The STAR Project 7th Grade

*The STAR Project*
End-of-the-Year Math Project
7th Grade Edition
Due Date: MAY 20th 2015
You will make a book that reflects the most important math topics from this year.
We will devote all class time to the project from the date assigned until the date due.
We will track progress by checking in daily and having mini-due dates.
Note: If your project is incomplete, it will be graded with what you have turned in.
Star Project Instructions:
Each page of your project represents a different math topic.
The 7 topics are listed on the following pages.
There are two project options for each topic; choose one by checking it in this packet.
If you have a better idea than the option listed, ask for approval.
Make a rough draft and get it reviewed by a teacher before creating the final draft.
Title each page with the math topic.
Include a table of contents that lists the page title and number.
Create a project title page that includes: Name, Period and Awesome Design.
Each project should be completed on a separate piece of paper so that you have at least 8
pages, including the title page and table of contents, when you are finished.
Mini Due Dates (will fill in as a class):
2 Pages complete:
4 Pages complete:
6 Pages complete:
7 Pages complete:
Project Due:
This project is worth 80 points. Your score is based on the following factors:
Spelling, Grammar, Conventions
Accurate Math
Full-Page Design
8 Pages Complete
Page 1
 Option 1: STORE
Make your own store.
Draw a diagram of the store with items and their prices.
Your prices should be in fraction or decimal form (no whole numbers).
Include at least 20 items.
Then, “go shopping” in your store and purchase at least 10 items.
Include a “receipt” showing
o Your purchases
o Your sub-total
o Your 7% sales tax
o Your total including tax
Write 3 word problems; one using fractions, one using decimals and one using percents.
Each must be 4 sentences in length.
You can add, subtract, multiply or divide (or all of the above!)
Include the answer to each word problem that shows all your work.
Include a picture with each word problem to bring it to life.
Page 2
“Scale & Similar Figures”
 Option 1: MODEL
Create a scale drawing of an object in your life.
Set up a table to record the original values and scaled values (must be included in your
First, measure every dimension of the object and record in a table.
Second, define the scale factor you will use to enlarge or shrink the object and record in
Third, apply the scale factor in order to find your new dimensions and record in table.
Last, draw the scaled figure and add realistic color.
Note: Your scaled picture MUST fit on a sheet of paper.
 Option 2: MAP
Make a map of your neighborhood.
Include streets, houses, nearby stores and parks.
Your map should be based on an accurate scale factor (for example 1 mile = 1 inch)
In order to find dimensions you could use maps of Colorado Springs or measure distances
using a car’s odometer.
In your map, include realistic colors and lots of detail.
Page 3
 Option 1: 3-D DRAWING
Draw four 3-D figures (cubes, prisms, cylinders, cones, etc).
They should all fit on one piece of paper
Include the measurements of each dimension (length, width, height) in centimeters (no
measurements can be 1cm).
Find the volume of each figure.
Find the surface area of each figure.
Find four 3-D objects in the real world (water bottle = cylinder, ice cream cone = cone,
notepad = rect. prism, etc)
Include the measurements of each side.
Find the volume of each object.
Find the surface area of each object.
Draw or take pictures of each object to display like a photo album on your page.
Page 4
“Graphs & Data”
 Option 1: SURVEY
Create a numerical survey.
Cannot be yes/no.
Get your survey question approved.
Ask 50 people.
Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Range of the data.
Display the data in a graph. (bar graph, line graph, scatter plot, etc.)
 Option 2: RESEARCH
Find data online or using another resource about a topic that interests you.
Make sure it is numerical and has at least 25 data points.
Get your data approved.
Find the Mean, Median, Mode and Range of the data.
Display the data on 2 different types of graphs (bar graph, line graph, scatter plot...)
Page 5
Identify the rules of integers. There are at least 5. (add & subtract rules and multiply &
divide rules).
Display them as if it was an ad in a magazine, which means colorful and creatively.
Include 2 examples of each rule.
Look up the temperatures during winter (Oct-March) for one of the following cities:
Crosby, North Dakota; Duluth, Minnesota; Marquette, Michigan; or Eureka, Montana.
Select 1 of the months that has some negative temperatures and some positive
Graph all the temperatures for that month on a line graph.
Find the average temperature for that month.
Find the range of temperatures for that month.
Page 6
 Option 1: EXPERIMENT
Develop an experiment based on chance.
It must include 2 actions (rolling dice, spinning a spinner, tossing a coin, etc…)
You will conduct your experiment 25 times, but first make a prediction of the results.
Now conduct your experiment 25 times.
Did the result match your prediction? Why or why not? Write 5 sentences explaining your
results and how they compared to your predictions.
Display your results on a graph (either a bar graph or a circle graph).
 Option 2: SURVEY
Create a survey question.
Get your survey verified with me.
Collect data from 50 people.
Record the data on your page.
Analyze the results of your survey in order to find the probability of any given person
answering your survey question in a specific way. For example, “Since 4 out of 50 people
answered ‘blue,’ there is a 4/50 chance or 2/25 chance that someone in the future will
answer ‘blue.”
Display your results on a graph (either a bar graph or a circle graph).
Page 7
Solve 3 equations using the Order of Operations showing all your work.
Check your answer to prove it is correct.
Once your answer is correct, record all the steps you took to solve.
Write each step as a list of directions that anyone could follow.
You should have at least 4 steps recorded for each equation on this page in your project
Make 3 of your own equations.
Each must follow the given criteria:
o Must contain 6 different numbers, which cannot be 0 or 1.
o Must include at least 1 negative number.
o Must include at least 1 of each type of operation (add, subtract, multiply, divide).
o Must contain 1 set of parentheses.
o Bonus points for using decimals or fractions 
Solve each equation.
Show your work.
Check your answer.
Star Project Rubric 2015 – 7th Grade
Title Page and Table of Contents [10 points]
 Name
 Title
Option 1: STORE
 Period #
 Design
 Page numbers
Page 1: Fractions, Decimal, Percent [10 points]
Option 2: WORD
20 items
Receipt showing purchase,
total, and sales tax
Fraction problem
Decimal problem
Percent problem
4 sentences in length
Work shown
Correct answer
A picture with each
Page 2: Scale and Similar Figures [10 points]
Option 1: MODEL
 Complete table with original
and scaled measurements
 Scale factor
 Scale drawing
Option 2: MAP
 Map including streets,
houses, nearby stores
and parks.
 Scale Factor
 Realistic colors and
Page 3: Geometry [10 points]
Option 1: DRAWING
 Four 3-D figures
 Length, width & height
 Volumes
 Surface Areas
Option 1: SURVEY
Option 2: FINDERS
 Four 3-D figures
 Length, width & height
 Volumes
 Surface Areas
Page 4: Graphs and Data [10 points]
Option 2: RESEARCH
Numerical survey
Ask 50 people
Mean, Median, Mode & Range
 25 data points
 Mean, Median, Mode &
Range of the data.
 Graph
Page 5: Integers [10 points]
 At least 5 rules of integers.
 Creatively displayed
 2 examples of each rule.
 Graph of all
 Average for the month
 Range for the month
Page 6: Probability [10 points]
 2 actions
 Conducted 25 times
 5 sentences comparing
results and predictions
 Graph
Option 2: SURVEY
 Data from 50 people
 Probability of each
 Graph
Page 7: Algebra [10 points]
 3 equations solved.
 All work shown.
 Answers checked.
 All steps written as
Option 2: CREATE
 Make 3 equations
 Followed all criteria
 Solved each equation.
 Showed all work.
 Checked all answers