Hcs herald - Heritage Christian School

A weekly newsletter of Heritage Christian School
P. O. Box 400 Jordan Station, Ontario L0R 1S0
905 562 7303 (office) 905 562 0020 (fax)
WEBSITE: www.hcsjordan.ca
June 14, 2013
We are pleased to invite you to attend our Graduation Ceremonies for the 2013 Graduating classes. Elementary Graduation will be held on
the evening of Monday, June 17, 2013 at 7:30 PM at the Mountainview CRC building on Hwy 8 in Grimsby, just east of Bartlett Rd.
Secondary Graduation will be held on the evening of Thursday, June 27, 2013 at 8:00 PM, also at the Mountainview CRC in Grimsby. We
look forward to seeing you there, as we thank the Lord for another academic year.
2. Buses will arrive at noon next Friday. Students will be dismissed after our closing assembly.
HCS Calendar
June 17
June 18
Gr. 8 Graduation
Kilt voucher day for sec. students
Gr. 1B to Shalom Manor
Gr. 2B Mexico Day
SpecEd Field Trip
Maintenance Comm Mtg
General School News
The Uniform Committee will be at
the school on Friday June 14 at lunch
for grade eight only for if they have an
old kilt to exchange for a
voucher. We will be at a table in the
front hallway on Tuesday June 18,
from 10:30 to 12:30 to exchange a kilt
for a voucher or they will be available
on Thursday in the office if it works
for your daughter to bring in her kilt
that day. Please check that you
receive the voucher from your child
next week. Any remaining vouchers
after Thursday will be returned to
Gr. 12 Art Exhibit The senior art
students would like to invite the
school community to come and view
their culminating art exhibition. A
year of hard work and amazing talent
has resulted in some amazing pieces.
The works will be on display in the
secondary wing, just to the left of the
main office for the remainder of the
school year.
Elementary News
Grade 7 parents reminder of Grade 8
graduation on Monday, June 17, have
salads at the school by 4 pm and If
you are unsure what you have signed
up for call Doreen @ 905-892-2854
Kindergarten A – Mrs. Emmanuel I
have thoroughly enjoyed teaching
your children this year and I wish you
a safe and enjoyable summer with
June 18-20 Secondary Exams
June 20 Gr. 1A/1B Field Trip
Kilt voucher day for sec. students
June 21 Last Day – Noon Dismissal
June 24 Golf Comm. Mtg
June 27 Secondary Graduation
July 10
July 24
Aug 14
Aug 28
Aug 29
TRIP pick up 9 - noon
TRIP pick up 9 - noon
TRIP pick up 9 - noon
TRIP pick up 9 - noon
Open House
Kindergarten B – Mrs. Harsevoort
Please look for your child’s Journal
coming home. The students are very
proud of the work they’ve done in it
all year. 2. We’ve completed our study
of Jesus’ Parables. Our last two stories
are Jonah and the Fish and Daniel in
the Lions’ Den. 3. Speaking of fish, if
you’d like to board our class fish for
the summer, please send me a note. 4.
In Math we’ve been very busy adding
and telling time to the hour. Test out
your child over the summer and see
how it’s going. 5. Since this is my last
opportunity, I’d like to thank all the
parents who delivered pizza, drove for
trips, cut out work, phoned for help,
organized drivers, selected library
books and supported KB with prayer.
It’s been a pleasure to get to know and
work with your children this year. I
wish you all a blessed summer.6.
Happy Fathers’ Day Dads. Your
faithfulness and dedication is a
blessing to us all.
Grade 1A – Miss Wierenga It has
been a privilege to teach your children
this year and I thank you for the
support you gave me. It has been a
good year. May our Lord bless the
work we did in your children's
VanSeekelenburg, Mrs. Veldhuizen,
Mrs. Vandenbrink, Mrs. Bok, and
transportation and supervision on
Friday's class trip to Niagara
Safari. 'hope you had a rewarding
time. We are still in need of someone
to organize the hot dog lunch for our
Jordan Valley Campground trip next
Thursday. Please call Mrs. G.
VanVliet if you can help out. Parents,
ask your children about Trinity,
ascend, ascension of Jesus, Pentecost,
martyr, beggar, signature, spelling
bees and honey cake! Reminders for
next week: Bible stories # 123 125. no more gym class, library class,
spelling tests, or memory work
assignments. Please have your
children bring plastic or cloth bags to
school in which to carry home
belongings next week.
you. THURS: please dress your
children according to the weather and
for a walk through woods and valleys
campground. FRI: half day, final
report cards are coming home. Have a
blessed summer. God be with you till
we meet again.
Grade 1B– Miss Boonstra Greetings,
Parents. Memory Work: We will be
reviewing all the Memory Work we
have learned this year. We will
celebrate June birthdays on Monday
and the Aug. birthdays on Wed. Tues:
Service Trip to Shalom Manor - your
child is expected to come in program
attire for this trip. Navy skirts for the
girls, navy pants for the boys and
white shirts for all. If you have
offered to drive for this trip please be
at the school at 10:10 AM. Thanks.
Thursday - 11:30 AM walking to
Jordan Valley Campground - lunch
provided. In Bible we will continue
to see how God's Word Goes
Forth. (Acts 19-23, 27-28) Ask your
child for more particulars. As we
come to the end of another year I
would like to say thanks for your
support and your help wherever it was
needed. Thank you also to all who
drove for our various trips. It has been
a joy and privilege to teach your child
year. We
some interesting
discussions as the students came with
their contributions and questions
regarding the news events they would
hear at home. As well, it was
encouraging to note the progress in the
witnessed in the thoughtful questions
that were asked during Bible or
Grade 2A – Mrs. Geerlinks Dear
Parents, I cannot believe that this year
is already drawing to a close. I have
had a wonderful year with your
children and have been blessed to see
their growth. Thanks to all parents
who drove and chaperoned our trip to
African Lion Safari last week. We
were blessed with good weather and it
was such a fun trip to end the year
with! I would also like to thank all of
the parents who have helped out in our
classroom this year in different ways:
I cannot thank-you enough for
volunteering your time and talents. I
wish you and your family a wonderful
summer break! Reminders for our
LAST!! week: Monday: We will be
celebrating all of the summer
birthdays on this day. Tuesday:
Mexico Day: Thank-you to all parents
who are bringing food for our
Mexican meal. It would not be
possible to have a meal like this
without you. Please remember (1) to
send along the item you signed up for
with your child and (2) to make sure
your child comes dressed up in
CLEANING DAY: Please send along
2 sturdy bags with your child this day.
The cloth-style grocery bags would be
ideal, as they will be needed to take
many items home. Please also send
along a rag with your child, as we will
be doing some cleaning in the
classroom. Friday: Last Day
Grade 2B – Miss Hultink Dear
parents, I have enjoyed a wonderful
year with your children and have
witnessed such growth (physically and
mentally) this year. We look forward
to Mexico Day on Tuesday and a few
other surprises next week. Please take
note as to what your child has to bring
for Tuesday; you should have received
the sheet yesterday. Thanks everyone
for offering to bring something. For
next week Thursday, please bring 2
sturdy plastic bags and a cleaning rag,
as we plan to do a year-end cleaning.
Thank-you also to all of my helpers in
and out of the classroom, especially
Mrs. B. Slingerland, Mrs. V.
Slingerland, Mrs. Tuinstra, Mrs. Pouli,
Mrs. Otten and Mrs. M. Langendoen. I
hope you all have a wonderful
weekend and a great summer. May
God bless you in all that you
do! Reminders for next week:
Tuesday: Mexico Day- don’t pack a
lunch; Thursday: plastic bag and rags;
Friday: Last day of school- half day.
Grade 3A - Mr. Wensink Greetings.
For this last newsletter, I want to
thank you all for your support. Many
of you helped with trips and activities,
extra studying and preparing for
presentations. Thanks, Mrs. Groen.
Please encourage your child's best
efforts in our last week. We plan to
finish our decimal studies and mixed
math fact learning. "Changes in the
Earth's Surface" completes science.
Our Bible memory will be a review of
our theme, John 14:6. Spelling will be
Unit 36. A Swiss Chalet, picnic lunch
is being planned for Wednesday. (no
cost) Would a parent be able to pick it
up for us and join us at noon? Send 2
extra plastic bags so that completed
notebooks, art, and papers can be sent
home. Baseball will be our focus for
Gym: Monday and Wednesday. Our
novel study is finishing, so you may
send a short book that can be read in
the class for our silent (or out loud)
reading. We will share a snack on
Friday, but a lunch is not needed as it
is a noon dismissal. For Music,
Thursday afternoon, if your child has a
piano song to share, or instrument to
play, you may send it (as we did
earlier in the year). Keep up some
summer reading, students. Blessings.
Grade 3B – Miss Petersen Dear
Parents, thank-you for the beautiful
gift of your child this year! I’ve truly
enjoyed working with your child!
They were a very unique, sweet,
diverse, and quieter bunch this year!
We’ve memorized a lot of verses this
year about “striving for a crown”,
pressing toward the goal”, and
“fruitful growth in faith.” It is my
prayer that each of my students will
continue to “press toward the goal for
the prize of the upward call of God in
Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14)
Parents, I want to take this opportunity
to thank you for the wonderful
cooperation I could experience with
the home/school connection. You
have been so generous with your time,
sending along items to school to
whenever asked for, diligently helping
your child practice yet another
squeaky recorder song, volunteering
for service trips, helping get costumes
ready for theme days, and the list goes
on! Thank-YOU! You certainly do a
marvellous job! Special thanks go to
Mrs. Char Nieuwenhuyzen who
faithfully came every Thursday to be
my classroom helper, Mrs. Linda
Vandewetering for being our pizza
mom, Mrs. Gesine Van Vliet for being
our “math book ripper”, and Mrs. Grin
and Mrs. Kuivenhoven for helping
with marking from time-to-time.
Parents, I wish you and your child a
relaxing summer of great memory
making, free from the rigid routines of
the school year. May God bless you,
as you take time for spiritual and
physical refreshment this summer.
Reminders: Monday: If you got a
note in a yellow envelope…please
send along drink boxes OR squares
for recorder recital (I noted that the
recital got changed from Tuesday to
Monday.) Thanks so much for your
contributions for this, Parents! Please
send your child to school with a few
large, sturdy bags (labelled with your
child’s name to take home belongings
later on this week) and 1 good
absorbent cleaning rag (this will be
returned on Thursday) as we enjoy a
bit of “spring cleaning” on Thursday
morning. Tuesday: Art Scrapbook
(your child’s art projects from the
year) and gym clothes will come home
today. Wednesday: Your child does
not need a morning snack or lunch
Thursday: Your child’s
will come home today.
Your child’s pencil box and a few last
minute odds/ends will come home
today. From Mrs. Korevaar This is
our last newsletter for the year. This
year has certainly flown by. I would
like to thank you for the opportunity to
get to know, to teach, and enjoy your
children for a time. It has been a great
pleasure and a privilege. I’m sure one
of the highlights was the trip to
Marshville Heritage Museum. We also
enjoyed the Solar System, Australia,
Magnets, and many other wonders of
God’s creation together. We saw
much of God’s goodness and mercy as
we studied His Word together. We
saw our LORD lay down His life for
us and send others to bring the Word,
even to the ends of the earth. A big
thank you goes out to a few parents
who faithfully helped out on a regular
basis with marking, spelling, tearing
out units, and diligently coming to
school every week to help in the
classroom. THANK YOU to Mrs. T.
Otten, Mrs. Hessels, Mrs. Heikoop,
and Mrs. Nieuwenhuyzen.
thank you to all who so willingly
helped out with trips and with special
events in the classroom. We couldn’t
have done all those special things
without you! So, Grade 3 enjoy your
summer, enjoy the many blessings
God has given you, and be sure to
keep on reading!! I’m sure we’ll see
each other in the fall again. Mizpah.
Grade 4A – Mrs. Baartman Dear
Parents, It's hard to believe that there
is only one more week of school. This
year has gone by quite fast, with much
to look back upon and appreciate! I
would like to say a huge thank you to
all the students, parents, and teachers
involved in planning my surprise baby
shower yesterday!! What a surprise it
was and what a wonderful afternoon
we had! Thank you, thank you!! :)
Thank you again to Mrs.Dykstra, Mrs.
VanDyke, and Mrs.Vyn for your help
with our Feast, as well as to Mrs.Otten
and Mrs.L.VanVliet for your help with
baking this week! This week was quite
eventful with the students "shopping"
for books at Book Fair, as well as
dressing up and participating in water
games for Hawaiian Day! Next week
Thursday will be our end-of-year
celebration with a picnic lunch and an
afternoon full of games! There will be
plenty of food for lunch, so students
will not need to pack a lunch for the
day - only a snack. Thank you to
Mrs.G.VanVliet for helping with the
picnic lunch! Students and parents, I
wish you a wonderful summer full of
rest and relaxation, safe travels, and
continued worship to our Father in
Heaven! Take care and the Lord's
blessings! 
Grade 4/5 – Mrs. Zwiep Greetings,
Parents! Another week full of special
In between watching an
important baseball game, creating an
important present, cashing in our hardearned bookworm money and
splashing our way through our
Hawaiian Day activities, we managed
to finish off our spelling for the year,
listen to a few more Joshua stories,
continue to push through our grammar
lessons and enjoy an extra French
After Hawaiian day today,
students were instructed to bring their
gym clothes home- did your child
remember? These gym clothes may
stay at home until September. In the
coming week we will have an extra
Phys. Ed. class, move to a new
classroom, wrap up a few current units
and finally experience Ancient Egypt
Day! Your child needs to bring a
sturdy, reusable shopping bag to
school every day next week, including
Monday. We will take a few books
home every day. Students also need a
cleaning rag for washing up their desk
and the classroom- please send these
on Monday also. I will be sending a
little bit of summer work home with
each child. Please encourage your
child to spend 30- 40 minutes once or
twice a week during the summer on
these items. Students can also: finish
their Ben or Tom book, write stories
and READ (orally and silently) to
keep up the key skills this summer.
Also, since we have so many end-ofJune and summer birthdays this year,
students voted that all summer
birthday students will bring chips,
pop or another snack on Friday for a
celebration party at snack time. These
snacks will be in place of the candy
they would normally bring. Coming
up next week: Tuesday: all library
books and overdue fines are due,
moving day, Wednesday: EGYPT
DAY (get ready for treasure)
Thursday: MW Psalm 42:1-3
Friday: last day!
Since this end of
the school year and my last newsletter
entry here at Heritage, I would like to
thank you for the opportunity to get to
know and teach your child. It was an
interesting and energetic bunch in
Grade 4/5 this year! Our classroom
was often a disaster because of the
special projects and creative ideas that
were always happening. I also thank
you for your prayers and support.
May the Lord bless you as continue to
train your child in the fear of His
name. I wish you and your family a
safe, restful and enjoyable summer
Grade 5A – Mr. Jansen We thank all
of the drivers and chaperones who
accompanied us on our class trip to St.
Jacobs yesterday. Everyone had a
good time. Mr. and Mrs. Weber were
very impressed by the behaviour and
manners of the students. HCS was
well represented by the students. We
will have one more Bible test
(Multiple Choice) next week based on
our last unit of the Intertestamentary
Period. May everyone have a blessed
Grade 6A – Mr. Enter Amazingly
here we are at the last Herald of the
year. So what can there be to
say? Lots! Many thanks to the
parents who have given assistance in a
variety of ways over the year and for
praying for us. I appreciate the many
students who have seen the little
things that could be done to make the
year go better for all. I have enjoyed
the students as they grew in their
understanding and developed in their
sense of inquiry and discussion. Just
this week we had a great discussion on
Ignatius, purgatory, infant death,
abortion, saints, and baptism, all
wrapped into one sitting; only one of
these topics was on my lesson plan. I
wish each of your families a
wonderful summer. God bless. Still
coming up next week: Tues. –
Language Test (Adverbs); Math Quiz
(Metric Units of Mass); final Home
Package (please see the final work of
the year); Thurs. – Summer Birthdays
celebration; Math Test (measurement);
Church History Quiz; Spelling Test
(L.35); Desks emptied (bring a rag and
bring a cloth grocery bag); Fri. – Last
Grade 6B – Miss Nyhof This past
week was an exciting one. The
students did an excellent job planning
and performing a short program at the
United Mennonite Home on Tuesday.
On Wednesday they were able to use
their hard earned dollars to buy books
and candy at the book fair. Thursday
morning was spent making a gift and
Friday was full of fun and water with
Hawaiian Day. Next week we will be
wrapping up our math, grammar,
Bible and social studies units. For
social studies the students will be
acting out mock trials. They may bring
clothes along to school to dress up for
their role. Next week we will also
spend some time cleaning our room. I
would like for each student to bring a
rag and a good reusable shopping bag
to school each day next week. We will
be sending items home almost every
day. On Thursday we will also be
moving down the hall. Thanks you to
all the students and parents for a great
year. I wish you the Lord’s blessings
this summer. Monday: Tuesday:
Phys. Ed (Bring a baseball mitt).
Wednesday: Book Fair, Thursday:
Phys. Ed (Bring a baseball mitt).
Friday: Half day, Spelling Bee:
Lesson 36.
Grade 7A – Mr. Vander Deen I have
thoroughly enjoyed teaching this
group of fine students this year. It is a
real pleasure and privilege to explore
the creation, learn more about
ourselves and our tasks, and to learn
more about our Creator and King with
these young people. As a class, we
enjoyed dissections & experiments,
good stories & novels, math problems
& algebra together. But the highlight
of the year has been working with
these students personally and getting
to know them. It is a class of
respectful and capable young men and
young women. I wish you all the best
in the next school year.
Grade 8A From Mr. Isaac It has
been a wonderful half year getting to
know the grade 8 students, and as they
prepare to take the next step in their
academic journeys, I would just like to
pass on my congratulations. I look
forward to sharing your graduation
with you on Monday and hope that
you have an incredible time up in
Algonquin. Then a summer off before
we take it up once again together in
grade 9. Thanks for a being such a
great group!
Secondary News
From the Guidance Office – Mrs.
Meerveld If your son/daughter will be
taking an on-line course next year,
please be sure to read and sign the
required forms. These should be
returned to the Guidance Office
asap. Thanks!
Anyone interested in a
summer course, please contatct me
It’s great to see gr. 12s
getting excited as they already choose
course for university or college (quite
a process, especially for those Ubound).
Less exciting is the
payment. At most colleges for
eg.,$250 or $300 deferment fee will
secure a student’s spot for now if they
are applying for OSAP. The OSAP
application should be completed
within a week or two of the deferred
payment and should be done by the
end of June anyway if a student is
hoping to use funds from OSAP for
tuition. If OSAP is denied or is
insufficient, the student will receive a
owe. Universities have their own
policies eg. Brock expects a first
payment by August 23rd, $500 if a
student has applied to OSAP; if not,
70% of tuition costs. Check with the
Financial Aid office at the school the
student will attend if there are any
grant is available to
practically any student who is a
Canadian citizen and whose combined
$160,000. If applying for OSAP, this
application is included. If not, go
to www.ontario.ca/30off to apply.
It’s been a pleasure working
with our 53 Gr. 12s and will All our
students this year. May God bless
each one as they head out to various
summer jobs and activities and
especially pave the way of our grads
as they take on new challenges. May
He ever be their guide and stay.
Please keep in touch!
Mrs. Bouwers
Art 9 Thank you for the opportunity
to teach your children. It has been a
joy to teach at Heritage and I pray that
the Lord will continue to bless this
school so that our covenant youth will
cling to Him and live lives as His
thankful servants.
Mr. Isaac
World Religions 11
The final
examination for World Religions 11 is
set for the morning of Tuesday, June
18. In all likelihood that means that
this will be the grade 11s first exam.
Here’s just a short bit of advice: Get
organized. Study smartly. Don’t forget
your rest. Trust God to bless your
work as you have applied yourself
throughout the semester. Remember
that God has given you education (and
things like final exams) to enable you
not just to succeed this year, but to
serve Him in the years to come.
Mr. Snippe
Bible Well here we are! It is hard to
believe that it is the last week of
school to report on already! This week
we finished up our final papers by
handing in a rough draft on
Wednesday and the final draft on
Friday. We also spent parts of this
week preparing for our exam. Students
were given a review sheet which
highlights things to focus on for the
exam. I wish every student in this
class all the best as we finish up this
semester. Also, may God richly bless
you in the summer months; thanks for
your work this semester!
Co-op I am truly proud of these grade
12 students. I can say that rarely did I
have a negative final visit with
employers; in fact, I was overwhelmed
with compliments on our students'
hard work, diligence, punctuality,
care, kindness etc. Great work this
semester! We ended the year with our
2 in-class days which consisted of
listening to each other's reports on
certain aspects of Co-op. It was a nice
way to end the year and share our
positive and negative experiences and
what we learned and how we grew. I
wish you all the best as you seek out
God's will for your life in your posthigh school years. Lord's Blessings!
Miss teBokkel
English 9 We have spent this week
working on our final unit assignment
(this was due Thursday, June 13), and
then reviewing for exams. Students
should be using the review sheets
provided and information discussed in
class to guide their study and
Canadian History 10 We have spent
this week working on our final unit
assignment (this is due today, Friday,
assignment still outstanding are to
email me the link to their Prezi
presentation by the end of the
weekend (Don't postpone it, but get it
done NOW--you need to focus on
exam preparation). Students should be
using the review sheets provided and
information discussed in class to guide
their study. Chunking the material into
units or other manageable blocks of
information and studying a piece at a
time will help to make study less
Canadian Geography 9 Students had
their final unit assignment due this
week (assignment due date moved to
Thursday June 13, 2013). We have
spent this week doing group review
for exams. Students should be using
the review sheets provided and
information discussed in class to guide
their study. Students are reminded that
chunking the material and terms into
units or other manageable blocks of
information will help to make study
less intimidating.
HCSS Exams
Exams are 90 minutes for Grade 9 and a maximum of 3 hours for Grade12U exams. All other exams are a maximum of 2
Morning exams begin with devotions at 8:45am, while afternoon exams begin with devotions at 12:45pm.
Exam schedules and locations will be posted throughout the high school. Students who are writing in the gym should take
note of which row(s) their exam will be written in before they enter the gym.
Students may bring a bottle of water into the gym. No other food, candy or drink is permitted.
Cell phones, pencil cases, purses or bags are not allowed in the exam room.
After the morning exams, students may leave the school, if they have written and dated permission from their parents.
Students must sign out at the office. Normal procedures for driving other students must still be followed.
Uniform policy is in place during the exam days. Girls may wear uniform pants instead of kilts.
Textbooks are to be placed on the designated carts. Students must ensure that their name is written inside the front cover.
There will be a $10 fee per textbook that is not returned during exam week.
Any student who is too sick to write an exam, should not come to school. Parents should call the school before 8:30 a.m. to
notify the office. Arrangements will be made to write the exam as soon as possible on an alternate date.
EXAM schedule June 2013
June 17
June 18
June 19
June 20
Study Day
Study Day
Socials 12M