The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Haskins Society Carleton College

The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Haskins Society
Carleton College, November 7–9, 2014
Conference Schedule
Friday,November 7
Business Meeting for Officers and Councilors of the Society
Registration Opens
New Research Forum
Chair: Austin Mason, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities & Carleton College
Reading the Premonstratensian Landscape: Women, Space, and Patronage in
Northern France, ca. 1120-1400
Yvonne Seale, University of Iowa
Fontevraud, the Communities of Saint-Martin, and Queen Bertrade:
Reconsidering Angevin Comital Policy in the Touraine in the Early Twelfth
Basit Qureshi, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
The Papacy and Creation of the Hungarian Empire
Joan Dusa, Independent Scholar
Bagels and coffee will be provided.
Opening Remarks and Welcome
Presidential Address
Presiding: Richard Barton, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Current President of the Haskins Society
How English Laws Were Written
Bruce O’Brien, Mary Washington College
Past President of the Haskins Society
Session 1: Crime and Punishment in Comparative Perspective
Chair: Constance Berman, University of Iowa
Wrongs – Compensation – Revenge: The Eddic Poems as a Gateway to Viking
Age Notions of ‘Crime and Punishment’
Anne Iren Riisøy, Buskerud and Vestfold University College
Towards a Cultural History of Decapitation
Alan Cooper, Colgate University
Changing Legal Approaches to Adultery: The Evidence of the Fabliau Les
April Harper, State University of New York, Oneonta
Tea/Coffee Break
Session 2 Framing History: Re-presenting the Past in Word and Image
Chair: Robert Berkhofer, Western Michigan University
Unlocking the Past: History, Theology, and Devotion on the Christian Franks
Katherine Cross, Wolfson College, Oxford and the British Museum
Foedus foedatum: Retrospectives (1016–1166) on Concord, Counsel, and
Corruption in Post-Roman Britain
Emily Winkler, University College London
Abbatial Patronage and the Cult of the Saints at St Albans Abbey
Kathryn Gerry, Memphis College of Art
The Artistic Patronage of Robert of Torigni
Laura Cleaver, Trinity College Dublin
Saturday, November 8
Session 3 Dominus/Domina: Was There a Gendered Exercise of Power?
Chair: Amy Livingstone, Wittenberg University
The Biography of Emma “of Ivry”
Charlotte Cartwright, State University of New York, Oswego
Distaff Dynastic Lordship? Evidence from the Conquest Generation
Laura Gathagan, State University of New York, Cortland
Lords or Ladies? Elisabeth and Eleanor of Vermandois and Succession,
Governance, and Gender in the County of Vermandois
Heather J. Tanner, The Ohio State University
Session 4: Reconfiguring Relics, Saints, and Authority after Conflict
Chair: Jennifer Paxton, Catholic University of America
Holy Relics, Authority, and Legitimacy in Anglo-Saxon England and Ottonian
Laura Wangerin, University of Wisconsin
The Fate of Anglo-Saxon Saints' Cults After the Conquest: The Case of St
Æthelwold of Winchester
Rebecca Browett, Institute of Historical Research
Helena, Constantine, and the Angevin Desire for Jerusalem
Katie L. Hodges-Kluck, University of Tennessee
C. Warren Hollister Lecture
Presiding: Alex Knodell, Carleton College
Rural Settlement in Roman Britain and Its Significance for the Early Medieval
Period: New Research and Perspectives
Martin Millett, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge
Session 5: Object Lessons: Material Evidence for Early Medieval Britain
Chair: Chris Lewis, King’s College, London
Recycling Roman-ness in Fifth-Century Britain
Robin Fleming, Boston College
Sitting on the Fence: The Staffordshire Hoard Find Site in Context
David Roffe, University of Oxford
Tea/Coffee Break
Session 6: The Scripts of Robert of Torigni—An Inquiry in Conjectural
Moderator & Respondentl: Thomas N. Bisson, Harvard University
Erik Kwakkel, Centre for the Arts in Society, University of Leiden
Patricia Stirnemann, IRHT, Paris
Elisabeth M. C. Van Houts, Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Benjamin Pohl, DAAD Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Cambridge
Participation by the audience
Party at Bill North’s House
109 Winona Street
Sunday,November 9
Session 7: The Perception and Practice of War
Session Chair: Steven Isaac, Longwood University
The Semipagano Tiranno – Rethinking the Perception of Muslim Soldiers under
Roger II
Joshua Birk, Smith College
Trouble in Tripoli: Civil War and the Beginning of the End of the Latin
Kingdom of Jerusalem,1277–1282
Jesse Izzo, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Military Entrepreneurs in the Armies of Edward I of England (1273–1307)
David Bachrach, University of New Hampshire
Session 8: New Approaches to the Naturalism of the Twelfth-Century
Chair: John Cotts, Whitman College
Naturalism Beyond Mediation: William of Conches and Hildegard von Bingen
Willemien Otten, University of Chicago Divinity School
Videmus nunc per speculum: Toward a New Paradigm for Twelfth-Century
Jason M. Baxter, Wyoming Catholic College
Nature and the Self in the Lyrics Attributed to Peter of Blois
Mary Franklin-Brown, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Featured Speaker
Presiding: Andrew Scheil, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Beyond the Obvious: Aelfric and the Authority of Bede
Joyce Hill, University of Leeds
Closing Lunch
A gentle reminder for those giving papers:
The point of giving a talk is as much about the questions and the conversation that arise
during the Q&A period, as it is about the paper itself. Because of this, you are asked to
stick closely to your allotted paper-giving time of 20 minutes. A 20-minute paper is
generally a 10-page, 12-point-font typescript. Please be courteous to your fellow panelists
and come prepared to give a paper of this length. Panel Chairs will be instructed (with, of
course, a couple of minutes grace) to keep their panelists firmly to time.
For those using A/V:
The conference venue is equipped with a computer, connections for a laptop, a document
camera, and a digital projector. If you are using a standard powerpoint presentation
(Powerpoint, Keynote, Prezi), please make sure that you have it downloaded on a flash
drive to expedite panel set up. We can also accommodate presenters using their own
laptop. Please email conference organizers by October 15 (
regarding your use of AV (which program you will use); if you are not using A/V, no reply
is necessary.
You will need to bring copies of your handout with you to the conference. Eighty copies
should suffice.