Reception Trip To Build a Bear Factory Reply Slip
I give permission for my child ______________________________________
In class __________________ to attend the trip to Build a Bear Factory on
27 th January 2015
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £3.45 _______
I am registered as a DBS cleared volunteer and I would like to help supervise the trip.
Yes / No.
Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you would like to help on this trip.
I will provide my child with the items listed in the teachers’ letter.
My child will need the following medication on the trip which will be handed to the teacher in a named envelope with clear instructions for administering written on the envelope.
Emergency contact numbers for the day are as follows:
1. Name ______________________‘Phone number _____________________
2. Name ______________________ ‘Phone number ____________________
3. Name ______________________ ‘Phone number ____________________
Any special dietary / medical or additional needs or other information relevant to this trip:
Signed ___________________________________ Date ________________