SCHOOL BOARD OF PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25, 2005 The School Board of Pinellas County, Florida, met in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 25, at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Hall of the Administration Building, 301 4th Street S.W., Largo, Florida. Present: Mrs. Nancy N. Bostock, Chairperson; Mrs. Carol J. Cook, Vice Chairperson; Mrs. Mary L. Tyus Brown, Ms. Janet R. Clark, Mrs. Linda S. Lerner and Mrs. Mary L. Russell, Members; Dr. Clayton M. Wilcox, Superintendent and Ex-officio Secretary to the Board; Dr. Nancy Zambito, Deputy Superintendent; Mr. Lanse Johansen, Chief Business Officer; and, Mr. James A. Robinson, School Board Attorney. School Board Member Jane Gallucci was not present at this meeting due to travel related to her responsibilities with the National School Boards Association. All votes will reflect a total of six voting members. The Invocation was given by Father Richard Doscher, St. Alfred’s Episcopal Church, 1601 Curlew Rd., Palm Harbor. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Introduction of the following representatives of professional and community organizations was given by Dr. Ron Stone: Randy Dodds, PESPA; Michelle Dennard, PCTA; David Beyers, Pinellas Educational Employees Retired - PEER; Aaron Anderson and Karin Dillie, Students Rights & Responsibilities Committee, Clearwater High School; Mr. Murray Mintz, Pinellas Arts for a Complete Education Coalition; Dr. Barbara Hires, Mr. Michael Bessette, and Mr. Oscar Robinson, Operations Team; and, Tom Tobin, The St. Petersburg Times. Mrs. Cook reviewed the process to be followed by the audience for participation at School Board meetings. Mrs. Bostock welcomed to the table Mr. James Robinson, the new School Board Attorney. It was moved by Mrs. Russell and seconded by Mrs. Brown to adopt the agenda. PULL: CONSENT #7, #9, #10, and #11 DELETE: CONSENT #14a Dr. Wilcox requested that the following changes be made in the agenda: H. – This item will be presented by Mr. Jeffrey Haines, Principal of Largo High School. Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 Page 21 – Change the Beginning Date for Anthony J. Dzielski from October 26, 2005 to October 3, 2005 #9 – Mr. Larry Hazellief, Teacher, Tarpon Springs High School – Change Recommendation to Alternative #2 #11 -- Ms. Mary Vanderloop, Teacher, Tyrone Elementary School – Change Recommendation to Alternative #2 – Mr. David Koperski, Staff Attorney, stated that Ms. Vanderloop has requested an administrative hearing. Mr. Koperski stated that Mr. Mark Herdman, Legal Counsel representing Ms. Vanderloop will be addressing the Board at this meeting and that both Mr. Herdman and he should receive ten minutes to present comments related to the case. The motion to adopt the agenda, as amended, was carried with a 6-0 vote. A. Aaron Anderson and Karin Dillie, Students Rights & Responsibilities Committee, Clearwater High School, addressed the Board to share information regarding achievements and activities taking place at their school. B. Marlyn Dennison, Director for Organizational, Instructional and Student Support, introduced David Fischer, President, Community Foundation of Tampa Bay. Mr. Fischer shared information with the Board Members regarding the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay and the Eckerd Leadership Initiative for administrators. Mr. Fischer introduced Gaye Lively, Principal, Bay Point Elementary School, who shared with the Board on her experiences as a participant of the training. C. Dr. Ron Stone, Associate Superintendent Human Resources and Public Affairs presented the following State Award Winners: Dr. Julie Janssen, Principal, St. Petersburg High School Regional Finalist for the Florida "Principal Achievement Award for Outstanding Leadership" for 2005 Mrs. Pat Palmateer, Assistant Principal, Largo High School State Winner in the Florida "Assistant Principal Achievement Award for Outstanding Leadership" for 2005 Both Dr. Janssen and Mrs. Palmateer were greeted and congratulated by the School Board Members. Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 D. Dr. Wilcox introduced the Following Newly Appointed Administrator: Alicia L. Urbano, Principal Gulf Beaches Elementary School Ms. Urbano was greeted and congratulated by the School Board Members. E. Dr. Gus Stavros, Chairman Emeritus, Pinellas County Education Foundation, presented for recognition Senator Dennis Jones and Representative Gus Bilirakis for their donations to the Education Foundation that helped ensure that all Pinellas County classrooms display the American flag this school year, as now required. Senator Jones and Representative Bilirakis expressed their appreciation for this recognition and the opportunity to assist in this endeavor. Dr. Stavros, Senator Jones, and Representative Bilirakis were greeted and thanked by the Board Members. F. Peggy Johns, Supervisor, Pre K-12 Health Education, presented for Board Recognition the following MORE HEALTH Sponsors: 2004-2005 Sponsors: Morton Plant Mease Foundation American Heart Association Florida Blood Services STEPS to a Healthier Pinellas Nestle Pinellas County Schools Lightning Foundation Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Allegany Franciscan Foundation Tampa Bay, Inc. H. Lee Moffitt Junior League of Clearwater-Dunedin The Frank E. Duckwall Foundation, Inc. Community Foundation of Tampa Bay Clearwater Cardiovascular and Interventional Consultants New 2005-2006 Sponsors: All Children's Hospital – The New Major Partner to MORE HEALTH, Inc. U.S. Department of Education – Congressman Bill Young Representatives of these organizations were greeted by the School Board Members and presented with a plaque in appreciation of their support. School Board Members received a folder containing additional information on the MORE HEALTH lessons being taught in our schools. G. Marlyn Dennison, Director, Organizational, Instructional, and Student Support, presented Sherry Clarke, PASS Coordinator, Council for Educational Change. Ms. Clarke appeared before the Board representing Doctor Akshay (A.K.) Desai, President of Universal Health Care. Ms. Dennison stated that Dr. Desai and his organization are being recognized for their $200,000 donation to Boca Ciega High School. Ms. Clarke addressed the Board to thank them Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 for this recognition. Mr. John Leanes, Principal of Boca Ciega High School, and Mr. Steve Bolin (retired Pinellas employee) accompanied Ms. Clarke during this recognition. Ms. Clarke, Mr. Leanes, and Mr. Bolin were greeted and thanked by the School Board Members. H. Jeffrey Haines, Principal, Largo High School, introduced the following Delegation from Yamada High School, Tosa Yamada, Japan: Mr. Manabu Morioka, Principal Mr. Seiya Kawahara, Teacher Ms. Kimi Kubo and Ms. Minako Doi, Parents of Students Participating in This Visit Mr. Morioka addressed the Board, on behalf of the delegation, to thank them for the opportunity to participate in this exchange program. Mr. Morioka, Mr. Kawahara, Ms. Kubo, and Ms. Doi were greeted by the School Board Members. 1. It was moved by Mrs. Russell, seconded by Mrs. Brown, and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the Adoption of Amendment to Policy 5.17 Exceptional Student Education Procedures and Assessment. 2. It was moved by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Russell, and carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the Consent Agenda, as amended. 2a. To approve the Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of October 11, 2005, as submitted. 2b. To approve the School Board Appointment to District Monitoring and Advisory Committee (DMAC). 2c. To approve the Personnel Actions as Recommended by the Superintendent. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2d. To approve the Agreement With Pinellas County, and the Sheriff of Pinellas County, for the Provision of Property and Evidence Services for 2005-2006. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2e. To approve the Amended Cafeteria (FLEX) Plan for Employees Effective January 1, 2006. 2f. It was moved by Mrs. Cook and seconded by Mrs. Russell to approve the Addendum No. 2 to School Resource Officer Agreement With the Sheriff of Pinellas County for the 2005—2006 School Year. Mrs. Brown, having pulled this item, questioned who makes the Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 decision within a school that additional Resource Officers are needed; questioned whether a record is kept on the number of substitute SROs that are used in our schools; and, requested further clarification as to funding sources for this program. Chief Tom Gavin, beginning with the second semester of this school year, will collect data on SRO absences. Mr. Johansen will prepare an explanation of expenditures of Safe School dollars to be presented to the Board at a future workshop. Mrs. Bostock will work with staff to identify that date. Mrs. Brown also stated that she would like to receive information on what students are doing to make their own schools safer. The motion was carried with a 6-0 vote to approve the Addendum No. 2 to School Resource Officer Agreement With the Sheriff of Pinellas County for the 2005—2006 School Year. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2g. To approve the Agreement Between Big Brothers Big Sisters of Pinellas County for Belleair, Lakewood, Pinellas Central and Sawgrass Lake Elementary Schools. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2h. Mrs. Lerner, having pulled this item, stated that she would not speak to it since the employee has now requested an Administrative Hearing. It was moved by Mrs. Lerner, seconded by Mrs. Cook, and carried with a 6-0 vote to grant the Request submitted by Mr. Larry Hazellief, Teacher, Tarpon Springs High School, for an Administrative Hearing and Direct the Staff Attorney to submit the request to the Division of Administrative Hearings for processing. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2i. It was moved by Mrs. Russell and seconded by Mrs. Brown to Suspend Ms. Mora Shell, Teacher, Ozona Elementary School, For Three (3) Days Without Pay. Dr. Wilcox provided the background information for this recommendation. Mrs. Lerner, having pulled this item and noting the number of instances of disciplines, stated that she would like more information given to the Board on the types of intervention offered to the employee in similar situations. Mrs. Lerner suggested that there may be a need for mandatory training for teachers who seem to be interacting inappropriately with students. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2j. It was moved by Mrs. Russell and seconded by Mrs. Cook to suspend Ms. Mary Vanderloop, Teacher, Tyrone Elementary School, without pay effective October 26, 2005, pending the outcome of the Administrative Hearing Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 process and direct the Staff Attorney to submit the request to the Division of Administrative hearings for processing. Mark Herdman, attorney representing Ms. Vanderloop, addressed the Board to request that the Board allow this to move to a hearing and to state that it is his opinion that the district has abandoned the process used over the past years that offered alternatives and recommendations for such instances. Mr. Herdman requested that the Board reject the recommendation to dismiss Ms. Vanderloop and reinstate her with a stipulation. David Koperski, Staff Attorney, encouraged the School Board to allow this item to proceed through the hearing process which will offer the Board more options than what are available to them at this point. The motion was carried with a 6-0 vote to suspend Ms. Mary Vanderloop, Teacher, Tyrone Elementary School, without pay effective October 26, 2005, pending the outcome of the Administrative Hearing process and direct the Staff Attorney to submit the request to the Division of Administrative hearings for processing. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2k. To approve an Interagency Agreement Between the Office of the State Attorney for the Sixth Circuit of Florida and the School Board of Pinellas County for the 2005-06 School Year. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2L. To approve a Contract with KaBoom and Computer Associates to Build a Playworld Systems Playground at South Ward Elementary School. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2m. To approve the Following Special Projects: (Copy, as appropriate, to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) Renewal of Voluntary Public School Choice Mentee District Project: $100,000 2n. To approve the Financial Statements for Month Ending July 31, 2005 for Fiscal Year 2005-06. 2o. To approve the Financial Statements for Month Ending August 31, 2005 for Fiscal Year 2005-06. 2p. To approve the Food Service Change Fund Adjustment for East Lake High School. 2q. To approve the Agreement for Purchase Between Roy D. Walker, Seller, and the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida, Buyer, for the Purchase of his Property, Parcel No. 34-29-15-14796-000-0010, Located at 202 4th Place SW, Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 Largo, FL 33770 for the Purchase Price of $65,000 Plus $2,000 Moving Expenses Less $3,500 for Seller’s Share of the Removal of Improvements. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2r. To approve the Agreement With Harvard Jolly, Inc. for Architectural and Contract Administration Services in Connection With Remodeling and Renovating a Portion of the Azalea Library Into an Administrative Service Center in the Amount of $39,680. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 2s. To approve the Reimbursement of Isolated Transportation for M.H. for the 2005/2006 School Year. 2t. To approve the Bids to Vendors at Prices in Bid Documents in Accordance with Bid Policies and Statutes. (Copy to be found in Supplemental Minute Book #109.) 3. It was moved by Mrs. Russell and seconded by Mrs. Brown to approve the District Monitoring and Advisory Committee (DMAC) Recommendation in the Area of Faculty Assignment and Administrative Staff Assignment. Dr. Wilcox presented a summary of the recommendations made by DMAC. Mrs. Cook, referring the recommendation under #2, stated that if the word “diversity” is used to mean that schools should have a goal to add African/Americans to their faculty, the recommendation should specifically say that, thus not confusing the term, “diversity.” Mrs. Lerner requested that the website be updated to ensure that all recommendations that have been submitted are listed there. Mrs. Lerner requested that an agenda be prepared and sent to the Board for the upcoming meeting with DMAC. Ms. Clark requested clarification for the fourth bullet under #1, “progressive schools” and for the third bullet under #2, “propose a new strategy to …” Mrs. Lerner also questioned the language, “propose a new strategy..” Mrs. Bostock stated that in the past the Board has been asked to “accept” the recommendations, not “approve” them. Discussion followed. Mr. Robinson suggested that the maker of the motion withdraw their motion “to approve” and substitute it with a new motion “to accept” the recommendations. Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Brown withdrew their motion and second to approve the recommendations. It was moved by Mrs. Lerner to change the wording in the item to accept the District Monitoring and Advisory Committee (DMAC) Recommendation in the Area of Faculty Assignment and Administrative Staff Assignment. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Cook and carried with a 5-1 vote, Mrs. Brown voting against stating that she would prefer to “approve” the recommendations. Mrs. Lerner requested that the Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 recommendations be part of the discussion with DMAC at the upcoming joint meeting. 4. It was moved by Mrs. Cook and seconded by Mrs. Brown to accept the District Monitoring and Advisory Committee (DMAC) Recommendation in the Area of Quality of Education. Dr. Wilcox presented a brief overview of the item and urged the Board to accept the recommendation. Mrs. Russell stated that she supports the data gathering. Mrs. Cook requested that the district look at best practices and initiatives that are already in place to reduce suspensions. Mrs. Brown, referencing the paragraph following the bullets on page 168, questioned whether some of the data collection is already taking place. Dr. Wilcox responded. The motion was carried with a 6-0 vote to accept the District Monitoring and Advisory Committee (DMAC) Recommendation in the Area of Quality of Education. The meeting recessed at 11:55 a.m. and reconvened at 12:13 p.m. 5. The following individuals addressed the Board during Presentations From the Audience: Cindy Ehrenzeller – Addressed the Board to request that the transcript information for Clearwater High School students only require one page, similar to the format used at Seminole High. Ms. Ehrenzeller distributed samples of that format to the Board Members. Ms. Ehrenzeller also expressed the concern of the Clearwater High School SAC regarding the loss of a large portion of their practice fields due to the portables placed on their campus to temporarily house Belcher Elementary students. Ms. Ehrenzeller stated that a promise had been given to the school that the property on the west side, across Arcturas, would be theirs to use and requested that the Board and Administration follow through to ensure that access is allowed. Lenore Faulkner – Addressed the Board to share an invitation that she has received to attend an educational summit in Beijing, China. Randy Dodds, PESPA – Addressed the Board to thank them for their continuous support of programs, i.e., Certificate of Distinction and to request that the Board and the Superintendent look for ways to add to those dollars. Mr. Dodds thanked the Board for their recent recognition of the Transportation Department personnel. Mr. Dodds expressed the importance that training opportunities be included in the proposed Technology Plan and urged the Board to consider using data and quality processes. Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 Michelle Dennard, PCTA – Stated that the collaborative bargaining process has begun and that minutes from those meetings will be placed on their website. Ms. Dennard expressed concern with the impact on training opportunities as a result of certain mandates. Ms. Dennard stated that the employee groups have not had the opportunity to give their input prior to the distribution of the “draft” Technology Plan and requested that there be an opportunity given to the employees to be included in the “loop.” 6. The Following are Items Introduced by Board Members: Mrs. Lerner – Requested that the Board receive an agenda and materials prior to the October 27 joint meeting with DMAC. Mrs. Lerner also stated that the Board had a commitment to meet with this group at least once each year. Requested that the Board receive information ahead of time regarding the next two workshops. Mrs. Bostock suggested that the Board meet immediately following the November 8 Board Meeting to determine workshop topics for November 15 and December 6 – Board Members agreed. Questioned when the Draft Technology Plan will be presented to the Board for discussion. Mrs. Bostock stated that this item is on the schedule for November 15. Mrs. Lerner requested that the Board review the original plan before the November 15 workshop. Mrs. Brown – Requested that the Board include in a future discussion on School Resource Officers dialogue as to how the district can get parents to help us. 7. Dr. Wilcox’s report included the following: Recognized the contributions to the community made by David Fischer, former Mayor of St. Petersburg, and shared information regarding Mr. Fischer’s background and contributions to the community. Updated the Board regarding Tarpon Springs Elementary air quality issue and stated that all updated information will be placed on the web. Stated that he has given parents an opportunity on his blog to offer their input as to how the students should make up for the recent hurricane day. Stated that the timeline for the student assignment process is out and that the changes approved by the Board will be placed on the website. Announced that Jan Kucerik, Supervisor for World Languages, is the recipient of the Wershaw Award and that he will be bringing her before the Board for further recognition. Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 Stated that the Draft Technology Plan is on the website and that he will follow up to ensure that employee groups are involved. Summarized the meetings that he and the Board are invited to for the remainder of this week. 8. Mr. Robinson stated that he had no report. 9. Reports from School Board Members were as follows: Ms. Clark – Questioned how many teachers were selected to view the Technology Plan. Dr. Wilcox responded that approximately 200 surveys were sent out to teachers for their input. Questioned who will clarify for the Independent Citizens Referendum Oversight Committee (ICROC) exactly what is their role. Dr. Wilcox stated that this has been performed several times; however, there is one individual who doesn’t accept that. Dr. Wilcox stated that the role of ICROC is to merely advise the Board and the community whether the district’s expenditures are in accordance with the intent of the Referendum. Mrs. Brown – Complimented DMAC for the proposals presented to the Board at this meeting. Mrs. Brown clarified that her vote opposing the first DMAC item was to indicate her preference that the Board approve rather than accept those recommendations. Questioned when the Bayside dedication will be rescheduled. Dr. Wilcox will see that this information is forwarded to the Board as soon as it is determined. Encouraged parents to be inquisitive as to how their children are doing in school. Mrs. Lerner – Stated that our schools have many wonderful productions and requested that the information be placed on the website. Mrs. Lerner questioned where we are in the process of hiring a webmaster. Dr. Wilcox stated that Sterling Ivey is working on that. Stated that Future Teachers is a great organization and requested that the Board receive more information on them, possibly have one of their members speak to the Board in order to have the Board be more supportive of their efforts. Requested that the Board have a discussion around guidelines to be used in determining which workshop topics should be televised. Dr. Wilcox stated that staff has been discussing the possibility of televising meetings live and that he will bring to the Board related concerns and costs. Mrs. Cook – Announced that students at Seminole High School are performing “Once Upon a Mattress” and encouraged those who could to attend the production. Regular School Board Meeting October 25, 2005 Mrs. Brown – Thanked St. Petersburg High School for the tshirts. Mrs. Bostock – Stated that the “plus/delta” session for the Board Members did not appear on this agenda and, therefore, it will not take place following this meeting. 10. Dr. Zambito’s summary of the directives will be e-mailed to the Board Members. 11. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, this meeting adjourned at 12:54 p.m. ______________________ Chairman /db(05Oct.25) _____________________ Secretary