone: 087-9952509