Handout 1: TASK ROLES What’s your ROLE on staff and in meetings? Time to hypothesize your ‘inner script’ Look at the TASK ROLE descriptions below. Rank them in order from 1 to 10. Assign a 10 to the TASK ROLE you know you’d definitely assume. Place a 1 next to the TASK ROLE you would never assume. As best you can, prioritize these from 10 to 1 by writing a number in each box. The INITIATOR introduces new ideas to the group. Develops a reputation for often having a novel point of view concerning problems, goals, or solutions. The INFORMATION SEEKER asks for clarification, for themselves and for others, about the issue being discussed. A critical thinker. The OPINION SEEKER also asks for clarification but it’s more connected to the values and feelings of the group and how outcomes might affect them. The INFORMATION GIVER offers the facts which are authoritative and often relate to their own experience. The OPINION GIVER states their belief The ELABORATOR revisits and spells about the suggestion made. The out previous suggestions trying to emphasis is on what they believes assist group cohesion. should happen, not so much on the facts. The COORDINATOR tries to pull ideas together so they’re understood by the group. They may even initiate the people into sub-groups. The ENERGIZER prods the group to action and stimulates ‘higher quality’ activity. The PROCEDURAL TECHNICIAN expedites group movement by doing things for the group, e.g. passing out materials or setting up chairs. The RECORDER writes down suggestions, and fills the role of "group memory." Handout 2: MAINTENANCE ROLES What’s your ROLE on staff and in meetings? Time to hypothesize your ‘inner script’ Look at the MAINTENANCE descriptions below. Rank them in order from 1 to 8. Assign an 8 to the MAINTENANCE you know you’d definitely assume. Place a 1 next to the task role you would never assume. As best you can, prioritize these from 8 to 1 by writing a number in each box. The ENCOURAGER praises, agrees with, and accepts the contribution of the others. Provides warmth, solidarity and praise. The HARMONIZER is busy mediating the differences between staff members, attempts to reconcile disagreements and relieves tension through good hearted jokes, a soothing attitude, kindness etc. The COMPROMISER deals with a difference of opinions or conflict by offering compromise, by giving in, or admitting their error to maintain harmony. The GATE-KEEPER keeps communication open by encouraging the participation of others. They will say, "we haven’t got the ideas of so and so yet" or "why don’t we limit the length of our contributions so that everyone will have a chance to contribute?" The STANDARD SETTER conveys standards they think are right for the group. These standards usually apply to the quality of the group process, or set limits on acceptable individual behaviour. The GROUP OBSERVER keeps records of the group process and feeds the data back to the group for evaluation. The SUMMARIZER defines the position of the group, summarizing what has occurred and raises questions about the direction the group discussion is taking. The REALITY TESTER specialises in appraising the accomplishment of the group. They question the "practicality," the "logic," the "facts," or the "procedure" trying to keep the group honest. Handout 3: BLOCKING ROLES What’s your ROLE on staff and in meetings? Time to hypothesize your ‘inner script’ Look at the BLOCKING ROLE descriptions below. Rank them in order from 1 to 8. Assign an 8 to the BLOCKING ROLE you think you are most likely to assume. Place a 1 next to the BLOCKING ROLE you least likely assume. As best you can, prioritize these from 8 to 1 by writing a number in each box. The AGGRESSOR devalues the status of others, expresses disapproval, attacks the group or the problem at hand, may joke aggressively showing envy toward another’s contribution by trying to take credit for it. The BLOCKER is plainly negative. They stubbornly resist and disagree without "reason". The RECOGNITION-SEEKER works to call attention to themselves. It may be through boasting, retelling personal achievements, acting in unusual ways, saying things to prevent being placed in an "inferior" position. The SELF-CONFESSOR uses the group to express personal, non- group oriented "feelings," "insights," "ideologies," etc. The ATTENTION-GRABBER makes a grand display of his or her lack of involvement in the group’s processes. This may take the form of cynicism, indifference, being funny, and with of “left-of-field" comments and behaviour. Comments are usually all about them! The DOMINATOR asserts their authority or superiority. They manipulate the group, or vulnerable members of the group. Domination may take the form of flattery, of asserting a superior status, giving authoritative directions and interrupting the contributions of others. The HELP-SEEKER calls for a "sympathy" response from group members. This may be through expressions of insecurity, personal confusion or depreciation of themselves beyond "reason." The SPECIAL INTEREST PLEADER speaks from "grass roots" or the “socalled authentic point of view” In doing so they tend to cloak their own biases and use the stereotype which best fits his individual needs.