CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY! 100th Annual Conference of the International Labour Organisation – June 2011 A NEW ERA OF SOCIAL JUSTICE Address by MINISTER SVETLIK, Republic of Slovenia ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr President, Director-General, Distinguished delegates, This year we celebrate the 100th Session of the International Labour Conference. Moments such as these are important for both looking back on our past achievements and looking forward to the challenges ahead. I agree with the Director General, that “with the ILO values and policies, we are on the right side of history”. It is many years since our society last faced such serious challenges as it is facing today. The data in the Report show rising social and economic imbalances and inequalities in our societies. The trends are a cause for serious concern and require urgent action. But in taking any action at whatever level or area of decision-making, we have to be aware of three important facts: 1. The sustainable development of our civilisation is possible only if we put all three dimensions – social, environmental and economic – on an equal footing. 2. Social security is a universal need and a basic human right. 3. Social policy is an investment in human capital. In this context, the capacity of the ILO has to be enhanced. We must further strengthen international labour standards, build a social protection floor for the most vulnerable and ensure the effective implementation of adopted standards in practice. 1 The Global Jobs Pact and Decent Work Agenda have to remain our commitment. The four strategic objectives of the Agenda can help us deliver a sustained, job-rich and equitable recovery. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is making every effort to tackle the social impact of the recent economic and financial crisis. The main short-term measures consist of active labour market policies, short-time work arrangements and measures to support people’s income. Social transfers – family and social benefits – have an important impact on decreasing poverty in Slovenia. However, the increased pressure on social expenditure is difficult to sustain. A key challenge for labour-market and social policy is to facilitate and encourage employment growth. The economic crisis and slow recovery have added further urgency to meeting the structural challenges facing Slovenia and other welfare states. As our latest experience with the modernisation of the pension system shows, structural reforms should be prepared in close cooperation with social partners and other relevant stakeholders. It is important to reach a broad social consensus about the inevitability of structural changes, even when these seem unfavourable at first sight. An ageing population is our reality in Europe, and pension reforms are urgent. Job creation should go hand in hand with prolonging working lives in order to maintain retirement-income adequacy without jeopardising financial sustainability. It is our common responsibility – the responsibility of governments, employers and trade unions alike – not to compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Governments must maintain a primary responsibility for ensuring social protection for most vulnerable. To conclude, I share the view of the Director-General that it is “our responsibility to help to guide this new era towards social justice for a fair globalization”. 2 Slovenia is only a small piece in this mosaic; however, we strongly agree with the recommendation of the ILO World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization that “work towards a fairer globalization begins at home”. I can assure you that our government will strive to strengthen the social partnership and further support the values and policies laid down by the International Labour Organisation. Thank you. 3