
Lecturer: Dr. Hui Lin
Office: ELB 615
Lecture Venue: ELB 206
Time: Wed. 2:30-4:15pm
2nd Term of 2008- 2009
Tutor: Mr. CAO Kai
Office: FYB 216
Lab Venue: FYB 222
Course Outline
1. Introduction
a) Brief History
b) Basic Concepts of Computer Mapping
2. The Earth and Map Projection (I & II)
a) size and shape of the Earth
b) geo-reference systems and geocoding
c) map projections
d) map projection transformations
3. Map Language
a) scope and definition
b) types of maps
c) models of communication
d) geographical data and measurement
e) representation of geographical data
4. Map Generalization
a) control of generalization
b) elements of generalization
c) basic algorithms
5. Map Design and Compilation
a) compilation procedure
b) base map compilation
c) graphic, lettering, and color issues
6. Quantitative Symbolization (I)
a) choropleth maps
b) dynamic flow representation
7. Quantitative Symbolization (II)
a) dot maps
b) graduate symbol maps
8. Geo Visualization Issues
9. Mobile Cartography
10. Group Discussion on Map Design
11. Virtual Geographic Environments
12. Project Presentation (I) at FYB 222
13. Project Presentation (II) at FYB 222
Learning Outcomes
This course introduces basic knowledge on map design and production, supported by computer
hardware and computer mapping software.
Learning Activities
This course is provided through a combination of lectures and laboratory based tutorials. Lectures
are entirely given by the teacher and tutorials are arranged by teacher and tutor. The tutor conducts
the tutorials with supervision from the teacher. In lectures, teacher discusses the basic concepts
with various visual materials including slides and video tapes. In tutorials, students will use
personal computers equipped with computer mapping software. Four tutorials are organized for
each student. Each of the tutorials is arranged to follow the related lecture. A mark is given for
each student of his or her performance on the tutorial assignments, and this will be counted
towards the total grade of the course, accounting for 40 percent.
Course Assessment
Apart from tutorial assignments (40%), students are assessed by a final project (20%) and the final
examination (40%). The final project starts on March 5, 2008 and is due on April 9, 2008. The
teacher sets the questions of the final examination, marks the answers from students and integrates
with other components of assessment to arrive at a final mark and grade for each student.
Textbook (limited copies available from university bookstore)
Dent, B.D., 2009, Cartography -Thematic Map Design, 6th edition. Dubuque, IA:
Wm. C. Brown Publishers.
Lecture Notes and Lab handout
All lecture notes and lab hand-outs are available to students in the course homepage at
http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/webct/ Login by using the computing id (e.g. s031234) and mailserv
password. Please remember that all materials in the homepage can ONLY be used by staff and
students in the captioned course for teaching/learning purpose.
Laboratory hours will be Monday 1:30-4:15 pm. All students are required to participate in these
laboratory practices.
Introduction to mapping software & map projection and transformation (Feb. 3)
Map digitizing & data management (Feb. 17)
Dot maps and unique value maps (Mar. 3)
Choropleth map design using & put thematic map on google earth (Mar. 17)
Mobile Cartography (Mar. 31)
Reading list (Reserved in Chung Chi Library - daily)
Clark, K.C. 1995. Analytical and Computer Cartography. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Dent, B.D. 1993. Cartography -Thematic Map Design, 3rd edition. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C.
Brown Publishers.
Keates, J.S. 1989. Cartography Design and Production. 2nd edition, London: Longman.
Monmonier, Mark, 1991, How to Lie with Maps, The University of Chicago Press.
Muehrcke, P.C. 1992. Map Use - Reading, Analysis, Interpretation, 2nd edition. Madison,
WI: JP Publications.
Robinson, A., et al., 1995, Elements of Cartography, sixth edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.