May 20, 2015

ISU Greek Alumni Alliance
Minutes – May 20, 2015
The ISU Greek Alumni Alliance meeting on May 20, 2015 was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by ISU
GAA President Josh Carper. The meeting was held at the ISU Alumni Center.
The minutes of the February 28, 2015 meeting were presented and approved by general
ISUAA representative Julie Larson discussed the ISUAA/GAA partnership and will have the
information/data sharing process finalized in the near future.
GAA President Carper presented the President’s Report. He thanked everyone for their
participation at the Pre-Vespers event and hopes to continue it again in the future. He
addressed the Cleary Act provisions as it pertains to employees of ISU. He also discussed the
need to complete a “facilities” survey, and will send electronically when completed.
GAA Treasurer Ron Hallenbeck presented the Treasurer’s Report. GAA has a current balance of
$34,749.68. Hallenbeck also presented the budget for the upcoming fiscal year and
recommended that dues for FY2016 be set at $10/member based on Greek Affairs Chapter
count with a maximum of $750/group. Steve Jones moved to approve, Chris Charbonneaux
seconded the motion to approve the budget and dues. Motion approved.
ISU Assistant Dean of Students/Director of Greek Affairs Billy Boulden provided an update from
Greek Affairs. The Chapter Advisor Institute will be held on August 1. The office will be working
on a new strategic plan through 2020. Katy Cran, Assistant Director, also stated the Greek
Ambassadors Program was going well.
In Old Business, GAA President Carper reminded the group that we’d like to get a Community
Service event identified. GAA Director Jon Fleming discussed the Homecoming Alumni Event to
be held on Friday, October 30, 2015 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the ISU Alumni Center. Be sure to
invite fellow Greek Alumni to attend. More info will be emailed for RSVP info.
In New Business, Steve Jones discussed Delta Tau Delta’s efforts to upgrade fiber optic internet
access. Century Link gave a presentation on their service levels. No action taken at this time.
Seeing no further business to be conducted, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeremy Davis, ISU GAA Secretary