ALCTS Cataloging and Metadata Management Section Executive Committee ALA 2014 Midwinter Conference, Philadelphia, PA MINUTES Session 1: Friday, January 24, 2014 7:30-9:30 PM Convention Center 105-A 1.1 Introductions (7:30 pm, 5 min.) (All) In attendance: Rebecca Mugridge (chair), Zorica Breeding (member-at-large), Melinda Reagor Flannery (chair-elect), Jeannette Ho (member-at-large), Daniel Joudrey (member-at large), Luiz Mendes (member-at-large), Deborah Ryszka (secretary), Erin Stahlberg (past chair). Guests: June Abbas and Nanette Naught (co-chairs of the CaMMS Continuing Education Committee), and Michele Seikel (CaMMS representative on the ALCTS Planning Committee). 1.2 Other Preliminaries (7.35 pm, 5 min.) 1.2.1 Adoption of Agenda (All) The agenda was adopted as distributed. 1.2.2 Confirmation of Electronic Votes for July 2013-January 2014 (All) a. October 1, 2013: Approve CaMMS Executive Committee 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes. Confirmed and approved. b. October 14, 2013: Approve the Nomination Committee's slate of CaMMS Executive Committee candidates for 2014-2015 Confirmed and approved. c. January 8, 2014: Accept the Margaret Mann Citation Jury’s recommendation for the 2013 citation. Confirmed and approved. 1.3 Announcements (7.40 pm, 5 min.) (All) The CaMMS Forum will take place on Sunday, January 26, 2014 from 1:00-2:30 in the Convention Center, room 121B. Topic of the Forum: BIBFRAME. Speakers: Sally McCallum (Chief of the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, Library of Congress), Michael Colby (Head of Original Cataloging and Music Bibliographer, University of California, Davis), and Eric Miller (President, Zepheira). 1.4 Old Business (7:45 pm, 20 min.) 1.4.1 CE Committee update: Biennial Library Educators Meeting report and next steps; CE Committee charge revision (Abbas, Naught) June Abbas and Nanette Naught, co-chairs of the CaMMS Continuing Education Committee, gave the Executive Committee an update and their impressions of the Biennial Educators Meeting. The meeting went well; it had a great slate of speakers. About 50 participants attended. The meeting was scheduled at a poor time on Friday; it conflicted with other meetings and programs. It wasn’t co-listed under the ALISE listings/programs. Abbas and Naught thought that there is/was interest in this meeting. They suggested that perhaps this could be a digital meeting. The meeting isn’t working quite well. Abbas had conversations with ALISE representatives about the issues with the meeting. The event wasn’t listed in the ALISE program. Cataloging faculty are interested in the meeting, but many weren’t in attendance at the event. Much effort and planning are required to pull this event off. Abbas and Naught suggested that the topic is interesting to many, but maybe the meeting needs to be re-formulated or tweaked somewhat. A different time slot during the conference might help with attendance and participation. Other suggestions for improving the meeting: raise this to the ALCTS level and include other areas of technical services in the focus of the Forum, such as acquisitions or preservation, or LIS education in general. Abbas and Naught also suggested that the Forum could be dropped altogether because it may have run its course. The Chair would raise these issues and concerns about the meeting at the Monday meeting of the ALCTS Board. The Continuing Education Committee will discuss these issues within its Committee and it will get back in touch with the Chair about the scope and focus of the Forum. If it wants to make any changes to the Forum, the Chair thought that she should vet these changes before the ALCTS Board. The Continuing Education Committee will work on re-revising and re-writing their current charge over the next several months. Their revised charge should be broader than their current one, and it should be focused on the future and on generating revenue. 1.5 Webmaster update (8:05 pm, 10 min.) The Committee’s webmaster volunteer had training and is waiting for the necessary permissions from ALCTS to begin work on updating the content of the CaMMS website. To date, no work has been done on revising the CaMMS website. The Chair will discuss this situation with Christine McConnell and Charles Wilt, and will contact the volunteer to see when work on our website is expected to begin. 1.6 ALCTS Board I updates (8:15 pm, 20 min.) (Mugridge) Announcements from the Board: 1. LRTS will go to an online-only electronic publication in Jan. 2015. This move will save ALCTS more than $20,000 a year. 2. The ALCTS Midwinter Symposium, “Here There Be Dragons: Public Access to Federally Funded Research,” held on Friday, January 24, 2014, had approximately 40 attendees. 3. Brian Schottlaender, the ALCTS representative to ALA Council, gave an update of the issues before ALA Council. Some of the discussions that will take place at Council this conference: a resolution that government websites should be maintained during shutdowns, a resolution supporting whistleblower Edward Snowden, a resolution that committees, etc. post their minutes to appropriate places within one month of their meetings (committees should record general discussions, decisions, and action items). 4. ALCTS President Genevieve Owens will be calling for nominees for the ALCTS Presidential Citation, to be awarded at annual conference in Las Vegas. 5. The ALCTS Member Reception will take place on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at the Sheraton, Liberty Ballroom. 6. ALCTS supports the resolution before ALA Council that government websites should be maintained during shutdowns. 1.7 CaMMS Forum at 2014 Annual: Suggestions for topics. (8:35 pm, 10 min.) (All) Suggestions for topics: 1. Name authorities in a non-MARC environment or in a post-MARC world. How are we going to keep and maintain authority control in the Wild West? 2. The CCs in Cooperative Cataloging—what do they mean? What does collaborative and cooperative mean these days? What do they mean in terms of management? 2CUL? Does cooperative and collaborative mean sharing staff, including catalogers, as opposed to sharing cataloging? 3. Bibflow at UCDavis. We could offer them a venue for sharing their results. Would they be willing to share their work and results with the library community at our Forum? 4. CaMMS could co-sponsor the BIBFRAME update Forum with the Library of Congress. The Chair will follow-up with the Committee on these topics in March. The CaMMS Forum should be timely and on a topic relevant to catalogers and metadata specialists. 1.8 ALCTS Planning Committee discussion (8:45 am, 10 min.) (Michele Seikel) Strategic planning in ALAConnect ( These CaMMS committees are scheduled to have their 5-year reviews this year: Continuing Education, Asian and African Materials, and CC:DA. A representative of the CaMMS Policy and Planning Committee or the ALCTS Planning Committee will discuss the review process with each of these committees before they begin to fill out their forms and paperwork. There is a template/form for the review process for the committee being reviewed and for the ALCTS Planning Committee. The section review for CaMMS has already been done. A template for CaMMS committee chairs has been developed for chairs to use in the reviews of their committees. The CaMMS Policy and Planning Committee doesn’t seem to be too connected to the ALCTS Planning Committee. There should be a way for the two committees to interact and work with each other. The CaMMS Policy and Planning Committee should be more involved in the work and planning of the ALCTS Planning Committee. There is no quarterly report template that can be used to feed into the ALCTS strategic plan, but the forms listed on the ALCTS page (ALCTS report page) give guidance about what information to include in a report, including reporting on information relevant to the ALCTS strategic plan (ALCTS strategic plan page). Having CaMMS committee and interest group chairs aware of the contents of the ALCTS strategic plan is a good idea. 1.9 Break (8:55 pm, 10 min.) 1.10 Executive Session (9:05 pm, 25 min) The Committee did not go into Executive Session, but used this time to discuss the “Action Items” document the Chair distributed before the meeting. The Committee discussed the following items: 1. Virtual committee memberships and whether there was a mandatory requirement for members to attend a midwinter and/or an annual conference. CaMMS Executive Committee could decide which committees and interest groups need to meet at midwinter conferences. Because of the nature and volume of their business, SAC, CC:DA, and CaMMS Executive Committee would want to meet at midwinter conferences. There is a new ALCTS policy regarding meeting at midwinter conferences: committees don’t have to meet, if they don’t want to. If committees feel the need to meet, they can. If CaMMS committees decide not to meet at midwinter, they should notify the CaMMS Executive Committee chair. Optionally, CaMMS committees could choose to meet virtually for their midwinter meeting instead of face-to-face. The Chair will follow-up with Charles Wilt on the current ALCTS policy about meeting at midwinter conferences. 2. The current ALCTS strategic plan is simple and straightforward, but doesn’t say explicitly the time frame it covers. It says: Starting June 15, 2011. The Chair asked how CaMMS can strategically plan going forward. Does CaMMS need its own strategic plan? The Executive Committee felt that the CaMMS committees and interest groups were providing interesting, relevant, and timely programming, and that these offerings and activities fell within certain parts of the ALCTS strategic plan. CaMMS members attend and support committee meetings and their programs because of the timely and relevant content of these offerings at conferences. 3. The Committee discussed its meeting times and whether it still needs to meet twice (Friday night and Sunday morning) during conferences. It discussed whether it needed to meet for two hours at its Friday meeting and whether it could meet only once during conferences, like other ALCTS section executive committees do. The Committee didn’t seem certain that it could conduct all of its business in one meeting during a conference. Going from three hours of meeting time during a conference to only one hour might be difficult. In lieu of one of our face-to-face meetings at conferences, the Committee could do a conference call meeting or a virtual meeting. Since the Committee’s second meeting has reports from the chairs of certain CaMMS committees (e.g., CC:DA), the Committee would need to take this into consideration if it decided not to meet on Sundays at conferences. The Committee made no decision about its future meeting times, but decided to think more on this subject. Session 2: Sunday, January 26, 2014, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Marriott Room 404 2.1 Introductions (10:30 am, 5 min.) (All) In attendance: Rebecca Mugridge (chair), Zorica Breeding (member-at-large), Melinda Reagor Flannery (chair-elect), Jeannette Ho (member-at-large), Daniel Joudrey (memberat-large), Deborah Ryszka (secretary), Luiz Mendes (member-at-large), Erin Stalberg (past chair). Guests: Peter Rolla (chair, CC:DA), Genevieve Owens (ALCTS President), Mary Page (ALCTS President-Elect), Duncan Stewart (member, ALCTS Advocacy and Policy Committee). 2.2 CC:DA report (10:35 am, 15 min.) (Rolla) CC:DA has been busy and active since its last meeting in Chicago. At its meeting in Philadelphia, it will consider five proposals: Revision of RDA and Source of numbering within series and subseries, Date of Production and Date of Manufacture Elements, Core Elements in Distribution and Manufacture Statements, Revision of RDA 9.19 to address place of instructions regarding “Spirit,” and Problems with RDA, Leaves of Plates. A discussion paper from the OLAC and MLA communities will be presented at CC:DA’s Monday meeting. This paper addresses the inconsistencies in the way technical credits are recorded in audio visual and music bibliographic records. The Recording Relationships in RDA Task Force developed a discussion paper concerning the recording of information in contents notes. The discussion paper was sent to the JSC. A proposal to fix some of the inconsistencies in Appendix J was sent back to CC:DA. Catalogers using the relationship designators in RDA Appendix J.2.2 (Derivative Work Relationships) and Appendix J.3.2 (Derivative Expression Relationships) have noticed that some terms for the derivative works and expressions were not consistent. The Task Force on Place Names is looking at ways to streamline the recording of place names in RDA. The JSC is establishing its own task force or working group to look at this issue. CC:DA will have a member on the JSC task force or working group. The Task Force on Machine-Actionable Data is looking at chapter 3 in RDA and how extent statements can be made machine-actionable. This Task Force is still working and has proposals ready to be sent to JSC. Gordon Dunsire, the new chair of the JSC, is working with this Task Force on their proposals. CC:DA needs to finish several proposals and papers by annual conference in Las Vegas, so that these can be submitted to the JSC in November. Peter Rolla’s term as chair of CC:DA ends at annual conference in Las Vegas. 2.3 ALCTS Advocacy and Policy Committee Representative (Stewart) visit (10:50 am, 10 min.) Duncan Stewart, member of the ALCTS Advocacy and Policy Committee, gave some background and information on his committee, and reported on its recent work. The Committee was created by the ALCTS Board at annual conference in 2012 and held its first meeting at midwinter conference in 2013. It was formed because ALCTS recognized it needed to have a voice in ALA policy and legislative policy. Current chair: Olivia Madison. Its recent activities: 1. Working on a case for ALCTS-based roles/impacts in libraries (e.g., how ALCTS members might convey to university administrators what catalogers and metadata specialists do and how their work is valuable). 2. Advised on and helped with the 2014 ALCTS President’s Symposium on the federal OSTP mandate. 3. Worked with the ALCTS Board to get ALCTS representation on both the ALA Committee on Legislation and on its Copyright Subcommittee. 4. Planning to meet with Emily Sheketoff from the ALA Washington Office to discuss roles and avenues for communication and cooperation with the ALCTS Board and the ALCTS Advocacy and Policy Committee. 2.4 ALCTS President Genevieve Owens and President-Elect Mary Page (11:00 am, 20 min.) Genevieve Owens reported the following: 1. LRTS will move to being electronic-only in January of 2015. The costs of printing and mailing the journal are expensive. The organization has been losing money on this journal in recent years. ALCTS will save more than $20,000 by going to an electronic-only journal for LRTS. 2. The ALCTS Advocacy and Policy Committee was established. This Committee helped organize and plan the Midwinter Symposium on the federal OSTP mandate. The Symposium was well attended. 3. Emily Sheketoff from the ALA Washington Office attended the ALCTS Board meeting on Friday of conference. 4. The ALCTS Board will write a letter to OMB about open access and share its opinions about this issue. 5. ALCTS turns twenty-five this year. The association changed its name from the Resources and Technical Services Division (RTSD) to the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) twenty-five years ago. ALCTS plans to celebrate this milestone with special activities throughout the year. A new donor fund has been established: 25 Years of Awesome. A 25 x 25 campaign will be launched. Members are encouraged to donate to this fund. 6. The ALCTS Presidents Program at annual in Las Vegas will feature Jennifer Kahnweiler whose recent book is The introverted leader: building your quiet strength. She will be talking about how introverts can discover leadership voices and abilities. The program will be on Monday, June 30, 2014 at 10:30 am. Mary Page reported the following: 1. ALCTS has given us so many leadership opportunities. 2. She plans to promote and work with new librarians and will encourage them to become involved in ALCTS. She will be making appointments starting in February. 3. Courtney Young, ALA President-Elect, will have no initiatives when she starts her term as President of ALA. She will use her budget to respond to issues and topics as they come up, such as diversity and collaboration. She is going to encourage all in ALA to collaborate better and more. ALCTS is well placed within ALA in terms of its strategic initiatives and its record of collaboration. 2.5 CaMMS Action Items (11:20, 10 min) (All) Future action items: 1. Follow-up with the Continuing Education Committee about the status of the revision being made to their current charge. 2. Continue the discussion on how to get library school educators and others involved in the Biennial Educators Meeting. Gather suggestions for improvement. 3. Offer suggestions, if needed, to Melinda Reagor Flannery, Chair-Elect, on CaMMS appointments. 4. Strive to have shorter written minutes. 5. Follow-up with the Executive Committee’s media/webpage intern about her work on the CaMMS website. 6. Continue discussion on meeting time and meeting slots for CaMMS Executive Committee meetings. Additionally, continue discussion on which CaMMS committees and interest groups should meet face-to-face at midwinter and annual conferences. 7. Solicit suggestions for the CaMMS Forum to be held at annual conference in Las Vegas. 8. Look into how liaisons and/or representatives are assigned from the Executive Committee to specific committees and interest groups within CaMMS. 9. Follow-up with the ALCTS leadership, namely Charles Wilt, about ALCTS policies on virtual meetings, attendance at annual and midwinter meetings, and committee meetings at midwinter conferences. A more detailed description of these action items is available at: CAMMS ACTION ITEMS--Midwinter 2014.docx