ETEC 510 Peer Review

ETEC 510 Peer Review
In this course, you will participate in a small group to complete assignments 2 and 3. In the best of all
worlds, everyone would work to their potential and contribute equitably to the groups’ work. This is
what usually happens. Other possibilities are that some members make outstanding contributions, or
some members make little or no contribution. In either of these exceptional circumstances, it is right and
proper that your instructor is informed and that suitable adjustments are made to grades. Just knowing
that each member is accountable for his or her contribution to the group is usually sufficient incentive
for everyone to try to participate fully and, as far as possible, equitably.
We realize that some of you may be reluctant to evaluate the contributions of your peers, but you are in
the best position to do so, in collaborative learning projects. You are expected to submit a Peer Review
report at the end of assignment 2, and again at the end of assignment 3. The main purpose of these
reports is to inform your instructor about your contribution and the contributions of each member of
your group to the assignment. If there is an unusual participation pattern at the end of assignment 2, you
instructor may reassign group memberships.
Your Peer Review report should be prepared in MS Word and e-mailed to your instructor. Please create
it according to the following template:
ETEC 510 Peer Review
Please list the members of your group:
Your name:
_Nick Hadfield__________________
Group member 2:
_Cara Dennis __________________
Group member 3:
_Angela Schwarz __________________
Please give the title and describe your assignment in general terms:
Technology Enhanced Weather Unit:
Students will learn about the different aspects of weather through both the study of the parts, and
later as a collection of the whole. The first part of the unit focuses on weather instruments, cloud types,
and temperature, while the second part of the unit focuses on how all these measurements go together to
make climate. An ongoing learning throughout the unit will be measuring weather using different
weather recording instruments. The final oral project will require that students record weather data from
various cities around the world (using chosen websites) and compiling this data into an Excel
spreadsheet so that they can graph the results. They then compare the results to other cities and match
them up to classify the climate. Finally they write up their findings using MS Word and orally present
to the class.
Please describe your contribution to the assignment:
First, we broke up the different part of the assignment into parts:
In both Chat Room #1, and by e-mail we developed our ideas and got everyone heading in the same
direction will clear goals and responsibilities.
My focus for this assignment was to develop both the setting of the weather unit as well as developing
the constructivist rationale. All of the information regarding Bella Bella and the school setting was
developed by me with minor edits by Cara and Angela. As well, the information regarding the
constructivist rationale was supplied. Other paragraphs such as an evaluation section did not make the
final edits because we were already WAY over on words.
Also, I developed the Matrix that outlines the learning outcomes, learning activities, assessment, and
needed resources that will be included in assignment #3 and provided the overall framework for
assignment #2.
Finally, I did a thorough grammar edit before sending to Angela for a Final read-through.
Please describe the contribution of the other members of your group:
Cara did an amazing job of pasting all our ideas together into one cohesive document. She wrote many
sections and incorporated Angela and my sections into the document and made them all fit.
Angela also did a great job writing her parts to the essay and doing the final read through..
Both other members of my group were helpful and available for questions through email and chat.
Please indicate whether, in your opinion
We all contributed equitably to the final project
One or more group members made an outstanding contribution and deserve extra recognition.
Please describe:
One or more group members did not participate equitably in the assignment.
Please describe: