Business plan 2009-2010 Annex 1 Project Rag Summary

RAG Status Report
January 2009
Executive Directors Project RAG Status Report – January 2009
Key Projects
Other Projects
Key Programme/Project
Programme/Project Title
Director Lead
Programme Manager /Project
Consultant Team Summary Report
Mark Davies
Ian Swatkins
HES Replacement
Stephen Leathley
Pam Westley
Syndication Service
Stephen Leathley
David Waller
New Streamlining Data Collection Process
Clare Sanderson
Steve Webster
Project Monday
Tim Straughan
Kevin Johnson
NHS Choices
Phil Wade
Nicola Mitchell / John Pearson /
Susan Foster/ Dinesh Patel
Standards and Architecture - Datasets Gaps
Tim Straughan
Monica Jones
IG Compliance Unit and Framework Programme (formerly
Honest Broker Programme)
Clare Sanderson
Andreas Lambrianou
General Practice Extraction Service (GPES)
Mark Davies
Riffat Ali
Signposting Portal
Phil Wade
Ian Carroll
Integrated Services for Older People
Robert Lake
Kate Anderson
The National Adult Social Care Intelligence Service (NASCIS)
Robert Lake
Linda Whalley
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Author: CPO
RAG Status
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Rag Status Report – January 2009
Executive Directors Project RAG Status Report – January 2009
Other Projects
Project Title
Project/ Prog Manager
Security (IT Strategy)
Kevin Johnson
National Back Office Service Management
Terance Shird
Project Sutton
Lorraine Cole
The NHS Information Centre Data Extraction Services
Ian Swatkins
IC Collaborative Environment (ICE) Programme
George Harris
World Class Commissioning
Patrick Nolan
Promoting Clinician’s Use of Information
Martin Orton
Project Columbo (Re-procurement of a Healthcare Data Quality Service)
Sharon Phillips
Performance Benchmarking
Jeremy Allen
Independent Sector Information
Martin Orton
Clinical Quality Indicators Consultation
Patrick Nolan
Community Information Management Framework
Netta Hollings
Workforce Change Programme
Jeremy Allen
Child Health & Maternity Intelligence Unit
Andy Mobbs
Jeremy Allen
Applications Consolidation and Development Programme
Nick Porthouse/Steve
Patient Recorded Outcome Measures (PROMs)
David West
Procurement of Public Health Compendium, Local Basket of Indicators and the Health
Poverty Index (Formerly NCHOD procurement)
Alison Neave
Not Submitted
IC MHMDS Data Processing, Validation & Output
Steve Wise
Not Submitted
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Author: CPO
RAG Status
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Rag Status Report – January 2009
Executive Directors Project RAG Status Report – January 2009
Project Milestones and Outputs for Key Programmes/Projects
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Executive Directors Project RAG Status Report – January 2009
Key Programmes/Projects
Consultant Team Summary Report (CTSR)
External members:
Iain Carpenter (Royal College of Physicians)
NHS IC Executive Lead: Mark Davies
Project Manager: Ian Swatkins
CPO Lead: Karen Davison
Project Cost Code: C08010
Start date: 12/05/2008
End Date: Currently being
The Project is Red due to the following:
The Project Board has now given approval for a submission to be made for the project to continue to
Sep 09, in order to allow for BAU state to be reached following the extension of scope to drill-down to
HRG level activity data and national roll-out.
Action required from EDG:
EDG is asked to approve the Exception Report (mid-Jan).
Although an Exception report was raised on 31st Oct, it has now been decided to drive through the
displaying of HRG level activity.
Roll-out of the pilot to the North West Region is now underway.
Project purpose:
To deliver comparative information to all NHS consultants that allows them to view how their activity compares with that of their peers.
Progress made this reporting period:
 The North-West (NW) roll-out has commenced with enthusiastic support from the NW Region Deputy Medical Director, Steve
Ryan. Four NW-trusts have been targeted initially and early Jan 09 will see the roll-out to the rest of the appropriate trusts within
this region. Additionally, Birmingham Acute Hospitals Trust is also being targeted.
 The Briefing pack distributed to the NW Region has been forwarded to CEO and Head of Commercial, as the NHS IC will need to
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formally brief Dr Foster (they are ‘aware of’ the project) on the CTSR project, especially in view of the move to HRG level data.
A detailed Project Plan is being finalised to effectively manage the competitive resource intensive activities of data update, product
re-design and drill-down to HRG level data
The Comms lead continues to draw together and enact a multi-faceted comms plan.
Brian Derry has agreed to join the Project Board and Martin Orton continues to provide strong support.
Weekly project group and PM / Chris Roebuck meetings continue to provide regular monitoring, with additional ad hoc meetings as
and when required due to the tight timescales.
The risk and dependency register has been updated.
Resources remain exceptionally tight with some key risks associated to them. The (part-time) PM and main developer are
contractors and the part-time project support resource leaves the NHS IC in early Jan 09.
Outlook for next period:
 The pilot will roll-out throughout the North West and planning for the national roll-out will continue.
 The CTSR development team will concentrate on updating the dashboard, drafts for the drill-down to HRG level data will be put to
the Board and the data update will be progressed.
 Re-appointment of project support resource will be vital to effective monitoring of feedback.
 Further initial dialogue has continued with CfH gateway development Team and this will continue.
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HES Replacement Project
Project Cost Code: C08013
NHS IC Executive Lead: Stephen Leathley
Project Manager: Dave Philpott (SUS Programme)
NHS IC Ops Lead: Pam Westley
CPO Lead: Karen Davison
External members:
SUS Programme Board
DH Sponsor - Bruce Keogh
Start date: 28/04/2008
End Date: 31/10/2010
The project has moved from Red to Amber during December due to the following:
 The NHS IC and SUS Executive have now agreed that HES replacement will be wholly delivered
through the NHS Analysis and Reporting Service (NARS) thus resolving the project governance issue
raised in the November highlight report.
 The NARS project board chairman has been appointed (Richard Popplewell, CEO of Stockport PCT)
and the first NARS project board has been arranged for 27/1/09.
 High level procurement strategy was approved by SUS Programme Board in December 2008. A
meeting has been held with the CFH procurement team and they have given verbal support to
procuring through the ASCC route (yet to be confirmed in writing).
 An initial NARS project plan has been issued for review and comment.
 NHS IC project sponsor for HES replacement is still Stephen Leathley, with Brian Derry as the NHS IC
Executive sponsor for NARS.
 Still need to be certain that HES replacement project has been fully integrated within NARS project
arrangements, hence, the AMBER rating for December with expectation that project will be green
and/or subsumed within NARS from January 2009 onwards.
No action required from EDG.
 As above.
Current expenditure is not fully
reflected in cost calculator
To be reviewed in the light of the
decision to integrate within NARS
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Project purpose:
To deliver a replacement service for the HES service by the time that the current contract with Northgate Information Solutions expires
after processing of the 2008-9 data (no later than 31st March 2010).
Progress made this reporting period:
 The NHS IC and SUS Executive have now agreed that HES replacement will be wholly delivered through the NHS Analysis and
Reporting Service (NARS) thus resolving the project governance issue raised in the November highlight report.
 The NARS project board chairman has been appointed (Richard Popplewell, CEO of Stockport PCT) and the first NARS project
board has been arranged for 27/1/09.
 High level procurement strategy was approved by SUS Programme Board in December 2008. A meeting has been held with the
CFH procurement team and they have given verbal support to procuring through the ASCC route (yet to be confirmed in writing)
 An initial NARS project plan has been issued for review and comment.
 NHS IC project sponsor for HES replacement is still Stephen Leathley, with Brian Derry as the NHS IC Executive sponsor for
 The Requirements project team, funded through the NHS IC, is continuing to develop the Requirements for HES replacement and
contributing to NARS project documentation. A NARS project team has been established and is meeting weekly to review progress
and create the formal project documentation including that required for the HES replacement.
 HES User group were updated on NARS at their December meeting and volunteers secured for the HES working group for the
NARS project.
 Northgate Information Systems have been formally notified of the extension of the HES contract to cover the processing of the
2009-10 data year.
 Additional project expenditure has not been actioned over and above the contractors already recruited pending decisions on the
future project governance arrangements.
Outlook for next period:
 First NARS Project Board to be held on 27th January 2009. Membership and invitations to Project Board members completed.
 Requirements Specification for HES replacement to be produced in draft form for consultation building on the work commenced in
December with the subject matter experts and to involve further input from HES users.
 CFH to confirm the contract management and procurement arrangements.
 Continue work on the HES Replacement Outline Business Case (OBC).
 Produce baselined project plan, risk and issues registers which indicate the specific responsibilities for the delivery of HES
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replacement as a significant component of NARS.
Initiate discussions with Northgate Information Solutions on transition and migration planning.
Northgate contract reviewed to clarify expiry clauses and dependencies in order to validate and develop the high level costing
model for the HES OBC.
NARS procurement initiated (to include HES replacement).
Review the budget for the HES replacement project in the light of the decision to deliver through NARS and as part of the NHS IC
business planning processes. Need to decide the budget accountabilities and responsibilities.
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Rag Status Report – January 2009
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Syndication Service
Project Cost Code: C08008
NHS IC Executive Lead: Brian Derry
External Members: currently being scoped
PM: David Waller (Interim)
Start date: 19/05/2008
End Date: 30/11/2009
CPO Lead: Clare Martin
The Project is Amber due to the following:
The project is being re-scoped following the Nov 08 EDG meeting. Assessment is being made to allocate
the appropriate Business Analyst/Project Manager resource.
No action is required from EDG.
 David Waller is acting as temporary Project Manager.
Project purpose:
Syndication Service will create a ‘distribution hub’ for data from many parts of the system where data collected once, is relayed to other
organisations that need it in a safe, controlled and properly governed manner. This single source hub reduces the existing many data
transfers that take place at present. The Syndication Service:
 Distributes data to other organisations in a secure manner.
 Receives data from other organisations.
 Controls quality and standards.
 Uses Signposting as its key access route.
 Operates within the confines of the Honest Broker.
Progress made this reporting period:
 Project restructuring: With the technical solution being shelved, the project is being re-scoped to concentrate on business process
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changes in its early phases. Project governance has been changed in the light of this re-scoping. Brian Derry is now Project
Executive, Martin Liddament and Andrew Frith will provide the Design Authority. Discussions have been held with the Honest
Broker project regarding the similarity of the projects’ scope and the possible sharing of project resources.
David Waller is reviewing the current resource needs of the project.
Syndication scenario building: A meeting has been scheduled with the Healthcare Commission to determine their requirements as
pilot users of the Syndication Service.
Outlook for next period:
 Syndication Scenario Building: Ongoing development of the HCC scenario.
 Project Plan: Develop and establish a project plan (on-going).
 Cost Calculator: Develop and expand the cost calculations used in the SOC into a cost calculator (on-going).
 Project Initiation Document (PID): Develop and establish a PID (on-going).
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New Streamlining Data Collection Process
NHS IC Executive Lead: Clare Sanderson
Project Manager: Steve Webster
CPO Lead: Clare Martin
Project Cost Code: C08011
External Members:
Gordon Hextall - DH
Streamlining Data Collection Board members
Start Date: provisional
End Date: Currently being
The Project is Amber due to the following:
 Business case went to EDG 3rd November; principles agreed but no funding approved – currently
investigating alternatives to NHS IC funding.
Amber Amber Amber
 One-off funds identified for survey work for Streamlining Data Collections (SDC) board in 2008/09, and
contract let; to report end Feb 2009.
Action required from EDG:
 None at present.
 May be other non NHS IC funded ways to carry out some of the work, including recruiting to existing
band 7 vacancy with NHS staff.
 Some required survey base-lining work being undertaken by contractors as noted above.
Project purpose:
 To implement a strengthened central regulatory system to police information demands placed on the NHS and Social Care
organisations. This will be done by expanding the resources available to the existing Information Standards (Review of Central
Returns (ROCR)) team.
 The project will explore options for re-engineering and improving the processes that control the implementation of Central
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Progress made this reporting period:
 Business case presented to EDG 3rd November; no funding agreed. Paper on alternative ways of carrying out work, (which remains
a priority) with IG director for comments.
 Contract let 21/12/09 for survey work to support SDC board priorities on identifying reductions in administrative burden.
 Secondment/permanent staff member into current band 7 vacancy – in post 09/10.
Outlook for next period:.
 Talks with ISBHaSC on recruitment of reviewers – job specs, advertisements, payment models etc due Jan 09.
 Survey contract including 3 workshops being managed for completion Feb 09.
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Project Monday
Project Cost Code: C08004
NHS IC Executive Lead: Tim Straughan
External Members:
Start Date: 19/05/2008
Project Manager: Kevin Johnson
Alexis Deveraux – CSC
End Date: 31/03/2009
CPO Lead: Clare Martin
Helen Walker – Bentley Jennison
The Project remains Amber due to the following:
Time : Amber : Confirmation received of forecast WAN link implementation dates gives some confidence
however almost all slack time has been used and resources are already stretched therefore there is little
Amber Amber Green contingency remaining.
Cost : Amber : Cost remains Amber whilst CSC costs for final workstreams are unknown. It is believed that
appropriate provision is made within the budget.
Quality : Green : If the process and policy design work is completed appropriately the quality of the service
will be maintained and improved.
Action required from the Execs:
 Project Boards are being set up on a fortnightly basis with additional weekly reporting to Phil Wade to
ensure that the execs are fully briefed and able to engage as appropriate.
 Drive procurement decisions by Kevin Johnson
 Team management by Farhan Sattar (3rd Line)
 Management of baseline plan
 Costs will be known once all 15 WAF responses are received.
Project will turn red (Time) if WAN links and Service Desk procurements slip, impact will be on cost.
£903,636 (excluding approved 10%
tolerance and internal staff costs)
£984,474 (expected to increase)
8.9% (within tolerance)
Project purpose:
To bring control and support of all IT services in house through termination of and migration from the existing CSC outsourcing.
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Executive Directors Project RAG Status Report – January 2009
Progress made this reporting period:
 Contract with Harrogate hosting centre including Internet services signed
 Workshops for Phase 3 workstreams held
 Service desk and WAN procurements signed
 Detailed, task level, plan for January to March 2009 produced for Phase 1 and Phase 2 as planned
 Service management tool and consultancy (Touchpaper) procured
 User satisfaction survey has been run awaiting analysis to be published to usergroup
 Procurement for procurement for outsourced firewall and remote access management has been started.
Outlook for next period:
Activities carried forward to next period:
 Transition of first CSC server has been delayed, no impact on critical path, BAU issues caused the delay. NHS IC now has the
ability to directly add NHS IC managed servers to the network thus avoiding the need for transition and more than ten new servers
have been added in this way.
 Exception report to address capitalisation of full time headcount not yet raised in agreement with finance team.
Slippage in plan is due to the lead times for the WAN links and establishment of the Harrogate datacentre. Transition of Active Directory
and End User Devices will be achieved before the end of March 2009 but the move from Maidstone (CSC) Datacentre to the new
Harrogate (NHS IC) datacentre is likely to slip resulting in decommissioning beyond the end of March 2009.
Critical tasks for next reporting period:
 Service desk tool (Touchpaper) to go live first week of February
 Process Design for service desk
 Recruitment of Service Desk staff (1st line, working to Jane Moore) and recruitment of additional temporary support staff (2 nd line,
working to John McGhie) to complete. This is taking longer than expected for first line we need to get people in for interview
delayed by the Christmas break for 2nd line approval to recruit has only just been received.
 Active Directory design and preparation for migration
 Harrogate Datacentre design sign off and completion of procurements
 Preparation for February transitions of AD, EUD and Exchange.
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NHS Choices
Project Cost Code:
Externally funded
Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Programme Manager: Nicola Mitchell
CPO Lead: Karen Milburn
External members:
DH – Gary Ashby
NHS Choices Team – Robert Cleary, Lisa
Start date: 12/05/2008
End Date: Currently being
The Project is Amber to the following:
 The specific requirements and timescales for indicator production have yet to be agreed and
 The project is funded until the end of this financial year, Directories, Programme level roles and
clinical indicators specifically for Choices will be funded ongoing. A requirement for funding from
the Darzi budget has been requested for the ongoing costs of the Choices indicator production.
 The MOU is still awaiting input from DH regarding Directories.
 The procurement framework will not be in place until the end of March.
Action required from the Execs:
 Ensure Clinical indicator funding is included in the NHS IC business case.
 A draft transition plan has been produced by DH and this will be finalised and agreed by mid
January 2009 by all stakeholders. Regular checkpoint meetings have been arranged to review
progress against the plan.
 DH Directories lead is to visit Leeds to sign off Directories element of the MOU.
Programme purpose
The NHS IC will become the recognised source to provide relevant information to support decision making.
As from September 2008, The NHS IC will provide clinical indicators through NHS Choices to meet the requirements of the NHS Medical
Director, and Acting Director of Informatics, Professor Sir Bruce Keogh.
Significant progress has been made in moving this project forward.
 NHS IC is represented at the Ops Board and Clinical Indicators Advisory Group (CIAG).
 Monthly meetings are held with DH. However a better working relationship is developing allowing ad hoc meetings when required.
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 The Information Catalogue will be circulated to the NHS IC after every update.
A procurement framework is currently being put in place to allow the NHS IC to obtain Academic input when required and obtain a
supplier to produce Clinical Indicators.
NHS Choices - Clinical Indicators
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Project Manager: Susan Foster
Cost Code: Externally funded
External Members:
Northgate Information Solutions
Peter West, York University
Gary Ashby (DH)
DH Choices programme
Sir Bruce Keogh (DH) and Clinical Indicators
Advisory Group (CIAG)
Start Date: 13/05/2008
End Date: 31/03/2009
The Project is Amber due to the following:
 Timescales for all requirements have yet to be agreed and confirmed.
 Lack of clarity regarding the transition plan.
No action required from EDG.
 A draft transition plan is currently being produced and will be made available by 15 th January
Externally funded
Project purpose:
To deliver a set of indicators which are scheduled from release 4 to release 6 as defined by the DH Roadmap (available upon request)
and be in a position to be responsible for the production new indicators going forward from October 2008.
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Progress made this reporting period:
 An options paper has been produced detailing the requirements from Northgate over the coming months.
 The board has agreed and confirmed that the project does not require a new mandate for the 2 nd phase as the budget for this work
has already been secured and is included within the existing MOU.
 The NHS IC Choices Indicator team have delivered the requirements for the December packaging deadline.
 DH sent the RTT data after the required December deadline and the NHS IC has identified issues with the data and is awaiting a
response from DH.
 Meeting held with DH on 9th December to discuss and agree the transition process.
 The NHS IC Choices Indicator team has visited Manchester Trust to assess the existing validation tool.
 The costings for the project have moved to the central NHS IC Choices cost centre so no further cost calculator reports will be
produced for this project.
Outlook for next period:
 Produce first draft of transition plan by mid January 2009.
 Update PID to reflect the work requirements for 2009.
 Produce roles, responsibilities and reporting structure documentation.
 Commence options appraisal for the validation tool.
 Engage with DH regarding the future developments of clinical indicators.
Document the internal end to end process for producing the clinical indicators, identifying error reporting tests and QA procedures.
NHS Choices – Data Feeds - HES Monthly
Cost Code: Externally funded
NHS IC Executive Lead: Brian Derry
Project Manager: John Pearson
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External Members:
Start date: 13/05/2008
End Date: 31/12/2008
Northgate Information Solutions
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, no action is required from EDG.
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Project purpose:
The purpose of the Project is to move HES processing from a quarterly to a monthly cycle, improving the existing procedures to achieve
the processing of data within 20 days of submission from Payment by Results (PbR) reporting.
Progress made this reporting period:
 Processing of 2008/09 M6 (including M1-M5) data was completed on 27th November.
 Processing Final AR data will continue (ongoing).
 Detailed project plans have been produced and progress has been monitored against them.
 A project closure report has been produced and the project has been signed off as closed by its Sponsor Andy Sutherland on 24
Outlook for next period:
Not applicable as the project has now closed.
NHS Choices – NHS Direct Integration into NHS Choices
Cost Code: Externally funded
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
PM: Dinesh Patel
Start date: 01/01/09
External Members:
End Date: 30/06/09
Bryan Cox, John Woodman; NHS Direct
Claire Cotton; NHSC Programme Management
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, no action is required from EDG.
Externally funded.
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Project purpose:
The aim is to acquire a NHSD’s local services database and publish it on NHS choices.
Progress made this reporting period:
 ~June 2008: DH formally requested that the IC acquire NHSD’s hitherto unpublished local services database (made up of data
sourced from tens of thousands of individual local service providers) and publish it in new/appropriate directories on the NHSC
website. This was requested under the BAU services provided by the IC’s NHSC Directories team and was intended to be a “quick
win” solution as part of DH’s wider programme of work to bring NHSD web services onto NHSC and thus create one website for the
 ~July 2008: IC Directories team initially responded to DH with assertion that the work was large enough to warrant being a special
project and not BAU, hence non-BAU funding would be needed. IC Directories team also raised the risk that NHSD data was not
adequately licenced for publication on NHSC, thus eliminating the possibility of a “quick win”.
 ~Jul 2008: IC EDG approved the internal project mandate authorising the project but stipulated that funding should be acquired
from DH before proceeding.
 ~Nov 2008: Funding for NHSD project was secured via the DH/IC MOU for NHSC signed off at the same time as the IC’s NHSC
Clinical Indicators work/project.
 ~Nov 2008: A pilot exercise was conducted by extracting all records from the NHSD database relating to “bereavement services” –
a subject that does not currently have a directory on NHSC. ~800 records were extracted from several hundred different suppliers,
showing good geographical coverage of the country, overall quality of data was good. However, NHSD signed individual licences
with all 800 individual sites (rather than, for example, approaching national head offices) and the licence used was not as
comprehensive as the NHSC standard licence.
 ~Dec 2008: DH finally agreed that NHSD data is not adequately licenced for publication (+ further syndication) on NHSC, nor,
given their collection methods, is it appropriate for them to seek new licences with existing suppliers in the manner that they have
done so up till now. DH agreed an alternative approach: to examine the contents of the NHSD database and for the IC approach
any suitable national-level data suppliers directly at a corporate level and to invite them to submit data directly for publication on
NHSC – exactly as per the existing BAU process, and fully compatible with the newly agreed Operational Acceptance Process.
 12 Jan 2009: Temp PM (Alison Samwell) starts at the IC.
Outlook for next period:
 PM to draft a project plan that will allow
 Examination of the contents of NHSD’s database and to identify the various suppliers who have provided data to NHSD.
 NHSC Operations board to agree a plan/timetable whereby prospective new suppliers are approached and invited to submit data
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for publication on NHSC.
IC to take on new data suppliers and evaluate each new supplier’s data as per the newly agreed Operational Acceptance Process.
Closure of the project including report to DH on possible decommissioning of NHSD’s database team.
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Standards and Architecture
Project Cost Code: C08001
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Programme Manager: Monica Jones
CPO Lead: Karen Davison
External members:
David Perry – NHS CfH
Start date: 13/05/2008
End Date: 31/03/2009
Programme Purpose:
The key findings and recommendations of the projects underpinning the Informatics Review are being finalised with a view to
consolidation into Lord Darzi’s Next Stage Review final report due to be published in July 2008. The potential Business Plan Key
Projects for 2008/09, including Dataset Gaps, fit broadly with the emerging themes of Project 1. This has been incorporated in a joint
CfH / NHS IC programme of work ‘Architecture and Data Standards’ in workstream 2.
Datasets Gaps
Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Start date: 16/05/2008
Project Manager: Heiko Kausch
End Date: 24/12/2008
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, no action is required from EDG.
Project Purpose:
The development of a Strategic Outline Case (SOC) to get the funding to implement national datasets for Maternity, Child Health,
CAMHS and Long Term Neurological Conditions in support of National Clinical Directors and Service Frameworks.The development of a
SOC to get the funding to implement national datasets for Maternity, Child Health, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
(CAMHS) and Long Term Neurological Conditions (LTNC) in support of National Clinical Directors and Service Frameworks.
Progress made this reporting period:
Following the partial approval of the funding for this project, i.e. The Business Mandate for Dataset Gaps was approved on the basis of
funding of £100k to develop Business Cases for Long Term Neurological Conditions and Child Health and Maternity.
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Final Sign off of CH and Maternity SOC by National Clinical Director – Dr Sheila Shribman - complete
SOC to be presented to DH Capital Investment Branch (CIB) for further processing - complete
Maternity Draft Standard Submission (Dec 08) – transferred to development project
Continue clinical engagement with stakeholders – transferred to development project.
Working with Local Records Architecture, Dataset Future and Pathways teams – transferred to development project.
Complete Data Dictionary Modelling – Architect recruited and transferred to CFH
Working with LSP, ESP and GP systems providers – transferred to development project
Outlook for next period:
 Project has been completed. Closure documentation to be forwarded to CPO.
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IG Compliance Unit and Framework Programme (formerly Honest Broker Programme)
Project Cost Code: C08007
NHS IC Executive Lead: Mark Davies
Programme Manager: Andreas Lambrianou
CPO Lead: Karen Davison
Start date: 22/12/08
End Date: Currently being
External Members:
Lorraine Campbell, Research Capability
Programme (RCP) Manager
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, therefore no action is required from the Exec team.
Currently being scoped
Project purpose:
The programme is currently being redefined and will likely be split into two separate programmes one dealing with the information
governance and compliance issues and the other with service provision.
Progress made this reporting period:
 Programme Initiation Document approved by Programme Board (22/12/08).
 Programme team recruitment in progress.
 Workshops, to deliver initial IG framework, arranged for 06/01/09 and 12/01/09.
 Proof of Concept project – twins study - underway at Southport.
Outlook for next period:
 Programme
Continue recruitment of project staff
Re-establish Honest Broker room on ground floor
 Proof of Concept
Project approach to be approved by RCP
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Run the research study at Southport
Analyse and document the end-to-end processes
Produce process maps to inform the compliance functions
IG Framework
Develop an initial IG framework
Run two workshops with RCP and NHS IC IG experts to refine initial framework
Deliver first cut IG framework for use in RCP Pilot studies
Plan for wider stake-holder engagement programme
Compliance Unit
Develop approach for the establishment of an IG compliance unit
Outputs will be a set of operating principles/procedures and a resource plan
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General Practice Extraction Service (GPES)
Project Cost Code: Externally
Sponsor: David Colin-Thomé
NHS IC Executive Lead: Mark Davies
Project Manager: Riffat Ali
External Members:
GPES Project Board, Project Assurance
Group (PAG), University of Nottingham,
Connecting for Health (CfH)
Start Date: 05/11/2007
End date: 31/12/2009
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next
reporting period, no action is required from EDG.
(£10m is project lifecycle cost £3.2m is the 08/09 approved
(Based on Dec Cost Calc
(Dec Cost Calc figure – planned
& actuals 08/09 only)
Project purpose:
GPES will be a centrally managed primary care data extraction and analysis service that will obtain information from NHS GP systems in
England with the aim of improving patient care. A two phase approach is envisaged:
Phase 1: GPES will be used by the NHS IC to provide census extracts for the DH and Arms Length Bodies (ALB’s) (including the Health
Protection Agency) to satisfy a range of needs including disease surveillance, clinical audit, support for commissioning patient services,
improvements in managing public health and the allocation of NHS resources. GP practices will be able to run queries against their own
practice system database.
Phase 2: On completion of Phase 1, GPES will be made available to recognised NHS bodies including Strategic Health Authorities (SHA’s),
Primary Care Trusts (PCT’s) and Practice Based Commissioning (PBC) groups so that they can obtain local data extracts to address
specific to local issues. This will be subject to a separate business case and potential expansion or modification of contractor services, NHS
IC services and governance controls. The NHS IC shall provide the customer-facing elements for an end to end service.
Progress made this reporting period:
 Procurement Board held 01.12.08
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Readiness Board held 03.12.08
Delivery Board held 03.12.08
Risk Policy created, internally reviewed - Risk / Issues Logs revised to dovetail with the revised policy
Quality Management Strategy drafted, reviewed and agreed by internal project team – Strategy now in use.
Project Plan Management & Plan Process drafted, agreed & piloted during December – now in use
Project Plan baselined, planning assumptions, internal and external dependencies identified – circulated to the December Readiness,
Procurement and Delivery Boards and approved.
Project Plan baselined, 60+ key milestones identified & being monitored on a weekly basis – high level key milestones identified
Benefits Management Strategy reviewed, comments collated, revisions made.
Readiness: products developed – Problem Management, Availability Management, Capacity Management, Service Level
Management, Release
Stakeholder & Communications: Attended NICE conference, Core Messages approved, Communications Framework approved,
GPES Website launched, GPET-E announcement made, Stakeholder Power Matrix / Contacts drafted, Events Plan drafted
Procurement: Engagement with GP System Suppliers commenced / GPET-E requirements, GPET-Q PQQ / OJEU deliverables all
GPES Outline Business Case – DH CIB queries answered.
Outlook for next period:
 Delivery Board meeting 09.01.09 – products to be approved: revised Service Model & Benefits Management Strategy.
 Readiness Board meeting 14.01.09 – products to be approved: Service Model, Customer Requests Information, Release
Management, Service Desk & Incident Management and Service Overview.
 Core: Outline Business Case issued to DH Capital Investment Branch for approval
 Core: Recruitment continues to procure an Information Governance Consultant
 Readiness: Work commences on Query Library Design and Service Volumes
 Readiness: Work continues on gathering detailed level requirements
 Communications: GP’s and Practice Manager Consultation Group Terms of Reference creation commences, first meeting to be
confirmed – possibly two groups, ‘experts’ and ‘consultants’ TBC
 Communications: IAB coordination of initial requirements and approvals process commences
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Communications: Core messages distributed for second review.
Procurement: GPET-E: Supplier engagement commences, meetings scheduled from 07.01.09
Procurement: GPET-Q: Updating OJEU and PQQ. Once CIB have approved OBC OJEU notice can be issued
Procurement: GPET-I: GPES-I Version 1 creation commences
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Signposting Portal
Project Cost Code: C08006
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
External members: None
Project Manager: Ian Carroll
Start date: 19/05/2008
End Date: 12/10/2011
CPO Lead: Clare Martin
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, no action is required from EDG.
Project purpose:
Signposting develops the Information Catalogue and the existing NHS IC website to provide a portal: a single access point for a wide
range of information, data and informatics services relating to health and social care. It’s main features are:
 Profiles user interests.
 Advanced navigation experience.
 Format information to meet user needs.
 Security and confidentiality protocols.
Progress made this reporting period:
 FAST Enterprise search license procured.
 Interim Signposting Developer recruited- Glen Forbes.
 New developers inducted and implementation ‘kicked off’.
 Development environment and infrastructure setup.
 Progress has been made on Functional requirements, non-functional requirements, and technical architecture work products
Support requirements for this project will be based on available service levels from the IT team which are currently 9x5 until the
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organisation decides what level of support is desirable, i.e. 24x7x365, 9x5, etc.
Outlook for next period:
 Communications strategy to be presented to the Project Board.
 Develop technical and functional spec further.
 Form a steering group- to be formed of representatives from various internal and external user groups
 Develop content strategy.
 Risks and Issues log updated -working with contributors to address risks.
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Project Cost Code: C07008
Integrated Services for Older People
NHS IC Executive Lead: Robert Lake
External Members:
Prof Finbarr Martin – DH
Project Manager: Kate Anderson
Start Date: 01/04/2007
End Date: 31/03/2009
CPO Lead: Karen Davison
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, therefore no action is required from the Exec team.
Project Purpose:
The main objectives of the project are to produce:
 An integrated health and social care publication presenting information on older people.
 A wider toolkit, encompassing a publication and other products created over time and / or externally to The NHS IC.
Progress made this reporting period:
 All new staff are in place.
 New staff brought up to speed on project and workload distributed accordingly.
 Completed matrices have been analysed and discussed with the expert group.
 Additional direction in terms of considering more indicators to cover commissioning elements.
 The date of the next Expert Working Group meeting is to be decided in the new year.
 Completed national replication of South East Coast indicator set.
Outlook for next period:
 Expert group to consider additional commissioning indicators.
 Develop list of contacts for a wider consultation group.
 Map the falls indicator set to the falls pathway.
 Completion of external Older People’s publication on falls. (Ongoing)
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Dependent on definition and development of a set of nationally-defined indicators (similar to Quality Outcomes Framework (QoF),
influenced by local studies, and populated with nationally collected data by NHS IC, we will develop the spec for an online data
base for dissemination and benchmarking for use by local commissioners – dependent on indicator definition, data availability,
resources being secured (as in business plan). (Ongoing)
Publication for falls area. (Ongoing)
Produce analyses of indicators for dementia – 2006/07 indicators by end of Dec and 2007/08 indicators by end Mar 2008.
Complete work plan for similar publication for other care areas, e.g. dementia. (Ongoing)
Results from future publications to be moved into online database.(Ongoing)
Agreement of strategic priorities re family of publications e.g. should we support JSNA? (Ongoing)
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The National Adult Social Care Intelligence Service (NASCIS)
NHS IC Executive Lead: Robert Lake
Project Manager: Linda Whalley
CPO Lead: Karen Davison
Project Cost Code: C07057
External members:
Start date: 08/07/2007
Glen Mason (DH)
End Date: 31/03/2009
David Johnstone – The Association of Directors
of Adult Social Services (ADASS)
Peter West – Commission for Social Care
Inspection (CSCI)
The overall project is Green and it is not anticipated that this status will change over the next reporting
period, therefore no action is required from the Exec team.
Project Purpose:
The NASCIS is an integral part of the emerging DH strategy for adult social care. It will be the vehicle for housing national data collections
(mandatory and voluntary), and will be developed as the key information resource for adult social care. The NHS IC is continuing to
develop proposals for piloting the NASCIS. The Board report from May 2008 on the future of data collections outlines how NASCIS will be
the vehicle for designing the new arrangements. Following recommendations from Tribal and approval from DH, work is being taken
forward to stage two.
Progress made this reporting period:
 Ongoing discussions with Directors for Social Care & Information Development to refine the routemap and plans. First substantive
draft discussed 15/12/08.
 iView part of prototype being made available to DH analysts to help them make better use of existing data collections.
 Progress report submitted to DH Strategic Information Programme Board (meeting 8/1/09).
Outlook for next period:
 Continued focus on activities will be detailed planning of route map for further development, options for use of technologies etc.
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Need to ensure alignment with iView development, signposting project, indicator procurement activities, etc. (Ongoing)
Progress appointment of Project Manager through CPO.
Further stakeholder feedback via DH strategic meeting.
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Other Projects
Security (IT Strategy)
Project Cost Code: Locally
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Programme Manager: Kevin Johnson
External members:
Start date: 07/01/2008
End Date: 28/02/2009
Programme Purpose:
The purpose of the programme is to ensure the security of the IT environment in line with the Information
Security Policy and any ministerial directives.
Laptop and Removable Media Encryption
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Project Manager: Tim Mallett
Start date: 07/01/2008
End Date: 28/02/2009
This project is Red due to the following:
 The project closure date has been further extended because CSC have been unable to fix a
configuration problem in the software.
No action from EDG is required.
 The revised and approved budget has been included in this report. It has been decided to arrange for
the software supplier to re-install the system on a server under NHS IC control and to train NHS IC
staff in the configuration and management of the system. An exception report will be raised once the
recovery plan has been identified.
Project Purpose:
To ensure that all laptops have their hard disks encrypted and that it is possible to keep a record of removable media operations and
encrypt such devices when required.
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National Back Office (NBO)
Service Management
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil
PM: Terance Shird
Start date: 19/11/2007
End Date: Under Review
Project Cost Code: C07068
The Project is Red due to the following:
 As a result of an Options Appraisal to decide how Service Management will be implemented post
project. The Project Board has increased the scope of the project to include implementation of the
new Service Management Framework and creation/implementation of new Business Continuity
 An Exception Report had been prepared but additional delays to critical dependencies outside the
project have resulted in further delays and the Project Board has requested a further revision of the
Exception Plan as well as confirmation from CFH regarding confidence in the external delivery dates
affecting the project.
Action required from the Execs:
 No action required until a new Exception report has been submitted pending further decisions from
the Project Board.
 An Extraordinary Project Board meeting is being held on 9th January 2009 to decide project direction.
 The board is considering two options, one to close the project early and another to extend the project
into next financial year.
£84 000.00
£55 303.00
£84 293.00 (Under Review)
Project Purpose:
This project has been set up to implement and develop a formal Service Management process for the Personal Demographic Service
(PDS) National Back Office.
Further delays to delivery of CFH systems continue to impact the project. Current estimates are now indicating delivery has been pushed
back from June 2009 to August/September 2009. Confidence that these dates will be maintained is low and further delays are expected.
The December project board to discuss the project direction was cancelled due to Key Stakeholder availability and an extraordinary
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project board has been called for the 9th January 2009.
All key project deliverables that were part of the original PID have now been completed. Outstanding items not affected by the delays
mentioned earlier are the Business Continuity plans and IG processes. These are expected to be completed by the end of January 2009.
No update on the decision with regards to the NBO Service Desk has been received to date. CFH have advised that there is unlikely to be
a final decision on this early next year. CFH have asked the NHS IC to provide costs for providing this service until March 2009, and the
Contact Centre manager has agreed to supply the service pending the securing of the necessary resources. A proposal was submitted to
the Project Executive, Phil Wade, for approval, and extra resource has been secured to ensure the continued provision of this service.
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Project Sutton
NHS IC Executive Lead: Phil Wade
Start date: 03/11/2008
Project Manager: Lorraine Cole
End Date: 31/01/2009
Project Cost Code: CO8022
The overall project is Red due to the following:
 This is due to the delay in obtaining the live CHRIS data extract for the development team to assess
the feasibility of Option 2. In order for the development team to have sufficient time to assess the
feasibility of Option 2 and be incorporated in the updated Business Case, the project will need to be
extended by one month.
Action required from the Execs:
 Approve an Exception Report (see below).
An Exception Report has been drafted asking for Stage One of the project to be extended by one
month and seeking additional funding to cover this period.
Project Purpose:
The objective of Project ‘Sutton’ is to ensure the continued provision of the Medical Research Information Service.
If you have any queries or would like copies of full Highlight Reports please contact CPO ( / 0113 254 7275)
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Guidance on RAG format:
Project cost codes
Every project in this report now has a unique project cost code with an alpha prefix to indicate funding source
i.e. C = Centrally funded, E = Externally funded, L = Locally funded, U = Unknown funding source
Traffic lights
Cost dimension:
 RED if variance % is greater than +10%
 AMBER if variance % is greater than 0% but less than +10% (i.e. the 10% tolerance allocated to you in the cost calculator)
 GREEN if variance % is less than or equal to 0%
Time dimension:
 If project is in exception on time deviation, then RED
 otherwise judgement call from PM
Quality dimension:
 If project is in exception on quality deviation, then RED
 otherwise judgement call from PM
Overall traffic light:
 If any one of time/cost/quality is RED then overall status = RED
 otherwise if any 2 or more dimensions are AMBER then overall status = AMBER
 otherwise overall status = GREEN
Project managers may use their discretion to uplift the colour for the overall traffic light. e.g. It may be more applicable for the project
overall to be in amber status, even though 2 dimensions out of 3 are green.
Project Milestones and Outputs (Previous milestones and deliverables are colour coded to reflect their RAG trend in line with previous
RAG Reports. Future milestones and deliverables are coded to reflect the forecast as reported by the PM.)
Red: Highly problematic - Outside direct PM control needs senior management or cross department decisions/actions (i.e. PMC)
Amber: Problematic – Requires substantial PM attention, some aspects may need urgent action (i.e. PMC)
Green: Good – Under Control – contained within normal day to day project management activity
Forecast arrow guidance
 - Status anticipated to be the same next month
 - Status anticipated to be down next month (e.g. Amber next month from being Red this month)
 - Status anticipated to be up next month (e.g. Amber next month from being Green this month)
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