Honors English II Vocabulary – List #1

World Lit. Vocabulary – List #2
Greek and Latin
join , junct
cur , curr, curs
ven, vent
join together
1. adjoining (adj):
touching or bounding at a point or line; joined with
2. juncture (n):
a joining; a concurrence of circumstances
3. concurrently (adv):
operating or occurring at the same time
4. incur (v):
to cause yourself to have or experience (something
unpleasant or unwanted)
5. precursor (n):
something that comes before something else and that
often leads to or influences its development
6. excursion (n):
to go out for a brief trip (especially for pleasure); a short
7. circumvent (v):
to manage to get around in a clever way; to evade (often
by trickery)
8. venture (v):
to go somewhere unknown or dangerous; to start or do
something new or different that usually involves risk; to
do, say, or offer a guess or opinion even if unsure about it
9. convene (v):
to come together in a group (for a meeting)
10. conventional (adj): common; ordinary; traditional; used and accepted by
most people
11. An “SSR” word that you’ve found!
*** Look up and study ALL alternate forms of each word in addition to what is provided here ***
Sentence Development Strategy – List #2
Non-Introductory Interjections
Write 5 sentences using non-introductory interjections. You may select any 5
words from the vocabulary list. Highlight the numbers of the 5 sentences that use
interjections to distinguish them from the other sentences.
non-introductory interjection: a word or phrase that is abruptly inserted into the
middle of a sentence, and is set off by commas (i.e. a comma is placed on
either side of the interjection)
Varying sentence constructions adds style and interest to writing. Make sure to
use a comma before and after the non-introductory interjection.
Underwater basket-weaving, whether you find it fascinating or not, requires an
abundance of patience.
My mother’s dog, a hyperactive English Springer Spaniel, is the most spoiled
pet I have ever met.
The young Marine, filled with anxiousness, stepped off the plane to initiate his
deployment in the God-forsaken Arabian desert; this would be considered his
home for the next eighteen months.
Note: a “non-introductory interjection” can also be known as a “parenthetical expression”