國立嘉義大學 98 年度教學卓越計畫活動成果表 學校名稱 國立嘉義大學 活動名稱 英文寫作課程單元設計 主軸計畫名稱 執行策略名稱 主軸計畫 A:產學聯結與人力加值 分項計畫 A3:精進與厚植師資生培育~ Individual picture-book creation 活動日期 through process writing in the collaborative elementary EFL classrooms 99 年 2 月 3 日~99 年 2 月 10 日 活動時間 無特定活動時間 活動地點 無特定活動地點 參加人數 3人 活動聯絡人 張淑儀 聯絡電話 05-226-3211#1620 【質化績效指標】: 1. 精進師資生參與臨床教學瞭解新興教育議題之教學單元目標與教學策 對應計畫書之 質量化績效指標 略。 【量化績效指標】: 1. 建立臨床教學的模式。 活動內容說明 1. 經寒假時之臨床教學課程設計及檢討會,擬定九十八學年度下學期的課程大綱後, 三位教師密集於上述活動日期透過 e-mail 就教案設計交換意見。 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 訂定英文寫作第一單元學習目標。 設計教學內容與活動。 設計學習單。 改編英文繪本之內容以利四年級學童閱讀。 本教案提供師資生參考以設計其教案。 活動達成效果 1. 訂定英文寫作第一單元之學習目標: Listening: Speaking: Reading: 1). Students can understand questions asked by the teacher about two picture books, Eat Your Peas and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 2). Students can understand the words and the sentences for reception in above books. 1). Students can orally respond to the teacher’s questions about two picture books, Eat Your Peas and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 2). Students can say the food names and the sentences that are listed under “words/sentences for production” from both picture books. 3). Students can orally produce some common English words, phrases or sentences in proper contexts. 1). Students can read certain words and sentences and understand the main storyline in two picture books, Eat Your Peas and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. 2). Students are able to use some reading strategies to figure out the meaning of some unknown words (pudding, chocolate) in the books. Writing: 1). Students can spell and write certain words in two picture books, Eat Your Peas and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. (apple, banana, fish, hot dog, milk, cake, juice). 2). Students can use the above words and sentences to make a picture book. Extra: 1). Students can respond to the IWB activities well. 2). Students are willing and happy to try out the IWB activities. 3). Students can cooperate with others in the picture making activities. 2. 完成第一單元每禮拜一節課之英文寫作教學活動教案,共八次 (見附件一之範例包括 一份教案、學習單、及經改寫之簡易繪本內容)。以下為各節課重點: Week 1 Introduction of a simplified version of Eat your peas. Practice writing skills– identify the beginning, middle, ending of a story Whole class brainstorming – making bubbles and Sentences Week 2 Introduction of the complete version of Eat your peas. Practice writing skills– change the ending of a story Brainstorming in small groups – making bubbles to generate ideas Homework: worksheet for the story Week 3 Review the simple version of Eat your peas Practice writing skills– change the topic of the story First draft individual writing – write based on the earlier created bubbles Week 4 Introduction of The very hungry caterpillar Practice writing skills– identify the beginning, middle, and ending of the story Second draft individual writing - determine a topic and revise sentences Week 5 Editing – blue and red pen editing Week 6 Review the complete version of Eat your peas Copy the draft to the mini book Week 7 Find questions from created books for the class to answer in next week’s book sharing Week 8 Book sharing 附件一 (教案、學習單、經改寫之簡易繪本內容) Writing: Food Designer: Cerita Grade: 4 Time: 40 minutes Week 8, 3rd period Date: April 14, 2010 Words for reception: Bread, chicken, corn, French fries, hamburger, sandwich, noodles, orange, pea Words for production: apple, banana, fish, hot dog, milk, cake, juice Sentences for reception: I want _________. I like __________s. What do you like to eat? I am hungry/full. Sentences for production: I I I I can eat/see ______. can eat/see ______ with _____. like _____. like to _____. Period Objectives: Listening: 1. Students can follow teacher’s direction. Writing: 1. Students can try to write their self-esteeming down. Materials: Questionnaire sheets Activity Time Warm up 2 Note 1. Greeting Production Questionnaire 1. Explain: T shows an example in front of Ss. T explains how to do self-esteeming. 2. Each student gets the questionnaire and answers the questionnaire individually. 3. Teacher encourages Ss to write down their 36 opinions for each question. Wrap-up 1. Homework: A worksheet about Food 2 Question sheet for the Writing Project - Food Worksheet Copyright, 2005 – www.english-4kids.com www.eslkidslab.com Name: _________________ Class: ______________ Food Word Spelling Quiz Directions: Choose the correct spelling of the word that matches the picture. Write the letter of your choice in the blank provided. _____ 1) A. piza B. pizza C. pizz D. pizza _____ 2) A. hut dog B. hot dog C. hot dug D. hot dcog _____ 3) A. breed B. bread C. bqead D. berad _____ 4) A. cake B. cace C. cak D. kake _____ 5) A. ice cream B. ice creem C. ike cream D. ice kream _____ 6) A. hamburgfer B. hamburger C. hahmburger D. hamburger _____ 7) A. chocolat B. chucolate C. chocolate D. chocolate _____ 8) A. eg B. geg C. emg D. egg _____ 9) A. sanndwich B. sandwikh C. sandwich D. ssandwich It was dinner time. “Eat your chicken,” said Mom. I looked down at the my big chicken. “Yeah! I like chicken,” said Daisy. “Don’t eat too much then you can have some pudding,” said Mom. “That’s fine! I like chicken,” said Daisy. “Don’t eat too much then you can have some pudding and you can stay up for an extra half hour. “That’s fine! I like chicken,” said Daisy. “Don’t eat too much then you can have some pudding, stay up for an extra half hour and you can skip your bath.” “That’s fine! I like chicken,” said Daisy. “Don’t eat too much then you can have ten puddings, stay up really late, skip your bath, I’ll buy you a new bike.” “That’s fine! I like chicken,” said Daisy. “Don’t eat too much then you can have 48 puddings, stay up past midnight, skip your bath, I’ll buy you two new bikes and a baby elephant.” “That’s fine! I like chicken,” said Daisy. “Ok! Let’s eat chicken as much as we can,” said Mom. “Because we both like chicken!”