Hcs herald - Heritage Christian School

A weekly newsletter of Heritage Christian School
P. O. Box 400 Jordan Station, Ontario L0R 1S0
905 562 7303 (office) 905 562 0020 (fax)
WEBSITE: www.hcsjordan.ca
April 12, 2013
Grade 8 students and their parents are invited to attend a High School Information evening on Monday,
April 22nd at 7:30 pm in Rm. 215 of the high school. We’ll present our high school program and course
offerings and give you a glimpse of the positive things that await you in our secondary wing.
2. Excitement is in the classrooms and halls as we anticipate one of our favourite days of the year. Many
Grandparents and Senior Friends will be joining us next Friday. The doors will be open for classroom visits
any time between 9:15 am – 10:25 am with refreshments in the gym afterwards. The program will begin at
10:45 am followed by a hot lunch at Noon. We are very blessed with an extended supporting community
and you are most welcome to join us.
HCS Calendar
Apr 12
Apr 13
Apr 15
Apr 16
Apr 19
Apr. 22
Apr. 24
Apr. 25
Cinnabon Orders Due
Redeemer Science Fair
GST Auction
PTA Meeting
Golf Committee Meeting
Gr. 9 Information Evening
Gr. 4A to Shalom Manor
Maintenance Comm Mtg
Grandparents Day
Secondary Midterm Reports
Fundraising Meeting
EdComm Meetings
Secondary Chapel
Gr. 4-6 Spy Day
Gr. 7/8 Secret Agent Day
Sec P/T Conferences
Apr 26
Apr 30
May 1
May 2
May 3
May 7
May 8
May 9
Cinnabon Delivery
Primary Div Book Character Day
Gr. 7& 8 Field Trip
Promotion Committee Meeting
Plant Orders Due
Secondary Spring Fest.
Redeemer Choir
Gr. 1A Japan Day
Secondary Choir Fest
Intermediate Gym Speech Contest
Plant Orders Arrive
Gr. 3B to Albright Manor
Kindergarten Orientation Day
OSAP Presentation to Gr. 12
Ascension Day
Elementary Assembly
May 14
800m Run
Gr. 1A to United Menn Home
May 17 Elementary Field Day
May 20 Victoria Day
May 21 Field Day Raindate
Gr. 5A to Shalom Manor
May 21/22 Gr. 7 Campfire Trip
May 22 Secondary Chapel
May 23 Gr. 4/5 Field Trip
May 24 Gr. 6 Hike
May 30 Gr. 3A to Lookout Point
NRCEA Membership Meeting
May 31 Gr. 7/8 Amazing Race Day
Kindergarten Train Trip
GST AUCTION!! Please remember to come out for a great time this Saturday, April 13. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m., with fantastic
food from the food shack available. Auction will start at 7:00 p.m. sharp! Many great items available, including home decor, sports
memorabilia, lawn and garden items, tools, wine tours, dinners, and much, much more!! Please remember to drop off your donated
items at the school on Saturday, between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Be sure to come out for an evening of great food, fun and fellowship,
all while supporting Heritage. Hope to see you all there!
General School News
The Board of Directors of Heritage
nominations for Board members for
our annual Spring Membership
Meeting . Please send nominations to
smbezuyen@hotmail.com or any other
Board member by April 23, 2013.
Directory Update Miss Kim Hultink
has a new phone number. Please
update your directory. 905-562-3274
Food Service Help for Saturday
April 13 at the HCS GST
Auction. Thank You to everyone who
volunteered, your help is appreciated.
Start time for everyone is at 5:30 pm,
dress casual. Dishwashers: John
Sikkens, Cheryl Pols; Deep Fryers:
James Heida, Brian Bruinekool; Food
Line : Art & Mag VanVliet, Gerda
Bergsma, Ingrid Sikkens, Melinda
Schouwenaar, Stan & Krissy Vyn;
Cashiers: Teresa Otten, Maaike Buist,
Lori Tuinstra, Rennie Westerveld;
Coffee and Dessert Table: Pam
Heida, Eric & Joanne DeKorte
Grandparents Day: On April 19,
2013 we are excited to celebrate
Grandparents Day!! Please invite all
grandparents, adopted grandparents,
and seniors to join with us for this
special day!! The doors will be open
for classroom visits any time between
9:15 am – 10:25 am with refreshments
in the gym afterwards. The program
will begin at 10:45 am followed by a
hot lunch at Noon. Parents, please
return your volunteer forms and don’t
forget to send out your invitations!
Request for drivers and chaperones:
A grade 7 and 8 class trip to
Mounstburg is scheduled for April 30.
We will be going to their Maps and
Compass program as well as the Birds
of Prey program. We will take two
buses, but will still need a few
vehicles as well to get everyone there.
If you are able to drive, or would like
to volunteer as a chaperone, please
contact Mr. Blokhuis by note or phone
as soon as possible. Thanks.
HCS thanks the Jordan Lions for
the privilege to use their softball
diamonds for our elementary softball
team practices. Please show your
support for this organization by
checking out their website at
www.jordanlionssoftball.com. Online
registration for the upcoming season is
open now!
Update Picture Request We need
your pictures for the next issue of the
update. You can send your picture(s)
to amjbs@cogeco.ca with a brief
description of the event, student
name(s) and grade. The deadline to
send in your pictures is Monday, June
3rd. Thanks
General Elementary News
Grandparents’ Day: Parents, please
be reminded that students are expected
to be in “program uniform” for
Grandparent’s Day on Friday. That
means skirts for the girls (please
ensure that skirts are of modest
length), pants for the boys, and white
shirts/blouses for everyone. Thanks!
Gr 2 and 3…Grandparents’ Day:
Just a head’s up…For Grandparent’s
Day we will be asking the boys to
wear suspenders with their normal
school uniform (white tops, navy
pants) and tuck their pants into their
We hope that finding
suspenders will not be too big of a
hassle. Please try to borrow them
and/or check out the second hand
stores. For the girls, we are asking
them to wear knee socks (navy or
white) with their normal program
uniform (white tops, navy skirts).
Field Day Volunteers We are looking
for parents to help run the Field Day
events on Friday, May 17th (rain date:
Tuesday, May 21st). This will be a
great opportunity for you to watch
your child(ren)’s events and to spend
the day in the beautiful sun! If you are
interested, please inform Mrs.
baartman@hcsjordan.ca), along with
your preference for age/event/time (all
day (8:30-2), morning (8:30-11:30), or
afternoon (11-2). Thank you in
advance for your help!!
From the PTA: Cinnabon orders were
due today. If you forgot to get your
order in, please send it in on Monday,
April 15. The order will be placed on
Tuesday. Thanks for your support.
From the PTA: Congratulations to
the Graat family for selling 15 boxes
of chocolate bars and receiving 1st
place, to the Reynolds family for
selling 10 boxes and receiving 2nd
place, and to the Hol family for selling
5 boxes and receiving 3rd place.
Thank-you to those who have brought
in their cheques for the chocolate bar
campaign. If you have not already
done so, please bring your families
to HCS
PTA). Thank-you.
Primary Division….Dress-Up Days:
The day is April 26th Book Character
Dress-up Day (for this day, your
child’s teacher will send home more
details as we near the date)
Kindergarten B – Mrs. Harsevoort
1. We had some terrific Rhyme Time
Show & Tell this week. Thanks for
your support. 2. We’ve been busy
printing numbers correctly and
learning what comes after a particular
number. 3. The students are getting
pretty quick at sounding out short “a”
words. Sometimes they try to guess
but that doesn’t always work. 4. We’re
looking forward to seeing all the
Grandparents on Friday. We love the
songs we’re practicing. Parents, please
dress your children in program
uniform ( white tops, blue bottoms and
skirts for the girls). Please arrange for
your child to picked up at 12:00 from
our classroom. 5. A copy of Ps. 23
went home today. Ps. 23:1 is due for
April 23. Have a lovely weekend.
Grade 1A – Miss Wierenga Your
children have gotten a lot of work
done this week. Be sure to go over the
sheets coming home today. Ask your
sundial, besiege, Babylonia, exile,
God's promise to the Jews in exile,
and ten differences between the way
we live and the way Japanese
live. We have completed all our
spelling lessons and will now be
reviewing all the words. Coming
home today is a green sheet with all
the spelling words in columns. Each
week, ten words will be chosen from a
column and will be tested on Fridays,
as usual. For next week, please study
all the words in column A. Several
bookmarks have already been earned
by your children reading 100 minutes
or more! Thank you so much for
helping your children continue their
reading practice. Important events to
Beginning of oral
presentations the week after next, on
April 22. (Need a new calendar? I'll
send you one, no questions
asked) Book Character Dress Up Day
on April 26. Reminders for next
week: Bible stories # 84 – 88 MON:
gym clothes TUES: library books
and dues WED: gym clothes
FRI: Grandparents Day, memory
work: John 14:1, spelling test on
words from column A.
Enjoy a
spring weekend.
Grade 1B– Miss Boonstra Greetings,
Parents: Memory Work: Ps. 8:13 (Please encourage your child to
review his memory work at home.
Thanks) Mon. library, return report
cards; Tues. & Thurs. gym; Fri: no
spelling test; In Bible we will learn
about King Hezekiah (II Ki. 18-20)
and Daniel. Ask your child for the
particulars. Our unit on Insects is
almost completed. Our next unit will
be about Birds.
Grade 2A – Mrs. Geerlinks Dear
Parents, we have had another very
busy, productive week. Students have
been enjoying their study of poetry
and have already written an acrostic
poem as well as several riddles. They
have also enjoyed learning about the
weather in science as well as starting
our new novel study on Ping. Next
week, we will finish up our Esther
stories in Bible and will be having our
test. If you have any shoeboxes at
your home, please send one or more
along with your child in the upcoming
weeks (we will be using them in an art
project). Reminders for next week:
Monday: Library, Gym, Wednesday:
DAY, Spelling Test Unit 29, Memory
Work: Esther 4:13-14
Grade 2B – Miss Hultink Hola,
parents! This week we have
accomplished much in 2B! We have
completed our Esther stories and had a
test today to wrap up the Old
Testament. Since we have already
covered the stories on Christ’s birth,
we will be jumping to stories #67-69.
As you can tell by the greeting, we
have started our Mexican unit this
week. The students are very excited to
learn about a new culture! In math, the
students are grasping the concept of
subtraction with regrouping, but
review basic subtraction facts like 125, 17-2, 11-6 and so on would be very
helpful. Within the next week, we will
also be moving on to a Poetry writing
unit. We are eagerly awaiting the
visits of our grandparents on Friday
and enthusiastically wanting to sing
our songs for them. (I can tell by the
amount of times the students’ sing it in
class, during recess and on the field
trips :D). Please remember the dress
code for your son (suspenders, white
shirt, blue pants) or daughter (knee
socks, white tops, navy skirts) on
Friday! Reminders for next week:
Tuesday: Library, S&T: Row 3
(Blake, Moeanna, Mark, Nova);
Wednesday: S&T: Row 4 (Emily,
Liam, Allison, Henry); Thursday:
Spelling Test: Unit 29, Memory work:
Esther 4:13-14 (can be extended to
Friday), Friday: Grandparent’s Day!!
Grade 3A - Mr. Wensink Greetings.
In Bible this past week we learned
about the intertestament time and John
the Baptist. Our Bible memory is
Matthew 5:6-8, the next 3 beatitudes.
Our Spelling is Unit 28. We plan to
finish our Plant Varieties study this
week. Grandparen'’s Day is highly
anticipated for this coming Friday
morning. Practices and preparations
are going well. Our new novel is
Mouse and Motorcycle. Our Math
drill goes back to multiplication,
(practice as needed) and our regular
math is Measurement. Look for a
review sheet in a week. Oral
presentations have been chosen and
will be shared April 22-26. Look for
more information and completed work
on Monday. Blessings.
Grade 3B – Miss Petersen We are
well on our way to mastering
multiplication. Students can quite
adeptly multiply a 3-digit by a 1-digit
number, with regrouping. Ask your
child to demonstrate for you. They
ARE finally realizing how important it
is to know their times tables! Ask
your child what “mail-order brides”
have to do with their new novel study.
Students are already enjoying the
depth of “feeling” that runs through
this novel.
We enjoyed some
hopping/jumping and a beginning of
basketball skills in gym class.
Students “created” a character for a
spring story they are beginning to
write and their artistic impression of
this character is beginning to take
shape. Ask your child what “canons”
had to do with music class this week.
Overall, it was a great week with
Grade 3B in fine shape! We are
looking forward to Grandparents’ Day
next week! Please ensure that you
have read the “blurb” about the socks
and suspenders at the beginning of the
newsletter!! Reminders: Monday:
Return library books Wednesday:
Show and Tell for Girls Thursday:
Show and Tell for Boys; Friday:
Girls remember socks and Boys
Grandparent’s Day!! No Recorder
Test this week; Memory Work: I
Corinthians 9:24. General….Math
Facts: Please practice times tables 010 at home. Students MUST practice
at home for at least 5 minutes/day on a
regular basis. From Mrs. Korevaar Next week we are looking forward to
Grandparents Day on Friday. Don't
forget to wear your program
uniform. Our Bible stories will be on
The Sermon on the Mount. Spelling
will be Lesson 26. We will continue
on with "Helping Words" in
Language. Our Rocks, Soils, and
Minerals unit is well under way in
Science. Any interesting rocks or
minerals you would like to share with
us? Send them along to school with
your child and we will enjoy studying
them. We are still working on Poetry
in Writer's Workshop and we will be
working on Concrete Poems on
Grade 4A – Mrs. Baartman Dear
Parents, Next week Tuesday is our
Service Trip to Shalom Manor; parent
drivers: we will be leaving at 10:15
a.m. Students will need to wear
Thursday the students will have a
Geography Test on the countries of
North and South America. All four
maps will be on the test. Library
books for your child's chosen country
will need to be at school on
Wednesday to get ready to start
researching for our next project. An
information letter went home on
Thursday; please read through it
carefully! We look forward to
Grandparents’ Day on Friday; again,
students will need to wear program
uniform. Next week's Memory Work:
Matthew 13:45-46; Spelling Test 29.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Grade 4/5 – Mrs. Zwiep Greetings,
Parents! Students had another busy,
but enjoyable week. Students are
enjoying our unit on Ancient Egypt.
Did you hear about the special
delivery mail we received? Next week
we will have cozy up and read after
Grandparents’ Day. Your child may
bring a big stack of books and some
“cozy” items to make themselves
comfortable. As soon as the weather
gets warmer we will begin practicing
for field day outside. You are more
than welcome send a darker (easier to
wash) t-shirt and/ or track pants for
phys. ed. class. April is our last
bookworm month.
Is your child
making good progress on their reading
goal? Please continue to encourage
them as well as sign and check their
calendar on a regular basis. Our spirit
day for April will be SPY DAY on
April 24. Break out the black hats and
disguises and come to school as a spy!
Coming up next week: Monday:
library books due, Tuesday: library,
Grade 5 grammar test (moved from
last week), phys. ed., Wednesday:
phys. ed., Thursday: Bible unit test,
Grade 4 math p.s. test Friday: MW
Hebrews 11: 23,30, Spelling Test
Lesson 28, GP day, cozy up and read
afternoon. Have a blessed weekend!
Grade 5A – Mr. Jansen We didn’t
get around to our French test this
week; it will be written on Thursday.
The students will write a Socials quiz
on Tuesday based on the first five
lessons of our studies of the Roman
Empire. We have completed another
Bible unit; the class will take home a
review on Monday, and the test will
be on Wednesday. The recorder test
next week will be based on song #117,
“A Beethoven Theme”.
Grandparents’ Day on Friday the
students must remember to wear their
program uniform.
We will be
enjoying a “Cozy-Up-and-Read” on
Friday afternoon; the students are to
bring their books to read, as well as a
stuffed animal or two, or a pillow. On
Wednesday, April 24 the Junior
Division is having another dress-up
day – Spy Day; the students should
probably start thinking about what
they want to do if they wish to
The book talks and
newscasts will be done on Tuesday by
Shauna T., Zachary V., Cole V.,
Coryn V., and Alie W. The memory
work next week will be Psalm 98: 5-7.
Grade 6A – Mr. Enter If you have
not heard, we welcomed into our
classroom Mr. Bartels, a student
teacher from Brock University. We
pray for a blessing on him as he
spends four weeks with us. Our work
presentations. Students have the
rough drafts of their speech due next
week Wednesday, at which time we
will begin work on revisions,
introductions, and conclusions. Final
Drafts will be due April 24 and
Presentations will be the week of
April 29. Thanks, parents, for the
work you are doing with your child –
it is very helpful for them in the
development of their topics. Coming
up next week: Mon. – Library; Phys
Ed (basketball); Tues. – Bible quiz (1st
lessons); Wed. – Socials Quiz (4
Provinces map); Speech Rough draft
due; Thurs. – Socials Quiz
(timeline); BookTalks (JO, LV, TB);
Fri. Memory Work (Acts 17:22,23);
Spelling Test (L.27).
Grade 6B – Miss Nyhof There are
many exciting things coming up in the
next few weeks. We are looking
forward to Grandparents Day this
coming Friday. On April 24th we will
be having “Spy Day.” Start thinking of
creative ideas! On May 24th we will be
going on our Grade Six Hike. Please
return the permission slip by April 20th
and indicate if you can volunteer or
not. Monday: Library, Tuesday:
Phys. Ed. Thursday: Phys. Ed.
Friday: Spelling: Lesson 28, Memory
Work: Luke 21: 17 - 18
Grade 7A – Mr. Vander Deen
Music: There will be a music test on
Tuesday based on pp. 11-14 in the
music book.
Grade 7B – Mr. Slingerland
approaching and will make for a busy
week next week. Our memory work
for next week is Philippians 4:45. We have been focusing on the
growing power of the Papacy in
church history and will be looking at
Urban II's call for the crusades. In
History, we will be looking at Isaac
Brock and his valiant defence of
Niagara. Have a good week. Music:
There will be a music test on Tuesday
based on pp. 11-14 in the music book.
Grade 8A – Mr. Blokhuis Our next
memory work assignment is Matt.
5:43-45. We are on lesson 23 in
spelling. A Bible test on “Judah in
Captivity” (Ezekiel and Daniel) is set
for Thursday. A Math test on Ch. 10:
Integers is also scheduled for Tuesday,
Apr. 23. Speech drafts are due for
Tuesday. Revisions will be due by the
end of the week. From Mr. Isaac Our
The Bronze Bow literature study
continues as we move from a study of
the exposition of this story, into the
events that make up the rising action
that leads to the climax. Careful
reading, study, and discussion will
hopefully have us identify and wrestle
with the main themes and conflict of
this story. In science, we will continue
to study fluid dynamics. In particular,
we will continue looking at the theory
and applications of atmospheric
pressure, fluid displacement and
buoyancy, and perhaps even begin to
look at forces in moving fluids and
Bernoulli’s principle. Besides that,
preparations are well underway for
Grandparents’ Day, so we can’t wait
to welcome you next Friday!
Grade 8B – Mr. Verburg This week
we will focus on memorizing our song
for Grandparents’ Day so there is no
other memory work. In Geography
we will be finishing our unit on
Economic Systems and in History we
move into the unit on the development
of Western Canada. Our new science
unit is on Heat and for Physical
education we are attempting to prepare
for field day. Map quiz Wednesday
on Central and Eastern Asia. It was a
busy week with a number of tests and
assignments, but the class has worked
hard and achieved some great
results. Keep it up, Grade 8.
Secondary News
From the Guidance Office Gr. 11
chats were put on hold this week as
Gr. 9-11 students received their
Course Selection sheets and many
brought them in with questions. It’s
great to see students taking their
choices so seriously since these can
indeed open or close doors to future
study. If You have any questions,
please feel free to call, email or come
* Gr. 12s continue to receive offers
from Colleges & Universities and
some are finding the final decisions
challenging. Others still need to be
patient as they won’t hear until after
mid-term grades. All of our 12s need
our prayers and support as they look
to the future.
* May 1st is the deadline for
acceptance of community college
university. Christian institutions have
their own deadline eg. those who have
applied to Redeemer need to respond
by month’s end. Students are urged
not to wait until the last minute as
missing an OCAS or OUAC deadline
may mean the spot is given to the next
person on the waitlist.
* May 8, we’ll have a Financial
Aid/OSAP presentation here at
school. All 12s are encouraged to
* Many scholarship deadlines have not
yet passed. Someone has to earn
them…the effort involved may be
more than worth it.
* I’m pleased that so many gr. 11 &
12 students have already attended
Spring Open Houses, many with their
parents. Upcoming dates include May
at Mac on Sat. May 11th.
Mr. Bosch
Bible 9 This week we hope to have a
quiz on the first section of our
Pentateuch unit. Then we are on to
celebrating the Passover! Everything
in good order…
Chemistry 12C Test 5 this week. We
Stoichiometry unit and now we are
about to start with a new unit on
Organic Chemistry.
Mrs. Bouwers (from Miss Bakker)
Art 9 We are starting a new unit on
colour! This week students will
experiment with painting and mixing
colours. Sketchbook #9 is due on
Wednesday: draw at least 3 fruits or
vegetables in colour, using crayons,
pastels, or pencil crayons.
Mr. Huizenga
Biology 12 We picked the one nice
day this week to explore the forest
beside the school. The observations
we made there have helped us study
the various trophic levels and flow of
energy in an ecosystem.
Chemistry 11 There are a host of
applications of solution chemistry in
our lives: cleaning solutions, doubledoubles and even our own cellular
fluid. All of this thanks to a simple,
abundant molecule designed by God
to dissolve many things. Can you
guess the name of the molecule?
Miss Hultink (from Miss Bakker)
French 9 Bonjour! We have begun a
new unit on adolescence. Students will
explore their thoughts and feelings
through descriptive and creative
poetry. Memory work for this week is
Notre Père, lines 7-11.
French 12 Salut! We are well on our
way studying the creative works of
French artists and poets. We hope to
delve into the poetry of Emile
Nelligan, as well as an opera inspired
by his life and work. Students should
remember to complete their chapter
readings and questions for Le Petit
Mr. Isaac
completed a brief factual overview of
Judaism, we are currently preparing
ourselves for a deeper examination of
the beliefs and practices of this great,
monotheistic religion. In order to help
us do this, we are spending a bit of
time studying the history of the Jewish
people (ancient-modern) in order to
find the key experiences and events
that shaped modern Judaism.
Physical Education 10 The students
continue their class exchange with
badminton/elements of health with
Mr. Pols. I will continue a sports unit
on interlacrosse with the grade 12
students through next week. Rules
sheets were distributed this week in
order to help the grade 12 students
prepare for an upcoming rules test,
and skills are continuing to be
practiced in preparation for ongoing
skills assessments. Gym availability
will be somewhat limited next week,
so depending on the weather, we
might be able to be outside for some
of our time. If so, students should be
prepared with outdoor gear just in
Miss Kralt
English 10D/P The next group of
writers that we will focus on in our
unit on early American literature will
be Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe,
and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Questions
will be due on Monday. A quiz will be
given on Wednesday. Students also
have a list of literary terms and
definitions they should be studying on
a regular basis.
Art 10 Students are working on
making a papier-mâché bowl. Their
radial design will be painted inside the
bowl and on a flat canvas. The canvas
should be done by Wednesday. The
sketch book assignment will be due
Art 11 Students are working on their
final sculpture. It should be ready to
paint by Monday. The sketch book
Art 12 Gallery reports will be due for
next week Friday.
Mr. Pols
PPL2O The badminton tournament
has begun; there will be a rules quiz
on Friday, April 19.
CGW4U The students are busy
negative effects of foreign aid. They
should also be busy working on their
CGC1D We have now begun to look
at the eco-zones of Canada and how
each are distinctly different. Their
towns are due Thursday, April 18.
Mr. Snippe
Bible We continue our study of the
gospels. Students handed in their first
Wednesday. Due to some interruptions
this week, we did not finish all
presentations and also did not get to
our Unit Test. The Unit Test is now
pushed to Wednesday of next week.
Tuesday we will study for the Test as
well as start our next unit: The Apostle
Paul and the early church.
Co-op The second batch of visits is
ongoing. I am impressed with the
progress that each student has made
since the last visit. In most cases,
students are now given new and more
students have informed me of their
enjoyment of their placement and the
many things they are learning.
Mr. Stares
Biology 11 We will have test 3.1
Friday to mark the half-way point of
our animal physiology unit. Several
quizzes have been written this week
with some mixed results. An article
review was due today and another is
due next Friday. Daily review and
homework completion is so important;
please make sure your child is doing
Math 9P/D We are having fun with
equations and the lines they produce.
An assignment has been given and
was due today. The test is scheduled
for Tuesday. Encourage your child to
seek help when problems arise.
Math 10P/D Parabolas: so fun and so
easy to figure out. An assignment is
due on Tuesday with the test
scheduled for Wednesday. Students
should be reviewing regularly and
seeking help when it is needed.
Miss teBokkel
English 9 We have made it through
Act III of the Merchant of Venice, and
will finish reading and watching the
play over the course of next week.
Students are reminded to keep up with
their Act review sheets, handing them
in on time. We will be preparing for
our performance reading assignment
as well as continuing our annotation
Canadian History 10 We started our
look at the Dirty Thirties, with a look
at the causes of the Great Depression
and a fun experience “playing” the
stock market. Next week we will be
continuing to learn about the grim
reality of life in the Dust Bowl and the
Canadian Geography 9 We will be
finishing off our Physical Connections
unit with a look at Soil and Ecozones
in Canada. As we complete chapters in
our textbook, students should be
reviewing their notes so that they are
well-prepared for quizzes and unit
tests. We will be having our next quiz
on Chp 13 Terms and notes on
Tuesday, April 16.
Mr. VanDyk
Bible 12 This coming week we will be
looking at the great debate between a
Christian and an Atheist. It is a very
instructive debate as it highlights how
our God is the only rational basis for
logic, science and morality.
Construction 10 We have completed
our first projects in the shop, and the
students proved themselves to be
hardworking and very focussed. We
will be starting a second woodworking
project this coming week.
History 10 We finished off the Dirty
Thirties this week with a short test and
a hobo feast. This coming week will
be looking at the background causes to
WWII, and how Hitler rose to
Mr. Zylstra
English 12U: On Tuesday we will be
having our second test on the PreRomantic Poets. Over the next few
weeks we will be examining the
Romantic Poets and their ideas.
English 9 We are now nearly finished
reading "The Merchant of Venice." In
the upcoming classes we will be
looking at two different interpretations
of the scenes from the play with a
view to creating our own short video.
Speechcraft We are now working on
speaking. Students should be working
on their memorized speeches because
it requires a good deal of early