UAVM VIRTUAL MUSEUM PRESENTS CYBER HUMAN FORMS CURATED BY JOSÉ VIEIRA OCTOBER 7 – DECEMBER 26 2010 CYBER HUMAN FORMS Continual developments within the field of post-industrial or post-human technology such as simulation technology, computer mediated communications technology, biomedical (genetic engineering, scanning devices, cloning) and prosthetic (bioelectric implantation or extension) technologies are making it all the more realizable for the human subject to modify its corporeality. (Ras Steyn in, Abstract Post-human Body and Identity Modification in the Art of Stelarc and Orlan, Tshwane University of Technology, 2005) When the web functions well, the internet environment appears as a presence-at-hand (Heidegger‘s “objective” observance), but when the web dysfunctions or when computer slows down, when viruses destroy important documents or when suddenly a file does not open, we experience cyberish readiness-to-hand (Heidegger‘s personal involvement and Seinsfrage). Cyber anxiety strikes us because the referential totality in which we‘re involved does not work. Seinsfrage surfaces as soon as cyber tool dysfunctions. Suddenly we experience ourselves as the shepherds of our being. This time we take care of our existence not in the woods nor on a farm nor in a factory, but a computer desk. Needless to say, anxiety arises at a computer desk when the significant computer and its cybernation do not function properly. And that indicates that virtual cyber space is no longer virtual. Human existence at least partially has already been transferred to the web. If so, there is nothing virtual about it. (Tomas Kavaliauskas in Cyber-nating Humans, balphin, april 2010) The body has been increased, invaded, and now becomes a host not only by technology but also by remote agents. As the Internet provides multiple forms, interactive display, connect and retrieve information and images, you can now allow unexpected ways of access, connect and get the body itself. And instead of posing online as a way to satisfy desires outdated metaphysical disembodiment, offers, on the contrary, powerful individual and collective strategies for projecting body presence and the dissolution of the ego, but generates new collective physical links and a scaling telematic subjectivity. What becomes important is not merely the identity of the body, but its connectivity; not its mobility or location, but its interface ... (Stelarc in Visions parasitic alternating experiences, intimate and involuntary, Ars Telematica (edited by Claudia Giannetti), L'angel, Barcelona, 1998) CYBER HUMAN FORMS Norms o Participation 1. Cyber Human Forms pretends to be a Web Art Show, and is part of FONLAD Festival. The project is opened to all artists, who work in net art or web art. 2. All projects will be subject to the appreciation of the curator’s museum having as base the available space and quality of works. 3. The Project’s exhibition will take place at the Temporary Exhibition’s Room of the Museum, between October 7 and December 26, 2010. 4. Each participant only be able to present 1 project in digital format, having “Cyber Human Forms” as theme. All artists must fulfilling an entry form, with name, nationality, email address, web site, short bio and work’s project. 5. From each selected project will be presented only the index of the page. It will be presented in JPEG format (Print Screen). This will be the image published in the page of the museum, with respective link. Each project will be followed by a presentation text (10 lines). 6. The works will have to be sent up to September 30 2010, for the following address: The works received after this date will be excluded from the show. At the moment of reception of the works, an email it will be sent to confirm the respective reception. 7. Finished the event, the museum’s direction reserves the right to keep the images received to build a digital projects gallery collection. All the images will have links to the sites of the participating artists. 8. The missive situations to these regulations will count on an applicability and resolution of the commission’s museum. 9. For any doubt or clarification in relation to the organization of the exhibition please contact the direction board of the museum or the curator’s exhibition: Museum Director’s boar: Curator’s Museum (Jose Vieira): CYBER HUMAN FORMS Entry Form Fill and return by email: Identification of the author: Name: __________________________________________ Artistic name: ____________________________________ Nationality: ___________________ Date of Byrth: _____/___/___ Email: _______________________ Web site: _______________________________________________________ Identification of the project: Title url’s project Technical details Year DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ SHORT BIOGRAPHY: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________