Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals GP Training Scheme Job Description

Scheme 1
Shropshire is a large, predominantly rural county with two main urban areas at Shrewsbury and Telford
New Town.
The Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals NHS Trust comprises the following:
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital North
(including the Eye, Ear & Throat)
305 beds
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital South
86 beds
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Maternity
143 Cons beds
22 SCBU cots
(The above bed totals are subject to fluctuation)
The Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals have inpatient facilities for General Surgical, Medical, Paediatric, Orthopaedic,
Radiotherapy, Dental, Obstetric/Gynaecological, ENT and Ophthalmology inpatient treatment. There are also
facilities for Out-Patient treatment for all of the various specialties. A recently opened Day Surgery Unit
complements the In-Patient service.
Other facilities include a Child Assessment Unit, Coronary Care Unit, Programmed Investigation Unit, Intensive
Therapy Unit, Renal Unit and Gastroenterology Unit.
There are also nine major and two Day Surgery operating theatres and a Department of Physical medicine and
supporting services by the Radiology and Pathology Departments are available.
See attached individual job descriptions.
This is a General Practice Vocational Training Scheme consisting of six months in each of the following
specialties:6 months in Paediatrics (Post No. WMPN-RLZ-002-2-04-F)
6 months in Obstetrics/Gynaecology (Post No. WMPN-RLZ-040-2-07-F)
6 months in Psychiatry (Post No. WMPN-RJK-052-2-01-F)
6 months in General Medicine (Post No. WMPN-RLZ-001-2-11-F)
All the posts are recognised for post-graduate training.
There is a half day release course for VTS hospital trainees in all specialties. Study leave for appropriate
courses is encouraged.
The Postgraduate Centre is situated at Royal Shrewsbury Hospital South. There are lecture and meeting
rooms and a library with separate study facilities. The Centre is staffed throughout the working day and a
full-time professional librarian is in attendance.
The terms and conditions of service are set out in the Terms and Conditions of Service of Medical and
Dental Staff (England and Wales) and the General Council Conditions of Service as amended
from time to
The appointment is full-time.
Salary scale, Senior House Officer.
Peripheral allowance is not available in this post.
A recent project has been agreed between the Junior Doctors’ Mess committee and Hotel Services
Department whereby a new Mess has been created in a very large central site next door to the Mytton
Oak Restaurant (Hospital Canteen). This site is very accessible to all Junior Staff.
Wide screen television, video, Sky television, pool table, darts and coffee facilities are available in the
mess, along with a choice of daily newspapers. Table Tennis, Nintendo and table football are also
available. A coffee maker and toaster are provided, along with regular milk, coffee, tea and bread.
Pigeon holes for mail are also positioned here. Vending machines and microwave ovens are situated
next door. There is excess comfortable seating, and private dinning facilities are available away from
the main restaurant purely for Junior Staff.
Regular Mess outings are arranged, along with a twice-yearly ball traditionally arranged by the new
HO’s. Mess fees are comparable to most DGH’s in the Midlands area, and considerably lower than
many found elsewhere.
In addition, the Shropshire Health Trust Sports & Social Club is available to all staff, and is situated
between the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital North and the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital Shelton. The club
has a lounge, bar, and recreation rooms. Facilities are available for football, cricket, bowls, badminton,
table tennis, keep fit, chess, fishing, gardening, darts and dominoes and archery.
There is an onsite Fitness Centre with a membership fee of £10 per month which is available to all
members of staff.
Qualifications/experience required: Full Registration.
Offer of appointment is subject to a satisfactory medical report.
If you wish to arrange a visit to the Hospital then contact:
Dr A F Macleod
Postgraduate Clinical Tutor
Ext: 1079
The Work of the Department
There are two District General Hospitals, the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Princess Royal Hospital at Telford.
The Royal Shrewsbury Hospital serves rather more than the western half of the county and parts of North Powys, and
the medical patients from this area are all admitted to the Royal Shrewsbury Hospitals. The medical case loan is
therefore large and varied.
There are 10 General Physicians on the Emergency Rota, all of whom have special interests. The Consultants are:
Vacant Post (appointing shortly)
Care of the Elderly
Dr S P Davies, BA, MB, BChir, MRCP
Dr L.F.Hill, MB, ChB, FRCP
Dr A F Macleod, MA, MB BS, FRCP
Diabetes & Endocrinology
Dr D Maxton, MB BS, FRCP
Dr W H Perks, MD, MB ChB, FRCP
Dr M Smith, MD, FRCP
Dr D R Wallbridge, MB ChB (Hons), MD, MRCP
Dr P T Wilmshurst, MB ChB, FRCP
In addition:
Consultant Neurologist - Dr S Nightingale
Consultant in Stroke and Care of the Elderly - Dr Simon Hill
Consultant Rheumatologist - Dr R C Butler
Consultant Oncologists - Dr R K Agrawal, Dr S T Awwad, Dr G A Read and Dr N N Srihari
Consultant Haematologists – Dr A Powell, Dr N O’Conner and Dr G W Slocombe.
Consultants (Part time) - Dr R S E Wilson (Respiratory Medicine), Dr S N Agnihotri (Care of the Elderly).
There are six Specialist Registrars, eleven SHOs and eight Pre-Registration House Officer posts in the Department.
The Job Itself
The post is at SHO grade. Two months of the post will be spent on the acute admissions unit and four months will be
spent in a core medical speciality which will include acute general medicine for the most part.
Duties of the Post
General duties include the supervision of the Pre-Registration House Physicians, with direct responsibility for care of
acute admission and writing of discharge summaries to General Practitioners. Attendance at Medical Out-patients
Clinics varies according to the Firm to which the SHO is attached during every six month period. Attendance at one
clinic per week in Dermatology is required. The emergency duty rota is basically one in eight with 16 class 1 ADHs per
week including prospective cover.
At present there is a limited amount of undergraduate teaching of students from the Manchester University Medical
School and some students from the UMDS, London and elsewhere who come to Shrewsbury for their elective periods.
The teaching, as well as supervision, of Pre-Registration House Physicians on the ward is considered an important
integral part of the post.
There are opportunities for clinical research and SHOs are encouraged to take part in clinical audit projects, and follow
up any special interest. There are no administrative duties other than discharge letters.
Medical beds are located in the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital. Most out-patient clinics are held at the Royal Shrewsbury
Hospital. Some clinics are held at other hospitals in the area of responsibility for the Shropshire Health Authority.
The post is recognised for Post-Graduate training. During term time there are weekly meetings on Wednesday lunch
times at 1.00pm. The work schedule is arranged to allow full attendance at the GP VTS training sessions (currently
Thursday afternoon). A Post-Graduate training programme for MRCP candidates and also for general interest is held
regularly. All SHOs are invited to attend the weekly lunch time meetings arranged for GPs.
During the six month job your leave entitlement is 15 working days. Each SHO will be paired and will provide
prospective cover for the other member of the pair. Booking leave will be on the first come first served basis between
the pair. We expect Junior Staff to be responsible and ensure that continuity of patient care is provided so please book
your holiday early.
The Work of the Department
Paediatric patients from the western half of Shropshire and part of North Powys are admitted to the Children’s Wards at
the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.
There are 6 hospital based consultants and 2 community consultants with inpatient access and clinics.
Dr J E H Brice
Dr C E Cramp
Dr S Deshpande
Dr R C M Quinlivan
Dr M Rees
Dr R J Welch
Dr G Cole
Dr J B Watt
General Paediatrics (Respiratory)
General Paediatrics (Epilepsy)
Neonatal (Metabolic)
General Paediatrics (Neuromuscular, Shared Care Oncology)
General Paediatrics (Respiratory & CF)
Neonatal (Neonatal Neurology)
Community (Neurology, Neurodisability and Epilepsy)
Community (Neurodevelopmental)
There are six middle grade doctors who are resident on call – four specialist registrars and two staff grade doctors.
The Job Itself
The post is at SHO grade. The work involves the care of all children admitted under the Consultant Paediatricians,
including clerking and practical procedures in the Children’s Wards, care and routine examination of babies in the lyingin wards and care of babies in the Neonatal Unit. The West Midlands Training Number is WMPN-RLZ-002-2There is undergraduate teaching of students from Birmingham, Imperial College London and Guy’s/St Thomas’s
Hospital, London, who come to Shrewsbury for their elective periods.
The rota is partial shift, 24 Class 2 ADHs. Consultant cover is always available and the Registrar has an approximate
1:5 rota.
There is an active teaching programme covering general and community Paediatrics and Neonatology with a protected
teaching afternoon for SHOs. During the 6 months there will be a two week attachment and training on the neonatal
and maternity service, and regular time to attend paediatric clinics.
The post is recognised for the DCH.
There are no administrative duties other than discharge summaries on all children who have been admitted under the
care of the Consultant Paediatricians and day to day note keeping and ward duties.
The Work of the Department
The Maternity Hospital, which was opened in 1967, is situated within the grounds of the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and
consists of 58 Consultant beds (including 11 labour ward beds), 23 General Practitioner Unit beds and Special Care
Baby Unit of 22 beds (including 4 intensive care cots).
There are over 4000 deliveries per annum in the Consultant Unit. The gynaecological beds are sited in three
Nightingale-style wards in the main hospital. There are 51 beds in two seven-day wards and 20 beds in one 5-day
The Medical Staff of the Department Consists of:
7 Consultants
1 Associate Specialist
2 Staff Doctors
1 Senior Registrar
3 Specialist Registrars
8 Senior House Officers
The Job Itself
Graded Senior House Officer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
There are 7 Consultants:Mr B.B.Bentick, MBChB, MRCOG
Dr M Mohajer, BM BS, MRCOG, MD
Dr S.Oates, MBChB, MRCOG
Mr D.H.A.Redford, MB, CHB, FRCS, MRCOG
Duties of the post:Divided approximately evenly between obstetrics and gynaecology. There is a night resident post the Senior
House Officers undertake in rotation. The roster is partial shift 16 class 1 ADHs. Teaching is conducted by a
tutorial programme for DRCOG.
All duties are based at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital but it may be necessary to attend clinics at the
Princess Royal Hospital, or other hospitals within Shropshire.
Shropshire's Mental Health services started life on 28 March 1845 when the first admissions to Shelton Hospital took
place. The building, built by the Victorians as a Mental Illness Hospital was then known as The Lunatic Asylum for
the Counties of Salop and Montgomery and the Borough of Wenlock. The service has evolved considerably over
the last 150 years and it became a Trust in 1993. The Shropshire's Community and Mental Health Service NHS
Trust runs a comprehensive psychiatric service from its base at Shelton Hospital and various community resources.
There are three Clinical Directorates. Adult, Child & Family and Services for Older People Directorates all received
psychiatric trainees. The Trust supports medical education at all levels with enthusiasm and trainees are expected
to be involved in teaching activities.
There are currently 10 trainee posts at SHO Registrar level. Three of these are part of the local general practice
vocational training scheme. There are four registrars in psychiatry receiving speciality training in either Services for
Older People, Child & Family, Rehabilitation or Community Psychiatry. The remaining SHO posts may be held
either by those wishing to pursue a career in psychiatry or by those training towards general practice and are either
in General Adult Psychiatry or Psychiatry of the Elderly.
Training Programme
SHOs and Registrars following a career in psychiatry attend the Keele membership course on Wednesdays during
term time. Within Shelton Hospital, two seventeen week terms operate each year. Each term is preceded by a
series of introductory seminars for trainees new to psychiatry.
During term time, most teaching activities take place on a Thursday. Clinical Skills training includes interview,
presentation and examination technique. Management Skills are also introduced, as are Clinical Skills such as
psychotherapy and risk assessment. All trainees are expected to undertake an audit project during the period at
Shelton Hospital and a number of supervision sessions are timetabled.
Case Presentations are made by Consultants and their trainees. Each presentation is chaired by another
Consultant. A light buffet meal is provided and is followed by a Journal Club, Clinical Audit or similar training
Supervision for psychotherapy patients is available on a limited basis but it is hoped that this will expand in the near
The Medical Library is well stocked with modern psychiatric textbooks and also has an excellent selection of
psychiatric and psychological journals. There is a full-time Academic Secretary who is also responsible for the dayto-day running of the Library. A literature search programme using a CD-ROM is available to all trainees, as is
MEDLINE through an internet connection.
The Medical Directorate
The psychiatric services are provided for the whole of Shropshire and in-patient services are provided for parts of
East Powys. The appointee will join a department of sixteen Consultants: three Child & Family, three Psychiatry of
Old Age, nine Adult and one Substance Misuse. There are currently rotational slots for four Senior Registrars, four
Registrars and five SHOs. There are also eight Clinical Assistants, one Hospital Practitioner, one Associate
Specialist and two Staff Grades.
Training Posts
Post A:
The three Child & Family Consultant Psychiatrists are Dr Alison Solomon, Dr Andrew Leahy and Dr
Alistair Neale. In addition to receiving a psychiatric trainee, Senior Registrars also form part of the complement of
doctors. The trainee will work, primarily, with one of these Consultants but will also have the opportunity to observe
other Consultants at work. This may include family therapy and working with other members of the miltidisciplinary
Posts B & C: The Services for Older People team comprises three Consultants. Dr Tony Elliott has a special interest
in pre-senile dementia and is Consultant for a specialist unit in this field. Dr Amrit Singh and Dr Ken Hughes also
contribute towards the Adult Mental Health Services. There are two SHOs working with the Consultants. They will
spend some of this attachment working in the community assessing the patients in their hone and in other settings.
Posts D to I - Adult Psychiatry: Each of these six posts is with one of the nine Adult Psychiatrists. The allocation of
trainees will depend upon their experience and training needs. Clinical Assistant/Staff Grades provides nonconsultant support to those teams operating without a trainee.
Consultant: Dr David Bevington
General Adult Psychiatry and Psychiatric Day Hospital
Dr Bevington covers the South Shrewsbury area of Shropshire and is also consultant for the day hospital that covers
the Western side of the County. The Chaddeslode House Day Hospital has a multi-disciplinary team offering a
variety of psychotherapies.
Consultant: Dr Kevin Nicholls
General Adult Psychiatry
Dr Nicholls has a special interest in perinatal psychiatry connected with Keele University and audit with regard to
lithium. He covers the North Telford catchment area.
Consultant: Dr Patrick Campbell
Adult General and Community Psychiatry
Dr Cambell covers the Bridgnorth area of Shropshire. As well as an emphasis on community treatment, his trainee
has the opportunity to be involved in a variety of psychotherapies in a community setting.
Consultant: Dr Peter Everett
General Adult Psychiatry and Medical Director
Dr Everett's catchment area is in the South West of the County. In addition, he has a responsibility for rehabilitation
Consultant: Dr Gary Hosty
General Adult Psychiatry and Day Hospital
Dr Hosty covers the South Telford area. He is also Consultant for 'The Mount' a day hospital in Telford covering the
East of the County.
Consultant: Dr Sue Linford
Adult Psychiatry and Rehabilitation
Dr Linford operates in the North East of the County. In addition, she has a special interest in rehabilitation. She is
Consultant for 'West Bank' a ward in the community for people with chronic mental illness.
Consultant: Dr Chris Murphy
General Adult Psychiatry
Dr Murphy works in the North West of the County. He is the Clinical Tutor. He has a special interest in the
development of case management and the community treatment of patients with serious mental illness. He is the
trainer for Behaviour Family Therapy.
Consultant: Dr David Myers
General Adult Psychiatry
Dr Myers works in the North Shrewsbury catchment area and has a special interest in audit and clinical research.
Consultant: Dr Brian Boettcher
General Adult Psychiatry
Dr Boettcher is a locum consultant covering the Central Wrekin area.
Other Training Opportunities
Trainees are encouraged to develop some involvement in other areas of clinical activity. A court diversion scheme is
in operation in the Telford area and trainees may wish to accompany the senior nurse involved in the assessments.
Dr Keron Fletcher is Consultant for 'New House', a detoxification unit for patients with alcohol and drug dependence.
He works closely with the Community Alcohol and Drug Dependence Teams and trainees may join him to gain
some experience in this area. Dr Fletcher is also piloting a community detoxification service.
On Call duties and Accommodation
The on-call rota is 1 in 9. On-call duties are confined mainly to Shelton Hospital but, if time permits, trainees may
attend the Casualty Department at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital but this is not an onerous commitment. The Trust
provides accommodation for junior medical staff whenever possible. Plas Meddyg is a residential block on site,
which has been decorated to a high standard, and accommodation is provided at Whitley Council rates.
Main Conditions of Service
All hospital posts are covered by the Hospital Medical and Dental Staff Terms and Conditions of Service.
The posts are full time ie 40 hours and 30 ADHs.
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Salary scale is variable with pay awards.
An on-call room is available. You will not be required to be resident.
Other Facilities
Staff Counselling Service
Staff Dining Room
Staff Coffee Lounge
League of Friends
Workplace Nursery
Sports and Social Club
Unisex Fashions and Accessories Boutique
Discounts off Local Clubs, schemes, shops.
Conditions Of Appointment
A medical examination will be required prior to appointment.
You will also be expected to perform duties in occasional emergencies and unforeseen circumstances at the
request of the appropriate consultant, in consultation where practicable with your colleagues both senior and
junior. It has been agreed between the professions and the Department of Health that, while juniors accept
that they will perform such duties, the Secretary of State stresses that additional commitments arising under
this subsection are exceptional and, in particular, that juniors should not be required to undertake work of this
kind for prolonged periods or on a regular basis.
Further Information
Please contact Dr C Murphy, Clinical Tutor, through Miss Laura James, Academic Secretary, Shropshire's
Community and Mental Health Services NHS Trust, Shelton Hospital, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY3
8DN. Telephone (01743) 261247.
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Work of the Department
A comprehensive Psychiatric service is provided for the whole of Shropshire and parts of East Powys.
There are 10 Consultant Psychiatrists:
Special Interests
Dr D J Bevington
MB B Chir MRCP sych DPM
Dr P L Campbell
Dr N M Cocks
MB B ChB MRC Psych
Day Hospital eg Chaddeslode
Dr R K Hughes
MB Ch B FRC Psych
EMI Clinical Director
Dr D H Myers
BM MRCP FRC Psych FRCP(E) ECT, Audit and Clinical Research/Clinical Tutor
Dr A B Singh
Dr S M Linford
Dr C Murphy
‘Relate’, Budget Holder and Medical Director/
Rehab Ward
Drug Help, Samaritans, SANDS/Mount
Elderly Mentally Ill
MB Ch B MRC Psych
Rehabilitation/Major Incident
Child Psychiatry
Dr D R Benady
Dr C H Wilson
Clinical Teacher in Child & Family Psychiatry
Training posts are as follows:
One Senior Registrar in Adult Psychiatry
One Senior Registrar in Child Psychiatry
One Senior Registrar in Psychiatry of Old Age
Nine training posts cover the four Registrar and five Senior House Officer posts including trainee psychiatrists.
Occasionally Registrar posts occupied by Senior House Officer. Registrars and Senior House Officer elect a
representative who has a guaranteed place at Psychiatric Forum.
Duties are mainly at RSH Shelton.
The Senior House Officers or Registrars are attached to a Consultant Team for 6 months. This rota is made in advance
but nevertheless is very flexible.
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During the daytime SHO/Registrars, are responsible for their Consultant’s inpatients and communicating with GP’s in
from their consultant’s area. On occasion the SHO/Registrar will make initial assessment on patients in Copthorne and
in Telford A & E. SHO/Registrars will also assess patients who are referred from the medical wards at RSH and PRH,
or other hospitals. Regular out-patient clinics are held.
The on-call rota is for one night and one weekend in nine with prospective cover for annual and study leave (30 ADH’s).
There is a daytime rota for cover of colleagues who are not available. The on-call rota is very flexible.
Study and Training
Shropshire’s Psychiatric Service is committed to training. The training scheme is accredited by the Royal College of
Psychiatrists. Dr D H Myers is Postgraduate Clinical Teacher. The catchment area of the Service has a population of
over 400,000, so a Senior House Officer and a Registrar will see a wide range of psychiatric problems in all phases of
patient care. The training includes visits to the local remand prison and youth custody centre and opportunities to
accompany the consultant on domiciliary visits seeing new and old patients in clinics.
Senior House Officers
Formal education. There is an introductory set of tutorials covering basic aspects of psychiatry, together with weekly
lunchtime meetings, most of which are devoted to care presentations but some to discussing psychiatric publications.
Those SHOs who wish to make psychiatry their career have the opportunity to attend the education day and
Membership course at Keele University. Those wishing to make general practice their career have the opportunity,
within reason, to attend courses not related to psychiatry.
Formal education. There are weekly lunchtime meetings, most of which are devoted to care presentation but some to
discussing psychiatric publications. Registrars are granted Wednesdays for study leave to attend the Membership
course at Keele University. Further details of the Keele Postgraduate courses are contained in the “Prospectus for
Junior Medical Staff in Psychiatry”. Study leave is granted for approved courses in postgraduate psychiatry.
There is a well stocked library in psychiatry. Reprints of key papers and books on loan can be obtained on a library
interchange agreement and we have a subscription to the British Lending Library.
For further information contact Dr D Murphy, tel: (01743) 261000, ext: 1249.
Please contact Dr D Myers, Consultant Psychiatrist, Shropshire’s Mental Health NHS Trust, Shelton Hospital, Bicton
Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 8DN. Telephone (01743) 261000, extensions 1251/1247.
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There are 27 Training Practices in Shropshire and Mid Wales whose trainers contribute to the Shropshire Vocational
Training Scheme.
The training practices provide experience in both rural and urban settings, about two-thirds being entirely rural. There
are two practices in Telford, seven practices in Shrewsbury, one in Bridgnorth and others in small towns and villages
throughout Shropshire and Powys.
The Vocational Training regulations require a period of 12 months in an approved training practice and this may be in
one or more practices. Two different practices give the opportunity to compare urban and rural environments and
differing practice profiles. The disadvantage is that six months reduces the opportunity to see patients through lengthy
illnesses, or, for instance, a whole pregnancy. It also takes 3-4 months before a trainee feels properly “settled in” as a
member of the practice team.
Appointments usually start at the beginning of February or August. However, in exceptional situations, arrangements
may be made to start at other times and this can be discussed with trainers. A few practices offer living
accommodation, but all trainers will be happy to discuss arrangements as necessary.
The workload and amount of time on call varies between practices and it is wise to enquire about this when selecting a
practice. It is important not to be overworked as a registrar, but equally important to do enough work to gain adequate
All training practices are required to provide a substantial amount of time for tutorials, usually by all the partners at
various times. There is a half day release course (see below) and many one or two day courses on specialist subjects
are arranged throughout the region for trainees. Study leave is available for these, at the discretion of the trainer.
Opportunities also exist for attending specialist clinics to obtain clinical experience where required, including family
The Half Day Release Course takes place at the Medical Institute, Royal Shrewsbury Hospital and the Postgraduate
Centre, Princess Royal Hospital for about 35 half days per year. There are also 2-day residential course in February
and September. The course content is decided jointly by the course organisers and registrars each term and explored
in various ways, such as seminars, visits by specialists, both medical and lay, case presentations, presentations of work
by course members and small group work. There are joint meetings with the trainers and visits to practices. The
course works best when members participate enthusiastically and contribute their own experiences and ideas.
Although the course is not directed at ensuring success in the MRCGP examination, the curriculum is thoroughly
relevant to it. Special courses for preparation are available at appropriate times within the region. The choice of
whether to take the examination during the year is left entirely to the individual.
Further information and advice will readily be given by the Course Organisers:
Peter Barritt, Beeches Road Medical Practice, Bayston Hill (01743-874565)
Paul Middleton, Claxton Surgery, Oswald Road, Oswestry (01691-654646)
(primarily responsible for GP registrars in the VTS)
Simon Reid, Radbrook Surgery, Radbrook (01743-231817)
Peter Crow, Radbrook Surgery, Rabdrook (01743-231817)
(primarily responsible for hospital SHOs in the VTS)
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Sep 2002
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