purchasing authorization form - Business and Financial Services

Please refer to policy information and instructions printed on the reverse of this form.
To assist the Purchasing Division in processing this form,
AUTHORIZATION please indicate which statement(s) describes the actions(s)
to be taken. Then complete Sections 1, 2 & 3 below.
“ Obtain access to the online IFIS Purchasing module
(IFIS USER ID:__________________________)
“ Obtain a new delegation of authority/buyer code to:
Issue and approve all Low Value Procurement Tools (Express Order, Express Card and Low Value Purchase Order)
Issue and Approve Low Value Purchase Orders only
Issue and Approve Express Order Purchases only
Issue and Approve Purchases Using the Express Card procurement tool only
“ Prepare and Approve Purchase Requisitions
“ Add organization number(s) to a delegation already on file
“ Delete organization numbers(s) for an existing delegation
“ Delete a delegation of authority/buyer code due to separation, transfer, etc. Effective date: ________________
“ Record a change in name for existing delegation/buyer code. Employee name prior to change: _________________________________________
Give new employee information below
Old Name: First, Mi, Last
Will be assigned by Purchasing.
List organizations below. Attach additional sheets if necessary:
/ if
Organization Name
Organization Number
Endorsement: _____________________________________________________________
Department Head
Endorsement: _____________________________________________________________ Approved:
Principal Investigator (if funding is under the
Federal Demonstration Project Regulations)
Title: ________________________________ Date:
Return approved copy to: ________________________________________________
Mail Code
In accordance with PPM 523 Purchasing Authorization
may be delegated only by and with the approval of the
Purchasing Manager or his/her designee.
Complete all appropriate sections on the form, have it endorsed by the Department Head or by the Principal Investigator (where funding is
under the Federal Demonstration Project) and forward to Purchasing, 0914. Purchasing will return a copy noting the assigned buyer code after
approval has been granted by the Purchasing Manager or designee. The person receiving Purchasing authority should retain a copy of this
policy and information sheet for future reference.
The principal purpose for requesting your Social Security Number on this form is to verify your identity, for security purposes, when transactions
are recorded into IFIS. Providing your social security on this form is voluntary, and there is no penalty for failure to disclose the number, but it is
in your best interest that the Buyer Code, supplied by Purchasing Manager is tied to your social security number to deter the possibility of
fraudulent use of your code. The campus Purchasing office is responsible for maintaining and protecting the information contained on this
form, and it will not be used or transmitted for any other purpose than stated above. Individuals have the right of access to this record as it
pertains to them.
In accordance with BUS 43, the Purchasing Manager may delegate departmental procurement authority to purchase materials, supplies,
services and repairs which do not to exceed $2,500 (including tax, freight and handling charges). This authority allows individuals with this
delegation to commit orders by processing a low value purchase order (LVPO), Express Order, Express Card or other established procurement
methods. No other University staff or faculty may re-delegate the authority granted to them by the Purchasing Manger or his/her designee to
any other individual.
Individuals receiving such delegation are responsible to comply with all applicable University policies and procedures, and are subject to the
provisions of PPM 523-2, Procurements or Execution of Contracts in Violation of Policy”.
The delegation of departmental purchasing authority is subject to the following limitations
a) Requirements shall not be artificially divided to constitute a small purchase under this authorization.
b) Purchases of items defined as equipment shall not be made using departmental purchasing authority. Equipment is defined as any
non-expendable, tangible personal property with a cost of $1500.00 or more, is free standing and has a normal life expectancy of more
than one year,
c) Purchases of less than $2500 that require unique administrative and financial attention, (i.e., split funding, change orders) shall not be
d) Purchases of less than $2500 that may generate multiple invoices shall not be made.
e) Low value purchase orders must be entered into IFIS not later than two working days after the order is placed with the vendor.
Procurements subject to any of the above restrictions shall be processed either by issuing a high value requisition for processing by the professional
buyers in Purchasing, or by the methods specified “Restrictions to Departmental Procurement Authority”. The procurement tools designed for use by
departmental employees shall not be used to avoid compliance with University policy or procedure.
Each purchase by such delegated individual shall be recorded at the time of commitment in the manner provided in the delegation. Appropriate checks
and balances shall be maintained between the person who is delegated with the authority to purchase the items and the person who will approve,
reconcile and maintain payment records. Further, periodic appraisals shall be conducted by cognizant internal auditors or by an appropriate designee of
the Purchasing Manager to ensure proper performance under this authorization and to provide a basis for adjusting or discontinuing the delegation to the
individual as the findings indicate. The Purchasing Manager reserves the right to limit the number of delegations issued to each department, and to
withdraw this authorization upon evidence of non-compliance with established regulations.
A Low Value Purchase Order (LVPO) encompasses most purchase orders of $2,500 or less, including tax, freight and handling charges. Restricted
commodities are listed below, and must be submitted for commitment by processing a high value request. Only individuals with pre-approved delegation
of authority and a LVPO buyer code may generate LVPO’s. For online entry of LVPO documents, the buyer must also have an IFIS user id, password
and have completed appropriate training in order to access the Purchasing module.
The low value buyer has a low value purchase delegation not to exceed $2,500 per order/vendor for materials and supplies not available through campus
storehouse, and for repairs not available from campus organizations.
Low value purchase orders may be issued to vendors who have been awarded Local Agreements by Purchasing for maintenance and repair services
providing that the cost of the annual maintenance agreement does not exceed $2,500, and that there is only one payment against the Low Value
Purchase Order. Examples of types of Local Agreements that exist are annual typewriter maintenance, general office equipment maintenance, computer
maintenance and lab and research equipment maintenance.
The following items are prohibited under the Low Value Purchase Order System:
Equipment rental/lease in excess of 30 days or $500 total rental fee for any period.
Maintenance and software licensing contracts. Low Value Purchase Orders are prohibited for maintenance and repair contracts that
are not covered by pre-negotiated Local Agreements, and have Terms and Conditions that require approval by the Purchasing
Equipment repairs on other than University-owned equipment.
Firearms, explosives or ammunition.
Ethyl alcohol or any alcoholic beverages.
Radioactive materials, unless authorized by Purchasing (Regardless of cost).
Narcotics, dangerous drugs (Regardless of cost).
Vehicle and real estate rentals.
On-site construction, including carpeting and window coverings.
Goods or services from any officer or employee of the University or from a near relative of any officer or employee (PPM 523-2.6).
Consultant services.
Foreign purchases, where customs intervention or duty forms are required.
Retainment of an individual as an independent contractor.
Temporary personnel from outside agencies.
Precious metals.
A requisition generally encompasses all purchase orders with a value greater than $2,500 for the low value purchase order process, including Express
Order and Express Card procurement tool transactions. Only who have obtained authorization from their Department Head or Principal Investigator to
expend funds against one or many organization codes may enter requests. The mechanism for recording high value purchase requests exists within the
IFIS Purchasing module and is comprised of the "requisition" screens. For online entry of Requests, the requestor must also have an IFIS user id,
password and completed appropriate training in order to access the purchasing module. Requests will be assigned to a professional buyer for
commitment to the vendor and processing as a high value purchase order. Users requesting Requisition authority merely need to submit this
authorization form listing the desired organization codes required for processing requisitions. Information regarding access to, training for and recording
of requisitions can be obtained by contacting the Purchasing office at x43084, via email at purchasinginfo@ucsd.edu or visit the Purchasing web site at
EXPRESS ORDER is a procurement process for obtaining low unit cost and high volume supplies from vendors under established contracts. It also fully
automates the payment process ensuring that the vendor is paid promptly. Typically, the ordering and payment of supplies and services is initiated by a
low value purchase order (LVPO) that requires numerous steps to complete the process. EXPRESS ORDER synchronizes the commitment and
recording of your order and payment into a single process. The process is as follows: 1) A phone call placing the order with the vendor activates the entry
of all necessary order information into the vendor's sales/invoice database. 2) UCSD receives the order information electronically and loads the data into
EXPRESS ORDER that is an integrated module of IFIS. 3) This information allows us to pay the vendor, post the payment record to your ledger and
provide you with a detailed record of the transaction.
In order to utilize the Express Order procurement process, a delegation of purchasing authority must be obtained by completing the Purchasing
Authorization Form. Once this authority is granted, the Express Order process may be utilized for purchases of low value goods and services from
specific suppliers. The delegation of authority for Express Order transactions is $2,500. Please access the Express Order Vendor Information web page
at http://www-bfs.ucsd.edu/epic/EO-VndrInfo.htm in order to view a list of the suppliers who we have established agreements and who are using the
Express Order process. Visit Express Order Guidelines at http://www-bfs.ucsd.edu/epic/EO-Gdln.htm for information on Express Order procedures.
Express Cards are issued at the discretion of the Purchasing Department to delegated departmental low value buyers. The Express Card is a MasterCard
procurement card issued by the First National Bank of Chicago. The Express Card allows authorized UCSD buyers to use a procurement card to
purchase routine, low dollar supplies and services that are currently being processed using a departmental low value purchase order, personal
reimbursements, blanket purchase order releases or petty cash. It resembles a personal bankcard, but there are significant differences. Once users are
granted cardholder authorization, they may use the card to purchase selected materials and services costing less than $2,500 (including shipping,
handling and tax) following delegated low value purchase authority. The Express Card is a purchase card based system that benefits UCSD and
Cardholder through a) prompt payment to suppliers, b) elimination of purchase orders and invoices and c) distribution of low value purchase authority.
The cardholder agrees to comply with all applicable University policies and procedures, and further agrees to abide by the limitations, exclusions and
restrictions imposed on low value purchases as defined in the Express Card Guide. Policy violations will result in revocation of Cardholder's privileges,
low value delegation authority and possible disciplinary action.
In order to receive authorization as a UCSD Express Card cardholder, you must first be assigned a low value buyer delegation of authority by completing
the Purchasing Authorization Form. Once this authority is granted by the Purchasing Manager, complete EXPRESS CARD CARDHOLDER
AGREEMENT and EXPRESS CARD CARDHOLDER ACCOUNT FORM and read the EXPRESS CARD GUIDE in its entirety. If the request to be
granted low value buyer delegation coincides with the request to become an Express Card cardholder, you may submit the noted forms simultaneously.
Cardholder training is required prior to card issuance. For further information about the Express Card, call 41970 or send email to
For additional Purchasing information, please contact the Purchasing office at x43084, via email at purchasinginfo@ucsd.edu or visit the Purchasing
website at http://www-bfs.ucsd.edu/pur/index.htm.