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User login Colorado: Go beyond business as usual Recent
at Statehouse
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Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:21.
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Health Reform
John M. Kefalas, Fort Collins Coloradoan, March 17, 2006
State Rep. Bob McCluskey often says he is "getting things
password done for Fort Collins." I say it is appropriate to raise questions
about this claim to inform and engage the voting public. The
bills he is sponsoring this year are good as far as they go.
However, his bills do not go nearly far enough.
These times of challenge and opportunity require a prophetic
vision that moves us beyond the status quo to solve the
growing problems facing our state and nation. ... Colorado
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Massachusetts: Romney is urged to
Email the editor
veto health fee
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:19.
Fair Use Notice
Health Reform
Conservatives hit employer assessment.
Frank Phillips, Boston Globe, March 17, 2006
CategoriesCaught between his support for expanded health coverage and
his opposition to tax increases, Governor Mitt Romney is
bioterror/biowar being urged by fiscal conservatives to veto part of a sweeping
Bail Not
3 years 33
weeks ago
Stay Tuned!
3 years 33
weeks ago
3 years 35
weeks ago
3 years 35
weeks ago
3 years 36
weeks ago
3 years 36
weeks ago
3 years 36
weeks ago
3 years 36
weeks ago
Robin Hood
3 years 37
weeks ago
Health Justice
for Boston
healthcare proposal because they say it includes a tax on
health reform
Grover Norquist - an influential antitax advocate who is
president of Americans for Tax Reform, based in Washington,
DC - called on Romney yesterday to resist a proposal to
continue an assessment on businesses that the state charges to
help finance the free-care pool used to reimburse hospitals. ... Directory
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An Injury to One ...
human rights
labor - Iraq
labor - USA
RNs - Alaska
RNs - Alberta
RNs - Arizona
RNs - British
Politics hobbles health
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:17.
Health Reform
Boston Globe Editorial, March 17, 2006
Robin Hood
3 years 37
weeks ago
In the five years that George Bush has been president, the
Food and Drug Administration has been led by a confirmed
commissioner for just one year. One reason is that Senate
RNs - California
Democrats have balked at confirming a leader for the agency
as long as it rejects the advice of its staff and a panel of
RNs - Colorado
outside advisers and refuses to allow over-the-counter sales of
a morning-after contraceptive. ... Politics
Grace Ross
RNs Connecticut
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HC for MA
RNs - Denmark
RNs - Bulgaria
RNs - England
RNs - Fiji
RNs - Finland
RNs - Florida
in stolen tissue case
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:15.
Health Reform
Associated Press, March 17, 2006
Concord - The state has uncovered more cases in which New
Hampshire patients received, or could have received,
Health Care Now!
RNs - Guyana
transplants from tissue stolen from dead bodies, health
officials said Friday.
RNs - Hawai'i
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RNs - Jamaica
RNs - Kentucky
Labor Fightback
Labor Notes
Thirty-three patients in New Hampshire are known to have
received transplants using stolen tissue, health Commissioner Labor Party
John Stephen said. In 12 other cases, investigators have not
yet determined whether stolen tissue shipped to the state was LabourStart
used in transplants, he said. ... NH
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Before We Go 'Single Payer'
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:13.
Health Reform
Insurance Reforms We Should Try.
Michael Kinsley, Washington Post, March 17, 2006
MA Peace Action
RNs - Kenya
In the March 23 New York Review of Books, Paul Krugman
makes the case for a health care system that is not only "single
RNs - Louisiana
payer," meaning that the government handles the finances, but
in some respects "single provider," meaning that the
RNs - Maine
government supplies the service directly.
Krugman and his co-author, Robin Wells, correctly diagnose NNU
the problem with the Bush administration's pet health care
solution of encouraging people (with tax breaks, naturally) to NUHW
pay for routine care a la carte, instead of through insurance. ...
RNs - Manitoba Before
Nurses United
RNs »
Nurse Talk
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RNs - Michigan
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RNs - MinnesotaMissouri:
RNs - Missouri
RNs - Namibia
Hightower to address
NY Nurses United
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:11.
Health Reform
RNs - Nebraska Jo Mannies, Saint Louis Post-Dispatch, March 16 2006
RNs - Nevada
RNs - New
RNs - New
South Wales
Radio commentator and author Jim Hightower (sort of the
union version of Rush Limbaugh) is addressing Missourians
for Single Payer, the group pushing for universal healthcare, at PNHP
its fourth annual Health Care Weekend on March 25 – 26.
Hightower will speak to the group on March 26, at 11 AM, at
the Ethical Society. ... Missouri
RNs - New York»
RNs - New
RNs - Ohio
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Single Payer Now!
Fearing Senior Backlash, Senate
Supports Drug Plan Extension
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:10.
Stop the Biolab
RNs - Ontario
RNs - Oregon
Health Reform
RNs - Palestine
RNs - Papua
New Guinea
RNs Pennsylvania
RNs Philippines
Joel Havemann & Peter Wallsten, Los Angeles Times, March UNAP
16, 2006
Washington - The Republican-led Senate, worried that seniors
will punish GOP lawmakers at the polls for missteps in the
new Medicare prescription drug program, voted Wednesday to
authorize the government to lengthen the sign-up period for Vermont Workers
the benefit and to negotiate cut-rate prices with drug
The Senate action provided fresh evidence that the
prescription drug insurance program, which President Bush
RNs - Portugal has held up as one of the leading achievements of his
presidency, had turned into a political liability. ... Fearing
RNs - Quebec
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RNs - Poland
RNs - Rhode
Ohio: Council to mull state health plan
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:08.
RNs Saskatchewan
Health Reform
RNs - Scotland Tim Yovich, Vindicator Trumbull, March 16, 2006
RNs - South
Niles - City council has agreed to consider a resolution
throwing its support to a proposed statewide health-care plan.
RNs - South
Lawmakers decided Wednesday that the resolution will be
prepared by Law Director J. Terrence Dull supporting the
Single Payer Action Network, or SPAN.
RNs - Sweden
Leonard Grbinick of Austintown, chairman of the Mahoning
Valley Chapter of Health Care For All Ohioans, told council
that the statewide group is working to achieve reform of the
health insurance system so that every resident is guaranteed
RNs - Trinidad full and comprehensive health-care coverage. ... Ohio
& Tobago
RNs - Uganda
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RNs - Vermont
RNs - Texas
RNs - Victoria
Doctors group warns of less access for
RNs - Wales
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:06.
RNs Washington
RNs - West
Health Reform
Kevin Freking, Associated Press, March 16, 2006
Washington - Scores of doctors will stop seeing new Medicare
RNs - Western patients or decrease the number they see if the federal
government goes ahead with a proposed cut in their
reimbursement rates, the American Medical Association
RNs - Wisconsinwarned on Thursday.
RNs - Yukon
RNs - Zambia
RNs Zimbabwe
The association is the lead lobbying group for physicians in
Washington. It's calling for changes in the formula used to
reimburse doctors for more than 7,000 health care services.
The formula calls for a cut of about 4.6 percent next year. ...
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Harvard Pilgrim moving to expand
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Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:04.
Health Reform
HMO aims to link with more hospitals, increase members.
Jeffrey Krasner, Boston Globe, March 16, 2006
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Massachusetts' second-largest
health insurer, is looking beyond the state's borders to expand
its network of hospitals and add more members.
Harvard Pilgrim recently contracted with nine hospitals and
their physician groups in central and northern New
Hampshire, giving members access to caregivers throughout
the state. ... Harvard
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Romney take on assessment viewed as
key as health talks wind down
Submitted by seachange on Sat, 2006-03-18 01:00.
Health Reform
Amy Lambiaso, State House News Service, March 15, 2006
Boston - Legislative leaders today said a compromise health
care plan that will reach the House and Senate floors next
week will charge an assessment to nearly all employers and
within three years provide insurance to up to 95 percent of
those without it.
House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi and Senate President Robert
Travaglini, addressing the League of Women Voters (LOWV)
today, told the group that the legislative accord will require
individuals to purchase insurance, increase transparency
within the health care industry, and make state subsidized
products available to income-eligible residents.
Those provisions have been the building blocks of legislative
plans aimed at reducing the number of state residents without
health insurance. Travaglini and DiMasi also said the
compromise retains a $62-per-worker fee annual assessment
for employers who presently offer insurance, and adds a new
$295-per-employee charge to companies with more than 10
employees who do not provide coverage.
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Read more
Nurses to finally meet MGH
Submitted by seachange on Fri, 2006-03-17 02:24.
RNs - Ireland
Michael Duffy, Mayo News, March 15, 2006
Representatives of the Irish Nurses’ Organisation are this
week to meet with management of Mayo General Hospital in
Castlebar to express serious concerns at the amount of patients
being treated on hospitals trolleys.
The number of patients being treated on trolleys has been
alarmingly high in February and March and last week
members of Castlebar Town Council stated they would stage a
protest at the gates of the hospital if the situation does not
improve by the end of March. ... Nurses
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Nurses paid £32 an hour
Submitted by seachange on Fri, 2006-03-17 02:22.
RNs - Ireland
Belfast Telegraph, March 11, 2006
Nurses at one of the province's leading intensive care units are
being paid almost three times the average hourly rate.
The figures revealed by the BBC found that agency nurses at
the Royal Victoria Hospital are being paid £32 per hour to
work in the cardiac intensive care unit, while most NHS 'E'
grade nurses would get a maximum of £11.65 per hour.
The hospital admitted to paying the money to the Mayfair
private recruitment agency for the specialist nurses. ... Nurses
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Elderly woman died on trolley in
nurses' tea area
Submitted by seachange on Fri, 2006-03-17 02:20.
RNs - Ireland
Ali Bracken, Irish Times, March 11, 2006
An elderly woman died of a brain haemorrhage on a trolley in
a nurses' tea station at the Mater hospital in Dublin after
waiting for four hours to be seen by a doctor because her
condition was not considered a priority, a consultant at the
hospital told an inquest yesterday.
Eamonn Brazil, consultant in emergency medicine at the
Mater, said that Nancy Lucas (74), of Woodhazel Close,
Ballymun, was placed in "category three" of the medical
queue when she presented at the hospital after having a stroke,
since she was quite alert at that point. ... Elderly
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Nurses seek protection for
Submitted by seachange on Fri, 2006-03-17 02:16.
RNs - Ireland
Irish News, March 5, 2006
The two main nurses’ unions have called for clear guidelines
for whistleblowers in the health sector in the wake of the
Michael Neary report.
The former obstetrician had carried out 129 hysterectomies at
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda before the alert
was raised in 1998 by a midwife concerned that many of the
procedures were unnecessary. This was subsequently
Unions have claimed midwives could have stepped in to stop
the obstetrician from removing women's wombs if a culture of
silence had not existed. ... Nurses
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