Minnesota Section CSWEA

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CSWEA Executive Committee
Bob Peplin, MN Section Trustee
MN Section Trustee Report
May 3, 2006
1. Public Education Committee Report (Patti Craddock)
Stockholm Junior Water Prize
MN Chair: Pamela Ann Kiel Massaro, P.E.
This year the MN Section acknowledged three students for the 2006 SJWP as
listed below. The winner, Robert Manduca, will represent Minnesota at the WEF
SJWP competition this year in Atlanta, GA, June 22-24. MN Section will support
his travel to the competition; travel and lodging are handled by WEF. MN Section
thanks the judges: Pamela Kiel Massaro, Bill Arnold and Timothy LaPara.
MN's Winner: Manduca, Robert
Project Title: There's Something in the Water: Nitrate Levels through the Seasons
School: Century High School, Rochester, MN
MN's 1st Runner up
Name: Roberston, Kevin
Project Title: The Effect of Road Runoff on Spring Creek, Pre and Post Large Rainfall Event
School: Cloquet High School, Cloquet, MN
MN's 2nd Runner up
Name: Weegman, Mitch
Project Title: Decline of the North American Lesser Scaup: Phase 2- Chromium and Selenium
Concentrations in Foods
School: Winona Senior High School, Winona, MN
Anyone interested in judging the 2007 student papers, please contact Pamela at
Water Festival
CSWEA MN Section will participate in the September 2007 event – now our 9th
year. The festival provides an opportunity for over 1,000 children to learn about
water related issues. Six classrooms attended the CSWEA’s session on Flush! The
Wastewater Story. Go to http://metrocwf.org/ for more information.
Public Education BUDGET REQUEST – TOTAL $3,000
Children’s Water Festival: Water Sourcebook CD – $450 (NOT USED-2005)
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Stockholm Junior Water Prize: State awards - $150; Transportation to WEF Mtg
for student and chaperone - $2,000; Transportation/Lodging for MN Section Mtg
(Conf on Environment or Innovative Conf) - $400
2. Student and Young Professionals (S&YP) Committee Report (Doug
The Minnesota chapter of the Students and Young Professionals (S&YP)
Committee has been developing over the past few months. Committee meetings
have been held at various times to plan for future events and activities. The
committee includes the following people:
Kris Evans, Howard R. Green Co.
Eric Evans, Howard R. Green Co.
Jennifer Packer, CDM
Bethany Brinkman, HDR
Doug Henrichsen, HDR (chair)
One of the committee’s goals over the next few months will be to develop a
theme, or statement, for the group’s mission as well as to identify both short and
long-term goals. A preliminary mission statement that has been developed is:
Draft Mission Statement
The goal of the Minnesota Section of the Student & Young
Professionals Group for the CSWEA is to foster the development of
water protection professionals as they transform from students and
junior staff to seasoned professionals leading the field; to ensure
continuity between one generation of water protection experts and
the next; and to create camaraderie and a network of friends
throughout the field.
This mission statement will be discussed and refined as needed at the next
committee meeting.
Another goal of the group will be to develop various offices, and/or positions,
within the group to assist in transferring information and providing continuity for
the group. The committee will also be discussing the Student Design and Paper
Competitions for the 2007 CSWEA annual conference. The committee planning
meetings will be used to help identify university contacts and to establish methods
for encouraging participation from students. Contacts with the university have
already been made. Several university students recently attended the annual
Conference on the Environment.
A couple of events have taken place this year. The first event included a tour of
the MCES Eagles Point WWTP on December 1, 2005. There were about 7
people that attended the event. Following, the plant tour, the group convened at
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the nearby Applebee’s Restaurant, which was used as a means to help foster
relationships between members.
A second outing included a tour of the U of M St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic
Laboratory (SAFL), which was conducted on Wednesday, April 12, 2006.
Students and young professionals from several organizations attended a graduate
student’s presentation entitled “Happen Places for Denitification in Streams”.
Following the presentation, a tour of the hydraulic laboratory was conducted,
which was lead by two U of M graduate students. The group got to see several
research projects underway from U of M students. Following the event, several
folks went to a nearby tavern for food, drinks and discussion. The event was well
attended with about 15 students and young professionals.
Contact with the local AWWA Student & Young Professional’s group was also
made. We are currently in discussions with that group to host a joint event, which
may include a tour of the recently constructed Minneapolis Water Works
(MWW), Columbia Heights Membrane Filtration Water Treatment Facility. This
event could possibly take place in June of this year.
3. Biosolids Committee Report (Carol Mordorski)
Due to an insufficient effort by its chair to organize, the Minnesota
Biosolids Committee has not been revived, but is still hoping for a
phoenix event in 2006. New members are needed. Also seeking suggestions for
what kind of activities the Committee could pursue. Please contact:
carol.mordorski@metc.state.mn.us 651-602-8250 if you are interested. Provide
your e-mail address and phone number.
4. Student Chapters – (Keith Redmond – St Cloud Technical College )
The WAMM Club at SCTC has spent time developing a logo for outer wear.
This has been accomplished and is at the printers as I write this. We
have attempted to get this accomplished over the past few years and were
finally able to agree on a logo we could live with. Be watching for
students to be wearing the garments in the near future.
The students have agreed on purchases for this school year to make
their lives a little easier and enjoyable. We have purchased a
refrigerator to keep their lunches in so they stop putting their food
items in our chemical and sample refrigerator. I am especially glad of
this so I do not have to throw everyone’s food out before they get a
chance to eat it. We also bought a new stereo system for the lab in the
event the instructional staff is in a good enough mood to let the
students listen to it during lab class.
A few students presented at the annual Innovative conference again this
year. The topic was on evaluating the watershed between Aitkin and
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Brainerd Minnesota. Both Josh Hoff and Adam Bourassa did and excellent
job. Other students will be participating in upcoming water fairs in
the surrounding counties, presenting to grade school students. Included
in the project will be microscopic examination of aquatic organisms and
a demonstration utilizing a ground water model.
We are about to wrap up the school year in a few weeks so to cap off
the year we will be having a year end party at or near the end of finals
week. All I need to do is mention food and they will come!
5. Secretary/Treasurer (John Smith -4/28/06)
We began 2005 with a balance of $23 119.89. Deposits were $26,993.41,
withdrawals were $27,108.89. We ended the year 2005 with $23,119.89. For
2006 all expenses to date are within budget. The Innovative Conference at St.
Cloud on February 21 was a smashing success. We shared a profit of 4,575.19
with the Minnesota Wastewater Operator’s Association.
6. Collection System Committee Chair (Tim Keegan & Steve Lipinski)
The committee met with the MWOA Collection System Committee to discuss
partnering between the two associations since in Minnesota they have the
same target group of operators and engineers. Stephen Lipinski has been
appointed chairman of the MWOA Collection System Committee.
The committee has scheduled two One Day Conferences for 2006. The
first will be held in Duluth, May 18, 2006 (see attached) and the second is
for October 18, 2006 in Mankato. This conference will provide 7 hours
for certification renewal for wastewater operators. The committee plans
to hold two conferences each year with the same agenda in two different
locations within the state.
This joint committee is planning to develop an operators manual for
collection system operators. There has been some preliminary discussion
on this and the idea was presented to the MWOA Board at the April
meeting. The committee was requested to develop a budget for
consideration in the 2007 budget.
7. Industrial Wastes Committee Chair (Clay Watson)
The Industrial committee will be meeting over the next 3 months to put together a
candidate for the Industrial award and provide speakers for the Conference on the
Environment. We have 9 active members and are also looking for more. If
interested please let me know. The 2005 Industrial Achievement award was
awarded to SB Foot Tanning of Red Wing.
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The CSWEA/MWOA laboratory committee will be sponsoring a summer
workshop. It will be held June 26-27, 2006 in St. Cloud, MN. Topics will be
phosphorus analysis, phosphorus reduction, and Minnesota Department of Health
new laboratory regulations. Cost is $105 for the two day session and 12
laboratory credit hours will be given to participants.
9. Safety Committee Chair (Al Sehloff)
The safety committee has essentially been inactive for the last year or so and is in
need of members. The committee’s only function at this time is the nomination of
a wastewater treatment facility for the George W. Burke Jr. Facility Safety
Award. Identification of a facility with any interest in this award has proven to be
difficult. Any suggestions for new committee members and a nominee for the
George W. Burke Jr. Facility Safety Award would be appreciated.
10. Operations Committee Chair (Chip Lederer)
The MN CSWEA/MWOA Innovative Operations Committee had a meeting on
April 20, 2006:
 Overall the 2006 conference was a success even though there was a
shortage of water
Increased attendance (225) could have been attributed to an updated
mailing list, good program, nice day, lots of quickies, economy being
good, programs mailed earlier, had commitments early and a good
Keynote Speaker!
A suggestion was made to make sure that there are more power point
handouts and that the presenter’s should be asked to bring handouts
when the confirmation letter is sent out
The committee also suggested removing some of the tables to make
more room for chairs. The three (3) projector screens were a positive
addition to the conference.
As far as the Program Format the committee agreed to keep it the same
as last year and plan for 200 in attendance. The Keynote Speaker will
speak after lunch and we should try to fill 10 quickie slots.
Evaluation Survey and Financial Statement were discussed.
Suggested breakout Sessions for next meeting:
Vendor New Technology Session-for vendors as a breakout or
General Session. This would give vendors a chance to give
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their Sale Pitch on New Technology. The committee would
solicit vendors by form letter and select the vendors based on
what they are going to present.
Phosphorus Session
Collections Session
Biosolids Session
Todd recommended a Biosolids Refresher course
approximately 30 minutes in length
Odor Control Session
Stormwater Management Session
Alternative to Disinfection Session
Regulatory Session
Need to Know
Annandale/Maple Lake
TMDL study at Lake Pepin
New Technology Session
Pond Aeration to expand pond capacity
Wind generation
Energy efficient blowers
Methane generation
Ethanol Plants with a focus on zero discharge from
New technology used to view bugs (Review of
wastewater biology); Les and Tracy?
Quickies; need at least 10. Someone mentioned Ron
Hagemeier’s chlorination system and another topic
brought up was a microfiche viewer to view activated
sludge bugs?
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