PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BANGALORE SOUTH CAMPUS Hosur Road (1Km before Electronic City), Bangalore -560100 Department of MBA Lesson Plan Semester – IV Subject Code: 14 MBAHR306 Subject Title: CONFLICT AND NEGOTIATION MANAGEMENT Faculty Name: Dr.J.Shanthilakshmi No of Hours / Week: 5 hrs. Total no of Lectures: 56 Total no of Labs: 13 Exam Hours: 3 HOURS Exam Marks: 100 IA Marks: 50 FACULTY DETAILS Name Department Room Number Phone No. E-mail address Contact Hours Consultation type Details DR.J.SHANTHILAKSHMI MBA 610 9994966914 /7899403527 Office Hours By Email Session Plan Mod No Session. No. Pedagogical Tools Presentation Assignments / additional work Student Learning Evaluation Technique 1 Introduction: Understanding conflict, components, Lecture 2 Types of conflict, models of conflict – Process Lecture and role play 3 Structural Models, functional & dysfunctional conflict, Perspectives of conflict and relationship between conflict and performance in team Self reflection on conflict experience and solving capacity Lecture Class room participation and interaction Interest, involvement and interaction Participation Lecture and discussion Classroom interaction Levels of conflict – intrapersonal, interpersonal, group . Organizational conflicts, Lecture and discussion on research Lecture Sources of conflict intrapersonal, interpersonal, group organizational sources of conflict Lecture and discussion 4 I Contents LAB1 5 6 7 8 LAB 2 Preparing for the survey on Conflict resolution techniques Scenario for role play to be brought Students will present on the same Cumulative Coverage Evaluation 12% Interaction and application in the situation Reflection and participation Analytical and application ability Reviewing the learning and Lecture Participation Assignment 1 (Reflection of Lab1 and session 7 ) III 9 Conflict Management Design Lecture 10 Contingency approach Lecture 11 Nature of conflict Management 12 Conflict management process Role playing a conflict situation and reflecting on management techniques Lecture and reflecting on the previous role play process Lab 3 Research based Discussion on relationship between personality and conflict management Techniques 13 The conflict domain 14 Conflict trends Participation Participation Interaction and application in the situation A2 Will be the Major assignment of the course to be submitted during the T3 duration 15 Conflict distribution Lecture and discussion Lecture and discussion Lecture 16 Conflict mapping and tracking. Lecture Lab 4 Negotiation Games Class participation Class participation Class participation Class participation Assignment 3 Individual research paper to be understood and presented Participation 25% 17 Managing Conflict: Managing interpersonal conflict Lecture and video presentation 18 : Thomas conflict resolution approach, Lecture Class participation 19 Behavioral style and conflict handling, the Cosier Schank model of conflict resolution, Collaboration & conflict resolution, Lecture, PPT Class Participation Lecture and case discussion Class participation 20 Lab5 21 22 23 Reading on Habits of highly effective people and discussion on the same Dealing with difficult subordinates, boss & colleagues, 1 to 1 dispute resolution. Managing team & organization conflict: techniques to resolve team conflict, Strategies to resolve organizational conflict, Students presentation of Videos on the topic A4 Presentation Lecture using PPT Effective presentation Interaction and application in the situation Participation 50% Lecture Analytical and application ability Lecture, PPT Class Participation Role play and lecture Presentation 24 Effective listening and dialogue skills, Lab 6 Lab 5 Continues 25 Humor and conflict resolution Role play and lecture Class participation 26 Negotiation as a tool for conflict resolution. Lecture, PPT Class Participation 27 Conflict resolution and Cost:,.. Lecture, PPT 28 Conflict resolution models, Lecture, PPT IV Lab 7 29 30 31 32 Lab 8 33 34 35 V 36 Lab 9 37 framework model Role plays for different conflict management situations Classical ideas, new developments in conflict resolution. Environmental conflict resolution, gender and conflict resolution Research article Reviews Lecture, PPT Lecture, PPT Negotiations-Types of Negotiations Negotiation process, Lecture, PPT Factors for successful negotiations, Essential skills for negotiation, Self Reflection and comparing with the outcome of 1st lab class and identifying the improvements in the self management area. Tricks used in negotiation process, Lecture, PPT Psychological advantage of negotiations, Techniques of negotiation, Interaction and application in the situation Class Participation Class Participation Class Participation Lecture, PPT Assessing the cost of workplace conflict Case study Discussion 38 39 Participation 60% Lecture, PPT Class Participation Interaction Lecture, PPT Participation in discussion Involvement Lecture and Demo Learning through role play by observing and sharing feed back with others and lecture Lecture, PPT, Article Participation A5 Lecture Research Articles presentation Presentation Participation 75% 40 Lab 10 Issues in negotiations. Case study Lecture Participation 41 Negotiation strategies: Strategy and tactics for distributive bargaining, , Continued… Lecture Participation Lecture 43 Strategy and tactics for integrative negotiation Lecture 44 Strategy and tactics for Lecture integrative negotiation Negotiation games reflecting on the situation experienced and demonstrating Negotiation strategy and Lecture planning. Class participation Class participation Participation 42 VI Lab 11 45 VII 46 Finding and using negotiation power, Lecture 47 48 Sources of power Ethics in negotiation. 49 Managing difficult negotiations: Third party interventions, Lecture Discussion on the current issues Lecture and Demo 50 51 Continued.. Third party approaches Lecture 52 Formal intervention methods – Lecture Lab13 53 A2 consolidation Arbitration, Mediation Lecture 54 Process Consultation, Informal intervention methods Lecture 55 Best practices in negotiation. Lecture 85% Student presentation Presentation Skills Class participation Participation Involvement Class participation Class participation Class participation Class participation Class participation Class 100% participation 56 Consolidation Table 1 ASSIGNMENT TOPICS 1. 2 3 4 5 Narration on self reflection on conflict solving capacity Simple research on relationship between personality and conflict management Techniques Research article on Conflict management presentation Presentation on Understanding of Highly effective people Research article presentation on Psychological advantages of Negotiation Table 2 REFERENCE BOOKS 1 Corporate Conflict Management - Concepts and Skills, Eirene Leela Rout, Nelson Omiko, Prentice India, 2007. 2 Negotiations, Roy J. Lewicki, David M. Saunders, Bruce Barry, 5/e, Mc Graw Hill, 2005, ISBN: 9780072973075. Contemporary Conflict Resolution, Oliver Ramsbotham, Hugh Miall, Tom Woodhouse, 3rd edition, Polity publishers, ISBN 0745649734, 9780745649733, 2011. 3 4 5 Handling Conflict and Negotiation, Manchester Open Learning, illustrated edition, Kogan Page, 1993, ISBN 0749411406, 9780749411404 Managing conflict and negotiation, B.D. Singh, 1st edition, Excel books, 2008. 6 Conflict Management: Practical guide to develop negotiation strategies, Barbara A Budjac Corvette, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006, ISBN: 8174466428, 9788174466426 7 Managing Conflict in Organizations, M. Afzalur Rahim, 4th Edition, Transaction Publishers, 2011, ISBN 1412844258, 9781412844253. Note: 1. Learning Evaluation Techniques includes T1,T2, T3 for all the topics covered according to the lesson plan 2. Other evaluation criteria mentioned in the lesson plan (Class participation, interaction, involvement, presentation skills etc will be part of IA Evaluation for 5 marks) 3. Assignment 2 is small research survey to be taken up as a group work (Two per group) which carries 10 Marks and to be submitted before T3 4. Other Assignments mentioned in the lesson plan in the presentation / written form will carry 5 marks Question Bank Define conflict (3) What are the components of Conflict? (3) What are the components of Structural model of Conflict (3) Explain the Types of conflict, and its process (7) Briefly explain the Structural Models, functional & dysfunctional conflict,(10) Explain the relation between conflict and team performance(7) What is intra and Interpersonal Conflict(7) Discuss the nature of Group and Organizational Conflict(7) What are the sources for following Conflict?(10) Intra, Inter, Group and Organizational Discuss the Nature of conflict Management (7) Explain the Conflict management process (10) What do you mean by Cost of Conflict Explain (3) Explain the tactics to Manage the Conflict10) Write a note on Thomas conflict resolution approach,(7) Describe Cosier Schank model of conflict resolution,(10) Define Collaboration (3) Discuss the techniques to Managing team & organization conflict (7) Discuss the Strategies to resolve organizational conflict (7) What is Listening (3) Define Negotiation (3) Discuss the Conflict resolution models (7) Explain the Types of Negotiations (7) Explain the Negotiation process,(10) What are the Factors for successful negotiations,(10) Discuss the Essential skills for negotiation (10) What are the Psychological advantage of negotiations(7) Discuss the Techniques of negotiation (7) What are the Strategy and tactics for distributive bargaining?(7) What are the Sources of power (3) Write a note on Ethics in negotiation.(7) What is Third party interventions in Negotiation (3) Discuss the Formal intervention methods (3) Define Arbitration and Mediation(3) What is Process Consultation, (3) Explain the Informal intervention methods(7)