The CONSER Standard Record - American Library Association

The CONSER Standard Record:
Where are We Now?
Steve Shadle
Serials Access Librarian
University of Washington Libraries
CONSER Standard Record
Overview of rationale and development
 Implementation and use
 CSR in the context of RDA implementation
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Original Record Objectives
Single ‘standard’ record to replace several
‘levels’ of CONSER records
 Floor record that can be added to
 Focus on access (with sufficient description)
 Cost effective (record creation, maintenance,
 Must play well with others
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Library Collections and Technical
A Structured, Collaborative
Build the record based on user needs by:
 Evaluating core data set of elements using
FRBR tasks
 Determining mandatory element set (primarily
only elements receiving a value of “high”)
Interview catalogers for pain points
Brainstorm and develop cataloging guidelines
Test via pilot project (13 libraries, 38 catalogers, 88
Revise based on pilot results
Mandatory Element Set
WG started with complete list of serial
record elements
 Each element scored high/low in support
of FRBR tasks
 A few elements were added to support
processing or shared cataloging efficiency
 No change in practice for name/subject
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Summary of Mandatory
Selected leader/fixed field codes
Control/identification numbers/codes
Main entry
Titles (abbreviated, title proper, variant,
IR former)
Edition statement
Place of publication (originally limited,
later made mandatory)
Extent (for non-print tangible
Current frequency
Date/designation (all unformatted)
Limited notes (title source, DBO,
LIC, reproduction, some system
details, language, index)
Subject and name added entries
Linking fields (except 787)
Either series added entry or series
Some URLs
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Library Collections and Technical
Summary of Omitted Elements
Selected leader/fixed field codes
Distinguishing uniform titles (except
generic titles, monographic series)
Other title information
Most statements of responsibility
Parallel titles from 245 (retained in
Place of publication generally (later
Added entries that duplicate linking
fields (730/740)
Series statement (unless no SAR)
Extent for textual and online
Formatted beginning and ending
volumes and dates (362); all
will be unformatted
Many notes (including 321, 580,
Other relationship entry (787)
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Guideline Goals
Eliminate or minimize redundancies
Use system and system-display capabilities more fully
Provide cataloger guidance to expedite decision making
Allow for omitted elements (e.g., place) to be supplied by
publishers or others
Make records clearer for users
Use language consistent with the "floor" approach by
stating, It is not required to... rather than Do not...
Hosted by ALCTS
The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Guidance for Catalogers
Establishing corporate headings
Preferred solutions and “if in doubt” help about
forms of headings and subordination
Major/minor changes
Rules of thumb for problematic situations
Title change analysis
Unformatted 362 (Began with... Ended with...)
Quicker for catalogers to construct
Easier to train catalogers to create
Limit the number of required notes
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Reviewers’ Positive Reactions
“There is less clutter on the Access record
and most users don't look at all the extra
stuff we put in anyway.”
Spelling out abbreviations was viewed
Unformatted 362 easier for patrons and staff
to understand
Requiring fewer notes results in cleaner
Reviewers’ Critical Reaction
"I am a fanatic for detail; I need to have, or
feel that I have, every possible detail in
order to do the best work. Probably in 99
out of 100 reference desk transactions, an
access level record would be sufficient;
but I still prefer to have as much detail as
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
A Comment on Time Savings
Cataloger time data was collected
 Not tested for statistical significance
 Much anecdotal evidence from catalogers
on time savings
 Uniform
 AACR2 abbreviations
 Notes
 362
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Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
One Person’s Floor Is
Another Person’s Ceiling
“In its first year in practice, this study shows that libraries
are mostly accepting of the changes seen at the ‘floor’ of
the CONSER Standard Record. Even though the sample is
relatively small, this initial snapshot of local practice would
indicate that the omission of particular data elements has
not led most catalogers to view these records as
inadequate for their needs.”
Lori J. Terrill, A Snapshot of Early Acceptance of the CONSER Standard
Record in Local Catalogs, Serials Review, Volume 35, Issue 1, March
2009, Pages 16-27
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
When Worlds Collide
Guidelines for use of CSR as part of RDA testing:
Areas of divergent practice
Distinguishing uniform title/Unique work title
Translation uniform title/Unique expression title
Other title information
Statement of responsibility
Publication date(s)
Notes (DBO, LIC, title source, frequency)
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
PCC/CONSER Operations
Meeting Outcomes
CSR practices to be retained after RDA implementation
Other title information only required for clarification/support (not RDA core)
Recording parallel title only in 246
Statement of responsibility not required
Keep former frequencies
Source of title note always required
Always provide DBO with existing CONSER wording
Extent required only for tangible non-print formats
Provider-neutral practice (PCC decision)
Single-record approach (PCC decision)*
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
CSR Practices Still Under
Identification of language expression (130 vs. 730)
Continue CSR practice for now
Form a CONSER Core Elements WG before RDA is
Distinguishing Uniform/Work Title
Continue CSR practice for now
No consensus within RDA context. Must explore
consequences of maintaining current practice and explore
alternative for distinguishing identical titles
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
CSR Practices Still Under
Date of publication (260)
Continue CSR practice for now (although no consensus on
existing practice due to existing system considerations)
Form a CONSER Core Elements WG before RDA is
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
And One Final Issue
Personal name main entry (LCRI 21.1A2)
Consider the entire run of a serial before entering it under the heading for a
person. If different issues of the serial are known to have been or are likely to be
created by different persons, do not enter the work under the heading for a person.
Enter a serial under the heading for a person only in instances in which one person
is so closely connected to or involved with the serial that the publication seems
unlikely to continue without that person. Some types of serials that might
sometimes be considered to be unlikely to continue without the person named as
author are
1) serials for which the same person is named as both author and publisher;
2) serials that carry the whole name or part of the name of a person in the title;
3) serials that do not emanate from a corporate body that might assure that the
serial is continued.
Always lean toward not entering a serial under the heading for a person.
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Personal Name Authorized
Access Point
Continue existing practice for now
Reframe LCRI 21.1A2 within the context of RDA to
specifically mention application to serials and ongoing
integrating resources
Ask ALA/JSC representative to add this clarification to
RDA for serials and ongoing integrating resources
Reinstate provisions of LCRI 21.1A2 as a CONSER/PCC
best practice upon RDA implementation
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Project documents:
CSR Metadata Application Profile/Instructions:
CONSER Operations Meeting 2011 Outcomes:
Lori J. Terrill, A Snapshot of Early Acceptance of the CONSER Standard Record
in Local Catalogs, Serials Review, Volume 35, Issue 1, March 2009, Pages 1627, ISSN 0098-7913,
(subscription required)
Wang Jing, CONSER Standard Record Documentation: A New Policy on Serials
Cataloging (in Chinese), 图书馆杂志, 2008-05, ISSN 1000-4254, (CNKI
subscription required) Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical
Hosted by ALCTS The Association for
Library Collections and Technical