Sir Robert Borden High School Social Sciences Department Evaluation of Student Achievement Course: HSP 3M This course introduces the theories, questions, and issues that are the major concern of Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology. Students develop an understanding of the way social scientists approach the topics they study and the research methods they employ. Students are given opportunities to explore theories from a variety of perspectives and to be familiar with current theories on a range of issues researched by classical and contemporary social scientists in the three disciplines. Textbook: Fawkes, Charles., et al. Images of Society: Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2001. Students are assigned a textbook for which they are responsible for the entire semester. Within 3 days of receiving the text, students must inform their teacher of any damage (broken spine, missing pages, stains or marked pages) so that they are not responsible for that damage at the end of the semester. Please write your full name on the inside cover of the text as soon as you get it. If you lose your text, notify your teacher immediately so that you can have another one assigned to you. There is a $100.00 replacement fee for this textbook. Final Weighting of Course Components: I II Knowledge/Understanding 17.5% Application 17.5% Thinking and Inquiry 17.5% Communication Summative evaluation Exam 17.5% 20% 10% Unit Tests Class tests will usually be given at the end of each major unit of study (usually 3 major tests). Attendance for class tests is compulsory! Please see SRB policy regarding missed/delayed evaluations. Assignments Assignments will be given throughout the course on a regular basis. All students are expected to complete the assigned tasks in an appropriate amount of time. Please see SRB policy regarding missed/delayed evaluations. III Attendance It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and complete work of every class missed regardless of the reason for the absence. Homework and assignments given during this absence must be completed upon the student’s return to the class. IV Student Responsibilities Regular attendance and participation is expected. If a student is going to miss any planned test, assignment due date, group work period or presentation date due to a scheduled appointment or vacation, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the teacher at least one day prior to the absence to make alternative arrangements. Certain major projects and assignments must be turned in electronically in addition to the given requirements. Your teacher will let you know in advance which assignments. However, if in doubt send them in via email. You can email me at Rubric levels: These levels pertain to most assignments throughout the semester. Please review. Level 4+ to 4++ displays a very high to outstanding level of achievement, going above and beyond the requirements of the assignment. Level 4 is achieved by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the expectations. Level 3 is achieved by demonstrating overall expectations. Level 2 is achieved by demonstrating a moderate understanding of the expectations. Level 1 is achieved by demonstrating a poor understanding of the expectations. **Please be aware that a grade below Level 1 may be achieved should the student fail to demonstrate any understanding of the expectations.