



March 17, 2014

Present: Msgr. Scheyd, Fr. Carey, Fr. Segura, Deacon Santulli, Deacon Pond, C. Ayoub , C. Betack,

R. Phelan, J. Otis, E. Sloan, W. Malloy, J. Eckrich, R. Petronella, M. Hennessey, T. Marino, M. Gayer,

M. Doran, M. Pascale, L. Karl, David Molloy, S. Goetz, J-P Berliet

Absent: , Fr. Jeremiah, C. Otis, D. Howard, A. Munnelly, C. Hussey, P. O’Sullivan, E. Millette

I. Opening Prayer at 7:40 pm

Meeting opened with a prayer from Fr. Segura

II. Approval of November Minutes, Parish Reports, and Agenda:

The March Council Reports and the Agenda for this meeting were approved as presented.

Approval of the minutes of the January 13 th meeting is being placed on hold until the next meeting of the council on April 21st

III. Presentation by Youth Ministry representatives

Emily Sloan and Will Malloy are encouraging all council members to participate in the teen Living

Station of the Cross, on Friday March 21 st at 7:30 pm in the church.

IV. Presentation by David Molloy, Chair of the Parish Finance Council

David Molloy reported that financial management is being enhanced by the following accomplishments:

Budgeting and Financials o Simplified Reporting of Quarterly and Annual Financials o Improved transparency on period-to-period movement in revenue and costs o Established robust process for annual budgeting o Review allocations for large-scale maintenance expenditures o Adopted P&L reporting by department (RE and Music Ministry)

Offertory & Contributions o Established a method for reviewing Offertory. Metrics allow for planning throughout the fiscal year.

o Advised on Improved Controls for handling Cash o Expanded the use of on-line giving o Exploring additional methods for increasing revenue

Investments and Long Term Strategy o Simplified structure of bank accounts to clarify purpose while maintaining optimal coverage under FDIC o Determined Maximum Cash Operating Requirements o Created a Search Committee to Identify an Investment Manager:

Successfully Completed 2H2013, Awaiting Diocesan Approval

V. Business Manager’s Report

R. Phelan, discussed results for the quarter ending December 31, 2013. Income declined by

$50K while expenses increased by$21K, resulting in a $71K decline in net income versus 2012.

Significant variances resulted primarily from expenditures for repairs and improvement of the buildings and grounds physical of the Parish, or timing differences in the recognition of expenses or income. Details were provided by the business manager’s report distributed to Council members at this meeting.

Maintenance projects planned for this summer will include repainting of the Church and of

Stapleton Hall.

R. Phelan indicated that the revenue enhancement initiative may fall short of expectations because many parishioners chose to make one time donations rather than increase their weekly offering on a recurring basis. Msgr. Scheyd is planning to send a letter to all members of the

Parish to ask that they consider supporting the Parish if they do not or increasing their support if they do already contribute.

VI. Unfinished Business

Parish Gala

: following last week’s meeting, the next organizational meeting is being held on

Wednesday, March 19 th . Target date for the gala is in March 2015.

START : The information questionnaire is being reviewed and revised. Medical information will not be gathered to avoid privacy issues. The project is now focused on the creation of a mechanism encouraging neighbors to check on neighbors.

VII. New Business

The Parish will hold a reception in honor of Father Ian Jeremiah on June 1 st , 2014 following the11:30 am mass.

Diocesan Synod: Msgr. Darius Zielonka has been appointed Director of the Synod Commission by Bishop Caggiano. The commission will seek information and meet for a year starting shortly.

The synod is scheduled to open on September 19 th , 2014 and to conclude on March 29 th , 2015.

It will set out objectives and plans for the diocese of Bridgeport for ten years until 2025.

VIII. Updates from Fathers Carey, Jeremiah and Segura

Father Jeremiah: not in attendance, no report,

Father Carey: Bible study on Thursday, at 10 am has resumed. During lent, the focus of the program will be on Peter, following a recent presentation of this theme by Cardinal Dolan.

Father Segura:

 Emmaus 67 was a great success, because of the great leadership of involved parishioners

 Need to plan for clergy utilization after the departure of Fr. Ian. Msgr. is involved in preliminary discussions with Bishop Caggiano about this. Ideally, we wish to have another priest.

IX . Pastor’s Report

The building of an addition to the 30 Maple street building is being considered with outside assistance.

X. Inputs, Comments and Announcements:

Msgr. Scheyd : Dr. Howard, Principal of our school will be retiring at the end of the school year, after ten years of service. The diocese will be conducting a search for his replacement. There will be a celebration to honor him. Dr. Howard should be recognized for having made the school academically stronger and increased enrollment to 215, stretching the school’s capacity.

Matthew Hennessey : the “21 Strong” group is organizing a World Down Syndrome event at the New Canaan YMCA on Sunday and invites us to support the event.

Deacon Pond : Bishop Caggiano had a meeting with and reception for Deacons and their spouses to discuss their ministry and initiate a process of input gathering for preparation of the diocesan synod

Thom Marino : Please come to the evening of Taize prayer and music on Sunday, March

30 th at our church.

Chris Ayoub : A presentation on stem cell developments will be made at St Aloysius on

April 16 th by the God and Modern Biology group. Presentation to be made by Glenn

Sauer, Ph.D. in biology.

XI. Closing Prayer : offered by Msgr. Scheyd at 8:45 pm

Meeting Closed at 8:55 pm

Next meeting: Monday, April 21, 2014 at 7:30 pm, Stapleton Hall

Submitted by Jean-Pierre Berliet, Secretary

St Aloysius Church Parish Council

March 17, 2014 Meeting

Committee Reports

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Submitted by Marie Pascale

All grades who attend Wednesday classes attended Ash Wednesday prayer service and received their ashes to begin the Lenten season.

Our second graders and their families attended “Making Connections” The Story of

Passover/Our Story of Freedom” on Saturday, March 8. Thanks to the Msgr. Scheyd, Fr.

Ralph, Deacon Steve, Thom Marino, Bob Mantillia and Paul Sorge, for being a part of our production which illustrates the connection of the Passover and Jesus’ Last Supper and our

Mass today. It was very well attended.

Our first graders began their first week of Lent attending a program called “The Signs &

Symbols of Lent.” In addition to learning about what the season of Lent is all about, they baked prayer pretzels as a reminder that this is the season to add more prayer into their days. We were grateful to have the help of parents on each of these days.

During Lent all of our children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Our 7 th graders (Level 1Confirmation preparation) attended a program entitled “Crossroads” which featured the lives of the 20 th century martyrs. Level 2 (8 th grade) preparation classes attended a vocations evening “Putting God in Your Decision Making.” Thanks to Fr. Sam

Kachuba, Sister Julie, the Santullis and Nicole Guarnieri.

Teen Adoration was also offered to our students and very well attended.

All Confirmation Prep students participated in a variety of Community Service projects: “Souper

Bowl of Caring” , Midnight Run sandwich making, volunteering at the Order of Malta Mass, just to name a few.

Our Lady’s Guild submitted by Margie Doran

Our Lady’s Guild’s February meeting was on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Fr. Ian celebrated 9 am Mass in the Church followed by the recitation of the Holy Rosary. After a light meal Fr. Ian showed slides and wonderful stories on his recent trip to the Holy Land.

On March 7 at 7:30 pm Our Lady’s Guild lead “Mary’s Way of the Cross”. During Lent we pray the

Stations of the Cross and we traveled in the footsteps of Jesus through the Blessed Mother’s eyes. It was a beautiful start to Lent. Our next meeting will be March 25 and Fr. Michael Dunn will preside over our Lenten Day of Recollection.

Martha and Mary Ministries submitted by Jeanne Eckrich

PARISH PARTNERS - Has taken the responsibility of driving the New Canaan Inn women to and from

Mass Friday mornings.

We continue to visit, run errands and drive for several seniors as needed.

On Tuesday, April 22nd, we will have our annual Spring luncheon with

Mass at 11:00 followed by lunch and

our speaker, Dr Stephen Jones, Geriatrician from Greenwich Hospital. The topic will be " Have Two Laughs

and Call Me In the Morning". Jeanne Eckrich encloses the volunteer list.

MEALS ON WHEELS - Kathleen Redman reports that all is well and attaches a list of volunteers.

DRIVING MISS DAISY - Mike Salvati thanks all the volunteers and reminds us all that when his drivers transport they drive both ways.

PARISH NEWSLETTER - Katie O Neill no news.

SUNDAY COFFEE - Michele Sloan has volunteers through May. The online system is working well and these well attended coffees

will continue until July 27th. Michele experiences a wonderful parish and the coffees a great community builder.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOT THE HOMEBOUND - Tom Aylward sends the current schedule and a list of the volunteers.



SADIE NATONSKI 140 Orchard Drive 203- 966-3398

KAY REILLY 16 Graystone Circle


Group I

NEW CANAAN INN 73 Oenoke Ridge

10:00 A.M.



LILLIAN WIZNESKI 76 Osborne Lane (off Valley Road)


KAY LUFF 234 Main Street

Group II

FLORENCE LYNCH 2113 Avalon Drive West



AUDREY FLEISCHMANNN 3111 Avalon Drive West 203-966-7491

LYNDA ANN SLOVIK 197 Old Norwalk Road (gluten free host)


Group III

JEAN DiPANNI 40 Summer Street

ELAINETIANI 60 Summer Street


Group IV




JOSEPH and JOAN TOPPIN 131 Overlook Drive

EILEEN SLATTERY 255 South Avenue

203 966-2213


ANGELA TORTORA 1 Bank Street (no host, prayer only)


ANNA TORTARO 143 Orchard Drive 203-972-0001

Currently, there are four teams of three plus one. Teams are on duty once every four weeks.

At this time, there are 14 individual recipients (2 of whom receive only on First Friday) plus 10 or so (depending on the day) more at the New Canaan Inn. I have attached the current list of recipients.


Team I - Joan and Bernie Rafferty, Mary Beth Fessler

Team II - Mary Fox, Sophie Moorman, Hope Carter

Team III - Tom Aylward, Margie Doran, Marianne Zarnick

Team IV - Ceci Murray, Gene and Dolores O'Callahan

Plus one - Dick Karl

Youth & Family Ministry Submitted by Chris Otis


We hosted an afternoon on February 1 where 350+ teens gathered together with Bishop Caggiano.

We had 70 teens from St. Aloysius attend and utilized about 20 youth ministry/Knights of

Columbus virtus trained adults to support the afternoon. The event was wonderful and the Bishop was very pleased – he has been heard around the diocese telling people that the afternoon was the

highlight of his ministry here in our Diocese thus far. Father Sam Kachuba opened with an icebreaker that we set up for him. The Bishop had an hour plus dialog with teens in which he questioned them – listened to them and supported them with inspirational words. The event ended with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church and confession. Angelo and his team provided the music for Adoration. The Bishop will be holding another afternoon of the same type on May 17 at Notre Dame High School – we will aim to take a contingent from St. Aloysius.


We continue to use our Mass Captain system that utilizes teens and adult leaders who work during the week before Sunday Mass to fill the roles of ushers and gift bearers. I am working with

Annemarie Jardon and our 8 th grade Confirmation students who are now starting to volunteer as greeters and bulletin distributers. We will be starting to invite our 8 th graders to come sing in the

StAY Choir.

I have identified 3 high school teens who are going to help get a once a month High School Teen

Evening Adoration started. We are targeting to do the first one in April after Easter.


We held the annual Souper Bowl of Caring and collected almost $3,000 that has been dispersed to the Thorpe Family Residence and Breakthrough Options of Norwalk. We have held some of the collection back in the youth ministry budget to fund programs for the children of these two agencies. Two of our teens made the check presentation to Sister Lesley at a Sunday 10am Mass.

We unfortunately had to cancel our bus trip to the March for Life. Two of our high school teens,

Grace Wagner and Nolan Fitzpatrick did speak at the Teen Mass on the March and did a wonderful job witnessing our pro-life beliefs. Our teens ran a concession stand at the Life is Love committee

Pro Life Movie Night on January 24. Proceeds from the night will be put towards our future mission work.

We held a Midnight Run into the city in February taking a group of about 20 teens/adult chaperones. The parish was very generous in their donations and we again worked with Mother

Teresa’s Closet as a collection spot. We utilized 8 th graders at our TGIF the day before to do the sorting and 8 th graders also came together on the day of the run to make sandwiches and pack lunches. This year, we also had a New Canaan team that stayed behind and camped outside simulating what the homeless are encountering – we had 8 teens do this and they were led by Ed

Millette and some other virtus trained adults. After about an hour, Fiz Tomaselli and Loyise

Andranaco came to feed them and bring them warm blankets. We will do this again next year and turn this portion of the run into a fundraising arm for the Midnight Run.

Over the February break, we had teens that went bowling with the Inspirica children. Deacon

Steve Pond spearheaded this effort. We also worked at the St. Stephen’s Food Pantry two days and took two separate groups. Once group actually worked with Community Plates and went to Trader

Joes to pick up and deliver food donations. The second afternoon, our teens single handedly operated the food pantry under my supervision. Our teens were praised by the manager for the way in which they handled the clients.

We hosted the children from Breakthrough Options for an Afternoon at the Olympics in the gym in

February. At this event, we presented them with a check for $1,000 from the Souper Bowl of


We had a prayer service on Ash Wednesday and had over 90 young people in attendance. We had to move from the chapel to the Church. A team of 10 virtus trained moms came and prepared

Lenten breakfast bags for the teens as they left the church. We also provided each teen with a

Lenten reflections book geared to teens.

We started back up with high school boy pick up basketball, which is supported by the Knights of



We continue to hold TGIF’s on some Friday afternoons for our 8 th graders. Our attendance ranges from 25-40 and we vary activities from purely fun and social – to service – to spiritual.

I worked with Annemarie Jardon to hold a movie night for our 7 th /8 th graders in which we showed a movie night with a message and sent them out with a challenge to earn more service hours. The concession stand was staffed by a 8 th graders and the proceeds of $150 will be used to buy beverages for the St. Stephen’s Food Pantry which will be added to the bottles that students donated the night of the movie.

Members of our girls group attended a luncheon and spiritual talk and prayer in the chapel with the sisters of Community House of the Marian Community of Recollection (The Fraternas). Our group will be meeting again this month.


I am continuing to utilize our parent email base to promote events and urge parents to keep their teens involved. I have trialed signup genius and for many events will use this to have teens sign up to attend events. It is easy for them to click on a link, see who else is coming and sign up. The system sends them an automatic reminder and I can generate a sign in list of who is signed up from the site. I have found much success with the tool.

I continue to post on our St. Aloysius Youth Group face book page.


I held a college care packing session in March – volunteers brought goodies to send to about 30 of our college parishioners and I supplied some religious items and Lenten support materials. I also included a Staying Catholic in College booklet.


I worked on the Cha team during the Emmaus weekend and also was in charge of candidate recruiting. The slate of 36 candidates was full and we had a waiting list. During the weekend, my main duty was to work with the teen team members in the dining room. Youth Ministry generated kara to all teen team members and the candidates using a slogan – “Good Peeps Pass it On” with a

Easter Peep attached to the kara. I was also given time at the closing to pitch staying involved with

Youth Ministry and challenging the teens to “take it on the road” by getting involved. During

Fourth Day when the candidates come back, we had them over to the Youth Room to further talk to them about youth ministry.


The high school teens will be presenting the Living Stations of the Cross this Friday, March 21 in the church – I would appreciate all parish council members coming to support our young people in their witness.

Our teens will be going to the Thorpe Family Residence in the Bronx on Saturday for an Easter


On Sunday, our teens will be preparing and serving the meal that will culminate Vocations

Awareness Weekend on March 23.

I will be attending a meeting with Bishop Caggiano as he has called all youth ministers together on

March 27.

We have started collecting pennants from Catholic Colleges and are putting them up in the youth room to promote Catholic colleges for post-high school studies. If anyone is an alum from a

Catholic college and would like to obtain one for us from your alma mater – we would welcome it!
