Grade 11 HL/SL Chemistry SCH3U J Assumption College Catholic High School 1100 Huron Church Road, Windsor Ontario, N9C 2K7 519 256 7801 Instructor: Mr. Mills Prerequisites: Grade 10 Science Academic Textbook: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Chemistry 11 G. Neuss, IB Course Companion and IB Course Guide, Oxford Press Course Code: SCH 3U J Credit Value: 1 Time Frame: 1 semester Course Description: Grade 11 Chemistry IB The course is offered as a Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (HL) IB course. The objectives of the IB Chemistry are based on the International Baccalaureate Chemistry Prospectus. To meet these objectives specific material is covered over the period of two (SL) or three (HL) semesters. IB Chemistry topics Options (two to be selected and covered in grade 12) 1. Quantitative Chemistry (11) A. Modern analytical chemistry 2. Atomic structure (11) B. Human biochemistry 3. Periodicity (11) C. Chemistry in industry and technology 4. Bonding (11) D. Medicine and Drugs 5. Energetics (12) E. Environmental chemistry 6. Kinetics (12) F. Food chemistry 7. Equlibrium (11) G. Further organic chemistry 8. Acids and bases (12) 9. Oxidation and reduction (12) 10. Organic chemistry (11) 11. Measurement and data processing (11) The course has an experimental aspect, and stresses qualitative modeling and quantitative analysis. A collaborative Group 4 project is a compulsory part of both SL and HL Chemistry. This project emphasizes interdisciplinary cooperation and the processes involved in scientific investigation, rather than the products of such investigation. IB Chemistry is a rigorous university preparation course for highly motivated students. Students are expected to write the international IB chemistry exam at the end of their studies. In covering the IB objectives, the Ontario curriculum is also covered in depth and students earn chemistry credits towards Ontario Secondary School Diploma. An in depth exploration of these documents and strategies can be found in the Main Office and on the Board’s website. Evaluation of Student Achievement OSSDR All students will be assessed frequently and given multiple opportunities to practice and demonstrate their level of achievement of the course expectations. Learning Skills Term Work – 70% of Final Grade Teachers will support students in finding connections between the Achievement Categories Weight Learning Skills and Catholic Graduate Expectations. Knowledge/Understanding 35% Teachers will provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate Thinking 35% their learning skills in the following categories: o Works Independently Application 15% o Teamwork Communication 15% o Organization Weights Assigned to Term Tasks (Out of ) o Work Habits o Initiative Major tests 5 The learning skills will be evaluated using the four-point scale: Lab reports 5 o E – Excellent Major assignments 4 or 5 o G – Good o S – Satisfactory Quizzes 3 or 2 o N - Needs Improvement Daily work/homework 1 Final Evaluation – 30% Written Exam 1 IB Lab Reports and IB Internal Assessment (IA). All IB students must submit a portfolio of lab reports as part of the assessment for their final IB chemistry grade. The IA, worth 24% of the final assessment consists of an interdisciplinary project, a mixture of short- and long-term investigations. Thus, it is very important that the portfolio is up to date and well organized. It will be kept in school at all times. Student work is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IBO. The performance in IA at both SL and HL is marked against assessment criteria, with each criterion having a maximum mark of 6. Practical (Internal) Assessment for 2014 exams This is assessed by means of a practical course consisting of a series of experiments which the students carry out and write reports on in a separate laboratory exercise book. The reports are assessed according to eight criteria. These are: Design Data collection and processing Conclusions and Evaluations Manipulative Skills Personal Skills IB External Examination Format (First examinations 2009) Component Overall Duration Format and syllabus coverage weighting (hours) (%) Paper 1 20 1 40 multiple-choice questions (±15 common to SL plus about five more on the core and about 20 more on the AHL) Paper 2 36 2¼ Section A: one data-based question and several short-answer questions on the core and the AHL (all compulsory) Section B: two extended-response questions on the core and the AHL (from a choice of four) Paper 3 20 1¼ Several short-answer questions and one extendedresponse question in each of the two options studied (all compulsory) For both SL and HL, calculators are not permitted in paper 1 but are required in papers 2 and 3. A clean copy of the Chemistry data booklet is required for papers 2 and 3 at both SL and HL. 2 Key Policies Absence Policy: (School Policy) ATTENDANCE Attendance is important for success. Excessive absenteeism may make high level performance difficult and will probably impact your final grade. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK MISSED If you are absent, your study buddy is the first person you should call to find out what went on in class during your absence. Your study buddy will collect any handouts and other information for you while you are absent. Submission of Late Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise stated. If a student submits assignments late, the teacher: (Board Policy) o Must document or track late submissions. Teachers may use the Missed or Late Assignment Student Contract. o Must consult with the student and determine a plan of action to correct this behavior. Teachers may use a variety of methods for dealing with late and missed assignments. o May contact the student’s parent/guardian. o May need to inform Administration or school success team. Teachers will use their professional judgment when extenuating circumstances arise. If a student fails to submit a major assignment on time, the student will be given a new due date at the teacher’s discretion. The teacher may use the same assignment or modify the original one. Failure to submit the original/alternate assignment on the second due date may result in a mark of zero. Plagiarism: If it is determined that a student has plagiarized, the following will happen: (Board Policy) The plagiarism will be reported to the school administration, The student will receive a mark of zero (0), The student will be provided an opportunity to resubmit the assignment, The first assignment will be recorded in Markbook© as a zero (0), The second assignment will also be recorded in Markbook© with the same weight, The parent/guardian will be notified and other consequences, including suspension, may be assigned. 3 HOMEWORK POLICY: You are expected to review current class work on a regular basis. This will make studying much easier. Homework will be checked periodically. If homework is incomplete be prepared to phone your parent and explain the reason to them. A surprise quiz on current work can be given at any time. TESTING POLICY: All tests are compulsory. In general make up tests will not be used for a summative evaluation. Administrative exemptions due to test conflicts will be dealt with on an individual basis. If there is a conflict with a test date, it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the teacher prior to the test date. If insufficient summative evidence is available for proper evaluation of progress, the results of the relevant portions of the final evaluation may be substituted for missing items. MAKE UP WORK In general work missed due to absence must be made up on the day of return or at the discretion of the teacher. Tests or other summative items missed while on school suspension are not eligible for makeup. Late items will be treated as formative and will not be considered for summative evaluation. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES. You are expected to maintain a well organized note book to assist you with your studies. You are expected to maintain your class file of activities. You are expected to bring all necessary materials (pens, pencils, paper etc.) to class everyday. You are expected to take care of and bring your textbook with you each day. You are expected to obey the safety rules and other classroom rules at all times. PARENT/STUDENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND AGREEMENT: _________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________ Date __________________________________ Student’s Signature ____________________ Date Textbook # _______ Other Resources Assigned: 4