Mr Noel Lavery (Chair)
Mr Gerry Lavery
Mr Robert Huey
Dr John Speers
Mr David Small
Mrs Tracey Teague
Mr Graeme Wilkinson
Mr David Russell
Mr Frank Caddy
Mr Joe Cassells (Secretariat)
Mrs Dolores Palmer (Secretariat)
Mr N Lavery noted this is Mr Huey’s first DB meeting as CVO and welcomed
him to the Board.
Declaration of Interests
Mr Wilkinson noted his wife has been added to her father’s business ID.
Mr Russell reiterated his membership of Portaferry Regeneration Limited.
noted his involvement with Portaferry Exploris.
Mr Huey noted interests and confirmed he would liaise with DB Secretariat.
Minutes of last meeting.
The minutes of and matters arising from the October meeting were agreed.
Publication Scheme: Papers may be published.
Conference on CAP
General Departmental Update
Mr N Lavery gave an update on issues including the recent Stakeholder
Conference on CAP; Winter Preparedness; the recent senior team meeting
with the UFU and the Pay and Grading Review.
Mrs Teague agreed to keep Mr N Lavery informed of progress on the Pay and
Grading Review.
Action Point 1 – Mrs Teague to keep Mr N Lavery informed of progress on the Pay
and Grading Review.
Relocation Update
Mr G Lavery gave an update on the HQ Relocation Programme. He noted the
Minister has been made aware of the proposed timetable and is content with
the reassurance that officials will, of course, seek to effectively manage the
risk of disruption to DARD business during the relocation processes.
Mr Lavery said consideration now needs to be given to further communication
with staff. Both Mr Caddy and Mr Russell reflected on the importance of this
and Mrs Teague confirmed management support will be available for staff as
Mr N Lavery said future communication needs to be clear and concise. He
referred to his recent series of meetings with staff where feedback was that
staff want more face to face communication not just written communication
with senior management.
Mr Caddy asked has a similar relocation taken place in the Northern Ireland
Civil Service and Mrs Teague said she is currently liaising with other
Departments to see how relocation affected their business.
After a discussion about terms and conditions Mr N Lavery said that he
accepted terms and conditions are outlined in the Staff Handbook but
emphasized that we needed to be explicit in pointing staff to available
allowances. He wanted an absolutely clear definition of agile working for staff
which is now a key question being raised.
Mr N Lavery referred to early recruitment to posts in Ballykelly and Mr G
Lavery said suitable accommodation is currently being looked at.
Dr Speers noted the inter-relationship between the four relocation projects.
Mrs Teague referred to the ongoing pilot with Rivers Agency colleagues. She
noted, however, that expectations need to be managed.
Mr N Lavery asked how staff in Forest Service have been communicated with.
Mr G Lavery agreed to contact Mr Beatty and clarify this.
Mr Wilkinson referred to associated spend for the Rivers Agency relocation.
Mr N Lavery asked Mr Wilkinson to engage with Mr Kennedy on this subject.
Mr N Lavery referred to the most recent 2020 paper and asked Mr Wilkinson
to prepare a rolling 2020 paper for future Board meetings.
Action Point 2 – Mr G Lavery to contact Mr Beatty and clarify the dates on which
updates on relocation were provided to staff.
Action Point 3 – Mr Wilkinson to engage with Mr Kennedy on associated spend for
the Rivers Agency relocation.
Action Point 4 – Mr Wilkinson to prepare rolling 2020 paper for future DB meetings.
Publication Scheme: This submission is exempt from disclosure under
Section 35 of the Freedom of Information Act.
HR Reports
DARD Staffing Positions
Mrs Teague presented the newly revised paper and highlighted the key
issues. She noted a report from the Workforce Planning Group will be
presented to DB at the next meeting.
Mrs Teague referred to the Headquarters relocation HR Strategy and noted
that staff engagement is critical. Mr G Lavery referred to the elective transfer
process. Mrs Teague said she has tabled a paper for the HR Directors Group
(HRDG) and this will include consideration of the effectiveness of existing
processes to take forward the relocation HR strategy.
Mrs Teague summarized the current vacancies and outlined the ongoing
recruitment competitions. Mr N Lavery said he would like to see people
recruited to posts within a shorter timescale.
Mrs Teague asked DB members to be open minded when considering
reasonable adjustments requested within their business areas.
Mrs Teague asked for feedback on the revised report and Mr Caddy said he
felt the appendices were very useful. He asked if the duration of temporary
promotions can be examined and reported on. Mrs Teague agreed this would
be possible and she would look at it.
Mr Caddy asked for an extra column, to show the total number of staff in that
business area to be included in the “Business Area” area on Appendix 4 and
the vacancies presented as a %.
Mr Caddy said he would be interested in seeing Organisation charts for the
Groups within DARD to increase awareness of the Group. Mrs Teague
agreed she would look at this.
It was agreed that DB were content with the revised format of the report. Mrs
Teague said Appendix 3 will become more refined in time and will, in
approximately 3 months time, outline reasons for leaving.
DB noted the paper and the Department’s staffing, vacancy and temporary
promotion position including the update in the Relocation HR Strategy.
Action Point 5 - Mrs Teague to look at reporting on the duration of temporary
Action Point 6 – Mrs Teague to arrange for an extra column, to show the total
number of staff in that business area to be included in the “Business Area” area on
Appendix 4 and the vacancies presented as a %.
Action Point 7 – Mrs Teague to look at supplying Organisation charts for the
Groups within DARD.
Publication Scheme: This submission and associated appendices are fully
HR Reports – Managing Attendance Report
Mrs Teague presented this report. DB noted  the update on NISRA 2012/13 annual report on sickness absence in
the NICS;
 the progress towards the Ministerial target for reducing sickness
 the sick absence position at 30 September, including the cost;
 the actions taken to manage sickness absence cases; and
 the proposals for delivery of absence management training.
Mrs Teague said that on current forecasts DARD will not meet the Ministerial
target. She highlighted that the Department has a large number of long-term
absences and she is considering benchmarking with other Departments on
the best way to manage long terms absences. Mrs Teague asked the Board
to be mindful that 93.7% of staff had taken no sick absence within the period
She went on to highlight that the management of sick absence is a line
management responsibility and asked that DB members ensure their
management teams avail of all training opportunities.
Mr N Lavery asked if each element of the management of sick absence
process is being measured. Mrs Teague said she will arrange an update on
compliance with Managing Attendance procedures.
Action Point 8 – Mrs Teague to arrange for an update on compliance with
Managing Attendance procedures.
Publication Scheme: This paper and associated documents are fully
DARD Finance Reports
Financial Plan 2020 – Verbal Update
Mr Wilkinson said no finance paper was available this month due to a system
upgrade in Account NI. He gave a verbal update on the result of the October
Monitoring round and noted bids for £10.6m were made and an allocation of
£7.3m had been confirmed. Mr Russell asked if Mr Wilkinson had any
concerns about spend given the closeness of the end of the financial year. Mr
Wilkinson said he was satisfied spend would be achieved.
Mr Wilkinson went on to outline pressures facing the Department. He said he
would present the Financial Plan 2020 at the next DB meeting. He noted that
the Financial Plan, Business Plan and Workforce Plan will all need to be
aligned. Mr Wilkinson said he had discussed planning assumptions with DFP
and that he proposed a series of bilaterals with Grade 3s and CEOs to
discuss further. He noted staffing pressures are difficult at present.
Publication Scheme: N/A
2013/14 Business Plan Progress Report to 30 September
Mr Wilkinson presented the DARD Business Plan and PfG Commitment
Progress Reports to 30 September. DB noted the progress reported to 30
September 2013 in respect of each of the 30 targets included in the
Department’s 2013/14 Business Plan.
DB also noted the overall progress report to 30 September in relation to the
Department’s 4 PfG Commitments.
Publication Scheme: This submission and associated appendices are fully
Arms Length Bodies Business Plans Progress Reports
Mr Wilkinson presented this paper. Remarking on the number of targets
indicated, Mr Russell asked if Sponsor Branches have a common formula for
Business Planning. Mr N Lavery noted that dialogue is needed as to what the
Department expects. Mr Wilkinson suggested Finance Division may be able
to work more closely with Sponsor Branches on Business Planning. Mr
Lavery asked Mr Wilkinson to take this forward.
Action Point 9 – Mr Wilkinson to arrange for Finance Division to work more closely
with Sponsor Branches on Business Planning.
Mr N Lavery referred to paragraph 10 of the paper and the summary under
“Target 12 – Provision of Good Agricultural Practice” (GAP) Code. Dr Speers
said he thought this referred to printing costs. He agreed to check and
confirm to Mr N Lavery.
Mr N Lavery referred to the delays in the Loughs Agency Annual Report,
Financial Statements and Business Plan. Mr N Lavery asked Dr Speers to
advise Ian Humes that he would like to meet and discuss the Loughs Agency
early in the new year.
Mr N Lavery said he would raise the Loughs Agency governance issues at the
Audit Committee meeting next week.
Action Point 10 – Dr Speers to check the background to “Target 12 – Provision of
Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Code and confirm to Mr N Lavery
Action Point 11 – Dr Speers to advise Ian Humes that Mr N Lavery would like to
meet and discuss the Loughs Agency early in the new year.
Action Point 12 – Mr N Lavery to raise the Loughs Agency governance issues at
the Audit Committee meeting next week.
Publication Scheme: This paper can be published under the Publication
Quarterly Debt Report
Mr Wilkinson noted there has been no significant change in this report from
last month.
DB noted the debt position at 30 September 2013 has decreased by £0.03m
since the last report at 30 June 2013.
Mr N Lavery asked Mr Wilkinson if he was content that robust actions are
being taken against aged debt. Mr Wilkinson said he is content appropriate
actions are being taken.
Publication Scheme: This paper can be published under the Publication
Single Tender Actions
DB noted the summary list of Single Tender Actions over £5k in the period
1 September – 30 September 2013.
Publication Scheme: This paper can be published under the Publication
Post Project Evaluations
DB noted the number of Post Project Evaluations currently outstanding.
Mr Wilkinson said he hoped to have the outstanding Post Project Evaluations
cleared quickly.
Mr Caddy referred to the number of Post Project Evaluations contained in the
over 60 days analysis.
Mr N Lavery asked Dr Speers to closely monitor the Central Policy Group
(CPG) Post Project Evaluations.
Mr N Lavery referred to AFBI Post Project Evaluations and Mr Wilkinson
explained the database is not yet fully updated for AFBI but Finance Division
is in the process of doing so. Mr Lavery asked that this be taken forward as a
matter of priority.
Action Point 13 – Dr Speers to closely monitor the Central Policy Group (CPG) Post
Project Evaluations.
Action Point 14 – Mr Wilkinson to update the database with AFBI information as a
matter of priority.
Publication Scheme: This paper can be published under the Publication
The Board observed the 2-minute silence for Armistice Day.
Mr Huey summarised the background and progress to date in the NIFAIS
project. He referred DB members to the hard copy of the Outline Business
Case which had been circulated to Board members for information.
Mr Huey outlined the 4 options now available which are (1)
The Baseline option – the status quo.
Status quo with technology upgrade.
Business Services with technology upgrade and process retirement
with relevant DARD systems developed using joint resources.
Comprehensive business functionality including expert system with
technology upgrade with relevant DARD systems developed using joint
Following a discussion about finance related issues, and in response to a
query from Mr Caddy, Mr Huey was requested to provide a breakdown of
depreciation costs to DB.
DB was content to approve the project proposal. However, Mr N Lavery
asked Mr Huey and Mr Wilkinson to draft a cover note / best statement to
DFP and highlight the preferred option. He emphasized the need to highlight
more fully the monetary and other benefits of the project including its linkage
the Going for Growth and the need for the project to be resourced properly.
Action Point 15 – Mr Huey to provide a breakdown of depreciation costs to DB.
Action Point 16 – Mr Huey and Mr Wilkinson to draft a cover note / best statement
to DFP and highlight the preferred option.
Publication Scheme: This submission is exempt from disclosure under
Section 35 of the Freedom of Information Act.
Update on the Recommendations from the Agri-food Strategy Board
(AFSB) Report
Dr Speers delivered a verbal update on the recommendations from the AFSB
Report, Going for Growth. He noted that the Executive paper has almost
been agreed and will be forwarded to TMG before going to the Minister.
Dr Speers said he will be looking at integrating Going for Growth into the
DARD Balanced Scorecard.
Mr Caddy referred to the number of recommendations solely for DARD.
Dr Speers said most of these recommendations will require joint working with
the industry.
Publication Scheme: N/A
Forest Service Funding Scheme
Mr G Lavery noted the high risk associated with the Forest Service Funding
Scheme spend. He said this matter will was fully discussed with himself and
Mr N Lavery and Forest Service senior management team at the Forest
Service 6-monthly review meeting.
Mr N Lavery asked Mr G Lavery and Mr Wilkinson to monitor Forest Service
Funding Scheme expenditure very closely and report back to him as
Action Point 17 – Mr G Lavery and Mr Wilkinson to monitor Forest Service Funding
Scheme expenditure very closely and report back to Mr N Lavery as necessary.
EU Audit Compliance Programme Update Paper
Mr Small presented this paper and noted the good progress made. He said a
way forward for legacy schemes is being developed following legal advice
received and an update will be prepared for the Minister.
Mr N Lavery asked if agreement holders have been communicated with.
Mr Small said a decision on communication will be made soon.
DB noted the contents of the paper.
Publication Scheme: This paper is fully disclosable.
Forward Agenda
Mr Cassells presented the paper and DB agreed the agenda for the
December DB meeting.
Mr N Lavery asked Mrs Palmer to speak to Mrs McIlveen about the paper on
the agenda “AFBI’s Progress in Delivering their Finance Improvement Plan”.
Mr Wilkinson said he would look at the Finance items included on the agenda
and advise Mrs Palmer which items will be presented.
Action Point 18 - Mrs Palmer to speak to Mrs McIlveen about the paper on the
agenda “AFBI’s Progress in Delivering their Finance Improvement Plan”.
Action Point 19- Mr Wilkinson to look at the Finance items included on the agenda
and advise Mrs Palmer which items will be presented.
Publication Scheme: This submission is fully disclosable.
Mr N Lavery noted the AFBI PAC hearing is on 27 November and therefore
will be concluded by the next Board meeting.