Report delivered at “Stop Child Trafficking Conference”
Helsinki, Finland, 1-3 June 2003
by Gloria Moreno-Fontes Chammartin
International Migration Programme
ILO, Geneva
The International Labour Organisation, as the UN specialized agency on labour issues, is
concerned by the labour dimensions of human trafficking. The ILO views trafficking as an
assault on human dignity and a denial of a person’s opportunity to make the most of his or her
resources and to contribute to the economic development of his or her nation. The exploitation
suffered by victims of trafficking is contrary to “full, productive and freely chosen employment”
– even more so for trafficked children, who often suffer the loss of their potential to become
productive adults.
The ILO considers trafficking of human beings as unacceptable under any circumstances, and
trafficking of vulnerable children and young people as an intolerable violation of their rights to
protection from exploitation, to play, to an education, to health and to family life. The ILO sees
trafficking in women and children as one of the fast growing human rights abuses that is linked to
economic gain involving people being moved from place to place by parties seeking economic
profits from them.
The ILO has stood resolutely against the dangerous proposition that human labour should be
valued merely as a commodity. The organization acts forcefully against forced labour of adults
and children alike. The increasing role of employers’ and workers’ organisations, as well as
governments’ in its work against trafficking in human beings into labour and sexual exploitation
is ILO’s key response to the phenomenon.
Anti-trafficking policy and action is central to the spirit of the ILO Charter, whose preamble
specifically refers to the duty to protect ‘the interests of workers employed in countries other than
their own’, and the goals of social justice, humanity and permanent peace. Given these overarching aims, there is no one part of the ILO ‘responsible’ for anti-trafficking efforts but rather a
complementary effort by several different parts of the organization: Cross-border trafficking is
becoming widespread in all regions, as economic differentials between neighbouring countries
widen and reflect increased people movement in general. Trafficking could be considered as a
response to the demand of labour within the country and across national borders.
Drawing upon its long and diverse expertise in analysis and understanding of labour markets
and mechanisms, labour migration, forced labour, child labour, gender issues, project
management, partnerships and networks, the ILO has a unique role to play in combating
trafficking worldwide. In articulating its anti-trafficking efforts in a broad labour migration,
forced labour and child labour framework, the ILO has carved out a niche for itself that both
complements the work of partner agencies and avoids duplication. Over a number of years, the
ILO has gained significant experience in a number of programme areas including training and
capacity building, technical cooperation, support to the development of not only national but also
regional policy, and advocacy and research. This experience is all being harnessed in efforts to
combat human trafficking.
With its unique tripartite structure, the ILO is ideally placed to build social consensus around
some of the difficult issues linked to labour trafficking. This includes, for example, how to
monitor the activities of contracting intermediaries in origin and destination countries; how to
find the right balance between the promotion of private employment agencies in the interests of
greater labour market efficiency and adequate supervision of such agencies to ensure they do not
collude with criminal trafficking activities. To global anti-trafficking work, the ILO brings the
unique strengths of its tripartite structure, its working links with ministries of labour and labourfocused bodies, its standards-based framework and the supervisory mechanisms that contribute to
translating commitments into effective action, and its long history of social dialogue.
Activities include data collection, skills training, employment services, labour inspection,
micro-finance and projects implemented in collaboration with workers’ and employers’
organizations. In the early stages, already, a body of research is being developed to inform new
programmes and projects that will target forced labour as a major component of trafficking.
The ILO, a Standards’ based organisation
The International Labour Organization (ILO) was created to promote social justice as the
foundation of international peace, specifically by articulating and supervising fundamental human
rights in the world of work. Throughout its standards-related work, the ILO has dealt with the
issue of human trafficking in relation to forced labour, the abuse of migrant workers,
discrimination at work (particularly where certain sections of society, such as women or
indigenous peoples, are affected), and as one of the worst forms of child labour.
The ILO has for a long time addressed child trafficking through its Forced Labour
Convention (No. 29) that aims to eradicate “all work or service which is exacted from any person
under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself
voluntarily”. Since 1999, the combat against trafficking has been reinforced by ILO Worst
Forms of Child Labour Convention (No.182). This powerful instrument confirms child
trafficking as a practice similar to slavery and calls for countries to take immediate action to
secure the prohibition and elimination of all worst forms of child labour. By the end of March
2002, 117 member countries had ratified Convention No. 182. In the framework of Conventions
Nos. 29 and 182, States Parties will report on measures taken to combat child trafficking and
other worst forms of child labour, allowing the organization to monitor progress made by
member states and facilitating the sharing of information worldwide.
Convention 182 (Art.1) specifies that “Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall take
immediate and effective measures to secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst
forms of child labour as a matter of urgency”.
It defines the trafficking of children as a practice similar to slavery (Art.3) and tasks ratifying
states with designing and implementing programmes of action to eliminate it as a priority,
“in consultation with government institutions and employers’ and workers’ organizations,
taking into consideration the views of other concerned groups as appropriate”.
In addition, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work adopted in
June 1998 was drafted in the same spirit of social justice that had inspired earlier conventions
and, indeed, the creation of the ILO itself. It represents ‘social ground rules founded on common
values to enable all those involved to claim their fair share of the wealth they have helped to
generate’,i and it is complemented with mechanisms for follow-up that ensure that the
Declaration is translated into action.
The Declaration embodies four imperatives:
Freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour;
The effective abolition of child labour;
The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
ILO’s Tripartite Structure
ILO’s tripartite structure allows for cooperation between employers, workers and
governments in the work carried out by the Organisation. ILO has always been a unique forum
where governments and social partners from 174 member States have had the opportunity to
freely and openly compare their experiences and national policies. Thanks to its tripartite
structure, ILO is the only global organization whose policy and programmes are decided on by
representatives of employers and workers on an equal footing with government representatives.
ILO also encourages the development of a tripartite system within member States through
the promotion of a social dialogue involving trade unions and employers in the formulation and
eventual implementation of national policies on the protection of national and foreign workers,
particularly with regard to social and economic issues.
ILO’s Anti-trafficking Strategies in The Field
The ILO’s experience and expertise in combating trafficking in children, and in general in
human beings, show that, in order to be effective and meaningful, interventions to tackle the
problem must be broad-based and comprehensive and should involve government, employers’
and workers’ organisations, as well as non-governmental organisations.
Prevention is key
The ILO’s expertise in developing skills and employment opportunities as a protection and
prevention measure against exploitation in general and trafficking more specifically will continue
to be developed. This is an area where the ILO can and does work not only with NGOs and
government partners but with employers’ and with workers’ organizations. Targeted awareness
raising also aims to prevent people falling into the hands of traffickers, and can be carried out at
many levels, from village community to shopfloor. The prevention component is key to
addressing the root causes of trafficking in human beings and includes the following components:
 direct support to children at risk and their families through income generating activities,
financial schemes and skills training to help the parents meet the basic needs of the family and
to avoid children dropping out of school;
 educational and vocational training opportunities for victims (especially girls) who are
often discriminated against in their societies and are the first to fall prey to traffickers;
 community mobilization and awareness raising in vulnerable areas in order to create a
common sense of responsibility among the people to protect potential victims from the
Withdrawal and repatriation
It is important to identify and locate trafficked persons, evaluate their needs, protect them from
further abuse and withdraw them from their exploitative situation in a carefully planned and
sensitive manner through:
 involvement and collaboration of law enforcement and legal authorities to make sure that
victims are treated with all considerations due to their age, protected from traffickers and
employers, and safely repatriated to their countries of origin;
 transit centres play an important role in responding the immediate needs of victims on their
ways back home;
 programmes that seek to sensitise, train and strengthen the capacities of national partners;
 bilateral and regional cooperation to harmonize anti-trafficking legislation that would
facilitate both the repatriation of victims and the prosecution of traffickers and abusers.
Finally, reintegration programmes are at the heart of all anti-trafficking strategies. What specific
ILO activities are available to support reintegration?
 services for returnees, including medical care, psycho-social rehabilitation schemes, legal
counselling, formal or non-formal education and vocational training. For children or very young
victims, a solution is sought whenever possible to reintegrate them in their families.
Successful reintegration schemes are long-term endeavours that require monitoring and regular
follow up of each victim several months after he/she has left the programme.
V. ILO’s Specialised Programmes
a) ILO’s International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)
Within the ILO, action against the trafficking of children has been undertaken since
1992 primarily through the International Programme for the Elimination of Child Labour
(IPEC). Guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and ILO
Convention 182, IPEC works towards the effective elimination of trafficking of children
by addressing its root causes. IPEC conducts action research on child trafficking; supports
the efforts of governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations and civil society in the
prevention of trafficking, in the rescue, repatriation and restoration of the rights of victims
and in strengthening the judiciary and police in prosecuting offenders.
IPEC’s in-country programmes are reinforced by action at the subregional level,
because it is recognized that concerted action is needed in both sending and receiving
countries to stop child trafficking that occurs across borders. IPEC strives to mobilize
public opinion against trafficking so that society as a whole is mobilized to support and
sustain action. The ILO tackles child labour not as an isolated issue, but as an integral part
of national efforts for economic and social development. ILO’s slogan is: Parents to
Work, children to school
World Day Against Child Labour 2003- The 12th of June 2003 will mark the
second year that the International Labour Organization will be leading the observance of
World Day Against Child Labour. The ILO launched the World Day last year as a way to
highlight the worldwide movement to eliminate child labour, particularly its worst forms.
It is hoped that the selection of child trafficking as a theme will help raise worldwide
visibility and focus attention to this egregious violation of children’s rights that comprises
one of the worst forms of child labour. It is an opportunity to gain further support of
individual governments as well as that of the social partners, civil society and others to
the larger issue of child labour and the worldwide movement to eliminate it.
By no means a new phenomenon and affecting 1.2 million children worldwide,
child trafficking is an issue that affects all regions of the world as most countries are
sending, receiving and/or transit countries for trafficked children. Additionally, in some
countries, children are trafficked internally from rural areas to urban centres. Certain
categories of worst forms of child labour are consistently being denied in many countries,
with the trafficking of children being no exception.
Most children continue to be trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation.
However, many children are also trafficked into other forms of labour exploitation,
including domestic service, armed conflict, service industries like restaurants and bars,
and hazardous work in factories, agriculture, construction, fishing and begging.
The trafficking of children results from the unmet demand for cheap and malleable
labour in general, as well as the demand for young girls and boys in the fast-growing
commercial sex sector. Though children are generally less productive than adults, they
are easier to abuse, less assertive and less able to claim their rights – and accordingly, can
be made to work longer hours with little food, poor accommodations and no benefits.
Cases of child trafficking have been reported in South Asia, South-East Asia,
Africa, and Eastern Europe, with patterns of trafficking in the Americas and Caribbean
only now beginning to emerge. South Asia, South-East Asia, Central and West Africa
show particularly high numbers.
IPEC has recently published a pamphlet “Combat the trafficking of children” and
a booklet “Unbearable to the human heart: Child trafficking and action to eliminate it”
that provide a wealth of information on this subject. The publications are available in
electronic form on the IPEC website. Click on “Knowledge Areas” and then “Child
ILO-IPEC :Website: email:
b) ILO’s Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL)
The creation of the Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour (SAPFL), has given increased impetus to ILO’s efforts to combat trafficking. The SAP-FL
approaches trafficking through the exploitation component of forced labour. It aims to
significantly raise global awareness of forced labour and to build integrated operational
programmes that involve as many as possible of the ILO’s technical capacities.
Since June 2002, SAP-FL has worked with ILO-IPEC in Albania, Moldova,
Romania and Ukraine to address supply factors through research on the nature and
dynamics of various stages of the trafficking process, labour market conditions that
provoke demand for irregular workers, recruitment mechanisms through irregular labour
institutions, and the role of state authorities and civil society organizations. The
programme works with at-risk groups to provide alternative forms of livelihood in their
places of origin, and addresses the role of migration management and job placement
systems in countries of origin and transit. Rapid assessment studies on trafficking for
labour and sexual exploitation have been completed in four European countries of origin:
Ukraine, Moldova, Rumania and Albania. The main findings of this research indicate that
trafficking for labour exploitation is widespread and that it occurs mainly in construction,
agriculture, the sex sector and domestic services. Women make up the majority of victims
as they can be trafficked for labour as well as sexual exploitation.
The studies have been discussed during a series of workshops (April-May 2003)
within the four countries with the objective to validate the results and to recommend
further action. Recommendations include legal reponses (identification of victims,
protection and prosecution) and strategies to improve employment and migration services,
to reduce poverty by targeting vulnerable groups and specific communities. Project
proposals are currently being developed.
SAP-FL has also recognized the need to complement ILO-IPEC’s work to combat
child trafficking in Asia, for example, by focusing on trafficking of young adults who
have emerged from childhood but who are particularly vulnerable to exploitation as they
seek to enter the labour market. In February 2003, SAP-FL held a programme
consultation on the protection of domestic workers against the threats of forced labour and
trafficking. This focused on the lack of legislative protection, of government services, and
of organization and a voice for local and migrant domestic workers. Some good practices
were identified and will be built on as future technical cooperation programmes are
Meticulous research of this kind is now needed on a global basis. SAP-FL has
begun to do research on the forced labour outcomes of trafficking for either labour or
sexual exploitation in a number of countries to which people are trafficked. A first pilot
study was carried out in France. This was followed up in Germany, Hungary, Turkey and
Russia. The results of this research will be drafted until the end of August (June for
Turkey). At the same time, a major study on forced labour in the Chinese communities of
France and Italy is being prepared. An initial paper on the background of trafficking from
China to Europe will be published by the end of June. The paper indicated that forms of
coercion, especially through debt relationships, play an important role in the “ethnic
business” of Chinese communities. The main sectors are small manufacturing, retail and
In mid-2003, SAP-FL will embark on a study of forced labour and trafficking in
the United States. Forced labour is widely believed to affect irregular migrants in a
number of sectors in the US economy -- domestic labour, commercial sex, agriculture,
sweatshop factory work and the service and food service industries – but reliable data are
scarce. Through careful case research, in collaboration with relevant US Government
agencies, this initiative can strengthen the application of the US 2000 law for the
protection of trafficking victims.
SAP-FL has developed plans to carry out similar studies in the destination
countries of West Africa and South East Asia, and to examine the complex flows that
involve many countries, both rich and poor, as origin or destination countries of human
trafficking. Once there is a solid knowledge base, then targeted programmes can be
designed to address many different points along the trafficking chain.
ILO-SAP-FL :Website:
c) ILO’s International Migration Branch (MIGRANT)
Because so many victims of forced labour and trafficking are migrant workers,
research and action should be carried out in different geographical areas, including
destination countries of trafficked people. MIGRANT analyses ILO perspective and
experience in combating exploitation of migrant workers by organized crime in its
broader labour migration and regulatory context. It outlines labour migration demand and
push factors, describes incentives for trafficking arising from absence of regular migration
channels, offers specific examples of migrant abuse, and presents proposals for
comprehensive migration measures to combat trafficking and reduce underlying
There is a serious gap in research on the area of demand for cheap and malleable
labour that constitutes a major ‘pull’ factor in trafficking. The ILO is uniquely placed to
fill this knowledge gap, in cooperation with workers’ and employers’ organizations and
with research institutes and individual researchers. In particular, more research is needed
in countries to which trafficking victims are moved – the destination countries which are
more often than not developed, industrialized countries that are rarely the focus of antitrafficking initiatives.
Understanding the context in which forced labour takes place in destination
countries also provides a more solid basis for the development of effective rescue,
rehabilitation and reintegration programmes. These must include working with host
governments to ensure that trafficked people are identified as such, and not immediately
deported as illegal migrants. The ILO will continue to work with member States to
provide technical cooperation in the development of policies and frameworks that respect
the rights of all workers, regardless of their status.
National Plans of Action against Trafficking, which have been developed in some
countries largely in response to calls to combat commercial sexual exploitation of women
and children, can be further developed to address broader issues of human trafficking and
forced labour. These complement the development of sensible migration policies that
allow labour migration to be managed in such a way that the traffickers are, quite literally,
put out of business.
ILO’s research work will continue to focus on specific mechanisms that might
facilitate trafficking, such as job placement agencies, the transport sector and private
migrant worker reception and accommodation services. Specific sectors identified as
receivers of trafficked labour will also come under closer scrutiny. Future programmes
will strengthen institutional capacities to combat trafficking in all these areas.
At the same time, there is a continuing need to monitor anti-trafficking policies
and actions to ensure that they do not restrict legitimate labour migration or close the door
to employment for people who need work. The ILO has pointed to both the opportunities
and the dangers of using the label ‘trafficking’ without full understanding of the different
components that it covers.
Bringing together issues such as coerced recruitment, facilitated regular and
irregular migration, forced labour, child labour and debt bondage under the label of
‘trafficking in human beings’ can be used to work against the interests of migrants and the
legitimate right of people to move and to seek work. Current debate on trafficking leans
heavily on law enforcement, crime prevention and national security. These lead to calls
for stricter border controls, sanctions on those who seek to move, and deportation for
those who do so outside migration laws. There is now an urgent need for a broader
perspective involving a wide range of government and non-governmental agencies.
Labour, as well as Interior, ministries should take responsibility for anti-trafficking
measures. Law enforcement should include labour regulatory and inspection mechanisms;
workers and employers should likewise be included in policy discussions.
d) ILO’s gender promotion programme (GENPROM)
GENPROM focuses on new and emerging areas of gender concern and especially
vulnerable groups of women workers, also has programmes in the area of trafficking.
GENPROM works through developing the information base and practical tools for action,
through awareness raising and advocacy efforts, and through direct action programmes to
empower women and reduce their vulnerability.
GENPROM just published the Information Guide on Preventing Discrimination,
Exploitation and Abuse of Women Migrant Workers that includes case studies on good
practices in eleven member countries (Bolivia, Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, Ethiopia,
Nicaragua, Nigeria, Philippines Romania, Sri Lanka and UAE). The information guide
which is comprised of six individual booklets, aims at assisting and enhancing the efforts
of government agencies, workers’ and employers’ organisations, non-governmental
organisations and civil society groups in sending, transit and destination countries to
protect the human rights of women migrant workers in the different stages of the
migration process. The Guide intends :
To enhance knowledge and understanding of the vulnerability of women migrant
workers to discrimination, exploitation and abuse throughout all stages of the
international migration process, including being trafficked;
To promote and improve legislation, policies and action to prevent such
discrimination, exploitation and abuse and better protect those women migrant
workers who are vulnerable, and
To emphasize and explain why and how the prevention of discrimination,
exploitation and abuse, including trafficking, of women migrant workers should
be addressed as a matter of:
 Upholding basic human rights, including labour rights and migrant rights;
 Promoting gender equality and ending all forms of discrimination, racism
and xenophobia;
 Promoting decent and productive work for all workers, women and men, in
conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity; and
 Eradicating poverty and social exclusion
The Department on International Labour Standards and Human Rights, NORMES,
is responsible, under the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and
Recommendations, for the examination of reports supplied by Governments on the
application of ratified Conventions that are relevant to the issue of trafficking. NORMES
specialists draw the attention of Governments to these problems and to means of solving
them from a labour standards perspective. This contributes to the fuller respect of the
human and labour rights of trafficked persons.
ILO-NORMES :Website:,
PANEL DISCUSSION: “The Labour Dimensions of Human Trafficking”June 4th, 2003 in ILO’s headquarters
ILO’s Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour, the Gender Promotion
Programme and the International Migration Programme are jointly organizing a panel
discussion as a side event of the International Labour Conference of 2003. The panel
discussion aims to highlight the labour dimensions of human trafficking and the ILO’s
contribution to combating the problem worldwide.
International Labour Organisation
4 route des Morillons
CH-1211 Geneva 22
Annex 1: The Global Picture
demand for commercial sex, creating a large
market for children and young people following
promises of income and economic independence.
In Northern Europe, there is a clear pattern of
trafficking between the poorer Baltic States and
the affluent cities of Scandinavia, reflecting
historical as well as geographical links, following
sea trade and exchange routes and traditional
patterns of movement. Children are trafficked
into begging, street hawking, unskilled labour and
commercial sex.
Central to the phenomenon of trafficking in
Africa is abuse of the tradition of placing
children with extended families or other caretakers when they cannot be cared for by their
parents. Conflict has also contributed to the
trafficking of children, not only by increasing
their vulnerability but also through militiainitiated abduction and exploitation. Children are
trafficked for domestic service, in family
businesses, commercial sex, on plantations and
mine sites and general labour. Children are also
trafficked to work with militias in conflict zones
Trafficking through and out of the countries of
this region is characterized by the push of
dysfunctional societies in the wake of economic
depression and societal dislocation, and the
involvement of small-scale crime. Children and
especially adolescents are trafficked into service
industries and the entertainment sector, for the
sex trade and for pornography and as mail-order
Patterns of trafficking in the Americas and
Caribbean are only now beginning to emerge.
Much of the trafficking is tourism-driven, pulling
children to resort areas to work in tourismrelated labour. Criminal operations organized
around drugs and contraband are also reported to
be getting involved in human trafficking. Children
are trafficked as seasonal labour, in service
sector jobs, as domestic help, as drug couriers
and for commercial sex.
Trafficking from Eastern Europe combines a
number of push- and pull-patterns. Dysfunctional
societies, severe and increasing poverty and
unemployment, conflict and expectations of
greater opportunities, push children, young people
and adults into the clutches of traffickers. Open
borders and functioning criminal routes and
networks come into play alongside regular
migration. Children are trafficked for unskilled
labour, work in the entertainment sector and for
commercial sex. Some are used for petty crime.
The countries of this region are in general
affluent countries with poor neighbours, and
trafficking in both adults and children into the
region is characterized by pull-driven migration
into labour and in particular commercial sex.
Parallel to this, semi-commercial transactions
such as mail-order bride schemes and the
activities of organized crime syndicates also
result from the juxtaposition of affluent and
impoverished lifestyles. Children are trafficked
for unskilled work, into commercial sex, as mailorder brides or ‘sons’.
Trafficking in South-East Asia is predominantly
from rural to urban areas, from poor to wealthier
country. It reflects both the growth in the sex
industry and the commoditization of children and
women. Children are trafficked into the sex
Trafficking into Western Europe is a variant of
the push- and pull-driven pattern, with the
sector but also for a wide range of service,
industrial and agricultural work, as well as to beg
and hawk on the streets. Young women are also
recruited as mail-order brides and for domestic
In South Asia, trafficking is an extension of the
very serious child labour problem, with poverty,
families and ignorance determinant in the
vulnerability of children to exploitation. These
also characterize the nature of trafficking, which
revolves around deception, debt bondage and
economic imbalance. Children are trafficked into
commercial sex, into carpet and garment
factories, for street hawking and begging, on
manufacturing or in brick kilns. Young boys are
trafficked to work as camel jockeys. In some
countries, children are exploited by militia
members as servants or combatants.
Trafficking in these conjoined regions is for both
labour and commercial sex, with the same gender
discrimination-driven supply but different sources
of demand. Children are trafficked to work in
domestic service and commercial sex. Boys are
trafficked into the region as ‘camel kids’ and
children also work in general unskilled labour.
Annex 2. ILO-IPEC
Ms. Carmen Moreno
Subregional Adviser
Combating Commercial Sexual Exploitation
Children in Central America and Mexico
ILO San José
Apartado 10170-1000
San José
Costa Rica
Tel: +506.280.72.23
Fax: +506.280.69.91
In October 1999 ILO-IPEC launched a major
subregional programme in West/Central Africa.
Phase I comprised a mapping of the problem and
responses in the region and the development of
national plans of action and a regional strategy.
Phase II, which began in May 2001, sees the
awareness-raising campaigns among at-risk
groups, community-level protection projects,
law-enforcement capacity building, networking
among social actors, broad-ranging rehabilitation
and reintegration programmes and the provision
of alternatives for children at risk and their
parents. Support is also given to multi- and
bilateral cross-border agreements between
countries in the region. Further information:
Mr. Michel Gregoire
Chief Technical Adviser
Combating Trafficking in Children for Labour
Exploitation in West and Central Africa
ILO RO Abidjan
01B.P. 3960
Abidjan 01
Côte d’Ivoire
programme to combat trafficking of children and
young people for labour and sexual exploitation
in the Balkans (Albania, Romania, Moldova) and
Ukraine. The first phase of this programme
seeks to identify a strategy for concerted
action against trafficking through situation
analysis and appraisal of existing responses in
the region. This will include further development
of ILO’s Rapid Assessment methodology on the
worst forms of child labour, training for national
partners in using these research tools,
operational reviews, workshops and analysis. On
the basis of the lessons drawn from this, a
reintegration. For further information:
Tel: +
Fax: +
In February 2002, ILO-IPEC launched a threeyear programme to combat commercial sexual
exploitation of children in seven countries of
Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador
and the Dominican Republic.
The programme
aims to create synergies among the national
initiatives in the region, to establish and
facilitate cross-sectoral cooperation among the
countries and to strengthen the capacities of
major actors through training, technical support
and the sharing of good practice and pilot
models for action. Further information:
Mr. Klaus Guenther
Combating child and youth trafficking in the
Balkan Countries and Ukraine
International Labour Office
4, routes des Morillons
CH-1211 Geneva 22
Tel: + 41.22.799.8181
Fax: + 41.22.799.8771
Ring Road
In Brazil and Paraguay, ILO-IPEC has been
active since January 2001 in mapping the
incidence of exploitation in the border areas of
the two countries, and in programmes to build
institutional capacity, raise awareness and
mechanisms, rescue and care for exploited
children. Further information:
Tel: +977.
Fax: +977.
Ms. Ferreira de Souza
Chief Technical Adviser
Exploitation of Children and Adolescents on the
Paraguayan and Brazilian Border
Pecheco, 4546
Departamento B
(entre Seravi y Legión Civil Estrangera)
Villa Morra
ILO-IPEC’s Mekong subregional project to
combat Trafficking in Children and Women began
in 1998 with research, consultation and analysis,
leading to a three-year pilot intervention phase,
covering Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
China (Yunnan Province). During this phase,
national sub-offices worked with local actors in
implementing projects in education and skills
training, alternative livelihood promotion, legal
literacy and awareness raising. A regional
strategic framework added to these national
actions capacity building, advocacy and crossborder consultation and policy discussion.
Further information:
Hervé Berger
Chief Technical Adviser
Tel: +595.21.612.770
Fax : +595.21.612.770
Email :
The subregional project to Combat Trafficking in
Children in South Asia began in 1998 with
research, consultation and analysis, leading to a
two-year regional project, covering Bangladesh,
Nepal and Sri Lanka. The project supports local
implementing partners in the areas of research,
capacity building, policy development and
reintegration of trafficked children. Antitrafficking units have been supported within
government structures and surveillance units
have been set up with computerized monitoring
of rescued victims.
Youth groups have been
mobilized and supported and a strategy for
effective rehabilitation has been developed.
Further information:
Tine Staermose
Chief Technical Adviser
Combat the Trafficking of Children for
Exploitative Employment (Bangladesh, Nepal and
Sri Lanka)
ILO Kathmandu
Subregional project to combat Trafficking in Children and
Women in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
ILO ROAP Bangkok
P. O. Box 2-349
Bangkok - 10200
Tel: +
Fax: +
Mr. Frans Roselaers, Director, IPEC
Tel: + 41-22-799-8181
Fax: + 41-22-799-8771