Exercise Science/Kinesiology: PSE4UI Teacher: Mrs. Bowler Course Notes & Contact Information: http://teachers.wrdsb.ca/zagorss/ Course Description from Ministry Guidelines: This course focuses on the study of human movement and of systems and factors involved in human development. Students will learn about the effects of physical activity on health and performance, the evolution of physical activity and sports, and the factors that influence an individual’s participation in physical activity. The course prepares students for university programs in physical education, kinesiology, recreation, and sports administration. Course Units: Unit 1 Introduction to Anatomy: The Skeletal System 29 hours Unit 2 Muscles, Tissues, Joints & Sports Injuries 31 hours Unit 3 Physiology: Energy, Nervous, Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems 25 hours Unit 4 Motor Development, Motor Learning, Biomechanics, 12.5 hours Unit 5 Human Performance & Sports Nutrition Relationship of Society and Culture to Sports and Physical Activity 12.5 hours Essential Skills or “Big Ideas” in this Course To be successful in this course, you MUST be able to demonstrate all of the following skills: Describe the structure and function of the body and of physiological principles relating to human performance. Demonstrate an understanding of how the body’s systems improve movement and affect human performance. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of motor learning and development. Analyze the relationship between society and culture to sport and physical activity. Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Students will be given numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate their achievement of the expectations across the four categories from the Ministry’s achievement chart categories: K/U = Knowledge/Understanding, T/I = Thinking/Inquiry, C = Communication & A=Application Planning for the Final Evaluation Seventy percent of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. Thirty percent of the grade will be based on a final (summative) evaluation. Report card grades will reflect the student’s most consistent level of achievement, with consideration given to more recent evidence. Breakdown of Essential Course Components: Essential Course Component Unit Tests, Quizzes, Bell Ringers, Labs, Assignments Midterm Exam Portfolio #1: Muscular Portfolio or Flash Card Portfolio Portfolio #2: Joint Injury Models & Report Portfolio #3: Breaking Down Skills in Sports Issues in Sport Summative: Research Skills & Essay Issues in Sport Summative: Online Presentation: “Webinar” Issues in Sport Summative: Bell Ringer Approximate Due Date % Once a month January 31 November 19 February 11 June 2 30* 15 11 7 7 15 10 5 Overall 70% April 8 30% May 12-15 May 21 *Note: a quiz worth 20 marks will have a lower weight than a unit test worth 80 marks. Guidelines for Late and Missed Assignments At WCI is the expectation that students will submit all required work by the assigned due date as evidence of their learning. Students who fail to meet a due date for an essential course component will be subject to the completion policy found the student planner. Failure to submit this work, despite these interventions, will be recorded as incomplete and may result in a loss of credit. *Note: Mrs. Bowler is human - I understand when things happen. Just tell me in advance if possible! COMMUNICATION IS KEY: extra-curricular activities, vacations, surgery, specialist appointments, etc. “The appropriate consequence for failing to complete an assignment is completing the assignment.” -Reeves, 2004 Cheating and Plagiarism At WCI it is the expectation that students will submit their own original work for the purpose of demonstrating their learning. In the event that cheating or plagiarism occurs, the following consequences may be implemented, in consultation with administration, depending on the situation: The student may be required to redo all or part of the assignment or assessment. The student may be required to complete an alternate assignment of assessment. The student’s work may be treated as a missed assignment. There may be other consequences that are determined to be appropriate, including disciplinary consequences as outlined in the Cheating/Plagiarism section of the student planner.” Textbooks The supply of textbooks is limited. Sufficient class time will be given to ensure the completion of textbook work and or reading/analyzing information. However, it is the responsibility of the student to make effective use of class time. Students are NOT permitted to sign out textbooks since texts have disappeared each year. PLEASE REFER TO THE STUDENT PLANNER FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ATTENDANCE POLICIES, ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION, CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM, LATE AND MISSED WORK POLICY (PAGES 14-19).